Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most often-asked questions I get via your emails and letters; both business and personal…I’m sure the list will grow over time; let me know what else you need answers to (but no math or anything like that).

paintingIs it OK if I borrow the art on your website to use on my blog?
We love it when people want to use my art — but if you’re making something with it to sell, the art and content on this site and on my products is copyrighted/protected; and would be done through LICENSING.
For online use; please EMAIL KELLEE and let her know if you’d like to use my art on your blog; we’d love a credit with a link back to www. with each use.
Help yourself to BUTTONS.heart


Will you come speak to my group?

Who makes your fabric and where can I find it?
Quilt Market Award Winner
My FABRIC is made by Quilting Treasures, which is the division of Cranston (in Rhode Island) dedicated to the independent quilt store business (my fabric is not available in chain stores). If you would like to order my fabric for your store, please contact them (or with any comments you might have) at: http://www.quiltingtreasures.com/content95.html.

Susan Branch FabricWe always encourage you to spend your time and money at the wonderful, small, creative quilt shops across the country (they teach too!), but if you live too far away from a store, or simply can’t find it, we do carry a small selection of my fabric in our WEB STORE (for as long as it’s available; fabric is often gone before we know it).

Will you ever send your WILLARD Newsletter out again via Snail Mail?

We’re thinking about it, we’d love to; it was always free before, that’s what stops us… we would need to make it a subscription because the whole industry of snail mail has gotten so much more expensive. It’s sort of been on the back burner for a while, do you think we should? You can WRITE and tell me; but until then, you can sign up for our monthly WILLARD that comes to you free via email.

Do you sell or loan out your mailing list?
No, never, ever, ever.


Why is shipping so expensive?mail box
Several reasons, the price of gas is one of them. Another is that we’re not Amazon or Zappos, we’re small, so we don’t receive the lower prices (due to volume) that big companies do. We’ve thought of trying to “hide” the cost of shipping by including it in the price of the products we sell — but there’s no hiding it. Like hiding an elephant under the sofa. Emma cups for example…come from England, are so expensive we only order six, sometimes twelve at a time, but they are WONDERFUL, and collectible and I would buy them myself, so we want to have them. Add shipping, and we’re talking investment. I can’t tell you how hard we’ve tried to get the costs down. Some things we even pull out from the others and drive them to the post office ourselves because in some cases, not always, it’s cheaper to send things that way (we’re too small for the PO to do a pickup with us). The big shippers, who will come and pick up, give us one overall price, based on the price of the item, not on how far it goes. That’s the rules. We’re just happy we can still do it at all…

Do you accept advertising on your blog?
Yes, if I love the product and would use it and rave about it anyway. Emma could have an ad here anytime. Creative blogs too, food and cooking things would be good in our Home Cooking section; tea rooms, independent bookstores and fabric shops; yarn stores and cozy B & B’s; Cunard and Amtrak, something wonderful about places and events on Martha’s Vineyard or in England. Here’s how you can contact us about ADVERTISING.

out of printWhy can’t I find stickers and other things?
We don’t manufacture things ourselves; artwork and design is licensed and products are sold wherever the manufacturer chooses, for as long as they like, which, unfortunately, these days, isn’t long. (That’s why nothing stays in stock in our store very long.) Manufacturers are always looking for “new.” Getting a product that would be around forever and never change, like Lifesavers or Levis, is fairly impossible today; the manufacturers really don’t do it anymore. They say the market wants new. (We know, we don’t like either.) When my products come out, we purchase as much of it as we can for our WEB STORE (otherwise we never know where it’s being sold), but it’s only a matter of time until it’s gone and no more to be found. We get calls all the time from people looking for a certain teapot or fabric or scrapbook. Your best bet for old out of stock items is Ebay. Sorry, I don’t have a better answer than that!

Also, for new product, a manufacturer has to CONTACT US and request to LICENSE my art. And here’s where you can help, because we would really like to have stickers and scrapbooking things again. There are several wonderful manufacturers out there, who would no doubt LOVE to hear your thoughts on the subject. You can email them and suggest that you would like to see Susan Branch stickers — or really whatever product you’re interested in! Because you, as the consumer, are most powerful of all. Who knows, maybe they will call us! Here are a few links to some manufacturers; and you being your creative self, may have your own ideas; just direct your questions to the Licensing Departments and include our web site address… www. . And p.s., thank you.heart

EK Success (includes Kay and Company); for stickers and scrapbooking
Hallmark (for stationery and greeting cards, and probably everything else!)
Wilton love their fun products–lots of baking things we’d love to see Susan’s art on!
Checks in the Mail; We know, everyone wants checks! Us too….
Esportia; these are the people who made our jammies!: (626) 301-0280

Do you carry other things in your web store besides Susan Branch products?
Emma BridgewaterYes, we do. Because we find things we fall in love with, books or cooking things, special garden things like our BEE SKEP, darling dish towels, Vintage things when we’re on a road trip; things I have in my own house and think you might like too.

Are you ever going to tell us how you and Joe met?what a doll
It was pure luck on my part, sitting in the right chair in a restaurant at the right time. I love love stories, so I just wrote ours into my next book. I was saving it for the right time. Now that we just celebrated 24 years together, I think I can safely write about it — looks like we’re going to make it! (Knocking on wood).

What got you started cooking?cooking badge
Well, the real beginning was the brownies and peanut butter cookies I was baking at around ten years old. I’m the oldest of eight children and we had lots of lunch boxes going out of the house every day! I was also in charge of the bowl and beaters, and learned early about the good feeling you get when someone says, “Mmmmmm, can I have more?” That was reason enough.heart
But cooking as a passion, for me, happened in a flash of a moment — it was a vision of inspiration that changed my life. And (I hate to say this, I don’t mean to tease) I also put that story in my next book. It’s long, you don’t want it here anyway. Sorry, don’t be mad. It’ll be fun in the long run, you can have tea with the book.

When is your next book coming out?
I keep fooling around writing this, painting new fabric and calendars (having tea, visiting my family, working in the garden), also Twittering, writing Willards, checking Facebook to see what the FOSB are up to, and every other thing, because I really love our connection and have gotten slightly addicted to all the back and forth between us. Procrastination is my middle name; which causes all sorts of problems and slows down the book. But it’s coming.
Now that the blog design is done and up, I’m really buckling down, refusing to let myself get distracted; start early, quit late; focused like a laser, protecting myself from dangerous outside influence. I’ll be dedicated and discip . . . Oh! Did you see that? My girlfriend Martha just walked past my window; wonder where she’s going. Her daffodils are blooming. Is she coming here? I better go check….heart


Art and Content for Susanbranch.com is protected by registered copyrights. Please ask before using.

573 Responses to FAQ

  1. maria says:

    i had a fire in my home 11/30/12 – i lost my vineyard seasons cookbook. every year for his birthday, i make my son boston cream pie. his 21st birthday is tomorrow. can i get the recipe from you?

  2. Clair Louise says:

    Hi Susan,
    I have just found your website/blog and absolutely love your work, i live in the beautiful Devon countryside in England, and am a stay at home mum of 4, I love to write, paint, and anything crafty, and cooking for my family.
    I am currently writing notes and doodles for a book i would like to make for each of my children, similar to your style, i would like to hand write and illustrate it myself, my book is basically about life, and daily livng, favourite recipes, money saving, handmaking, mending, growing veg any advice i can pass down to them for when they are older and have there own families.
    As i would need 4 of these i would like to get them printed/published professionally, so is it better to do my final writing and illustrations onto card, rather than in a note/art book? any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
    kind regards
    Clair Louise

    • sbranch says:

      I think it would be better to do each page individually rather than in a notebook, for printing purposes. So nice to meet you Clair! Have a wonderful day!

  3. Clair Louise says:

    Thank you so much for your reply, and enjoy your day 🙂 x

  4. Barbara Ott says:

    Where are you located? Thanks!

