SUMMER DREAMS???😳 Are you insane? you might ask.😁 No, the good news is you’re free to dream any time of year! Plus, due to my new circumstances, I have no choice but to become a new harbinger of spring for all you Girlfriends who live in snow country.⛅️ What choice do we California dwellers have?🐝 Plus, I LIKE the idea. How about some MUSICA? YES! And, I want you to know, we DO have winter here! It happens most days, sometime between midnight and when the sun comes up, really cold in the mornings, you need a jacket! It’s 44º degrees right now, at 6:30 am, with a pink sky behind the horizon, and I’m wearing a warm shawl. It’s Perfect sleeping weather. 🕯️ I still light cozy candles every night and get under my Grandma’s nap blanket to watch Hacks with Joe and Jack. We are not totally devoid of seasons. It’s just no matter what the temperature, it’s pretty much heaven, only sweater weather. And it’s true that lettuce and chives and sweet peas and grass and lots of other things GROW in this chilly weather. So in the name of love, and because I remember how long these gray winter months can be, I send you from my imagination, Summer Dreams and . . .  

Let’s start with a Jack Update!👏 I know you’ve all been wanting details of how Jack’s been getting along in his new home. Thank you for your patience. I’ve been waiting too. To give you the good news. Cats do not like change. At least one doesn’t. I worried about him, got him on a schedule the minute we got here; and I was nice when he wasn’t. I worried about him if he seemed to sleep too much. I bought him cat grass. I didn’t push him. Everyone knows naps are healing. We took him to the vet for checkups. And waited. He didn’t like anything, especially he didn’t like the smell of this place.🙀

He would not sleep with us, would not even come into the bedroom or the bathroom for months, in fact pretty much never got out of a chair in the living room where I’d put a soft blanket … or from behind my computer on my desk, where I’d put a pillow so he could “hide.” Leaving him to go back east for Christmas almost did us BOTH in.🙀😿😼

But as you can see from these photos, he’s better, getting used to it here, and coming back to his old self. Joe made him a new scratching post.

He sleeps with us again now, naps with me, gets up with me in the morning, yawns while I make tea, follows me everywhere, stands at the screen doors, front, back, and side, keeping in touch while I’m out in the garden; he interacts better with barn kitties (who we adore) when they come up on the deck. He has nooks he claims as his own, he watches tv with us … sits next to us or on our laps … he rubs foreheads with me, doing brain exchange of love. I know it’s bedtime when he jumps down, looks at me with crazy eyes, stiffens, starts to run, stops, turns, and DARES me to chase him, and I jump up, and he takes off running, and what do I do, I chase him. Because he’s my boy!

He drinks from the faucet. It’s become “something we do.”

While we get ready for bed, he waits in my sock drawer. I wonder how many Martha’s Vineyard smells he finds around the house and what he thinks about that? Every time I rub the outdoor cats, I come in and rub Jack. I’m hoping he won’t know the difference between him and them after a while.

Jack is 13 years old now. Doesn’t that seem impossible? So many of you have known him all his life! Remember? Here he is when we first brought him home ⬆️.

And here he is in my desk drawer this morning… Life is good. We are happy. We have beautiful sunny mornings filled with bird song, and starry nights ~ it’s very dark out here, the moon was in a waning crescent phase last night, the thinnest of the thin, and tonight, it will be a new moon and totally dark, in case you’d like to go out and take pictures of stars!

Cross-country move update: we left this bird bath behind in our old garden back east, if you can imagine.🤯 In our quest to “downsize” and be “good” and “not take too much,” and all that rot, we almost lost our minds! But when got back to the Island over Christmas, I took one look at this rare treasure sitting out there in the frozen tundra, a gift given to Joe for his 50th birthday, and decided to cut out all that nutty thinking ~ we scrubbed it with a wire brush, so we wouldn’t take any critters to California with us, wrapped it, put it onto a pallet, got it on a truck and sent it to California to be with us. And there it is ⬆️, here in our English garden, in prime position, visible from my kitchen window. Bringing all the good ju-ju of garden love with it. 🌿 I mean look what it DOES! ⬇️ 💃🏼 My garden performer.

