Willard Sign Up


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Willard is free, it goes out about once a month,
it will come to you in an email.
(Be sure your computer won’t think it’s spam.)


heart ………….heart ………….heart

“I don’t want to be rich, I just want to be wonderful.”Marilyn Monroe
Everything, we think, within reason…..Susan has spent many hours creating her beautiful blog along with her “WILLARD” newsletters to surprise her “Girlfriends” over the years. If you have found them to be of value, and if it tickles your fancy, please consider supporting her time with a donation of your choosing: anything between the cost of a glass of wine or a good dinner! And don’t even think about this if it puts the slightest crimp in your wallet as she will love you forever no matter what happens. ♥

heart ………….heart ………….heart



I would like you to meet my grandfather, Willard Smith. When I was around eleven, and in full letter-writing mode, I sent a letter to his house in Sioux City, Iowa. I had fallen in love with “the olden days” and so I wrote to ask him for pictures of when he was young. He sent me lots of photos including this one of him in his pilot goggles.

As far back as I can remember, my grandfather wrote long newsy letters at Christmas and sent them to everyone he knew; a year in his life more or less. My mom would bring the letter to the dinner table and read it to all of us. He was the first person our family ever saw do this. We thought he invented it.

One day, someone else sent us this same kind of letter, my mom brought it to the table to read; my brother Stephen, who was then about twelve, put two and two together, piped up and said, “Oh! It’s a Willard!” Of course this sent all of us into hysteria, we thought he was so brilliant and brave. Brave because we didn’t usually call Grandpa by his first name for one thing, it was normally frowned on. But my parents were laughing too, this was a good one. So when it was time to give my newsletter a name, my choice was obvious. “It’s a Willard!” I thought you’d like to see a picture of “Our Founder.” He also sent me this photo of his smoking dog Jack. (Don’t think for a moment I agree with this, I cringe a little when I see it now, but it was of its time.) Of course we kids loved it. Willard was our hero, he was the bee’s knees. Liked pork chop gravy on his chocolate cake. A legend in his own time.

Art and Content for Susanbranch.com is protected by registered copyrights. Please ask before using.

1,061 Responses to Willard Sign Up

  1. Joyce Archibald says:

    I absolutely love all your books, quotations and innovative ideas. You are the person I want to be. You reflect all the things I always dream of being and doing. I am so glad I found you and I continue to share all your books, calendars and (of course) recipes with my friends and relatives. I live on Cape Cod in a homey cottage overlooking a beautiful pond. Thank you for your inspiration and being my girlfriend!

  2. Jeanne Govert says:

    I wish you would design a desk calendar book. One with a spiral edge so the book would lay flat and you could see the whole week in front of you.

    • sbranch says:

      I had one of those for years called Days … maybe we still have them, check on my web store or write to Sheri@

      • Prue Ronneberg says:

        I still have every Days calendar book I wrote in for many many years… in fact, I think i brought them to you at a book signing. 🙂 and you signed it. A wonderful day for me – and my daughter who was delighted to meet you! Love you, Susan. Xoxo

  3. Jacqueline Murrell says:

    Susan, I was staying in a little Welsh village this summer. On one of my walks I passed a cottage. The sidewalk went right beside the resident’s kitchen window. On the window ledge I spied an Emma Bridgewater teapot! (I thought of you. I was introduced to her china in your book A Fine Romance.) As I stood admiring it, she came out. I was afraid she thought I was spying on her! I told her I was admiring her Emma Bridgewater teapot. She said she collected Emma’s cups, etc. She actually invited me in for a cup of tea!! I declined. But as I think back I wish I had accepted her invitation!!

  4. Ruth Thomas says:

    Have loved Willard since the beginning. You inspire and comfort us girlfriends. Saving up to buy some cups. All set with my 2018 calenders. Also now have a penpal through your blog. Just love all that you do.

  5. Norma says:

    I wish you would design an address book. Please?

    • sbranch says:

      I think I’ve done three so far . . . check my web store, there may still be one . . . I’ve started using one of them for keeping my passwords in, along with my credit card and bank account numbers, and business contacts ~ very handy!

