Gladys Taber
ots of you have noticed that some of the most wonderful quotes I put in my books and calendars are attributed to Gladys Taber. I’ve been asked many times who she is and how to find out more about her. I think I learned everything I needed to know about her when I read this:
ladys Taber was born in 1899 and spent her life writing about the every-day simple things in life for her wonderful Stillmeadow and Still Cove books. She loved everything I love, which is why I love her! Through her eyes, we experience the passing seasons from her 1690 Connecticut farmhouse; share in her passion for animals, gardening, cooking, and homemaking. Her books are filled with practical advice and her common sense view of the way things are. She also wrote the Diary of Domesticity column for the Lady’s Home Journal in the late 1930’s, and Butternut Wisdom for Family Circle through the 1960’s.
any people inherit their fondness for the writings of Gladys Taber from their mothers or grandmothers. Others “discover” her by accident. I found her waiting for me on a shelf of old books left behind by the previous owner of the first little house I bought on Martha’s Vineyard. The book was Best of Stillmeadow, where I read the words “April in New England is like first love.” and fell in first-love myself, with Gladys. I feel like I just missed her, she died on Cape Cod at 81 years old, the year before I moved to the island
began collecting her books; finding them almost lit up, like little torches in dark and dusty used bookstores. As soon as I found out about it, I joined the Friends of Gladys Taber Fan Club. For years I have received their wonderful snail mail newsletter that still thrills my heart every time I see it in my mailbox. It’s real mail, the kind you save and read with a cup of tea. Afterward, you feel the way you do when you open all the doors and windows on the first spring day after a long cold winter!
‘ve also corresponded with some of Glady’s other “Friends” and without really “knowing” them, it’s easy to feel an instant connection between kindred spirits because of our mutual admiration for Gladys Taber, which extends right out to each other.
n a beautiful June day in 1999 the beloved “Editor-in-Chief Emeritus” of the Friends of Gladys Taber Fan Club, Gilbertine “Gilly” Moore, stopped by my house on Martha’s Vineyard to say hello. We’d been pen pals for years, but this was our first in-person meeting. We visited in the backyard, under the rose arbor; she was like a link to the past for me. She gave me the black and white photos you see at the top of this page… she took them when she visited Gladys in 1955. Gilly and I wrote to each other until her death in 2008.
illy is gone, but her spirit and heart continue to inspire The Friends of Gladys Taber Newsletter. They have what they call a “minimal” web site (due to everything being volunteer, having no funds particularly, just a lot of heart), but you can go there to request membership information — they would love more people to know about Gladys Taber. So if this seems like your cup of tea, it’s only $20 a year for four “sturdy” issues of about 40 pages each, sent out in March, June, September, and December; a mere pittance for the wonderful job they do of carrying on the true tradition of what Gladys Taber was about.
Still meadow, Gladys’s wonderful 1690 farmhouse in the Connecticut countryside.
If you want to know more about Gladys, here is her page at Wikipedia.
In 2014 I was honored to visit Stillmeadow and speak to the Friends of Gladys Taber group . . . and here’s what I wrote afterwards that was printed in their Newsletter. To join Joe and I on our wonderful tour of Stillmeadow, click HERE
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Susan Taber (Gidley) was my maternal grandmother. I was looking at your site because a friend of mine is trying to find red check rim bistro plates made in France and she saw them on one of your pages. Thought you’d like to know about Susan, Susan.
Birth: 1882
New York, USA
Death: Jan. 20, 1971
West Hartford
Hartford County
Connecticut, USA
Susan Taber (Delano) Gidley, 88 was a resident of West Hartford Connecticut at the time of her passing. She had formerly lived in East Freetown and Greater New Bedford.
She was born in Troy New York. She was a member of the Pilgrim United Church, and was the oldest alumnae of Tabor Academy in Marion.
Hi Katie, was your grandmother related to Gladys?
Last week I returned home to my family farm in Arkansas for the first time since my Mother, Shirley Chester, passed away in mid-December. I discovered a treasure of a book on my Mom’s bookshelves: Stillmeadow Seasons (1950) by Gladys Taber. I had never heard of the book nor the author but when I started reading I fell in love with it. I was thrilled to find this page and other information about her online. Susan, I see that you say that many people inherit their fondness for the writings of Gladys Taber from their mothers or grandmothers. Yes, indeed. I just wish my Mom were here so I could discuss this book/author with her. I know she would be pleased with my discovery. Susan, I can see why you find so many of Taber’s quotes to use in your work. By the way, your book, “A Fine Romance,” is charming.
Thank you Leah. I’m so happy you found such a gift from your mom. That is just beautiful! xoxo Her love continues spreading through you.
I appreciate your reply, Susan. Yes, finding the book was a special gift that I will always cherish. Thanks again for your website that helped me learn more about Ms. Taber while enjoying your stories and beautiful art! Kind regards to you!