    • sbranch says:

      Located? The studio is in California on the Central Coast, and there’s another studio here on Martha’s Vineyard, which is where I am.

  5. Bonnie says:

    I have been reading your Blog since you went to
    England. I love it, thank you so much for all the goodies you send along each time! I don’t remember which edition you had a recipe (or more like a “how-to”) about brown bread in the can. Could you send that to me again? I remember it sounding so yummy, but I can’t remember what you did with it.
    I will anxiously await your response and your next Blog!
    Thanks again,

  6. Marilyn says:

    dear susan,
    could you please post the recipe for the scones to make in your heart pan? I think they had blueberries and lemon in them-seems as if I misplaced it.Thank you.

  7. Marilyn says:

    That’s it!! Thank you so much-I’ll be making them tomorrow! Thanks for sharing so much of your life with us.Can’t wait for your new book!

  8. Terrie in Atlanta, GA says:

    Hello, dear Sue! I’ve been browsing the “interwebs” this morning, looking for Cookie Inspiration . . . and came across the most darling copper cookie cutters in the shape of SHEEP! Of course, immediately thought of you, the Girlfriends, and the memorable trip to England. Mightn’t it be fun to sell sheep cookie cutters in your shop? Especially if they were such pretty ones as the three in coppergifts.com/ They also carry a very old-fashioned goat, cow, chicken & rooster, pig, etc. Just a thought! XoXo

  9. Elaine Pappas says:

    I would love to order a pack of receipe cards but cannot pay $7.95 in postage. If you put the pack in a small bubble wrap envelope the postage should be under $3 or $4 dollars not $7.95. That is out of site. Can you list stores where your products are sold?

    • sbranch says:

      I understand — so sorry Elaine — because we’re so small, we are stuck with a difficult postage agreement with our carrier … we can’t deal with the PO, they won’t pick up at the studio, and the girls can’t go stand in line everyday. So we get this basic rate of 7.95 — it’s terrible, but most people order more than one thing at a time, and that 7.95 counts for more than only one pack of recipe cards. Our web site is the only place the recipe cards are sold–just wait until there are other things you want to get, then add the cards on and it won’t be so bad. I’m sorry, they don’t make it easy for us! Because you are so right, those cards alone should NOT be 7.95! We have to pay the same kind of prices just to get the products to us, so it it’s awful both coming and going.

  10. Mary Ellen Dadds says:

    Hello Susan,
    This is probly not the right place to put this Question.But,
    I dont know where to put it so here goes.
    When you do a water color picture,do you draw it with pencil first and then paint,or just paint it?

  11. Susan Yancey says:

    I am so fascinated with every aspect of your blogs..they are so intriguing and interesting to me..I love bird watching, especially in the winter; your photos are great, just like I would love to take. Would love to know the type of camera you use. The features are so heartwarming anfpd the relationship you and your husband have seems so romantic and true. Thanks for your fabulously entertaining contribution.

  12. julie bersano says:

    Hi Susan!
    I look forward to your blog so much. My 12 year old daughter likes to read it too. She was wanting to ask, do you recommend any certain sites on starting up a blog? Any quick tips off the top of your head?

    Julie (curious in MO)

  13. Carolyn Langston says:

    Good morning, Susan,
    At the age of 64 and when I thought I had found a nice man to grow old with, we’ve broken up. I woke up this morning with a heavy heart and instantly went to your blog because I knew it would brighten my mood…and, it worked! Thank you so much for being you. I’m going to create a “Peter Rabbit Room” and would like to know where you found the lovely wallpaper.
    Carolyn from St. Louis

    • sbranch says:

      First off, I’m sorry it didn’t work out … it takes a really good man to take the place of no man at all. xoxo as for the wall paper, it’s so old, I have no idea where I got it … but there must be more like it out there. Great break-up project, have fun, thinking of you!

  14. Alynn Snyder says:

    This is a quote I love and maybe you could use it for Your 2014 calendar ? Author unknown.
    Commit random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
    Love your artwork, books, calendars, stickers, creative tablescapes, recipes, gardens, musicas, favorite quotes and the list goes on!

  15. martha lucia fajardo says:

    Hello susan, i love your art and designs; at home I have 2 watercolours of Azalea and another of African Violet – Wild Violet, are really beautiful, I would like to know if they are originals has your signature the first of January of 1980 and the second in 1979, at the back has a personal card with your name, address and telephone number. Thanks

    • sbranch says:

      I painted a wild violet, it sold at a gallery in Beverly Hills right around that time, the very first painting I ever sold which was quite a moment in my beginning-to-paint life. What does the card on the back look like? I also did a pink azalea — how did you find them? I still have polaroid pictures of both of them!

  16. Debby Suovanen says:

    I have always been a fan of your work, but I only recently discovered your blog. Don’t you archive your blogs? I couldn’t find a link for older blogs. Also, is it alright to “Pin” your art on Pinterest.com? I have been doing so without even thinking of asking first! Oops!

    • sbranch says:

      It’s OK, Pinterest used to have some rather odd rules concerning ownership of the art posted there, but I believe those rules have been changed. I haven’t done an archive yet … I need to do that — just haven’t had time. You can google the month and year and it will come up. FYI, my blog will be two years old in June. A baby.

  17. phyllis davidson says:

    hello…..so enjoyed the spring pictures ….the awakening of marthas vineyard…..here in california we are well into spring, thinking summer……of course i want your cake recipe…..my grandmother made angel food cakes for special events and i will add this recipe to be made for my grandchildren…..thank you, thank you for your continual inspiration…..
    enjoy your springtime…..please put me in the drawing…..i have several of the books, but am starting to collect them for my daughter in law……hugs from faraway….phylicia

  18. Di Word says:

    Susan, I can’t recall the name of the paint that you used in your kitchen. Can you please refresh my memory? Thanks so much.

  19. Jerry L. Cripe says:

    Please advise when the Martha’s Vineyard beads will be available for purchase. I want to get my wife one for our anniversary. Thank You.

  20. Pamela says:

    Promise I will not use anything without permission! 🙂

    I love your letters and the art along with everything else! You are one talented lady, God has really blessed you……………..keep up the wonderful work. I so enjoy reading it!

    How’s the book “FINE ROMANCE” coming along?

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Pamela, nice to see you here. A FINE ROMANCE is at the printer now. We’re expecting it no later than September 1st although there’s a rumor it might come a little earlier. Fingers crossed.

  21. Carol says:

    Will you be making your blotter calendar for 2014 ? It is a staple in my office !

    • sbranch says:

      I would be making it, the problem is that the publisher of the blotter has decided not to make them anymore. I know, I’m so sorry, I’m not happy about it either. But the people who make my wall calendar want to make one for 2015. So we will be missing it this year, and it will be back for next.

  22. Hanne says:

    I LOVE your beautiful art! You are such an inspiration for me…in your blog…in your art…in your life…in your pictures.

    Can I ask you, what camera you are using?

    Thanks a lot.

  23. Donna Babbitt says:

    My darling kitty of 20 yrs. had to be put to sleep………………….when the goin’ gets tough the tough go to your blog………….a true happy place. BUT, in reality I wonder, where are the litter boxes, who changes them and do you worry about Jack going outside? Furthermore, who pays the Bills you or your hubby? that sure takes the birdsong out of my happy place, reality is so darned ………………………….there?
    So, to further comfort myself I bought all the Gladys Taber books I could find and your Fine Romance of course. I am a very creative griever? Give Jack a big hug for me. Thanks for all the delights on your blog. D.

