Schedule An Event With Susan
ach year Susan is available to do a few book signings, trunk shows and/or speaking events at bookstores, quilt guilds, church groups, wherever women gather and want to laugh, be inspired, ask questions, and connect. These dates fill up fast, usually planned a year in advance; if you’re interested, please make arrangements with us at Susan Branch Studios by calling 805-474-1052. These COMING EVENTS will always be posted on Susan’s Facebook page FOSB. Part of the proceeds from Susan’s speaking engagements are donated to charity: Susan G. Komen for the Cure (Breast Cancer), The Global Fund for Women, or Casa Pacifica.
f you are interested in featuring Susan in a magazine or newspaper article, interview her for your blog, or would like to have her write for you, or for other professional purposes; call 805-474-1052 or send us an email.
Art and Content for is protected by registered copyrights. Please ask before using.
I am looking for Susan Branch fabrics to use in a quilt–where may I find them?
Pam Betz
I wish I knew what quilt fabric store to send you to, have you checked at your local store? We do carry some fabric in our web store for people who can’t find it anywhere else …. just click on shopping and look at the list on the left, click on Love to Sew.
for 2024 I am looking to purchase DAYS FROM THE HEART OF THE HOME? I see it nowhere? not here or amazon?
No longer in print I’m sorry to say!
Quite a number of years ago I purchased several yards of Martha’s Vineyard Watercolor fabric. I was wondering what type of quilt or
home dec items you envisioned when you designed it. I don’t have the heart
to cut into it without a plan of some sort.
Thank You,
Leah Groenwald
Glasgow Kentucky
Is it the one with all the Martha’s Vineyard buildings on it? With the lighthouse and the bandstand and the ferry boat?
Hi Susan, I love your books…especially Baby Love. I have it for all my kids and often give it as a shower gift. It is the best way to record all I want my baby to know about the early days and for me to remember I have such a hard time finding it at bookstores lately, do you know why? It is amazing and every store should carry it. I would like to order it from your store (I am pregnant with our third baby), but shipping is so expensive. Do you have any coupon codes you could share? Thanks! Melissa
If you ever do a Midwest tour – I’d love to have you come to our country tearoom…it would be a special treat! I have loved your work since the 1980’s…as a young mom in the late 80’s/90’s your books always offered me comfort…they were my day-dream books – as reality was, diapers and feedings, etc…(SMILES). Kiddos are 22, 19, 17 and 10 now…
I am LOVING your English posts – we think our farm is a “bit of England!”
I would love to have your recipe for marshmallows. Where can I find?
It’s HERE . . .
Hi Susan any chance you will be in southern California soon?
Not until I’m done with the book. Then, yes, out to see my mummy!
Hi Sue,
Any chance you will EVER come to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area? It’s kind of on the way to and from California!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, I loved the video of Susan Boyle at her audition for “Britain’s Got
Talent”. I have seen it many times and it always brings tears to my eyes.
Enjoy the day!
Please come to Northern California! We have many great quilt shops you could have book signings in. The River City Quilt Guild has a Quilt show in November that is really great! OR, I will host an AMAZING event in my home in Elk Grove, CA – I would so love to see and meet you!
We were invited to a bookstore in Danville … are you near there Belinda?
I am happy to see I have a kindred spirit in Elk Grove…..Perhaps we will meet one day!
I’d LOVE to see you do a book signing in the Portland, Oregon area. Then you could visit Bob’s Red Mill in person TOOOOOO!
I would love that!
Yes, agree with the others above. Please come to Southern California – Vromans perhaps. If you would like to a special event here, I could pull together a wonderful event. I did a very successful event earlier this year for Katrina Kenison, author of Magical Journey and The Gift of an Ordinary Day. Books you would love if you haven’t read them already. Let me know. I would love to organize.
Vromans is pretty much a sure thing, Tracy, we’re just working on the date! Thank you for the lovely offer … I’m up for pretty much anything, but our time (as organizers) is a little bit limited these days.