I somehow just acquired your book about your trip to England and promptly fell in love with it. (I find it very hard to figure out how to write to you, so I am replying to your reply to someone else – hope it gets to you.) Where have you been all my life? Our childhoods were very similar – our likes and dislikes – the books you read “The Bobbsey Twins” Peter Rabbit, etc. In fact, I fell so far that I think you should take me along as a stand-in for your Grandma on your next England adventure. You went to all the places I want to see. I just acquired about every other book you have written, and try as I might to just dip into it a chapter at a time like I do with the stack by my chair – I just can’t seem to put these down. (Oh, by the way, artistic talent is where we differ to a huge degree – I have none, but wish I did.) I have especially loved reading about Beatrix Potter and her life – and then I find that you are also a Gladys Taber fan. I grew up with her articles in Family Circle magazine, and after I got married began to collect her books. My most favorite part of my schoolwork was reading about how the people lived in the various historical times so I gladly read about such things all the time. I am living in the home I grew up in in Iowa, and it has been in my family for over 100 years. I treasure every tree in the grove surrounding the house, some of which were carried from the other side of the farm in my grandfather’s hat. The rest are all younger generations of all the trees he did plant. (The house was moved by mules across the field after my grandfather narrowly escaped being killed by a problem with the well.) I love the nature around me, and everything is green in Iowa. My husband has Parkinson’s and dementia, so we are spending the winters in the west to be near our son. The desert has its beauty, and I love the mountain view from my window. But there is nothing like the green in my trees, and the sounds of birds singing even when it’s dark outside. The frogs peeping at night. The owls hooting. Here in the west we only sometimes hear a mourning dove coo and might see a hummingbird. We installed cameras at our Iowa place, so I often turn them on just to see the grass get green, the wind blow, to hear the birds sing and the frogs. And I get even more homesick. He is going downhill pretty fast and much confused here, so I’m sure if we can get past this virus thing and get back for our doctor appointments, he may not be able to travel back and forth much longer, if at all. I will really miss my home then. At first, I was as torn as you by the two places – when I was in Iowa, I was always looking forward and planning for the next trip west. When I was in the west, I was stacking stuff up and making plans for going home. Sorry to ramble on, but I guess I felt like I was living in one of your books. I, too, miss the change of seasons. I am quite content to stay inside and watch the snow outside, but if I have to go out in it, it’s not much fun in my old age. Anyway, thanks for your books that have lifted me out of the sadness and doldrums associated with these awful changes in our lives. Thank you for loving Gladys Taber and Beatrix Potter as I do.
My extreme pleasure Linda! Thank you for all the kind words . . . yes we are kindred spirits! And in another way, which you likely know, but maybe not, my deep roots in Iowa! My mom was born there from a long line of Iowans, Orr, Foster, Jencks, Martin, Clark, and Meadows. Yes I understand, we’ve lived a life of loving where we are, while being totally homesick at all times! Be careful what you wish for! Nice to meet you Linda … I hope you find this reply! xoxo
…such a precious precious site…so happy that i have found you!…many many hours of joy have come from reading the books of stillmeadow…and stillcove…and many also from reading your beautiful work…blessings laney
Nice to have you here Laney!
I feel the same way! I “inherited” Gladys Taber from my mother who owned one book. My mother is gone now but when I read Gladys I feel as though I have had a cup of tea with my mother. I have collected about 6 of Gladys’s books and read something from her every day. She just is so comforting and I always feel my heart and soul strengthened when I read words from her country life! I live in the country too on the coast of mid coast Maine, surrounded by woods and my gardens. Nothing I love more than houses and gardens and the natural world.
Now I am thrilled to have discovered you Susan! I have read two of your books: your move to Martha’s Vineyard and the wonderful trip you and Joe took to England. I love all the same things you do and Gladys did! All those who love Gladys see something of her in you! What a trill to have found you both!
This afternoon I dropped off some magazines for our church library and began browsing the non-fiction books. A title caught my eye: “The Stillmeadow Road.” I plucked it from the shelf to examine it and to my surprise I saw that it was written by Gladys Taber, “the Gladys Taber that Susan Branch talked about in her blog!” I thought to myself, so I checked it out. After reading the Foreword I was almost instantly charmed by her sense of humor and warmth. I just finished reading “January, ” and look forward to reading more! Thank-you for introducing her to others and me!
Yay, a wonderful discovery for you Lisa!
Would love to be able to purchase THE BEST OF in one volume for my Mom for Christ
-mas. Is there any such thing?
She wrote about lots of subjects, but there is a book called Best of Stillmeadow . . . it’s the first one I read, and it is purely wonderful!
Just received my latest copy of FOGT. Your calendar is hanging in the kitchen of Stillmeadow, turned to October! Anne included a picture of Kate making a pie, and your calender is on the wall just over her shoulder. I love that
I love it too! Another total impossible thing, my calendar in Gladys Taber’s House!!!
Oh how I look forward to receiving the quarterly journal of the Friends of Gladys Tabor! I have purchased most of Gladys’ books and enjoy reading and re-reading them – it often mirrors my life/situation . Question, are there back issues of the magazine issues Gladys wrote for? I know you often print stories from them but would love to read more; I’ve tried looking for them but can’t find any. Thank you for all you do.
I’ve never seen them either, but I know you can buy old issues of magazines through places like eBay . . . Google them and see what you can find.
I used to read Butternut Wisdom in the Family Circle when I was a kid growing up in the 60s. Her articles made me think she was writing just to me. I have read and reread her books for as long as I can remember. She had one titled Stillmeadow to Sugarbridge, which is a collection of letters between two friends. I like that one too. It was always fun to read about Gladys, Jill, and the pets at Stillmeadow. She always had several pets, and as a kid, I never imagined I would ever have more than one at a time. We now have three Border Terriers and an Airedale, so I get how Gladys used to talk about how the dogs used to settle in after a romp in the yard, everyone finding the perfect spot to just relax.
