Gladys Taber
ots of you have noticed that some of the most wonderful quotes I put in my books and calendars are attributed to Gladys Taber. I’ve been asked many times who she is and how to find out more about her. I think I learned everything I needed to know about her when I read this:
ladys Taber was born in 1899 and spent her life writing about the every-day simple things in life for her wonderful Stillmeadow and Still Cove books. She loved everything I love, which is why I love her! Through her eyes, we experience the passing seasons from her 1690 Connecticut farmhouse; share in her passion for animals, gardening, cooking, and homemaking. Her books are filled with practical advice and her common sense view of the way things are. She also wrote the Diary of Domesticity column for the Lady’s Home Journal in the late 1930’s, and Butternut Wisdom for Family Circle through the 1960’s.
any people inherit their fondness for the writings of Gladys Taber from their mothers or grandmothers. Others “discover” her by accident. I found her waiting for me on a shelf of old books left behind by the previous owner of the first little house I bought on Martha’s Vineyard. The book was Best of Stillmeadow, where I read the words “April in New England is like first love.” and fell in first-love myself, with Gladys. I feel like I just missed her, she died on Cape Cod at 81 years old, the year before I moved to the island
began collecting her books; finding them almost lit up, like little torches in dark and dusty used bookstores. As soon as I found out about it, I joined the Friends of Gladys Taber Fan Club. For years I have received their wonderful snail mail newsletter that still thrills my heart every time I see it in my mailbox. It’s real mail, the kind you save and read with a cup of tea. Afterward, you feel the way you do when you open all the doors and windows on the first spring day after a long cold winter!
‘ve also corresponded with some of Glady’s other “Friends” and without really “knowing” them, it’s easy to feel an instant connection between kindred spirits because of our mutual admiration for Gladys Taber, which extends right out to each other.
n a beautiful June day in 1999 the beloved “Editor-in-Chief Emeritus” of the Friends of Gladys Taber Fan Club, Gilbertine “Gilly” Moore, stopped by my house on Martha’s Vineyard to say hello. We’d been pen pals for years, but this was our first in-person meeting. We visited in the backyard, under the rose arbor; she was like a link to the past for me. She gave me the black and white photos you see at the top of this page… she took them when she visited Gladys in 1955. Gilly and I wrote to each other until her death in 2008.
illy is gone, but her spirit and heart continue to inspire The Friends of Gladys Taber Newsletter. They have what they call a “minimal” web site (due to everything being volunteer, having no funds particularly, just a lot of heart), but you can go there to request membership information — they would love more people to know about Gladys Taber. So if this seems like your cup of tea, it’s only $20 a year for four “sturdy” issues of about 40 pages each, sent out in March, June, September, and December; a mere pittance for the wonderful job they do of carrying on the true tradition of what Gladys Taber was about.
Still meadow, Gladys’s wonderful 1690 farmhouse in the Connecticut countryside.
If you want to know more about Gladys, here is her page at Wikipedia.
In 2014 I was honored to visit Stillmeadow and speak to the Friends of Gladys Taber group . . . and here’s what I wrote afterwards that was printed in their Newsletter. To join Joe and I on our wonderful tour of Stillmeadow, click HERE
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Went to Gladys’s home last week with my Grandma, Stillmeadow that is:) I wish I could have a cup of tea inside!! Instead we left flowers out front.
How wonderful for you!
What a great site. I just came across it because I wanted to know what year Gladys Tabor died. I never knew when it was. So Having never actually heard that she died, I am just now feeling it as I write this. It was 2 years after my mother passed on.
I grew up with people that read and talked about Gladys Tabor all the time. My mother and her sister both read all her books as quickly as they were published. I have a number of them. I even have a signed copy of the book my mother had autographed for my aunt one Christmas. I too have read and re-read all the books. I am so comforted by them. I cook from her cook book too.
We grew up with houses in the country. Cape Cod and gardens, dogs, cats feeding the birds and horses. Gladys was like a fond family friend. We all went to see her house in Southbury, CT and I still have the pictures. Had a picnic on the way. It was a day in July 1957.
I just wanted to stop by and write a note. Thank you for being here. It was a good visit.
So happy you enjoyed yourself . . . it’s a lovely memory to have.
It is wonderful to read comments from all who love Gladys Taber and her wonderful books. I do have a question. I heard that Miss Taber’s house was sold. Was it purchased for private residency or has it become an historic registered home for people to visit?
I also wish I could see more photos of Glady’s friend Jill, Jill’s family and other close friends of Gladys.
If anyone has any info on the above I would sure appreciate it.
I believe her granddaughter lives in the house. Mention your request to the Friends of Gladys Taber and perhaps they will include those photos in the newsletter.
My son is currently doing an internship at the Abbey of Regina Laudis in Bethlehem, Ct., and go there to visit him on occasion. I was wondering what the street address of Stillmeadow’s is? I have been a long time fan of Gladys Taber, and my deceased mother-in-law, Jan Schlenz, was able to meet Gladys in Cape Cod not long before her death. She got a photo of her standing at the top of the stairs to her home, and glued the picture for me inside the cover of one of her books!
I would love to see her Stillmeadown on my next trip to Bethlehem, Ct.
Thank you!
I don’t know the street address, but it’s off Jeremy Swamp Road in Southbury Ct. It should be fairly easy to find!
Dear Susan, I left my comment at your web-site by mistake..sorry…smiley face…Marcia Anderson
I have all of Gladys Taber’s books. We have been to Stillmeadow, and view her house through the fence. Also, her Cape Cod home in Orleans. Thank you
I have read and reread Gladys Taber’s books for many years, after I first
read her column, “Butternut Wisdom”. Gladys made everyday life experiences
seem exciting and wonderful. When I was able to visit Stillmeadow and then
Still Cove, it validated everything I had read. I am thankful that I got to know this lovely lady through her books and recipes!
Susan, thanks for this web site. I was tickled to find it. I’ve loved Gladys’ book for years. It’s nice to find others who also appreciate her books.
Thanks again, Jane
Love Gladys’ books. Have enjoyed them for many years. Very inspirational.
Wish I could have met her. Someday maybe I can visit Stillmeadow.
A berry blessed birthday to you, mon ami ~ May the coming year be heaped with
the grace and joy multiplied that you share with others. OK, thanks to you, here
is the beginning of another shelf of beloved books to collect… you never let me down in your recommendations…that is what kindreds are all about, I imagine. As
the years go by and we look over our shoulders, we begin to discern with greater
awareness those souls that have helped to mold our character and outlook and
you are steadily becoming one of mine….Enjoy the extra candle and know that it
exemplifies another year of loving and being loved.
My dear friend just introduced me to a Gladys Tabor book and I am enjoying it so much. Love the everyday activity and joys that she has penned. Thank you for highlighting her life and books.
My pleasure Carrie, so happy you’ve found her. She’s such a treat.
So nice to find some others who know Gladys Taber if only through her books. I thought they were my secret treasure. I pull them out from time to time to cheer me.
They’re everyone’s secret treasures — I feel the same way.
Oh I love this! My maiden name is Taber and so I am thrilled to learn more about Gladys and her writings.
Hmm, I wonder if you’re related!
If I were you, I’d do some genealogy to find out!
