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Willard is free, it goes out about once a month, |
I would like you to meet my grandfather, Willard Smith. When I was around eleven, and in full letter-writing mode, I sent a letter to his house in Sioux City, Iowa. I had fallen in love with “the olden days” and so I wrote to ask him for pictures of when he was young. He sent me lots of photos including this one of him in his pilot goggles.
As far back as I can remember, my grandfather wrote long newsy letters at Christmas and sent them to everyone he knew; a year in his life more or less. My mom would bring the letter to the dinner table and read it to all of us. He was the first person our family ever saw do this. We thought he invented it.
One day, someone else sent us this same kind of letter, my mom brought it to the table to read; my brother Stephen, who was then about twelve, put two and two together, piped up and said, “Oh! It’s a Willard!” Of course this sent all of us into hysteria, we thought he was so brilliant and brave. Brave because we didn’t usually call Grandpa by his first name for one thing, it was normally frowned on. But my parents were laughing too, this was a good one. So when it was time to give my newsletter a name, my choice was obvious. “It’s a Willard!” I thought you’d like to see a picture of “Our Founder.” He also sent me this photo of his smoking dog Jack. (Don’t think for a moment I agree with this, I cringe a little when I see it now, but it was of its time.) Of course we kids loved it. Willard was our hero, he was the bee’s knees. Liked pork chop gravy on his chocolate cake. A legend in his own time.
Art and Content for is protected by registered copyrights. Please ask before using.
Dear Susan:
Five years ago I was fortunate enough to move to the Central coast and finally bought a house in Morro Bay. I work at CMC, (California Men’s Colony-SLO) which can be stressful, dreary and oppressive. But! Your cheery & colorful blog is the perfect antidote. It will help me get through the last 4 years of my career in “the coal mines.” We work four 10hr. days, and it is a grind.
However when I saw you were coming to the Central Coast, I bought 3 tickets for the event at the Morro Bay Community Center for myself & two friends. We also talked lovely Lauren of ReKindle (repurpose store in MB) to do the delectable refreshments. (We may be helping her serve). It was fun to print out our Girlfriend tags and tell everyone about your forthcoming visit.
Reading the blog several times a month inspired me to take my BFF to Martha’s Vineyard last year, where we rode our bikes all over Vineyard Haven. What a lovely neighborhood. Now when we read your blog, we can say, “hey, I know where that is!” (Loved Chicken Alley thrift store!)
Thanks again for making my job “at the joint” more tolerable & looking forward to meeting you in person this May.
I would also love to be included in any free drawings you may have, and I’ve signed up for the Willard. Love all those old black and white fotos!
K. Morris-Moved2Morro
You live in a heavenly place, and you help the world with the difficult job you do. I can only say thank you, and I know that’s really not enough. I am thrilled that you’ll be coming to the book signing and bringing your girlfriends! I know this is going to be a really special event because I will, in many respects, be “Home.” Thank you for helping to make it so nice. It makes me happy to picture you riding your bikes around the Island. Loved hearing from you . . . take care, and I’ll see you soon! xoxo
Thank you! Susan!! I so enjoy your work – art and stories and all… 😀
Dear Susan,
About two years ago my friend Jeni and I reconnected after many years, at my home for a light lunch and tea. She brought me a copy of your book, “A Fine Romance” which I fell in love with and which brought me to tears many times as I recalled my own trips to England over the years. And the book introduced me to places I have missed and hope to one day visit. Jeni later told me that she had been to the Rainy Day Books event for “A Fine Romance” and enjoyed getting to meet you and also your husband.
I plan to be at your event at Rainy Day Books for “Island of Dreams” this year. I just ordered “The Fairy Tale Girl” and will read it before the event so I can delve right into “Island” after. Thank you for the lovely, “A Fine Romance.” I treasure it. (P.S. I love books with ribbons too.) See you on May 18.
Wishing you the best of luck and fun on your new tour. It was so great seeing you in Santa Barbara last year.
Thank you Joleen!
Been a fan for years. To too many to count!
Subscribe to Williard
I’ve just retrieved all my Susan Branch books from the shelf! (I wish Susan lived next door!)
Makes my Day!
I love this. What a treat to receive and take a fun break in my day.
Kathy XOXO
I have attempted to subscribe to Willard at least two times and I have never received a Willard. I check my spam and nothing goes there either. I really would love to receive Willard by email. Could you please help me with this?
Thank you!
Michelle Colwell
Me too!
Have not received a Willard in a long while. Also submitted my address again, but to no avail. Can you post this new Willard online under your past Willard posts, so those of us who did not get it in our email boxes can keep up with you?
I cherish your writings!
Dear Susan,
I just finished reading”Isle of Dreams” and loved it. My favorite book of yours is “A Fine Romance” since I love England like you do. In fact, my husband and I were in England in 2012 for 5 weeks at the same time you and Joe were there. I laughed out loud when I read your experiences of driving on the “wrong” side of the road and then read it aloud to my husband so he could laugh along with me.
Many blessings,
Mary Windemuller
P.S. My friends and I will see you on May 21 at The Tattered Cover in Denver!
Looking forward to seeing you in Hudson, OH!
Dear Susan,
I’ve been a fan for oh, so many years! I’ve used your stickers in my scrapbooks and in my own art work! I also love your books! I look so forward to meeting you at Malaprops this summer in Asheville. and I’ve just signed up for Willard and I loved your Willard story… cute and funny.
