Who is Susan Branch


usan Branch is the self-taught artist and New York Times best-selling author of the fourteen  best-selling “Heart of the Home” lifestyle BOOKS all published by Little Brown and Company. Plus another four books, including her autobiographical trilogy published by her own Spring Street Publishing. From her studio overlooking her picket-fence garden in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, Susan writes and paints about the “home arts” of cooking, gardening, sewing, family, best friends, entertaining and the little things that make life sweet. Her books are “homemade” as in, watercolored and completely hand-written. She has a monthly newsletter she’s been sending out beginning in 1995, called WILLARD, named after her grandfather. Today, mostly because of word of mouth, Willard goes to 82,000+ (mostly) women, kindred spirits and sisters of the heart, all over the world, who’ve signed up to receive it. These are “the Girlfriends,” as Susan calls them…she walks through the studio and says “What do we have for the girlfriends today?” and we know who she’s talking about. Through LICENSING, her artwork has been used to design many products. Besides her yearly wall calendars, Susan’s art has decorated lots of stationery things, from shelf paper to greeting cards; she’s designed pajamas, teapots, hooked rugs, scrapbooks and stickers, and quilting fabrics. Her web site has been up and running for twenty-three years; and it now includes her BLOG. See FAQ for more information on Susan’s products, or SHOPPING to see what what’s new from the studio today.

Art and Content for Susanbranch.com is protected by registered copyrights. Please ask before using.

727 Responses to Who is Susan Branch

  1. Kass (Kathleen) Overkamp says:

    I love all that you do! You’re such an inspiration and a welcome to my day!
    Thank you for sharing your many gifts and talents with the rest of us,
    especially those of us in the mitten.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Kass, but what is the mitten?

    • Arlinda says:

      I’m in agreement with you Kass. Susan, I too thank you for the joy your talent and gift has brought to me and my girls. We love you.

      I decided to write on your comment Kass because, like Susan, I too am curious. “In the mitten” does that refer to the state of Michigan? I looked it up and all I got was Michigan. The name “in the mitten” was given to Michigan because of it’s shape? I wait patiently for your response.

      All the best.

    • Katelynn says:

      The mitten is referring to the beautiful Michigan

      • sbranch says:

        So the shape, is that right?

        • Arlinda says:

          Hi Susan,

          I went to Michigan.gov to research “The Mitten”.

          This is an excerpt of what it reads:
          Outline of the State of Michigan and the Great Lakes

          Michigan’s two peninsulas are so distinctive in shape that they are easily identified by astronauts more than 100 miles up in space, unlike other states whose borders are often political lines drawn on a map. The Lower Peninsula is often called “The Mitten” because its shape is similar to that of a hand held upward. The Upper Peninsula resembles a left hand with the fingers extending eastward. Michigan is the only state divided into two major peninsulas.

          😀 Yes it really is called The Mitten! I too wanted to make sure

    • Pamela Tasker says:

      What a small world ! looking at comments and what did I find? A note from my cousin !!! Our moms were sisters. Gosh we have very good taste don’t we? I totally agree with Kass. I anxiously await for Susan’s blog and Williard, and anything new from “The Heart of the Home”. God Bless You Susan Branch ^;^

  2. claudia says:

    your website is delightful and I love your recipe for Blueberry Corn Cakes.

  3. Noelle says:

    Susan, I just read this and noticed that you designed pajamas. Will there be any more available again soon? 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Not that I know of — the company that designed the pajamas stopped doing it. Maybe someday we will be approached by another company — that would be fun!

      • Sharon says:

        I would love to see you work with another company to come up with a line of pajamas and nightgowns! If you do I hope you will include plus sizes. Not only do big girls love your art but we want to be comfy in jammies that speak to our hearts!

  4. Linda says:

    Dear Susan, I have been a longtime fan of your wonderful work. I’ve just discovered your website and blog, however. You can only imagine my glee at seeing all of the English treats that await me. (Perhaps my email address will give you a hint!)
    Enjoy this wonderful holiday weekend! Best, Linda

  5. Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

    Good morning Susan!
    My first issue of UK Country Living arrived yesterday..I love it! I even read the ads! (Especially like one for sheets…”the long lasting durable fibres are less prone to bobbling”). Thank you for letting us know about this lovely magazine. The subscription was a splurge for me, but worth every cent. I’ve let my subscription to the US version of Country Living lapse. The quality and content of that publication have been rather disappointing lately.