And remember this old blue bird-house that was hanging in the cherry tree in my Martha’s Vineyard garden?  (I love this picture.  One of our girlfriends did a little computer work on my photo, and made it look like a painting!)🌷 

Well, we brought that too. It’s in the tree next to the picket fence garden, right outside the window behind our sofa. I hope we get a little family to watch! We also brought our old sundial to put out back in the new orchard. Beloved old garden things are lending a quiet kind of magic ~ familiar, ordinary, starts to look like forever in our garden.🌿Here, in the land of perpetual summer I’ve been so happy and inspired, feeling the light, drawn outside to walk and plant and dream. I’ve had luv-lee time to think and reflect, outside, in nature. Even walking out in the morning to feed the barn cats is heaven. I’m getting stronger as the stress of last year (the last five years, or maybe since 2016, when your dad dies, and then your mom, today is her 95th birthday💝, and there’s covid, and your brother Jim dies, and your darling Uncle Dick, and the winter is dark, and you don’t know what’s wrong, and people depend on you, and you feel like you’re letting them down, the kind of normal life things we all experience 😪, happy gene or no happy gene) ~ that overwhelming sadness has slowly been slipping away ~ and then a while back, Joe asked me for the recipe to my Parsley Salad, and while getting it, I realized this year is the 30th anniversary of The Summer Book! Another shock to the system. Set me to thinking. And I realized with a stab of joy in my heart, I’m not done. In short dearest ones, because of that, and in response to so many requests, about a month ago I started writing and painting, fooling around with The Summer Book, then planning a surprise.

Since I live in perpetual Summer now 🌸, how about a 30th year anniversary revision? I could introduce it to a whole new generation! I’ve been waiting to tell you till I was a little further into it. Kellee and Judy loved the idea, so we all decided … this is the DAY I would tell you and we would put it up to PRE-ORDER. Because we think this book says Hope. I’ve probably gone a little crazy, thinking about what you’d like, I added a bunch of new pages and a new cover, new endpapers, lots of new recipes, sections on tea, and homemade jam, more self-sufficiency, and more about the garden . . . at my art table here, surrounded with the sounds and smells of summer, even though it’s not even spring, there is dirt on my hands every day, and look what happened!!☀️

Isn’t it pretty? The Summer Book has turned from blue to green!! Of course it did, because my whole life turned green when we moved to California . . . so while Jack naps in my desk drawer, I get my morning tea, listen to the birds, watch the sun rise, and work on my new book . . . look how it’s coming along . . .

My new pages are building and I’m having so much fun doing it  ~ I can’t stay asleep! One peep out of those birds, one moon beam sliding in from a corner of the window, and I’m UP. We’ve been told if I get the art to the printer by the end of March, we can have the brand new Summer Book in the studio by the beginning of JULY!!! Is that perfect timing or what? And thirty years! I’m working in a time machine, all those memories! Do you realize we didn’t have cell phones thirty years ago? It almost seemed normal to hand-write a book! Everything has changed. We can use a good celebration!💃🏼 And be more in touch with our beautiful healing earth and all of its charms. Sign up HERE to PRE-ORDER your very own copy that will come with a bookplate which I plan to sign for all the new books we send out from our Studio!💝 We have to think of something fun to do to celebrate!

Inbetween times, I’ve been testing new recipes for my new old book! Look at this happy DELICIOUS pink dip … YUM! I GREW part of it in my garden! Not telling you which part yet.😄

And this big potato pancake . . .for the crunch! I didn’t grow the potatoes, too early in the season, but I grew the chives. Everything counts!👏 Know what else we brought along with the bird bath and house? All my old pots and pans I bought when I was in my 20s and have used for every cookbook I’ve done!👏 Can you imagine I tried to leave them.😪 But they’re perfect. Thank goodness we got a second chance.💞 (No, house hasn’t sold yet.🤨)

Here’s another new recipe for the Summer Book . . . a tray of the best cheese blintzes in the world, that you can freeze and have anytime! You don’t even have to thaw them to cook them! And recipes for jams to go with them! I’m glad most of you have the original book, because this will be almost a a whole new book . . . I can’t help it, I’m so inspired by my garden, the dirt, the compost, the potting soils, my new wildflower orchard to-be, the mornings and the moons at 4 am, and every sweet green thing growing. And after thirty years, I find I have more to say about the subject!💚

And there will be a recipe for this, my new go-to healthy yummy lunch, a plate of crunchy, nutty, garden-grown delights . .. a pasta kale salad, YES, there is PASTA under there . . . Can’t wait to write about the secret that goes into this dish, why it’s so easy, so fast, so good, with an Asian flair that’s different than any others I’ve tasted.😋So besides this, as if it’s not enough, what else new do we have for you . . . Mostly little things . . .

