Here are food blogs, travel sites, creative blogs (sewing, art, writing, homemaking, travel, cooking, gardening), fun youtube links, etsy stores, even little hearts and musical notes to use in your emails and blogs…I went through my whole “Favorites List” this morning, clicked on every one of these sites, and thought you should just have them all! So much eye candy and food for thought, total inspiration….so lucky to live in these days where all of this beauty and creativity is available at the click of a button! There are about a kajillion other places I would like to include, it’s endless out there. But you will find most any link you could ever ask for on the pages of these blogs and sites . . . Half the fun is discovery! Enjoy!
Connecting the World one beautiful Blog Site at a time XOXOX
Hello Susan B.! Just discovered your treasure trove of sites to visit for inspiration. I didn’t see this one listed, “Etsy”, wanted to share this site, all handmade items or vintage. I think you will enjoy. You have been an inspiration and a kindred spirit to me and so many of my friends for a long time. Good things in common, Ocean, snow, Octobers (“I’m so glad I live in a world where the are Octobers” – Anne of Green Gables), Beatrice Potter, Little Women, cats!.. are just few.. Have so enjoyed “Jack’s” pictures recently, he just makes me laugh! Brenda
So Sweet, love it that your brother is on your blog! Hi Bradley! Thanks for the “Inspiration” list – it is truly amazing! Have a beautiful day! Love, Joanie
Thanks for posting these links! WONDERFUL inspiration, indeed! I’ve looked at quite a few of them already. Amazing to me how many creative people are out there and willing to share their gift with the world! I have a few that I plan to re-visit and order some of their books/projects! YaY!!!!
I sure do, I did a little “ode to Tasha Tudor” in last year’s December part of my calendar where I painted a corgi and did some of her quotes. Painting the corgi made me want to stop painting anything BUT corgi’s, it was so fun!
Hi Susan: Love your blog, website and Willard! Have been reading for awhile. Just bought my first Calendar! Woohoo!! Had to say something about Tasha Tudor. A friend near me here in Arkansas lives the TT life to a T!! I have knit her shawls that she wears as she works around her farm (several horses, a burro, 2 dogs, cats and whatever hurting wild animal crosses her path), and caring for their property — a delightful home, wedding chapel and just comforting place to roam. Ann spins and weaves, is a dedicated Anglophile — has visited England countless times — and introduced me to all things British. We have tea, and read and create together! I shared your “Ode to Tasha Tudor” and she loved it! Here’s their website. Don’t miss the barn! My artist husband had an art show there in October! What fun!!
Thanks for all your inspiration. When I get “cabin fever” I just sign on to your blog and take a delightful journey complete with music!! Blessings! Keep up the great work!!
Thank you for all of these links Miss Suzie!! I have a small notebook that I keep in my purse in case I come across an interesting website in a magazine that I look at while waiting to pay for my groceries and such. Thanks for these,it’s fun to come across new ideas, recipes,etc. xoxoxo from SW HBR
I just saw this on your home page and clicked on it…can’t wait to dive into these, especially the Louisa May Alcott one…I recall visiting her home when I was a little girl. Thanks so much!
Beyond honored to be included in your wonderful list, Susan! Sooo many kindred spirits on the links above, am having a terrific time finding them all! THANK YOU!
Oh Susan!!! I just found this! How Wonderful for you to share your favorite tidbits with us! It’s hard to believe I never really knew what blogging was, and I had no idea there were so many blogs showcasing “GIRLFRIENDS” Women from everywhere, sharing their hearts, their creativity, their love and their joys… strong and yet transparent. WOW! Now I’d love to find some time for me, and start one too! Maybe someday!
I am so enjoying this journey! Thanks Susan…one can never have too many girlfriends. Hello World!
Thank you so much for sharing this! I’m so grateful to you for so many things on your blog! I have always loved Gladys Taber, but had forgotten about her for years. Same with Tasha Tudor and Peter Rabbit. Reading my Willards and your blog just makes me feel good, and these days we need more of that! Keep making us feel good, dear Sue!
Hi Susan
I just noticed this addition. Looking forward to checking out the above blogs.
I’m sure they will be interesting if they have caught your attention. I will look into them when we are in between posts from you. I can’t believe how much I
enjoy checking in on some of my favorites-you are number one,of course!
Such great inspiration from so many people that I would never have had a chance to encounter.
Thank you-Susan M
Hi Susan!
