ALPHABETICAL APPENDIX for my book, A FINE ROMANCE ~ Falling in Love with the English Countryside
Page numbers refer to the pages of the book. MUSICA (you will love) for your enjoyment, just click and come back for perusing.

Alfriston photos, East Sussex
Ambleside p. 145
Anglophile, p. 242
Websites for,
Time Travel (Manors and Houses)
Armitt Museum, in Ambleside, p. 165
Arts and Crafts Movement p. 106, 108, 111, 202, 242
Ascot, see: Royal Ascot

Hever Castle, 30 mi. from London, childhood home of Anne Boleyn. Lovely!
Astor, William Waldorf p. 117 see also: Hever Castle
Austen, Jane, p. 232-245
& Beatrix Potter, p. 73
Garden, p. 236
Gift Shop at her house

Virtual Tour of Jane Austen’s House
& Laura Ashley, p 233
A Recreation of a Ball by BBC, an interesting documentary
See also: Chawton
Aylesbury p. 136
Bateman’s House and Garden, p.102, Rudyard Kipling‘s House

BEATRIX POTTER, p. 38, 71-73, 145, 152, 165, 189, 211, 220
and Jane Austen, p. 73
and me, p. 71-73, 220
Castle Cottage, p. 158
Ethswaite Water, p. 171, where Beatrix Potter’s ashes were scattered
Gift shop at Hill Top Farm
Hill Top Farm in Near Sawrey p. 145, 150, 166

Miss Potter, the movie trailer
Norman Warne, p. 156-157
Peter Rabbit, youtube, for your little ones ♥
…in hotel, p. 178
Sawrey House Hotel, p. 158 (next door to Hill Top)
Tower Bank Arms, p. 158
William Heelis, p. 157
see also, Heelis.
Walking with Beatrix Potter, p. 150
Moss Eccles Tarn, p. 163
Windermere, p. 146. See also, Windermere
Wray Castle, p. 177
Bell, Vanessa p. 105
see also, Charleston.
Beret, Joe’s p. 23-24

Bibury Court Hotel p. 193, 199
Bibury in the Cotswolds, p.193
Birthday, Things to Ask for on Your . . . p. 251
Bloomsbury Group p. 106
Boleyn, Anne, p. 116 See also: Hever Castle, Henry VIII
Books, suggested, before you go to England, p. 181
Bourton-on-the-Water, in the Cotswolds
Bowlby, Alexis, future author, granddaughter of Diana p. 75-76, 246
“Box of Chocolates” cottages, p. 114
Bridge House, Ambleside p. 146
Bridgewater, see Emma.
British Country Living Magazine… so good!
Bunting, p. 136, 144, 172

Cassandra’s Cup Tea Room (in Chawton) p. 236
Castle Cottage, p158 See also: Beatrix Potter
Celsius (temperature conversion) p. 87
Charleston Farmhouse and Garden, p. 105 see also: Vanessa Bell
Chatsworth House and Gardens, p. 142
& Jane Austen, 236
Chawton, p. 232 Jane Austen’s House and Museum
Chipping Campden in the Cotswolds
Cooking Conversions, British Equivalents

Gardens, p. 160
Storybook, p. 209, 211, 224
Cottages for rent, see RENTALS
Cotswolds, Map p. 192

Cunard, Queen Mary 2, p. 43-78, 238
see also, Queen Mary 2
Darrowby, fictional places we love
See also, Thirsk.
David Austin Roses, p. 168
Diamond Jubilee p. 89, 142, 143, 144, 146
Procession on the Thames, p. 147

Car talk, p. 79-82, 132-134
Rent a Car (Joe got best discount from Hertz)
Roadsigns, quick reference
Video (mine), driving in the Peak District

A traffic sign in an alleyway. Translation: Go VERY slow, honk.
Elderflower Cordial, p. 212
Elizabeth von Arnim P.64
Elizabeth and Her German Garden p. 64, 74-75
Click HERE to have a sweet English accented voice read the entire book to you. Make a cup of tea, lean back, close your eyes and step back to 1900 to a wonderful garden and funny stories about the “Man of Wrath.”
Ellen Terry (at Smallhythe Place) p.124
Emma Bridgewater, p. 110, 245
Factory, in Stoke-on-Trent, p. 143-144

Farmer’s Poem p. 189
Flats for rent, see RENTALS
for Cottage Garden, p.161
Footpaths, Public, p. 120, 162
maps, for finding, p. 121
Forster, E. M., p. 107

