Gladys Taber Fan Club


Gladys Taber

Lots of you have noticed that some of the most wonderful quotes I put in my books and calendars are attributed to Gladys Taber. I’ve been asked many times who she is and how to find out more about her. I think I learned everything I needed to know about her when I read this:

Gladys Taber was born in 1899 and spent her life writing about the every-day simple things in life for her wonderful Stillmeadow and Still Cove books. She loved everything I love, which is why I love her! Through her eyes, we experience the passing seasons from her 1690 Connecticut farmhouse; share in her passion for animals, gardening, cooking, and homemaking. Her books are filled with practical advice and her common sense view of the way things are. She also wrote the Diary of Domesticity column for the Lady’s Home Journal in the late 1930’s, and Butternut Wisdom for Family Circle through the 1960’s.


Many people inherit their fondness for the writings of Gladys Taber from their mothers or grandmothers. Others “discover” her by accident. I found her waiting for me on a shelf of old books left behind by the previous owner of the first little house I bought on Martha’s Vineyard. The book was Best of Stillmeadow, where I read the words “April in New England is like first love.” and fell in first-love myself, with Gladys. I feel like I just missed her, she died on Cape Cod at 81 years old, the year before I moved to the island

I began collecting her books; finding them almost lit up, like little torches in dark and dusty used bookstores. As soon as I found out about it, I joined the Friends of Gladys Taber Fan Club. For years I have received their wonderful snail mail newsletter that still thrills my heart every time I see it in my mailbox. It’s real mail, the kind you save and read with a cup of tea. Afterward, you feel the way you do when you open all the doors and windows on the first spring day after a long cold winter!

Gladys Tabor Newsletters

I‘ve also corresponded with some of Glady’s other “Friends” and without really “knowing” them, it’s easy to feel an instant connection between kindred spirits because of our mutual admiration for Gladys Taber, which extends right out to each other.

On a beautiful June day in 1999 the beloved “Editor-in-Chief Emeritus” of the Friends of Gladys Taber Fan Club, Gilbertine “Gilly” Moore, stopped by my house on Martha’s Vineyard to say hello. We’d been pen pals for years, but this was our first in-person meeting. We visited in the backyard, under the rose arbor; she was like a link to the past for me. She gave me the black and white photos you see at the top of this page… she took them when she visited Gladys in 1955. Gilly and I wrote to each other until her death in 2008.

Gilly is gone, but her spirit and heart continue to inspire The Friends of Gladys Taber Newsletter. They have what they call a “minimal” web site (due to everything being volunteer, having no funds particularly, just a lot of heart), but you can go there to request membership information — they would love more people to know about Gladys Taber. So if this seems like your cup of tea, it’s only $20 a year for four “sturdy” issues of about 40 pages each, sent out in March, June, September, and December; a mere pittance for the wonderful job they do of carrying on the true tradition of what Gladys Taber was about.


Still meadow, Gladys’s wonderful 1690 farmhouse in the Connecticut countryside.

If you want to know more about Gladys, here is her page at Wikipedia.

In 2014 I was honored to visit Stillmeadow and speak to the Friends of Gladys Taber group . . . and here’s what I wrote afterwards that was printed in their Newsletter.  To join Joe and I on our wonderful tour of Stillmeadow, click HERE


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542 Responses to Gladys Taber Fan Club

  1. peg says:

    Sue! I love this tribute! So you and so Gladys, too. Absolutely love the little dog on the bookshelf with Gladys’ books. Just tooo darling!

  2. grace thorne says:

    i “discovered” gladys taber many years ago and have a few of her books that i read over and over again, also one of her cookbooks. each revisit is like putting on old slippers and comfy clothes. she lives on in the hearts and pages of her devotees and books.

  3. CATHERINE says:

    Lovely website. She was a great lady, thank you for the tribute. Also I collect antique books, many thanks for the number in Cape Cod to buy them. As always, the colors and the layout are very Susan; amazing! I love the qoute about hearts inspiring other hearts. Today being Father’s Day, I am very sad missing my own beloved Dad. I will think of my father-in-law, whose heart is very positive. It was defiantly worth reading, for that reason….

  4. Debbie Coe says:

    I grew up in Woodbury, Ct., neighboring Southbury, and discovered Gladys Tabor’s books in the early 80’s. Her writing spoke to me, but I never found out where her cozy home was. I moved to Portland, Oregon in 1985 but still am a Connecticut girl at heart. Thank you for your tribute to Gladys Tabor.

    • Linda DeFazio says:

      I also grew up near Southbury, Ct. I have lived in New Milford, Ct all my life. I have been reading Gladys Taber books since the 1970s. I have never found her house either, but still frequent Southbury and Woodbury. Blessings, Linda

  5. Nancy Settel says:

    oh Susan found your site this morning and when I saw that you were a Gladys Tabor fan I couldn’t believe it. I have loved Gladys since I was a little girl couldn’t wait for my mother to get home with Family Circle each week (? I think it was weekly)so I could read Butternut Wisdom. I think all the ills of the world could be settled if they just would follow Gladys!!! I have many copies of her books and if anyone needs one of my “extras” they may contact me at [email protected] I can never pass up a Gladys book even if I already have 2 or 3 copies of that same book I just can never let it sit there all alone so they come home with me. Thank you for keeping Gladys alive. I have been to both of her houses and just can see her and her cockers across the lawns. Nancy Settel

    • sbranch says:

      I feel the same way, could never leave a Gladys Taber book languishing in some unappreciated spot! So much heart in those books.

  6. Annie Raymond says:

    I found Gladys when I was going through a very bad divorce. Someone gave me a copy of one of her Stillmeadow books to read. I just loved her from the first page. I have many of her books and read her everyday. She gives me inspiration when I’ll feeling low and have a problem I’m trying to solve. Her soft, kind words and wisdow speak to me and I am at peace with life. I wish I could live on all that wonderful country land and take care of a home like Stillmeadow. I had the great pleasure of going into her Southbury home last summer. It was such a wonderful experience, expecially after reading her books and seeing her bedroom and where she wrote. I recommend her to everyone who wants to find a little bit of peace in this hectic crazy world we live in today.

  7. Jennifer says:

    I loved reading about Gladys Taber. Which books would you recommend starting with?

  8. Barbara McCauley says:

    Hello to all that might read this. Through Susan Branch I was on a quest to read
    a book by Gladys Taber and did get Road to StillMeadow from the library…….and from that knew I had to own at least one book of my own. Through a local used book store I was able to purchase 5 of her books………….Christmas and birthday all in one. Thank you Susan for your love of Gladys Taber and the joy her writings bring. I grew up on a farm and in a very big farm house back in the early 50s.
    So know first hand what farm life can be…………….but also the JOYS IT BRINGS too! I am so enjoying all that you write Susan………….keep us fed both with food………….but through your words!:)
    Ps I am having trouble joining the Friends of Gladys Taber…………can anyone help?
    My e-mail is [email protected] Thanks Barb

  9. Susan, you are the reason I got my 3rd library card today. My local city and county library systems, of which I have a library card each, had no Gladys Taber books – none – in their systems. However, the nearby “Big” city library has a dozen. I was able to obtain a temp card online and ordered up 4 titles to be delivered to a library outpost nearest to my house. When I picked them up today they changed my temp online card to hardcopy and I am now reading “The Best of Stillmeadow”… Thanks, and thanks; & ever Thanks!
    P.S. I have a nook (which I adore!), an iPad w/iBooks & with the kindle app and the amazing “google books” on my computer, all of which I use more and more for the bulk of my reading but none of Taber’s work is available on any of these platforms yet, not that I could find anyway. I guess this is another reason why I have 3 library cards now – not every library has every book and neither does every digital reader.

