Willard Sign Up


Email Address
First Name
Last Name

Willard is free, it goes out about once a month,
it will come to you in an email.
(Be sure your computer won’t think it’s spam.)


heart ………….heart ………….heart

“I don’t want to be rich, I just want to be wonderful.”Marilyn Monroe
Everything, we think, within reason…..Susan has spent many hours creating her beautiful blog along with her “WILLARD” newsletters to surprise her “Girlfriends” over the years. If you have found them to be of value, and if it tickles your fancy, please consider supporting her time with a donation of your choosing: anything between the cost of a glass of wine or a good dinner! And don’t even think about this if it puts the slightest crimp in your wallet as she will love you forever no matter what happens. ♥

heart ………….heart ………….heart



I would like you to meet my grandfather, Willard Smith. When I was around eleven, and in full letter-writing mode, I sent a letter to his house in Sioux City, Iowa. I had fallen in love with “the olden days” and so I wrote to ask him for pictures of when he was young. He sent me lots of photos including this one of him in his pilot goggles.

As far back as I can remember, my grandfather wrote long newsy letters at Christmas and sent them to everyone he knew; a year in his life more or less. My mom would bring the letter to the dinner table and read it to all of us. He was the first person our family ever saw do this. We thought he invented it.

One day, someone else sent us this same kind of letter, my mom brought it to the table to read; my brother Stephen, who was then about twelve, put two and two together, piped up and said, “Oh! It’s a Willard!” Of course this sent all of us into hysteria, we thought he was so brilliant and brave. Brave because we didn’t usually call Grandpa by his first name for one thing, it was normally frowned on. But my parents were laughing too, this was a good one. So when it was time to give my newsletter a name, my choice was obvious. “It’s a Willard!” I thought you’d like to see a picture of “Our Founder.” He also sent me this photo of his smoking dog Jack. (Don’t think for a moment I agree with this, I cringe a little when I see it now, but it was of its time.) Of course we kids loved it. Willard was our hero, he was the bee’s knees. Liked pork chop gravy on his chocolate cake. A legend in his own time.

Art and Content for Susanbranch.com is protected by registered copyrights. Please ask before using.

1,060 Responses to Willard Sign Up

  1. dewena says:

    Love your books. I have been a fan for years. You really are an angel. I am confused though. I thought I had read that you were going to move to calif. Sooo are you in the west or back in the east? Lost you for awhile so not up to date. Will be getting your new book. I feel so silly cause I’m not even sure what a willard is. Someone fill me in on willard and where’s susan.

    • sbranch says:

      I was born in CA, moved to the island in 1982, and have always gone out to CA to visit friends and family. We have a house in CA, and for a few years, right after 9-11 and around the time my Grandma passed away, I wanted to be closer to my mother, so we spent more time on the west coast than on the east. About four years ago we switched it back around, more time here on Martha’s Vineyard which is my true heart’s home no matter what my birth certificate says. I call the island my “heart magnet”; it always pulls me back. Now it’s been two years since we’ve seen California! I’m homesick for it, we’ll be there in October.

      Willard is the name of my Newsletter . . . It started as a snail mail letter in the 1990’s — and went out through the mail once a year for about ten years. (Those original Willard letters have been put in a little book.) Then the computer came along, and WILLARD became an email ~ people can sign up to receive it (free of charge); it’s delivered to your computer mailbox. I try to do them once a month, but have been failing miserably this year — due to time constraints caused by my new book, A Fine Romance. I’ll try to do better when we return from our book tour. There you go Dewena, in a nutshell!

  2. sbranch says:

    I asked Kellee to send you your Willard! TERRIBLE that this keeps happening, but it’s being looked into.

  3. cheryl wilk says:

    For some reason, I did not get this month’s WILLARD.
    Can you send it to me please???


    • sbranch says:

      So sorry Cheryl … here is a LINK to Willard. We are trying to find out why Willard was missing from so many mailboxes this time!

  4. Terry B from Oceanside, CA says:

    Just signed up AGAIN for Willard. Although I get emails from you, have ordered from you, read and respond to your blog, I have never received a Willard via email since it went online (have several older paper copies – love them). Hoping this time does the trick. Is there a place here to read this current Willard? Can’t seem to find it. Thanks!

    • sbranch says:

      It makes no sense to me either Terry. I write the web people who run Willard and get no good answers for this. They say “we sent it” and I say, “but where is it?” That’s where we seem to be stuck! Anyway, I won’t give up. And here’s the LINK for the newest Willard.

      • Terry B from Oceanside, CA says:

        Thank you so much, Susan. I especially loved your memories of summer nights – made me think of my own. 🙂

  5. Willa says:

    Hi Susan. I have certainly been getting Willard’s for quite a while but never received the last one. I L*O*V*E Willard and get very excited when I see one in the inbox. I checked my spam folder…not there. Thanks for helping me out! I filled out another request so I hope that doesn’t mess things up for you.

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Willa, we had some sort of glitch with the Willard but HERE is a link for it … I’m glad you signed up again, it can’t hurt. Thank you for letting me know!

  6. Marian McKeehan says:

    I also have not received the July Willard. Shall I sigh up again?
    Thank you, I don’t want to miss it.

  7. Sheila Bayley says:

    I’ve signed up for Willard several times and only received a couple. I would love the Polenta cake you mentioned in your July blog. Could you possibly send me the Willard where that was listed? I have signed up again for future newsletters.

  8. H Susan,

    Could not get a hotel room in August in Martha’s vineyard anywhere……….so being I’m in CA……….wanting to come to your Book signing in San Luis Opisbo in Nov. Can you tell me the date again as I can’t find where I saw it and the location. I will have to book early for next summer……….. thanks so much Madelyn

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, that’s November 10 at the Madonna Inn! Go to EVENTS in the right hand column of the blog to check for book signing dates. I look forward to meeting you!

  9. dewena says:

    Dear Susan, Thank you for taking time to answer my note. I was so excited because this is my first ipad,this is all new to me. As soon as I got it and played around, I thought oh my god I can finally try and find susan branch and all the girls. I called your calif. office and ordered your new book, new calender,and an address book. I am also going to buy a gladys tabor book, she also is an angel to me. I found out that her birthday is april 12th, the same day as my best lifelong friends was. I lost her a few years ago. I would like to think that my friend carol and gladys led me back down the path to a great bunch of friends!!!

