We’ll be putting English things (country inns and amazing gardens) in the I Love England section; cooking stores and exciting food products (such as Fage, the most delicious Greek yogurt — thick and creamy — easy to advertise because we love it!) under Home Cooking with our new Complete Index of Susan’s books/recipes; and so on. If you have a quilting blog, check out Susan’s Sewing Room, the perfect place to show your stuff! Everything you need to know about our advertising program is coming soon. In the meantime, contact Kellee Rasor if you’d like to be placed on our waiting list — we’ll email you when we have more specifics. Art and Content for is protected by registered copyrights. Please ask before using. |
I love everything Susan Branch and so do my customers!!!
What a great idea…can’t wait to visit places that are recommended in California with my sister/best friend!
One of my favorite places in CA is Pacific Grove. They’re on the tip of the Monterey Peninsula, and they have a fun butterfly day parade in October each year, where children dress as butterflies in honor of the beautiful monarch butterfly sanctuary there. I like to stay at the Bide-a-Wee Inn and Cottages and in fact, lived there for a few months while waiting for an apartment to open that would accept pets. It’s within walking distance to the beach and not far from Carmel and Big Sur.
I love Pacific Grove and am planning a trip to CA this year. Would you mind letting me know when the butterfly parade will be. Thanks very much.
We have wonderful Monarch butterflies in Pismo Beach Ca also. (Just down the coast from Pacific Grove) But, you have to come between Dec and Feb to see them.
I’ve seen them, amazing, hanging in the trees!
I really like your blog & your group. I would be thrilled to join your advertizers. please put me on your waiting list. thank-you. Angelclouds
“I loved your blog. It’s wonderful.
Love. Love. Love your blog. What a delightful happenstance to come across it today!! I would be thrilled to advertise with you. Homey and Handmade would be a perfect fit for you (and you for me).
Oops…it sounds like my biz is “Homey & Handmade”…. actually that’s just an accurate description.
Susan, you continue to be such an inspiration to me!!! Thank you again for sharing so creatively and eloquently. I would love to advertise with you.
Would Love, Love, Love to advertise my handmade custom wedding favors on your website. They are made with beautiful organza, silk and satin!
Love love love your site
Susan, please be careful. Advertising has ‘professionalized’ so many homey blogs it tends to be more of a detraction to the site. As one who roams the blogosphere and only recently came upon this blog, altho I have many of your books, some of us tend to chose not to frequent the professional blogs because it ruins the charm…and right now, your blog is still charming….
Thanks for considering my thoughts.
I wouldn’t want to advertise unless it’s something really good, that I like, and that I think you would like….something I would want to tell you about anyway. I promise to be careful. I can see why bloggers do it though, it takes lots of hours to do a blog, I think people are trying to do it for a living…
oh i agree, with JoE!!! i am very, very tired of adds on blogs. -sigh- so very tired of them.
just my opinion…
Don’t worry, I agree with you, it’s really gotten bad. We haven’t bothered to take this down, but we won’t be doing any advertising. Don’t they just drive you crazy? Me too. Went to one site today that actually took me totally AWAY from the site and I had to fight my way back!
Susan, your site is charming. Your joy and passion for the beauty within the homemaking arts touches many chords in our modern technology-filled, time-stressed lives. You are truly Following Your Bliss! And that’s always an inspiration to others. Please consider my site for your ad page!
Please put us on your list. We have a link to your website on our site under “FRIENDS”. We started collecting and have enjoyed your books, stickers, and calendars since the early 1980’s. You have inspired us in many ways! Thank You!
Hi Susan,
I love your blog and newsletter so much! I live in CT and go to MV 2X a year! I love it there so much. I love your blog because I know exactly where everything you talk about is. I have bought so much of your fabric through the years. I am sorry the only quilt shop on MV is closing! I hope it finds a buyer. If I didn’t still have to work in CT I wouild have bought it!!! Also, I love that Farmer’s Market you always talk about!! I am excited to put mineral oil on all of my tired old wooden boards!! I have a favorite cheese board that is so dry I don’t use it anymore. Now I will bring it back to life thanks to you!
I can’t wait for your X-Mas Newsletter!
Thank you for filling my days with joy!
Cheryl Riello
Love all that!! Thanks so much Cheryl!
You are such an inspiration; It was last year this time that I went to grocery shopping at Albertson. There was a section of calenders……and…..after looking for a while, I came across your calender; I was looking for something colorful…..and there it was. It is my pleasure and honour to know someone with such a great spirit.