After many years of enjoying your books and recipes, I have just discovered your website! I feel, as do your “girlfriends”, that you are a wonderful long lost sister or “friendster”, or an angel of inspiration! Your favorite movie list is so
much the same as mine, and that’s the only list of favorites I’ve even looked at so far! I loved your blog of the new kitten with the Salvadore Dali mustache!
I just need now to manage my time better so that I can spend more time with you!
With love and appreciation, Cassandra
Just found this section of your site. I see we enjoy reading about some of the same people and what they are up to. Fun!
In response to the posts above about and from Brad:
I tell people my little brother is my favorite person on the planet. I tell my children I do not have a sister… but if I did she would be my best friend. They (my children) roll their eyes at this. HA!
Oh, I am so glad to find more wonderful pictures and ideas on your website!
This list will keep me busy for awhile. Julie Whitmore pottery…oh my! Thank you for giving us this list of good things.
Hi Susan!
So enjoyed your pictures and story about the Balmoral. How beautiful to
see her so close to Martha’s Vinyard. I wish the news on Cape Cod would tell
us when a big ship is in our waters, I would have come to see her. Thank you
for showing her to us.
I just found your Favorites! They will keep me busy reading them in the evening. So much information to enjoy!
I feel like we are kindred spirits. When I read about your dishes, glassware, baking and sewing, it feels like I am reading about myself. All the things I love. One thing I do not do is paint, but I did do cake decorating for years.
Your home and decoration are lovely, a warm feeling of home.
Thank you for sharing so much with us. I am new to the computer world
and working hard at navigating around it. I need to learn how to Twitter next.
Have a wonderful trip going across the big pond! Will be looking for your pictures and stories of your adventures, Marion Rose
Oh my goodness! Susan, what a treasure trove!!! If these are your favorite, I’m sure I will love them too! … But no matter how far I wander, Heart of the Home will always be home to me! There is just one of you! .. Shades of Beatrix Potter, Gladys Tabor and sooooooooo sooooooooo sooooooooo much more!.. You’re the Real Deal!!!! 100% Genuine Susan!!!
You Are The Person of Today!!! sharing so much of God’s beauty and love….. wherever you go, whatever you do, you just can’t help it!!! And we are all so blessed!
Thank you for being you! And thank you for sharing you and all these beautiful people and their creations!
xoxo to you and the kittys….
What an outstanding list of treasures, color, fun and inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing, Susan. The beauty, whimsey and delightful quaintness that awaits you in Britain just tickles our anticipation! Smooth sailing and I hope we are not making too much noise in your suitcase!!
I am so utterly overwhelmed and honoured to be included in your list above. I adore your books and every time I visit my brother in America I buy some. Your work is just stunning and a pleasure to read and I just adore the illustrations!!!
I love ths list Susan (!!!) and I’m so honored to be a part of it too!!! I’m gonna grab some coffee on my first free morning and enjoy every one!! Thanks for always sharing such beauty and friendship sweetie!!
Dear Sue,
Don’t know how I could have missed this inspirational list…have enjoyed looking at a few of the blogs already! Thank you for sharing. Hope you will visit mine, too!
Susan, it is such an honor to be included in this list. I’m looking forward to visiting many of these lovely sites. I know if you enjoy them I will, too. Your blog is an absolute must read for me each day; I get so excited when I see a new post has arrived in my Inbox. Thank you for being you! ♥
Reading you blog makes me miss New England so much. I miss our snowy days ( and school snow days) in Sherman, CT, historic MA and our lovely home in even more lovely VT. Thanks for the beauty and inspiration, Susan! Happiest of holidays and have fun with Yankee…the little piece of home that comes right to my mailbox!
Dearest Miss Susan,
You are my sweetest kitchen friend who hugs me every time I turn around and see your calendar – as if we were talking and laughing and cooking together in this tiny world I live within as I care for my darling son who struggles with profound autism and cannot talk even if he could… What a melody of joyful presence you bring me through the window of your art and quotes and recipes I open each month. And now I have discovered your “web” world a touch away on my computer – just because I hoped to find your recipe for clotted cream! Thank you! [And to give back, you may
enjoy deeply spiritually enchanting…] Love, Judy
Susan, I don’t see Attic24 on your favorite Blogs list. You should check it out. Lucy lives in Yorkshire and crochets beautiful, colorful yarn projects and writes about both. You can find it by just Googling Attic24. You will love today’s post called Up River.
Do you ever give an art seminar….I would love to take a class with you.