  10. dewena says:

    Dear Susan, You are such a sweetheart for taking the time out of your busy life to answer my notes. I just have to tell you that I love watercolors and that l am trying to learn. I really like your style and love the way you print your letters. Do you always print this way? Or just for your books? You are so talented and I know your grandma would be so proud of you. I made it out to long island a few times for vacation,wished I could of made it to martha’s vineyard. It really looks beautiful and you and your friends look like your all very happy. Family and friends are the best things in life. Well maybe cats and dogs too!!! I have a dog now and a conure who quacks like a duck. But I had 2 cats for years, boo boo kitty and sissy. I should go and not take up any more of your time. Enjoy your day and thanks for making an old lady smile everytime I look at your work. From the heart, Dewena p.s. My birthday is April 19th. Nice people born in April

  11. Judy Wooley says:

    I have signed up to receive Willard and have not received it . I used to get it in the mail when I lived in Arkansas. It is one of my favorite reads Thanks Judy Wooley

    • sbranch says:

      I’m working on it Judy. I don’t understand why it isn’t working for some people, but I sent your comment to my web person this morning to see what can be done. Until then, here is the July Willard!

  12. Shelly Dalton says:

    Since I live on the Central Coast, and I simply CANT WAIT to get your new book into my hot little hands. Can I pay for the book today on your website and go pick it up at the goat barn? PLEEEEEEEASE! 🙂
    Shelly Dalton

    • Shelly Dalton says:

      Update: So I just called the gals in your Arroyo Grande office. They empathetically said that I wouldn’t be able to come and pick up a book at the goat barn. 🙁 I wasn’t aware that it is a private residence.
      I understand. I’m a little sad, because I live and work in Arroyo Grande,(I am a good friend of Denise Velton’s) and was really looking forward to reading your book!
      p.s. Thank you for making a book that people CANT WAIT to read! What a treat!

      • sbranch says:

        The real problem is that it isn’t a store — doesn’t have any of the necessary store stuff. But the mail is so fast, we mailed books to SLO, to my friends, and they got them the very next day! Thank you Shelly!

    • sbranch says:

      So sorry — I saw that you already took care of that Shelly, but it really won’t be long now!

  13. Ronda Barnes says:

    I received an email saying that delivery charges are being added on to the price of the England book I ordered, and could I please acknowledge that I got that message. I did try but I couldn’t remember my password so I tried to change it. Not sure if it worked or not as I didn’t get an email back to say if it did. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the book in the fall. Please let me know if the new password was received.
    Thank you
    Ronda Barnes

    • sbranch says:

      OK Rhonda, not sure what that is about, but I forwarded your comment to Kellee and I’m sure she’ll get back to you soon.

  14. Claudia Barnes says:

    I am so excited! I hear you are coming to a bookstore nearby me in September. I can’t wait to see you. I wrote you years ago when you bought your home from a lady who then lived at the assisted living facility in which I worked…and you wrote back. I am a great fan of yours. God bless and I hope to see you soon.
    Claudia Barnes

    • sbranch says:

      OH, Mrs. Bowditch! Yes, she’s another hero of mine, I must think about her almost every day, living in the house she loved so much. So nice to hear from you Claudia!!

  15. Elizabeth Hodge says:

    My books came the same day my e-mail heads-up arrived in my in-box. A Fine Romance is a dream of a book….what an absolute treat. Page after page of beautiful art and delightful observations. Susan, I can’t say enough for your talent and diligence; what a job, with no detail overlooked, and what a result! It’s so lovely. I’m ordering three more for gifts right away and I know I’ll be back for more in the near future. Thank you again. It’s like year’s worth of letters from a dear friend. Best wishes, A Long-Time Fan.

  16. Cathy Prentice says:

    The books arrived today and the book is wonderful!! Ijust now put it down because you need to know how excited I am to be reading and enjoying the trip through your eyes. I love the art work scattered throughout and the first 100 pages have been just great. Gotta go and enjoy the next 100 pages. Thank you for such a special book!

  17. Elizabeth Hodge says:

    Susan and Crew: I just received my first 2 copies of A Fine Romance. (1st 2, because I just ordered 3 more for gifts!) They arrived the same day a notice of their shipment appeared in my in-box…what a diligent bunch, the Branch Bunch is! What a lovely, lovely book. It is like several years’ worth of delightful letters from a friend in England….all the places I want to see, and some I have seen, on my one trip in 1994. Time to go again. Susan, you have remembered every detail in delivering such a great book….a collector’s item in years to come, no doubt, although I suspect it will stay in print forever. Such a lot of love and work and look at the result! Thanks so much. A Longtime Fan.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Elizabeth!! The “Branch Bunch” — they are the best — I will tell them about your compliment, they definitely deserve it. They have worked to be ready for this for months!

  18. Denise Watson says:

    Just got A Fine Romance in the mail!!!! So excited, had to make myself put it down so I can savor it!! Lol thank u thank u!!!! Will enjoy every word written, will treasure it always!! Denise Watson

  19. dewena says:

    SUSAN, Your a genius! You have out done yourself this time. The book is wonderful, and can’t put it down. So glad for you and Joe that you both could realize your dream trip. He really does sound like a doll!! I am in heaven this week. I received your book yesterday and the day before I got my first gladys tabor books. I started the Stillmeadow Road and you were right, she is great. I then started your book and now I can’t put it down!!!

  20. KellyK says:

    I saw in today’s blog post the reference to 2015 calendars. I understand about not remembering what year it is! I work in an industry that references the next year a lot and I actually wrote 2014 on a check the other day. I’m wondering if there is going to be a blotter calendar for 2014? I hang it on the side of my refrigerator and I love it!
    P.S. – Received A Fine Romance the other day…it was like Christmas! Can’t wait to read it and let my imagination be whisked away to the UK! (Someday – my body will get there too!)

    • sbranch says:

      The manufacturer of the Blotter decided not to make it anymore. We were very sorry to hear it, so there will not be one for 2014. But, our wall-calendar people have asked for a Blotter for 2015! Which I just designed, So we will only have a blotter hole for one year. So sorry!

  21. gentility says:

    Just beside myself reading all the glowing comments on “our” visit to England….
    and although pre-ordered, I’m still not in possession of the jewel…. Is the west
    coast closer to the Vineyard than TN? Has our local post office fallen under the weight of all these “Pre-orders”? (Postman looking a bit weary of late, come to think of it) All this being said, please don’t make me run out to find
    a sold out sign over “A Fine Romance” after I felt so privileged and smug having
    had early dibs on it…..please send me the book, dear one~
    Our Mary

    • sbranch says:

      You are so nice about this! If you think it should have been sent by now, please go to any shopping page on my blog, at the bottom is a phone number and Kellee or Sheri can help and see what might be going on with your book. I want you to have it!

  22. Lee Gordon says:

    Susan, I spent the most wonderful morning enjoying a cup of tea and one of your books. On a whim I decided to look you up on the web and am pleased to have found such a lovely site. I feel like I have found a new circle of friends who appreciate the same things I enjoy! I even have a small collection of Beatrix Potter figurines (so I loved your Beatrix Potter room). Thanks for your beautiful art work and enthusiastic view of the world! I’ll be signing up for the WILLARDS and frequently checking back to your site. Thanks Susan

    Lee Ann Gordon

  23. mary price says:

    Dearest Susan, Weeks ago,I ordered 2 calendars and they arrived mid rainstorm .They both were wet!Help me.The plastic wrap was torn and the wetness leaked within the items.Sunny days are here now.What can you do for me? Mary

    • sbranch says:

      Did you let the PO or whoever know? Because I’m sure they didn’t leave the studio wet and torn and I would think the PO would reimburse you. Let me know!