    • sbranch says:

      Less prone to bobbling! Perfect! 🙂 It’s definitely a splurge, but so worth it. You’ll find a wonderful gift in the mail every month!

  6. Michelle Delgadillo - Duvall WA says:

    Hi Susan ~ I have been a fan for over 20 years and counting. My cousin gifted my husband and I two of your cookbooks (in 1993) and from that moment on, I’ve been collecting your books and other various things. I use your recipes most all the time & continue to love the new ones too! Thanks so much for all the inspiration you’ve brought to my life. I see it everyday on my calendar – I’ve been a regular calendar customer (my annual Christmas gift from family) for, I don’t know… for as long as I can remember. I got the long calendar one year and was in LOVE. I wish that calendar would be available again. I haven’t looked yet to see if it is, but any how ~ the reason I’m finally writing today is to ask if you have ever designed checks? I would LOVE to be able to write checks and spread your joy you portray in your artwork and words to whomever I send to. When you have a moment, will you please let me know if you have or will have checks offered…Please??? Thanks so much for everything! I simply LOVE LOVE love all of it! Yours truly, Michelle D., Duvall WA.

    • sbranch says:

      I did have them at one time, but not now, I’m sorry to say. Maybe someday. So nice to hear from you Michelle!

  7. Kathryn Deloria says:

    I love your work, and I have just recently set down my needle (Old-timey redwork) and picked up some brushes and watercolors…My sister says I have inspired her to get back to pottery because I sound so very happy when I have been painting! We all can inspire each other-thank you for your inspiration. (I LOVE red too!!)

  8. Mary Ann in Indiana says:

    Dear Susan,
    I saw you a few years ago (maybe 10) on Simply Quilts. I was so interested in your fabric. I loved your designs. Are you still designing fabric? If so, where can I buy it in Indiana?

    • sbranch says:

      We might still have a bit of it left in my web store (and some free patterns too) but I’m not designing fabric for anyone at this time.

  9. Katherine Nemecek says:

    I love your site! Someone posted your “Summer Is” artwork that used to be in Family Circle. Is there any way to get a copy or poster of it? I love it!

  10. I discovered you Susan, quite by accident when I was browsing the Beatrix Potter Society website. They had a Twitter account, and invited people to tweet etc. I clicked on your tweet and I don’t even know why, then cried all the way through your blog post of your trip to Hilltop. I googled you after that, and have visited your blog and and videos etc. ever since. I just signed up for Willard and am going to order some goodies from your website. I live in Canada however, I hope there won’t be an issue with getting anything. I’ll be so disappointed. I was only able to manage getting your recipe book, the From Mother to Daughter one, but if I can’t have anything else, I simply must have the Fall Season cookbook. I was able to look inside one online, and it is to die for. Any ideas where I can order it from. Indigo Books here in Canada suggested contacting the publisher for overstock, but perhaps you know. I love your website and blog, I’m just a newcomer, but please don’t stop doing what you are doing. My 84 year old Mum wants your 2014 calendar. Now, faithfully yours, Charice.

    • sbranch says:

      Oh so nice to have you here Charice! Small world! Hello to your mom. We send things to Canada all the time, no problem at all. xoxo

  11. Jill Fraser says:

    I really like your books. Just ordered a couple for my sister in law.

  12. Elaine says:

    Susan, Forgive me, but I want to know something. You have probably answered this sometime within your blog. What led you to Martha’s Vineyard from California????? Did you know Joe before you came, or anyone there? What was your first job on the island? Just curious. Your life sounds like a fairytale to me. How I hope to get to visit Martha’s Vineyard someday! It is on my bucket list!!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      I had such a terrible divorce that made me run away from home. I didn’t know anyone on the island, I only intended to stay two-months, but I accidentally BOUGHT a tiny house (which can happen when you are reeling from shock), and that sort of took care of my future. I worked part time in a gourmet cheese shop and part time in a home supply business (hoping I would meet a nice carpenter). It was guardian angels working magic behind the scenes, but it didn’t feel so much like that at the time. I’m going to try to write a book of this story one of these days. I’d love to tell about that little house.