Will you be coming near Birmingham, AL? I am new to your books, etc. and have several, sending them as gifts, etc. I am completely charmed! Thank you so very much.
I’m not sure yet Dotty, but we will try. So happy to meet you!
I would love for you to come the Dallas/Fort Worth area!! I am a huge fan!!
Interested in details of scheduling a visit for book signing, etc. for 2014 … a full moon would be especially fun! We are located east of Nashville, TN! Thanks…
Dear Susan,
I put in a request to Karen the mgr at our Eugene OR Barnes and Noble store to speak with corporate and see about coordinating a book signing here so hope it works out. Of course you would want to have other book signings while you are here in our beautiful state. Any chance your staff can work something out for a tour here in Oregon? I would be happy to coordinate any connections here as I have been in sales for a number of years and have a good network of contacts. I am a new convert to your books and site so anxious to meet you and get you here!! Karen Riley
Thank you Karen! How nice of you to do that. It’s possible, we’ll see if they contact us. Thank you again! Means everything when they hear from actual customers.
My e address are the names of my two cats!
That Jack is something else!
I am inviting you to come to lovely Austin, Texas to speak at the Newcomers group which meets at the historic Green Pastures home and restaurant. Will you please look up Green Pastures with its peacocks and gazebo? So charming. We meet one Wednesday a month for program and yummy luncheon.
Also my friend wants to receive your blog, but I can’t find where she signs up.
You should be hearing from Kellee about where to sign up . . . I’m not even sure! Thank you for the invitation! Think about me when you hear about the new book coming out . . . I’ve wanted to go to Texas again for a long time, thank you! It sounds so fun!
I see others have invited you to the Dallas ft. Worth area and I invited you to Austin.
You can easily combine them. Come see the wildflowers in Austin and surrounding hill country in the spring . You will fall in love with the historic German town and houses of fredericksbug , an hour and 40 minutes from Austin, so save time. There are many books showing the homes.
I would love to! Thank you Jan!
Hi Susan,
I feel that we share so much in on the Vineyard, love for cats, rabbits and all things furry, knitting, gardening, AND we’re the same age! I’m a retired elementary school teacher who had furry pets in her classroom( back in the day). I work at Sage Yarns in North Falmouth. We would LOVE to have you visit our store. It would be a special event for us.
How fun, I should do that. I will write it down, hopefully we will get a chance to stop in.
My sister in law gave me “A Fine Romance” as a holiday gift a few years ago and I was instantly charmed. A few months later my Mother, now age 91 and still very sharp, discovered the book on my coffee table and was completely smitten. “Someone wrote a book about my daughter” she said, (We share an affection for kitties and cottage gardens). Since then we’ve awaited and relished your second and third memoirs. What a treat! Many of my Mom’s friends have shared your books with each other.
I fell in love with my husband on Martha’s Vineyard in 1975 and have wonderful memories of family vacations through the years. I still remember the old Humphreys bakery and the bouquets of iris and poppies for sale in old coffee cans next door. Thank you so much for filling us with beauty, humor, hope and positivity.
Yes, the honor system. Was wonderful.
My friends and I were trying to sign up for your event at the Duxbury Senior Center, and we got the following notice:
“Registration has been halted because the webinar is full. Please check back later in case it reopens.”
Is there any way they can open it up for more of us longing to see you again, to attend?
I’m so sorry, I would love to have that ability, but this event is put on by the Duxbury Senior Center and they hold all the keys. Check back this morning, maybe something has changed. Our event is at 1 pm today, I do think it’s closed, BUT, I am doing more of them, and will put times and dates on the blog very soon.
Hello – the link on your website to the shopping area does not load. Will it be fixed soon? And, will there be another chance to purchase the QE2 mug?
Thank you!
It should be fixed, but if you still have a problem, try refreshing. Let me know!!