    • sbranch says:

      So sad to hear about your kitty, Donna. I’m sending you a hug xoxo For Jack and Girl Kitty, Joe changes the litter box everyday — we have a fireplace upstairs that we don’t use, so we put the box in there. Jack isn’t allowed out. He’ll be two next month, maybe next summer, by then I will have him nicely terrified of the outdoors so it shouldn’t be the problem it could have been. Girl is so afraid, she runs out, rolls in the sandy driveway, munches some grass under the bird feeders and hi-tails it back inside. I think you’re grieving just right, reading Gladys Taber always puts things in the right perspective for me.

  24. Donna Babbitt says:

    I already have a tidy collection of Gladys Taber books, they keep coming and coming…………guess I went a little nuts ordering them but here is the kicker!!! The penny dropped and I remembered I used to read her column in the 50’s and 60’s in Family circle when I was a young mom of many……….6!!! Stillmeadow was a far far country back then. Now, do you think Amber really died a natural death or was it a mercy killing…………..the timing bothers me, and how did she lose her husband?

    Husbands who empty littler boxes are more precious than gold, in fact they ARE gold!!! Mine does too. Thank you for re introducing me to an old friend I had long forgotten………………..I am immersed in Stillmeadow and Still Cove, you are right her wisdom is so balanced, she was really something!

    This weekend I “sold” two copies of your book A FINE ROMANCE, to fellow Anglophiles, they did not know you…………..NOW they do!!!

    Enjoy your trip to our gorgeous but wounded state. Ca. has it all.

    Thanks again, Donna

  25. Ronda Porter says:

    I am a die hard ‘Susan’ian! I love all of your books – they are rare jewels – and I’m waiting not so patiently for the ‘England’ book to hit my local bookstore. We love England as well, I could live happily in the Cotswolds! I have enjoyed many hours of reading and rereading your books, you are a wonder Susan and your artwork is magical.

    Now that I’m older, I am writing down and blogging my recipes and all aspects of our home life here in Texas. I want my daughter, nieces and daughter-in-laws to have easy access to all aspects of our lives. I have recently tried my hand at watercolors. I have noticed in a few of your photos you have sketches with pencils that you are painting. After you’ve painted and it’s nice and dry, how do you get rid of your sketch? With lighter colors sometimes my sketch will show through. Also, what brand of watercolors do you use and do you paint specifically on watercolor paper? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for the many years of inspiration Susan. God bless you & Joe!

  26. Elizabeth says:

    Congratulations on the publication of the new book! I’m very patiently awaiting my copy, well perhaps not so patiently but………! So enjoy your blogs and Willard’s so know the book will be wonderful. Speaking of books, I “rescued” your Christmas book from a library book sale, I have my own so will pass the other along at some point. Also, same book sale (what was my library thinking?) included “Beatrix Potter” written and illustrated by Alexandra Wallner, a children’s book that I wasn’t familiar with. Again, congratulations on a job well done!

  27. Gayle Lamb says:

    I received your book and it is ABSOLUTELY CHARMING! I love it already and have just browsed through it.
    I also borrowed a Gladys Taber book from the library. What a breath of fresh air she brings to life. I definately will read more of her books.
    Thank you for your uplifting blog and Willard newsletters. I love them all and can’t wait to read them

  28. Cathy Mechla says:

    I recently found a copy of The Summer Book and enjoyed reading it.

    The first recipe I wanted to try was the Peach and Plum Crisp. But I found the instructions to be incomplete.

    The recipe includes the ingredients, and the instructions on how to make the crisp. It states that it serves 8 to 10. It also states that you are to bake it at 350.

    But it fails to tell how the length of time it needs to be baked.

    Could you let me know how long to bake the crisp.



  29. Patty S says:

    I think you should contract with a travel company so after reading your new book, your fans can go on a trip to the places you went!!!! Travels with Susan………

  30. Jill Tatman says:

    Dear Susan,

    I am thoroughly enjoying your new book. Can’t seem to put it down. I’ve been ignoring my husband when he ask a ? Not good…
    Here’s my request. I would love a copy of your NEW RULES on page 70 to print out and give o a friend of mine that is turning 90! What do you give someone that young?
    I promise to only make 2 copies, one for my bedroom wall and one for my friend, Mary B, that is turning 90.
    I’m also doing a travel themed party for a friend of mine, so I have bought several of A Fine Romance for party favors. They are all SB lovers too. Thanks!

  31. gloria alexander says:

    I purchased a “Home Cooking Traditions” recipe book which is beautiful, but was disappointed when I opened it to find NO directions on how to type my recipes. There are wonderful pages, cards, stickers everything needed to finish a great book, but I need directions….maybe if I tell you I am 66 years old and very computer illiterate but can manage with directions. THANKS for any help!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      I would write it by hand if it was mine. That way your family will have your handwriting, and hopefully your words of wisdom for the future. I forget, do the pages come out? I guess you could put them through a typewriter if they do. Or you can type a page and glue it in? But handwriting is always best because it includes the heart of the person writing.

  32. kate davis says:

    wow! i never realized there were other women out there with my same passion for Laura Ashley!! i worked at a jewelry store in plaza frontenac in st. louis mo from 1998-2002. the jewelry store was directly across from the Laura Ashley store. i came in one day and heard they were going out of business and selling bolts of fabric for $1.00 a yard. i bought a couple bolts, but one was and still is my favorite. i made my wedding dress out of the floral print on a crisp white background. i now have a 7 week old daughter and would love to decorate her nursery in the same fabric, but i don’t have any left, nor do i have any idea what the fabric was called. i have several pictures of my wedding dress. is there anyone i could email a couple pictures that might be able to either tell me what the fabric is called or maybe just send me in the right direction?

    i would really appreciate this,
    thank you,

    kate davis

  33. Rosie Herdman says:

    I signed up for your newsletter and have yet to receive it. That was months ago. i live in southington,Ct. have been to lovely Martha’s Vineyard often. My hubby and i visited in Mooseup back in early summer- We will go again in October.

    Love your Newsletter

    Rosie in Ct.

    • sbranch says:

      There hasn’t been a WILLARD since July (I think it was July), but hope to do another one soon. Hope you get it! Let me know . . .

  34. Barbara says:

    I am just checking on my order as of 8/23/13…. total….$36.06…..#70731… for your new book “A Fine Romance”… Everyone was talking about it on Facebook ATAA.. and ordered it at that time. I still have not received it…. can you check on that for me. ?? Thank you very much. Barbara (Nana)

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Barbara, your book is still coming … we sold out of the first printing, you might have missed that when we put it on Facebook and on the website ~ we’ve been waiting for the second printing to arrive, which will be at the end of this month, thank goodness. We’ll send your signed book the minute it comes in! Hope that’s OK, if not please let me know and I’ll get Kellee to send you a refund.

  35. Pat Redding says:

    My aunt has purchased some of your recipe books. She needs some extra pages and I have looked everywhere on your sites and others. I cannot find what she needs. She says that the pages are 3 hole and are 6 3/4 x 8 3/4. On the pages there are places for Title, serves, notes and other things. She is trying to make these as Christmas gifts and we would appreciate your help. I am so glad that I found your site and I will be back soon for myself. Thanks again!

    • sbranch says:

      We make coordinating papers here, but New Seasons, who makes the recipe binders, does not make extra matching pages for the books. I’m so sorry . . . perhaps you could write to them and talk them into it, because we sure wish they did!! I’m so sorry I’m not of more help.

      • Sweet Sue says:

        Good Day!
        I was just reading through your FAQ blog. Great blog and wonderful information that is answering questions I had. Yet one question I have never gotten an answer to…..I have both of your address books yet need additional pages for them both. Can these additional pages be purchased separately without having to purchase a whole new address book? Would really appreciate being able to do this.

        • sbranch says:

          The folks that made the books unfortunately could not be talked in to making extra pages. That’s why I did as many as I could for them, plus all those extra Frequently Called Numbers pages.

  36. Pat Pumphrey says:

    HELP! I am remodeling my home and the kitchen is complete. I have no idea, at this time, where to look for my Susan Branch books. They are packed away safely, but just don’t have a spare minute to dig! My son is BEGGING for Lemon Squares. Can you email the recipe to me? Sure would help me out…his birthday is coming up and he loves them soooo much he wants them instead of cake!