      • Lynn Cunningham says:

        I believe you’re right ~ Angels were working behind the scenes to cushion the blow you’d received. Joe seems to be more “you-er than you” anyway! Far better than someone you had to hide your Beatrix Potter figurines from (until you could work them into your collection). Living well is the best revenge ~ I think I’m paraphrasing, but it’s true! I’m so glad for all of our sakes that you ended up where you did, where you and your art could blossom!

        • Katie Sperry says:

          Dear Susan,
          I have looked at a lot of the correspondence here and have wondered what or how your art was discovered.
          I have been a fan of your wonderful art for many years. I have one of your books and a calendar that I love.
          I am an artist, self taught in acrylic and canvas. I am really wondering about any tips for marketing art and or “licensing” art, how it works.
          So glad for your art it touches my heart.
          hugs, katie in california…who would love to see Martha’s vineyard someday.

          • sbranch says:

            I’m writing a book right now that will tell all the details about that — a lot of it was serendipity — but maybe destiny too. I think in the 80’s and early 1990’s licensing was different. I don’t do much of it anymore. It’s very time consuming, each teapot you make comes with two file cabinets of correspondence and contractual duties and lawyers and agents, which is the opposite of art and creativity and joy and all the things that really matter. I should write more about that one of these days. It’s such a celebrity-driven world we live in now. I don’t mean to sound negative, but this is the way I do see it and I wouldn’t want to say anything different. That doesn’t mean it happens like this for you. I believe ANYTHING can happen — I’m proof of it.

  13. Lee Gordon says:

    I sat down this morning with your “Vineyard Seasons” and a cup of coffee and ended up splurging on a morning of getting to know you a little more by visiting your website! I wanted to click on every link, but had to stop after a while (I do have a household to run and a dinner to be planned!). I live on the opposite coast, and though I am more of a “mountain and forest” kind of woman, I cannot imagine living too far from the ocean. Your recipes, ponderings and sentiments, music and collections all seem to tug at my heart and imagination. I’m looking forward to your new book and will return to your website often. I’ll also sign up for “Willards”. Thanks for inviting us all to be one of the “girlfriends.”

  14. Sarah Costa says:

    Hi Susan, It just makes my day to vist your web site. I love every thing “Susan Branch”. This summer we are spending time at our home in Down East Me. I am rather homesick so your pictures of the Vineyard have been a blessing to me. I especially love the pictures of Girl Kitty and Jack. My sister has a black and white cat like Jack and her name is Miss Kitty. She was a stray that captured my sister’s heart. She is now a very spoiled inside kitty. Oh and by the way my son is your old “kitty sitter”, Will Costa. He just loves your kitties! Susan, thank you again for bringing so much joy to so many people.

    • sbranch says:

      Ohhhh Sarah, I’ve urged your son to bring you by, but it’s just never come together. So nice to hear from you — say hi to Will for us!

  15. dewena says:

    Love your work,fan for years. Are you in the east? Thought you retired to calif? Will be getting your new book!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh yes, I’m on Martha’s Vineyard. I’m from CA so lots of roots there, but not retired! Nice to see you Dewena!

  16. Marsha Lancaster says:

    Just a note to thank you for sharing your amazing talent and your love of England. I’m a family historian and genealogist. It’s been great fun to trace so many of my family back to England. I’m also a Beatrix Potter fan, not many figurines but, I do crewel embroidery, preferably Erica Wilson designs. In the 70s she did a Beatrix Potter series. I’ve embroidered two so far. Timmy Willie in the Pea Pod and mother rabbit cooking an apple pie. Sooo cute!

    Visiting the Lake District is on my short list. Since I’m 74 yrs young, all my list is short. 🙂
    I’m eagerly awaiting my copy of A Fine Romance. I know it’s going to be like a warm and friendly visit with you.

    This message was prompted by viewing a You Tube video this morning. I subscribe to Ray Woods channel. He lives in the area and posts masterful video peeks of that beautiful area. As I watched this one today, I thought of you and couldn’t resist sharing this from Bibury and Gloucestershire. youtube.com/watch?v=8y6hoNrf2Zo Enjoy!