Looking forward to seeing you in July-Titcomb”s
Dear Susan: Was hoping to see you in Portland, OR at Powells Book store, doesnt look like that got scheduled. Sorry to hear that. I have loved all of your books and web site forever. Thanks for brightening my life!!!!
We tried for both, but they were all booked up . . . maybe next time. Love that neck of the woods! xoxo
Oh good! So happy to hear that there may be a “next time!”
Me too! I moved back to Portland in January 2017.!
I am soooo excited that you have chosen to include Memphis in your book signing tour! Please post it on your facebook so I can share it with all my friends. I will be seeing you on June 23rd at Booksellers. I have been buying and reading and rereading your books since the mid 1990s. They are all as good as they were when I first got them. Thank you!
I asked Kellee to post it on Facebook for you Turid . . . thank you! xoxo
Turid! Thrilled to see my yard-saling friend here! We (my sis-in-law, Carolyn, and I) will also be at Memphis Booksellers to meet our favorite author! Love the community of Girlfriends that we are all so happily fortunate to be a part of. See you there!
Isn’t this great . . . meeting friends accidentally on the back porches of the Internet . . . love it!!
I so love the arrivals of Willard and stop whatever I am doing to enter your world. Being born on the east coast, now living in CA., it brings me many sweet memories. Bon voyage and many wishes for loads of fun! Barb Langan
Love all your Willard letters! Amazing as always!
Just to say, as usual, your Willard puts a smile on my face and and song in my
heart…such a pleasure to join you in your world…you make it so inviting and so very “down to earth”… Thank you for all the pleasure you provide….even “deep in the heart ofTexas”…which is nothing like Martha’s Vineyard or England…;o)
I used to get a Willard, but haven’t received one this month. I sent a new request with my email addy. Looking forward to reading it! Thanks!
Let me know if you didn’t receive it by the end of today!
Have a great time on your book-signing tour & hoping you will be in Greenville, MI. (or at least Grand Rapids, MI.) Love everything of yours: – ) Think the first time I heard of you was when I was reading Country Living – way back!!
Hugs, Sharla
Hope to see you in Asheville, NC this summer! Would be a dream come true to meet you in person and get my books signed!
I love your style and enjoy all your enthusiasm for life. Look forward to Willard newsletters and your blog.
Susan, you are the most delightful book friend I have ever had, well you are second to Jill Briscoe who is a Brit and inspired me on so many occasions.
I have both of your latest books, will be having knee replacement surgery on 5/24 and have saved them to read while I am healing. I know they will cheer me and inspire.
I hope so, Hope it goes quickly for you Sue!
I received my first Willard newsletter today. I love it and look forward to more of them. Thanks!
Ohhhhh I need to go to England. That’s all.
My first Willard newsletter arrived today. What an interesting story and so fun. Look forward to more. Keep up the good work !
My girlfriend loaned me your new book A Fairy Tale Girl on Wednesday and I finished it today on Friday. I loved it and couldn’t put it down. Since we were born in the same year and I had four siblings and was the oldest, I could share many things with you and had a lot of laughs. I have ordered your book and bought a ticket at Julia’s in Madison, CT but didn’t know at the time I was going to be in Nantucket that weekend. My girlfriend said I will love that book even more. Sorry I will miss you but looking forward to the pleasurable moments with your next book.
Ann Miazga
Love all your books, blogs, calendars, EVERYTHING!
why do my comments “await moderation?”
Because I’m so slow!
Thank you so much Edith!
This has been a very sad week for me, so when I saw that the Willard had arrived I immediately read it. Just seeing your lovely artwork, photos and reading your cheery thoughts, helped lift my spirits. Thank you. Elizabeth
I’m sorry for your sadness and very happy you’re feeling the cheery thoughts. xoxo Hope all gets better soon Elizabeth!
I’m sorry I am just now letting you know this, but I still haven’t gotten a Willard. I should have checked back to see your response above sooner! If it fails to come through again, I’ll try a different email address. Thanks!
Please disregard the above…I found Willard!! I’m sorry to have overlooked it. Thanks!
Yay Cheryl!
Hi Susan … I am having trouble receiving Willaard .. please help! I also re-signed up again … Am in the middle of Isle of Dreams and loving every page as I gingerly turn to the next page … it is really really the BEST to end your triology of memiors! I feel like I know you … I use Rose Chintz for my daily china and now there’s a quilt on the table as the linen … my stack of vintage quilts are stackiong up and you are “everything” in my house … have a bookcase just for your titles!
(I have a collection of your Little Books too!)
Xo Evie in San Diego
Cozy! Evie, go back to the blog, scroll to the bottom of the newest post, and in the post you’ll see a link where you can read the newest WILLARD . . .good that you resigned up, and good that you let me know!
I have been a fan for several years now….guess I don’t remember how many but it doesn’t really matter, does it? I think I have dreamt of living my life the way you do, but bottom line is I lacked the courage to really let go and go for it. That being said, you have been inspiring me through the years, especially at times when I could not find inspiration.
It seems I love what you love…I enjoy what you enjoy…I get lost in your books, love cooking from your cook books, maybe live somewhat through you on your trip to England. Maybe some day I will go there and visit the home of Louisa May Alcott. Read Little Women early in my life and especially loved the old movie made about the book. But if not, you have shared your experience in such a wonderful way I feel as though I was there. Thank you for sharing!
I have a stressful job, I am still working while friends my age have retired…but I have a plan and a program and I know my time will come.