Me too, Mary. I picked up a magazine – Family Circle I think – the Butternut Wisdom article caught my eye. I was still living at home with my parents in Southern California- maybe 1968 or so. I was immediately drawn to her – I’d never read anything like it. The first book I read was Stillmeadow Calendar which I still own. I treasure the hours I spent then “escaping” to Stillmeadow during those early hard years of marriage. I also loved Stillmeadow to Sugarbridge. I envied her life choices.
Yes, Gladys celebrated all the things we love about home.
I remember stretching out on the living room rug to read my mother’s women’s magazines and finding the Butternut Wisdom column. Now I own a number of Ms. Taber’s books and read them several times a year; they are so soothing.
I first discovered Gladys in the 60’s when I was in highschool. Instant bond! She was a dog-lover, a person who loved the country, loved books and writing, and old houses plus much more that I felt so connected with her! Is there any way someone on this website would like to be a pen pal? I have had oversea pen pals for twenty years. I love to write letters and would be very interested in doing so with a Taber fan.
Beautifully done web-site!
I inherited my love of Gladys from my mother. I bought books for every occasion and they were so special to her. I would tell her I couldn’t get a rare one, then surprise her with it. We ended up with more Taber books than any dealer I could find. As my mother’s collection grew it became more difficult to find books she did not have. I bought rare books and had first editions, autographed ones, some with notes Gladys wrote to friends to whom she gave the books. We had many magazines with her articles, all kinds of pictures of Gladys, her homes, her beloved animals, her family. My mother always had her books on her nightstand. My mother lost 2 sons in childhood and was widowed young. Reading books by Gladys gave her peace. My mother passed away at 97. I have my beloved set of Taber books and still have a full box of additional books. Many I sent back to a dealer I bought many from, I Thomas Buckley of Chatham, who passed away last year. He and I had a wonderful relationship for many years and we hoped others would enjoy my extras as I ended up with many duplicates. He told me he was very saddened that the Friends (which we were members of for so many years) as well as readers were quickly diminishing. Books that had brought hundreds of dollars were basically worthless. Many people never appreciated the intelligence and creativity of Gladys and one dealer who put $2.00 on a valuable (at the time) book when I called it to his attention, dismissed it, saying it was “just a woman’s book”…I hope there is a resurgence of interest. Gladys knew what was important in life and we would do well to take her words to heart.
My mother (born in 1909) loved all things nature and so loved Gladys Taber’s books. She enjoyed the recipes and domestic life descriptions. I helped Mom collect some of the Stillmeadow books, which now have passed down to me. Recalling a gentler era is so calming and soothing to me also. I have just joined The Friends of Gladys Tabor and am waiting for for first newsletter. Can’t wait ,
I’m so pleased to find out about the newsletter, which I will subscribe to — I have loved Gladys Taber’s books since I was a young girl reading “The Ladies Home Journal”. Reading her books creates an instant peace and calm — similar to that experienced when reading Eizabeth Goudge, though the authors are very different. Our world needs more writing that creates beauty, serenity and quiet. Thank you, Susan, for writing about such qualities of life and helping us find other beloved authors.
My pleasure . . . I’m so happy that so many people love Gladys too! You are going to love her newsletter, it’s the best!
I have just discovered Gladys Taber and have read 3 of her books. I love love love the one Especially Father. I see where she got her creativity from. Her dad was always on the go, doing, writing, teaching. I would love to know more about her mother. Does anyone know if there is such a writing?
I don’t, I’ve looked but I don’t see anything. Someone would know . . . not sure who though.
My blessed mother introduced me to Gladys Taber in the 70’s. It was my pleasure to find secondhand copies of the books for her. She bought “The Best of Stillmeadow” for each of her daughters. I have loved the books for many years. Once after I wrote my mother and father a letter about living in Conneaut, Ohio, my dad said it was like a letter from Gladys Taber. I am so glad that my parents and I shared our love of reading. It pleased Dad to no end that I became a librarian in my later years. Thank you, Susan for keeping the memory of Gladys Taber alive. I buy your calendar every year for my sister and I.
What a nice compliment from your Dad! You have the exact right job Carolyn! Your love of what you do is contagious… we need more of that in the world! Thank you!
I discovered Gladys Taber’s books about 20 years ago when I picked up one of her books about dogs at the library. I joined the group and corresponded with Gilly a couple of times but then for some reason did not renew my membership for some years now. I didn’t know Gilly had died, but knew she was no longer going to be personally doing the newsletters. Once I walked into a small book dealer’s basement shop – in her home, and discovered she had about 12 Gladys Taber books!!! Of course, I bought them all (and they were not marked at the value they were worth)! Whenever I need extra comfort (other than from God), I go to one of Gladys’ books, and lately I have been reading a few pages every night again. It is wonderful to end the day with her soothing words just before closing my eyes. Thank you for keeping her contributions alive!
Soothing is just the right word. All is common sense goodness in the world of Gladys Taber.
Sue, Back in the 60s as a new wife and mother, I couldn’t wait each month to read Gladys Taber’s article in Family Circle. As a California girl, reading about her world in New England, was so appealing to me. I wanted to live there. I was so sad when I couldn’t peek into her home and gardens anymore. Just found your blog and am spending many enjoyable hours delving into all the sights. I’m a crafter, quilter… love to cook and bake… give teas with my sis-in-law… love China… I think we are kindred spirits. Loved Anne of Green Gables, too. Have you ever read “The Secret Garden” by Frances Hodgson Burnett?