I, too, came to know Gladys Tabor by accident when I bought a book at a library book sale. I was so charmed by her homey observations and felt that she was a kindred spirit in every way. She tickled my love of whimsy by mentioning her unicorn, and I think of her when I long for the sweet silver song of the peepers. I like to say goodnight to the moon too! How neat to find I ‘m not the only one! I have all of her Stillmeadow and Still Cove books, and my copy of Stillmeadow and Sugarbridge has an inscription by Barbara Webster and an ink sketch by Edward Shenton. I was thrilled to find it at an Antiquarian book sale!
Does anyone in her family live at Stillmeadow? Is it open for visitors?
I’m not sure, check with the Fan Club site — I believe the site has been preserved, but not sure whether you can go in the house.
Susan–How exciting to read about Gladys Taber on your website! I discovered her in the 1980’s through a section of her books at our local library. I savored every book that was available! I knew I had found a kindred spirit and longed for a personal visit with her at her beloved Stillmeadow. I could picture us sitting before the fireplace with a cup of tea discussing the joy of a white garden, the antics of dogs and cats, and what would be fun to fix for dinner. Luckily, I can relive moments like that (since I never did get to visit!) each time I open one of her books. I’m happy to say I also own a number of her books and cherish each one. What a pleasure it is to share life’s ordinary days with such an extraordinary woman!
I have all the Stillmeadow books, but does anyone know she wrote fiction? Wonderful fiction!! I have three of her novels; Give Us This Day, Give Me the Stars, and the Family on Maple Street. They were all written in the 1940s, during the war. They were hard to find, but oh, so worth it! She also wrote One Dozen and One, a collection of short stories, and the Diary of Domesticity and numerous short stories for The Ladies Home Journal in the 1930s and 1940s. I am lucky enough to own every copy of The Ladies Home Journal from January 1940 through December 1945, and the stories she wrote during those years are wonderful! Just sent off my request for membership to the Friends of Gladys Taber. Thank you for the recommendation!
You are the perfect person for the Friends, they will love you!
Never heard of her before!! But will check out her books, hopefully they have some!!
Always fun to find something new!
Dear Taber fans– My first contact with you! I was conceived on a pre-Revolutionary farm in New Milford, Conn. in l947! I thought my Grandfather bought our fabulous family farm (put together with pegs, not nails), but I JUST contacted the Town of New Milford and found my GRANDMOTHER bought it in l930–the loan ($3,000) was even in HER name (how sexist of me to think my Grandfather bought it!) Our family had fabulous summers there (there was no plumbing–hiking to the outhouse in the dark was to be avoided, we used chamber pots!) We DID have electricity and a huge fireplace just like at Stillmeadow. Our farm was “Syringa Farm”, and I adored it. Now I am living on the 4th farm of my life in N.E. Tennessee, raising Miniature Horses with a 3rd generation farmer husband (long suffering, and wonderful). Needless to say,Taber’s books have special meaning for me.
Wonderful story Deb!
I have read several of Gladys Taber’s books and she always spoke of Jill as her friend. I was surprised today when I started reading The Book of Stillmeadow and she referred to Jill as her sister and Jill’s son, Don as her nephew. Does she identify Jill as her sister?
I haven’t heard of that before.
I found your note very interesting. The facts seem to be..Gladys and Jill were roommates at Wellesley College and after Jill’s husband died and Gladys went through a divorce they spent time together and eventually bought Stillmeadow. There they raised their children..Gladys having Connie and Jill had a son and daughter.
That’s they way I’ve always heard the story told. any other books that anyone has read?
I always thought Jill was Gladys’ college roommate at Wellesley. ?? :>)
Gladys employed creative license in her writings. That’s part of what make her books so magical. Jill’s real name was Eleanor, and even though Gladys and “Eleanor” were childhood and lifelong friends, Gladys did refer to her as her sister in some of her books. They were sisters of the heart, for sure. (I refuse to believe that, as some have surmised, that they were the “L” word. Utter nonsense.) She also, in some of her books, referred to Connie as “Felicity”, and later Ann as “Bunny”, I think it was. I have never seen a picture of Eleanor. I am heading right over to join Friends Of Gladys Taber right now!
oOpS! Not Felicity, but “Cicely”. Sorry about that.
I too, discovered Gladys by finding “Country Chronicle” at an estate sale. It was love at first sight so I obtained many other books of hers via Amazon and eBay. I’m 55, and read something of hers almost every evening to get homey, comfy thoughts in my head to induce sound sleep. Sometimes I read by season from all her books. It helps me glean more insight and appreciation for the current season. I plan to look Gladys up when I get to heaven, and we’ll have a jolly ol’ time!
Knowing that Gladys and Frank’s marriage ended in divorce, I hope she and Eleanor found great love together, which would not be nonsense at all. If they were lovers (the L word you mention?), she had good reason not to mention the nature of their relationship as people then were not as welcoming and non-judgmental as Gladys was.
I don’t know about the L word, but I do know for a fact that Gladys had the B word she didn’t want to share with her readers. B is for Bourbon, she liked a drop in the evenings in front of the fire!
Good morning Susan!
I was reading my June FOGT newsletter last night and a paragraph in Gilly Moore’s ’87 newsletter jumped out at me. She quoted a line from an announcer for the Metropolitan Opera. He was speaking about the composer Guiseppe Verdi, and he said “He read my heart. He said what I could never say.” Gilly added that this is how Gladys Taber fans feel about her and her writing. Isn’t that beautiful? And, may I add, it’s how your fans feel about you, too!!
PS….and, you’re mentioned on page 39
Oh, that was nice, ♥ Shannon. What beautiful words “He read my heart.”
Susan, you led me to Gladys and all her wonderful books and Gladys led me to Hal Borland’s writings (“This Hill, This Valley” is superb) and Hal led me to Henry Beston’s “The Outermost House.” Thank you Susan, for starting me off in the right direction!
Aren’t girlfriends who share the best? I think so!
P.S. I ordered your book early and now I can’t wait to get it in a few months!
Won’t be long — every day it seems something new happens — the ribbon bookmarks just came for me to choose the color! SO happy you’ve enjoyed the Gladys Tabor Trail!
I came across a Gladys Taber book in our local library 15 years ago. I immediately fell in love with her and her writing. She totally transported me to her life. So glad to come across another enthusiast and to find out about the group. Also love your website. A friend told me about you.
Nice to meet you Mary!
My sister tried for years to get me to read Gladys Taber’s books and when I finally did, I felt like I’d found a kindred spirit. I love her thoughts, her attitudes, her way of looking at life. I am presently staying in Southbury, CT and would really like to see her home at Stillmeadow. For some reason, I thought it would be fairly easy to locate, but now that I’m here, I don’t have enough information to find it. Reading above that it is off of Jeremy Swamp road may help (I will try looking again tomorrow, but if anyone has any additional information, I would greatly appreciate it.) We plan to see if we can find out more at the library in the morning. My husband and I are on vacation, and we were able to find Still Cove in East Orleans on Cape Cod thanks to three very helpful and friendly people there. One gentlemen even knocked on our car window after hearing me ask about it in the convenience store. He used to do work on her appliances and gave us our initial directions to her home. Finding friendly people willing to help was better than a map to her house! And it was especially fun to meet the gentleman who actually knew her.