  24. Jan McLaughlin says:

    I have enjoyed your blog for a couple of years and have just this moment figured out how to write you! I was in Martha’s Vineyard in June and did not know which shop was yours, etc. Was with a group from our church so did not have lots of time to explore. I loved New England’s islands and especially Martha’s Vineyard. Have just ordered “A Fine Romance” (read along as you were writing it) and love the tales in your blog about Jack and Girl Kitty and your Joe. I had a Joe once but lost him in 1985. Will probably write more now that I know how!

  25. Nancy says:

    Hi Susan,
    Will you new book be available Barnes and Noble bookstores or is it just available through your website?
    Thanks so much,

  26. Kate Wyllie says:

    When did the digital “Willard’s” start? I have received so far: March 2012; August 2012; October 2012; February 2013; and July 2013. How often are they issued for emailing? I have just purchased your “Willard” book that’s ends in 2004…..so, I would like to “catch-up” from 2004 to now. How do I do that? Is there a way on your website to see and save “back issues” that I don’t have? Or, are you going to put out another book as to “Catch-up with Willard” sort of thing!? I just hate to MISS anything!!
    Warmest regards,

    • sbranch says:

      The best way, at this time, is to just Google Susan Branch Willard ~ We’ve never put them all together, but we will do that one day.

  27. Judi Nesbitt says:

    Have all your cookbooks,buying your new book! 2 months in England! Wow!

  28. roopa says:

    hi Susan!!! soo excited that ur book is out 🙂
    i had ordered it loooong back….. have not received it yet 🙁
    Im from India… dunno if its coz of the distance now…
    please help!

    • sbranch says:

      I sent this to Sheri at our Studio so she can follow up. FYI, if you ever need it again, on every shopping page of our blog is a contact for the Studio, for Sheri and Kellee, and they can always trace an order or help with a problem. I hope you’ve gotten your book by now!

      • roopa says:

        thanks for following up Susan! but i haven’t received it yet… will try calling asap… there’s almost 12hrs difference in our time!!! need to call u guyz at night my time 🙂

        • sbranch says:

          When you do call, tell Kellee what time she can call you… there must be at least five minutes each day when you are both wide awake!

  29. Donna Cahill says:

    Dear Susan, I can’t begin to tell you how much I loved your new book. I just did not want to finish it! I have loved everything English since I was a little girl. I k.new everything about Henry the eighth and his wives and have followed the royals since the present Queen Elizabeth was very much younger. Since Charles is my age I had a crush on him, even with those funny ears! I had an English pen pal when I was in elementary school and we corresponded for many years, trading teen magazines and swooning over the Beatles. I wish we hadn’t lost touch. I just want to say thank you for sharing your English journey. I will pick up your book and re-read sections of it whenever I get to dreaming about making my own trip. I have every intention of getting there some day! Yours truly, Donna Cahill

  30. Boni Witkowski says:

    EEEEK! Please, Susan, I am in a panic and need your validation (or a schedule of your book signing engagements would do!) Somehow, I missed all the excitement in Sandwich on the 19th. I’m ever so hopeful that you have some other engagements scheduled on the Cape or Islands or Boston in the near future! A million thanks and hugs to go with it!

    • sbranch says:

      I hate to say it, but we’re done doing signings in New England for now. Our schedule is under EVENTS, in the right hand column of the Blog … when we get home, we’ll do more locally … I think we will be in Sandwich again in December… I have to get a date to put up. Hope to see you!

  31. Kathy43 says:

    Hi Susan,
    I have not received anything from you since 02/2013. I tried to sign up again above but it wouldn’t let me put in my state code. The response said I was sign up but not sure since it wouldn’t let me put in my state code. Can you verify that my e-mail has been received by you?
    Sure do miss your e-mails.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Kathy, I sent your comment to our computer person. I don’t really know where we stand with this right now, I asked for an update. You are not the only one experiencing problems with Willard signups. So sorry, we’re working on it!

  32. Anita Page says:

    Oh, you’re having such a wonderful time in your life. I’m so happy for you and Joe. And thanks for sharing your adventures with us. Be safe and have a lot of fun!!! With love, Anita

  33. Dawn (Elmhurst, IL) says:

    Hi Susan,
    Great idea!! Thanks for the links to all of the past Willards. While you are traveling, we can read and enjoy them again! Each one is a delightful letter from a friend. Sweet, safe travels, Susan & Joe! We are all so happy that you are coming to visit!

    • sbranch says:

      The gremlin is busy — when I click on a date, nothing happens. I can’t believe how many there are!!!

      • Dawn (Elmhurst, IL) says:

        Oops! You are right. Earlier, I just looked at the nice, long list of Willards. Now that I tried to open one, nothing happened. There may be a whole family of gremlins!

  34. judy young says:

    Duh! I just found the link to all the previous Willards and have bookmarked each one! So I can read them anytime I want to! Thank you Susan (and helpers!).

    • sbranch says:

      Judy, did it work for you? I click on it and nothing happens ~ it’s only been up a couple of days so I’m thinking “gremlins” may be doing their thing!

  35. Sara says:

    Susan, I have to ask “Where have you been all my life?” Incidentally, I don’t think I’ve ever said that to anyone before! If it were not for my FB friend, Linda, I would not know about you or your lovely writing and illustrations to this very day. Let me just say that since I first visited your blog, I’ve collected and read quite a few of your books that are all truly timeless. I just know that there have to be thousands of people out there who think of you as a kindred spirit–just like I do.

    And, because of you, Susan, two girls who I haven’t laid eyes on since we were just little girls riding the school bus together in the 50s and 60s, Linda, along with Sharmin, whose dad was our band teacher, are meeting me at Olympia Candy Kitchen (don’t miss it, seriously!), so we can go together to your book signing at Better World Bookstore in Goshen. How cool is that?

    I am thrilled to finally meet up with two pretty delightful schoolmates, but meeting you will be the cooked caramel icing on the devil’s food cake!!