I love your artwork. My dad and sister live on the Vineyard. I was born here
but live in Chicago.
I need to do this sometime. I would love it. The thing is, because I’m self taught, I’ve barely ever thought “how I do” my art … it would be a good thing to think about which I would have to do in order to teach. Keep reminding me. Maybe someday. Not sure how it would be done. I guess it would be here on the island. It would be great if it could be outside, but under a roof. Maybe one of those pointed white tents with the scalloped edged top, and a long banner on top, out in a field, overlooking the water. That would be inspiring! We could have cucumber sandwiches!
I would love to join you with cucumber sandwiches someday!!
Thanks for sharing your party with us awaiting the birth of the
someday to be…” King George” You make everything so much fun!!
Oh, I can’t wait to start checking out these websites, plus a couple of the ones mentioned in others’ comments! But first I have to check out recipes for dinner, and pretty up my place for company tonite. I sooooo enjoy everything Susan Branch I can find. You are such a lovely person, such an inspiration to do even a tiny bit of what you do! (I can’t keep up with you!!) thanks so much for everything you show us is possible! xxoo
I just got to thinking that I knew I’d seen where you mentioned a list of your favorite, ‘must watch’ movies. I made it to this part of your website, and have clicked repeatedly on “Movies, my favorites.” Every time I click, it just comes back with a message that the page isn’t available, and suggests I try a search. I then tried typing in ‘Susan’s favorite movies’ but still no luck. I’m guessing it is probably ME who isn’t doing the search properly OR possibly the page really is unavailable for some reason. Anyway, can you let me know if there is some other way to find your favorite movies other than clicking on that topic on the Favorites blog? Many thanks!
Here’s the list of MY FAVORITE MOVIES — it should keep you busy all winter at the least! It’s at the top of the blog where it says “About Me”, there’s a drop down, and then you click on my favorite movies. Please let me know if this doesn’t work for you, Anita.
I’m glad i stumbled upon your site, it is very inspirational. I now have to start reading your books i love to read. It’s starting to get cooler in Florida so now is a perfect time. Thanks Susan.
Hi Susan, I am wondering where the restaurant is that you say is your favorite and you showed the view from that restaurant. My daughter are coming to your book signing on Sunday and hoping the restaurant is in San Luis. See you soon. Thanks,Julie
That’s at the Spyglass Inn in Shell Beach and from the sound of things, you might want to wear your badge if you eat there — looks like there might be lots of us Girlfriends there at the same time!
I intend to visit every one on your list. I have to tell you that I love your new book and I have written about it on one of my blogs. I just loved it and it made me want to go back to England as soon as I can. You have given me a few places to add to my list. I also had to watch the movie “Beatrix” again. A very inspiring book for me. I then sent for 3 of your others……….building a collection it seems. Your art inspires me, your words inspire me too. I will follow this blog with joy.
Thank you for the list, I am always looking for new blogs to follow and this will be a good place to begin……Janice
I just finished your book, A fine romance. Thank you! I have ancestors from England. Some of the bldgs. Have my maiden name on them. I really enjoyed youth story and journal.
Hello Susan!
Do you sell any SIGNED copies of A Fine Romance?
A friend loaned me hers and I adore it!
So cozy and creative.
Will certainly take it with me to England!
Love everything you write about England, and
The Vinyard.
Thanks so much, Constance
Thank you Susan for taking the time to compile this great list. I just found it
& I am going to work my way through the entire list. I can’t wait to discover all of your discoveries.
I am going to Germany in May is there a certain pair of shoes that you prefer for walking.
There are lots of good ones these days, but I can vouch for slip-on Merrell shoes, definitely the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever owned. My podiatrist approves of them too.
Dear Susan, Thank you for sharing your favorites. As a teacher of four-year olds, sharing is one of the fundamental life skills for peace and harmony…I appreciate all the topics and thoughts that you share with us. I first found you last year by ordering “A Fine Romance”, after taking my first trip to England in 2014…and our first stop was Tenterden too! We also went to Sissinghurst twice. Once was not enough. And I like telling people that the English eat Heinz beans for breakfast. What a great idea! We are hoping to take a return trip soon. Aside from expressing my thanks for your continuous outpouring, I also am writing to suggest a trip to Florida, where I live. I am from Massachusetts, and can relate to all its beauty, and I think you would find the beauty of Florida colorful and inspiring. As you
probably know, most Floridians are transplanted northerners, and much of the culture here is from there. Florida’s modern history only goes back about 150 years, but there are many delightful venues for exploration, and the winter months are delightful here. Best wishes…
Your books are always an inspiration to me. I treasure them and keep them in a special case so they are there for times I need to create something. They have been special gifts to our daughters. We will look forward to you coming to Florida some day for a book signing. I will try to see you when you come to Atlanta on your BIG trip! Thank you for your list of blogs. Many blessings!