My son and I discuss regularly having a dream and making it happen. It is a challenge for me to believe I can still make a dream happen.
So today I am sitting in the beautiful craft room my husband built for me (how lucky I am), looking out into my yard and garden just breaking out in new growth and fresh green and red leaves (there is a Smoke Tree just outside), and looking for inspiration. I opened the latest Willard – Willard Loves Spring; printed it and read it front to back. There they were….tidbits of inspiration “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love; it will not lead you astray.” One of many that my eyes heard loud and clear. Yes…my eyes! 🙂
So, sorry to be so lengthy in verbose, but thank you from the bottom of my heart! Today I will be inspired! Gail
If you want a dream to happen, just put it on the calendar in a way that allows you to plan, save, whatever it takes, and then on that day, you go. Although, a woman with a craft room is already making dreams come true. xoxo Much love to you Gail.
Susan…I was lucky enough to get to your book signing in lovely Madison yesterday. As I sat there an hour ahead of time waiting, I was impressed by the number of people both young and old that you have inspired. Those that sat around me shared a few stories and I know that we all had so much in common. When a gal asked me where I drove from, I told her I was two hours away. I didn’t mind one little bit.
I was so struck by your kindness to each and every “girlfriend” there, and how no one felt rushed or the least bit pressured to hurry along. Thank you for the few tips on water color paints. I was a little bit in awe when you thanked “ME” for being an art teacher to my elementary students. You were happy to sign all three of my books and they will serve as an added touch on my coffee table that needs juuuust the right bit of something pretty. It was truly an honor to meet you and you sure are the real deal. I’m not gonna lie, I was a liiiittle (LOT!) star struck seeing you. You’re all that I thought you were and more! Thank you Susan. I hope to see you at the birthday party in July! Continued success and safe travels to you and Joe! XO
Oh Karen, that was so nice. It was my pleasure to meet and talk with you . . . 2 hours is a long drive! I’m still walking on air from all those beautiful faces . . . and so many mothers and daughters ~ made it extra special since Mother’s Day is just around the corner! Thank you for being there! I love it when we kindred spirits get together. xoxoxo
Gee I called Barnes and Noble for your new book and they said they will be getting it soon. They told me two weeks ago it will be 2 or 3 weeks yet???? How come others have it already??? Shirley Rose Brady st. Clair Shores, Michigan a suburb of Detroit. Adore all your books and even just ordered some old things on line) Shirley Rose Brady
It’s available to them, they are just a very large slow moving entity. Here: call the lovely independent bookstore R.J. Julia in Madison Connecticut. I was just there and left signed copies of the books with them; they will ship it to you, and right now.(203)245-3959
was wondering if your Christmas Memory book will be back. it has been such a joy to my family at Christmas time
Perhaps in the future . . . I’d love to bring that one back. xo
Dear Susan, I am very excited to see you in Morro Bay on May 29. I attended your book signing and tea in Arroyo Grande in 1990! It was Sept, 29, my birthday and you sat in a gazebo signing books for us! Somewhere I have a picture of you signing away. I have always been a fan of your illustrations and of course, your books. I often get “lost” in them, going on flights of fantasy. We are about the same age and I do so admire the path that you have chosen. You have made so, so many people happy and I thank you! Gail from Cayucos.
I remember it! I was signing my Christmas Book! See you soon Gail, old friend of mine! xoxo
Love this web site and the cookbooks, charms. Makes me want to come to New England some day, even more.
Hope you do!
My Mom and I had a totally delightful afternoon at Westmoreland CC enjoying our visit with Susan, Joe and 150 kindred spirits! How lucky to meet Susan! If she only knew how much total enjoyment so many of us get from each of her books, we’re so fortunate! Love her!
May their upcoming Voyage on The Queen Mary 2 produce yet another book! 🛳🎨📔❤️
It was as delightful for me as it was for you Karen, just a wonderful day! Thank you and your mom for being a part of it! xoxo
Hi Susan, I’m looking for your recipe for tomato & green chiles, brown rice casserole . I lost it …..It was delicious slice tomatoes on top . Any chance of getting it? Thank you, Sherri
I think it’s in Heart of the Home . . . I hope you have it? I don’t have it scanned right now . . .
Luv your books Read them over and over.So sorry about your Dads passing God Bless and strengthen,you and Joe your guardian angel.I would luv to visit your island.Keep writing and painting you are a inspiration.yvonne
Dear Susan,
I am an old new fan of yours. Well, not too old, we’re close to the same age.
I can’t help but notice many of your readers are super sixty women. I’ve collected and read most all of your books.
At this time in our lives, I sure do hope you’re working on an aging gracefully book for us older glamour gals. Get old isn’t for whimps, and I need your words of wisdom on aging to cheer me up. Hurry up, cuz I don’t know how long I got.
It’s mind over matter, as they say, if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter! 😘 We’re lucky, there are SO MANY of us doing it together. I saw a guy wearing the most wonderful T-shirt the other day … He was your basic aging hippy … and the shirt said, “I may be old, but I saw the best bands.”
I was up last night until 4:00, so that I could finish your book, Isle of Dreams. Like many of your fans, I recognise many of my dreams in your life. You are truly an inspiration to those of us too scared or intimidated to follow our dream. You make me believe in fairy tales again! Thank you so much for showing me that “Once upon a time”, is possible. I hope I can find the courage to live my authentic life.