  6. Karen L says:

    Hi Susan, Your snowstorm photos are wonderful!! Even at age 72, I still make at least one snow angel every winter here in the suburbs of Chicago. Retirement has given me the freedom to enjoy Autumn and Winter (favorite seasons) and each year they are more and more precious. I’ve enjoyed your books for years but just found the blog. Thanks for the peek into your wonderful world! Karen

  7. Vicki Whitsitt says:

    Hi Susan:

    I have been a fan of all things Susan Branch since I bought your first Heart of the Home book in the early 1990’s. I kept it by my bed and read it like a book, enjoying everything about it – including the recipes LOL! I can relate to a lot of things about you, including being the oldest of a large family (9 kids). I spent my teen years in California, then moved to Alaska where I raised my kids and enjoyed life in a wonderful small town. About 20 years ago I moved to back to California and got busy with work, grandkids and school (I am a late bloomer, haha) and kinda stopped taking time to relax and focus on personal interests. So now I am retired and am taking care of my 96 year old dad – and I have found your blog and am rediscovering why I am such a fan. Love, love, love the blog and reading past Willards 🙂 Your illustrations, quotes, recipes, discussions and general outlook on life are uplifting and inspiring – reminding me to focus on what I love most – family, friends, home and my blessings. Thank you!!!

    • sbranch says:

      Love hearing from you Vicki! Thank you for saying hello. Blessings on you and your dad! xoxo

      • Barbara J Brown says:

        I preordered 2 “Distilled Genius” books on April 5 and have not received them. They were on a Visa with name Barbara J. Brown. I live at 8566 Larkhall Circle Unit 805A, Huntington Beach, Ca. 92646. Can someone please check this order and let me know at email address :
        bobbi2brown@gmail.com. Thank you so much…can not wait to read it. I have every other book you’ve done and treasure them.

  8. Donna Snyder says:

    Thank you!

  9. Donna Snyder says:

    Please send me your newsletters

  10. julie says:

    Hi friend
    what a beautiful autumn day here in Utah, i can feel and smell everything you write about , thank you for for sharing your adorable life with us,

  11. Jane says:

    I love, love, love all your items. Years Ago I purchased “Monthly” stickers, I still have a few of them but have used up some of the months. Are these still available? They are so much fun to use for special events. I enjoy the Willard’s letters too – now I know the “rest of the story”. Thank you for all the pleasures you give us.

  12. Linda Foster says:

    Oh how I miss my “Willard’s” in the mail. Love your writing & musings & free stickers!! 🙂 Any chance of Willard by snail mail again?!!? 🙂 Thank you!

  13. Elaine Woodford says:

    I love, love, love everything you write and draw! Thank you for putting happiness in my heart!!!

  14. Haven’t read anything from Willard in awhile – It is so cozy and makes me love life and many thanks to you for that.

  15. Colleen Rc Harris says:

    I’m attempting to pre- order the “Just Living” teapot plate. And it’s not allowing me to do so.
    What can I do to pre order it?

    Thank you so much,

  16. Mary Frances Ellis says:

    Such fun to read your wonderful blog and shop for unique gifts 🎁

  17. Mary Thompson Darr says:

    Thank you for inspiration and love!!

  18. Debbi Cutugno says:

    Can’t wait to work on a cross-stitch project of yours! I love love your pictures and stories! Just beautiful!!!
    Happy Fall!! 🍂🍁🍂🍁

  19. julia walker says:

    Dear Susan, I just read the story about your g-father & loved it(as I love everything you share about your life)! I am not able to travel afar anymore and appreciate your trips so very much. For many years I’d visit my sister/husband on Cuttyhunk Island & could see the Vineyard from an upstairs window. Have you been to CH? I think it the best spot in the world next to my hometown in Va. Take care now. Lovingly, Julia

  20. Linda Wagener says:

    Kept waiting for the latest Willard and suddenly realized you didnt know my old email account was hacked. I have every Willard and will be very disappointed if I have a gap in the “collection”. If possible, please send latest Willard to my new email address.

    A house is for sale next door – wish you could move in.☺

  21. Karen Lewis says:

    How comforting to share tea time with a friend using Susan Branch charming tea cups… It would be dreamy like Susan Branch being present at the tea party!

    What a sweet dream to win!

  22. Cindy Garland says:

    wow!! I think you took after your grandfather with his adorable sense of humor and creative writing abilities. I thought Willard was a cat or something until now!! ALSO, wanted to let you know we must surely be related as my maiden name was the same as your grandfather’s last name (from Wisconsin)!! So maybe I have some of your grandfather Willard’s genes!! Thanks for sharing Willard.