  17. Darlene Eaton says:

    I’m a newbie and would love to know how long it took you to have confidence in your art work – to share it with the world. Your information states that you are self taught, so am I, and I have pride of ownership but failure to launch! Your work is inspiring and genuinely appreciated. Now will you excuse me, my garden is wet with rain and in the desert where I live this is a rarity so I must go walk in the water, not on it, in it. By the way, I leave for Dublin in 2 weeks, I have a second home there and will be spending some time in England exploring Shropshire, a new experience for me. This will be my 4th county to explore. Love the blog! Darlene

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Darlene. It actually took years. I think it’s an organic process where one little success breeds another, makes you braver to try for more. As they say, it’s not the destination, it’s the journey, and trying everyday is the magic behind it all. Your trip is bound to inspire you ~ have a wonderful time, so exciting!

  18. Linda M says:

    I purchase your desk calendar every year for myself and my girlfriend. When will they be available for 2014?

    • sbranch says:

      If you’re talking about the blotter … I have bad news. The people who made that calendar have decided not to anymore. We’re not happy about it either. So there won’t be one for 2014. BUT, the folks who make my wall-calendar have asked for a blotter for 2015, and I’ve already got part of it designed. So we have a one-year wait and then we’ll have it again. Sorry!

  19. Melinda Wojslaw says:

    Hello, Susan! I am just bursting with excitement- and a bit of disbelief! A little background first: Ever since my beautiful mother said, “look at this wonderful book I just got!” and as she handed me the book I read, Heart Of The Home, we carefully leafed through the pages together, instantly we were completely devoted fans. (BTW, she actually didn’t let me keep it! She bought another copy for me, but would not relinquish the first one!) She and I used to just squeal in delight at each new book you published and each new Willard that was sent, and, of course, appointments & birthdays have been written on SB calendars for countless years.
    Sadly, I lost my beautiful mom in 2000(same year I was expecting my first baby). One thing which has given me comfort is your artwork & writing(and I can’t tell you what a happy clam I’ve been since you started your blog!). Not only because, in some way, I’m still sharing with my mom but also because she helped me discover a lovely authoress & artist who can make everyday things and experiences so delightful and (thankfully) shares her gift of highlighting comfort & joy in life. Also,there are many commonalities in each of our “things of happiness”. Bridgewater to name one! Another is the absolute yearning, as a fellow native California girl, to live in the New England States as well as to visit England. So last year when I read your blog entry, when you joyfully shared the gift Joe gave you of the trip to England, I cupped my hands to my face and started crying! Understanding how much that trip was desired I was so completely thrilled for you!!

    So, here it is August of 2013, as much of a devoted & grateful fan along with my three beautiful girls(I call them my 3 beauties, which I have mentioned when leaving comments on your blog and you probably hear the collective “AW!” when they see pictures of Girl!) and I am really, really looking forward to having a copy of A Fine Romance in my hands! Especially since with this book, you have shared in your labors of love along the way. With a strong desire to attend one of your book signings, I have been carefully watching the dates & locations for your stops only to catch myself in my usual trap of, “well, the girls’ schedules, school starts soon, volunteering, etc.” But yesterday, something sparked in me when I saw the August 24th date in New Hampshire and….I have a flight booked, I’m going!!!!! Ahhhh!!!
    The excitement I mentioned is self explanatory. The disbelief is because I have never left my girls (ages 12, 9 and 6). So my heart is getting tugged but the chance to meet you and to finally explore that charming & historical part of the country just has me elated!
    I do hope you receive this email ok as I am hoping for a bit of a pre-introduction to you, my secret bosom friend—called that not because you drank too much of Marilla’s raspberry cordial, but because, well, we haven’t met! How thrilling that may soon change!
    Thank you for the time you are taking for so many of us, who adore your work and are grateful for you. Travel safely. I so very much look forward to the 24th!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so happy to hear this news Melinda. I loved your story. So sorry you lost your mom, I would have loved to have met her. But now I get her through you, and that will be wonderful. Tell your girls Jack says hello, and I’ll see you in New Hampshire!!