Hi Susan, I adore your entire attitude about life. I was wondering something. I have a blog called BECKI’S IN HER GARDEN, hhp:// in which I remind people of the beauty and playfulness of life and especially gardening, Would you mind if I mentioned you, your books, and your blog in my posts? BTW while I adore anything English, including Beatrix Potter…..I even named my dried flower business HEDGEROW HARVEST, I have to say I am obsessed with anything BRAMBLY HEDGE, by Jill Barklem I would love to hear what you think of her and her work. Thanks for your efforts in making this world a better place.
To be honest I’ve always thought it was a bit too close to Beatrix Potter’s work for complete comfort. Maybe I’m too protective, because every artist stands on the shoulders of those who came before, we’re all inspired by something . . . and yes, Brambly Hedge definitely has charm, and the more goodness there is in the world, the better off we are. So I give it a thumbs-up based on that! Thank you for the mention on your blog, Becki, and Happy Easter!
Hi Susan, I know what you mean. I have seen others whose work in my opinion seems a bit too close to what you do so I have my hesitations about them. Your work is top notch as far as I am concerned. I don’t know how you consistently keep up the volume, quality, and honesty of your work. Have a fantastic magical traveling year ahead! Happy Spring!
Becki Hardman
It just stems from this place inside of joy and wanting people to be happy even in the little way of a watercolor or a recipe. Thank you so much Becki, so nice to hear that. Happy Spring to you too!
Hi Susan, I’ve been a lover of all your creations since your first cookbook which I stumbled upon in an independent bookshop I can’t even remember now, how many years ago. And like that lucky strike I now have clicked on “Favorites”. Thank you for sharing all you enjoy so we are showered with joy, too. Another one you might wish to checkout is a site that seems right up your ally, so to speak. is really a delight and if you discover it I think you’ll be addicted as I have become. Much love to you and Joe. Someday I’ll make it to Martha’s Vineyard. It sounds like heaven.
Hi Susan…I just recently learned all about Esther…and being the animal lover that you are, I know you would fall in love with her too (if you haven’t already).…be ready to laugh! And if you want a little extra reading for your trip…her dads wrote a book “Esther the Wonder Pig” (a NY Times Best Seller). Just be prepared to laugh, be amazed and even cry a little too! Oh, it’s so good!
deleted willard before i read my printed copy
and i read Go HERE on pages 13 and 14
help i so enjoy all the things
please let me know how i can go HERE
Hi Susan, you are such an inspiration! I’m sorry about your broken wrist. I broke mine two years ago. Such a pain. Bravo to Joe for helping you do things that are difficult. I am totally amazed by all that you do. My daughter and I are eagerly awaiting The publication of Enchanted. I hope this isn’t putting stress on you.
Vivimos en un mundo ajetreado, en el que, muchas veces, puede ser complicado inspirarse. Algunas personas, especialmente aquellas que trabajan en profesiones creativas, deben poseer una gran capacidad de inspiración.
The Christmas gifts I purchased here in December, were perfect. Maggie loved the honey.
Thanks Sue,
My darling boy. This is my brother Brad . . . xoxo
I have four, and Brad is the youngest of the boys . . . I have 3 little sisters too … but maybe you already know that!
I do know that! I have 2 sisters….3 brothers….I am the oldest and they are all precious to me!
Nothing like growing up in a big family! ♥
I thought I saw this message before, but I can’t find it . . . so glad Bradley! Nice to hear from you here! This is my brother Brad!
Thanks for sharing your favorites, Susan ♥
Happy to finally get it up there! Been planning it for a long time, but always something else keeping me busy!
Hello Susan B.! Just discovered your treasure trove of sites to visit for inspiration. I didn’t see this one listed, “Etsy”, wanted to share this site, all handmade items or vintage. I think you will enjoy. You have been an inspiration and a kindred spirit to me and so many of my friends for a long time. Good things in common, Ocean, snow, Octobers (“I’m so glad I live in a world where the are Octobers” – Anne of Green Gables), Beatrice Potter, Little Women, cats!.. are just few.. Have so enjoyed “Jack’s” pictures recently, he just makes me laugh! Brenda
So Sweet, love it that your brother is on your blog! Hi Bradley! Thanks for the “Inspiration” list – it is truly amazing! Have a beautiful day! Love, Joanie
Hi Joanie, have a wonderful day!