  10. Also, forgot to add that while I drive I love to listen to audiobooks (which i buy in iTunes and play on my iphone through the car stereo) and have not found G.T. available in this format either… Here’s an idea for you that I would buy in a heartbeat. “Susan Branch reads the Stillmeadow books for new audio release!” …Like you don’t have enough to do! I try to only buy unabridged audio unless I have no other choice – just sayin’.

  11. Nancy Settel says:

    Susan I just have to thank you for for having my posting on the web site. I have met so many wonderful fans of Gladys that have e-mailed me to buy the books that I had for sale. So wonderful to know that others love her as much as I have always loved her. I was begining to think maybe no one read her anymore and had never met another fan of hers till I found your web site. So good to know Gladys lives on. nancy settel

  12. Joyce Price says:

    I do soooooo wish Gladys’ books were out in large print. I really enjoyed reading her books, she was so down to earth and encouraging. Its been a long time since I’ve been able to read them. I liked you section about her as I can enlarge the print and read your wonderful column on her. THANK YOU!!!

  13. Sandy says:

    I have loved Gladys Taber’s books and wisdom for many years, going back to my young adult years in the 1970s when I accidentally “discovered” her in the tiny local library of my hometown. My husband and I are visiting New England this September and I hope to at least drive by her home in Southbury…from the sound of these postings, maybe it’s open for tours? I hope so. If anyone had details, please reply.

    • Sandy Yarber Dixon says:

      I just visited Gladys’ farmhouse on Sanford Rd in Southbury, CT. It was unoccupied and I asked the young couple in the house across the road who said Gladys’ granddaughter is the owner now but doesn’t come to stay there very often. I walked around the house and took photos of all sides of the house and surrounding yard. This is the second time I saw it. The first time was many years ago and I was able to talk with her son-in-law who was the only one there at the time. Get a map and find Jerramy Swamp Rd and her house is on the right just after you turn onto Sanford Rd. I discovered her books in the 70s and have 11, one signed and a letter from her in answer to mine. I am so glad to know that there so many fans of hers and am so happy to have found this site.

  14. Rose says:

    My mother and I have been fans of Gladys Taber for many years. We have , I think, all of her nonfiction books. We love to read over and over again about the life she led with her sweet animals, family and dear friend Jill. What a wonderful simpler time that was. Oh, I wish I could go back in time and live down the road from Gladys, sharing her wonderful recipes and inviting this lovely lady in for tea. Her words of wisdom and folksy tales will live on for eternity.

    • carla erlandson says:

      I discovered Gladys at an estate sale. I bought all the books that were in the collection. Still Meadow sounded like somewhere I would love. And I do! I found the Still Meadow Cookbook at another garage sale and the person that had owned it had written in her own recipes in every blank space and then indexed the hand written ones in the front. It’s very well loved.

  15. Anita says:

    I’m another Gladys Taber fan of many years, and also have many of her books. Susan, I’m so pleased to know (somehow not surprised) that you’re a fan of her as well. I’ve often pulled one of her books from my shelf during a difficult time–reading her work takes me to a better place. I think she would have loved you to pieces. By the way, I finally got my own cocker spaniel (not sure he’s purebread cause he came from a shelter) but he’s everything I could have wanted–and sooooo smart! Hugs to you girlfriend, and thanks for this blog.

  16. Pam Bengier says:

    I have been collecting and reading Gladys since I was a child – I started by clipping her columns out of my mother’s magazines. I have tracked down most of her books over the years – some original and some reprints – but treasure them all. She has been my “friend” for over 50 years.

  17. Debbie says:

    I enjoy Gladys Taber so much! My Grandmother was also a fan of her writing and I have two Gladys Taber books that belonged to my Grandmother. I haven’t read them in many years and you have inspired me to re-read these wonderful books.

  18. connie jo post says:

    I to am a gladys Taber fan and reading all the comments just blesses me. so thankful for you Susan as well..

  19. Judy Park says:

    In reading your comments today about Gladys Taber, my mind wandered back to my now deceased mother who loved her writings and often held her family rapt at the dinner table in our home in Massachusetts while she read some wonderful passages to us. I remember her sharing with other women the joy of connecting to Gladys and encouraging them to read her writing, and later I too read her Butternut Wisdom columns. One friend in particular and still alive at 90, went with my mother to Connecticut one day long ago to search for Stillmeadow … and found it. They did not wish to bother her ….. only to connect to her pride of place. I realize now, in reading here not only your comments Susan, but the comments of your readers, how much I have missed in not pursuing the writings of this woman in whom my mother found wisdom and quiet companionship. I aim to correct that. Thank you so much for reconnecting me to her and to the memory of the loving mother she inspired.

  20. Davett says:

    Hi SUSAN… I recently picked up a Gladys Taber book…I found purely by accident at our local flea Market,for one dollar! sunny Saturday…I have lightly touched base with who she was thru you..and when I ran accross “The Country Chronicles” by Gladys Taber..I was excited..I found one of her books! I’m enjoying every word of it…thankyou for turning me on to Gladys!

  21. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Thank you for introducing us to Gladys Tabor, I too am a fan now. I just finished “Harvest of Yesterdays” and will be looking forward to reading more of Gladys’s books. I’m on a quest! Lots of heart and soul in her writing, as do you dear Sue!

  22. Jackie Entwistle says:

    I discovered Gladys Taber reading her quotes in Susan’s books, they are the best. When reading Gladys’ books, I just want to jump into the book and be by the fireside at Stillmeadow during the winter and waiting for one of her delicious meals!

  23. CarolK says:

    Susan, thank you! I’ve now seen Hobson’s Choice and Howard’s End. Two movies I’ve never even knew about until you mentioned them in your blogs. And now I’ve read Gladys Taber’s “My Own Cape Cod”, “Stillmeadow Road” and am in the middle of “Country Chronicle”. After that I’ll read “Conversations with Amber”. All this I got from my local library. Who knew these little bits of treasure were buried there. Sadly, they’ve ‘lost’ their only copy of “Best of Stillmeadow” so I’ll have to hunt else where for it. Amazon has it but the price is a bit too steep. No matter, I’ll find it sooner or later. Here’s my suggestion for a winter’s read wrapped up in a quilt by the fire. Daphne Du Maurier – Frenchmen’s Cove, Castle Dor, The House on the Strand, The Glass Blowers and many more. Check her out, she’s good.

    • Kathryn Hemstead says:

      Thank you to everyone for this wonderful information about Gladys. I am a new follower and this is such a lovely journey. I hope many of you are members as I will soon be and we can talk more on the facebook page. I dabble a bit in facebook, so don’t be afraid if you’ve not tried it.

      CarolK, thank you for the book list as well by Daphne DuMaurier. These all sound perfect for a winter of reading. I am a quilter and have many quilts to snuggle under. Have you heard of the author Jacqueline Winspear? She writes a series called Masie Dobbs, the first in the series titled Masie Dobbs. Masie is an investigator and psychologist just after World War I England. They are so beautifully written with such sensitivity and compassion, that I am savouring each one. I would enjoy hearing back from you Carol to share other books you recommend, [email protected]. or anyone else with book and movie recommendations that touch our hearts.