  36. CarolK (The Garden State) says:

    The Willards are still stuck in cyber space. I can’t open any one of them and I’ve tried several. I just get a “bluup” sound then nothing. Maybe your computer person is stuck in cyber space too. LOL

  37. Candice OHIO says:

    Hi Susan,
    Just wanted to ask if there is an address to be able to send you something via snail mail? Was just wondering. I am still on a high from meeting you last Thursday in Wilmington, OH at Books N More book signing. We were the group of four that had the picnic tea on the way home. It was an experience, it was dark by the time we got to the interstate and found the rest area, but it was fun and the girlfriends thoroughly enjoyed it. The tea in the thermos was still piping hot, pretty good for being made at 6 am that morning and this was at 8 pm!
    Wondered if you were able to fit in a visit to the Clifton Mill on Friday.
    Have safe travels and enjoy your road trip!!
    Candice, Rita, Lisa and Sharyn

  38. cheryl taylor says:

    Hi im new just seen your add in the romantic homes mag. and was wondering well we see your book grace the shelves of wal-mart? Thank you cheryl taylor.

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t think so, I think Wal-Mart buys books separately — but I’m not really sure because my publisher sells them to distributors and we never know who gets them from there. Maybe. Nice to meet you Cheryl!

  39. Shauna Woodall says:

    I thought we were going to get a story about David Niven, set to some Frank Sinatra music! Your grandpa was SO handsome — your grandmother was a lucky girl!

  40. Dawn (Elmhurst, IL) says:

    Hi Susan,
    Hope you and Joe are treating yourselves to nice, relaxing days in the Heart of your California Home! You both made SO many people happy as you traveled west! It was a dream-come-true to meet you (twice) in Illinois!! ♡ Our memories of your visits will last a lifetime!! A big Thank You for the great new links to all of your previous Willards. It will be such fun to enjoy all of your letters again! ♡
    Wishing you sunny days!

    • sbranch says:

      Dawn, I picture your face perfectly here, isn’t that great? Faces with the names … amazing world we live in. Glad the WILLARDS are finally coming through. xoxo Yay! Now what we need is the back months of the blogs, we’ll have them soon too I think.

  41. Pam says:

    Dear Susan,
    I found your “Summer” book at my local library and purchased it for myself! I immersed myself in the pages…and fired up my stove and wore my pencils to nubs…!…then, so hungry for more…I found your website and have been a faithful, continually charmed and grateful follower!
    Two things, however, have especially surprised and warmed my heart recently…*I didn’t think that it was possible for anyone to be a bigger Anglophile then me. My “heart” has been in England for as long as I can remember…my home and my life reflect it (I share, constantly, my love of Beatrix Potter with my pre-school class), and I am in constant touch with a penfriend I have had for almost 20 years and have not met.
    Your blogs about your love of England and news of your recent book have renewed and sparked my curiosity, and encouraged me to vigorously put pennies aside so that I, too, can travel vicariously through the pages of your work and passion.
    *And, I was touched beyond words by your glorious description of “Jack”!
    I have shared my home and my life for all of my adult life with cats. It is impossible for me to imagine coming home at the end of the day and not seeing the precious little furry face that awaits me!
    When I suddenly lost my husband and two incredibly dear and precious furry souls…I wasn’t sure that I could give my heart again, but the house was much too empty and so was my heart. Then I met Oliver, and in seconds my heart was full again and he became mine! My dear, best friend is asleep next to me with his favourite toy under his chin!
    I know exactly what you describe…feeling my soul being wrenched and pulled in every direction each and every time I have to leave him, and cannot mention all the ways he delights and charms my life!

    I don’t know how to thank you, Susan, for all the ways you have added joy, inspiration, and giddy delight to my life!…but this amateur artist, cook, decorator, book lover, old music enthusiast, Anglophile, and embracer of any and every cat…is so very grateful for the friendship you offer us…in so many ways!
    You have become a regular, treasured part of my life. Please don’t stop writing…I don’t know what I would do without you!
    God Bless you and Joe in your travels! Enjoy!

    • sbranch says:

      Pam! That was so beautiful, thank you so much! Kindred spirits, that’s what we are here. On the same page in more ways than one. xoxo

  42. Charlotte Klein says:

    Dear Susan
    I attended your event at Vroman’s in Pasadena this morning. I simply could not wait any longer as the line was too long to have my book signed. I wish to tell you how much I enjoy everything you write. Willard’s letters have always been so inspiring. I look forward to reading your beautiful story. Your talk this morning was an absolute delight.
    Best regards,

    • sbranch says:

      I probably talked too long and should have started signing earlier, so sorry to have missed shaking your hand Charlotte. But I do understand! What fun it was! Still wallowing in the warmth of that welcome. I have not heard actual applause very many times in my life; it’s a very strange and wonderful thing.

  43. chris consentino says:

    I posted a comment an hour ago, or so, and clicked on the box that says “post comment”….and now, do not know if it went blithely into space or what, as it is “invisible” to me. I am “new” to posting anything, so, do forgive my inquiry….I just would like to know my original comment got to Susan, somehow. you are quite beloved by me and sev’l friends.

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Chris and welcome! Your post is most likely still waiting for “moderation” — which is actually me — I’m the moderator. And I love to read the posts, but sometimes life interferes and I run out of time. I will get there sooner or later. When I see the posts, the newest ones are at the top, which is why I’m replying to this one, because I came to it first! Hope you enjoy the blog!!!

  44. juli says:

    For one person to be so talented…is truly a Gift from God. Like “Frosting on the Cake”….was the surprise I received with my Book order for A Fine Romance” There…in the big brown box….right on the very top ..was the cutest bookmark….with “Be and Elf”….lovingly painted on. OH MY…. How wonderful ! It was delightful !! After patiently waiting ..my book order had came through…It was finally here….A Fine Romance”.(..a real keeper to cherish and treasure, forever, I did PEEK inside).. as well as other colourful books and 2014 Calendar….just spilling out and over my kitchen table., I felt I would just “Burst” with JOY. I wanted to sit down and immediately read ….everything right then and there…..Then I had an idea. I neatly re-.wrapped it all and put it away to be opened and enjoyed …..on “Christmas Day.”…just a few weeks away. HOPEFULLY….i can wait that long. Along with tons of “Anticipation”…I’ll just need …”some”…Patience,..but on Christmas Day…it will be… all ….pure and simple ..JOY!!! Thank you for your talent!.. Jwli.