Much love, ani
Hi Susan-
Love all your stuff. Very inspirational!
Have just signed up for your newsletter and can’t wait for the advertising program to start!
Keep painting-
Bronwyn …
Workin’ on it!! Thanks Bronwyn!
By chance last year someone gave me one of your calendars. I love it!! I just bought your 2012 calender and gifts for my daughter getting married. I also paint watercolor and teach art. I used to live and work on the Vineyard when I was much younger. I love to see a successful women live her dreams! YOU GO!
xoxo that is very nice! Thank you Patti!
You are truly a joy to see…and read about:) I love your blog, love when you talk about your cats…I a cat lover! You just bring a smile to my day! Thankyou so very much!
My pleasure!!
Enjoy visiting your website everytime. Love to see your beautiful talent in all you do and share. Always makes me smile. Would love to advertise with you. I make Cozy Doll Display Baskets for all us kids at heart who love doll collecting. They are handmade with love. Please add me to your waiting list!
OK, Sandee, thank you!
Love sitting down , reading about all the good food, recipes and all. Love all the drawings and happy activities you do. Like listening to a very good friend. Saw you in person in Mission Viejo, Ca. with a group of friends.
I absolutely love your site. Every time I visit I feel like I’m in a whole new world full of fun and creation. I work so hard to make my world like this and when I’m visiting you, I feel like I’m home. I do love creating with cloth and gardens(even though I don’t have a green thumb). This is the kind of life I dream of. I have a small business and I make aprons, pin cushions, children’s clothing and just about anything I choose so I am kind of living a little of my dream. Thank you for taking time out to share with us. Oh and I also have your calendar and purchase a new one every year and several of your books and enjoy reading them over and over.
A wonderful post! Would love to be the lucky winner of this drawing!
Hi Sis,
Looks like you had a great time in England. It was so amazing watching the Queen listening as England played America’s National Anthem.
Miss you,
Love you,
This is my brother Brad…he is so funny!
And intensely real!
First and foremost – Happy Birthday!!! Love the shoes, cute, crazy, wild and beautiful! Tried your Gazpacho recipe, shared it with friends and it was a major hit. I’m sure as everywhere, we here in Payson, AZ, are experiencing exceptionally warm weather. Going to try the cold cantalope soup next!
Good Morning Susan,
I don’t know if you are aware of this, you probably are I’ve just noticed it in your pocket calendar the dates are wrong. For the month on August look on the small calendar for September and it has the 1st starting on a Thursday and then turn the page and the large September calendar the 1st starts on a Saturday???? I sorry to point this out to you but your such a wonderful lady the I really admire. I just thought you may want to know.
Take Care
PS… I don’t know if you remember me when I met you at your farm stand in Arroyo Grande a couple years ago, My best friends son works in the butcher shop next to your Store (Michael) Arroyo Grande Meat Co.. I’m in the white sweater it’s Cecile’s son (Gray sweater). That works there. That trip was the best trip I will never forget it, I don’t go on very many adventure (as a matter of fact pretty much the only one). But I’ll never forget it.
Yes I did know . . . discovered it last year, we fixed it for this year . . . it’s just the back part, not the real page, thank goodness! I think I do remember meeting you Tamara . . . and that meat market! Always the best!
Hi, Susan, I just left two messages on the Advertising e-mail site, didn’t see this one first. I read about your dollhouse(s) discovery. I published a tiny book in June of this year about an old dollhouse which is magically (and beautifully) restored by fairies. It is comforting and soothing, and actually has a plot. I asked on the other site for a post office box/office address as I would like to send you a copy (not selling or advertising)just for your pleasure, because you have brought so much joy to so many people over the years. I have several of your early books here at home, and my daughter has the rest.
Thank you.
I mailed the book this morning.
Very much enjoying your holiday preparations.
have oone of your book called mom tell me your story. would like another one but not sure what your address is or how to order another one.
Click on this: Mom, Tell Me Your Story — you can order it right there. If you need help ordering, the studio phone number is on every page in the web store — Kellee or Sheri can help you.
Hi Susan and Joe, Received my book and I had to force myself to put it down now and again so I didn’t get through it in one night!! LOL I have read every word and looked at every picture and am now on my second time through it, Im sure as time goes on it will looked like a worn Bible. Thank you soooooo much for sharing your trip with us, England is on my bucket list but if that day never comes I will always have my book 🙂 By the way I just received my copy of The Cotswold Country Cookbook can’t wait to start going through that!! Thank You both again for sharing I am truly greatful!! Denise Watson
Thank you Denise, it makes my day to hear that! (Great also that you found that little cookbook — so cute!)