Like these dishtowels! Cute, don’t you think? They look great with that salad ⬆️, did you notice? It’s the Green. And the red is good too! Means they go with everything, even Christmas, even Valentine’s, and definitely summer, because Nature goes with everything. Ever since we made the big move to California, I’ve been trying to make my house into a garden. I love my new dish towels ~ they’re perfect, 100% cotton …and I got lots extra for you, just in cases.💞 OH! That reminded me ~ have you seen the new Mad About the Boy Bridget Jones movie? Throw your jaded heart into the sea and get ready to believe again. Took me about 20 minutes! It’s so CHARMING! EVERYONE’S in it! The writing is brilliant … not only Bridget Jones, but watch for hints of Miss Potter and Love Actually, too!

 Our creative girlfriend Janie made us new springtime heart banners with birds and flowers to hang in our windows!🌷

I left my old one in the window of my Vineyard house, so she just sent me a new one! So when people drive up to my house, they know what to expect!💝 (This one is actually white, which do show up best, but all that light on the other side makes it look black!)

A treat for my very own self.💝


We got a new bird feeder. It’s green of course, that’s why I got it. Plus I wanted something homey, not a contraption. Who knows if it will work, but it’s cute! And not expensive. It’s metal. I love it so far. And so do the birds! I’ve already taken about 4,000 pictures of it. It hangs about 10 feet outside my kitchen window and it packs more joy into it than you can imagine. A narrow tray seems to keep the bigger birds away. I haven’t seen squirrels yet, but it’s new here and so am I. We may not even have squirrels! I got it at a local hardware store, but since it was the last one, I looked for it on the internet to try and put it on our website. To no avail. So, just in cases, I checked out Amazon. And voila! SO, because everyone on Instagram who saw that video ⬆️ was asking me where I got it . . . so, I’m giving you the link. (FYI, As you know, I’ve been sharing links to things I love for years ~ I WANT you to find things, and I love it when you tell me the good things you find! But recently Judy thought Amazon should start paying me when I do this! So, we are trying out the Amazon Affiliate Program. Because our company is so small, we want to keep it up and running. So if you get one of those birdhouses, you should know, Susan Branch Studios will get a little bit for pointing you in their direction. But don’t buy it because of that, buy it because you WANT IT!💝 What I really need is to find a Skechers Affiliate Program!😂)

Back to real life, these cards just came back in, just in time for a springtime note to a girlfriend . . . or sister, or mom. They come in packs of 10, from me and Emily Dickinson!💝

I am so in the mood to celebrate sunshine, so we had more of these made, because why not dream a little? And another reminder, something else you can do to be ready for this spring and summer . . .

I love these food umbrellas, so Vicky (Victorian) . . . no bees in the lemonade! No flies in the pie! And since I wanted one, Kellee went looking for them so we could put them in our webstore, and she found them! It’s big enough to go over a pitcher, and makes the table look wonderful.

I’ve already used it! Twice!I know this is the moon MOST of you are seeing now, it’s COLD out there, I check east coast weather every day . . . I remember it very well, never think I don’t miss the charm of it💞. And, interestingly, 

. . . to this harbinger of spring, while researching a little for the new Summer Book, I happened to read that even looking at PICTURES of blue skies, dirt paths, grass and flowers, birds, dogs and cats, gives our worries a break, refreshes us, reduces stress and depression, sharpens our brains, and brings mental well being. That makes me so happy.💃🏼 You don’t even have to be here . . . it means I can help right from my desk!!!💝 Bird peeps HAVE to be good for us.🌿🌸🌿

I’ve always love nature and every year the feeling has gotten stronger. Can you see me there? I’m like a very large chameleon lizard on that tree.