The library is a good idea, you could also go to the closest book store or maybe antique store and ask someone. Somebody in town will know for sure. I love how you enjoy the adventure of finding her!
Someone asked whether Jill is Gladys Taber’s sister … No, they were not sisters. However, I read somewhere that they grew up next-door to each other, and therefore they felt like sisters. They were roommates at college, too. After they married (I believe Jill’s husband was a doctor, and Gladys’s was a music teacher), they ended up living very near each other in New York City. And while living in New York City, they sought out a country house for their two families to share.
I don’t know when I first found out about Gladys Taber and her writings but I started getting the FOGT newsletters around 1992. I always enjoy reading her stories and various comments because she was so positive in her thinking. Remember how Gladys could take one of those a cold winter days, when the furnace was on the blink and turn it into a funny story.
I enjoy reading the comments of other Taber fans. Thank you for this site.
You are so welcome, it’s fun to find all these kindred spirits!
I sent a note a short time ago and I now wonder if I should wait to see if it actually arrived . Maybe it isn’t posted until you have looked it over. I’ll check in later. Thanks for this site .
I knew your name looked familiar when it came across my Facebook page….a link to your blog from the watercolor painting club. I clicked on it, and was enchanted by your blog…..your story of how you started painting, all of your interests. Later, as I often do, I went to my info on Gladys Taber, and your name leapt out at me….another connection. I was loaned a Gladys Taber book many years ago by a dear friend, and fell in love with the charm and homey wisdom in Gladys’ books. I loved Stillmeadow and StillCove: all of the dogs, tender memories of friends and family, her love of cooking and home…picnics and unicorns. If only the world had many more Gladys Tabers and Susan Branches…….it would be a friendlier, kinder place. I also enjoyed your watercolor thoughts and pictures……I’ve been involved in “decorative painting” for years: oils and acrylics mostly. Then I “discovered” watercolor, and real passion was born. I love doing it, seeing it done and enjoying the finished work of others. Your work is wonderful! Have you ever come across the work of Vivian Swift? You might enjoy her book “When Wanderers Cease to Roam”. Her work reminds me of yours. Thank you for your wonderful blog, for your painting and for your “sharings” about Gladys Taber!
Nice to hear from you Lynn, thank you. I will go looking for that book!
I very nearly burst into tears when I read today that Gladys had died. When I fall in love, I fall deeply, passionately in love. I just read the book, “Amber: a very personal cat.” (Gladys also wrote, “The Heart Has April Too.”) I was desolate to learn that Gladys was alive for some years after I was born, but I never got to meet her. Like the canaries who were lowered into coal mine shafts to seek for poison gases, some of us feel things so sensitively that the large, loud, harsh things of the world overwhelm us; we belong to places like Stillmeadow where our hearts are calm and welcome. We feel these beautiful things deeply not as a weakness but as a strength made for the fine and lovely things, for the peaceful and soaring places, for the poetry and silly cat antics and precious baby dog kisses. Now my eyes are filling with tears and my nose is going to get all swollen and red! I love you Gladys and will see you one day at the star-filled Stillmeadow in Heaven.
Ohhh Margaret, that was so sweet. We were lucky she left so much of herself behind.
Wow-what you wrote about “feelings” just hit home with me. I love what you wrote and plan on putting it in my journal. Terri
Susan, I found your site through the Gladys Taber site. I recognized your work, having seen and admired it for years. Looking through your site, I saw my stove in your kitchen. My parents bought their O’Keefe and Merritt in Memphis in November, 1951, while on their honeymoon. It still sits in the spot built for it. I moved into Mama’s house after she died, and I cook on it everyday.
In November, 1992, my husband took me to Cape Cod for my birthday. The no. 1
item on my list was a trip to Stillmeadow. Much to his embarrassment, Gladys’ granddaughter, Anne, was in the yard. She invited us to come through the house. I was thrilled, my husband was mortified. She directed us to a small local museum which had lots of Gladys’ original material. What a small world to hold “PLU”,
people like us, who enjoy Gladys, old stoves, your art, the pleasures of everyday home living. Thank you.
They are amazing stoves, meant to last forever I guess. You are so lucky to have your mom’s. Thank you for the sweet story about Stillmeadow. I have a bit of news about Stillmeadow I’ll be sharing in my next WILLARD.
I am reading StillMeadow Seasons for my very first time. I love it,and I love what I know of Gladys thus far . I am 53,and have only learned of Gladys recently. I can’t wait to find,and read more of her books. My 38 year old daughter is waiting in line to read StillMeadow Seasons next
I found your page while doing research on Gladys. I am a new fan of yours as well,so I was trilled to see you are a fan of Gladys Taber. Blessings
I am going to STILLMEADOW next year to give a talk! I just found out, was invited by FOGT, and am beside myself with the whole idea of it! So happy you’re enjoying her book, it’s a wonderful thing to find new readers for her work.
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Susan, I just clicked on the coming events link, and when I saw that you are going to Stillmeadow next year I screamed!! I scared my poor husband to death…when he came flying in to see what was wrong , I couldn’t even speak :)Yes, yes, God willing, I’ll see you there. Have you been to Stillmeadow before? I went to the last FOGT reunion there three years ago. I loved it. It made me cry happy tears.
I screamed too Shannon! I was overwhelmed to be invited, what fun that day will be! I’ve never been! What a way to go after all these years! Happy to know you’ll be there. xo
Susan: So glad to know about Gladys Taber — had not heard of her. I’ll have to look for some of her books. I have signed up twice to receive “Willard” and have not received him. Not sure how to fix that? Bless you!
I’m sorry to report that I have been SO ridiculously busy that I haven’t done a Willard since February!! Terrible. And when I’m ready, Kellee is going away, or if she’s ready, Sheri is going away — and we need us all. I’m working in it, hopefully very soon!
Gladys Taber has been a point of light for me for many years – I read her Butternut Wisdom column faithfully was back when (cut them out of the magazine but sadly have lost them along the way), and her books are lined up on a special shelf to dip into again and again. Always and inspiration and a comfort…
We need a Willard! I was just thinking yesterday, “have I missed one ? ” And had to go have a look back.
I am writing a Willard this next week … look for it soon! You haven’t missed one, it’s just me, I’m very late!
I found out about Gladys Taber last year here on your website and have purchased a couple books she wrote that I found online.
Today I was so happy, I went in to my favorite Discovery Thrift Store here in my town and there on a table near the cash register was “Gladys Taber’s Stillmeadow Cook Book”! I almost fainted and snatched it up real quick. It was quite the bargain at $3.00! I have looked at thrift stores, Goodwill, Salvation Army for the last year for her books and cookbooks and never found any. Today was my lucky day!!
Isn’t it great when you see something like that? You can feel your eyes lighting up!
Back in the early 1970s I “found” Gladys Taber. The library then had most of her books and I read every one they had. As my husband was in college on the GI Bill and we had a small daughter, I couldn’t afford to buy any books. However, just before he graduated in 1976, I visited a friend on Cape Cod. We went to a bookstore and as my husband had accepted a job, I decided I could afford to buy a hard copy of “Stillmeadow Sampler” for the great sum of $6.25! I was speaking to the saleslady and told her how much I loved Mrs. Taber’s books. She said, “She lives close by, would you like me to give her a call to see if you can stop by?” I was speechless!