Beatrix Potter’s, p. 167
Jane Austen’s, p. 236
Rosemary Verey’s p. 206
Bottle (my video), p. 207
Vita Sackville-West’s, p. 91, 230
Gifford’s Circus, p. 222- 223, 245
Gingerbread, see Grasmere
Grant, Duncan, p. 107, see also: Charleston Farmhouse
Grasmere, p. 163
Gingerbread Shop, p. 162

Harrods, for Afternoon Tea in London, p. 196
Hats, Olney, p. 173
Hawkshead, in the Lake District
Hedgerows, p. 198
Heelis, William, p. 157
Heelis, headquarters for National Trust
Henry the VIII: bad husband, p. 117
Anne Boleyn, p. 116
See, Hever Castle↓

Herriot, James, p.181
Museum, in Thirsk, Yorkshire p. 188
Hever Castle, p. 116 (that’s it in the photo above! Wonderful!)
See also: Astor, William Waldorf
Hidcote Manor Garden in the Cotswolds
Hill Top Farm, p. 145-166, see also: Beatrix Potter
in Near Sawrey, p. 158
Homemade Happy Life, p. 249
Houses for rent, see RENTALS
Industrial Revolution, p. 202
See also, Arts and Crafts Movement
Jane Austen, see Austen, Jane.
Jubilee, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, p. 144, 147

Kelmscott Manor, p. 202 See also, Morris, William
“The Garden of England” Photos
Kipling, Rudyard, p. 102, see also: Bateman’s
Knole, childhood home of Vita Sackville West, p. 129
Lacock, p. 226
L A M B S!

lambs playing with a ball -video
lambs hopping – video

~Orange Polenta Cake, p. 214
London, p. 136

Harrods, for tea, p 196
Ten Day Trips in Vicinity of (I would add Hever Castle to this list)
Victoria and Albert Museum, p. 156, 233

Mal de Mer, seasickness, p. 59
Maps: of England, p. 6
Cotswolds, p. 192
Footpaths, p. 121
Lake District, p. 180
OS Explorer Map for walks, p. 121

Martha’s Vineyard, p. 241, 253
Matlock Bath, Peaks District, p. 145
Pilgrims, p. 58

Middleham Castle, ↑ Yorkshire Dales, p. 184
childhood home of Richard III, p. 185
Miss Potter, the movie trailer

Morris, William, p. 193, 202, 242
See also, Arts and Crafts Movement
Moss Eccles Tarn, 163
Movie List, p. 201
Much Ado Books in Alfriston p. 112
Music, to bring with you, p. 180
MUSICA, to listen to now

National Trust, p. 100, 106, 125, 155, 163, 175, 246
and Prince Charles, p. 246
Near Sawrey, Lake District p. 158
Old Norse Place names, p. 181
Viking Information (a mere drop in the bucket for fascinating subject!)

OS Explorer Map, p. 121, for footpaths, bikes, etc.
Olympics, 2012, Danny Boyle Vision for opening games, p. 242
Peak District, 135-138
Pear Cider, p. 60 (we loved Magners, but there are other brands)
Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet p. 131
Pimm’s Cup (see p. 218 for recipe)
Planetarium, on board the Queen Mary 2, p. 67-70
Portrait of a Marriage by Nigel Nicolson
Post Office Meadow, p. 158
Potter, Beatrix. See Beatrix Potter

Prince Charles p. 246

Pub in the Peak District ~ me with knitting, writing paper, camera and shawl. Tools of trade.
Pubs, see p.217-219
Sunday Roast, p. 89

Queen Elizabeth, see Jubilee.
Afternoon Tea Dance, p. 64
Chart Room, p. 43
Life aboard ship (was enjoyable after I turned the music down)
Planetarium, p. 67-69
Seasickness, p. 59
Stateroom Layout, p. 54
Tour of an inside cabin, the least expensive way to go, very nice!

So civilized on the ship, you can bring your dog. Although you can’t sleep with him; you get to visit him, but pets must sleep in the kennel. I think that’s what you see reflected in these little faces. They aren’t that happy about it. I’m pretty sure it would turn me into a smuggler.
Quill Pen, p. 235
Gift Shop at Jane Austen’s House (in case you want a quill pen)
Rachel’s Blogs, Baking Brownies for Mozart, Sugarmoon
Reading List, p. 181-182
See also, Books.