  45. Ann McKenna says:

    Dear Susan,
    My name is Ann McKenna. I am married to my childhood sweetheart, I have 2 children, 2 grandaughters, and 1 Labradoodle, mostly Poodle. I’m very blessed. I live in Ogden, Utah and I have been, I would say, your BIGGEST fan ever since I found your cookbook “Heart of the Home” MANY years ago! As soon as I opened it and began reading, I knew I had found a kindred spirit. Ever since I can remember, I have loved all things about home, homemaking, cooking, baking, entertaining, decorating for and celebrating each holiday, being with family and friends, sewing, quilts and quilting, canning, collecting old china, having tea parties, gardening, planting flowers, collecting doilies and lace tablecloths, embroidering, writing letters, etc., etc. I LOVED to read and later began collecting quotes I came across in my reading. I also fell in love with all things OLD – antiques, old homes, historical sites, etc. My parent’s home was always filled with music between my mom, myself and all my brothers and sister’s practicing either the piano, violin, bass, guitar, banjo, or viola, and listening to records, radio, and then cassettes. Some of my favorite music is from the same genre’ you post in your wonderful blogs. (By the way, I haven’t been receiving “Willard” ever since you started sending them electronically. Is there something I need to do besides “suscribe”? I have clicked “suscribe” many different times to no avail. Please Help!) It seems that everthing you love, I love also! However, due to health problems which turned out to be Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia, I have not been able to do the things I love … until recently! Finally I am able to do many of those things I mentioned, one of which is enjoying your darling books that I own! Recently I discovered that there are several that I don’t have YET but plan to acquire very soon. The first one is “A Fine Romance” because we also share a love of England! (I told you we are kindred spirits!) Soon after my husband and I were married, we booked a trip to England but had to cancel because I ended up having to have surgery! It was sooooooooooooo disappointing. We’ll get there someday!
    I’m sooooooooooooooooo excited because we are leaving tomorrow night for San Luis Obispo to meet you! My husband knew how badly I wanted to meet you so he is taking me there even though there are things that he wanted to be home for this weekend. Isn’t he sweet?! You probably won’t read this before the show but I have wanted to write to you for so long but couldn’t find where to “comment” until about an hour ago! See you soon!!!!!!!!! Thank-you for sharing your delightful talents with the world and thank-you for reading this (and hopefully responding)!

    Ann McKenna
    P.S. 99% of my Christmas gifts are “Susan Branch” items including your Bee Skep, Holiday Recipe Book, Little Yellow Address Book, Day Planner, calendars, your darling little sheep, + cherry toweling. I WANT 1 (or more) of everything you offer and plan to buy them 1 by 1 until I have them ALL!
    I already have Heart of the Home, Christmas from the Heart of the Home, Christmas Joy, Love, Girlfriends Forever, Autumn, and The Summer Book.

  46. Laura says:

    I left a phone message for you but want to be sure you come have tea with us when you are in Albuquerque. The St. James Tearoom is quite unique and I know you will love it. We have a Hilltop Farm room. All of our seating areas are named for British greats. Please go to the website and take a look. You will be completely charmed. Reservations are required and Saturdays book well in advance. Please enjoy!

  47. Ann McKenna says:

    Oh! I also have “Sweets for the Sweet”. Not only do I enjoy simply reading your cookbooks, but also I absolutely love, love, love every recipe I’ve made. Your recipes remind me of my mom’s cooking. In fact, your turkey dressing is almost exactly like hers which is absolutely divine!
    I plan to make every recipe in all of your books in the future!
    I can’t wait to meet you Sunday. Will your book be available for purchase at the show?



    • sbranch says:

      I’ve never met anyone who dipped their bread in hot water! We must be related! See you Sunday ~ we’ll have lots of books.

  48. Ann McKenna says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank-you for a simply delightful Sunday meeting both you and Joe. My husband and I had such a fun day not only meeting you two but also new girlfriends, especially Madelyn and Jennifer, while waiting in line. The day could not have been better, unless, of course, we had won the drawing to have dinner with you! (Though I’m very happy for the girlfriends who did win and I’d like to hear about their fun evening with you and Joe.).
    Have a safe, relaxing drive home and please stop in Salt Lake City on future tours if you can. I will eagerly watch for future info regarding this! Do you have another book in the works? Maybe I shouldn’t ask! I started reading “A Fine Romance” and I love it as I love all yor books and everything you do!
    Thanks again!


  49. Ann McKenna says:

    I have not received Willard, ever, online
    I have registered several times but will try again now. Is there anything else I need to do? Help, please!

    Ann M

  50. I saw one of your favorite books is Excellent Women. I love Barbara Pym & have read all her books.

  51. Michele says:

    I’ve loved Susan Branch artwork and books, since I discovered you in Hobby Lobby, while beginning my short adventure in scrapbooking. 🙂 My sister is a Mary Englebright fan..I’m proudly Susan Branch stock! I wondered if you had any merchandise that I might have missed, like tea sets for kids/adult, dolls, or dolls patterns, childrens journals or cookbooks? I would love to purchase things like that! Thanks for your sweet and lovely website, its brightened my morning! 🙂

  52. Anita says:

    I have been a huge fan of yours for many years since visiting Martha’s Vineyard years ago where I discovered one of your first cookbooks. Since then I believe I have purchased them all and given many for gifts.
    I was saddened to hear that there will be no Blotter calendar this year. I have become very dependent on it. I will SO miss it this year.

  53. Diane Stowe says:

    Susan, I was going to order the “Yankee Magazine” with the photo shoot of your home, it was out of stock here, tried to search for it some where else, do you know where I might find an issue?

    • sbranch says:

      We might have a couple issues left in our web store, have you checked there? I think the printing has sold out. OH! I just realized, I saw some at Cronigs Market here on Martha’s Vineyard. Maybe you could call them and they would send you one?

  54. judy mcelhaney says:

    Looking forward to receiving the Willard newsletters. I have so enjoyed reading your blogs, and several of your books. I couldn’t put down “A fine Romance” – absolutely loved it!! As I read your book, I felt like I was there and could all most smell the roses, and feel the rain falling. Looking forward to your next adventure.

  55. My Grand daddy’s name was Willard and he LOVED to tell stories! I was so happy to see his name as your newsletter title. Keep “em coming please. And, yes, I am the (real) Gloria who appreciated the garden mistress in the book.

  56. Greetings Susan!

    As a geographer, I must say that I love your book A Fine Romance, which I have checked out from the library.

    You might be interested in a story mapping technology that my company has created – storymaps.esri.com – you can integrate photos and videos and text with live web maps. And it is all free.

    I have 1500 geography-geotechology- related videos on youtube.com/geographyuberalles – including many in the UK!

    It would be wonderful to meet you someday.

    –Joseph Kerski

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Joseph — I’ll have to show Joe your storymaps … I call him MapMan, he will love them. I am also very fond of the one-minute video … loved yours, especially the scary “roller coaster” that set my heart beating fast just to see it! SO happy not to be on it … extra counting of blessings from my red arm chair this morning!

  57. Kerri says:

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you! Just opened my 2014 wall calendar and July 31 is missing! FYI!!!