And yes, on April 28, 1976, I actually was kindly invited by Mrs. Taber to stop by her home at Still Cove. She spent about an hour talking with me and I even got to pat Amber! An hour that is still golden all these years later.
Oh my goodness! Are you a member of Friends of Gladys Taber? I’m sure they would love to hear that story for their wonderful newsletter!
I grew up reading Gladys Taber’s columns in Family Circle. I always enjoyed them and missed them once they were no longer there!
I also remember something they used to carry called “Life Savours”. I am pretty sure that is where I saw them. I did also always read Woman’s Day, too. I wondered if you were familiar with those…somehow always associated them with Gladys Taber. They were short, maybe a sentence, pithy observations.
On a different topic, your artwork is the cutest. I love your scrapbooking items and wish there were more! It is “so me”!
Life Savours … not the candy right? I’m not sure if I know what they are . . .
A feature in FC Magazine (I do not think connected w/Gladys Taber.) I am looking also for Life Savors. Ex/
goldfinches and hummmingbirds
studying recipes
butterflies on monardo
Charles Chips
Soft falling snow
babies waking from a nap
chocolate dipped strawberries
long walks in the fall
phone calls from friends
Russian tea with Moravian cookies
Life savors!
Gladys Taber’s Stillmeadow is a private home on a dirt road, part of the surrounding property has been preserved by the town but her home is not open to the public
so great to share Gladys. I corresponded with her for several years and have all her letters. want to see her home to be sure. please email me.
a Stillmeadow friend, Lin Rader
Lucky you Lin, how wonderful to have those letters.
I have loved your website, and just noticed my email from august of 2013. I sent the referenced letters to FOGT for the archives so all could enjoy them. I miss her and read her as much as I can. Her books are always on the shelf ready to read and reread. I couldn’t make it to the reunion in June, but I do hope to visit the outside of her home one day soon….just to know I actually saw it! Thanks for keeping her ideals alive with your lovely home and joy in all things simple and homemade. I share your love for the same. Do you have a tour of your home available to see? Would love to see more of it. Love!!!
Not sure if my other answer came through, but just in case . . . I’ve done several short youtube videos HERE, and some of them are of the inside of my house.
Have huge scrapbook for sale of gladys taber ephemera. Butternut wisdom, original photos of Stillmeadow, Stillcove, etc. Contact me for more details.
I received my September FOGT newsletter in today’s mail, and just made reservations at the Crowne Plaza in Danbury for next June 13-15…so excited!! I hope to attend one of your signings before then, but I will definitely see you there!!
Perfect! It’s going to be very special for me — have always wanted to see Gladys’s Stillmeadow!
We have hotels closer than Danbury and think you would love staying IN Southbury. Danbury offers a lot (I work there!) but if you are interested in New England charm, the Heritage Hotel is wonderful (I do not work there
but attend many events there). There are also a few B&B’s. I’m not on a tourism board, just a proud Southbury townie.
See you in June!
Good advice from someone who actually lives there! Thank you!
Hi Sandie!
So sweet of you to reply! I agree…you should be very proud to be a Southbury townie
It is a charming place. I visited there in 2010 when the FOGT Reunion was held in the Southbury Crowne Plaza. It was billed as the Stillmeadow Homecoming that year…so appropriate, as the attendees truly felt that we were coming home to Gladys Taber’s beloved Southbury and her home, Stillmeadow. When the organizers of next years reunion attempted to find rooms and a meeting space in Southbury for the middle of June, they found that local hotels were already booked due to weddings, button collecting shows, and other events. They knew they would need a nice sized meeting room for the weekend, and they were able to find that in Danbury. Buses will take attendees to Southbury and Stillmeadow. I am so looking forward to this reunion. Gladys Taber’s books have always been a touchstone in my life. I discovered Susan Branch through Gladys Taber…and I feel exactly the same way about her!! I am thrilled that Susan will be able to join us for a while and share with us how Gladys influenced her and affected her life. I look forward to meeting you in Southbury next year!
Friends of Gladys Taber may also like books from an author from Oregon. Her books are mainly cookbooks but they are filled with her personal memories as well as delightful art , prose and poetry. You have got to check her out. She is Jane Watson Hopping and some of her titles include: The Lazy Days of Summer Cookbook, The Country Mother’s Cookbook, The Many Blessings Cookbook. Look into some of her books; you will not be disappointed.
Susan –
Thank you for helping to keep the memory of Gladys Taber alive. As a teenager, I started reading her columns in Family Circle and just loved her thoughts on everything! I have several of her books and wonder if it is still possible to buy them other than in secondhand sales. What a wonderful, gentle and inspiring woman she was. And it is easy to see that the two of you are truly kindred spirits.
I think I have seen them on Amazon, but I believe they’ve all been used books, not new printings. But I keep thinking it might happen again ~ it seems to me that more and more people are interested. She was wonderful.
I have just been rereading “Stillmeadow Road” and decided to see if there is a website for Gladys Tabor and Stillmeadow. Happy to have found that so many still remember this dear lady. Wish I could have met her. She was an inspiration to me many times during my lifetime. Especially when I was in a very hard situation and looked forward to reading her articles in Family Circle that were published monthly. I credit “keeping my sanity” to getting this magazine every month for her article.
My husband and I, many years ago, were in New England and decided to see if we could find Stillmeadow. It took a while, driving up and down roads, finally finding an old friend of Glady’s who directed us to the correct road. We talked for quite a long time to the neighbor directly across the road from Stilmeadow. It was quite nice to talk to someone who knew her personally.
If anyone is looking to buy, sometimes her books can be found at this website.
Thank you Millie!
“Especially Father ” is a wonderful book she wrote about her own bigger than life father I love it so much I have 3 copies!
Happy to read that there will be a FOGT next year…June? Please send me more info, if you have time. I’ll also contact the society itself and get signed up as a new member!
Thank you.
No more info just yet, but as we get closer, I’ll be putting times, etc. here. Everything truly goes through FOGT, so you are on the right track.
Glad there will be a gathering next June of the FOGT.
Hope to attend, and many plaudits for your website!
Thank you, Joan. I think the meeting will be wonderful too, can’t wait because I’ve never been to Stillmeadow and I know I’m going to meet lots of kindred spirits there!
Enjoy your comments and those who shared their thoughts and memories of GT. She was a dear and charming lady!
Can’t believe I stumbled upon your site!
My mother was a true fan of Glady’s~~~…
Discovering my mothers collection of her books was something that I will hold in high regard. Thank you for creating a site that gives her homage!
My honor, she was wonderful.
Hello Susan! I guess that so many life moments are based in synchronicity. I have been enjoying your art, writing, and recipes for years, and you are the only person I have ever written a “fan” letter to. This morning I was missing my mother terribly-she died in December of 2012. I decided to search the internet for anything about the “Butternut Wisdom” column we both so enjoyed when I was a girl. I was thrilled to find your blog, and that we are both Gladys Taber fans. Truly wish I could hear you speak at Stillmeadow next year, but I (and probably my Mom!) will be there in spirit.
That’s very nice to hear Joy ~ I hope a little Butternut Wisdom has cheered you up and carried you away with wonderful memories of your mom.
December FOGT came yesterday…and my reservation form for the Stillmeadow Reunion in June is in the mail and on its way to Susan Turnley! Happy, happy
My daughter and I will see you there. Safe travels. You’re almost home♥ Hugs!