  24. Marsha McGinnis says:

    Susan, what a wonderful tribute. I first read Gladys Taber articles in Family Circle Magazine in the late 60s, then later came across her book, “Conversations with Amber”. After that I tried to track down every single book she’d ever written. Reading her books always had a very comforting affect on me, and no matter how stressed or hectic things were, all I had to do was sit down and read a chapter or two and I would have that grounded feeling that put things back in perspective. Thank you for using so many of her quotes. Your writing style actually has always reminded me of hers in that same comforting way.

    • sbranch says:

      What a nice compliment…thank you. I definitely recognized a kindred spirit the first time I read one of her books.

  25. I know my mother is smiling down on all of us as we chat about her favorite author. So nice to read that Gladys Tabor’s books are still touching lives. Mother introduced me to Gladys’ books in the 1990’s. She was an avid Gladys Tabor fan and had collected and read almost all of her books.
    For her annual October 19th birthday visit (from Texas to Princeton, NJ) in 1996, she convinced me to drive to Sudbury, Ct in search of Gladys Tabor’s farm. Luckily we easily found Sanford Road and Stillmeadow Farm. Imagine finding that simple white house bordered by a white picket fence on a misty Autumn afternoon in Connecticut on a narrow dirt road. My mother almost jumped out of the car! Luckily the house was occupied (a very young local teacher had rented it from Glady’s daughter) and my mother not only got a tour from that sweet girl–but a hot cup of tea in Glady’s beloved kitchen. For mother it was a day she would never forget. Sort of like if I could sit with Susan in her kitchen, sip tea and read her cookbooks on a snowy winter day! As we departed the sun was setting and mother just HAD to have a piece of Stillmeadow. So she “borrowed” a small stone from the garden. I don’t think Gladys would have minded. She displayed the stone with her book collection until she died in 2007. I have inherited her treasures with a promise to keep the collection together. When I miss my mom, I pull out one of Glady’s books and read about life at Stillmeadow Farm and remember the very special day in Connecticut that we shared as mother and daughter.
    (p.s.–thanks for the info on the Fan club–I just joined!)

  26. Dori Wilson says:

    I love your newsletter and look forward to it every month. Time for me to get one of your new calendars. They are so lovely and make me want to get going and do something fun with my dogs and grandchildren!!

    Thanks!! Doris

  27. Gale Hill says:


    After reading the last several Willard’s and your admiration of Gladys Taber, I just had to order your suggestion of Best of Stillmeadow as a first read. As I read other posts from readers who got such joy from reading Gladys’ books, I knew these were books after my own heart! I hope to collect each book along the way and enjoy them for years to come! Thank you for introducing this wise woman to all of us.

    Many Thanks!

  28. Paula LaMont says:

    I discovered Gladys at bookstore in Idaho in 1990, she was my comfort during my cancer treatment, she sums up the saying for me ” things are as much now as they ever have been”. her self reliance and optimism in the face of life’s trials and tribulations are such an
    inspiration to me! She is always relevant no matter what the year.

  29. Mary Ann says:

    Dear Susan.
    As I write this note my eyes are welled up with tears. Gladys affects me that way. I used to live nearby her home, even though she died before we moved to Southbury. My first introduction to Gladys’ writing was in a magazine at a doctor’s office back in the 1970s. My heart just filled up and I can still recall the illustration that went with the article. Years later I wandered into a garden shop bookstore in a nearby town. Three Gladys Taber books just sitting there waiting for me! I now have almost her entire collection. While we lived in Southbury, I would drive the 1/2 mile or so to her house every so often. Just to sit and stare at it and think of her writings. It was my version of meditation. I always wished I could be like Gladys. Then I discovered you years ago and your books/blogs bring tears to my eyes, too. And I want to be like you! You are living a beautiful, artistic, creative, meaningful way of life as did Gladys. I now live in Mexico which is a far cry from New England. Decorating in the style that goes with the type of house we have is so very different from how I decorated our CT home. It just doesn’t feel homey to me. Something seems to be missing. However, whenever I can, I still manage to put a few little homey touches in with the Mexican style. I eat my cereal out of Peter Rabbit bowls.
    Maybe someday you can write a book about trying to incorporate cozy decorating in a foreign country. England doesn’t count because I can settle in there quite nicely. Especially in the Cotswolds! I am definitely decorating-challenged and would love any help I can get!
    Thank you for everything. Mary Ann

    • sbranch says:

      Funny how the heart knows where its real home is . . . your cereal bowls give it all away! It’s hard; I had a beach house at one time, a shack actually, and it cried out for yellow and blue-green colors; but my colors were pink and white in real life, red, and black. Maybe some brown. But I had to decorate the shack the way it told me to. If I were you, I would have one room in that house, maybe a studio or craft room, even a guest room, but one room, I would FILL it with home, New England, colors, put in one of those New England windows with the panes that are all mirrors; put in a hutch and fill it with old dishes and tea pots, every thing in pastels, an old quilt over a chair; and on the rough days, go in there. Change it for the seasons. Let it snow in the “winter.” Have your own Christmas tree. If you have a TV, get the movie Christmas in Connecticut on a continuous loop. (I am having fun in your new room! :-))

      • Mary Ann now in Tennessee says:

        Wow! I just now saw your response to my note of 3 years ago! How did
        I miss it??!! Too bad I didn’t see it sooner because your suggestion of having one room dedicated to my New England roots was excellent. However, last year we moved back to the US. Right now we’re in east Tennessee but all of our belongings are packed in boxes still in Mexico. In those boxes are my beloved Gladys Taber books and my beloved Susan Branch books. Luckily, ‘A Fine Romance’ is here and I’ll bring it to the reunion. I am sooo excited about seeing you AND Stillmeadow. This is a dream come true for me! Thank you, Susan.

  30. Balisha says:

    I’m a 73 yr. old fan of Gladys. I loved her column, Butternut Wisdom. I have a collection of her books and read them over and over. When we were on vacation once..I took a book of hers along. Each night I would read aloud a chapter in the book. My husband used to say, “Will Gladys be joining us tonight?”
    By the way…thankyou for your beautifully illustrated newsletter. I have many of your cookbooks…I read them like novels.

  31. Babe O'Mara says:

    How happy I was to read your post today about Gladys Taber. I have loved her books since the 1960’s when I was a young married lady going to the library to check out cookbooks because we couldn’t afford to buy any. As I read all the comments from others, I said to myself, Yes, that’s exacty how I felt too. Her books had a calming affect on me. All was right with the world. Imagine, a book doing that to someone. I wished Gladys was my neighbor. Think of all the things you could learn from her. I have the Stillmeadow Cookbook, Stillmeadow and Sugarbridge, Spring Harvest, Still Cove Journal, Stillmeadow Sampler, and My Own Cape Cod. I wish I could find a copy of Best of Stillmeadow. If anyone knows where I could find one, please email me at [email protected]. Thanks Susan for reminding me of this beloved lady.