Maybe it was on your list of faves and I missed it. I never read it as a child,
but read it now and then and love it as an adult.
Yes, I did and love it still, just like you. xoxo Thank you Gee Gee!
Happy Mother’s Day to all !
I’m looking forward to the next edition coming this month. I stop everything that I’m doing and with a snack, sit back and relax and go to the lovely world of “Stillmeadow” . As others have written, during low points in my life, I would pick up one of Gladys Tabor’s books..(I have most of them) and read a chapter or two and it was calming and smoothing.
Thank you for putting together and maintaining this website as well.
Blessings to all !
I just found you on the Internet. Don’t know why I did not think of it before. Like my husband always said “you have to think of it first” I have loved your books for years and have most of them, however did not know about the trilogy. Will order them this week. I knew you were special when I read G.T.’s quotes in your books. Discovered her in Family Circle and have all her books. Now I also know about the FOGT club and will join. I wrote to her and she was so kind to write back. I treasure her notes. I am a librarian and love dogs. I had to have a “Holly” Irish Setter like hers. Thank you for your Blog and will become a fan. PS was at Martha’s vineyard 10 years ago but the relatives wanted to shop instead of the bus tour!!! coming back this year and WILL take the tour
You will love it Mary, it’s a beautiful place. xoxo Thank you for saying hello!
What a beautiful site, Susan Branch. I, too, came upon Gladys Taber’s book, Still Cove Journal in 1973. Every year since the 1960’s, my husband and I travelled to the Cape and found out about Friends of Gladys and joined the group where I met Connie, Alice and Anne……from that time on I’ve collected most of her books, been to all her homes, and reunions. Life became full of caregiving and grandchildren and I dropped out. This wonderful woman and her daughter and granddaughters have added so much to my life. Susan Branch, I have a lot of your books, too, and understand how you and Gladys share so many similarities. Thank you for this absolutely beautiful blog and tribute to our friend, Gladys Taber’s.
Thank you back Sue, so happy to have you here! Gladys Forever!
So happy to have found this and all the friends who loved Gladys. It is amazing to see we all have similarities. Gladys was my comfort many times and I wonder if I had made it through without her. I so admired her temperament and disposition, none of which shine through for my own self at times, sadly! I was, for years, a member of the Kansas Gladys Taber Sunflowers group. It is no longer active, many of our members have passed. My dear friend and core of the group Betty Peters, passed a few years ago. My husband and I went to visit her husband Bennie, who was so distraught and lonely. He absolutely did not want those shelves of Gladys Taber books and offered them to me, so, I have quite a number, some even First Editions, an assortment as all of us must have. I too, am getting older and must find new homes, new loves of Gladys Taber so, will eventually find places for them. Today, I re-subscribed to the newsletter and am anxious to reconnect.
You’ll love it Sally! I’m glad you visited here…
sue! finished reading your trilogy! Just loved it! And now they are right next to Gladys’s books! They all have that cozy, comfy, feeling! (also next to Elizabeth Goudge and Rosamund Pilcher’s books!!) thanks for this great blog!
I accidentlly erased all of my mail! I am going to resubmit my information and plead for you to contact me again. I am VERY interested in joining. I have several of her books and retread as there is always something new to learn from her writings. She was an extorinary lady and so wise and gentle. Thank you so very much.
Susan, I tried to join your membership, but was having trouble with the website. It did not let me submit my entry. Perhaps you can help me.
My name is Mary Larson, address 3617 Deer Run Ct. Manitowoc, WI 54220
Thanks for your help.
Membership to Beatrix Potter Society? Go HERE …
I was trying to sign up for the Gladys Tabor membership.
I tried again tonight, but could not get thru again.
Thanks for any help you can provide. Mary
I wrote them and asked them to get in touch with you Mary … I’m not sure what the problem might be, but someone should be with you soon to help.
I just found your site about Gladys Taber, Susan. I too am an advid fan of Gladys & have most of her books. No matter what other book I am reading at the time, I’m also always re-reading one of her books; they are a treat to myself right before bed! Thank you for telling us about the newsletter; I plan to subscribe, as it sounds great! After reading your site I realize that I need to start to introduce Gladys Taber books to my daughters & granddaughters. I’m sure they too will enjoy her writings! I also have many of your books and enjoy them tremendously!!! Gladys Taber is my favorite author, but 2 other authors that I enjoy reading are: Helen Hoover & Janet Holt Giles; both were contemporaries of Gladys & also have passed on, but they have all left us a beautiful legacy of their written words. Thank you for this site! Suzane Cybulski
Thank you Susan for this beautiful site. I have been a fan of yours for many years. My Mom was an avid and active fan of Gladys Taber, being a member of FOGT for many years. She and I attended a few annual meetings together. I have almost all of Gladys’ books and all of my Mom’s collection. Last week I picked The Book of Stillmeadow off my book shelf to read/re-read because I was missing my Mom, who died in 2002. I was perplexed on the first page that Gladys referred to her husband as Bob (his name was Frank) and her daughter as Cicely (her name was Connie). Why do you think she did that? If you do not know, to whom could I direct this question? It is really a mystery to me.