Wonderful Shannon! I look forward to seeing you both there! Springtime in Connecticut, something very sweet to look forward to!
Hello Susan – You mentioned “Life Savors” in response to a comment, and they were tiny (one inch) column inserts used frequently in ladies’ magazines in the past. They were probably reliable space-fillers for the printers, but I used to love running across them while reading long articles or stories in these magazines (ah – the days of long articles and long stories are long gone). They were just snatches of comforts, such as “Steamy cocoa with a cinnamon stick on a cold morning/Lavender-scented closets stacked high with fluffy flannel sheets/” The heading “life savors” was used because they illustrated things we savor in life…
I was in high school in the late 70s when I was introduced to Gladys. On the days my spaniels are being a little too high spirited, I jokingly say, “This is all Gladys’ fault!!” Because of her influence, I chose to have two wonderful cocker mixes grace my life. Shani passed a few years ago, but Dulcie (who is a retired therapy dog) celebrated her 13 birthday last year. Now that I’m older and less able to keep up with grooming, I have papillons, which I think Gladys would have loved, too.
But when the world gets to be too much for me, I turn to Gladys’ writings for comfort and gentle humor. I love her books so much that they are on our “ICE” launch pad: in case of emergence, grab THIS first!
I do wonder if there will ever be e-book versions of any of her lovely books. Do you know anything about that? While I love real books, between my arthritic hands and my failing eyesight, my Kindle is a real help to keep me reading.
Thanks for such a lovely site!
That’s a great idea, I will ask when I go to the Friends meeting in June. It seems like such an easy thing to do.
I’ve always wanted a papillion, I love the way they smile. But then there are Corgi’s, so cute. That’s my problem. How do you choose just one?
Get a Corgi
My history with Gladys Taber is something I treasure. I have a tremendous regret that I never had the opportunity to meet her in person – but we’ve shared many a cup of tea, a savory casserole, gardening tips – just like thousands of others. One of the wonderful things about Gladys was that she made each of us feel special.
Last year I found a copy of her early novel: “Nurse In Blue” . It is a WW2 era book and entirely delightful.
When she corresponded with me (never typed) she wrote on soft blue- her favorite color, pretty stationery. I take very good care of those letters.
I wish all a wonderful day -embrace life -take time to enjoy all the small delights, and be kind to each other. – Nancy from Irish Acres
How lucky you are to have them Nancy!
You are amazing, Susan. I just love your enthusiasm for “things of England” and just of life! I am hoping to make a trip to England. I am of English descent. My mother was from England, and so was Grandmother and Grandfather. I still have relatives there too. Hopefully, one day………I know your book will help/encourage me too.
Thank you for this website………told my sister, Ellen, who loves all things English. Her Air Force husband (retired now) lived there with their daughter, Melissa, many years ago and still pine to go again.
Just love your Peter Rabbit room. May I stay some day and dream???
Esther Hayes, Gettysburg, PA
Nice to see you here Esther … say hello to Ellen for me … hope you get to go to England soon, and maybe together!
Susan- I have a few of your books and have been a fan. I recently searched and found your lovely website. On your website I found a link and found that you are a Gladys Taber fan and there is a fan club too. Years ago I found Ms Taber’s books on the bookshelf of my local library and started reading her books and fell in love with her wonderful writings. I plan to join her fan club and would hope to attend the convention in June.
Your new book on your journey to England; I can hardly wait to buy the book and start my journey through England with you. Sitting down with your books like Gladys
Taber’s is having a cuppa tea with a good friends-so comforting!
I hope maybe you can join me in Southbury CT in June at the Friends meeting — I’ll be speaking there . . . Here’s the info from our Event’s Page:
Save that Date:
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Susan will be speaking and signing her books at the Friends of Gladys Taber Annual Reunion which will include a tour of Stillmeadow, Gladys’s 1690 Farmhouse in Southbury, Connecticut (Stillmeadow is a private home now, so this is a rare and wonderful thing).
You must be a member of FOGT to attend, but all are welcome to join.
Mark your Calendars, Springtime in Connecticut is a wonderful thing!
I used to cut out the “Butternut Wisdom” columns and paste them into a scrapbook. I saved it for years, reading the articles over often. After many years the pages of the book disintegrated and it was only by accident that I learned that Gladys Taber had written books. I joined the “Friends” a number of years ago and it’s through your website, Susan, that I have come to see how many people there are besides me who love Gladys Taber’s writings. I wish I could start a group here in central New Jersey who could get together and perhaps read aloud some of her writings at each meeting. What fun that would be.
You might check with the Friends and see if they have a mailing list or a way for you to contact local Friends … even a small book club would be fun.
I love Gladys Taber and was delighted to see your creativity joined with her wonderful writings. In the book Especially Father, the opening paragraph beginsL
“Father really started the whole thing when he got into his personal feud with Mr. Doolittle. Mr. Doolittle was the Superintendent of the State Park which stretched for miles along the curivng shore of Green Bay in Door County.”
Mr. Doolittle was my great uncle.
Gladys’s books expand past one large shelf in my office and she has been my invisible mentor for decades.
Thank you for bringing Taber back out into the light of our present times for new readers to discover.
How very wonderful — this connection for you and Gladys Taber. That’s just great Julie, thank you for writing!
Thank you … I now have a reading list.
I have the books by Gladys Taber about
Amber … so I will make some tea, read
Amber, and remember my own Aby
Hello Susan…I wonder if you truely understand just how much you and finding this lovely site, with all of the kindness and prettiness you share has helped me to survive………thank you xxx
It’s very much a two-way street Jayne, thank you. xoxo
Wow! Talk about inspiration Susan! I’ve got to start my search for one of Gladys Taber’s books, it’s a must read for me now and I won’t be happy until I find one. My little teenage great-granddaughter just had her first short story published in the TEEN INK, which is so exciting as she wishes to become a writer and is coming to the States to begin her college studies. Well my cute little friend, I’m off to the paint store (my house is screaming to the neighbors that it needs paint now) and then driving around to find old book stores in search of my first Gladys Taber novel. Thanks a million
Fabulous for your great-granddaughter and you too!
I never read a Gladys Taber book but I will now. I learn so much lovely things from you.
Happy you are here Arlene, thank you. xoxo
I am from India, and while going through the net , to read about country life I came across books by Gladys Taber. These books are not available in India, But after reading about them I would love to have at least one of the books especially ” THESTILLMEADOW ROAD” How do I get these books in India.
Are there any articles or columns which she wrote ,online and if yes can you give me the details ..
Can you get things through Amazon? Because sometimes they have used copies.
I love books by Gladys and have a very small collection.
I mentioned her one time on my blog and a comment was left by a few people who knew her because of your calendars!
Thanks so much for all the info on Gladys. I have always felt a connection with her and her writings but never realized her birthday is the day after mine. I own a few copies of her books and have tried for more on eBay. One of these days I will be lucky!
Happy Birthday Pam!! Kindred spirits!
I first read Gladys Taber in junior high school; her Especially Dogs was in our school library and I took it out as often as possible. Years passed and my husband and I and my mother visited Mystic Seaport, and two of her Stillmeadow books were in the bookstore. I was overjoyed; after that I used the internet to find all her Stillmeadow books. I love reading them; such beautiful descriptions and quiet beauty.