      • Melinda says:

        Oh, thank you! Still can’t believe i’m doing a solo trip. I’ll miss my three beauties terribly but must admit that i’m pretty excited!
        (Also–your photo on Amazon is really nice)

  20. Barbara Stewart says:

    Dear Miss Susan:
    I love your wonderful writing & painting ability. I would like to know if it is possible to download past issues of the Willard News letters. I did purchase the October 1995 – January 2003, but I am stilling missing a great number of current & older issues, but I have not been able to locate them & and I so want to have & keep them for my niece someday

    I am now reading “A Fine Romance” and I really don’t want it to end. Please write more. My husband has agreed for us to go on the trip based on your travel notes and writing next year on. The book is excellent and it will stand the test of time for future wonder lust buddies.

    Thank you for your help.
    Barbara A. Stewart

    • sbranch says:

      Hmmm. I’m sorry Barbara, we don’t really have a list of Willards. Isn’t that interesting? We probably should. You can find some of them on Google. When we get some time, maybe we’ll do a compilation and put them on the blog.

      Thank you for your comments on our new book. So happy you are thinking of a trip for yourself!

  21. Julie says:

    Susan. I have a question. You said that when you were 34 years you experienced a rebirth of sorts (I am paraphrasing) and that meditation was a large part of where you found yourself. Was there a particular book that guided you to that discovery? I know you read many books during that time, but I am curious if there was one book in particular that enabled you to identify the direction you ultimately decided to take at that time. I am especially curious about whether you still continue to practice meditation regularly. I am looking forward to starting a practice of this myself. Thank you so much. I see so much of myself in you, minus your art talent. By any chance, are you an INFP on the Briggs Meyer test?

    • sbranch says:

      I thought I might make my next book about this time in my life because it was such a rebirth of sorts for me, or maybe not even a RE birth, but the actual birth! 🙂 I don’t meditate regularly, but I do it often, and because of the years of doing it, I can “drop in” whenever I want. It really helps, when you start, to take a course that requires your involvement because I think it’s the over and over again that makes it happen. I looked up INFP, and I would definitely say I have lots of those traits. I will never stop believing that together we can change the world and that what we do matters. We just have to set our minds on it. xoxo

  22. Sharon Maier says:

    Susan…Your new book just arrived today and I can already know it will be a favorite. Since I’m a long-time Potter collector, and I sincerely doubt I’ll have the opportunity to visit Hill Top, this book will be like a travel friend. Thank you, in advance, for sharing your wonderful experience. It’s a special addition to my library, along with a myriad of Potter books. I only wish I had been aware of your website and your work sooner…but there’s no time like the present!
    All good wishes…

  23. Julie says:

    Thank you so much.

    Big hug,


  24. Jean Gage says:

    It was just so exciting to meet you today in Meredith, NH. And, thank you so very much for signing my 7 “grandchildren recipe” binders – this was just the best day. I will certainly include the suggestions you made on the recipe books! I am a new “girlfriend” for sure.

    • sbranch says:

      That was so wonderful Jean, that you put all that time and energy into those beautiful books. I can’t wait to see Joe’s picture of you holding them!

  25. Brenda McDermid says:

    Hello Susan, I am so thrilled to discover your blog and website. I have your Heart of the Home Christmas book that I bought years ago (and love to read every year!) and will be ordering A Fine Romance. I also love the British Country Living magazine and Emma Bridgewater pottery – if this isn’t serendipity, I don’t know what is! Thanks for making my day, I will be ‘visiting’ you regularly…

  26. Melinda Wojslaw says:

    Dear Susan,
    About 2 weeks ago I wrote to you so elated because I suddenly got the courage to do something good for myself and was flying out for your book signing for tomorrow in New Hampshire. Haven’t done much for myself in 13 years and what a way to treat myself–meet you, some fabulous fellow girlfriends and see a bit of the New England states which I feel have called to my heart for as long as I can remember….Well, this past Sunday night I completely cancelled the trip. Care for my 3 beauties just wasn’t working, I just didn’t feel confident that they would be tended to properly & loved while I was away, which left me feeling very selfish.

    I was disappointed canceling and now, the day I was to be on the plane, I am utterly heartbroken. I know I am just a teeny drip in the ocean of your life, but I just felt the need to let you know, especially because you were so very kind(no surprise) to respond to my email I sent sharing the excitement of the trip out there.

    I have seen that you have at least one date in S. California. That I can at least drive to and bring my 3 girls, if needed. Thank you so much for all you are doing, for keeping the hope of loveliness in life alive. Please travel safely and have a delightful time along the way. I really, truly hope to see you in SLO.