  32. Carol Yannone says:

    Susan, your comments about Gladys Taber mirror my own. To read her is to find comfort in this troubled world and to feel at peace inside. I want you to know that I feel that same way when I read your Willard and look forward to it every month. Your 2011 calendar, a gift from anther FOGT member, is so special and I can’t wait to get the 2012 calendar. We had a CT Chapter meeting of FOGT 2 weeks ago and one of the door prizes I gave out was a copy of your delightful “Christmas Joy” book. It was a copy I found recently at a used book store, and since I own 2 other copies of it, I knew what I would do with the 3rd one when I saw it. I cannot part with the other 2 copies because one was given to me by my oldest daughter as a Christmas gift several years ago and the other was a gift from Susan Turnley. By the way, your latest Willard has brought another barage of requests for membership in FOGT. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    I also have enjoyed your descriptions of your train travels across country—it’s a great way to travel and you made me feel as if I was along with you. How wonderful!

    • sbranch says:

      You couldn’t have given me a nicer compliment Carol!! Thank you so much. Love that we are having more people discover or really, re-discover Gladys Taber! What a find she is! Thanks for stopping by!

  33. mika price says:

    I adore Gladys Taber—but no one mentions her fiction book, “Mrs. Daffodil!”-how lovely, funny and poetic at the same time! I know it really must be a bit autobiographical—what say you Susan?

  34. Lynne Farrell says:

    I, too remember reading Glady’s column in Family Circle when I was a teenager
    and as a young bride and then mom in the early 60’s. My husband was a full time
    student at the time so even buying a magazine was a bit of an extravagance but so worth it! Reading her thoughts and feelings always made me feel good. I was very excited when you mentioned her, Susan. Thank you!
    Have you ever read “Miss Read” books? They are stories of a little English village in the Cotswolds – there is no sex, no violence – just all the village happenings and lots of nature. Enjoy.

    • Kathi Sanoba says:

      I have all of the Miss Read “Fairacre” and “Thrush Green” books and some of her other non-children’s writings. Most are available at Amazon in paperback – recent reprints. I discovered her books in our library, and when they started to disappear from the shelves (maybe I was the only one reading them) I started buying my own. Doris Saint (“Miss Read”), who will be 99 in April, is still living, but wrote her last book in 1996 (“A Peaceful Retirement”. Wish I could have lived in Fairacre!

  35. Janet says:

    Last week, my best friend sent me a link to your blog, Susan. I have loved your work for years after receiving a book about Christmas (my favorite season) that you wrote and illustrated.

    Looking at pictures of your studio actually brought tears to my eyes. If we get to pick out our ‘mansion’ in heaven (and if I actually get there!), mine will look a lot like that. I have a studio too but recent events have left me very little time to make art there so I am glad to see someone so thoroughly enjoying hers.

    But when I saw the Gladys Taber page this morning, well, I knew I had found a kindred spirit. I have been reading Gladys since the days of her columns, Butternut Wisdom, in Woman’s Day magazine. I have a collection of almost all of her books that I have read and read over and over again. Nothing calms me like reading a bit of Gladys Taber. As a matter of fact, after 9/11 I was so distracted and anxious that I read the entire set back to back. It was the most comforting thing that I knew to do.

    I have decided to start from the beginning of your archives and give myself a treat every day.

  36. Rebecca says:

    Wow…found this website by accident. I’ve been a huge fan of Gladys Tabers for over thirty years and have read most of her books. I lived in a restored Cape in Maine which was built in 1854 so loved reading her stories about Stillmeadow. I’ll be checking this website often. Thank you so much.

  37. I knew there was a reason I’ve always loved your things, Susan! I have immersed myself in Gladys’ books ever since I found them at the library in Dover, Delaware thirty years ago. I love the way she has with words. She speaks my heart before I realize that’s what I wanted to say. Thanks for the tribute to one of my very favorite authors!

  38. Linda Bee says:

    Susan, this website is one that I will want to “haunt”. Everything about it appeals to the crafter and writer in me.

    Like many of the women who have left replies here, I, too, read Butternut Wisdom as a teenager. I found Ms. Taber’s words “infectious”. In the late 80s I enrolled in successive creative writing classes at our local college. In the first class, the professor asked us to write down the name of our favorite author who most closely matched our style. Of course, mine was Gladys Taber. Like her, I write about nature and the landscape of life as I see it.

    It was Gladys Taber who kindled my desire to see Cape Cod. After many, many years, I got there (2004). It was like coming home.

    I have one question: Which of her books contains those infamous Butternut Wisdom columns. I want to find a copy of that particular one.

    I will check out the Friends of Gladys Taber Fan Club membership.

    Linda in Northern CA

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t have a GT book with her columns in it; not sure whether or not there is such a thing…but I’m sure FOGT will know! You will love their newsletter!!!

  39. Sherry Johnson says:

    I found your column through a friend and just had to tell you how much I have enjoyed Gladys Taber’s books over the past 30 years. I have 37 books in my collection. My favorite fiction title is “The Family on Maple Street.” I used to raise Cocker Spaniels and of course love all of her dog related books. I will follow up and join the FOGT, asap. Thank you for carrying on the tradition of quality literature.

  40. Sherry Johnson says:

    I visited Cape Cod and ate ate the Lobster Claw, Galdys’ favorite restaurant. I even met a waitress who remembered her! I have several short notes that Gladys sent me and one or two signed bookplates. She was one special lady.

  41. Mary Birkenhauer says:

    Dear Susan,
    I have loved your books for a long time. I “found” Gladys several years ago when I read she was the probable subject of Christmas in Connecticutt,( the great holiday movie which just happened to play on TCM yesterday.) I went back to your books and found her quotes.I have been able to purchase some of her books; they are so inspirational and such easy reads. Another Path is about the death of her dear friend. I read it shortly after my mother’s death and it helped my grieving process. So matter of fact.
    Thank you, Susan, for sharing Gladys with us. Now, how about another book from you! I have your Christmas book out for the holidays and love reading it and tasting the recipes.

  42. Linda K Foster says:

    I’ve long known you were a fan of Gladys Taber Susan, since I saw one of her books in your art work years ago. I found my 1st Gladys book at a sale for 50cents! It was love at the first page and I have about 15 of her books now. I don’t know why I haven’t read this portion of your blog before tonight but thank you so much! It’s been a comfort and joy to find all of her followers here! I love your art work so much! It is wonderful to find so many Kindred Spirit’s here! If only the world were full of more people like this! Thanks for all you do Susan!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Linda . . . the secret is the world is full of people like this, they are just quiet and wonderful, leading their lives, so we don’t hear much about them.

  43. Keri Olson says:

    My mother, who passed away three months ago, fell in love with Gladys Taber’s writings when she was a young girl. It all began when her aunt asked her to read Gladys Taber magazine columns to her as she ironed. With a deep respect for the gentle steadfastness of my beloved mom and with a nod to her favorite author, Gladys Taber, I am writing of joy, of loving and of living in the moment with gratitude and gentleness in a blog I call Time to Be. I hope you’ll join me on my journey. Thank you.

    • Kathi Sanoba says:

      My mom was a big Gladys fan from the Butternut Wisdom and Diary of Domesticity days, and got me interested as well. Between us we have all the Stillmeadow and Still Cove Books (thank you among others) and we were able to visited Stillmeadow twice (in 1977 and 2004), but never got to meet any of the family. Mom passed away this past October at 85, and one of the last things I was able to to do for her while she was in the nursing home (a stroke had left her more hard of hearing than she had been, and it also affected her vision), was to read to her, and Gladys is what I read. I am glad we were able to share this one last thing. I have belonged to FOGT for a couple of years now, and one of these years will make it to the convention!!