Thank you for that Linda!
I’ve collected Gladys Tabors books for many years, though I don’t think I have them all. I treasure them! I’m so glad I found this site and will join the newsletter and club. Many, Many Thanks!!
I always read Gladys Taber to my children & have her poem “But In This Season….. on our refrigerator. Love her house. It looks so peaceful. We need more of what she gave.
We do. I think she knew that too.
Great Day! I am so excited just had to share…..I just sent my check in with note to become member of “Friends of Gladys Taber”. I had asked the folks in Virginia who coordinate “Friends of Gladys Taber” if there is a chapter in Southern California and they said no yet after they receive my membership they said if I was still interested I could contact them about starting one in this area. So…girlfriends we might soon have a Southern California chapter. Will let you all know!
I also went on Ebay today and got 9, yes 9 Gladys Taber books for $20.00. I am so thrilled and can hardly wait to receive them. Some don’t have dust jackets yet they are all in very good condition! YEAH!!!
Bet you are really looking forward to being the speaker this year for them and being able to take a tour of Gladys’ Stillmeadow home. Do take pictures and blog us when you come back … fun! Well, must scoot yet just had to share with you all. Have a most wonderful Spring day. It is in the high 60’s/low 70’s here, the birds are singing and there is a blue, blue sky… favorite season of the year!!!! Bless you all!
NINE??? You lucky puppy! Yes, I’m really looking forward to this for so many reasons! Thanks Sue!
Just finished reading A Fine Romance. The first of your books I have read. Found on you site the Gladys Tabor fan club. I love her too, and have almost all her books. Maybe 2 or 3 I don’t have.
Love your drawings.
Mim Pepper
Thank you Mim!
Browsing through my library’s cookbook collection many years ago, I came across What Cooks at Stillmeadow. This book was my introduction to Gladys Taber and all thing Stillmeadow and Stillcove. I felt I had discovered a treasure that I value to this day. I have been able to acquire some of her wonderful books, including a copy of What Cooks at Stillmeadow and, like some of the others who commented, I turn to her writings to gently experience a time past. Thank you, Susan, for this website and for using Gladys Taber quotes in your wonderful books.
Wonderful discovery Donna, I know just how you felt!
How wonderful to meet you in person Susan at the FOGT Reunion in Southbury, CT. Many of us stood in a long line to have our copies of “A Fine Romance” and other books signed by you – and I watched as you greeted each person as if they were the first in line. Thank you for your wonderful talk and your story of what Gladys Taber means to you and how you first discovered her writing. I asked as many people as I could their stories of how they first “met” Gladys Taber. As a librarian, I am trying to convince other librarians to keep Gladys on their shelves so that another generation can “discover” her. I would like to ask everyone who reads your blog to visit their local library, see if Glady’s books are on the shelves and check them out. When you check them out be sure to let the librarian know how much you appreciate that you can still find these books in the library. Thanks from a librarian in Vermont!
What a perfect place to put your comment! I hope everyone reads it — this is a great idea, Nancy! Libraries are so important for keeping books alive. Bookstores can’t afford to have every book ever written, but the best of the best can be kept in our libraries.
Yep good advice I heard so much about Gladys Taber I thought. I would check out my library thinking I wouldn’t find her and there she was! (The best. Of stillmeadow) I am enjoying the book and wondering where I can find others?
Sometimes you can find old copies on Amazon, sometimes we have them in my web store, you can try AbeBooks or any of the used book shops you find in Google. It’s like a treasure hunt.
Hello Susan! You must have been placed on Martha’s Vineyard by Divine intervention just one year after Gladys Taber died……because your love of homemaking, animals, cooking&baking, and nature continue where she left off!!! As though you had a “calling” to teach and enrich others in these areas of your expertise!!! My goodness, as though you were just meant to be drawn to the East Coast! I am sure Gladys Taber would be proud of all you do!
I arrived on the island with a love of New England, old houses, cooking, watercolors and kitties . . . and this is where I discovered Gladys Taber in that little house “filled with gifts” (as I said in my talk) “I didn’t even know I needed” ~ one of them was the book Best of Stillmeadow.
Wow! Got several little tips re where to find Gladys Taber’s old books and will be up late trying to order more. I only have one thus far. Yes Susan, we should all strive to get her old, but new, books published once more. Young ladies need this kind of wisdom and need to indulge in living a simple and uncomplicated life. Thank you for doing so many nice things for us, your loving fans.
Susan, we took a short trip to my home state, Maine, last week and, while browsing through an antique store in Ellsworth, I came across four of Gladys Taber’s books……my first since I learned about Gladys through your blog this January. Purchased them, of course and I just finished one, Country Chronicle, and am absolutely hooked! I just love reading her thoughts, which are much like mine. Oh my gosh, how I wish my grandmothers had scripted their thoughts. I must say that since discovering you and Gladys Taber, I have become more relaxed and discovered a whole world of simplicity, nature and peace within myself that I never knew existed. I am a grandmother now and, even though it won’t be published or as well versed as you and Gladys, I am going to write for my grandchildren and there children……they will have a keepsake of memories, family, love and dreams……….xoxo
Wonderful thing to do Ann — maybe this would be a good subject to talk about?
I have loved Gladys Taber and her books for years and all I’ve shared her with love her books as well. Plan on joining the FOGT club so I can receive the newletter, have several of your books as well and enjoy them immensely
Now I am ready to do my breakfast, once having my breakfast coming
over again to read more news.
Gladys Taber is such an inspiration to me. I’ve been going through some difficult times lately. And after asking myself, “What would Jesus do?” I then ask “What would Gladys do?”. That way I receive spiritual guidance and practical, common sense guidance as well. She certainly was full of the wisdom of living.
Excellent idea!!! Hope things get easier for you real soon Susan.
Love your blog!! you embody all that Gladys Taber loved….and all the things I love too! Old China, glass and linens….what Heaven!! Do you have a tour of your home available on blog? Would love to see more of it! Oh Yes and I quilt….love it, it is addictive! In fact my husband, Jay, is taking a long arm quilting class on Sept. 13 and 14! Then he can finish-quilt my quilts!!
Look here, I’ve done lots of very short videos and some of them are taken inside my house. I love Jay already, how great is that!
I loved the videos….how charming your home is. Makes one want to wander in and slide in a wing chair and have a cup of tea. My kind of home!! Jay is a chubby guy and says that with him there is lots to love. Lol! I will let you know how the classes go. By the way, my glass-loving friend, I was just gifted with a gorgeous dark amber Federal glass pitcher and matching 8 footed glasses! I am in the process of putting them on top of my china cabinet, they show up so pretty against the pale walls. Did you get the latest FGOT newsletter? It is as usual a super one! Loved that lady and all she stood for. I miss her. Love ya!
Yes, I got my letter, as usual, wonderful!
Years ago I was a member of the Gladys Tabor fan club. I actually came to the reunion in 2002. What a wonderful time visiting with others who loved Gladys Tabor’s writings and touring her beloved home. I also participated in dedicating the Phillips Farm. I am getting along in years and thought I’d better start distributing my treasures to those I think would love them, too. That brings me to deciding what to do with my Gladys Tabor books. I have about 14 I will be willing to part with. I’m not sure where to send them. I would love to give them to someone that would love them. I thought you might be able to give me some direction in this matter. Thank you so much.