  37. Charlotte Klein says:

    Dear Susan
    I shall try again! I attended the event at Vroman’s yesterday. I very much wanted to meet you and have your delightful book signed. Next time! I am looking forward to reading it. I have loved Beatrice Potter forever and shared the stories and figurines with Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren. One of my favorite things are your Willard letters and they have always been an inspiration. Enjoy your time in this beautiful state.

    • sbranch says:

      It’s been wonderful! Did we not meet because the line was too long? I’m happy you were there, but it would have been nice to shake hands. xo

  38. SandiInAZ says:

    Hi Susan,

    I was wondering if your policy about Pinterest has changed. I know that it wasn’t allowed a few months back.

    Just wondering,

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t think I have a “policy” — it just makes me uneasy to see art that I’ve worked on for years be taken to other’s sites. Maybe that’s wrong, and I think it’s very difficult to stop, but it’s just this uneasiness. While it’s on Pinterest (or even Google Images) it has my website attached to it which is good, makes me feel much better. But when people download it from those places (which have become like huge shopping stores for art thieves, I’ve found my art on notepads and things made in China that I did not sanction), to use on their blogs or websites, my website address does not go with it … it’s just my art with no attachment to me. I know I could put a copyright or watermark on every piece of my art, but that makes it kind of ugly too, I hate to do that. So it’s a conundrum. But the cat seems to be out of the bag.

      • SandiInAZ says:

        Hi Susan,

        I certainly understand how you feel. It must be hard to see your hard work used to benefit someone else.
        I see a lot of your work pinned on Pinterest and from looking at the different boards I know those pinning your work are big fans of yours. I haven’t remade a Pinterest board of my own of your lovely work. I’ll just enjoy the other boards of your work on there. Thank you so much for your work, blog, etc.


        • sbranch says:

          You are so sweet Sandi, thank you for your understanding. I know everyone does it with absolutely the best intentions, it’s actually a huge compliment that anyone would do a board with my art … and truly, it’s the reality of the Internet these days. Thank you for asking xoxo

      • Terrie from Atlanta, GA says:

        People can and do take such advantage of an artist’s hard work and creativity. I knew someone who made a beautiful wreath, only to have the entire process cut and pasted onto another person’s site – in a different language, no less! So, being the Hall Monitor that I can be, if I see your work posted without suitable credit given, I always write the author a nice note saying that long-time followers believe in your wish to remain “un-forwarded” to sites like Pinterest. We are very protective of our Friend! XoXo

        • sbranch says:

          You are wonderful Terrie — I just found a Pinterest page called “Susan Branch!” LOL — but that’s the world we’re in now I guess. It’s more upsetting to see actual books that look like I wrote them.

  39. Robin Chapa says:

    I’m not even sure you’ll see this comment, but I can’t NOT write it. And at least it will “go out into the universe” 😉 I just finished “A Fine Romance” and it cut right to the heart of me in the best possible way. I’ve been to England twice, once was for a semester during college, and after reading your explanation of an Anglophile, I’m DEFINITELY one. Your book is just perfect perfect perfect…… I will read it again and again, browse through again and again, make every recipe and hold it’s ultimate message close to my heart. I finally totally “get” why I make things (beads, bags, quilts, crochet’d anything, etc.) Do you believe that at times I would catch myself in a quiet corner with yarn and think to myself that I was the ultimate nut? Not anymore. Now I know I’m an Arts and Crafts crusader 🙂 Thanks for leading the way! xoxox, Robin

    • sbranch says:

      Clutching hands to heart and rocking happily, reading your wonderful words. So glad you liked the book and even better, that you recognized your own creative self in it! xoxo Thank you!

    • Sweet Sue says:

      Happy Day Robin! I just loved your comment on Susan’s FAQ blog. Hope you come back to this site to read my response to your comment.
      I too enjoy being creative and am really into gift-giving as I love to encourage and uplift others in this life….it is one of my passions that God has given me to reach out and touch others lives. So think of it this way as long as your arts and crafts have a purpose and ultimately reach others with the love and work you put into them then they are gift God has given you through which you can express yourself and bless others at the same time. I would love to correspond with you so if you read this comment and would like to be a email or snail mail pen pal please leave your email or mailing address and I will contact you! Be blessed this day knowing that God had you in His heart of hearts before you were even born and that you were fearfully and wonderfully made. Read Psalm 139. Bless you this day and you too Susan for enabling all of us who comment on your blogs to get to know each other. 🙂

  40. sandra hill says:

    i just saw your friend cathy wearing her wonderful black and white kitty cat dress. i love it soooooo much. please can you tell me where she bought it??

  41. Hello Susan! I am so glad I found your website. I’m a writer trying to learn how to bake. (Old dog learning new tricks). I have challenged myself to bake a cake a week. Each week, I discuss the cake I made and the beau gives it a rating. I never put the actual recipe on my blog. Instead I post a link directly to the recipe on your website. Your Pineapple Upside-Down Cake has caught my eye. I do see that you like to be contacted about your work being used. Are you okay with me using that cake as this week’s recipe? Again, all credit goes to you and my followers have to come to your site for the recipe.

  42. Patricia Landale says:

    Susan, love all that you do to put a smile on our faces and make our hearts smile.
    Just letting you know for the month of November on my Susan Branch 2013
    there was no 4, anyone else noticed?
    Wishing you Joe, and all the staff, a very HappyThanksgiving.

  43. Marilyn Taylor Young says:

    Hi Susan, met you at Strawberry Patches (SP) November 7, 2013 and purchased four of your books for Christmas, a calendar for ME, and that Yankee Magazine so I could look at all your pictures and daydream! At Suzanne’s SPs it was a perfect place to meet you. I found a book written by you in my cookbook collection the other day and have treasured that book since the day another friend named Susan gave it to me. I love the photos friends took of us and plan to print them and insert in your books that I give away. I read and will reread your new book as I found it to be magical, just pure magic. I’ve been to England to visit my relatives in Cambridgeshire and felt the way you do about this wonderful Country. Don’t know if I’ll ever get back again as I’m going on 80! You did tell Jane and myself that day at SP that she should go again and be our tourguide! Lovely lovely idea. I’m trying to hop on your blog and will get help soon to get on. Thank you for being a part of all of us, true sisters, that’s what we are! Hugs for you and Joe and save some for your kittens too.

  44. Marilyn Taylor Young says:

    Comments are above!

  45. jackie nelson says:


  46. Diane Fair says:

    Can I use your “Four Stages of Life” for my cover page on facebook? It made me laugh last year, and I thought it’d be fun for Christmastime.

  47. Lorna Pyrih says:

    I’ve really enjoyed your new book! Being co-coordinator of the Winnipeg chapter of JASNA(Jane Austen Society of North America) , I especially appreciated you’re being able to take photos at the Jane Austen House Museum. I haven’t had the privilege myself of going there. And also Beatix Potter, another favorite of mine. Thanks for sharing this with even your northern fans in Canada. Have a great new year!

  48. Lorna Pyrih says:

    Oops! I misspelled Beatrix!!

  49. La nueva ronda de clima frío que viene, la gente usa ropa de salir demasiado, en este invierno frío, lo primero que debe hacer es cálido, cálido invierno es la mejor opción para una chaqueta ligera, no a continuación, piense en todas las chaquetas son piezas hinchadas Usugi todavía con una chaqueta en la lluvia o con sol, es necesario mantener un buen físico, pero también cálido y muy fácil de hacer, este invierno será el banquete pantalla hacia abajo!

  50. Pat says:

    Susan, I e-mailed you earlier, in Nov. but wondered why I did not receive an answer. Did I maybe not do something right?