Click on the fan club link and ask them. I think I remember reading that she changed the names of everyone in one or two of her books.
Hello Susan, I am almost done with your trilogy which are very inspiring, and I have become intrigued by Gladys Tabor and I am wondering if it would be better to read the Stillmeadow books in order or do you think it matters? I know your first was The Best of Stillmeadow? I ordered and have received Stillmeadow, Stillmeadow Road, Daybook of Stillmeadow, and The Best of Stillmeadow. I am wondering which one to start with? Thanks.
I don’t think it matters! You’ll love them. Go with the Best of … but they’re all good.
Susan I also have your Autunm book, Christmas Joy, and Christmas from the heart of the home. I can’t wait to read them. I love all of your art work.
Susan — I appreciated your comments on Gladys. I grew up in Boston and spent the best summers in South Yarmouth. After school, a career as a military officer has kept me away from Cape Cod for many years Gladys captured my feelings about the Cape — my most vivid memories being the golden light that Gladys wrote about. “My Own Cape Cod” has traveled with me all over the world many times over. Now with a broken binding and marked pages, it is a most treasured gift I enjoy often.. Best Regards, Kenneth Goss
We Gladys Appreciators are Kindred Spirits … so nice to meet you Kenneth!
Thank you for maintaining this site; what is it about Gladys Tabor books that one can read and re-read again and again and never tire of it; her words paint a vivid imagine of what it must have been like living at Stillmeadow all these years. I always stop what I’m doing when the latest quarterly news arrives. I hope to some day visit CT and see Stillmeadow in person.
Because she is good and wonderful and normal and her heart is in the right place and because we are kindred spirits. You will LOVE Stillmeadow, it is little, and real.
I’ve just discovered the books of Gladys Taber. My son gave me The Stillmeadow Road & Stillmeadow Calendar for Christmas. Oh my goodness! It’s like finding a soul mate. I ,too ,am a country woman. We used to raise Cocker Spaniels. I have 2 adopted Irish Setters. I take in every stray that turns up.
Imagine my surprise at the similarities to Gladys’ life.
I just sent for membership to The Friends of Gladys Taber. She was the same age as my grandmother. Many similarities there also.
So exciting to find like -minded folks in this crazy world of today. Very comforting & encouraging to know a gentler way of life is still cherished & desired.
Very much so, Lisa. xoxo
This morning I came across a letter from Gladys Taber written Aug. 24, 1979 in response to my mother’s note to her. It was hand written on very cute cat paper. Would this be of interest ? I believe she passed away in March 1980. I would be happy to make copies and send.. very nice note.. please let me know.
Aren’t you a sweetheart to share. We’ll post this and see what happens. xoxo
I’m a long time Gladys Taber fan who first encountered her stories in Family Circle magazine.
In 1967 l followed my love to Japan where I became a military wife and set about learning to cook and keep house. Culture shock and the realities of life in the Vietnam war era often became too much to bear. Arrival of a care package from mom with past issues of magazines and Butternut Wisdom was the best antidote to depression! The base library yielded some of the Stillmeadow books and lifted the clouds of war for me. Over the years I collected as many Taber books as I could and gave away or loaned many to friends. When life seems a little out of pace I always revisit Stillmeadow and am comforted. I recently became a member of the “Questers” antiques study group and found a fellow member who is also a Gladys Taber fan! This month she and I will be giving an informal presentation to our chapter on the wonders and comforting pleasures of everything Gladys Taber. Besides her books I’ll be sure to take along a milk glass vase, an African violet and of course a token unicorn! Thanks for such a lovely site!
How wonderful Linda, thank you for that. It’s great that there are so many of us working to keep her legacy alive. She’s like a good-will tonic!
Thank you for keeping the legacy of Gladys Taber well and strong. Her 1949 book ESPECIALLY FATHER tells the story of childhood summers at Wisconsin’s Door County (the Cape Cod of the Midwest). She gives hilarious descriptions of interactions between her father and Mr. D, the new manager of Peninsula State Park, which had been established in 1909. As park naturalist, I occasionally talk about Gladys Taber. The park has a few copies of ESPECIALLY FATHER (reprinted in the 1980s). So glad there is this fan club and people who appreciate the “voice” of mid-twentieth century women like Gladys Taber.
She was wonderful. . . thank you for helping to keep her memory alive, Kathleen! xoxo
Gladys Taber was my friend and helped me through my first Minnesota winter in 1968. I wrote to her when I was raising a litter of Shetland Sheepdogs. She answered me.
I still read and reread her books. They are now a port in the storm. I will always reach for one of her books to bring peace to my soul.
“Port in the storm” ~ I thought the same thing when I read my first of Gladys’s books. It’s true. So much simple common sense there!
I find solace and joy each time I pick up one of Glady’s books. And Common Sense, as you as Susan Branch.. I crave simple common sense. Thank you for including some of Glady’s Taber’s comments in your Calendar pages.
We share her love of dogs and cats, and of course..of the Seasons of life.
I especially enjoy when she wrote about cozy winter evenings in Stillmeadow.
Gladys Taber is an author who delights through all seasons. Her books are joyfully filled with recipes for food, as well as for
life..and love. She also give me courage to look beyond what seems depressing or frustrating in our current world.
I crave it too. It’s a gift from God. Yes, shade your eyes, look inward, and suddenly, all the beauty is right around you.