  58. mary large says:

    one of my dearest friends gave me a copy of “A Fine Romance” for Christmas. I just finished reading it. I truly did not want it to end! I took a trip to Englan 5 years ago when my daughter’s husband was stationed at Lakenheath AF Base. They were living in New Market. It was the best trip of my life.
    Your book makes me want to go back.
    Thank you so much, it was a delightful journey

  59. Sara McKeefer says:

    Just wanted to tell you that curling up with a good book while the mercury plunged today meant poring over The Summer Book, which I was lucky to find on a used book site. I’ve come to the conclusion that the only reason it was available was either because its former owner met an untimely death or someone stole it and was too ashamed to return it! But I digress… I just had to tell you that I’m thinking that I’ll try a recipe every time I need a ‘taste’ of summer during the long winter. Oh, and the bologna sandwich recipe made me want one so bad I might break down and add bologna and white bread to my grocery list! It really was sheer genius including it, I’m thinking.

  60. Jane Armour says:

    I just had to let you know that I recently treated myself to a copy of your earliest Williard letters & I am just enchanted! To think that you actually SENT these to so many people! I am truly amazed. I do wish I could know what some of the “extras” are that you refer to that were enclosed with the letters. I missed out! Oh well. I now get to pull up & read your blog whenever I like, which is a great joy. The darling drawings of the aprons & other items you offered are so precious. Just wanted you to know how much joy these snail mail letters are bringing. I am going to have to make myself read them SLOWLY so that I can savor them.
    Best to you, Joe & the kitties.

    • sbranch says:

      Cute things, I loved those letters. I put in pages of stickers, a small gift enclosure card with envelope, a little date book — different things in different letters. It’s not the same, but I’m so happy I can still give little gifts, the book marks and stationary we have in our store under “free stuff.” Not the same as snail mail, but still pretty amazing to be able to do it at all.

  61. Joann Gluesing says:

    Hi there, I am sooooooo happy to see your site. I immediately added you to my favorites list. I have a number of your books that I have saved through the years. You quit publishing them, didn’t you? Your books are so wonderful to me I can’t describe why, but they make me happy, smile, warm, everything good. Anyway, I will look forward to checking your site weekly, if not dailey. Much love Joann

  62. Barb Middleton says:

    Dear Susan:
    So good to find your website! I’m a longtime fan (as are my two grown daughters) and I have had your cookbooks, other books and calendars for many years. I can’t seem to be able to throw away your calendars so have quite a stack now.
    Your approach to life and your artwork just seem to fit my inner “if I were artistic that would be me.” My retirement dream is to live on the edge of the ocean in a tiny house with a front porch, a rocker, a glass of wine and a
    good book. Meanwhile, I’ll be here in the Midwest enjoying your creativity and being so glad you’ve shared these years with all of us.
    Thanks, Barb

  63. Marge says:

    Dear Susan,
    On your Favorite Reads section you have lots of interesting books. I wondered if you’d be interested in reading one called What About Your Saucepans by Lindsay De Feliz? She writes about her experiences as a well- paid executive in Britain, a scuba dive instructor all over different seas, and finally landing in the Dominican Republic, where she becomes a wife, step-mother, and victim of a robbery where she gets shot in the throat. There’s lots more but it’s better if you read it yourself! Sincerely, Marge

  64. Ann McKenna says:

    Dearest Susan,
    Just a note to let you know that I’m still not recieving “Willard” and am certain that I’m missing so much! I used to get it in the mail and loved it. Is there something you can do to help? I would appreciate it so very much!
    Also, I want to send you a little something and wondered what address to use?
    Thanks for your reply. (I hope!) And thank-you again for sharing yourself with all of your girlfriends. I simply adore you and everything you do.
    Love, Ann

    • sbranch says:

      I haven’t sent one in way too long of a time. The last one sent out was the Cookie Jar in the first of December….did you get that one? If not, check your spam folder because sometimes Willard gets waylaid.

  65. Ann McKenna says:

    Oh! I almost forgot to ask you where I can buy the darling banners you have shown on recent blog posts. Help?

    • sbranch says:

      We have a shopping page at the top of the blog, you would just click there … but they are still being made and haven’t come in yet. I’ll let everyone know when they arrive — so cute!

  66. Ann McKenna says:

    About Willard, no I have never received one on-line, sadly. I have checked my spam also and haven’t seen it.
    I have been to your shopping page so I will continue to watch for the banners.
    I adore your Lamb Pan, he’s so sweet. I would also love to win the gardening book as I’m very much “into” that at this time in my life. What a wonderful giveaway! You make everything not only darling but also fun and exciting!
    Thank-you again and again and again!

    • sbranch says:

      I hope to send a new Willard out soon — it will be a test. The last time we did it, it seems lots of people didn’t get it. And we couldn’t figure out why. So we will be very careful and see what happens. I hope you get yours!

      • Ann McKenna says:

        Just read your blog dated 2/21/14 and like you, I have introvert tendencies. I love to have lots of time to myself doing things I love to do, all the while being re-energized before I have to face the world.
        I just cleaned my basement shelves and threw away some expired canned goods and my husband and I are eating daily the things that need to be eaten NOW. I promised myself to be more attentive to the “expiration” dates.
        Can’t wait to see your next creation (cookbook, etc) and continue reading your blogs. Hope to receive your next “Willard” also!
        Thanks again for everthing!

  67. Jude says:

    Saw a wonderful fabric panel of pics/quotes (online) from you and wondered if they were still available. Thanks for any info.

    • sbranch says:

      That fabric is no longer being made–but I think I might have a little bit I could do a giveaway with in the future. I’ll look!

  68. Sylvia Smith says:

    Hello, I made the statement somewhere that I am not computer savey. Now you know it’s so true.

    I am trying to find out how to purchase the new book and have it signed by Susan Precious Branch for my daughter Karen (Kari) Haymond who loves England and flowers and cuptowels and baking and everything that is found on this page!!
    She owns a Christian school for young children called “In His Hands” in Dripping Springs, Texas. Every parent and every child adores her and they have such fun!!

    She is very good and kind and loving to her mother, that’s me.

    I hope you can tell me if it’s possible to have this precious wonderful book
    signed for her. Susan will have a friend for life. So much alike!! I would love to tell her about your site that is wonderful but I am afraid I will give away her surprise gift…and especially everything that she is going to love.

    Thank you again.

    Sylvia Smith

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Sylvia, you’re doing good — you got this far! All my books that we sell through the web store, including A FINE ROMANCE, are signed by me. So that’s one good thing … if you go to the top of the blog and click on the cover of the book, it will take you to the place you can buy it. Hello to Kari from me!

  69. Ann McKenna says:

    Thank-you! I will be carefully watching and anxiously awaiting.
    Still hoping to win your very gracious giveaway contest! As always, I continue to enjoy all your creations!