    • sbranch says:

      Maybe I was on the road and it slipped by me…try again. Much as I’d like to, I sometimes just don’t get to answer every email especially if they’re long, as the time machine rings its little bell and I have to go.

  51. Kelly from Wichita, Kansas says:

    Hi Susan,
    I have a question for you. I would love to use some of your artwork as a desktop wallpaper for my computer at home (personal use only). Is it ok if I “borrow” some or do I need to e-mail Kellee for permission?

  52. Joan says:

    Hi Susan…so nice to contact you again. I still have a handwritten letter that you sent me over 10 years ago…I showed it to everyone. I was stunnned that a published writer would write to me. I have a quick question. I have 8 grandchildren and have been slowly writing a story for each one that they are the main character in. I write the story and draw the illustrations (not really well but they never complain). A few years ago I discovered a company online that would publish your finished manuscript in hardcover and it looks so professional(I’ve had 3 professionally done so far). I’ve read a couple of my stories to my second grade class and I blush at their enthusiastic praise for my work. My question to you is…I would like my illustrations to come across on the published page looking more professional. They seem washed out. I draw and use watercolor pencils on hard stock. Do you use markers that make the color in your work “pop” the way it does? Thanks for your help.

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Joan, nice to see you here! Your books, using your grandchildren as characters — how wonderful, what a treasure for them. As for my art process, I’ve never used markers or pencils … only regular watercolors — tubes and watercolor paint sets that I get anywhere I see ones that I like. You can read more about it by going to the top of the blog to ABOUT ME… there’s art information there . . . or Here— this is the LINK to it. Hope this helps!

  53. Aunt Lou says:

    Hi! Not sure where to put this, so here it is:

    I asked for and got “A Fine Romance” for Christmas.
    (My husband is a darling, that way.)
    I took my time and finished last night.
    (the first time, that is)
    I’ve admired your art for a long time.
    Now I admire you as an author, too.

    Thought you might like to know, as I experience
    a poem occasionally and love hearing that my little
    work blessed someone.

  54. Jodi says:

    Hi there!

    I was recently going through some things, when I came across a box that my mother had given to me. I nearly had forgotten all about this box, and suddenly was overwhelmed with tears. I recently lost my Mother, and that lil box brought back a wave of emotions. She had given me a box of LiL note cards prob 2×2 in size with a sentiment and a picture on it. She used these lil cards to tuck here or there just to give me a pick me up when she thought I needed one. My daughter is now in college and I would love… {LOVE} to use these lil cards to tuck in letters, cards, packages etc.. for her, as my mother did for me. Problem is… I cannot find them anywhere. Could you possible send me, lead me to these lil notes of joy!? It would be so wonderful if you could! Thank you so much!!!

    • sbranch says:

      How wonderful for you to find that box your mom gave you. “Joy Notes” was something I designed years ago for a company that has since gone out of business (as so many of them have) … and there are just none left. You will have to make your own cards to fill that box Jodi. xoxo

  55. Terrie from Atlanta, GA says:

    Dear Susan,
    Don’t mean to pry, but I’m wondering about Girl Kitty. I may have missed your posts on her after the Big Book Trip, but how is she doing, healthwise? We all are so in love with Mr. Jack, but as a Kitty Mama who lost her 16-year old girl this past Boxing Day (so sad!), I’ve always followed Girl with such love and respect. Maybe it’s too hard for you to talk about? Please know that people care; our senior pets offer the best love on earth.
    *Oh! Those misplaced dogs in Sochi who lost their homes when families were relocated to make way for new Olympic venues … heartbreaking. So tame and healthy, for now. I cried!

    • sbranch says:

      She’s really fine. Fat and happy. But so shy. Joe and I have to get ahold of her and moosh her because she just wants to be in her room almost all the time. She goes to sleep next to me, and comes down for breakfast and dinner, but other than that, she’s pretty much upstairs in her lair, the Peter Rabbit room. Not at all hard to talk about, but not too much that I can say 🙂 But, speaking of dogs … look at THIS … so adorable ….cry cry cry!

  56. Mary Redle says:

    Hi Susan, I love the lamb cake mold and the finished product. I thought it would be great for Easter and my granddaughters would also. I am allergic to coconut. Have you ever made the cake and finished the outside with just some type of frosting? If you think a particular frosting would work better than another would you let me know. Thanks so much and I enjoyed meeting you in Hudson Ohio this summer.
    Think Spring. Mary

    • sbranch says:

      I would just use the boiled frosting I made for the lamb cake on the blog. It’s delicious and white and looks very pretty swirled onto the lamb. You really don’t need coconut. Thinking spring Mary!

  57. Susan, Just wanted to say how much I LOVED your new book A Fine Romance. It is wonderful! I was in England in 2002 , I loved every moment of it. We were mostly in the Cotswolds for two weeks. My dream is to go back and stay and visit the Lake District. I like you love Beatrix Potter, I like you have collected her figures for ever. I know there are 100 , but so far have only 30. Jane Austin goes without saying. Have you read the new Bridgette Jones book ? I love her style of writing. Your diary reads just like you wrote it just for me.Have a wonderful spring and know that you have made me happy today. I read your book in two days. I hated to put it down.Mary Elizabeth Marshall Lawrence

    • sbranch says:

      You think when you’re in the Cotswolds that this must be some sort of beauty anomaly, but then you travel around and shockingly, the beauty is everywhere! You will love the Lake District just as much! I did read the new Bridget Jones book … it wasn’t like the first one, but I love her style of writing too.

  58. Sweet Sue says:

    Good Morning!
    Since this is the FAQ blog I had a few questions for you that I hadn’t seen the answers to elsewhere so here goes…….
    Just how big is your house? ……is it 2 story or 3 story? ………are there alot of stairs to climb?…….my husband & I like what we have seen of the outside and inside that has been shared on your blogs and in magazine (such as Yankee) that have featured you and would like to get an old house and fix it up like yours. Thanks in advance for house info.
    Another question that we are curious about….is Vanna your daughter?…..you talk about her being there when drawings are done, etc…..yet she sounds like she is in and out and very busy. Since you had never mentioned if you had children of your own or that Joe had was wondering if it was just the two of you and Jack and Girl Kitty who lived in your Martha’s Vineyard home. By the way here in our area they have tours at Christmas time of old famous homes and was wondering if you had ever opened up your home during the holidays for such tours. The ones we have gone on here were exquisite and we were able to meet the owners which was delightful. The monies collected for the tours always have gone to a charity of the owner’s choice or to community group to help restore older homes in the area.
    Just a thought …..would love to hear your response on it ……or as they say……”a penny for YOUR thoughts!” 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      The house is 2-story with a basement and an attic with front stairs and back stairs in the kitchen. It’s four bedrooms. Vanna isn’t real, she’s a figment of my imagination. There is something called the “random-number-generator” that comes with blogs and chooses names for winners of drawings. I didn’t care for that name, so I thought about game shows and thought about Vanna White and how good she would be at this job. So I made up my own Vanna, gave her the job, and some really cute clothes and a life. She’s very beautiful, popular and busy. Spoiled too. Has really cute pink mule slippers with feathers on the toes.

      • Sweet Sue says:

        You bring joy to my day! 🙂
        I had to laugh at how you personified your “random number generator” into Vanna and gave her a life, a beautiful wardrobe and even a bedroom in your home so to speak. The special touch are the cute pink mule slippers with feathers that she wears. I’m still laughing and could just give you a hug for your imagination and creativity…..so consider yourself hugged as you made my day! 🙂
        Thanks too for the house info….sounds so charming and delightful…..we are looking for such a house in the nearby city of San Dimas that we can fix up and make our own. Your house and most of all your special touches that make it a cozy and inviting home are an inspiration!
        If you get a chance today say a prayer for me as I get my test results from last weeks scans today! My husband and I are believing for the best! Thanks!