  44. Marsha McGinnis says:

    I have to say that each time I see a Gladys Taber quote from you I take a trip back in time. I read her column in Family Circle magazine in 1966. The same year my father passed away, I graduated from high school … and the same year I was married. She had a serene and calming effect on me then, and even today I still go back to her books to read over and over again. A beautiful soul indeed. Thank you Susan for sharing her with your readers ~

  45. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Santa brought me “Stillmeadow Cook Book” – whatta guy! Inside, I just found (while reading) a little card (from “Fathers of St. Edmund”) that says “A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one FINDS A TREASURE”! Isn’t that amazing, that you introduced me to Gladys & all your dear girlfriends, & that little card was in the book! I’m reading the cookbook like a novel, & loving Gladys’s comments! Like – “But when all’s said and done, the priceless seasoning is not to be bought in any store. Better than fillet of beef in aspic with truffles served in an unhappy silence, is the simplest casserole served with love and laughter”! xoxo

  46. Joan Lesmeister says:

    And, another thing! What if, every time we read a book (although I never pass on my treasured books!) and pass it on, we leave a little sweet bookmark in it, like maybe one of yours, for the next person to treasure! Quite often I will read a “passed on” book & there’ll be a receipt from where it was bought! Ha! Just a thought! xo PS I guess I’ve had enough caffeine, Chatty Cathy here!

  47. Kathy says:

    Susan…..I recently found your blog, via another blog that I enjoy 🙂 I’m so glad I did! Thank you for introducing me to Gladys Taber. I am so amazed that I have never heard of her, or have never ran into any of her books on my outings. I will be on the lookout for them now. I would LOVE to start reading them right away! Like you, I also share the same birthday: April 12…..though in 1956 🙂

  48. Leslie says:

    Thank you SO MUCH for introducing us to Gladys Taber. I bought one of her books, became addicted immediately, and bought several more. How could I not? They are wonderful! I am now a proud member of the Gladys Taber fan club, AND I’ve even started drinking tea! It just sort of “goes” with the whole Gladys Taber feel. What is happening to me? All good things, I must say.

  49. Ginny Greene says:

    Yayyy! So glad I found you, Susan. I feel as if the door to the party has just opened for me after all the years I thought I was the only one who checked out Gladys Taber from the libraries wherever I’ve lived. Good to be in touch with all these like minds. I’ll be back!

  50. Carolyne says:

    I’m another who was introduced to Gladys Taber by my own mother. The camaraderie of women endures.
    I will give my Mom a subscription, she will love the memories!

  51. Brenda Mustain says:

    Thanks, would like to learn more about Gladys Taber

  52. Shirley Duncan says:

    I would like to be a fan, too. thanks

  53. Judy Murrah says:

    Now I want to know more about Gladys Tabor. I’ve clicked every place I could from your blog and then where those took me. Thank you so much for your inspiration. You are so special. Judy

  54. Janice says:

    Has anyone else had trouble getting to Gladys Tabers website? I keep getting an error message.

  55. Phyllis says:

    I started reading Gladys Taber when I was a young wife and mother. I loved her books and started collecting them. Her words helped to shape my life and how I wanted things to be in my home. I lost my mom when I was twenty and Gladys filled many needs for me. When Gladys died I received a notice from the book club I belonged to, I cried and felt a deep loss. Thank you so much for all the pictures and information you bring to all Gladys Taber’s friends and fans.

  56. Adela Johnson says:

    Dear Susan,
    Whenever I am looking for a little inspiration I go on your website and I am NEVER disapointed.
    With thanks,

  57. Christie Ray says:

    How have I managed all these years without Gladys Taber? I received her book The Book of Stillmeadow yesterday…how wonderful…how endearing. No wonder your love of this woman. I have sent my name and email to join the Friends of Gladys Taber.
    Many thanks for the introduction,

  58. Karen P says:

    I just picked up a copy of “One Dozen and One – Short Stories by Gladys Taber” at our local library. I knew that she had spent some time in her lifetime in Wisconsin but on the back of the book it says, “I spent my happiest years in Appleton, Wisconsin.” That’s just 1/2 hour away from where I live….I have a newfound excitement and connection with Gladys now! I love living here, too!

    • sbranch says:

      That’s great!

    • Karen P says:

      If this book isn’t the sweetest collection of short stories EVER, then I don’t know WHAT is?! I am in love with this book and this woman! Thanks for introducing her to us all. I can see how you are influenced by her in your writing. You both have that sweet, picturesque, down-to-earth, sensitive, from-the-heart way of writing and describing things. xoxo…kp

  59. Wendy Louise says:

    Ohh Susan, I can’t thank you enough about turning me on to Gladys Taber. I have this wonderful morning ritual of getting up letting the doggies out, feed them, make a cup of tea and read one of Gladys Taber’s books. She speaks to my soul and gives me such joy I can’t tell you . I grew up in Brookfield, Connecticut not far from Southbury. I used to work n Southbury and that is where my husband proposed to me. I didn’t know that she was there. Reading her books bring me back and I so experience what she is saying, she is talking to me, reminding me of the beautiful New England I remember from my childhood. My family also vacationed on Cape Cod every summer in Harwich right near her there too. Matter of fact my parents retired in Harwich. I am going there for a visit this weekend. I am so lucky my little library has quite the collection of her books and my librarian just gave me one she rescued from an old home that went on auction in town. Sweet Susan I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love Gladys Taber, I love Susan Branch!!!!! P.S. I had two beautiful Irish Setters once, not at the same time, they are quite active and beautiful, I am a dog person.

  60. Leesa B. says:

    Believe it or not, I bought my first Gladys Taber book, Country Chronicles, for 49 cents at the Salvation Army two days ago. I had never heard of her, just liked the title as I recently bought a cabin in the country and after perusing a few pages, thought her sweet writings would be interesting. I became immediately addicted after beginning this book with my cup of tea and doggie by my side as we hunkered down for the cold February night! Like you, Susan, I feel a kindred connection to Gladys! My own Grandmother’s name was Gladys and she also was born in 1899. Her best friend’s last name was Taber, so it also seemed uncanny. I was very close to my grandmother and loved spending as much time as I could at her farm. Now that I’m older, I miss the simpler ways of country life and hence the reason for buying my cabin to go back to solitude and nature. As I read this book, I place myself in her world connected with mine…and I love the peacefulness I derive from that. In two days, I have become such a fan of this woman and her writing that I luckily found a treasure trove of her books on ebay and purchased them to continue enjoying her writing and the place it takes me to! Next step is to join her fan club as I know I will enjoy the newsletters, as well. Thank you for this website and the pictures you shared! I have long been a fan of your writings and art, too! I plan to follow your lead and keep all my Gladys Taber books on a shelf and keep a dog statue in tribute, as well. I also plan to find that unicorn at my pond in the spring and share it with my (future) grandchildren!