  23. Carrie Gram says:

    Looking for the Bluebird Tea Mug for my Mom for Christmas but I don’t see it any longer to purchase. Please don’t tell me they are no longer available, we’re big fans and she asked me if I would get if for her as she is a big fan of yours and so am I!
    Hope there is a chance to get it for her!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so sorry, Carrie. The cups are truly, as they say, limited edition. And, yes, I’m sorry, the bluebirds are gone. The manufacturers require a very large (and expensive) minimum order, so I try to make sure everyone who wants one, gets one, by putting them up for preorder. I order extra, but I never know how many, and sooner or later, they are all gone (and to order again would mean we’d have to meet that huge order minimum, which we really can’t do since practically everyone has one by then, if you see what I mean). I’m so sorry. I think they will be the antique-store finds of the future. We have others, and new ones on the way…

  24. Marcy says:

    I’m so sad. I knew it might come to this. I have eighteen green diaries on my bookshelf over my desk. Eighteen years of my life. Last year I had trouble finding a “Book of Days” and this year there won’t be another. The only copies I can find are either used copies on Amazon marketplace or new copies for over $40.00. I’ve bought one for me and one for my sister every year. I can’t believe it’s discontinued!

    • sbranch says:

      It’s been discontinued for years actually . . . harder and harder to find all the time. Ask Sheri@ … we reprinted it once, and maybe we have one or two left. It’s a different cover, but the inside is the same as the green leafy one. Hope so!

      • Marcy says:

        Thank you!

        • gena-marie says:

          Hi Marcy;
          I find SB books and stationery, including Day Books, at Goodwill and Savers stores in new with tags, unused condition all the time. Heaven knows what kind of person on earth would cast out such a thing! I rescue them all the time and pass them on to friends who don’t have them and to new friends who don’t have any but want to read mine. I won’t loan books anymore but I will happily pass on my love for them!

  25. Mikel Wagner says:

    I love that picture of your Grandpa. Very swashbuckling! Where did he fly? My Grandpa was a pilot, too. He flew the “Hump” during World War II. You inspire me to pull out some of my family pictures and look at them with my kids 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t know much about his flying . . . he may have just liked the hat! He was too young for the first war, and too old for the second, and I think most of his flying took place over his home state of Iowa. He was a character, love having these old photos.

  26. Sandy KN says:

    Oh, Susan, I do so enjoy your posts! I’ve only discovered your blog very recently. I love that you never fail to bring a smile to my face and gladness to my heart. Thank you so much for sharing your sense of wonder, and magic, with us!!

  27. Collette says:

    ❤️ Love finding out the reason for the Willard name! What a splendid story!

  28. Karen Baron says:

    What an adorable story!! I am looking forward to receiving my Willard soon!🤗❤️

  29. Lynn Hamman 🌻 says:

    Good morning, I need to remove an email address for the Willard it’s my work, they keep blocking it. Lynann.hamman @Ascension.org

    • sbranch says:

      Lynn, I don’t have control over that … can you access the Willard…because if so, scroll to the very bottom and there’s a link to can click that will easily take you off the list.

  30. Peggy says:

    Hello Susan…two inquiries….Have you an itinerary for England? We are there in April and wondering if you are having any book signings there? Also, in the Yankee Magazine it talks about a breakfast book, “Pancakes”…is that something for the future? Just curious…and hopeful.


    • sbranch says:

      Yes, It’s about half done, but suddenly I got wanderlust and Pancakes waits for me to recover! The only “signing” I’ll be doing is in May, I’m sorry to say … not a signing where books are sold, btw, but if people should bring them to the Picnic, I’ll be happy to sign!

  31. mya says:

    Good Morning!

    I’m in search of your heart mug. Are they still available?

  32. been a loyal follower for years and years…have your books inc cookbooks,LOVE ABSOLUTELY EVERTHING U DO. I get sooooooo thrilled when I see Willard show!!!!!! YOU are responsible for so much magic in my life and the life of others.JUST wanting u to know how much joy u bring…thank u again and again.

  33. Dear Susan,

    What wonderful delights you bring !

    I have been adoring your drawings, writings, and quotes of encouragement and reflection ever since my youngest son was born. He is now 30 — is that possible?

    In the 1990’s we opened a little gift shop in Marblehead, Ohio on Lake Erie – And of course we just had to feature all your artful and inspiring books, stickers, scrapbook embellishments, calendars, teapots etc.