Here’s the little chunk of dirt out back that Alfredo threw a packet of wildflower seeds into last year, and now, when I walk out there, there it is, just coming up, in its 2nd year! Just saw the first lupine in there yesterday! Thank you Alfredo. And Thank you God. I say it every day. This whole thing feels like a small rebellion to the tyranny of time. Because it all comes to a stop in the garden.🌷

Here’s our new spot for the end of the day … rocking away on the front deck . . .

Found out, after the birds ate most of the seeds we put down the FIRST time, that we needed to cover the seeds lightly with hay.🙀 Who knew? Apparently NOT Google. So we did it again, more seeds, more water, and HAY.

The seeds are now UP, the tiniest of the tiny. Don’t forget your glasses if you wish to see them, but they are there!👏 It’s going to be gorgeous! Anticipation is thrilling! Don’t even THINK I won’t be taking you for a walk here!💞

Along with the dream, which is essential, it’s good if there’s a plan. Sometimes you don’t know the exact dream, so instead of trying to get it whole, look for the clues. Little things you think, like “I’ve always wanted to do that” . . . Nobody automatically knows how to make a plan, especially if they aren’t exactly sure of the dream 🤣, it took us YEARS to figure out how to do what we just did, pack up, give things away, move … we all have to make it up. Nobody likes making it up, it’s hard, because it’s very likely that you might have to give something up to have your dreams come true, and what if we make a mistake? But one foot in front of the other, and those steps will turn into seeds that will give you your flowers of tomorrow. So it’s worth it.💝 Something like that.💞 I know you know . . .This is the plan for the path in our new wildflower orchard … the wildflowers will go everywhere, but as they grow they will be mowed in a pattern much like this, only one lawn-mower width, through the flowers.🌸 Established fruit trees are where there is an X🌳, Zeros are where the new trees🌿 will go, and the whole thing will have a hedge around it, and paths will go through the hedges, as “doors,” which will lead to other gardens, when we get done making what we have. Decorating will never end!👏 Our old sundial will go right there, at the 4-way stop. Might let two of the lolly-pop trees grow together to make an arch at the entrance. If we don’t feel around 5 years old walking that path this summer, then I have not done my job correctly.🌷🌷🌷

A letter from one of our girlfriends ⬆️ . . . of course I kept it. I remind her, she reminds me, and around we go. Because if I can find my magic, and she can find hers, that makes it very likely we all can.💝

Bye for now Girlfriends. Remember, hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune with no words, and never stops at all. . . . Spring is coming, soil knows it even if you don’t yet. And Faith? She is the bird that feels the light and sings while the dawn is still dark. Okay, Grasshopper (as my dad would say), tell us about optimism.

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Still dizzy from 2024, (really still dizzy from the time of Covid!), shaking head, clearing brain ~ for us, it’s just like starting OVER! Are we ready? YES! MUSICA!

ALREADY??? Oh my goodness! Whew. I’m not really quite over 2024 . . . what a year!🤪 Not all that sorry to see it go despite the fact that life’s too short to be hurrying things up! I’m tiptoeing into 2025 . . . on little “please don’t notice me” cat feet. Our year was filled with change… trying to make the best decisions causes, as you know, forehead wrinkles and anxiety overload . . . but we are the lucky ones. Our house didn’t burn down, we weren’t flooded out, and we’re still healthy. And as it turns out, it seems like we planned for this time of our lives without knowing it! Silly me, worried about it for years, and there it was, right in front of our noses.💖

This was the view from our train window as we pulled into Los Angeles Union Station on January 9, 2025. Christmas on Martha’s Vineyard was heaven but FREEZING, and we were sad to see the California sun almost blocked by the smoke. The meaning of it blew away any sad thought for ourselves. So many, losing everything.

Look at that … a hard thing see knowing the cause, and realizing so many were choking to breathe as our train pulled away. 

We were in LA only a short time …our train from the east was 3 hours late, it got in almost the exact same time that our connection was supposed to leave to take us up the coast to San Luis Obispo . . . we thought we’d missed it! But they held the train for us (and the other passengers!🤣) ~ another reason to love the train, it’s so human and dear, it waits for people. And as we chugged away, we saw that under the smoke was the blue sky . . . 

It’s such a gorgeous ride along the Pacific Ocean . . . going north along the blue Pacific, then through the miles and miles of green California growing fields . . . what richness. We can never be grateful enough.