  70. Jeanine Schultz says:

    Hello! I am so happy to find your website! I ADORE your books and calendars and absolutely love your style. 🙂 I found your website because I “Googled” “whistling bird tea cup”, and your website was on the search list. I was hoping to find one in your shopping section but wasn’t able to. Do you, or anyone else, know where I can find such a tea cup (other than on Ebay)? I bought one for my daughter 20-25 years ago and she loved it. Unfortunately it broke, and I would really like to replace it as a surprise for her. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you! Jeanine

  71. Jeanine Schultz says:

    Oh!! I just travelled all the way down to the bottom of your Home page (LOVE your kitty on the pretty chair!) and see that you designed a whistling bird tea cup that never was made. 🙁 I’m wondering, why not? Well, anyway, I would still be really happy if you or any of your “posters” has information on where I might find this item. Thank you again for reading and considering! Jeanine

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve designed so many things that haven’t been made! But licensing art to manufacturers means they get to decide what gets made and what doesn’t.

  72. Glenda Robinson says:


  73. Jeanine Schultz says:

    Thank you! I may have found something similar on Etsy. But if anyone knows of any others I’d love to hear about it! 🙂

    • maria burgos says:

      I havent recieve any of your website in a long long while and I miss it very much I tried to subcribe again but said it was not in service please respond back.I look foreword to your website and enjoy all the beautiful you post on your site its unique,its like going back to a beautiful place in time. also I found about you from a book I got at barnes & noble,the one about auturm my favortive time of the year I had got it many years ago, I might sound selfish but I dont lone it to no one,not even to my girls,well hope to hear from you soon hope everything is OK maria

  74. Claudia says:

    I just finished reading A FINE ROMANCE in a marathon session (interrupted by Downton Abbey, and Olympics coverage. It is a wonderful travelogue, and brought back sooo many lovely memories of travel in GB, over a number of years, (always in May) So fortunate to visit Barnsley House gardens while open to public. I wandered the grounds, spotted my husband seated on bench, with Rosemary Verey beside him! Why she sought him out I can’t imagine! (but very special to him!) You must return to GB soon(er), as you did not mention charming, adorable, cute, cute, cute English robin!!!!!! (very unlike ‘ours)(ask you English friends!)
    Truly do enjoy your blog!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh they are so adorable, and you’re right, I didn’t mention them! Too intent on My-toe-huts-bet-tee. Thank you so much Claudia, very happy you liked the book!

  75. Eileen Hart says:

    Hi Susan,
    I love, love you and so admire your amazing talents. One thing I would love to see is a frame to slide your wall calendar into to hang on the wall. I have a pretty metal “copper” one for my Lang calendar (which I also purchase every year) and would love it if you could possibly design one for your calendars. Something else to think about … Thank you for your consideration of this idea. Thank you for sharing all of your wonderfulness with us.

    • sbranch says:

      I wish the folks who make my calendars made those frames, I think lots of people would like them. I will remind them again!

  76. Lorie W. says:

    I am absolutely thrilled that you are doing a blotter calendar for next year. I had the 2013 version and was so disappointed there was not one for this year. I brightens up my home office. Once they are ready, I will be buying more than just one for me – I plan to share my love of your artwork with several of my friends because I know they will love it too.

    • sbranch says:

      That is so nice to hear Lorie. It was fun designing it … needed to use the living room floor for layout! Big!

  77. Molly Logan says:

    Hi Susan,
    I’m enjoying your newest book, because it’s about the QMII which my sister is on at this moment, traveling on the world cruise, because it’s about England and the harrowing experience of driving on the left which my husband and I have enjoyed many times and then, a bonus to see ‘Petey’! I have a ‘Petey’ from a 1959 trans Atlantic voyage from Rotterdam to NYC aboard the Westerdam of the Holland American Line. The blue band on his cap has ‘Westerdam’ printed in gold letters, obviously a souvenir purchased on the ship. I wonder if your husband’s doll was from a HAL voyage also. My doll, unnamed, has been sitting on a shelf of small toys for the last 55 years. It’s fun to see another. I’m just on page 84, so, back go the book!
    Sorry to miss you when you were in Hudson at The Learned Owl Bookshop. I worked there for 5 years back in the 80’s and spent my entire paycheck each month on books! A fun place to work.
    Best wishes,
    Molly Logan

    • sbranch says:

      Joe’s has a very faded band on the hat, but when you put it under the light you can just barely make out the words “Holland America.” Thank you so much Molly!

  78. Susan, Ifound a used Baby Love from an online bookseller. To my surprise ,someone had stared it as their baby book. I so enjoyed reading all her entries, but to my surprise ,they lost the baby. It was so sad, I’m going to put it away as a tribute to that beautiful baby Claire Elizabeth.It was from 1992, I wish I could return it to its rightful owner. Mary aka MiMi

  79. Ann McKenna says:

    Hi again!
    Whoops! I DID find those boxes I asked about and I ordered them along with your “Garden” Stamp set! I’m so excited to receive them! Also, found a copy of “Kitchen Gardens” and purchased that, yeaaa!!!
    Your current give-away book looks wonderful and I have best wishes to all who enter. So fun to hope for but also to hear who wins. Thank-you so much for everything.


  80. Virginia Lempa says:

    I have a cat question since I can see how much you love your kitties. I have a friend who invites me over and has her cats roaming all over her food prep area, I find that so very unappetizing. I see you entertain and are a great cook so I am certain that is a huge no no in your kitchen, so, how do you keep your cats off?

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t really. I try, we say get down. They say, “You talkin’ to ME?” We don’t have a lot of counter space, but we are sure to wipe it down if we are cooking. I’ve been a cat person so long and so far I don’t think any of them have ever made me sick.

  81. Donna W says:

    My creative juices are flowing so I hopped on over to the shopping page looking for something and discovered the new format. But I’m unable to make any of the patterns page or the weekly special connect to the shopping cart. Can anyone help? Many thanks!

  82. Nancy Strong says:

    Hi Susan—I have just finished reading your latest book, A Fine Romance, about your trip to England. I LOVE IT!!! I have always been fascinated with England, as was my Mom, and this book just made it so real. Wish I could go there and see it like you and Joe did. I tell everyone about your book, but won’t loan mine to anyone. Won’t let it out of my possession or take a chance of it not being returned or being returned in not good shape. Must buy the book for both of my daughters. Already looking forward to your next book. . .
    I have all of your books and cookbooks. Have loved your stuff for years and years. You’re the best!

  83. Jan Anderson says:

    Dear Susan, I just purchased your book, “A Fine Romance” and couldn’t put it down. If I mail you my copy, would you, could you sign it for me?
    Thank you, Jan Anderson

    • sbranch says:

      I probably can’t do that for everyone individually … Joe would be mad if he had to stand in line at the post office for the packages and do all that mailing! I have been signing pages of book plates here at home at night after dinner so that the books we sell at our web store all come signed. It’s the best I could figure out after going to the different bookstores. I’m so happy you liked the book! Makes my day to hear it. Someday I hope I’ll be signing books in your neighborhood and you can bring your book for me to sign.

  84. Debra Vogt says:

    Really enjoyed reading this. A friend of mine sent me your e-mail. Would love to be signed up for your newsletter. Thanks.