I have every faith in you. 💞
Dear Joe & Susan’s
THANK YOU sharing all of your life’s events with all of us…I’m in my late 70’s & you won’t believe it but my daughter gave me “Joe’s favorite traveling pal “for my Birthday.. Yes she found “Petey” in an Antique shop.. I was thrilled as it makes any adventure complete with what all of us somehow had as a connection to our childhood. Wow.. He must be at least 60 plus in age . That quipie doll face is so adorable & happy .. He would melt anyone’s heart..
He sits on my desk near your books and my quarter board ( not yet over my front door). The name on the quarter board is “CHATEAU RELACKSO”. The name of my villa here in Indian Wells, California!!!.. The well known Artist is famous for his hand carved Quarter boards in Nantucket… Not far from your home in Marth’s Vineyard…just a little bit of trivia for you to share with Joe… My love and admiration to you both always😄😍😎
Hi Susan!
I have just finished reading your trilogy and am wondering if you still own Holly Oak home?
I just recently posted a little story about that, just scroll down on the blog, it’s right there. . .
I received your Willard emails for a long time when I lived in Muncie IN. I have two of your scrapbooks and many other books. I love every thing you make and say. I love my purse calendar for 2015 and 2016. I have order the new calendars. I loved your train trips across the USA. We have retired in Denver North Carolina as of January 2015.
Congratulations on retirement Barbara! Happy to see you here!
I’m having trouble getting Willard. I signed up a couple of weeks ago and never got it. I just signed up for a second time. I checked my Junk E-mail and it wasn’t in there either. What am I doing wrong?
It went out this morning, but it doesn’t all go at once . . . if you don’t have it by Friday morning, let me know.
Ah, yes,…I was just coming back to say that I should have read your blog first! lol 😉
Susan yu came to Hudson Ohio and I missed yu😳😘😤
It was my second time, and something tells me I’ll be back!
Have you published WILLARD NEWSLETTERS in book form?? I’ve only recently gotten onto your blog and would enjoy going back to read the past Willard letters. So enjoy all your writings. Received my first book in Sept. 1991 from a friend that lived in SLO and knew you. Her note in the book to me spoke of you as “down home” and “funny” which I thought were sweet thoughts of you.
Enjoy your trip and will be waiting for your next book.
Only the snail mail letters I wrote during the 90s. They’re in a book, but those that are online are only available there. Thank you Joanne!
I have been thinking about you basking in your ecstasy while putting the final necessaries in your suitcaseS for this Atlantic crossing and this morning I woke up and thought that you could be “trapped” on the island while Hermine plays on the Atlantic? OH MY…Mother Nature could be taking control of your hand and writing the first couple of pages in this trip’s journal! Will we sail? Can we sail? Can we get off of MV? OMG…NOOOOOOOOO. I know that you are the role-model-extraordinaire for letting the positive shine through anything so I can’t wait to hear how your journey launches!
AND! Once the “bottle in the ocean” AKA Queen Mary starts bobbing in the Atlantic waves will there be enough seasick “stuff” in suitcases and ship’s store to stop the misery of sailing on an upset sea?
My fingers are all crossed hoping that you were scheduled to leave MV before things shut down. Even if you and Joe have been off of your favorite island for a week and waiting to board The Queen, She may not be able to receive you!! Hmmm?
Perhaps this journal-in-the-making will be a mystery with a page-turning beginning and lots of twists and turns throughout? Hopefully, joyful and laughable twists once you are actually enjoying the sights and people while on English soil. I will buckle-up while I enjoy your words!!
Such fun to await your next post. Those of us who will be traveling with you are on pins and needles to hear the soggy beginnings of your and Joe’s journey! We know that you will write us a raindrop-by-raindrop description while the wind howls new paragraphs for you.
This could be quite the bon voyage for all of us and we don’t even need to wear a raincoat, BUT maybe we should all wear a raincoat while we prepare to read your descriptions…a solidarity move to prove that we are indeed on this journey with you?
Cheers, take care and safe crossing.
WITH a bowl of popcorn! 😃
Hi Susan! With the adult coloring book craze, is there a Susan Branch coloring book being published anytime soon! That would be so much fun! Love your work since first discovering you in Country Living magazine a long, long, time ago! 🙂 Cindy
Hi Susan: Years ago you had Susan Branch checks, I had them and I LOVED them. Are you possibly considering those again? Rene’
I would do them if we were asked! (I mean by the manufacturers … it’s really up to them!)
Dear Susan…I just finished reading “Isle of Dreams” that I checked out from our library. We flew to Florida last week to visit our son and as I was going through security at the Nashville airport one of the TSA employees asked me what I was reading. When I told her she said, “Oh! I love Susan Branch!”. Then on the flight back the flight attendant mentioned what a beautiful book I was reading and wanted to know the title and author. I told her she definitely should get a copy to read. This book is so awesome; I got lost in it each time I turned the pages. It was surprising to discover how similar we are in quite a few ways. (Please take this as a good thing; I love animals and have no outstanding warrants that I’m aware of!) Anyway, thank you for a wonderful and interesting look into your life in New England. The coziness of your home practically jumped out of the book with the phrases and descriptions you wrote. Looking forward to reading more of your books. God bless!
Just got a new computer so am catching up with Susan from many years ago. If you remember, I am the one who gave the comments about “buttering a cats paws to help with furballs”. I buy everything I can “Susan Branch”. One of my best finds was a checkbook cover at Safeway! Bought them for all my SB friends.
Nice to hear from you Linda!