My milk glass collection began after reading about Gladys’. I love her books & columns in the magazines I’ve collected.My youngest daughter now has.some of my books.I want to join her club.
Do it, I know they’d love to have another kindred spirit. Their newsletter is outstanding.
Susan, I have to thank you. A Connecticut native, I now live in the next town over from Stillmeadow, and have loved Gladys Taber ever since I moved up here over twenty-five years ago and found out about her. I read every one of her books I could get my hands on, plus the three that eventually made their way into my own collection. (And oh, yes, more are coming!) But one thing I never did was join The Friends of Gladys Taber. Until now. And that’s due to you. I’ve been doing a Susan Branch reading marathon lately. I smile every time I see one of her quotes in your books, your website, or your blog. I think you captured it best when you said she loved everything you loved. And those are the same things I love. Including this valley where she lived for so many years.
So thank you, Susan–for letting everyone know about Gladys Taber, and for getting me to the FOGT website to join!
You live in a lovely part of the country Andrea! Thank you for your comment . . . you’ll love the Friends Newsletter, it’s wonderful!
Please send me your newsletter.
Okee Dokee!
I have loved Gladys Taber books for many years. Just found Especially Father. What an interesting and amazing story of her father and growing up with him. I wish I knew more of her biography!
She has lots and lots of books, and they’re almost all autobiographical . . . enjoy!
I read her books every year. I found her home in Still Cove on a trip in 2006. Biggest highlight of my trip. She speaks my heart language. I miss knowing she’s in the world.
That was certainly a loss.
Hi Susan!
I was trying to make out the titles of the Gladys Taber books in your collection from the picture you have posted. I recently came acquired one entitled “Stillmeadow Calendar”. It’s in very good condition. If you’re interested in having it, maybe we could work out a deal. I’m thinking a Susan Branch calendar a year for the rest of my life would be fair -lol!
But seriously, if you’d like to have it, send me an email & we’ll work something out.
Love ya Girlfriend!!
I have that one Ginny, thank you! Maybe someone else here will need it for their library!
I just discovered Gladys’ books via a friend. Our library has a lot of them.
What a wonderful way to start my day after breakfast with an hour of Gladys.
In the Still Cove Journal, Connie mentions in her introduction that Amber passed away before the memorial.
Didn’t anyone think to bring Amber to the hospital to see Gladys ? I felt so sad for Amber.
I discovered Gladys Tabor over 35 years ago in our local library while my two young sons were enjoying their story hour. I had rare time alone. As I perused the titles standing vertically in alphabetical order by author’s name, the title ‘The Book of Stillmeadow’ just sounded so very inviting. For the next hour I was mesmerized!
My husband, my two little boys, and our golden retriever had recently purchased an old two story charmer built in 1900 right in the heart of our newly adopted southern town. We were doing it over! Just as Gladys and Jill ‘did over ‘Stillmeadow’. I had found a kindred spirit!
Over the next decades that passed much too quickly, I would fill my growing library with every Gladys Taber book that I could find. We left Kentucky, moved to a small farm in southern Illinois with an old farmhouse to ‘do over’. We raised Goldens and our sons in the clean country air. They loved their creek and I loved our garden and everything that went with country living.
Gladys went with us to the suburbs this time..but she held my hand through all of it. A new house was just not the same. Which brought us to another southern town situated on the Ohio River in an old 1870’s river house. Gladys is still with us. She has been read and reread. She has influenced the houses we have lived in (except for the new one).
Finding your blog and learning that so many others feel as I about Stillmeadow is simply wonderful.
Thank you, Susan!
Thank you for your story of finding Gladys! I think we can all relate!
Hi Vickie – I enjoyed reading your comments about Gladys and find myself a little envious about your “35-year relationship” with her. I only just discovered her a few weeks ago. But I am going to attempt to make up for lost time. Did you read (own) Late Climbs the Sun? If you own it did it come with a dust jacket? I am trying to get a copy of the photograph which was used in various newspapers which carried that particular book review. I have not seen the photo anywhere else and the quality of the archived copy on the internet is not very good. If you have a moment could you drop me an e-mail please? Thanks so much
Hi, I have just finished reading a fiction novel written by Gladys Taber. It is entitled “Nurse In Blue” from 1943. If you would like this for your collection I would be pleased to give it to you for your collection. It was such a treat to read this real book, complete with brown pages, cloth covers and binding, and an old book smell.Thank you for bringing info about Ms Tabers books through your wonderful pages. Diane D.
Thank you Diane!
My mother found Country Chronicle at a second hand bookstore and got it for me. I am only 30, but I long to live during the time she wrote this book. It is well loved and i read it probably at least once a month. I cannot get enough of how Gladys describes beautiful life in New England.
I wanted that when I was 30 too Nancy . . . it’s a very idyllic life she writes about.
Dear Susan:
I recently read “Especially Father” by Gladys Taber. When I was finished I had some issues to address to Ms. Taber so I wrote her a letter for some answers. Then to find an address for the letter I Googled Gladys only to find she was long departed from we mortals left behind. I was being critical in my letter for selfish reasons and wanted to learn more. I am a retired Naval Aviator and have since my Boy Scout days developed an inner compass which always keeps me oriented with true North and an unrelenting need to know where I am. It carries over into my reading, e.g., I am uncomfortable when missing either a place or identity to associate where the story takes place and who the people are that I am reading about. It wasn’t until I read the Wikipedia site for Ms. Tabor that I found the family name (Bagg). I traced ever mentioned Village or Town in her book in an effort to locate the summer cabin on Green Bay. Using every clue found in the pages of “Especially Father,” (e.g., Fish Creek, Sturgeon Bay, Door County, Baileys Harbor, Gills Rock, etc.) I concluded the cabin was situated on the beach of an unnamed cove about 5 miles southwest of the Potawatomi State Park. As I progress through the story wanted to know where the family home was, from which the family embarked regularly to the summer cabin, and from which “Father” deployed each school day to deliver his lectures to his students at “College.” I was irritated by this lack of orientation, enough so to communicate my frustration to Ms. Tabor. Well, my attitude softened when I learned of Gladys’ demise. In the final chapter I was excited with some vague snippets of location when Gladys and her parents visited his Family Home in New England and re-united with his siblings and their progeny. I recall mention of the towns named Springfield and West Springfield; these are places where my ancestors lived and later settled in the town of Westfield, Mass., which a Grandfather (8 generations removed) was among its first inhabitants in 1669.
Lastly, I wanted to know more about Gladys’ mother and her short venture as a school teacher. I too had a great Grandmother who was an elementary teacher in Ogle county, Ill., circa 1844-1857.
I truly enjoyed the “high-jinks” of Gladys’ interesting and unpredictable father, the devotion of her mother throughout her unceasing struggle to achieve a respectful place in her marriage and social circles. I admired Gladys’ courage and tenacity in writing a poignant, touching and very personal book.
Fond regards, Robert Noble
You should have been in the Secret Service! You are a great tracker! Lovely to hear from you Robert.
I truly appreciate this wonderful blog. Beautifully done, artistically laid out. A lot of thought went into this and a lot of hard work. Thank you so much for this excellent representation of Gladys.