    Now after 42 years of teaching, my husband and I have retired so we took this wonderful time in our lives to open a very wee shop in Cleveland, Ohio at The Arcade built in 1890 — so we are still on the North Coast ! It is called Daydreams & Tea – Through the Looking Glass. We are pleased to know that you have such a following — so many of our sweet customers get very excited to see our selection of your mugs, artwork, and books ! They adore how you take them back down memory lane and now through your lovely novels they can travel vicariously to California, Martha’s Vineyard and England ! A Fine Romance – Falling in Love with the English Countryside — is my all time favorite !

    So happy to be offering your treasures to fans old and new. The Girl Friends Teacup, Love, Martha’s Vineyard and Castle Cottage mugs are absolutely marvelous ! We can’t wait to receive the latest mugs. The fine bone china from England feels so fine on one’s lips while sipping tea ! A delight for all the senses.

    With gratitude and admiration,

    Jennifer Cauffield
    Daydreams & Tea
    Through the Looking Glass
    Cleveland, Ohio

    • sbranch says:

      Are you new Jennifer? I need to put you on our list if you are, so I can tell the people in Ohio where they can find things!

  34. Sammie McLallen Travis says:

    I sent one yesterday, but , again, thank you for such a special sharing. You make my days so special! My great-greats came from Scotland, Ireland, wales, and a wee bit from Amish in
    Ohio. The stories they shared with me sound like your discoveries. Thank you for aiding my finding out more about from whence I have come.

  35. Sherry says:

    Hi Susan! I am reading your book, “The Fairy Tale Life”” and It just gave me the biggest laugh I’ve had in a long time! When you talk about the Bomb Shelter (how I remember those days. Anyway, you talk about your family’s secret language Arf and Arfy and what your Mom said to your Dad, “Darfont tarfalk arfabarfout tharfis arfin frafont arfov tharfa karfid”, I cracked up! My family did not have our own language but one of my girlfriends and I did.I relate to so many things in this book! I’m sure you hear this a lot, but I feel like you are a best friend and I grew up with you. It was so much fun growing up in that era. I was very naive too, but that’s ok. I love taking care of my home too and don’t like apologizing for it. Thanks for the memories!

  36. Kim says:

    OOPS! I put the wrong state when I signed up for the newsletter!

  37. Joan Haggerty says:

    You are such sunshine to all of us, I love everything you say & do, keep your wonderful energy, walks with Joe who we love & Jack posing all around his favorite places in the drawer. Love you music also 🍮Cheers & safe travels .. 🍷

  38. Rita Wandro says:

    Hi Susan,
    My husband gave me your 2018 calendar. He said, “I know you would like it because it’s from your favorite author”. He knows me well.
    Enjoy your vacations. I can see you are loving it.

  39. Marilyn Young says:

    Thanks to Willard, many memories have flooded back from the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60,s and up to today. Great stories!

  40. Yvonne from Munroe Falls Ohio says:

    Hey Susan my daughter ordered my Jack mug yesterday Jack with the books I’m real exmited hope I never break . It was a bit pricey.Most expensive cup since I bought one from the Phantom of the Opera LoLenjoy your blogs can’t wait to follow you on your trip

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, I’m sorry, I would love to have them be less expensive, but they come so far and through customs and all that, ends up costing too much! But at least we have them. Happy to have you along on our trip, we’re going to have fun!

  41. Sherry Case says:

    Hi Susan. I just finished reading The Fairy Tale Girl. What a wonderful book. I’m close to your age and your book brought back so many of my own memories of growing up in the 50’s and 60’s. I especially enjoyed your final chapters about your childhood and meeting the Beatles! They were in Cincinnati the same August you were fortunate enough to meet them in California. I got as close as the backdoor of their limo as they left the arena after the concert. What a hoot 😄. Silly teen years. I have also read a Fine Romance and Your Martha’s Vineyard books and enjoyed them immensely. Your writing style and artwork blend to create books that are treasures to read and keep. Thank you. Safe travels this spring. Sherry

  42. Karen A. Joyce says:

    Dear Susan, I’ve used your Address Books for years but my last one is falling apart. Do you still carry them? I need a new one. I’m one of the old fashioned folks who still have an address book. Don’t always have numbers in my phone. Please say you still print it. Thank you. Hope to buy one. Karen

    • sbranch says:

      Ask sheri@ if she still has any . . . and btw, Sheri and Kellee leave in a week to join us in the Lake District for a week, so just in cases she doesn’t get back to you, that would be why!