    Kindest regards, melinda

  27. Deborah Dowling says:

    You are very talented keep up the good work. Thanks for all the good information on your blog.

  28. martha dagostino says:

    hello susan, I love your website – please put me on your address list. I am of a certain age (almost 79) and just love all of your cute little artwork. thank you for all you do.

  29. Andrea MtPleasant says:

    Hi Susan,
    It was such a treat to meet you last night. You said a lot of things that brightened this challenging segment in my life. Thank you.
    I took some time to explore your site today. It is fabulous!! You have made another “fan.” It is an exhilarating experience to people who enjoy life as I do.
    All my best.

  30. Michele Errico says:

    Why didn’t you tell me it was such a far walk from Vineyard Haven to Oak Bluffs?! Despite this – it was a lovely trip!

  31. Bev Tippett says:

    It was delightful to meet you today in Grand Rapids. I so enjoyed you and meeting some of the “girlfriends”.
    Here is a link to the Book Festival in Edinburgh I was telling you about. Edinburgh is an amazing city. I have included a couple of other links. I LOVE Scotland from the cities to the tiny towns. Can’t wait to “travel” with you again. Safe travels on the rest of your tour. ~Bev




  32. Connie Turnbull says:

    Susan, I just discovered this week your book, “A Fine Romance” and your website from Victoria Magazine. I ordered the book for my friend in MN for her birthday. You have a new friend – I absolutely LOVE all that is on your website! I am looking for photos of you and Martha’s Vineyard – are they on your website? I also signed up for Willard and love your story of how your newsletter was named. I look forward to many more hours exploring your books, your shopping and reading your blog. I am also sure my MN friend will become your fan immediately after she gets the book. (I don’t want to spoil the surprise of the book coming for her birthday.) Thank you for your love of all things lovely and beautiful to brighten my life!

    • sbranch says:

      So nice to meet you Connie! Yes, there are lots of photos of Martha’s Vineyard. Explore the little icons at the top of the blog page, some of them have drop downs and lots more information about everything! And please tell your friend I said Happy Birthday!

  33. Dearest Susan,
    I’m reading your latest book on your adventure to England. It’s making me laugh and making me cry but most of all it’s inspiring me to make my dream come true of traveling to England! Something is calling me to the Mother Country, some unseen force that haunts me. I’m not quite sure why although my ancestors hail from England, Ireland, Germany and the Netherlands. It’s in your DNA, that can’t be denied. Something must be missing so you must go there to find it. I’m a big Beatrix Potter fan and cannot wait to see Hilltop and of course the lovely England countryside. I’m a country girl and carving out my little niche here with china tea cups, lacey curtains, gardens, bunnies and geese. THANK YOU so much for being YOU and sharing your heart and soul with all your sisters out here!
    LOVE YOU! Sister Vicky xoxo

  34. Estefania James says:

    I love your SEPT-DEC calendar books. In fact, I am collecting the cover of each year since 2009. Thank you for your dedication and passion. 🙂

  35. Kathy says:

    I just finished A Fine Romance. Having traveled England and many of the spots you enjoyed, this was an especially good ‘read’. My husband now sits in his recliner reading it! I enjoy your blogs, Willard, and some of your Shopper items. You enhance my daily living and help me so appreciate the many simple pleasures that surround us all. Thank you. Kathy

  36. Karin Yanes says:

    Hi Susan! It would be such a join to receive WILLIARD. Where do I sign up!?

  37. Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

    Just finished downloading Nov/Dec Yankee onto my iPad…couldn’t wait for the print issue to arrive. Beautiful, beautiful! Love how all the details in the pictures just pop out on the ditigal edition. Well done, sweet Sue! Hugs!