Coronation Chicken, p. 163
Grilled Brie Sandwich, p. 110
Hot Milk Cake, p. 90
Lemon Butter Cookies, p. 139
Orange-Lavender Polenta Cake, p. 214
Pimm’s Cup, p. 218
Roasted Shallots, p. 76
Steak au Poivre ↓

Sticky Toffee Pudding, 148, 149
Rental, Car. See: Driving in England

Our flat in Ambleside, p. 145 (“Idle Mill 2”)
Bibury Court Hotel, p. 193, 199, where we stayed in the Cotswolds
in Stourhead (89 Church Lawn), p. 228
Weathericks Cottage in the Peak District, p. 138
Royal Ascot p.212
Dress code p.212
Royal Oak Society, join — includes free entrance to all National Trust properties.
Rules for travel, p. 70
Rydal Mount, p. 163
See also, William Wordsworth
Sackville-West, Vita, p. 91, 230
Lord Sackville, 129
See also:
Knole, p. 129
Sissinghurst p. 91
Sawrey House Hotel, p. 158 (next door to Hill Top Farm)
Seasickness, p. 58-59
Shambles, in York, p. 191
Sheffield Park and Garden
Shipton Mill, p. 208-210
Storybook Cottage, p. 209, 211, 224

Sissinghurst, p. 91
See: Sackville-West, Vita
See: Portrait of a Marriage by Nigel Nicholson
My video of the white garden in May before it’s in full bloom, but still very beautiful:

Ellen Terry’s Garden, “the air is a caress”
Dovecote p. 252
Stoke-on-Trent, p. 143
Stonehenge, p. 229
Storybook Cottage, p. 209, 211, 224
Stourhead House and Gardens, Wiltshire p. 228

This is Stourhead, you can stay here and walk for hours everyday across fields of bluebells in the spring, with lambs.
Stow-on-the-Wold in the Cotswolds
Suffragettes in England, the quest for freedom and the vote
Sunday Roast, p. 89 see also, Pubs.
Sussex, Map p.84

Tea, p. 194-197
Afternoon, at Harrods, London, p. 196
How to Make the Perfect Cup of, p.195
mugs, see Emma Bridgewater.
Parties, p 196
Party in a River, p. 215
Recipes, see Recipes.
~room, Cassandra’s Cup, p. 236
Tea Rooms in America
Carefree, English Rose Tea Shop
Cambria, The Tea Cozy
Pasadena, The Tea Rose Garden
More to come, I’d love your five-star referrals!
Tenterden, Kent, p. 85, 113
Terry, Ellen, p. 124
her daughter, Edith Craig
see also, Smallhythe Place
Below, Edith Craig’s wonderful sketch for Costume/shoe designs for her mother that was in the house at Smallhythe Place

Tetbury, p. 208
Thirsk, Yorkshire p.188
See also, Herriot, James
Twain, Mark, p. 102-103
Verey, Rosemary, p. 206, See also: Barnsley House Gardens
Victoria and Albert Museum p. 156, 233
von Arnim, Elizabeth, p. 64, 74, 107