I really sorry if this sounds like a really weird question. I’m 18 year old artist and have wanted to turn some of my art into stationary. Where and how do you get your designs print???? I’ve tried doing it at a local copy store but it really doesn’t cut it especially for stationary paper.
I would really appreciate you input!!!!!
By the way I simply LOVE your art 😀
Hi Alana, You can very likely request the kind of paper you want things printed on, and if not, try another copy store. Ask them for paper samples you can choose from. It will cost a bit more, but they can do it. Good luck!
Hi Susan!
Congrats on your new book! Can’t wait to have a copy or more in our store!
Looking forward to seeing you in November at the “Remnants of the Past Vintage Show” at Alex Madonna’s Expo Center.
Coalesce Bookstore, Morro Bay, CA
Oh good Joanne, me too! Order from B & T — they are promising to send to indies first!
Hi Susan,
It was so nice meeting at Vrooms Bookstore in Pasadena. I had fun chatting with your husband….and he was so kind to sign two books also..thank you for being such a fun inspiration.
Marcia Ren – Kuehner
Riverside, Ca.
He did! That’s so good … he’s usually a bit shy to do that, but you must have won him over!
I just bought your 2014 Heart of the Home Calendar and wanted to let you know that July only has 30 days, missing the 31st.
You say that so calmly, Gayle. And you are right, that entire day was left off our new calendar. And even my girlfriend whose birthday it is that day does not fall for the idea that perhaps I’m just trying to keep her young. It was printed and no one, not me or anyone caught it. Big terrible MISTAKE we knew nothing about until it was waaaay too late, in stores, sold out in some places. Here is a LINK that talks about it a bit and provides a print out to fix that spot and put that lovely day back on your calendar — the best we can do considering the situation. I am so sorry. This will never happen again, the fix is in for next year, and everyone is on high alert.
I want to work for you!!! 😉
I just love reading your Willard news. I would love to see where you live. Love your calendars and books. Merry Christmas
I love your site!!!
Hi Susan, I am new here to this site and I just love it!! I own and operate the Blue Willow Tea Room in Randolph, Maine. I do not have a website specifically for the tea room, just the Facebook page! If you ever come to Maine, I would love for you to stop and have a cup of tea with me! If you like antique auctions, that is also in the same building as the tea room!! I love everything about this site and find it inspiring! <3
I just returned home from a girlfriends trip to your marvelous island.
Enchanting! What a wonderful time we had shopping, eating, kayaking, walking and just being at the beach.
Of our group, I am the only Susan watcher. They were oh so patient and even indulged me by aiding in a drive by photo shoot of a certain house with a flag flying out front.
I understand how expensive it must be to live in such a remote place. I spoke to several natives and some washashores and it seems they all work to piece a life together in one way or another. I understand too, how we visitors must cause some complications. Most of the islanders are willing to endure the invasion of us tourists because they understand the economic trade off.
You have a lovely site here. I am sure when and if you choose to advertise you will keep an eye and heavy hand in the look and “feel” of the site. I trust you to do what you need to do because I am sure you will do it in a way that will continue to honor, entertain and enlighten your readers.
Thank you for sharing a peek into your lovely life, loves, and travel!
It’s true, everyone here figures out a way to make a living. Almost all the shops on Main Street are woman-owned. You are right, it’s a trade off, but the lucky thing is that the island has time to heal, winter is perfect, peaceful and quiet, and then everyone is so happy to see the tourists come back. It’s nice that it’s seasonal, you get a little bit of everything.
I don’t care to see advertising on other sites, and so far I have not been able to make myself do it to this one. I probably never will. Unless, maybe Campbell Soup shows up and I get to paint the ad! 🙂
Hi Susan,
I have a 35 year old daughter who loves your calendar and wants one every year for Christmas. She emailed me today and said there is no July 31st. in this years calendar!
Maybe you could take a look.
Thank you,
Denise Toy
You are so right Denise … I’ve written about it on the Blog and on Facebook several times, but I’ve been worried not everyone would see it. To read more and get a FIX for it go HERE . . . I’m so sorry! Tell your daughter please too. It’s only the 2014 — we were extra careful with the 2015’s! Live and learn.