And here we are, heading down our driveway to begin again! We still haven’t sold our house in Martha’s Vineyard. It’s been below freezing for most of January, before that was Christmas, who goes house-hunting at Christmas? We are trying to be patient, but we had to cancel our trip to England in May😔… we’d love to just DO it, but I would worry the whole time about the money situation, it’s been an expensive year, so we asked our ship person, Susan, to call anyone who’d made reservations for May and let them know we can’t go.😟 Hey. Our house didn’t burn down! There are much worse things than having to cancel a trip, even if it’s as special as this one.♥️Change is something my mom didn’t tell me about. She never mentioned I should get ready for change. She was young when I moved away from home ~ she gave birth to me when she was 17, so probably she didn’t know yet … She was only 35 when I moved away. Ever since I found out about it, I haven’t liked it. Everything seemed normal until they invented the answering machine. The beginning of the invasion. I was the last one on my block to let it into my house. Like having something foreign, like a lizard, living with you. And since then, it hasn’t stopped. There is always something. So far, despite how easy it would be, I refuse to turn to a machine and say “Siri, play Frank Sinatra.” Anyway . . .

THIS change has turned out to be a sort of wonderful miracle! Especially since, when we finally made up our minds to move to California, we wasted no time, and, although it felt like a slog, it’s DONE, behind us, and over! By a fortunate set of circumstances, which, looking back now, feel accidental and lucky, we find ourselves living in this reality ~ with the constant healing powers of nature. It’s hard to be anxious here. See that photo? That’s my long, end-of-day shadow ⤴️ going across the dirt path where I take my walks, across to the farm fields next door. That is my green and that is my blue. Everything I see is mine. As a huge proponent of domestic bliss, I have to say, anyone can do that. Just look at the sky, say, Thank you God, and voila! It’s yours. And now you have to take good care of it! Apparently everything that happened to put us here now was all about timing. Joe wasn’t even in California when I bought this old goat farm almost 24 years ago, 8 flat acres of weeds and gopher holes in the middle of the growing fields of the Central Coast, a run-down 1970s double-wide with lots of windows, a metal garage, and an open-sided goat barn, all situated in an ancient river bed.

The heart wants what the heart wants.

I was just driving around outside San Luis Obispo, in the countryside, and saw a for-sale sign on a driveway … something about it called my name. It was the land. I slowly drove down the long driveway to the back of the property, and by the time I got back on the road, I was in love. It was something I knew my dad would love too, very Stewart-ish type of land. Joe looked at me like I was crazy. If he’d been here, I might not have bought it! But it had an orange tree, and in the way-back of the property, it had a year-round running creek.😍

OMG, is what Joe is thinking as he looks at the angel in the marble and began to carve to build us a picket fence garden.

Just like my dad, always making things from nothing . . . building his garden when I was little. (This photo was pre-bomb shelter ~ if you read Fairy Tale Girl, you remember the bomb shelter!🤣).

It cheered Joe immensely when we got the tractor. He LOVES it.

A little tractor, a little hard work, some white paint, a picket fence, and grass seed gave us a sense of purpose and made all the difference. Was just the beginning. Every time we visited from the Island, we did a little more, and Joe liked it a little better. When we came home from our 2004 garden tours of England, we were so excited to build an English Garden of our own, with the plants and designs we’d learned about on our visit. Because of the California weather, despite the fact that we didn’t live here, we decided to build it in California. Didn’t necessarily make sense at the time (Makes PERFECT sense now!), in California you can garden year-round, and it was the creating of it we were into… we had seen it and we wanted it. Our Vineyard house had a garden. It was happy . . . but this place was desperate. Practically begging us, do me, do me!  We laid down the basic bones, mostly hedges, paths, and trees, and now, all these years later, just when we need it, seemingly accidentally, our English Garden is grown and is ready for us to fill in the bones. So in a nutshell, that’s where we are now! Still lots of projects ahead.👏 IMAGINE IT, LOOK INTO IT, HAVE IT.

Quotes ALWAYS tell it all! Look at this one, Rumi, probably around the year 1265, and it’s still totally alive! So impressive! . . . you really never have to look anywhere else for advice on how to find your dreams, just reach back in time, it’s ALL there!