Walks, see: Footpaths
Warne, Norman. See Beatrix Potter
Weathericks Cottage, Peak District, p. 138 (say hello to Jean for us!)
Weight, stones and pounds, p. 87
White Garden, see Sissinghurst
Windermere, p. 146
Lake Cruises p. 174
Waterhead Hotel, p. 178
Wirksworth in the Peak District, p. 138
See also, Weathericks Cottage
Woolf, Virginia, p. 106, see also: Charleston Farmhouse
Wordsworth, William, in the Lake District
at Dove Cottage, p. 165
at Rydal Mount and Gardens, p. 163
Wray Castle, p. 177
Minster, p. 190-191
Shambles, p. 190
Thirsk, p. 188
Yorkshire Dales. p. 181-187
See also, Middleham Castle
The End . . . Leave me a comment if you think I missed something!
Goodness, this will keep me busy for months! And my book shipped today – I am one happy girl!!!! Thanks Sweet Sue for making our lives a bit sweeter!
My husband and I went to the UK last fall after you and Joe. I’ve been waiting to do my scrapbooking until I get your precious book because it will inspire me. So many of the same places were visited. I gasped when I saw the bow of the boat which took us to Hilltop. My book has shipped and the kettle is at the ready. You are a treasure to share this with us.
We all get to go to England again!
As I’m already halfway through A Fine Romance (it came yesterday!) and highly worried about finishing it to quick, I am so glad to see all of these resources! You have an amazing gift.
Oh, my first person on the Appendix! Thank you Lina!
I meant to say too quick…not to! I am somehow just so deeply touched by your attention to detail, even down to this appendix!
It’s easy when you know the people you’re making something for … ♥
My book shipped Monday! I can’t wait!
The appendix just makes the anticipation greater!
Got my book today. Happy dance ensued. Intend to savor each and every wonderful page. (Smile with a deep sigh of contentment.)
. … amazing, Susan, simply amazing !!…you do life so well …
Hello Susan!
The book is ….no words to describe it….but wonderfully breathtakingly beautifully organized and yes you did forget something…..You forgot to tell us we would be going to England again and that it was going to take us longer than your trip did………ah huh…….what an amazing project you have put out and given to all of us. You forgot to make a CD to go with the book…….another project another time………..ha ha……….don’t mind me………just so happy to have this book. Thank you for so much devotion and hard work. The proof is in the pudding for sure. We all love you Susan Branch………..
You’re a doll Paulie, thank you so much!!!
P.S. Forgot……… say this Appendix is such a great idea and so wonderful……… are always so ahead of everything……….thank you so much.
Not so ahead of everything, but this one was planned!
The book is fabulous. I am half-way through and I can’t put it down!
THANK YOU for being YOU! My book arrived on my doorstep this morning. It is so hard to ration my reading so I don’t finish too soon
The Appendix is fantastic, I can visit England when ever my heart desires (every day !). This was so worth being crammed in that suitcase for a month. Teehee
I thought you all did great, lost weight and everything!
I have finished reading “AFine Romance”. How wonderful, I kept a diary on my visit to the UK, nothing like yours. Loved it.
Hard not to love!
Received my book today! What a lost afternoon I’ve spent – (housework will have to wait!) loving the romantic adventure you and Joe shared. Your book/travel journal/diary is wonderful. Thank you, thank you, thank you! So LOVE the on-line appendix. You’ve pictured a “Queen Victoria” mug – is that, or a reproduction, still available?
Thank you, Susan, for making my life fuller with your creativeness and adventures!!
It’s not a reproduction, it’s one of my antique store treasures, you’ll just have to keep looking to find one of your own. The hunt is almost as good as the finding! Thank you Libby, I’m so happy you like the book!
Susan! I am now smiling deep down inside! You have different pictures for each version of the index!!! A girl after my own heart!
Thank You Thank You Thank You for going the extra mile after mile after mile!
Georgie, NJ
P.S. I do hope you’ve signed a copy and sent it to the Queen in honor of her 60th Coronation Year!!!
My dad thinks I should do that too…but something tells me the Queen gets gazillions of gifts from all over the world and probably doesn’t really need another book!
Ah… but A Fine Romance isn’t just another book!
xoxo Georgie
P.S. I think she would love it!
If she was my grandma I would make sure she got one! I think she would like it too.
I just finished your book today and had a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes because I didn’t want it to end. A heartfelt thank you to you, Susan, for sharing your magical and inspiring journey with us!
xoxo Thank you Candace!!
Oh My, Oh My, Oh My…..I just received my preordered book! I knew it would be Wonderful, Amazing and Joyous……but you have exceeded my expectations!
It just can’t be taken in all at once. So much beauty in the perfect size to hold. I have it by my bedside, I am going to enjoy it bit by bit…..each night….going to sleep with your words and drawings in my dreams….I will not want it to end. This has to be the most wonderful book ever! Thank you Thank You !
Thank you for sharing your “Fine Romance” with Joe with us all. How blessed you both are. Love does exist!
Can’t wait to see what awaits me tonight!
xoxo Phyllis!