Thanks for posting these links! WONDERFUL inspiration, indeed! I’ve looked at quite a few of them already. Amazing to me how many creative people are out there and willing to share their gift with the world! I have a few that I plan to re-visit and order some of their books/projects! YaY!!!!
And there’s so many more! Everyone linked! So great!!
I bet you would like Tasha Tudor. Artist and author.
I sure do, I did a little “ode to Tasha Tudor” in last year’s December part of my calendar where I painted a corgi and did some of her quotes. Painting the corgi made me want to stop painting anything BUT corgi’s, it was so fun!
Hi Susan: Love your blog, website and Willard! Have been reading for awhile. Just bought my first Calendar! Woohoo!! Had to say something about Tasha Tudor. A friend near me here in Arkansas lives the TT life to a T!! I have knit her shawls that she wears as she works around her farm (several horses, a burro, 2 dogs, cats and whatever hurting wild animal crosses her path), and caring for their property — a delightful home, wedding chapel and just comforting place to roam. Ann spins and weaves, is a dedicated Anglophile — has visited England countless times — and introduced me to all things British. We have tea, and read and create together! I shared your “Ode to Tasha Tudor” and she loved it! Here’s their website. Don’t miss the barn! My artist husband had an art show there in October! What fun!!
Thanks for all your inspiration. When I get “cabin fever” I just sign on to your blog and take a delightful journey complete with music!! Blessings! Keep up the great work!!
Thank you for all of these links Miss Suzie!! I have a small notebook that I keep in my purse in case I come across an interesting website in a magazine that I look at while waiting to pay for my groceries and such. Thanks for these,it’s fun to come across new ideas, recipes,etc. xoxoxo from SW HBR
Glad you like it Lori, was a long time in the making!
Thanks for including me in such a lovely list. What an honor!
Love to have you here! Isn’t it a lovely list? Thank you for helping to make it so!
I just saw this on your home page and clicked on it…can’t wait to dive into these, especially the Louisa May Alcott one…I recall visiting her home when I was a little girl. Thanks so much!
Beyond honored to be included in your wonderful list, Susan!
Sooo many kindred spirits on the links above, am having a terrific time finding them all! THANK YOU! 
So happy you found it Jan!! It’s a wonderful world we live in!
Oh Susan!!! I just found this! How Wonderful for you to share your favorite tidbits with us! It’s hard to believe I never really knew what blogging was, and I had no idea there were so many blogs showcasing “GIRLFRIENDS” Women from everywhere, sharing their hearts, their creativity, their love and their joys… strong and yet transparent. WOW! Now I’d love to find some time for me, and start one too! Maybe someday!
I am so enjoying this journey! Thanks Susan…one can never have too many girlfriends. Hello World!
Hello world!!
Thank you so much for sharing this! I’m so grateful to you for so many things on your blog! I have always loved Gladys Taber, but had forgotten about her for years. Same with Tasha Tudor and Peter Rabbit. Reading my Willards and your blog just makes me feel good, and these days we need more of that! Keep making us feel good, dear Sue!
xoxo Ann!
I couldn’t say the better. My day is made when I read your blogs and books. Thank you.
Hi Susan
I just noticed this addition. Looking forward to checking out the above blogs.
I’m sure they will be interesting if they have caught your attention. I will look into them when we are in between posts from you. I can’t believe how much I
enjoy checking in on some of my favorites-you are number one,of course!
Such great inspiration from so many people that I would never have had a chance to encounter.
Thank you-Susan M
Oh you are in for a treat!!
Hi Susan!
After many years of enjoying your books and recipes, I have just discovered your website! I feel, as do your “girlfriends”, that you are a wonderful long lost sister or “friendster”, or an angel of inspiration! Your favorite movie list is so
much the same as mine, and that’s the only list of favorites I’ve even looked at so far! I loved your blog of the new kitten with the Salvadore Dali mustache!
I just need now to manage my time better so that I can spend more time with you!
With love and appreciation, Cassandra
Glad to see you here Cassandra!
Just found this section of your site. I see we enjoy reading about some of the same people and what they are up to. Fun!