  43. Constance Adamkiewicz says:

    Hello, I ordered a mug, Spring design, and have not received it. Please let me know if/ when, I will receive it Thank you..

  44. Betty Millican says:

    A friend told me about your book A Fine Romance and on a chance that I would find it interesting I ordered it. Fell in love with reading about your travels and loved the pictures. I ordered 4 more books to give to friends as a gift. We visited England in May of 2017 and I fell in love with everything about it. I am 70, but pray that I will get a chance to visit again! I told my daughter about the cup that you have as well as the notecards and she went online and bought them for me for Mother’s Day. I cried when I opened the gifts because it reminded me of the joy of reading about England. I enjoy the many things that you have posted on your website. Today I read about the full moon and saw your pictures. We traveled to MV a number of years ago and I have happy memories of our stay. I certainly would love to go back even in winter. Thank you for the many things that you share. It is a joy to read!

  45. Mary Peterson says:

    I received the box of assorted greeting cards but most of them do not apply to my needs. I really would like to have had a lot of birthday cards ie. with the cake and a few get well and a couple of actual sympathy cards. The others will probably not be used. Can there be an exchange of the cards for just birthday cards.
    I enjoy them all but just want the kind I will be sending out.
    Thank you in advance.

  46. Annie Roupe says:

    Hi, This is all new to me. I am a doll collector and gave a program to my club on Beatrix Potter. One of our younger members brought her collection of Beatrix Potter figurines. On the ride home she told me about your love of everything Beatrix and turned me on to your web site. So, here I am! I have been a fan of your artwork, but never knew about ALL the other things you do. Retired for two years now, I was searching for a new passion and I found it with you and Beatrix Potter! Thanks for your art and words.

    • sbranch says:

      Welcome Kate, nice to see you here. Lots of kindred spirits here to welcome you. The more you find out about the life of Beatrix Potter, the more you will love her! Thank you, and say hello to your car mate for me! xoxo

  47. Kristin Ward says:

    Hello! I have had your cookbooks and calendars for years – Vineyard Seasons was my first cookbook I received as a wedding gift and we are celebrating our 25th anniversary! We just spent an amazing day on Martha’s Vineyard last weekend and fell in love, and this morning I have just discovered your website and your Facebook page! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity and yourself with all of us- you give the gift of happiness to me and to so many…

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Kristin … nice to hear from you! I’m so glad you enjoyed our beautiful island ~ Happy Anniversary!

  48. Kristin Ward says:

    I forgot to share that we just discovered Martha’s Vineyard last weekend for the first time, and we are about to discover England for the first time this October! My husband and I are both musicians and college teachers, and we will be going to London, Oxford, Bristol, and Gloustershire to work with a composer and we can’t wait! I will be reading A Fine Romance as well as your blog posts to get ready for our trip:)

    • sbranch says:

      Oh you are going to love it over there! The island is like a mini-bite of England ~ you’re going to such wonderful places!

  49. Robbin Gibson says:

    Hi Susan, I have to keep signing up for yourWillard newsletter because it stops coming. Could you please send me as many of the copies of Willards as fyou can. I got one once in a while but not for a long time 😳😳😳. My dads name was Willard. My daughter bought me all three of your new novels. I read them all. They are amazing!!! I have tons of everything you sell! When a Willard letter comes… It is like a breath of fresh air and makes my day!!!’ Thank you Susan!!! Very much !!!

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve been away this year since March 4, so there haven’t been any . . . but you can sign up to receive blog updates on that link I gave you in the post. I’ll write a Willard soon! xoxo

  50. Janice Erickson says:

    Dear Susan, read your three books and was enchanted! They are so much here and there the story of we girls becoming women. How do we hold on to the “specialness” and wonder of our youth as we mature. I am always surprised how I have to remember to still believe in making everything special no matter how little it may be starting with our families and including all around us. Make everything beautiful you and they are worth it. You and your writings remind us this, so glad your there!

  51. Timber says:

    Hi Susan! I love your book The Fairy Tale Girl, and reading about growing up in the 50’s and 60’s! I used to live near Manchester England for 5 1/2 years and loved going to London to visit! Take care, Sincerely Timber.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Timber!

      • Timber says:

        You’re welcome Susan! I started a Butterfly Garden, do you have any favorite flowers that you would recommend?