I used the By the Page appendix when I read the book and am now just realizing you have some different links on this page! More new discovering to be had!
Yes, they really aren’t totally the same!
This index is a treasure – thank you!!!!!
My pleasure, thank you for the appreciating! xo
Thank you for every word, photo, and drawing in this wonderful book. I read it the day I got it with 3 little grandchildren running circles around me!! It is a wonderful read over and over and over again!
Love the picture of that!
I am so excited that i got my 2 copies , signed etc from preorder. It is so beyond what i imagined, I am sad i didnt order more! I ordered 1 for myself & 1 for one my oldest of 3 daughters. But now, after having it in my hands I will have to get one for my 2 daughters in law & my other 2 daughters! .Well, they wont all be signed but they still will be a gift unequaled. I pray they might all have romances like yours & Joes!
THANK YOU so much for all the matching things to go with it! It is making it so much fun to package! I am using the book mark, the girlfriends name tag etc etc THANK YOU for sharing your marvelous gift! & The appendix too! GOD BLESS YOU & Joe & Kitties
Oh yes, Becky, they will be signed — all books from my studio will be signed. I’ve done that since the beginning. Thanks so much for the sweet words! xoxo
Dear Sue,
Thank you so very much for the “magical trip”!!!! I loved every single page. Thank you too for sharing your heart with all of us. I knew your diary about the English countryside would be amazing but adding your romance with Joe made your diary so heartfelt…….you truly have a very rare “A Fine Romance”. I have had my “prince charming” for 44 years. We are both very blessed.
XXX OOO Carol in Montrose, Colorado
Everything you’ve written (and I’ve collected) is so very wonderful and thank you for sharing your artistic, writing and creative God given talents. The Fine Romance is an “experience” I want to share with my girlfriends!!! I felt so a part of your trip and cannot wait to visit England again. Could not put down this beautiful book!!!
Now, I’m waiting for your next creation!!! Melba Langhans
Just got notice from barnes and noble after waiting quite a while,that they would notbe able to send your book i had ordered
do you know why.
I have no idea, it’s hard to figure out how these people work. That’s why I have them here in my webstore, it’s the only place I can (sometimes) control. Our next printing comes in, we think, on Monday!
This is a treasure trove. What a great compilation of my favorite subjects. It’s what I call a box of chocolates. I started reading your book for the third time last might. It gives me pleasant dreams.
Makes me happy to hear that Nancy!
I am soooo sad!!! I finished your book last night and I didn’t want it to end, but I could not put it down!!! So beautifully written, photographed, and indexed…Thanks for sharing your life with us..I have so many of your books and love, love, love them…You are a true treasure!!
Oh Susie, I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Don’t forget the APPENDIX here on the blog, at the top under I LOVE ENGLAND. It will help the trip last a little bit longer for you! xoxo
Thank you for this wonderful book! In “real life,” I am a frenzied high school history teacher, but A Fine Romance got me to settle down, curl up with cats and tea, and enjoy the blesses of a family Christmas at home. Hoping to take a similar trip, tho heavier on book shops and embroidery emporia, soon!
Happy new year!
We assumed more bookstores, knitting and embroidery shops would be around, but they actually weren’t — next time I’ll do some sleuthing before we go to make sure we connect with more of them because I love them too. Last time we went we found one really fabulous used bookstore (although I know there are plenty in London), but only one small knitting shop where I got some yarn to make, what else, a scarf. Happy New Year Terrie!
I received your book ‘A fine Romance’ today. Thank you so much. I have visited many of the places but it is nice to read about them and be reminded of my holiday in England a few years ago. The movie ‘Miss Potter’ is a favourite of mine also – I have the dvd.
I was introduced to your book by a member of my book club – now we all want a copy. I doubt it is for sale in a book shop in New Zealand so thanks to the internet I was able to buy it through the Book Depository.
I have Miss Potter too Brenda, I watch every time I want a dose of inspiration and perhaps a few tears. Hello to your book club for me! Thank you!
What a hoot! Just found this Susan, been so busy the past couple of weeks…but thanks so much for replying and pointing me in the direction of this page, I too will have to reserve an entire day to view it properly! I just love all the photos and am overwhelmed with the memories they stir in me. Will check out your latest blog postings this coming week. I will be contacting my “ex” sometime in the coming week too, by snail mail (he refuses to get a computer) and will get some info to you in case someday you wish to stay in Ambleside again. Now you’re making me wish I could go back too! My hubby’s never been to England, but the only way I would ever make that trip again would be by sea, like you, and I cannot imagine leaving my kitties for so long. Your Jack is adorable….
That is by far the hardest part!