  61. Dorothy Partridge says:

    I too have been following Gladys Taber since the early 70’s and own most of her books now. *****I came on here today to see who is living at Stillmeadow now.**** My heart broke to read (on a site) that Gladys left Stillmeadow when Jill died, it must have been so difficult for her to stay there as beautiful as it was.I thought that she went in the summer to Stillcove and back to Stillmeadow for the winter or vice versa. What is the real story on that… Wendy (above) said it right when she said that Gladys touches your soul, yes she does and I hope that Stillmeadow will always be there for everyone who loves Gladys Taber.
    For you Susan, My daughter wants to know if you have any books out since the Autumn book.We don’t always get the news in Canada for

    She owns many of your books Susan and delights in them and Gladys’s books

    • sbranch says:

      No, it’s been a while. I’ve done some other things, but I’m working on one now! Tell your daughter I said hello!

  62. Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

    What a lovely, lovely week this has been! I found this beautiful site a few weeks ago while I was searching for anything Gladys Taber. I’ve been a fan of hers since I was 17 years old, reading Butternut Wisdom in my Mom’s Family Circle magazines. I stumbled upon FOGT just a little over two years ago, but I am dismayed that it has taken me this long to find you! I’m catching up as fast as I can, and I’m finding that this process is nothing short of delightful. I received my FOGT newsletter a couple days ago, AND last Friday I received a box of goodies I ordered from your online store–Wisconsin honey (hubby’s a hobby beekeeper, and we love sampling honey from different locations), new shelf paper–love the tea towel design in my blue and cream kitchen–and a lovey zinnia Emma mug. Love, love it all! I’ve also ordered 4 of your books on Amazon and look forward to receiving them. I now count you as one of my blessings, along with Gladys. As my dear Grandmother used to say when something delighted her–“I’m plum tickled pink”. Thank you, Susan!

  63. Mary Stimmel says:

    my Mother-in-law, a southern belle from Atlanta, loved Gladys and introduced me to her books in the 60’s…she loved her so much, she went to Connecticut, looked her up in the phone book, called, and Gladys invited her to Stillmeadow for tea. This was around 1967. She really treasured the kindness of Gladys Taber to an unknown fan, though I’m sure that Gladys figured, even over the phone, that Beatrice was a proper southern lady. It was way out of form for her to do something so forward, so I knew how much she loved Gladys and her writing to do such a thing. She ended up retiring in Connecticut, and I really think part of the reason was that she grew to love Connecticut before ever she set eyes on it, thanks to the lovely writing of Gladys Taber.

  64. LINDA says:

    Thank you Susan for introducing me to GLADYS TABER after reading your blog I stumbled upon a book of hers at a library book sale “Stillmeadow Seasons” and like you have fallen in love with her… I will be spending a rainy Saturday ( they predict ) here in del mar CA. with Gladys…

  65. Annie says:

    Last year, I discovered Gladys Taber’s wonderful books on your website and have been collecting them ever since! ~Annie

  66. Agnes says:

    Hi, Susan!

    I’m from the Philippines and through your blog, I became interested in finding more about Gladys Taber. My sister who lives in Chicago is visiting us presently and I especially requested her to get me some of your and Gladys’ books. I now have three of your books and one of Gladys’. How I wish I personally looked for both of your books during my last visit to the US in 2004. I really love and admire your art and writings. Reading your blog posts and Willards is something I look forward to each time I check my e-mail inbox every morning at work. Although we live in two very different environments and cultures, you really inspire me with and help me to look at the world more positively and share this positive attitude with others as well. I wish you all the best and more power in what you do. God bless you and your family always!

  67. Wendy Louise says:

    I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to two special women ! You and Gladys are such kindred spirits to me and have helped me in so many ways, I will try to put into words. Coming out of a very dark place in which I tired with all my might to be positive, which works by the way! You both have been constant friends coming out the other side where I dare to breathe and live my very Happy Life . I have been blessed in so many ways. You two are the wonderful spirits that this world should be filled with, you share so much with so many. Thank-you, God Bless you, Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday to you , Happy Birthday Dear Susan and Gladys, Happy Birthday To YOU. OOXX 🙂

  68. Mary W. Jones says:

    Happy Birthday to two kindred spirits — Susan and Gladys! Both deepen and lighten the meaning of life.

  69. kathleen says:

    My mother used to give me her Stillmeadow books to read when I was ill. They never failed to cheer me up. I, too have a shelf dedicated to Gladys, and I’m always on the lookout for more! Nice to find a current site ( post 2010) where people know and love Mrs.Taber!

  70. Kathy Edgington says:

    Please, please, please can you send me the information to my email address above as to where to send my check to be a part of the Gladys Taber Fan Club so that I may receive her most recent newsletter?! I have tried many times, since February of this year through the Fan Club link to give my information but no one has answered me as yet. I have loved Gladys Taber for years, and really would love to be a part of this unique and wonderful celebration of her life! My phone number is 740-404-9345 if all else fails. If anyone out there in Susan Branch land reads this please help! 🙂 Thank you in advance!

  71. nancy studebaker says:

    I “met” Gladys the year she died…I live in Virginia as I did then and each time I grow homesick for my native New England I read her books. She is responsible for
    leading me to God during a most difficult time in my life. What a thrill to know that her love for her fellow man is alive and eternal in her writings!

  72. Isabel M Farr says:

    I just rediscovered Glady’s wonderful books and would love to be part of the fan club. It is good to read all the comments and realize others have been inspired by this gentle lady over the years. Isabel

  73. Maxine Boyce Buckman says:

    About 2 years ago I was in the mood to revisit authors recalled from my past years that would renew a sense of tranquility, kindness, love of nature, animals, etc. and the name Gladys Taber came to mind. I wondered if Stillmeadow Farm was still in existed so “asked Goggle” and up popped the answer with a lot of information. This led me to the FOGT site. After which I joined and I began ordering the books from the library. They are treasures, as is your new found Susan Branch site which FOGT led me too! Thanks to such talented people my mind has been taken away from daily worries.

  74. Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

    Susan, I went on your shopping site today to order my 2013 calender. I clicked on the vintage finds section (I love to peruse the various categories) and was delighted to see that you have Gladys Taber’s Especially Father. Isn’t it wonderful? It gives so much insight into Gladys’ life before her Stillmeadow days. I would love to have been able to attend the FOGT reunion in Cape Cod next weekend, but it won’t be possible for me this year.
    Safe travels–I’m loving the all-things-English blog!!

  75. I don’t remember when I first “discovered” Gladys but I love her books… and I love how you so often use quotes from her in your calenders.

  76. Sally says:

    I have 17 Gladys Taber books that were my sisters. Some are duplicates. I would like to find a home for them. Would anyone like to buy all of them? I would supply more info if needed.

  77. Arlene Capper says:

    I am interested in Gladys Taber books, or articles written by her. My favorites are the short stories that were in the Family Circle magazines. Thank you.

  78. Helen says:

    Well, I feel the same as many here… so I sent for member info today. I live in CT and knew of Gladys Taber from an early age. Ironically, we spend time in Southbury and must have passed her home without knowing. Her writing instilled in me a deep love of New England that I have to this day. Thanks for publishing this article! I have no idea why Gladys came to my mind today and how I ended up here…yes, it is nice that one thing leads to another! And I do love your work as well!