Dear Susan . My sister, Karen ( in nj) just mailed me a few of your books. Read ” girlfriends” just last nite, and luv every bit of it. Missing my sister as I moved to ca ten years ago , and your books , and blog are very special to us , as they remind us of our ” tea party days ” and all the special little things we loved growing up like drawing , crafting , sewing . Cooking, baking . Fun! and just bring together to sit, and stay awhile. Thank you for the beautiful books – my sister is a hygge expert guru from the heart – like u! 😊👭❤️ Sincerely Linda Kelly
Hard to be so far away from such a kindred spirit. Thank goodness for the Internet, and thank you for your kind words. Love to you and Karen!
A devoted fan….you are such an important part of my life…thanks for sharing yours with us!
Much love and Merry Christmas!
Your writing is so inspiring. Thanks for all pictures of places I may never get to, but feel I am discovering them with you.
I’ve been following you and your art for 30 years? Could that be true? An awfully long time regardless! And I just love all you do, your writing, your art, your recipes and your travels. Please dom’t ever stop!
Yup, it’s true alright! xoxo
Love your books! Kathy T.
Love hearing from you! And reading your books!
Everything you write is comforting and cozy! What a special gift you have for description – I always feel I am sitting by a fire in your perfectly wonderful house, shoes off, feet curled under and comfy on your couch! I have ALL your books and calendars too! Thank you for reminding us all that home is more special than anywhere else! Have an extra-special Christmas!
Please write another book about your recent travels. I have reread A Fine Romance many times and am yearning for the further adventures of….please…..thank you for considering it.
Kathleen in Washington State
I definitely am Kathleen, thank you for the encouragement!
Holidays are for curling up with kitties
A big Hygge back to you! I so enjoyed meeting you in Cincinnati last Spring. I’m addicted to your blog and check often for new additions. Wishing you, Joe and all the little 4 legs (tame and untamed) a blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year! Ellen
Thank you Ellen!
So enjoy your website…..ALL of it. New to reading all your “treasures”. 🙂
When I read your blog, it makes me smile.
Hi ! I bought one of your scrapbook cookbooks and am finally getting my recipes in order. I looked over your website because I was curious if I could buy extra pages to put the recipe cards in. I did not find any, can you recommend a place that sells them or tell me that you do sell them and I just overlooked them. Thanks!
See if the girls can help you, write [email protected]/~susanbs3/susanbranch/ …
My wonderful hubby bought me “Fairy Tale Girl”and “Martha’s Vineyard–Isle of Dreams” for Christmas this year. Read them both in three days while recovering from surgery. (Don’t ask. It was awful.) I loved “A Fine Romance” because I am such an Anglophile. I have a good friend who lives there, near Windsor Castle, and my sister and I visit her every four years. (Lucky me.) So I was excited to read the other two books in the trilogy and I was not disappointed. They were beautiful and touching and funny and sweet and so very personal I felt like Susan was my BFF by the time I finished reading. We are almost the same age, California girls, and from big families. I’m even married to a tall man with a beard! I’m a writer, so I loved the parts of the book about the creative process. Small step by small step is a very important lesson and “never too late” will probably be carved on my tombstone. So thank you thank you Susan! You are truly inspiring!
Thank you so much Donna, that was such a nice note from you. Yes, you are definitely lucky to have a sister in such a wonderful location! xoxo
Susan do you have the Lavendar soap and wooden soap holder still available?
I think so… they keep the soap for me! Check with [email protected]/~susanbs3/susanbranch/
I neglected to order a 2017 calendar at the end of the year. Are you out of them? I cannot find them on your website and would still like one. Help! I’ve been ordering them for years and love them. Thank you. Carol Fitzgerald
We are out, but I think Amazon may still have the wall calendar. Good luck Carol!
Isle of Dreams is wonderfully enchanting! It’s a page turner! I love your flair for describing everything, especially Autumn on Matha’s Vineyard. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us.
I’m so happy you liked it!! xoxo
Dear Susan,
I have so missed your blog. This is the first one I’ve received since just before you went to England. I got the one today! That shows you and Joe and your friend Lowely and her husband going to Vermont.
Hello Susan! I’m just letting you know that I have subscribed to a Willard! and that it’s the first time I subscribe to any blog though I read several. I always feel shy even to comment but I love this concept and I love your grandfather’s story. I also felt you should know I saved the photo of your house at Christmas, from your free stuff page for my screensaver, and I wanted to say thank you 🙂
I too love England, cats, and houses and I already love your blog so much! The world needs more people like you and I’d like for your energy to rub off on me. I’m currently reading all your posts from the beginning and am having lots of fun. Now I’ll have Willard to look forward to, also. Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into this wonderful blog! Best Wishes Pilar
You’re a doll to let me know, and to say hello. Love having you here Pilar! xoxo
I clearly qualify for your dumbest, oldest (only 77 but maybe I should give my age in dog years – which turns out to be 539 – maybe this explains it) fan yet. Still wallowing in the pleasure of being with you, having my books signed & then your graciousness in allowing a photo with you at Vroman’s I read Willard on Sunday. Got so excited about San Luis Obispo, contacted my daughter (who many long years ago I introduced me to the world of Susan Branch) & tried to get tickets, only to find out it was too late yesterday! Last fall I was lulled into not realizing the urgency when I called Vroman’s to register & was told “Oh, just come, you’ll be fine” and I was! So, here comes the dumb part – I cannot manage to reach the magic person who is THE ORGANIZER to get on a wait list or learn whether another date might be added Oh! Yes! Please! I know you’re traveling but hope maybe someone is taking care of the nonsense mail from dumb, old Fans of Susan Branch in your absence.