I am just loving every inch of this wonderful book! From the delightful endpapers to the personal photos, lovely illustrations and clever captions! Charmed, charmed, completely and totally charmed! Whenever I am reading it, I have the most contented smile on my face and a song in my heart! If you do catch me reading this book and I’m not smiling, it is because I am laughing right out loud. Unfortunately, I am reading it too fast! I don’t want the fun to end, so I’m forcing myself to put it down after reading Susan’s charming entries from one or two days. MUST . . . MAKE. . . THIS. . . FUN . . . LAST!! Dear Susan, Thank you so much for this wonderful gift! Would you consider continuing the fun with travel journals for Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Italy, and/or France? (Asking too much? Sorry. Getting greedy!) I would highly recommend this book to anglophiles, anyone thinking of going to England, anyone who has visited England, fans of Beatrix Potter, Jane Austin, Emma Bridgewater, Rosemary Very, and Vita Sackville-West. Thank you again and wishing you continued success and good health!
Thank you Carrie, for those wonderful words! So sweet. xoxo Next time the story will be longer! I’m working on a new book right now. If you’d like to go back in time and see what it’s like to discover magical Martha’s Vineyard for the first time, I think you’ll like it. But Scotland is high on our list of places we have to go to very soon!
Hello, Susan,
When I saw your book advertised in ” Victoria” magazine I couldn’t believe my eyes. You see, for several years I have been planning a “homecoming” on the 60th anniversary of our family leaving Scotland and coming to Canada, which is this year. The plan is to return by boat (on the Queen Mary) and spend seven weeks exploring both England and Scotland. A very similar trip to the one outlined in your book. So, of course, I had to buy your book and I have just finished reading it. I wanted to let you know what a delight it is, how much joy each and every one of your adventures brought to me, and what an inspiration it has been in my trip planning. I too love all things British, and your book wrapped me up in pure pleasure. I will be bringing it with me on my trip and continue to revisit it many many times. Thank you for putting words and pictures to much of what I feel as well as validating my reasons for embarking on my adventure this June.
You are so welcome Sandra and I can tell you’re going to have a WONDERFUL time!!
Hi there! I am moving to England for the next four years this June (my husband is in the Air Force). My mother-in-law bought me your book for my birthday & I just finished it yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed it & it has been a great deal of help to me. The thought of leaving friends & family to live somewhere foreign, far away, & for such a long time had me disheartened, but after reading your book I have begun to feel excited & it has really changed my outlook on things. You have helped me see this as a real adventure! The hardest parts to get through will be shipping my dog & cat (they have to be shipped as cargo on a separate flight & adhere to strict guidelines per the UK-I am so nervous to be without them traveling all that way); saying our goodbyes to loved ones; shipping all of our items (car included); & finding a place to live. Life is going to be hectic for a while! Thank you for sharing your lovely book along with all of your helpful tidbits of information, they will certainly come in handy for us! If you ever have the time, I would love to hear from you & any input would be greatly appreciated!
I would be nervous too Grace, that has to be difficult. Puts a little ping in my heart for you. But once you arrive and get settled it will get better quickly. And you’re so right, what an adventure! So exciting really, but I’d be scared too. But I’ve met several people who’ve had your same opportunity and they come back with memories for a lifetime. I think you will love it. It’s not as far away as it seems right now. You could (just mentioning) fly to NY, take the ship. They allow animals. You have to keep them in a kennel on board, but you can visit them everyday. Much longer travel period though. Wishing you every good thing!
Susan, I have just bought and started reading your new book about discovering the English countryside. Oh my.
Please see″ rel=”nofollow”>this page of my blog and you will see why I am so excited to have found you, this site, and your wonderful stories. Having also found the man of my dreams and a honeymoon to England & Scotland, and then 8 more trips over there – all since 1986 when we were married… well, your story just resonates with me so much.
I can’t wait to get back to the book, but first it’s time for our nightly British (DVD) shows…
all best,
Rebecca Crowell
I understand completely! Kindred spirits Rebecca!!
I have never been so in love with a book before! I am a librarian so I am very conversant with books in general but I never have felt a connection like this. I have always been an Anglophile and have been to England and Wales 4 times now. I read your book in one day, wishing it would just last forever! I felt like I was traveling on the Queen Mary 2 and all through the English countryside right along with you, and wishing I were!
Thank you so much for this gift of a book!
Very high praise coming from you, thank you so much Phyllis, it was a joy to write and share our wee view of the countryside.
Hello Susan!