        • sbranch says:

          They love butterfly weed, daisies, butterfly bush… we have all of those, plus asters, lantana and phlox … have fun Timber!

          The butterfly is a flying flower,
          The flower a tethered butterfly.
          ~Ponce Denis Écouchard Lebrun

          • Timber says:

            Thank you Susan for the flower faves, I’ll add the ones I don’t have to my Garden! Thank you for the lovely poem, I love poetry😀 Timber.

  52. Cindy Huk says:

    Happy Autumn Susan! It’s finally arrived here in my little town in CT, Windows & doors open, warm winter curtains on the time waiting for their turn, let the soups begin. I turn back to your past October blogs when this happens, they complete my fall spirit. Thank you for the happiness you’ve brought to so many of us, I’ve been with you since your first book and still enjoy every page.

  53. Carolyn Wood says:

    My husband and I share the same feelings about the Emerald Isle. We have spent extensive time there over the years principally by doing home exchanges in latter years. By starting in 1973, we saw England before tourism became its chief money maker. It was then also recuperating from rationing so we witnessed changes. We are life members of the Nat’l Trust and actually spent many, many hols around its properties. We were introduced to you this Xmas having received your “Fine Romance” whereby reliving much of many many months in Merrie Ole. Thank you so much.

  54. Rena DENISON-TERRYRe says:

    Dear Susan, I have been wanting to write to you for more than 28 years, I truly can’t tell you how much you’ve changed my life.
    My mother brought me your Christmas book many years ago and by the time I was on the second page I was hooked and knew I wanted to be a watercolor artist but had no idea if I could even draw a stick figure, that same year I was very low on money but having a big Italian family I had to do something, so I went to Target and bought about 25 tee shirts and sweat shirts and painted my version of some of the things I saw in your book and it was a smashing success and I’ve been painting ever since.
    I’m now an artist all thanks to you, I own every single thing you’ve ever published or at least all that I know about, sometimes I pretend that you’re sitting at my art table having a cup of tea encouraging me to keep going, (I hope that doesn’t sound weird)I’m just so grateful.
    Thank you Thank you….. Rena Denison-Terry ❤ renadenison@gmail.com

    • sbranch says:

      How sweet Rena, thank you so very much, you have just made my day! I love to think that people “try” because you just never know, and it can be so wonderful! Blessings on you and yours for a wonderful 2019!

  55. Sharon in the Sandhills of South Carolina says:

    Please do not delete the old Willards! I still go back and read them from time to time. I love them!

  56. Prue Ronneberg says:

    I welcome the latest “Willard” into our home! It is always fun to read, ponder, learn, and share. Kindred spirits find their way to one another, don’t we? I found the most wonderful pair of gloves today. Soft and comfortable, with 3 buttons at the wrist. They perfectly match my warm, fluffy vest. A thing that would seem so insignificant…and yet, warm hands, warm heart. That’s how I feel about “Willard”. Warm hearts look to one another to share good news and cheerful ideas. Thank you so much!!!

  57. Martha Stepnowski says:

    Oh, to have missed that moment! Please invite me!

  58. Julie says:

    In light of early Christmas shopping, is there any chance your beautiful cups will be produced again?

  59. Aleeta says:

    I couldn’t find the Summer Book for Fresh Fish Taco recipes…

  60. Carol says:

    Susan, Will you have more of your tea mugs soon?

    • sbranch says:

      YES! In fact I just received the samples from England for color-approval for 2 new designs and one old one … they look wonderful! so I’m putting them up for presale very soon! Drinking out of one of them right now!

  61. Mary Frank says:

    I have been searching the world over for your monthly magnetic lists. I bought them in Barnes & Noble years ago and gave them as gifts to myself, my family and anyone who was moving out for the first time They were the most beautiful lists and of course were functional too!
    Are they available anymore, anywhere? And if I may be so bold -would you consider creating them again? No matter where I look nothing compares. Just a thought.

    • sbranch says:

      I’d love to … I’m hoping that the people I license my art to will want to make more of them! I keep asking! xoxo

  62. Ellen Downing says:

    Hello Susan,
    This is the 3rd time I have tried to “reup” to your email blog. In July when things went awry, I canceled the signup and then tried to rejoin, but nothing worked…the forbidden message appeared. Since then, I thought I had successfully subscribed, but I still am not receiving your newsletter in my mailbox, sigh…so I just signed up again. I have been going to the website to read, but miss seeing your name in my mailbox. Hope this works!