I do so hope my Kelly & I will get to see you soon. She hasn’t yet had the pleasure & deserves it!
Welcome home to California! And Happy, Happy Birthday to your Mother!
Patte Elrod
Just call the Apple Farm directly and see what you can do. They must have a waiting list in case of cancelation! I hope I get to see you and Kelly there, Patte! Thank you for the welcome home, I’m very excited to be here!
Dear Susan,
You have been an inspiration to me for many years. My husband and I have
been married for 68 years!! How they have flown by. We live in Palm Desert, CA and each year we vacation at Aviala Beach,CA. When you had your store in Arroyo Grande I always visited it and have many nice things from there. I entered your quilt challenge and attended the party where the winners were
picked. It was a special day in my life! You signed my calendar on my birthday and of course I still have it along with all of your other calendars. The quilt I entered is hanging in my utility room. The day of the picnic I won fabric that you designed from which I made a pretty quilt that is special also. I love reading your blog. It always cheers me up. I loved the book about your growing up years and your first marriage. You were very brave to move to Martha’s Vineyard and I am so happy that you found a new love and a beautiful place to live. Your art work inspires me each day that I look at your calendar.
Thank you so much for being so friendly and sharing. I love to create and share homemade gifts that I sew. I also love to cook and make homemade jams from our delicious California fruits. Best wishes to you and Joe.
Shirley Hewlett
That quilt challenge party at our Farmstand was one of my favorite days too. I just loved our little group, the wonderful creative quilts hanging on the clotheslines, and the food too! Thank you for saying hello, Shirley, and reminding me of that delightful day!
I just read your blog, and I am in love with the teapot shaped plate. How great it would be when my girlfriend and I share some tea. I can see some little treats on that plate. Yum.
Me too. I love it myself!
I am reading your book Isle of Dreams. Fab by the way. I am so glad that you so enjoy Fall, my first fav, and Winter is my second. They are seasons that seem to me so warming, and have such beauty. I am glad that so many of us find beauty in such simple things. I thought, a lot of times, I was alone in my joy at things like , the birds at my bird feeder. I was so excited, when I planted a new rose bush, a couple of weeks ago, and the other day, got my first, St. Joseph rose.Anyway, I must finish your book, and am waiting for those wonderful teapot plates.
I know just how you feel. Winter, so quiet and intimate and cozy. Just love it. xoxo
Dear Susan!
Am just absolutely charmed by all your creations
and your lovely lovely spirit! Have slowed down reading A
Fine Romance because I don’t want it to end~But know as
soon as I finish it the sooner one can delve into your
next book!
Adore your Love teacup and teacup shaped platter. Are
they available soon? Should I do a preorder, and if so,
could you please share the procedure?
So enjoying being charmed!
Thank you for sharing from your heart!
If you look at the blog, you will see the colored letters, those are links. If you click on them, they will take you to the cups for preorder. Or, make it easier and write [email protected]/~susanbs3/susanbranch/!
Dear Susan,
It has been over a year since I had the honor of meeting you at the RJ Julia bookstore in Madison, CT. With so many people to greet, I’m sure you won’t recall, but I was the first person in line after your talk. I was so excited, but the tears I had fought back while you spoke to us, all came rushing out as soon as I saw you. You were so kind and reached across the table to hug me. I have loved your cookbooks from the start and have everyone of them! I take them out often to re read the quotes, get inspiration , or to try a new recipe. I had just finished your first book prior to meeting you. Growing up in the same decades as you, I found infinite connections which all brought so many happy memories rushing back. As I sat down with Isle of Dreams in my lap, waiting for your arrival that day, I opened it to find your quilt, Grandmothers Flower Garden pictured. I have one too! My mother made it during the war with fabric scraps donated from friends and neighbors as well as remnants from dresses my mother once wore. I too, have a collection of Beatrix Potter figurines, my grandmother’s tea cup collection which she wanted me to have, etc etc. The combination of seeing you, realizing all the things we had in common, missing my grandmother, combined with my decision to retire from teaching first grade, all came together. I imagine you must have been surprised at my reaction! If I could have spoken, I would have thanked you for your special gift and for reminding me what is important in life. I feel I know you as you open your heart to all of us who love your books.
Ohhh, Nancy, that was so sweet. You express some of the feelings I get whenever I connect with our girlfriends in person. We all have that love of family, of life, of beauty, and the sense of passing time. Hugs to you, and thank you for your lovely words. xoxoxo
Dear Susan,
I love receiving your Willards. It’s a great surprise to get one in my email. I wanted to ask you if you still make quilt labels? I bought a package of them a long time ago and I just love them! If you still make them, I would love to purchase a few packages.
I have always wanted to write you to let you know how much your art work has meant to me. I grew up in Maine, but now live in Kentucky, and my favorite time of year has always been autumn. I bought your autumn cookbook and the art in it makes me think of Autumn in Maine. I have a few of your cookbooks and just love them! Whenever I open your books, I feel happy, content, and at peace. It’s like being with an old friend. Thank you.
Thank you Lisa, that was so nice of you to say. Glad you’re enjoying the Willards. I do still have the labels and other fabric on Spoonflower now … if you haven’t been there, all the fabrics are also wrapping paper and wallpaper too. It’s an amazing place!