  59. Jennifer says:

    Hi Susan,

    Wow, I just discovered you and want to thank you for sharing your gifts with us! I couldn’t put your newest book down! Quick question, can you recommend a place on the web or otherwise, where I could locate a penpal?


    • sbranch says:

      Fairly often we do PenPal exchanges on my Facebook Page, Friends of Susan Branch. Watch there — we’ve put lots of kindred spirits together.

  60. E J Brown says:

    Many years ago or so it seems you posted a vintage apron pattern….I made a copy of it…..LOVED THAT APRON….made one for my DIL…whom I also LOVE….saw it at Easter time….she uses it everyday….and wanted to make one for myself!
    We’ve moved….I’ve lost the pattern and saw it on Pinterest…tried to find it on your site………no luck!
    Where can I find it again or am I out of luck!!
    Thanks for your help!!
    E J

  61. Janet Faught says:

    Would it be ok to send the cherokee story to my sister. She doesn’t go on the internet. I would also like to send her the recipe for angel food cake. It’s ok if it’s not ok!

  62. Cindy S. says:

    This might be a strange question and I can’t remember seeing it anywhere else, but when you have your lovely outside dinners/lunches, don’t you get bothered by bugs? Or don’t you have them as much at Martha’s Vineyard? We’re either bothered by wasps, hornets, flies or mosquitoes. We’ve tried citronella candles, days with a breeze (only to fight the stuff blowing around too!) and we have resorted to chemical spraying, which I’m not a fan of. What do you do for your outdoor dining?

    • sbranch says:

      A few years ago we tried putting a fan outside near the table and it really works. Mosquitos, which is our main problem can’t withstand any breeze over one mile an hour. We do citronella bug buckets too. But we don’t seem to have the problem with wasps or hornets and the flies haven’t been a problem either.

  63. I have mentioned before that I loved your stickers. I also have about a half yard left of one of the fabrics that I am holding onto, even though I don’t sew much,anymore. It makes me smile just to look at it!

    You have brought so much beauty into our world.

  64. Corrine says:

    I would love to be able to have a planner that you design. Have you thought about designing planner pages available digitally that users can print themselves and put in there day planners?

    • sbranch says:

      That’s a good idea Corrine . . . I wonder if there is a standard size for day planner pages?

      • Corrine says:

        Susan ~ if you go to Etsy and search for printable planner pages you will find tons of examples. Page sizes are pretty standard, it the holes that might be different, and if users purchase and download, they would punch their own to fit their planner… 🙂 I’d love day to be able to purchase planner pages designed by you, Susan Branch!

  65. Carrie Fostor says:

    Dear Susan,
    I love your books and artwork and all the little stories. I have a board on pintrest, I guess you could say it is a “fan” board in honor of you and your work. All the pictures I have on the board have come from others on pinterest – I guess what I want to know is would it be okay if I pinned some of your lovely pictures to my board? (They would direct people to your website). Wishing you a most glorious day! Sincerely, Carrie 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      The only thing about Pinterest for artists is that the art goes off into space with no copyright or authorship. I know it goes with the art onto Pinterest ~ that the information is attached ~ but after that people help themselves to the art and put it on their websites with no connection to the artist. The cat is way out of the bag for this, as Google images does it too. So it’s hard for me to say OK, but really, what choice do I have? I love to share on my blog and I’m not “careful” about what I put up. For countries that don’t agree with our copyright laws, there is this lovely library of image after image they can help themselves to called Pinterest and Google Images. I know I’m crazy to even think about it, you can tell I’m very old school. Everyone tells me to watermark all my photos and art, but I hate to ruin it with words across it. So I don’t, but anyway, I try to tell myself it doesn’t matter. I’m probably the only one that feels this way!

  66. Donna says:

    I just found your website and artwork. I make my own personalized greeting cards, and also do some scrapbooking, but have absolutely no artistic talent other than cut and paste from somewhere else, and try to match colors to background papers!! Is it OK to download your artwork to use on my cards?

    Thanks so much! Love your artistic style.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, you can do that as long as you are not selling them. If it’s just for yourself and friends, giving them away, that’s OK, but selling means you would have to license the artwork. Hope this helps!

  67. Veona Roberson says:

    I just finished reading your latest blog and loved all the news of your recent trip and the pictures too! Since I enjoy quilting it was fun to see your fabrics and only wish I could buy some…I have a 30’s quilt at my quilter’s now. So…wouldn’t it be my lucky day to win some of your fabric fat quarters to include in another quilt. Keep blogging & Happy Anniversary!

  68. Barbara Reynolds says:

    6-9-14 You are wonderful! Through your work & the love you put out into the world you are raising the vibration of this world & taking us all w/you. God bless you & may everyone in this world live in a happy, safe “heart of the home.”–With Love, Barbara

  69. Lynn Rosenberg says:

    Hi Susan,
    I am wondering if you’ve ever shared HOW you make your blog? Who helps you? A company? I’m considering starting my own blog about our family’s move overseas (especially for my friends) and I LOVE your blog. It’s such an inspiration, but I’m not too savvy with blog designs. Can you advise?

    • sbranch says:

      I just do it myself. I designed it on paper, a friend put what I gave him on WordPress just for the layout, the dropdowns and things like that, and then I just update it when I can. I hope that answers your question. They have blogs pretty well figured out so people can do it themselves. Google your question, you might get a better answer. It’s perfect to keep up with lots of people at once.

      • Lynn Rosenberg says:

        thanks! you’re so kind to answer so quickly! I just bought your “Fine Romance” book and gave it to my dear mother-in-law who was visiting us here in Virginia. She got a terrible cold and was SO grateful to snuggle in under blankets with your book to keep her company! Now we’re planning a family trip to England…this December in London, wrapped in scarves and drinking Christmas tea…thank you!

  70. Peggy says:

    Hi, Susan. Just noticed that July on my wall calendar doesn’t have a 31st. August starts correctly on Friday. Never noticed until I had to check a date for my job. Hmm?

    Generally speaking I love your work and not leave here without saying so. I have already ordered and received my 2015 date book and wall calendar, so you see I am a huge fan.

    Thanks and continue spreading that beauty around.


    • sbranch says:

      I know Peggy, I’m so sorry. I’ve Blogged about it several times and put it up on my Facebook page that on the 2014 wall calendar Calendar we forgot (just a little thing — a day) July 31st. We forgot July 31st. I still can’t quite get over it. Anyway, I have a FIX for it, along with a more complete but still pitiful excuse, if you’d like to go HERE. We did a very thorough examination of the 2015 calendars and they are all good! SO sorry!

  71. marti D'Agostino says:

    hi Susan, love love everything about your website and all that your talented mind and hands do. I am sure you feel fortunate to have found your niche in such a marvelous way. so cozy and warm. keep up your lovely drawings etc.

  72. Tien Clifford says:

    Hi, I was wondering what is the name of those wine glasses with “little gold symbols” in your dining table spread pic?

    • sbranch says:

      I’m not sure which symbols I’ve shown, but there are two, one design is of fleur de lis which is either painted on or decals, and the other is more floral ~ the design is actually carved into the glass. They’re a treasure given to us by a ninety year old man, a dear pen pal my mother and I shared, who lived over on the Cape and gave them to us as a gift.

      • Tien Clifford says:

        Yes, that was the one. Thank you for sharing! (Some people, like myself, don’t.) Now, you’ve given me a new project, a purpose! I love your art designs and that pic of the dining table. It amazing and not easy to put several things you like together and have it actually fit. When I grow up, I want to be just like you

  73. I keep ‘A Fine Romance’ by my bedside table & re-read parts of it many an evening for the 2nd or third time. I love it & will model my next travel journal after it. I cant paint or draw but I usually cut things out & include as well as tickets etc. My last name is Willard. I am a descendant of Simon Willard Thru the Henry 2 line. Maybe we are distant cousins.