  79. Terri from Swansboro, NC says:

    I just had to tell you that I already loved Gladys Tabor, but I have bought her books a couple at a time and I am hopelessly addicted. She has helped me deal with buying a house and dealing with all of that alone with Hubby being gone so much AND I have been writing for years and I have been doing it the way she does it with months and seasons etc. Had no idea she did most of her writing this way until I got some of her other books. “Another Path” brings me to tears just looking at the cover. I ordered her “Conversations with Amber” today and looked through to make sure I got the one with the dust jacket with Amber on it. So made me think of you with Girl Kitty and Jack. I had a wonderful cat for almost 13 years. He was born in Hawaii, flew him to NC unaccompanied, I was a wreck, then he lived on the East Coast with us and he went to Germany with us too… he was a very emotional cat! LOL! I moved home when my Hubby went to Germany on an unaccompanied tour in 2007 and of course Simba came with me, he died in March 2008 and I was a basket case. I couldn’t believe how much I had come to depend on him to help with everything in life and I do mean everything. I have not had another cat since then and when you got Jack, it was like you got him for me too!! Gladys has been helping me with the funk I have found myself in buying a house for the first time. I had NO idea it would be this hard, yes, I knew it wouldn’t be easy. Maybe it is me and not the house! LOL!! And YOU have helped me too! Thank God for you and Gladys!! LOL!! Can’t wait to get your pancake book and the English Journal~ the trip of a lifetime! LOL!!

    • sbranch says:

      You need a kitty for your new house…you really do! Don’t you? Kitten. sideways walker secret keeper.

      • Terri from Swansboro, NC says:

        Ahhh, you reply brought some much needed laughter to my heart! My sister has two girl kitties and I go over and play with them. I think I am just too mental still! LOL! I took Simba Cat’s journey to cat heaven really, really hard. My Mom thought she was going to have to commit me. I just couldn’t stop crying. SO I live vicariously through you with your kitties too! And I got a book in the mail today that I ordered! WhoooHOOO it is the Stillmeadow Daybook. I saw where you told someone (above) to buy the Best of Stillmeadow I think it was so that will be my next one! Thanks Susan… you are definitely a kindred spirit!!

        • sbranch says:

          It definitely has to feel right . . . when we got Jack, it was like for weeks before, I kept feeling compelled to “just get in the car and go to the shelter” — But one day it changed from compelled to GOING. So glad you are discovering Gladys, she is just wonderful.

          • Terri from Swansboro, NC says:

            And one day I too might have a “Jack” in my life again! And I ordered the Best of Stillmeadow and it has shipped, should have it in a few days. AND I got your 2013 blotter calendar! It shipped today too! Whoooo HOOOO! We are in Charleston, hot down here, picking up my Hubby’s truck coming in from Germany… so much history down here and I couldn’t help but think of you as I looked at the old houses and the gardens that are tucked lovingly in between the row houses, but these are HUGE houses as I say this… I took lots and lots and lots of pictures of windows and doors and flowers and trees etc. So much history down here… And YES, I am glad I found you when I did and through you I found a long lost friend named Gladys. She is still inspiring today. I have found as I read her books she could be talking about today. That is timeless in writing. I even brought one of her books with me! LOL!! Can’t go anywhere without Gladys and checking on the computer for what you are up too! You and Gladys have kept me sane this year that is for sure! Thanks just doesn’t seem to be enough when I think of you!! Love and hugs….

          • sbranch says:

            Hard to move, and especially what you had to do to do it. (I never had to write to do twice like that!) Hope you feel more settled, if anything can help with that, it will be Gladys!

  80. Terri from Swansboro, NC says:

    You are sweet Susan, and Gladys and I spent some time together before I went to bed last night. I read the segment where she lost the barn. Oh how that brought tears to my eyes. As bad as the barn was I am glad it was the barn and not the house… And I checked in with you before I went to bed too… wondering how you do all you do and email us here on the blog and here where it is about Gladys… however you do it… I am most grateful and prayed that you and Joe (and the kids) would have a great day, month, year… lifetime… blessings and hugs!!

  81. Terri from Swansboro, NC says:

    Have you read any of Faith Baldwin’s books that Gladys talks about? Or the ones with the guy named Hal Borland or something like that? Just wondering… and I got the last book that she was putting together when she died. OH MY I didn’t realize book (Still Cove Journal) was her last one and when Connie put it together, her Mom was gone and Amber didn’t last to her memorial service… OH MY it was so sad. I had to put that one down and finish the Stillmeadow Sampler! LOL!!

    • sbranch says:

      I haven’t read either of the two people you mentioned…I think I even had a Faith Baldwin book, but for some reason I don’t remember now, it didn’t jump out at me.

      • Terri from Swansboro, NC says:

        Thanks! Just wondering…I got one of Faith’s on my Kindle, I think it was the first one she wrote and then I ordered another one for 1 cent and the shipping was $3.99 (hardcover) LOL!! Doing more research on Hal…

  82. Terri from Swansboro, NC says:

    Had to tell you that I got Hal Borland’s book called “An American Year.” It is similiar in the writing style (maybe a bit more philosophical) of Gladys and it starts with March… I can see why she mentioned his name many times in her books… kindred spirits… the illustartions in the book are great and bring Hal’s words to life. The illustrations were done by Alexander Anderson.

    I also enjoyed “Amber A Very Personal Cat” and as much as I enjoyed Gladys’ writing, I enjoyed all the pictures. These weren’t illustrations… But the “Conversations with Amber” was illustrated. Didn’t see the name of the illustrator’s name…

    You always come to mind when I read anything Gladys or books similiar like Hal’s. It is like have a conversation with an old dear friend!

    Sorry if you have read these books and I am rambling! Just had to let ya know! LOL!!

  83. Terri from Swansboro, NC says:

    Also received the one I ordered by Faith Baldwin, it says in the front it was her first non-fiction. It is called “Face Toward the Spring.” Similiar to the month/season writing of Gladys and I sat down to read it and it was like visiting with Gladys. I can see why they were good friends! I guess that is it for the book reviews! LOL!!

  84. Sue M. says:

    I discovered a Gladys Taber book, Still Cove Journal, in a friends of the library shop in Sweet Home, Oregon this summer. I am so enjoying the pleasant feeling that comes over me when I am immersed in the book! I decided to find out more about this Gladys Taber, and was pleased to see my beloved Susan Branch was one of the top results in the search! Thank you, Susan!

  85. Ruth E. Frank says:

    Dear Susan, I have several of your books but just found this site today. I was introduced to Gladys Taber by my mother who is now 87. As an English teacher, I have often thought that someone should bring Gladys back to a world of women who love what is good and right, people and animals, and the land that nourishes our bodies and souls. And then I found you! Thank you! FYI: my husband is always looking for Gladys Taber books for me and twice now has been told that they just “had a run” on her books! WONDERFUL NEWS!

  86. harriet spencer says:

    Hello Susan,
    It is so nice to find you. I am a 76 year old antique dealer from Atlanta, Ga. I picked up a copy of a Gladys Taber book at the market today. I already have 2 copies but never fail to want another one. I have been reading her Butternut Wisdom column since the 60s and have many of her books. As a young homemaker I shared every one of her pasions. I even raised Cocker Spaniels. I would have been one of her friends and wish I could have visited Stillmeadow. I am thrilled to know that it is still there.

    • sbranch says:

      How nice to hear from you Harriet! Hope you belong to Friends of Gladys Taber, they do a beautiful newsletter with her work as their focus. You would love it.