Before I answer that question . . . I’m happy because I was just told that this week we had over 800 newbies sign up to have this WILLARD blog delivered to their email boxes! Makes me proud. I think maybe people enrolled their girlfriends, moms, and kids over the holidays. (If that isn’t you, you can sign up at the top of the page, in the column on the right.) So, I don’t want to be repetitive, but a wee welcoming blog tour is definitely in order.

First off, if you look at the bottom of the column on the right, you’ll see archive blog posts “Willards” going all the way back to 2010. You will never run out of something to read here!💝 It’s gone on so long it’s turned out to be another diary for me! Also, click on those icons at the top of the page, because there are drop-downs filled with stories, recipes, decorating ideas, and inspirations of all sorts. To you from me with love . . .

Since my very first snail-mail Willard back in the early 1990’s, I’ve always loved including little treats with my newsletters … like maybe a page of stickers and some little cards ~ because who doesn’t love Free Stuff? Who doesn’t like a surprise, for no reason, just because, and that tradition continues … Here’s a LINK for Free Stuff I think you’ll love!

Like this lovely bookmark you can print out as gifts for friends. Or, cute little heart-shaped Valentines ⤵️, with envelopes for you to print on card stock, cut-out, and make yourself. There’s more, just click on that link. 

We also have things in our webstore, simple little “thinking-of-you” gifts to tuck into your Valentine’s. Maybe a few of these Kiss Stickers!

Or, these Heart-shaped stickers, filled with gratitude . . .

We also have these blank 4 x 6 recipe cards . . . include your favorite recipe in your own handwriting . . . and it’s a keeper.♥️

And this darling little zipper bag . . . good both to celebrate Rabbit-Rabbit, AND Valentine girlfriends, AND spring!

This is the perfect Valentine card for me this year ~ it says “missing you” inside.💌 I thought a little packet of forget-me-not seeds would be a good addition ~ such a long cold winter, and seeds are all about hope.🌱 Along with these wooden trivets we just got in … they don’t weigh too much for shipping, and you know I have far-away girlfriends who will love them! They have ridges on one side, but they’re smooth on the other, perfect for trivet, and perfect as small cutting boards! A win-win!💞I have to show you something! The GOOD part about moving are the memories you are reminded of while putting away your treasures ~ like this, the reply I got from a letter I wrote to the Queen of England (“just because”) when I was 11 . . .

How I ever saved it this long is beyond me! I guess you don’t get a letter from the Queen of England every day! You should have seen my mom and me when this came in the mail!!! We were “floored!”💖 (That’s one of my mom’s Iowa words.)Of course, I got to thumb through my old diaries . . . filled to the brim with minute details of the moment . . .

Precious old letters, some from children, who, over the years, have made me feel sooooo good about my job . . .💌

Old letters from my grandma, my mom and dad, sisters, dearest friends, old boyfriends and even husbands… keepers all . . .

Valentines and other bits of “art” I made for my mom as a child, that SHE put in my baby book and saved for me . . . and SO MUCH MORE!🌷🌷🌷🌷

Including THIS old video I made in 1988! I hadn’t seen it in years. Joe just hooked up our CD player, and I took a short video of the beginning of it with my camera while it played on our TV. It’s long, maybe 45 minutes … I have to figure out how to get this whole thing on my website! I made it (with my friend Bob who ran the local TV station on the island) when I lived at Holly Oak, after I’d finished all the construction, because I knew my grandma would never be traveling to the island 😢 to see my house in person . . . so I made it for her birthday… you hear me talking to her and my mom. I also told Joe “I’m wearing my Grandma’s ring.” Because that ring was stolen 😫 in the middle 1990s. I’m working on my Christmas Book and I hold up some of the pages! See? Moving isn’t so bad, you get to relive sad/wonderful/meaningful memories! FUN! The full video shows everything I wrote about in Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams!

Right now, in rapture I say to you, happiness is making our dream of having an orchard, fragrant with apple, peach, and citrus blossoms, underplanted with a wildflower garden, mowed down the center to make a path, a reality.