I dug this post out again today, Susan, because I was SO happy to find that you had marked Gladys birthday on your 2017 calendar!
We are going to make a cake in her honor today and I’ll think of you too fondly as you introduced me to Gladys and FoGT and I will be forever grateful!
Makes me happy too, Amy!
Hi Susan, I was trying to join the FOGT but couldn’t get through. Do you have another way for me to get information about joining? I have one book and would love to read more. Thanks for your help.
Cecilia Dennings
I emailed your comment to my friend at FOGT … I’m sure she’ll get back to you. When I’m out and about and find good copies of Gladys’s books, I always snap them up … you can find them from time to time in the VINTAGE SECTION of my shopping pages . . .
I too am having difficulty submitting my information to join Friends of Gladys Taber. Would it be possible for you to pass along my information? I just discovered your blog. What a joy!
So happy to find others who appreciate Gladys Taber. Even tho i am only 59 i have felt increasing out of step with todays world and the things it seems to value. I am happy to know that there are some others like me out there who walk to our own beat . Susan i love your all work as well, we seem to share a love for a kinder, gentler , more gracious way of living not defined by money. Thank you for a place to come to that inspires and uplifts our hearts. VGT
My parents good old-fashioned California/Iowa values where the most important things were the little things. Going to school, telling the truth, making brownies, playing hopscotch, feeding the dog. Yes. Real life is what I call it. It was made much easier back in the 50s when our economy was centered around growing the middle class (corporations paid 90% in taxes, no billionaires yet, but still lots of very rich people to go along with us lovers of Disneyland, and moms who could stay home with the kids!). Glad to have you here Vicki!
Does any one know where I might find the Butternut Wisdom articles
Oh my goodness another Gladys Taber person I have everything that she has ever written.
I simply love her books
You have found some kindred spirits here Jeanne!
Gladys was my mothers’ favorite author. I recall my mother not only saving her magazine entries about the seasons and her beloved dog but my mother actually wrote to Gladys in the late 60s or early 70s and was so thrilled when Gladys returned with a response, which I believe my mother framed and put on her office wall. After so many years I thought of how our recently departed First Lady Barbara Bush and her dog Millie reminded me of “Especially Spaniels”.
She was like that. I found an old book in a used bookstore and one of her letters was in it!!!!! Did I buy it, oh yes, better believe I did! I’m sure Barbara Bush remembered Gladys, it just makes sense.
I was happy to discover this website. I do not do Facebook. Gladys Tabor’s Stillmeadow Seasons was given to my mother by my grandfather. He was very quiet man whom I never really got to know. I get a sense of how he felt about the world through reading this book. I want to get other books… Which ones are ‘must reads’ for me to own. This one is a comfort.
They are all like that, comforting, heart-warming, but my favorite is Best of Stillmeadow.
I was just re-reading my Gladys Taber books over the past week, and suddenly decided I should “google” her to see if there was any kind of on-going group that still remembered her. I was delighted to find not only a group but led by an illustrator and writer that I like very much.
Gladys Taber is probably why I now write —- in a similar vein, perhaps — about every day life and issues. And her books, which I probably re-read once/year, re-inspire me to do what I can to spread sunshine and warmth.
She truly understood the value of the little moment. Plus common sense eeeked from every fiber of her being. Not a little thing! Happy to meet you Carol!
So how do I join the Gladys taber fan club? no twitter, no facefook, just e-mail and regular post
Write Susan Turnley… ~ she can help you.
For years I have had many of Gladys Taber’s words so memorized from reading her books over every year at the right season…we go way back to the early 60’s when I spied a GT book on my mom’s Christian Family Bookclub shelf.. I’m going on 80 now, and have to say my life is what it is thanks to the positive and encouraging outlook on life I learned from Gladys…when I despaired, she made me look around me and see all the beauty there is in life, and other than the fact that I am married, our lives ran along similarly for all these years. I wrote to her, she wrote right back, as busy as she was. I bought ALL her books (that I could find) and cherished them, and have been a lady farmer to this day. I had doggy litters and we spoke of the puppies. Went to visit Stillmeadow..just HAD to see it, and even took my elderly parents after her death (Anne was there and spoke to us). I always tried to keep my property as loved and cared for as Stillmeadow, but enjoyed Still Cove also. Got the newsletters via another club friend and have quite a collection of things including glass window commemoratives and early work Mrs. Daffodil (fic.)
Just recently read A Fine Romance and loved it, having toured England,and just loaned it to my doctor & wife, who are there now,using your book as a guide. Have another penpal in the Barkshires (MA) who has ALL your books..thanks for bringing us scattered country lovers together here!!!
So interesting to read your connection to Gladys Taber! We really are all connected! She knew it too. She didn’t have the Internet which makes it so much easier to find each other, but that didn’t stop YOU! Thank you Caryl!
Now in November, I am rereading Gladys Tabor again. I am almost 82 years old but I discovered Gladys when I was young woman and read her column, Butternut Wisdom. in the Family Circle magazine. Here in Minnesota we have very distinct seasons. In the long winters I especially cling to Gladys’s descriptions of cozy times at Stillmeadow to brighten my spirit. Aren’t we fortunate to have these books and sweet memories to cherish throughout the years?. Thank you, Susan Branch, for including the wonderful quotes of Gladys Tabor in your beautiful calendars. I could not start a new year without your calendars under ourChristmas tree! Thank you!