  85. Cheryl says:

    Happy Spring, Susan…
    From Pine, Colorado, I love having tea with you and no apologies are necessary. Your loving words, photos, and artwork inspire me to start a new song with the one I am singing…I have all your books and for many years I take them out each season and read them and find new recipes to make awesome foods to share. I so connect with you and I even love England and English gardens…I am painting my guest bath as a garden something like one in the British countryside. You are a sister we can all relate to because you are genuine and not afraid to show yourself and I love that about you. The rhubarb and chives are up here and the first one to see the wild crocus is the one to win the race to announce SPRING! Much love from Pine… (yes, the pine trees will soon be sending out their yellow dust all over everything. We wait to spring clean till June first. Saves extra cleaning) hee-hee

  86. Lana says:

    Hello Susan,
    Love all your writing — the books and the Willards! You and all your art works are so charming! Your friend of the Little Beatrix Potter mouse who is from Coronado.

    P.S. It must be wonderful to have hundreds of best friends! : )

  87. Denise Watson says:

    Hello. Happy Spring!! I get sooooo excited when I see an email from Susan Branch! It takes me days to read it as I savory every word, picture, recipe!!!! I have read everyone and still have the very first one and all the ones after that were mailed to me. I keep them in one of her cookbooks, I also have a beautiful handwritten card form her which I cherish and got to meet her some years back at my local book store for a signing of her book Autumn! She is lovelier in person than on the screen!! I will and have always looked forward to any and all things about her! Her latest book A Fine Romance is so awesome, going to England is on my bucket list but if I don’t ever get to go there she has “taken” me there and I am truly greatful! I have given my niece a copy of it as she is traveling to England this September and has planned a lot of her trip around things Susan and Joe did. So I cannot say enough about Susan her work, her creativity, I will continue to enjoy every bit of it!!!!!!!!! Denise Watson, Wellington FL

  88. Jan McKinney says:

    As you I am a self taught ‘artist’. Only you dear girl have taken your talent to the highest level.
    I am not a jealous person but have to constantly remind myself . YOU HAD TO KEEP ON YOURSELF AND DEVELOP THIS YOURSELF. You have spurred me on.
    I have been to all the English sites you have in your delightful book. For 20 years I took ladies shopping to England , it is a MAGICAL place. Sweet regards, Jan

  89. Jean Gage says:

    Welcome to Spring for sure! I so much enjoyed A FINE ROMANCE. Felt like we were traveling together. So many similarities…feelings, experiences, all. It just felt like a warm hug. Thank you so much. And thanks for the WILLARD news – yep, it’s time to MOVE and enjoy everything that is there out there for us, whether it is the wood ducks I saw yesterday in our yard or the Blue Heron I saw this afternoon …..we are alive again!

  90. Marianne grosso says:

    Wondered where my Willard was and now I know. Thank you for including so many great tunes ( loved that era of music) ( I am 81) and your wonderful turn of phrase..you have such beautiful thoughts and you are so in tune to people and the world around you. You are showing us how to pray in a simple way for all the loveliness in this world and the great people we love and meet. Thank you..marianne

    • sbranch says:

      XOXO Marianne … Thank you ….

      And ALL you girls . . . I’m reading them all, but there are too many for me to comment on all of them! But they are BEAUTIFUL!

  91. Marianne grosso says:

    Now I have to send this to two friends so they will be happy with their world. We all need a reminder…..I have to also reread this letter and remember it and then I save it for the rainy days.


  92. Candy says:

    I was just looking through my books and found my 1st Susan Branch book from 1992. I am so happy you are still going strong. 🙂

  93. Karen Lewis says:

    Susan, Thank you for your inspirational blogs! The blogs delight my 87 young mother, especially the ones about your childhood memories! I was all smiles when I saw your circus BD cake. The cake was just like one my Mom made for me in my younger years. It inspired me to sit down and watch BD home movies. You have a wonderful artistic way to share you life and home!
    Happy Spring,
    Karen from California

  94. Sheila Foster says:

    I fell in love with your cookbooks years ago. I still love them sometimes just to put out in the kitchen for Summer or Christmas. I am now getting the book my story. I just saw you have the Stillmeadow books by Gladys Taber. I think I have almost all the books she wrote. I still love them and now my daughter wants them. You have some great ideas and love your e mail. sorry I don’t do bogs and very little fasebook. So keep me on your newsletter. I am now going to order some of your rosemary lavender tea. Keep up your stories and letters love them all.
    Sheila Foster from MI.

  95. Terry P says:

    Boy, I’ve reply missed Willard!! Your letter really quenched my thirst, and made my heart sing. Thank you so much!! I hope you have a beautiful Spring!

  96. Ann McKenna says:

    Hi Susan,
    So happy to report that I received your recent “Willard”! Yay! Love it and your blog. So fun to read everything you write!
    I love your Glory of the Snow in your window. I love bringing my flowers indoors in little vases to put in my kitchen window, too. Currently I have “Puschkinia” (sp?) in the window. It looks similar to Glory of the Snow except it is a lighter blue and white flower. So pretty and sweet! I think flowers, especially Spring flowers, are my very favorite thing in the world! It’s a miracle to me that so many different, complicated flowers come from BULBS! I also love the “waking up” of plants and trees, especially the beautiful flowering trees. They look like fluffy clouds of pink, white, and purple.
    I’m looking forward to seeing who wins your drawing! Love these!
    So excited for your drawing! Thank-you.

  97. rita paul says:

    congratulations on a remarkable career. i have followed you since your first adorable home on martha’s vineyard. i have almost all of your books. i am continually amazing as you export new avenues to give of yourself to others. my very best to you.

  98. Lisa says:

    Hi. I saw the awesome book, Mom tell me your story (please) and just had to have it for Mother’s Day. I am looking forward to filling it out with so many wonderful stories and memories. I would like to get my husband Dad tell me your story (please) if it is available. Can you tell me if it is, and if so, where I can purchase it for Father’s Day. Thanks!!

    • sbranch says:

      I license my art and designs to the company that makes those books, we don’t manufacture them ourselves. I have tried many times to get them to do a Dad and Son book, for stories and recipes, and they just won’t. They say, “there’s no market for it.” Which is so wrong, it makes me sad. But that’s the situation.

  99. Jane Hulslander Goff says:

    Dearest Susan,
    This thank you note is late in coming. I have no excuse. I love the extra something that you put in my last order from your wonderful online store. You are the best, your blog, your books, (Oh, I love your books! I have all of them.) Your site sustains me in hard times and your drawings bring joy to my heart and soul! Tis a blessing that Susan Branch is in this world!
    Jane Hulslander Goff

  100. Jonnine Ayling says:

    what a peaceful reminder of my homeland – thank you for the trip – first book I have read of yours – will be reading more

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