Something like this♥️♥️♥️, only better… 🤣

We’ll move the picnic table and walk onto the orchard path mowed between the lollypop trees, and through the wildflowers…🌸🌸🌸

Something like this . . . but not such a straight path, 

and with more flowers like these . . .👏

I love that it doesn’t actually exist yet, but we are finding the angel in the marble. We’re lucky because we have the marble! These last months, since before we went to Martha’s Vineyard for Christmas, I’ve been studying how best to make this garden a reality. Been reading everything I can about soil preparation, seeds, trees, seed collections, why it’s important to include grasses. Slowly I began to gather bags and packets of seeds from nurseries, farm supply, and from on-line. Full pound, half pound, quarter pound. I added more of my favorites, more poppies, more baby blue eyes, more forget-me-nots, and I definitely bought the package that said “Fairy Meadow” on it!

My wildflower seeds are now all mixed with clean sandbox sand . . . You can buy it! Eight cups of sand to one cup of seed makes it easier to spread them, so they say. I put the mixture into several buckets, so they aren’t so full that I can’t lift them, so I can broadcast handfuls of seeds and sand, walking back and forth, first one way, and then the other . . .All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today!

This is the spot for our orchard. . . We needed to weed, rake, soften and loosen the soil with water and compost, turn it all over, weed some more, rake again . . .

and make it clean of weeds, rocks, and other unwanted things; smoothing it for the seeds. Then it needed to rain. The reason it’s worth all this trouble is because, if we do it right, it will come back all by itself year after year after year, flowering under blue skies, along with the blooms of fruit trees, causing springtime squealing and joyful heart swelling, and a whole lot of busy bees!We cleared a spot 40′ wide and 120′ long . . . won’t it be beautiful against the farm fields of vegetables growing on the land next door? We actually got to this place last week. It’s seeded, and about to rain. All is perfection. See the footprints? They are mine. After we seeded, I went out until after dark to walk on as many seeds as possible to press them down into the soil, like I learned I should do. But, in all my research and care, there was one thing no one mentioned, NO ONE MENTIONED ~ No one ever said,”Plan to do something so the birds won’t eat your seeds.”😳 We came in cold and muddy, I texted my girlfriend Elizabeth, gave her the joyous news, and she said, “You better watch out for birds.They’ll eat your seeds.” WHAT? EAT? My seeds? My MEADOW? Was I supposed to know that? (When I think about it, the answer is probably yes!) Why did no one tell me?😛

As predicted, the next day our Orchard-to-be was blanketed in grazing birds. Thwarted, frustrated, I retired to the picket-fence garden to plant lettuce. I continued to water whatever seeds might have survived, but I couldn’t see very many, so I started buying seeds again. Looks like rain is coming, so we’re about to reseed. I feel like Ma Kettle. We have the hay ready this time. To be spread lightly over the seeds to flummox the miserable selfish little birds. They have this whole valley, go find another restaurant. These are MY seeds. 

I put on my jacket in the early morning to set up the sprinkler, that’s my big handsome barn cat, Simon, next to me, two living scarecrows. I brought him as a warning.☠️

We went looking for trees yesterday . . . we bought two apple trees, one Bearss lime, and

this tiny orange . . . only about 1″, very juicy and tastes like a lime, and is often used as a garnish for summer drinks. I want to plant it near our garden table so we can just pick one and toss it into our iced drinks in the summer. We also got another avocado tree, and something big, with orange flowers, that didn’t have a name on it for our butterfly garden, and a white Queen Elizabeth II rose. No way to say no to that! I love roses with strong fragrance with names that match things we relate to in our life, like Just Joey, Julia Child, April Love, Mr. Lincoln, Miss Dior (sister of the designer who was in the French Resistance). That way I’ll be able to remember them! I want to be like a bee, flit from rose to rose for big deep breaths of manna from heaven.💝It might take a little time, but worth it. My favorite thing to say is, “I made that.”

Well darling people. That catches us up . . . somewhat. But I still have lots to tell you, Jack is good … I’ll tell you lots about him next time! And I also have a new farm friend . . . the neighbor’s dog

I met while out on my walk (on the new path I asked Alfredo to make while we were away) . . . I’ll tell you about that, about the dog “Freckles,” and other new surprises, next time. Take care girlfriends, old and new, be good to yourselves. Come and find your happiness!💝

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