  74. Leslie Bigos says:

    Hi Susan,

    I just read your new book and loved, loved, loved it. It was recommended by a friend of mine because I recently finished my own trip to England. My husband and I celebrated our 30th anniversary by doing the Coast to Coast walk inspired by Alfred Wainwright. The walk is across England and takes one through the Lakes, The Dales and The Moors. I was so pleased to see that Joe had bought a Wainwright book on your trip! Wainwright plotted the C2C walk using ancient footpaths and avoiding roadways. It’s done by about 10,000 people a year.

    Our walk was fantastic. We went to some of the same places you went. 230 miles of sheer delight. We stayed in pubs, inns and on farms. My husband finished the day off in the pub with a Guinness but I too discovered the Ciders and that was my treat! I must have taken 500 pictures of sheep. They are everywhere!

    In your book you shared so many of the same emotions that I felt on our trip. I did not want it to end. Since I’ve been back, I’ve been reading books that transport me back. One such book is ‘The Yorkshire Shepherdess” by Amanda Owen. Amanda was a city girl but inspired by James Herriot, she became a shepherdess/farmer/mother/baker and is raising 7 children on the historic Ravenseat farm. She loves the Dales and loves her life and she is an entrepreneur (started a tea/scone baking business and a B&B) as well as raising prize-winning sheep. I think you would *love* her book too! She tweets photos of the farm so I get my little dose of Ravenseat and The Dales every day.

    You probably don’t have time, but I thought I would share my pictures with you. plus.google.com/photos/+LeslieBigos/albums/6051990535177258433?authkey=CO7cxdWektj1cg

    Congrats on a wonderful book that certainly touched my heart and made me feel like I was traveling alongside of you!


    • sbranch says:

      Your photos are wonderful Leslie, thank you so much. I sent them to Joe too so he can get all excited and maybe a little teary like I did! xoxo Hard to stop doing that. I have never felt so wonderful as I have walking the back country footpaths of England.

  75. Sarah Nunnelly says:

    A few weeks ago I emailed you pictures of my precious black and white cat Bailey.
    He had curled up my needle work box which was much too small for him. I just thought you would enjoy it.
    I haven’t received word that anyone out there in Susan Branch Land ever saw it. Wonder what happened?

  76. Jody Pilon says:

    Dear Susan – I have been a long time fan (long time = more than 20 years). My aunt bought me a copy of your book, I think the title was In & Out of the Garden? I have also been a collector of Victoria magazine for many years and was recently given some magazines from the late ’80s. Imagine my disappointment to find the most beautiful Susan Branch table-ware featured in the pages of this treasured Victoria magazine all these years later! Can you please tell me how I might go about finding your dishes? I did try to track them down through a department store in Japan – but it was getting very complicated. Any help you can offer would be much appreciated. Jody
    PS – hoping to get one of your books for Christmas this year . . . its the only thing on my list at the moment.

    • sbranch says:

      My dishes are long gone, the only place you might be able to find them would be in an antique store or maybe on Google or Etsy. Maybe if you Google Susan Branch dishes, you might find them. So very nice to hear from you Jody . . . just fyi, I can’t take credit for the darling little book In and OUt of the Garden, that was Sara Midda. xoxo

  77. Tina Oldham says:

    Hello, Susan:
    Am so enjoying your “A Fine Romance.” It’s lovely, evocative and so happy-making. You mention a lavender earl grey tea you like. Is there a specific brand that’s your favorite? I love earl grey, so I’d love to try it, but there many choices on Amazon. (Maybe there’s a way to search your blog to find if you ever mention this, but I couldn’t figure out how.)
    Thanks for all the joy you give us,

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, if you go HERE — and scroll down, you’ll see my “Private Blend” tea — that’s it. Drinking it right now as a matter of fact! Enjoy!

  78. Sandy says:

    Hello Susan,
    I just wanted you to know how your wonderful website has filled my life with little bits of joy! I love the pictures, the recipes, all the things I learn from you…what a kind, inspirational woman you are! My children even enjoy my sometimes overly enthusiastic jolts of excitement when I share with them a piece of music from your blog or a picture of your kitties, etc.
    Anyway, I hope to be able to visit the vineyard with my family in the near future. I have one silly concern…almost embarrassing to ask, but here goes, how do you avoid the tics that I hear come out in the spring time? With children, I’m a little concerned. Is it something to worry about?

    • sbranch says:

      I can imagine you would worry. Truly, it is a bit worrying, although I’ve never had a tick bite and I’m in the woods almost everyday. If they’re going to be in the woods, socks and long pants are good . . . but really, just look them over good when you bring them in. On the island now, even if we don’t see a bite, if we have symptoms, the Dr.’s give us antibiotics for Lyme disease, they don’t take chances. I think it would be a very rare chance your children would get it during a vacation. But it’s good that you’re thinking about it ~ it will insure nothing will get them! Thank you for the nice comments about the website . . . as you can tell, I love doing it! Happy Day, Sandy!

  79. Margaret Riddle says:

    I saw your book A Fine Romance in Barnes and Noble just before Christmas and it spoke to me. I had to have it. It is perfectly wonderful!! I have traveled to Europe 6 times beginning in 2002 and love Scotland, England and France, from all of which I have ancestors. Though I always keep a basic daily diary, and a photo album, I never seem to have time to make them special. I am so inspired by your book that am determined to create something special with my last trip of 2011. I am a bit artistic, so I have all sorts of souvenir items and photos to include in it. You are such an inspiration. I hope you will soon publish books on trips you take to Scotland and France. Thank you for the beauty you create!

    • sbranch says:

      What a wonderful project you have in store. One of my favorite things about writing A FINE ROMANCE was that I virtually LIVED that trip every day for, not only the 2 months we were actually there, but for the 9 months while I was writing, painting and choosing the photos for the book!

  80. Christine says:

    Susan ~ I love all of your posts and photos about the blizzard!!! When I hear about bad storms, etc. I automatically think of who I know that could be affected, and I check on them. Well, you are the only person I “know” on Martha’s Vineyard, so you were on my mind, and your posts told me all was well in your creative corner of the world. (You’ve been a favorite of mine since 2000 when I first discovered your art in the hobby I was just starting at the time…scrapbooking.) Take care, and thank you for sharing your talents with us. ❄️⛄️❄️

  81. teena henshaw says:

    Please add me to your blog list; I have been reading your blog from a friend and would enjoy having it on my computer.

  82. Karen T. (California) says:

    Hi Susan! I love your blog, and I’ve been a fan of your books since the 90s. You mention working on a new book, but I can’t find anything that says what that new book is going to be! Have you revealed anything about it? I’m an Anglophile and loved “A Fine Romance.” Looking forward to whatever it is you’re working on now.

  83. Grammy says:

    Hi Susan,
    Not long ago I noticed somewhere here on your site that I could give to support your work. I can’t find it anymore and was wondering how to do it. You are such an inspiration to me – I look forward to each new posting. Read all of the DA post/replies today, so funny. But one of the funniest lines (still laughing) is your remark about Igor’s hair ” . . . maybe the hair isn’t dirty? Maybe it’s product?” Hahahahahahahaha…. Keep up the good work!

    Penny, central Cal

    • sbranch says:

      You know it’s hard for me to answer that question, this was a very thoughtful thing that Kellee and Sheri put up . . . so it feels a little odd, but I am nothing if not a question answer-er . . . just scroll down, it’s in the right-hand column somewhere near the bottom. Please feel no pressure . . . it’s the thought that counts. Thank you so much!