  63. Karen says:

    I love your monthly notepads! Will you produce more?

  64. Alice Genzlinger says:

    My 83 year old sister saw a snowman door stop in one of your store years ago and she wants so badly to be able to find one . Do you still have one or know how to get one of yours? I would love to get it for her Christmas gift . Thanks
    I just found and bought your calendar for 2022 snd am excited to sign up for your blog and need letter .

    • sbranch says:

      I remember that! But no… that was an antique, more or less one of a kind, and I don’t have it here. Something to watch for!

  65. Lynne Tharan says:

    Will you be making a 2022 bookmark of the full moons? I gift them each year to dear friends and my sisters, but I have not seen one yet this year.

  66. Jane A. Hambly says:

    Many of the mug designs have been discontinued! Will we look forward to new ones this year?

  67. sonya says:

    I was wondering if there is a place to print out pictures of yours to color or do you have a coloring book

  68. Mack says:

    I just broke my wife’s favorite cup (Item #: SBW10068 Winter Cup). I must replace it somehow. She will be heartbroken. Please tell me that there is a way to get a new one. Price is no object

  69. Susannah Joyce says:


    I love your products and buy your calendars every year. I am especially fond of the Day Book you used to sell: Days From the Heart of the Home, and actually use it as a daily gratitude journal. I wondered if you ever consider printing and selling it again since it isn’t dated and is so beautful?. Of course I am not aware of how sales were when you removed it from your products but I would so love to be able to purchase it again and have to believe there are others who would also treasure a copy. Warm wishes, Susannah

    • sbranch says:

      We didn’t really remove it, we just sold out of it. Printing books is sooo expensive, and when they are a reprint of an old book, so many already have it, it naturally doesn’t have the reception as a new book does. So we sort of save our money for that. We have done a couple, and I hope we can do more in the future! Days is one of my favorite books, I promise to try! Thank you for the kind words Susannah!💝


    Hi Susan,
    I was on your site the other day and saw a printable perpetual calendar. Someone had inquired on your blog about it and then I clicked on something and it popped up. It is exactly what I’m looking for, but now I can’t find it! Can you direct me to someone who might be able to help? Thank you! Your products have brought smiles to my face for years! You are so blessed to get to do what you love and be a blessing to others in the process!

  71. Patty says:

    Hi Susan, could you please tell me if you will be selling anymore of the 5 x 7 Recipe Cards with the mixinging bowl and red check border? I need some desperately.

  72. Gail Yard says:

    I hope you are enjoying this summer-like fall weather. For the first days of November, we in Pennsylvania are experiencing temperatures in the 70s. A blessing as we clean up the gardens and rake leaves. I hope you are enjoying some down time as you recover from your adventure in England and the latest book tour. As I read the quotes, I think of the many times I could have used those words to ease me through a difficult situation. Thank you for compiling all those thoughts into an enjoyable and colorful “read”.
    Take care and enjoy fall.

  73. Julie W. says:

    I was so delighted and surprised when I discovered you use Gladys Taber quotes in your illustrations. Her writings has always been a favorite, and I have almost all her books. I’m so glad you’ve helped keep her presence alive and are reminding readers of who she was. From another Door County gal…Julie

  74. Hi Susan and Joe,
    How are you? I feel like I know both of you, strange but true in some ways from reading your travel diary. Your a brillant author and artist. I have been a English fan for the last few years. I recently was getting books on England and picked up this book quickly at the library. I was amazed the minute I opened it. It was so unique!!! So now I can’t find one as they are sold out everywhere and/or your office is very busy. I will take your book with me on my trip and incorporate some of your adventures along the way too. The fact you live at Martha’s Vineyard. I love islands as I lived in Tahiti for many years. Meaning I might just do a trip separately for that too. I would love to meet you two, if fate comes our way or I make it happen. Happy new year with more travels to pursue. Cheers, Michelle (:

    • sbranch says:

      We MIGHT still have a couple of copies of A Fine Romance in my webstore at http://www.susanbranch.com … Write Kellee@susanbranch.com ~ she will help you …. But actually, for the rest of the world, it’s sold out right now and being reprinted even as we speak! Hopefully it will be back in stock in bookstores and on Amazon in a couple of months. Thank you for the kind words Michelle! Happy New Year!!! 💖

  75. Beth says:

    Hi Susan!
    I have enjoyed your books (Distilled Genius is a particular favorite!) and coffee mugs for years as well as your delightful stories about England, as it is my heart’s home! I love your new Queen Elizabeth mug and saw that it was sold out. I wonder if you have plans order more? I would love to add it to my collection!
    Wishing you all the best,

    • sbranch says:

      I do have plans! It just takes so long now . . . if I ordered today, a Sunday, we might not get it until JANUARY!!! Insane. But I think I should do it anyway!❤️

  76. Linda M Wolfe says:

    Please let me know when you will get the Queen cup again.