Dear Susan,
I just want to thank you for all the positivity that put into the world, and for giving me a mentor to look up to. I picked up your book Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams in May of 2016 because the picture of your little house looked like the little cabin in the Virginia woods that I have landed in. I felt such a connection with you throughout that book. Yes, dreams and fairytales do come true. After two learning heart break marriages I now live in a quiet house in the woods near a beautiful river with the love of my life. We garden, take long walks, read to each other, and create everyday. I love the domestic life (wish I could stay home all the time….but must go out 4 days a week, but so lucky that I get to be home the other three). My grandmother taught me to quilt when I was 12 and I love quilting! I also spin and weave. Since reading your first book, I now have finished the trilogy and have many of your cookbooks. I am awaiting my Bluebird and Autumn mugs! My honey made a bird feeder that is by my bed in our room so the birds come and wake me up! I am the luckiest girl alive! Thank you again for bringing so much joy and energy to my life and so many others.
You are a very lucky girl! Books, quilts, birds, a handy honey, who could ask for more!
I have not received the latest Willard. Can you resend it to me or put it up in past Willards.
Erin Bellon
HERE you go Erin!
Susan, I just loved reading your last Wiilard. Thank you so much!
We are so blessed with beautiful changing seasons. I could not imagine what it would be like not to see snow dancing in the air, the fall leaves as they turn colour….always reminding me of warm cozy sweaters and of course, that feeling that comes with the anticipation of the next season!
Oh how blessed are we! Like you, Fall is my most absolute favourite!!! You are so right, something in the air just makes me want to create! Paint furniture, sew…..just something.
I love it!!!
I will anxiously wait till the first week of September to add special touches to my home to welcome the glorious, wonderful Fall season!
Thank you for you beautiful gift of Willard!
I cannot say the smallest part which I feel…
Thank you for taking me on a magical journey every morning at 3am to a place where time is a priceless commodity and memories become more precious with age.
“I have come back again to where I belong, not an enchanted place but the walls are strong.”
😘 Amy.
I just signed up for Willard! I’m excited to get it! You have been my mentor for many years also being from California! I love your books and your art work is wonderful and fun to look at! I too am an artist of sorts and want to start painting again! It’s been a while but I have my easel and brushes so just need paints and paper.
I love your house and your garden so much. You remind me of myself in so many ways that I’m sure we would be great friends if we lived near you! I’m living in Nevada now since my divorce . All my family except Dad live in California and Dad lives in Arizona in Prescott.
I hope I’ll be lucky to win the books, and mug and tea! All my love, Kaaren🌵👒🌻😉
I love your books and your artwork! Keep up the great work Susan ! You are inspiring! …..
Hi! Susan,
So glad you took another trip to England, please do it again
Also, when are you having a Sale on the Martha’s Vineyard mug?
I stayed for 2 days at the Olde Mayhew house with Elaine Mayhew some years ago and saw your Mug, can you let me know when there will be a Sale, I live on Social Security so can’t really afford the regular price.
Please travel again, I am waiting.
Maybe you are thinking of another mug? I hope so, our Martha’s Vineyard mug just came out for the first time about two weeks ago. I think we will run out of them before we ever get a chance to put them on sale! But I’ll be doing more in the future!
Hi! Susan,
So glad you took another trip to England, please do it again
Also, when are you having a Sale on the Martha’s Vineyard mug?
I stayed for 2 days at the Olde Mayhew house with Elaine Mayhew some years ago and saw your Mug, can you let me know when there will be a Sale, I live on Social Security so can’t really afford the regular price.
Please travel again, I am waiting.
I have met you several times in California. And, bought many items from your former shop in Arroyo Grande(which I miss very much).
I still love the things I bought, as well as books I purchased at your book signings.
You are an inspiration for me to get myself into a creative mood. And, not to waste a minute or a second out of each precious day. Time goes by far to fast, especially in the crowded and rushed cities of California.
I will be visiting your lovely island of Martha’s Vineyard one of these days soon. Curious as to what month is best for weather and less crowds.
Pleasant thoughts,
First week of June, OR, from 2nd week of September through October. Christmas is fun too.💞
Hello Susan,
Your blog, Willard, and your books mean so much to me. We think alike on so many things I feel we are kindred spirits! I really admire your art work. I paint in watercolors and acrylics off and on… still waiting for that good painting to come forth. Your writing is so uplifting I can’t wait for your next messages. Of course I’m here in Washington state with fingers crossed to win the mug, books and tea.
Dear Susan, It’s like a breath of fresh air when I see your newsletter come up. I truly enjoy reading everything you post. You are certainly a gifted writer and artist. I’m looking forward to hearing about your trip back to England and the Lake District, which is one of my most favorite places to visit. Thank you again for your wonderful newsletter.
I would love to receive your “Willards” I’ve been to England and read “A Fine Romance” after I came home and it brings back so many great memories.
Dear Susan,
In March of this year, I was returning on Amtrak from a trip to California…from Trenton, New Jersey to Los Angeles, California to meet my newborn Grandson Adam whom I am over the moon in love with!
On our return trip we stopped in Kansas City after breakfast. I was pleasantly surprised to see you and so happy to meet you. Thank you for being so kind spending a few moments with me and posing for a picture together. It meant so much to me to meet you and Joe.