  87. Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

    Susan, have you had a chance to look at the September FOGT newsletter? Just got mine yesterday. The cover is from a “Diary of Domesticity” for Ladies Home Journal in Oct. ’48. I love it. I so GET what Gladys is saying about how everyday moments, especially those on brilliant October days,that absolutely make our hearts ache with the loveliness of it all. It also made me think of you! Both of you have such a similar outlook on life and the joy found in everyday things.. Your blogs are such a blessing to me, as are Gladys’ books. Couldn’t trade one for the other!!
    Sure is starting to look, and feel, a bit like fall here in central PA. Tomorrow’s the Blue Moon–then September! Yeaaaaaaa 🙂 My four year old grandson and I gathered yellow leaves yesterday–no red ones, yet, except for poison ivy–to string for a garland. We hung it in a kitchen window. His pronouncement–“now, that’s nice, Mamaw!”

  88. Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

    Forgot to tell you that you’re mentioned on page 10 in the newsletter!

  89. Mrs. Mobunny says:

    My favorite book is *Especially Father*… is hilarious……her other books have been on my shelves for years. I like to read them before bed….they’re soothing and just right for the night.

  90. Kareng says:

    I took a few of her books out of the library-read the start of Stillmeadow daybook and said pfft! and tossed it in the return pile, maybe it was jealousy or envy of how nice her life sounded.

    but that was silly, picked it up again today and could NOT stop reading-goes to show you the 2nd time is a charm 😀

    Wish there was a Gladys Taber museum at her homestead in CT but there isn’t (yet)

  91. Jacquelyn Wirthlin - Bainbridge Island, WA says:

    Wanted to tell you of my special “find” yesterday at one of my favorite “repurposing” stores … a first edition copy of “My Own Cookbook… From Stillmeadow and Cape Cod” by Gladys Tabor. I was so surprised to find it and especially in pristine condition. Many many thanks to you, Sue, for introducting me to Gladys Tabor. Still recovering from “our” trip to England!

  92. Diane says:

    I, too love Gladys Taber’s writings and remember reading the Butternut Wisdom in Family Circle. I have most of her books and never go into a used bookstore without looking for another. They are my ‘go to books’ when I am in pain and need a distraction.

    I was wondering if anyone knows what happened to the Jill’s children?
    Are they still alive? I only read about Gladys’s daughter Connie and her granddaughter Anne.

    Does anybody know?

  93. Nadine says:

    My beloved mother introduced me to Gladys Taber’s books just about the time that Gladys passed away, but I’m glad I didn’t know it at the time; it nearly broke my heart when I learned that she was no longer living, after I had read many of her books.
    I, in turn, introduced my younger sister to Gladys’s books, and we both joined the Friends and learned that the President of the Friends (at at that time), Gilbertine Moore, lived just about an hour’s drive from us and we went to visit HER–what a girl! We remained good friends until her death.
    As well, my sister, her daughter, and I went “on pilgrimage” to Stillmeadow, found it, and were given a guided tour by none other than Gladys’s youngest granddaughter, Anne, who was staying there. She was a sweetheart, and we were thrilled beyond description. What a day that was!
    My husband and I are in Lenox, MA at this moment, and he wants to find Stillmeadow again tomorrow, on our last day in New England. I will send vibes to you, Susan, and all the lovers of Gladys Taber.

  94. Jessica Beach says:

    I didn’t know you were born on April 12th too! So was I!

  95. Sherry Baer says:

    I was rereading Stillmeadow Road for the umpteenth time, and decided to go online to look for some sites about Gladys Taber and and her life. I found your site and was so surprised! I have three of YOUR cookbooks and have always loved them. I had found one in a bookstore and told my neighbor at the time (Santa Cruz, late 80’s) who told me she had been a good friend of yours. Her first name is Karen, and sadly, we have lost touch. That is only part of this story, however. I have read GLadys Taber books since 1962 when I was 13 years old. I came across several in my town’s library and sat down on the floor right there, and began reading. There was something so reassuring to me in her writings. I had just lost my mother, and my home. I loved those books! I continue to read them off and on, still loving them. It is like “going home” as there are so many favorite passages that I revisit. Anyway, it was so amazing to me today to discover that you, a favorite cookbook writer, also loved Gladys Taber’s books! But then, that only makes sense! I guess I shouldn’t be amazed at all!

    • sbranch says:

      I feel just the same way about Gladys Taber — kindred spirits! I can pick one up any time and it makes me happy. I think Karen must be someone I went to high school with, and I’ve lost touch with her too!

  96. Susan Joyce says:

    I live in Washington state, but I was born in Oak Bluffs in 1948. My wonderful Grandmother loved Gladys and I love her, too. In fact she reminds me of my Grandmother. She, too, was a strong, loving and practical New England woman. My Grandmother spent her first 64 years on the island, then, as a widow, got on a train and came to Washington to be with her only child, my mother. Then she got a job! She embraced life as an adventure and I never heard her lament where life took her, she simply accepted it, and did what she could to enjoy it. My roots are deep in New England, and Gladys Taber never fails to remind me of that.

    I love Marthas Vineyard and was delighted to find your books all those years ago. When I found out where you lived, it seemed just right. Your books are a reflection of those things that are precious, and for me those things are there, on the island.

  97. Jeannie says:

    Thanks to you, I started reading her books and I love them!! You are the Gladys Taber of our times. Thanks to you, I have a better appreciation of my home and my things and after reading Gladys’ books, even more so. You should definitely have your own home style tv show. I think too many of us have gotten away from appreciating what we have and how to do wonderful things with what we have and you have a way of bringing us back to that. Thanks for that and thanks for everything you share with us!!

  98. Barbara Hogan says:

    I have been amazed out what I have read about on Gladys Tabor. The farmhouse is so beautiful , the knowledge that Gladys had on cooking and growing a garden is wonderful. Thanks so much for the website. I intend to do more reading on this fine lady.

  99. Patty C. says:

    I have just discovered Gladys and what a treasure! I also enjoyed all of the comments here so thank you Susan for sharing Gladys with the rest of us! I’m off to track down more of Gladys books and will enjoy the hunt!

  100. Paula Baker says:

    I’m not quite sure how I got to this site but I am so glad I did! I have several of your books, Susan and absolutely treasure them! Recently, I was reminded of another gentle soul, Gladys Taber. I first began reading her column in FC when I was 11 yrs old. I lived in the inner city. I used to fall asleep listening to rats trying to scratch their way out of the metal garbage cans in our back yard, which was a small patch of cement. From my bedroom window, I was able to see the one tree in our yard, at least the top branches of it. The trunk was behind our garage. I used to dream of one day having a yard with lots of trees. When I began reading Gladys Taber’s beautiful stories about Stillmeadow, I would wonder to myself, ‘do people really live like this, in places like this one”? Coming from a very dysfunctional family life, I began to dream of a better life, of a peaceful beautiful place surrounded by trees, flowers and pets. I feel very blessed to have met a wonderful man (we just celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary) We have 3 beautiful children, 4 grandchildren and have had many
    loyal and loving pets. Thirty seven years ago, we left the city and built a log home on three acres of wooded land, which has a big spring fed pond. We have wild turkeys, birds of every color, have had ducks, a rooster, and numerous cats and dogs over the years. My renewed interest in Gladys Taber has taken me to many used book stores, where I recently purchased several of her books….birthday gifts to myself! I feel right at home on your website. We share many ‘favorite things’ and I am feeling very blessed to be with you in your beautiful space, with others who are like us. Gladys is, no doubt, smiling down on you for what you are doing with your talents and treasures. I look forward to another visit.!

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