My pleasure Jan, I love that people are finding out about her, and that she is there for all of us, just as you say. Happy winter! xoxoxo
Today I found Stillmeadow Sampler at the bookshop, for only $5! And I’m kitty sitting right now, so I will cozy up with the furkids for a delightful read!
Growing up in Marshfield,MA I read all the Gladys Taber books from the library. Now 50 years later I’m rereading them for the first time with a more “experienced” eye. I live in rural Maine now and have just discovered you! It’ll be fun to explore the world of Susan Branch as I enjoy a simple life of good things.
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Susan (& Gladys)
Happy Birthday to you!
It’s a milestone birthday — Happy 60 years past 12!
Best wishes for a great day of celebration and a wonderful year ahead. You are a joy to the world ~ hope you have a world of joy too!
Sixty years past 12, but note that 12 is still the descriptor!
And always will be! Thank you Coco! XOXOX
I am sitting here in a rainy morning basking in the warmth of Stillmeadow Album. The thought came to me wondering if Gladys Taber’s daughter was still living and in my search your blog came.up. I am thrilled. Years ago when learning of Gladys ‘s death I felt as thought I had lost a member of my family. So thankful to have found your blog and other fans of wonderful Gladys.
Nice to see you here, Dorothy! Kindred spirit!
In the early 1970’s, I managed a brand new Walden bookstore east of Nashville, during which time I met Gilbertine Moore. We were selling her latest book and she and I hit it off so nicely that she invited me to her home for lunch. She made tuna in clam shells (delicious) and I still have the personalized recipe card she sent me on which she typed the recipe in dark blue type. She was a lovely woman. As was Gladys Taber, a favorite author of mine. When I first discovered you, Susan, I was instantly reminded of Gladys and her wonderful and warm approach to life and her knack for sharing it with her readers. Thank you for your gifts to all of us who follow you! And do keep the charming green wicker chair!
Wasn’t Gilbertine wonderful? So full of life! And passion, for Gladys and everything about her! You’re so lucky, to have gotten to see the home where she was born! xoxo
My mom used to make Hamburger Bake she found in one of Gladys Tabers books. She had the recipe written down but seems to have lost it. Can anyone help out, even if we could find which book it was in it might help if we could find the book?
Write Susan Turnley at She’s the editor of the newsletter.
Does anyone know of anyone who would like to have many Gladys Taber books??
This is a good place to put that question! xoxo
I would like it very much! My email:
I would like it!
Dear Cheryl Wasserstein, I am 75, and first read Gladys’ beautiful Stillmeadow books while I was expecting my son, Geoffrey. Interestingly, he lives in CT now with his family. I have begun reading her books now and find them so peaceful and loving. If you do have some to spare, I would greatly appreciate it. Love, Phyllis McKinley.
Hope you connect Phyllis!
Did you get my post. I’m not sure it went through. Thank you. Phyllis McKinley It was about iscovering Gladys Tabor when I was expecting my son, 45 years ago.
Here it is again, just in cases! xoxo
As I read this blog, I see that so many of us were introduced to Gladys Taber by our mothers. I was too! I love reading Gladys. She captures a time in life where we can retreat to a snug place in our very bones that brings alive the old comforts of home when life was much simpler. For me, I feel as though I am having tea and a chat with my mother (gone now over 30 years) when I read Gladys. My mother owned just one book: Stillmeadow Album and she devoured it over and over. I have inherited her book and have added about 6 of my own since then. Gladys warms my heart and gives me such peace and comfort. I am so grateful. And I am grateful to you Susan because you are so like Gladys! I feel the same warmth when I read your books! I love your art and the quotes you place strategically here and there that are so encouraging! I feel very lucky to “know” you and Gladys! Thank you! Janet A., Harpswell, Maine
Many years ago my husband and I visited Gladys on the Cape. It was a true delight and if I must say she really liked my husband as they talked gardens and seasons. I read everyone of her books and had them all, but in downsizing they have moved on and I truly miss them. On to read about the different seasons of the year and the joys that with them. I wish I could find them again.
If you can just find Stillmeadow Sampler, I find it contains every thing I truly need to fill my senses with Gladys’s wonderful sensibilities.
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Susan,
Happy Birthday to you!
You are the jolliest good (non)fellow ever! You have added so much joy, cheer, and sunshine to my life, You do indeed change the world, one brushstroke at a time. Thank you so much for everything, but most especially for Isle of Dreams — that book is one for the ages. Sending you lots of happiness and joy, and very best wishes for a wonderful Easter Birthday and a wonderful year ahead. Bunches of love, Coco
Awww …
so very sweet xoxoxo
Hello, Susan!
I lost this page some time back and wanted to reconnect. Yes, I believe Gladys and my grandmother, Susan Taber (Delano) Gidley must be related. I ran across a photo of me with her when I was 5, when she visited us in Germany. So glad I re-found this!
Me too Katie!
Hello! I was wondering if anyone knows who GT’s high school boyfriend, Jan, was and what happened to him? (I’m 1/2 way through Harvest of Yesterdays & am so curious!)
I was “introduced” to Gladys Taber from reading her articles in Family Circle Magazine when I was much younger. I began reading the Stillmeadow and Still Cove books and ended up purchasing a number of them. During this pandemic, I have re-read all 10 that were on my book shelf. It was a blessing to be transported back to read her wonderful stories.