In response to the posts above about and from Brad:
I tell people my little brother is my favorite person on the planet. I tell my children I do not have a sister… but if I did she would be my best friend. They (my children) roll their eyes at this. HA!
Oh, I am so glad to find more wonderful pictures and ideas on your website!
This list will keep me busy for awhile. Julie Whitmore pottery…oh my! Thank you for giving us this list of good things.
Happy to do it!
Hi Susan!
So enjoyed your pictures and story about the Balmoral. How beautiful to
see her so close to Martha’s Vinyard. I wish the news on Cape Cod would tell
us when a big ship is in our waters, I would have come to see her. Thank you
for showing her to us.
I just found your Favorites! They will keep me busy reading them in the evening. So much information to enjoy!
I feel like we are kindred spirits. When I read about your dishes, glassware, baking and sewing, it feels like I am reading about myself. All the things I love. One thing I do not do is paint, but I did do cake decorating for years.
Your home and decoration are lovely, a warm feeling of home.
Thank you for sharing so much with us. I am new to the computer world
and working hard at navigating around it. I need to learn how to Twitter next.
Have a wonderful trip going across the big pond! Will be looking for your pictures and stories of your adventures, Marion Rose
You are doing fine with the computer! Took me forever to figure out how to comment on blogs! Love hearing from you Marion Rose.
Oh my goodness! Susan, what a treasure trove!!! If these are your favorite, I’m sure I will love them too! … But no matter how far I wander, Heart of the Home will always be home to me! There is just one of you! .. Shades of Beatrix Potter, Gladys Tabor and sooooooooo sooooooooo sooooooooo much more!.. You’re the Real Deal!!!! 100% Genuine Susan!!!
You Are The Person of Today!!! sharing so much of God’s beauty and love….. wherever you go, whatever you do, you just can’t help it!!! And we are all so blessed!
Thank you for being you! And thank you for sharing you and all these beautiful people and their creations!
xoxo to you and the kittys….
Ohhhhh, what sweetheart! I think I’m just like YOU! The Person of Today! XOXO!
What an outstanding list of treasures, color, fun and inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing, Susan. The beauty, whimsey and delightful quaintness that awaits you in Britain just tickles our anticipation! Smooth sailing and I hope we are not making too much noise in your suitcase!!
I am so utterly overwhelmed and honoured to be included in your list above. I adore your books and every time I visit my brother in America I buy some. Your work is just stunning and a pleasure to read and I just adore the illustrations!!!
Happy to see you Hannah!!
I love ths list Susan (!!!) and I’m so honored to be a part of it too!!! I’m gonna grab some coffee on my first free morning and enjoy every one!! Thanks for always sharing such beauty and friendship sweetie!!
Big hugs!! Cynthia xox!
Dear Sue,
Don’t know how I could have missed this inspirational list…have enjoyed looking at a few of the blogs already! Thank you for sharing. Hope you will visit mine, too!
Love the bunch of sites. This will be so fun to visit.
Susan, it is such an honor to be included in this list. I’m looking forward to visiting many of these lovely sites. I know if you enjoy them I will, too. Your blog is an absolute must read for me each day; I get so excited when I see a new post has arrived in my Inbox.
Thank you for being you! ♥
Reading you blog makes me miss New England so much. I miss our snowy days ( and school snow days) in Sherman, CT, historic MA and our lovely home in even more lovely VT. Thanks for the beauty and inspiration, Susan! Happiest of holidays and have fun with Yankee…the little piece of home that comes right to my mailbox!
Dearest Miss Susan,
You are my sweetest kitchen friend who hugs me every time I turn around and see your calendar – as if we were talking and laughing and cooking together in this tiny world I live within as I care for my darling son who struggles with profound autism and cannot talk even if he could… What a melody of joyful presence you bring me through the window of your art and quotes and recipes I open each month. And now I have discovered your “web” world a touch away on my computer – just because I hoped to find your recipe for clotted cream! Thank you! [And to give back, you may
enjoy deeply spiritually enchanting…] Love, Judy
I’m so happy to have you here Judith. Hugs to you and your son! Thank you.
Susan, I don’t see Attic24 on your favorite Blogs list. You should check it out. Lucy lives in Yorkshire and crochets beautiful, colorful yarn projects and writes about both. You can find it by just Googling Attic24. You will love today’s post called Up River.
Do you ever give an art seminar….I would love to take a class with you.
I love your artwork. My dad and sister live on the Vineyard. I was born here
but live in Chicago.