I have the 1986 First Edition of “Heart of the Home” recipe book and have enjoyed the many wonderful recipes you shared. The moment I read through “Heart of the Home” I knew you would be a favorite writer/artist of mine! I am inspired by your creative spirit and continue to enjoy my collection of all of your books, cooking your recipes, reading your beautiful stories, Willard, and your heartfelt sayings.
I enjoy teaching piano, quilting, knitting and crocheting; crafts of all kinds; gardening, bicycling, the beach, nature, photography, the seasons. All that I love, I find in your books and can’t thank you enough for sharing your life. Your books have brought me much joy and my days have been brightened by all that you share about your family and life.
I look forward to having an opportunity to attend one of your events in the future and maybe we will meet again someday on Amtrak!
Many blessings, love and hugs,
Virginia Guest
I don’t often meet people on the train who recognize me, so that was fun for me too Virgina! Thank you so much for saying hello again, and for all your kind words! xoxo
I always enjoyed you coming to morro bay. I took my girlfriend who bought a cookbook for her daughter who just got martied. I think she hooked.
Hi Sue!
I think I can you that because we met your neighbor John at the MV airport yesterday and that’s how he referred to you! It was your darling, hand painted tea cup that drew us over to his Hertz rental desk! He could not have been nicer and spoke so highly of you! My daughter brought me here from California for my 80th birthday to experience all that you write about. This island is truly magical and would difficult for me to describe so thank goodness for you! Our mission today is to visit a shop where we can buy a few treasures from your collection. Do you have a store where we could go? We are leaving this afternoon so hope you are reading this now while you are enjoying your zucchini bread!
Hi Marynell! John told me he met some very sweet people at his desk! He’s a sweetheart too, so he should know! There are not many, but a few things at Bunch of Grapes Bookstore in Vineyard Haven. Not sure they have mugs left, but they have signed books and maybe some other things. Ask the luv-lee people who work there what they have on hand. I’m so happy you’re enjoying yourself, we gave you perfect birthday weather! Happy Birthday! Have fun xoxoxo
Hi Susan,
My sister Paula has always loved you and has always talked about you. I’ve seen so many of your books and calendars in her home, she follows your blog, and talks about you often. She has your very first book Heart of the Home (1986), and she and her daughter went to your book signing in 2000.
In May 2017, my sister, her husband, and I took a weekend road trip from Southern California up to Paso Robles and did a little wine tasting. On the way home, we stopped at Apple Farm in San Luis Obispo and came across a wonderful display of all things Susan Branch! It happened to be Mother’s Day… so I surprised my sister and purchased your autobiographical trilogy: The Fairy Tale Girl, Martha’s Vineyard, Island Girl, and A Fine Romance. She was over the moon.
After she read the books, she encouraged me to read them, so I recently borrowed them… and have fallen equally in love! I spent the entire day Saturday (August 26th) reading The Fairy Tale Girl, and then dove head first into Island Girl on Sunday (August 27th). I realize I am rushing and will have to go back and re-read them all again, but I am hooked. I started reading a Fine Romance yesterday (Sept. 4th). Your books are captivating, and I feel a kinship with you. I had a very similar path as, married my “Prince Charming”, and then saw my world seemingly disintegrate when it didn’t work out. This was 17 years ago… and I am in a much better place today, but your story truly resonates. I only wish I’d read it years ago. My family shares a kindred spirit with you; even though we are from Southern California, our spirits come alive in the fall weather and in the changing of the seasons. We often go up to the Pacific Northwest to get our taste of their delightful weather.
I purchased two more sets of the trilogy, so that I can give the new set to my sister (again), give one to my daughter (25 years old), and keep the set I’ve borrowed. There is no way I’m giving them back (ha)! Your sweet heart, enduring spirit, whimsical drawings, amazing recipes, yearning for light and meaning, and powerful quotations, are really speaking to me. Thank you for sharing your spirit and your stories!
p.s. I was fortunate to go to England for the first time in April 2016, so I am excited to be reading A Fine Romance, and to follow along on your next journey across the pond as well!
I am thrilled to be a new member and one of your Girlfriends… Stephanie
Happy to meet a new kindred spirit Stephanie! Thank you for all the kind words . . . we’re all kind of in it together, aren’t we? xoxo
Hi Susan, im leaving you a quick comment to say that I am always thrilled to read your blogs and news letters and Willard. I have so enjoyed all your books and love the new 17 calendars. I hope im not too late to enter for the free giveaway for the Fall. I had a hard time finding where to leave the comment.
Oh well! In any case thanks for the opportunity to try!
Love your stories so sweet always positive and fun!! I am a big Beatrix Potter fan too!
Thank you Susan! I so enjoy your artwork and books!
Susan, I love your “Willard” and look forward to it.
You will be in England on my birthday – May 11th and I’ll think of the fun you are having.
Several years ago my husband drove (on the other side of the road, the other side of the car and with a stick shift) to many parts of England, including Beatrix Potter’s farm.
Another place we happened on, by accident, was the Appleby Fair. That’s where the gypsies meet to race and trade horses. Next year it will be around June 7th, so if you’re still over there, I would recommend it.
I looked it up, looks very fun … if we’re near there, we’ll be sure to check it out!
in virginia woolf’s THE YEARS her pigeons say…Take two coos, Taffy. Take two coos…and you mention Seventeenth Summer! we read the same books…almost 90 lived in calif (oh, those poppies!) and on cape cod…rereread yr. books
Take two coos, Taffy. Take two coos ~ could not love it more. Lovely to meet you Rhoda!