I would like to have a timeline of her life. As I read, I try to piece together when she married (‘22?), when they bought Stillmeadow, when “Jill” died (‘62?), when they bought property on Still Cove, when she moved permanently to Still Cove. I think about these things as I’m reading.
Did she really divorce, or did Frank die?
have loved Gladys Taber books since my mother first bought one in a book club in the mid 60s- I think StillMeadow Daybook? Have since been able to locate many others including a prices signed copy and another one with dust jacket this weekend . I could read from cover to cover and start over again and never tire of hearing of this wonderful bucolic area and simpler era. Gladys was one in a milllion – & so happy Stillmeadow is being preserved
As a retired social worker, and forever bookworm, it was not at all unusual for women to live together and share burdens and joys. As a former sexuality educator, (I taught teens about protection from STD’s, AIDS, and pregnancy); most times, women band together for emotional support. “Sex” may be the last thing on their minds, as they struggle to feed themselves and their children. The best of roommates are those who have been friends!
When I read these books, I return to my childhood, with my grandmother cooking on a wood stove, heating water in its back container, and the delicious smells coming from the oven!
I lived with girlfriends for years when I was young … always had my most fun with them! My best friend and I had an apartment together from age 18 to age 21 … those memories are so wonderful! We’re lucky we survived all the insanity we got into!
Wish my eye sight better. Would re read them all.
Hello. After my maternal grandmother passed in 2003, I inherited not only her lovely drop-front desk but also her collection of Gladys Taber books. In going through some of her papers and things recently, I found a packet of letters from Gladys; she and my grandmother corresponded in the 1970s. They shared a love of nature, cooking, family, and antiques, and indeed I am reminded very much of my grandmother when I read Gladys’s books. I’d be happy to share an image of a Christmas card and note she sent in 1977 but I don’t see a way to add attachments here, so please reach out by email if you’d like to see it.
Try contacting the FOGT … I’m sure they would love to see that!
Oh I have loved her writings forever. I have every book and some writings from her column in the magazine. When life gets to much I always grab a Taber book and I’m so much happier.
Susan i buy your calendar every year and have been collecting your books. Thank you for this post about Gladys Taber. I just picked up one her books at the thrift store Stillmeadow Sampler, i saw it was divided by seasons and knew it was for me! Cant wait to read it. I was researching the book and found your website because of the post, which i have never visited, what a great day!
Well, you are going to love Gladys and join a huge club of kindred spirits! Softest sweetest words of pure commonsense and love of home. Nice to meet you here Kris!
I just finished reading Martha’s Vineyard and loved it! I was so surprised when you mentioned Gladys Taber in your book. I first stumbled upon her books at an estate sale in the 80s and have continued to collect, and to read and re-read them. Reading your books and reading Gladys Taber just evokes an empathy and also a hopefulness and peace within my spirit. It feels as though we are all kindred spirits. I had never heard of the Friends of Gladys Taber and am so glad you introduced me! I’m excited to join. Bless you, dear Susan, for your inspiration, perseverance and for sharing your lovely talents!
I’m looking to sell a collection of 11 books. All hard back except one. I’d like to know the approximate value.
I have a collection of Glayds Taber’s books that I mwould liken to sell (19) books all hard covers. Can you help me?
You can contact the Friends of Gladys Taber … perhaps they can help you. What a wonderful collection!
Hi Susan,
I have just recently, after seeing you mention her, discovered Gladys’ writings. I have found a few of her books at various places, and our library has some of them. I have 3 arriving in the mail today, and I can’t wait! I am reading “The Book of Stillmeadow” right now, from our library – it looked like the first one to read. These are the type of books I like to savor, reading a chapter here and there and not hurrying through it. I love that this one goes month by month in a year at Stillmeadow. I usually read books and then let them go, but there are a few authors who’s books I keep – hers will be one of them. Perhaps I’ll designate their spot on my bookshelf to be right next to yours!!!
Just so you know, it is correct to say “Joe and ME”, not “Joe and I”. If you left out his name, you can tell that saying “and to join I” isn’t correct. But this blog was wonderful and so full of so many nice things.
Sometimes I don’t do a good enough job editing my writing!!! You have probably noticed this before!
Thank you! Glad you liked the new post!
Thank you for introducing me to Radio Garden. com. Love, love it! What fine to travel without leaving my home and going to so many place that I only dream about. So grateful for your lovely blogs!
Gladys Taber MY FAVORITE author. I have an entire shelf of her books. I was born nor far from her house and my great uncle was THE Mr. Doolittle in Especially Father.
Love the stories…
I hopt me I signed up correctly at the beginning of this entire piece. I wanted to
be included in the newsletter about G.Taber that you mentioned.
Please take care of my intent or let me know if there’s something more I need to do.
Yes, go back to the piece, scroll down to where I talk about Gladys Taber, you will see some underlined words, click there, and scroll down to find the link to sign up for her Newsletter. It sounds confusing, but it isn’t!!

What a wonderful discovery! Thank you so much for sharing this information again! I do so love all of your Willards, artistry, and shared love for so many things, especially the loveliest books / authors!! Kindred spirits indeed! So glad to see that others feel the same way, as it gives hope in these difficult times. So sorry that you are no longer on the California coast, as it would have been wonderful to meet you in person! I’ve always loved your books and artwork!
Happy belated birthday!!