  77. T19LCN6 https://www.msi.com says:
  78. Kris Elliott says:

    Hi Susan!
    I have seen old address books that you had published a few years ago. They would be something that I would appreciate having with your artwork. I have not been able to order one from anywhere. Do you think that there will be a reprint of any of them? Thank you for your help with this!

  79. Liz R says:

    Dear Susan,

    Is there a way to pre-order three “Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams” cups?

    Thank you,

  80. Karin Zenk says:

    Hi Susan,

    I love all your artwork, books, blog, products. It would be great if you would produce a perpetual calendar. Mine has a kitty picture on each month’s page with a line for each day for entering birthdays and anniversaries, a spiral and no year indicated so you can hang it up and use it year after year. A great reminder for those who don’t want to use the computer for this. My Hallmark one is over 40 years old and they no longer make them.

  81. Charity Colvin says:

    Hello Susan, my name is Charity, and my mom just fell in love with your book A fine Romance. I was wondering if I could ship you a copy, and you sign it for her Christmas present? I am located in the United States. Please let me know soon as Christmas is coming quickly! (p.s she watercolors as well!)

  82. Karron Hohe says:

    Hello from Sunny San Diego California…I like all your followers have been enjoying you for years. I was hopefully trying to leave a comment in the right spot for the lovely quilt drawing. : -)

    Many thanks and enjoy the season!

  83. Kate Deery says:

    Dear Susan-
    You seem to make it all so simple, warm and beautiful. I feel like I’m constantly excavating my house. I have this dream of walking into my home, seeing the sun shining through sparkling windows and bouncing off shiny floors, the smell of furniture polish (I do love petroleum distillates- BAD me) and something like the odor beef stew coming from the kitchen.
    Maybe before I die…..
    Please keep inspiring me- and all those who love you….

  84. Denise Rogers says:

    Merry Christmas Susan and Joe!
    Sending this from Virginia, as I sit by our sparkling Christmas Tree.
    You’ve inspired me ever since 1986, when I received Heart of the Home as a lovely Christmas gift from a friend and colleague. Thank you for all of the years of joy that you’ve given us.

  85. Laraine Olechowski says:

    Every time I see your work, I smile. Thank you for making my day (and the world’s) bright!

  86. Kimberly Durbin says:

    I’m so excited to use my 2024 Susan Branch calendar !! woo hoo. Happy New Year

  87. Kelly McNamara says:

    happy healthy new year to everyone!

  88. Dana Zaloom says:

    Happy New Year dear Susan and Joe!
    May 2024 be the best one yet!
    Thank you for sharing yourselves and your daily lives with all of us. Your joy in the simple things reminds me of my childhood, and makes me pause to appreciate the first light of morning and the hope that it brings everyday.
    I’ve become a better cook, hostess, wife, traveler, friend and daughter because of you!
    I do fall very short however in the seamstress department! Just hemming a skirt is a daunting task let alone making a quilt! I am therefore throwing my hat in the ring for a chance at winning yours!!! Fingers crossed…
    Dana Z.

  89. Noni Naughton says:

    Dear Susan,
    By now you are back in California (my home since 1937) and I have been missing your blog….so I have been rereading your 4 books that I have given to dear friends because they are my favorite stories. I’m now 87 and enjoying doing most of the activities as in my younger years (still driving…shusss)…I met you in 1999 in a bay area town, Menlo Park and your were signing your cook book Vineyard Seasons…It was the beginning of many years of comfort and joy as you have shared your life stories.I have always enjoyed reading but love true stories.
    On the TV I look for true stories and enjoy them so much more.The latest one was The Long Game which my husband and son and his family enjoyed also.I am happy for you and Joe,?that you have returned to warmer winters…what a move it must have been. Now my memory with names has faded But I just got your books and I did remember Joe………how about that?
    I will look forward to returning to your blogs.

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