Please let me know if you would consider teaching
Sally Hatcher
P.S. I have all of your books!!!
I need to do this sometime. I would love it. The thing is, because I’m self taught, I’ve barely ever thought “how I do” my art … it would be a good thing to think about which I would have to do in order to teach. Keep reminding me. Maybe someday. Not sure how it would be done. I guess it would be here on the island. It would be great if it could be outside, but under a roof. Maybe one of those pointed white tents with the scalloped edged top, and a long banner on top, out in a field, overlooking the water. That would be inspiring! We could have cucumber sandwiches!
I would love to join you with cucumber sandwiches someday!!
Thanks for sharing your party with us awaiting the birth of the
someday to be…” King George” You make everything so much fun!!
Oh, I can’t wait to start checking out these websites, plus a couple of the ones mentioned in others’ comments! But first I have to check out recipes for dinner, and pretty up my place for company tonite. I sooooo enjoy everything Susan Branch I can find. You are such a lovely person, such an inspiration to do even a tiny bit of what you do! (I can’t keep up with you!!) thanks so much for everything you show us is possible! xxoo
Well, mine is just a lifetime crammed into a small space, spread it out over the years and it looks a lot more normal!
I just got to thinking that I knew I’d seen where you mentioned a list of your favorite, ‘must watch’ movies. I made it to this part of your website, and have clicked repeatedly on “Movies, my favorites.” Every time I click, it just comes back with a message that the page isn’t available, and suggests I try a search. I then tried typing in ‘Susan’s favorite movies’ but still no luck. I’m guessing it is probably ME who isn’t doing the search properly OR possibly the page really is unavailable for some reason. Anyway, can you let me know if there is some other way to find your favorite movies other than clicking on that topic on the Favorites blog? Many thanks!
Here’s the list of MY FAVORITE MOVIES — it should keep you busy all winter at the least!
It’s at the top of the blog where it says “About Me”, there’s a drop down, and then you click on my favorite movies. Please let me know if this doesn’t work for you, Anita.
I’m glad i stumbled upon your site, it is very inspirational. I now have to start reading your books i love to read. It’s starting to get cooler in Florida so now is a perfect time. Thanks Susan.
Nice to meet you Linda!
Hi Susan, I am wondering where the restaurant is that you say is your favorite and you showed the view from that restaurant. My daughter are coming to your book signing on Sunday and hoping the restaurant is in San Luis. See you soon. Thanks,Julie
That’s at the Spyglass Inn in Shell Beach and from the sound of things, you might want to wear your badge if you eat there — looks like there might be lots of us Girlfriends there at the same time!
I intend to visit every one on your list. I have to tell you that I love your new book and I have written about it on one of my blogs. I just loved it and it made me want to go back to England as soon as I can. You have given me a few places to add to my list. I also had to watch the movie “Beatrix” again. A very inspiring book for me. I then sent for 3 of your others……….building a collection it seems. Your art inspires me, your words inspire me too. I will follow this blog with joy.
Thank you for the list, I am always looking for new blogs to follow and this will be a good place to begin……Janice
Sweet Janice, thank you!
I just finished your book, A fine romance. Thank you! I have ancestors from England. Some of the bldgs. Have my maiden name on them. I really enjoyed youth story and journal.
Thank you for telling me Gail! xo
Thanks Susan for the websites. Thank you for sharing your creativity! I love
all your products! Mary
Thank you Mary! Love having you here!
Hello Susan!
Do you sell any SIGNED copies of A Fine Romance?
A friend loaned me hers and I adore it!
So cozy and creative.
Will certainly take it with me to England!
Love everything you write about England, and
The Vinyard.
Thanks so much, Constance
We have A Fine Romance here in our web store and they all come signed. I’m so happy you liked it!
Thank you Susan for taking the time to compile this great list. I just found it
& I am going to work my way through the entire list. I can’t wait to discover all of your discoveries.
I am going to Germany in May is there a certain pair of shoes that you prefer for walking.
Thank you again
There are lots of good ones these days, but I can vouch for slip-on Merrell shoes, definitely the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever owned. My podiatrist approves of them too.
Thank you so much, Susan, for adding me (Cottage Industry) to your page! I’m extremely thankful and I’m also a big fan!!
Welcome to the neighborhood Stacey!
So excited for your new book!!! You have been a huge inspiration to me from the very beginning! Thank you!
Can’t wait for your new book!