I have spent the last two weeks getting to know Gladys. I have printed out nearly two hundred newspaper articles from newspapers all accross the US which covered her life and activities from 1925 to the present. Included with these are 77 out of a possible 500 from the New York Times. As I went along, I used appropriate photographs to create a dozen or so bookmarks in anticipation of receiving the first eight volumes which I have purchased from the internet. When compiling a comprehensive bibliography of her works I was surprised at the original cost of her books v.s. the prices on the internet now. Some have gone up astronomically and others are the same. I have read all the printed material I have come accross so far including this blog and all the comments therein. Before closing down the geocities web site in 2009, managed to archive over a million of the files on a mirror-site and there is still a lot of Gladys to be found there. However, many of the things I was most interested in have been taken down.
Someplace in these travels I came accross a bit of information under the heading “Gladys’ Friends” and in reading this, the name Smiley Burnette appeared. Many know him as the farsicle sidekick of Gene Autry. What many may not know is that he was a marvellous cook in his own right and when I referred back to my copy of his cookbook, sure enough, there was a page or two on Gladys and how he and his wife Dallas had been invited over for a meal and he wound up building Gladys a barbeque in the back yard. His cookbook features one of her recipes.
While reading a synopsis of Reveries at Stillmeadow it referred to selections from Gladys’ writings and of full colour paintings by Stewart Sherwood a renowned painter born in Toronto in 1940. His work is wonderful and I can’t wait to see this volume when it arrives in the mail.
I thank everyone here for their comments and observations which have helped me to get to know Gladys just a little better. I would love to hear from anyone who may have books or copies of magazine articles available for sale or who just wishes to comment on Gladys. I’d love to hear from you. Again thanks.
Thank you Maureen . . . following your heart with Gladys!
I’m still waiting for my books to arrive from the US. It does take time to clear customs and can sometimes be as long as four weeks. I am certain it will be well worth the wait.
During my research the first “review” I came across was from the Charleston Evening Post dated July 13, 1929. The column, called The Literary Lantern was commenting on Gladys’ first book Lyonnesse. Original cost $1.75 from Bozart Press. The reviewer called the story “tentative, groping, not cluttered, direct and charming, parts told beautifully and well. Clever verse-making, admirably said”. Then he does a complete about turn where he says “Unfortunately we drop into the sentimental manner – a pity that a lyric which ctarts so well should end so lamely. Miss Taber, however, shows evidence of developing taste”. This review also appeared in the Greensboro Daily News the following day as well as other members of this newspaper conglomerate. All in all, not a bad review for a first novel. I have been fortunate to obtain a copy of Lyonnesse and will comment again after I have had the opportunity to read it.
Ha ha ha, “evidence of developing taste!” Oh dear. And I never can understand what is wrong with sentimental? I love sentimental.
My copy of Lyonnesse arrived on Wednesday. What a disappointment. No back cover, no dust jacket, 18 pages missing +, and the seller said “all sales final sorry”. Lesson learned the hard way. I did read what was there. The reviewer was correct I think. It was very good in places and slowed to a crawl in others. I really cannot comment further as there was too much wrong with the book to get the full benefit of her intentions. I hope I have better luck with the others I have ordered. I bought a short story she wrote entitled “Mousetrap”. It should be here next week. I can hardly wait. It got very good reviews.
I agree Susan. I love sentimental too. Also nostalgia. Its probably one of the reasons why Gladys’ writing appeals to me. How many of her books have you read? Did you think they were all good? Did she imporve with age or did her writings simply change with the times?
I love Gladys Taber! I have yet to find anyone else in my area who even knows who she is (including bookstores). So happy to know she has a fan club; and presently surprised to see who started it for her. I am always looking at thrift stores and estate sales for her books. I have been known to scream (high pitched and happy!) when I happen to find one of her books. I also collect Celestine Sibley who worked for the Atlanta newspaper and writes similar to Ms. Taber. Also loved to read about Tasha Tudor (herself). But Gladys Taber is my favorite. You can pick up her books and start at any page in the book and in a few pages know what is going on. I love her outlook on the current happenings in her book; it take me back to remember the time period in my life (during the 60’s mostly). I used to read “Butternut Wisdom” and it was in one of those stories where I read she had books published. This started a search which has lasted since the early 80’s until now. So happy to see this site!
Happy to have you here Janet! Kindred spirits! In some ways Gladys is still our own little secret.
I discovered Gladys Taber through you, Susan. I love her and her writing so much. Just finished “Especially Father,” which made me laugh out loud a few times. Her Dad was certainly a man of the time. Made me miffed now and then, but that’s the way life was. Enjoyed reading this book immensely! Thank you so much for introducing me to this lovely lady!
It’s my very great pleasure to do that, I love her and hope more people know her. I loved Especially Father too, and I’ve heard that was her favorite.
Susan – I’ve only recently become aware of Gladys and am eagerly awaiting my first copy of one of her books. I’ve read quotes from it online and they are magic. Some friends from my online Christmas forum mentioned her and it only took a little checking her out on the web to tell this was a kindred spirit waiting to be discovered!
The funniest thing though, is that I immediately thought of you and your books and shared that information with the girls online. Some hadn’t heard of you and were thrilled to discover another one of “us” as they put it
Then today I find this page on your blog! Love it!
All connected! Isn’t that wonderful! xoxo Thank you Jaime!
I am 73. As soon as I was old enough to read and understand it, I would faithfully follow Gladys Taber’s column “Diary of Domesticity” in my mother’s Ladies Home Journal magazines. I think I was 16 when that column was discontinued. About 20 years ago, my sister gave me a copy of “Stillmeadow Road” that she bought in the vintage section of the annual Oklahoma City Metropolitan Library book sale. I was once again enthralled and managed to acquire a collection of her works over the Internet. My bookshelf of Gladys Taber looks a bit like yours. She is one of the few authors I read and reread. I have gifted my three granddaughters with copies of Stillmeadow Road (still my favorite), with an inscription from me inside telling them what joy and peace I have found in her books. Five years ago, when my husband came home from the hospital after open heart surgery for 5 bypasses, his anxiety level was high and he couldn’t sleep. He would lie with his head on my shoulder at night while I read from Stillmeadow Road to him. It would relax him so that he could fall asleep. Now he loves her books too. Gladys Taber will always have a special shelf in our house and in our hearts. And now that I have found your website, I feel a thrill of anticipation at discovering all that you have to offer. Should I start by buying your latest work or begin at the beginning?
That is the sweetest picture you painted of reading to your husband. Lovely Sherry, thank you. Most of my books are cookbooks, so you can really start anywhere. But the last two are diaries. One of them, A Fine Romance (came out in 2013) is about a voyage we took on the Queen Mary 2, and then a two month ramble through rural England (including the homes of Beatrix Potter and Jane Austen), and the other is part-one of a two-part memoir just just came out called The Fairy Tale Girl (part two is coming in 12016). The two memoirs are actually prequels to A Fine Romance, but I wrote AFR first, and you can definitely read it first if you like.
I love cookbooks, England, Jane Austen, Beatrix Potter, and memoirs. I feel like I do when my daughter brings me the traditional box of Stover’s chocolates on Valentine’s Day. Where to start? Mmmm — I think I’ll pick A Fine Romance.
Yes, something with a few nuts in it!