  84. Lucy says:

    Hello Susan,
    I noticed that there is talk about “snail mail” Williard again? How sweet that would be!! I always looked forward to them. Also, are there any snail mail pen pal groups that I would be able to join? I LOVE writing letters and decorating the envelopes! Any info you can give me would be wonderful! also, do you still accept snail mail letters from your “fans.”?
    Thank You,

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t actually think there will be snail mail Willard again . . . When I stopped doing it fifteen years ago, a mailing was costing around $25,000 — it’s probably tripled now, which makes it almost impossible, at least for me. I was so grateful the computer showed up in the nick of time! I love that communication with everyone. We do have a contact for Pen Pals on my Facebook page! Friends of Susan Branch. I do get letters, but I’m sorry to say, I don’t have time to answer them anymore. Crazy world.

  85. Brenna Keeler says:

    Hi Susan,
    Thank you so much for all you do! I’m so grateful for the beauty and lightness you add to my world! I was just wondering if it’s ok to post one of your pictures on my fb page or on a friend’s fb page? For example, I love your little dancing party chick watercolor image and I’d like to post it to people’s fb page for their birthdays, or the bubble bath image to share with people on my page to encourage self care and relaxation. It’s not for a profit, I just like them, they make me happy and I want others to be happy too. What do you think? Or your beautiful lilac pic from your blog bc it’s so beautiful! I’d be happy to leave your website or name with the post too if that helps. Thanks so much!!

  86. Barbara Underwood says:

    How can I change the e-mail address at which I receive your newsletters? This is my new one.

  87. Barbara Underwood says:

    I’m afraid it hasn’t been. Just today I got the most recent page in the old e-mail address.

  88. Lexy Lawrence says:

    Here is a question I’ve never seen asked of you. Maybe it’s not polite to ask but I really need to know the answer. I tell everyone about your talent as an author and an artist among many other talents. People accept that you draw and paint but when I say you also do all the printing/writing style. They won’t believe me. They say it’s too perfect and there are fonts to do that. I say she/you do it all. So, being very impolite and nosey, what is the answer please. If you don’t want to say it outloud please email me privately. Thank you for allowing questions.

    • sbranch says:

      No, it’s okay, because every book I’ve done so far has been completely handwritten. No font, just my hand and the pen (I always say I have the chiropractor bills to prove it!) But also in the spirit of honesty, after A FINE ROMANCE, I finally let Kellee talk me into looking at making a font from my handwriting. We did it, and it will be used for the first time in The Fairy Tale Girl. I did it because of time. I am also handwriting, or watercoloring the quotes, the title pages, and lots of other things for the book. I want it to be beautiful. But I’m getting older too . . . and I have lots of books to do before my day is over.

  89. Lexy Lawrence says:

    Thank you Susan for telling it like it is. I just knew you did it by hand and that in itself is remarkable. All my SB Cookbooks and “A FINE ROMANCE” are books I treasure. You know how much you are enjoyed for your talents and your love for life….(I know there are men who enjoy your blogs and books also)…but your “girlfriends” can’t stop bragging on you to others and loving you much.

    I’m glad you are coming out with your own font….you deserve to rest a bit and take the time to smell the roses. We all will still love and admire you. I for one don’t know how you could have done all you have. Blessings and Hugs.

  90. Kate says:

    Love your summer and autumn books. Any thoughts about writing spring and winter ones?

  91. Linda says:

    May I have permission to post the Allan Chalmers quote on facebook? I really like it & just want to share it with my friends. Thanks.

  92. Rachel says:

    I recently came across images and references to your Scalloped Apron pattern in several blogs online. All of the links to your free pattern are no longer available. Is this pattern still available?


  93. Lynn Hammeras says:

    I love your art. I buy your calendars every year. I am a retired director of a children’s program and when I was working, each of eight classrooms had your calendars and parent announcements were posted with your scrapbook stickers, etc. However, my purse calendar does not last for two years! It either needs to be on sturdier paper or made to last just one year. I don’t mind buying one after one year, I need to anyway and willingly do! I don’t think I am particularly hard on calendars but maybe I am. Anyway, it’s a thought!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, we weren’t happy with the paper this year. Changes were made without approval, it’s going back to the way it was, and I THINK it’s only going to be for one year, at least that’s what I requested! I do appreciate your input Lynn, thank you!

  94. Wyn-Nelle White says:

    I “discovered” you before Christmas 1996 at the Tattered Cover Bookstore. I had just lost my grandson Ryan who tragically took his own life just before his 16th birthday. I happened to see your “Book of Days.” I kept it as a diary for the next year, remembering Ryan. It has become a treasure and has led me to creating other keepsakes using your beautiful art–an album for Ryan–and “memory books” for other loved ones, using your stickers, quotes, etc. Since then, you have come to mean so much to me. I just received my autographed copy of “The Fairy Tale Girl” and am enjoying reading it and learning more about you. I will tell the Tattered to request you for a signing for your “Martha’s Vineyard” book. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  95. D'Anne R. Paratore says:

    I am curious when this was printed or available for sale – I was wandering through a Liquidation Store – and found new for sale $4.99 sealed,
    Susan Branch, “Home cooking Traditions” a personalized receipe book
    It solved my christmas gift list – along with some pastries from our bakery
    (soory could not master your cookies) Wha la!!! Merry Christmas

    My cats have put in a request if you would write a “Cat” book – they so look forward to when I sit down and read Williard pics of your cats


  96. Joy Woodman says:

    Hi Susan,
    I was looking at Williams and Sonoma online catalog on 1/23/16 and lo and behold they had Beatrix Potter (Peter Rabbit) spatulas (large and mini). They are darling !!!!!!! I thought of you and just wanted to pass the info on. I ordered myself some.
    Looking forward to meeting you on the book tour when you come to California.
    Joy Woodman

  97. Cathy Wright says:

    Hello! Will you please share the name of the soft green paint color in the room with your fireplace? Greens are so hard, but yours is exactly what I am looking for. At least the way it appears on my monitor. 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      I would if I could, but I lost it!!! I’ve looked everywhere for that name, I know I wrote it down somewhere, but I can’t find it. I love the color too and will just have to take a piece of the wall in when I need to repaint. So sorry Cathy!

  98. Joy Dewhirst says:

    Ello Susan – just wanted to let you know that I featured you on my blog post today and added links back to your signed book and your blog. I was wondering if you have a button I can put on my blog? Thank you so much for all that you do and thank you for writing “A Fine Romance” just for me! Lol. I have been a fan so long my Willard used to come in the mail! I loved the little store in Arroyo Grande and BJ (before Joe) I don’t remember the year but my oldest son, my sweet hubby, my dear DIL and I had the good fortune (we lived in California at the time) to visit MV and just as we were killing some time waiting for the ferry my dear DIL (she is a big fan too) and I spotted you, sitting alone outside at a little place having a late lunch. We walked around the block twice so we could make sure it was really YOU (we thought you were either having an egg salad or tuna sandwich). In the end we decided that you deserved to have your lunch uninterrupted without a giddy young girl and her silly MIL bothering you. Thank you for being you!! Here is the link to my little blog: howdidyoudothat-jojo.blogspot.com/

    • sbranch says:

      Nice to hear from you Joy . . . it sounds like you have some wonderful travel plans afoot. I do love to eat alone in restaurants with my book or magazine to keep me company!

  99. Julie Manno says:

    Dear Susan,
    I have purchased three blank cookbooks of yours. I am making each of my granddaughters cookbooks using family recipes. I would like to purchase more filler pages, but I am not finding any. Is it possible to purchase just the blank pages for the recipe books?
    with a smile,

  100. Linda Gauthier says:

    Just finished reading your book, M.V. Isle of Dreams. I am now hooked! I have been reading books for 40+ years now, and I have not come across anything like it! It’s unique! Love it! I read it in 2 days. (Was almost late for work one day to finish reading the book, lol).
    I live in Mass., and go to the Vineyard every summer, so I decided to read the book. Wow! I love cats, gardening, and nature. Perfect book for me. Dying to read the rest of your books. I’m hooked. PS. TY for liking my cat “Peach” staring at a squirrel at my front door! Lol🐱🐱

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