I found your book, A Fine Romance, just in time before our first trip to England!
I came across your book by searching for journaling ideas for our upcoming trip. Your book is absolutely perfect – just what I was looking for! I loved everything about everything and I can’t wait to see, smell, feel and take it all in myself – thanks to your delicious descriptions of your travels. I will also take along your “tips” as I plan to bring home some pressed flowers (had not thought of that!), Emma Bridgwater mugs, sip a “Peah Ci-da” and listen for My-Toe-Huts-Bet-Tee.
How exciting, I can’t wait to hear how you like it! When do you leave? Where are you going?
Leaving in less than 2 weeks. We will be with a group tour on a fast pace making stops in Northern Ireland, Scotland, England & Wales. It’s more like a “taste-of” type tour. We visited Ireland (southern loop) last year and loved it. We thought about a trip driving on our own this year but had concerns on the whole driving experience. Hubby thought he could do it only if I was sedated! I think he’s afraid of my screaming as his co-pilot. Hmmm…choices…I would rather see it all and not sleep through it. After we leave Scotland, we drive through the Lake District and stop in Grasmere for lunch & visit Wordsworth burial place. Any suggestions for our lunch stop? I hope to have time to try some gingerbread. I will miss not being able to stop at Hill Top – will have to save it for another time. From Grasmere we leave for Liverpool (yeah, yeah, yeah, the Beatles!) and from there on to Wales.
Question: Will I be able to find Emma Bridgewater mugs at locations other than the factory?
Another thank you…for the wristband idea for the ferry rides!
Drink Peah Cida at every stop. It helps.
A little. The Gingerbread place is in Grasmere and you can’t miss it, in fact it’s right next to Wordsworth’s graveyard. It’s very different gingerbread, and they will deliver to friends in America if you place an order. We sent some to my dad. You should be able to find Emma in lots of places. You might want to stage a coup with your tour, because Wordsworth’s house is in Grasmere too and it’s ADORABLE, and Hilltop is SO close. So much to see, and never enough time, I understand! Your trip sounds wonderful!
We took your book, A fine romance, on our trip to England we celebrated our 25 wedding anniversary, we went by ferry calais-dover, we loved it, visited Chawton, Stonehendge, Lacock, te beautifull villages in the cotswolds, te factory of Emma Bridgewater ( we painted a 6 pint jug with our names and date , it did not arrive jet but i am very curiuos) Oxford and Canterbury, the week was much to short! ( we even had Bridged Jones on the tv in the hotel ! )
Thank you so much for al the information in the fantastic book we certainly will go back to see more. I pre-ordered your new book Autumn that is due to be here in the Netherlands on October 1st, cannot wait!
How nice to hear from you Moniek! You are bringing back all my memories with your comments . . . thank you!! I’m so happy you loved it as much as I did! Happy Day to you!
Hi Susan – Forgive me if this posts twice….I am a life-long lover of all things Susan Branch, have all your books and bring them out by the Seasons and re-read them all over again every year. Can’t wait until Christmas Joy comes out of hiding soon
I took A Fine Romance on vacation with me this summer and fell in love with England through you. I totally get it! My Mom and I are going to emulate your trip in a very shortened version and was hoping for some advice. We will travel over on the QMII, stay for 7 days, then fly directly home as we can only be gone for 2 weeks. Could we be as bold as to ask what you would do and what areas you would hit if you only had 7 days? We are interested in Hilltop, Walking Paths, and Quaint Accommodations. Thank you so much for years of joyful reading. From OUR home to yours, Heidi & Arlene
I’m not one to run around for seven days, I would get a little house and stay there the whole time, taking day trips to all the wonderful sights in that area, but then having a “home” at night, with maybe a little fireplace, so there wouldn’t be too much unpacking, repacking, and driving to the next place. So when the ship comes in, I would either rent a car and drive, or take a train (I think you have to go via London) to the Lake District. Rent a house there in Hawkshead or Grasmere, or even in Near Sawrey . . . Look here, for example . . . all the towns are charming and filled with history. Decide if you want to drive, if you want to just walk everywhere, if you need to hire a car and driver . . . Google everything you need. See all the wonderful places I mentioned in my book, take one of the old boats across the lake, you’ll love it. There’s a good bookstore in Ambleside where you can find a book with all the lovely local walks. Have a WONDERFUL time!
Susan, today I finished your lovely diary about your trip to England. I was transported and read it too quickly. : ( I just poked through this appendix and love all the extra details. I fell in love with England in 1988 when I spent a semester in London studying at the American Institute for Foreign Study. I have been lucky enough to go back twice in the years since but have never done such an incredible trip as you did in the countryside. I am inspired. Thank you for sharing. Happy New Year.
Thank you Liz! So nice to hear from you . . . now you have to go back to England! (Oh darn!)