Dear Susan, Thank you for sharing your favorites. As a teacher of four-year olds, sharing is one of the fundamental life skills for peace and harmony…I appreciate all the topics and thoughts that you share with us. I first found you last year by ordering “A Fine Romance”, after taking my first trip to England in 2014…and our first stop was Tenterden too! We also went to Sissinghurst twice. Once was not enough. And I like telling people that the English eat Heinz beans for breakfast. What a great idea! We are hoping to take a return trip soon. Aside from expressing my thanks for your continuous outpouring, I also am writing to suggest a trip to Florida, where I live. I am from Massachusetts, and can relate to all its beauty, and I think you would find the beauty of Florida colorful and inspiring. As you
probably know, most Floridians are transplanted northerners, and much of the culture here is from there. Florida’s modern history only goes back about 150 years, but there are many delightful venues for exploration, and the winter months are delightful here. Best wishes…
We’re going to try to get down there next spring for a book signing or two!
Your books are always an inspiration to me. I treasure them and keep them in a special case so they are there for times I need to create something. They have been special gifts to our daughters. We will look forward to you coming to Florida some day for a book signing. I will try to see you when you come to Atlanta on your BIG trip! Thank you for your list of blogs. Many blessings!
Hi Susan, I adore your entire attitude about life. I was wondering something. I have a blog called BECKI’S IN HER GARDEN, hhp:// in which I remind people of the beauty and playfulness of life and especially gardening, Would you mind if I mentioned you, your books, and your blog in my posts? BTW while I adore anything English, including Beatrix Potter…..I even named my dried flower business HEDGEROW HARVEST, I have to say I am obsessed with anything BRAMBLY HEDGE, by Jill Barklem I would love to hear what you think of her and her work. Thanks for your efforts in making this world a better place.
To be honest I’ve always thought it was a bit too close to Beatrix Potter’s work for complete comfort. Maybe I’m too protective, because every artist stands on the shoulders of those who came before, we’re all inspired by something . . . and yes, Brambly Hedge definitely has charm, and the more goodness there is in the world, the better off we are. So I give it a thumbs-up based on that! Thank you for the mention on your blog, Becki, and Happy Easter!
Hi Susan, I know what you mean. I have seen others whose work in my opinion seems a bit too close to what you do so I have my hesitations about them. Your work is top notch as far as I am concerned. I don’t know how you consistently keep up the volume, quality, and honesty of your work. Have a fantastic magical traveling year ahead! Happy Spring!
Becki Hardman
It just stems from this place inside of joy and wanting people to be happy even in the little way of a watercolor or a recipe. Thank you so much Becki, so nice to hear that. Happy Spring to you too!
Hi Susan, I’ve been a lover of all your creations since your first cookbook which I stumbled upon in an independent bookshop I can’t even remember now, how many years ago. And like that lucky strike I now have clicked on “Favorites”. Thank you for sharing all you enjoy so we are showered with joy, too. Another one you might wish to checkout is a site that seems right up your ally, so to speak. is really a delight and if you discover it I think you’ll be addicted as I have become. Much love to you and Joe. Someday I’ll make it to Martha’s Vineyard. It sounds like heaven.
What a wonderful treat….can’t wait to check out all of your favs!
Hi Susan…I just recently learned all about Esther…and being the animal lover that you are, I know you would fall in love with her too (if you haven’t already).…be ready to laugh! And if you want a little extra reading for your trip…her dads wrote a book “Esther the Wonder Pig” (a NY Times Best Seller). Just be prepared to laugh, be amazed and even cry a little too! Oh, it’s so good!
deleted willard before i read my printed copy
and i read Go HERE on pages 13 and 14
help i so enjoy all the things
please let me know how i can go HERE
When it says go HERE, if you click on the HERE, it will take you there. SO, HERE is your WILLARD!
Hi Susan, you are such an inspiration! I’m sorry about your broken wrist. I broke mine two years ago. Such a pain. Bravo to Joe for helping you do things that are difficult. I am totally amazed by all that you do. My daughter and I are eagerly awaiting The publication of Enchanted. I hope this isn’t putting stress on you.
Vivimos en un mundo ajetreado, en el que, muchas veces, puede ser complicado inspirarse. Algunas personas, especialmente aquellas que trabajan en profesiones creativas, deben poseer una gran capacidad de inspiración.
I used to get your monthly blogs via email but they stopped. Where can I re-suscribe?
I just sent your note to Kellee, hopefully she can take care of it… there’s a how-to in the right hand colum of the blog . . . xoxo