  38. tammy moon says:

    your drawings r so sweet and from reading your books i feel like we r friends thank u for good reads good recipes and comfort

  39. Mandy (UK, Staffordshire) says:

    Well I am definately feeling sad that I knew nothing about you until now. Wow looks like I have a whole lot of catching up to do I should say. I noticed a set of your sticky notes in a filofax you tube video and loved them so had to investigate further. BUT then discovered so many other glorious things… oh my. I love doing quirky things to my house and checking your blog has given me a little inspiration. Im also a bookworm so will be trying to get hold of one of your books and im a new filofaxer to but I am still finding my way around that one. I love anything creative. Well now that I have found you I will be keeping up to date. tatty bye for now x Mandy

  40. Hola Susan!Por casualidad me he encontrado con tu página y me ha encantado!Me gusta todo,las fotos,las recetas el libro!!!!Desde ya tienes una incondicional seguidora!Un saludo

    • sbranch says:

      By the grace of Google Translate, here is what Monica said …
      Hi Susan! By chance I found your site and have loved it! I like everything, photos, recipes book!! Since you already have an unconditional follower! Greetings

      and me:
      Welcome Monica, we’re so happy to have you here. Come back soon!

      Bienvenido Monica, estamos muy contentos de tenerlos aquí. ¡Vuelve pronto!

  41. bonnie roberson says:

    Love the calendar. Noticed though that my Nov. 4th day is missing. woops. Still love to read as I flip to each new month. – Bonnie

    • sbranch says:

      Yes the fourth seems to have flown the coop! Luckily there is the 3rd and the 5th to give us the hints we need to continue! So sorry about that!

  42. Susan Jones says:

    Hello! I feel like I’ve just found a long, lost friend! I have many of your books and then in 1998 my life changed and I moved from NY to now NC and I fell out of touch with the New England way of life. My 88 year old aunt subscribes to Yankee Magazine and sends them to me. I having been thumbing through the November/December issue and there you were! I wish I could tell you how happy I was to see you! I am going to pull out all of your cookbooks this weekend and get reacquainted. Welcome home to me! Kindest regards, Susan.

  43. Pamela Bobinski says:

    I just received your book a Fine Romance it is what I have always wanted to do. I don’t fly and England is my most wished for place to go. I will be able to live my wish through it. I feel like we are soul sisters we are about the same age, I live in New England, I collect glass and China, and I have the Peter Rabbit collectable figures like you have in my spare bedroom for all my houseguests to admire. I will be naming that bedroom the Beatrice Potter room now, since I have added my Peter Rabbit books to it . We just downsized to a custom build ranch from a very old carriage house in Mystic,CT that my husband grew up in. I had to downsize my collectables too, but I kept the best, including old silver that I display in my dining room. Thank you for your beautiful website too!#

  44. Sandy Schleich says:

    I am confused about trying to order your book about England. It’s advertised as now available in bookstores and yet I have tried to order twice now from Barnes and Noble only to have them cancel the orders due to it not being available and it’s offered on their online shopping site. Would you happen to know what the problem is? Thank you for your attention to this matter.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, kind of, as best I can tell… our first printing sold out in a very short time, something like two or three weeks. We were out of books completely for almost two months and the second printing just arrived last week ~ it’s sold out too, from the publisher, although it’s still hitting the stores from the distributors. Our third printing comes in in one more week. I don’t know what Barnes and Noble has ordered. We are selling signed copies here in our web store, because we do save a few for our Girlfriends just in case. You should be able to find it everywhere very soon. The third printing is much larger than the others and there’s already a 4th that’s been ordered. Hope this helps Sandy!

  45. Catie Cook says:

    I still have my first edition Heart Of The Home cookbooks (inclu Autumn and Christmas… don’t know what happened to my Vineyard Seasons… someone may have walked off with it over the years… I’ve moved a few times). I hope you enjoy Vroman’s in Pasadena, CA. It’s my very favorite bookstore anywhere. I moved to Wisconsin, from Pasadena, in 2009. (A few years after enduring a miserable divorce in California, I fell in love with my darling husband and moved here to the Northwoods! (Love is better the second time around, isn’t it?) I just finished reading your newest publication, “A Fine Romance” and I must tell you that I cannot remember a book that I enjoyed as much as this one. I’ve already commenced my second reading! It is WON.DER.FUL!!! Thank you so much! Oh and, by the way, I have started putting together a Peter Rabbit reading room here at our home! May Beatrix live in all of our hearts forever! xo

  46. April Mircse says:

    Dear Susan: it was such a pleasure to attend your book signing at Vroman’s in Pasadena on November 5th. Your reading was just lovely and thoroughly enjoyed by myself and my sister. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful trip to England with all of us — I am going to linger over my reading of your new book. I love the fact that you once used to live on my street, Claire, in Reseda, CA. Makes the neighborhood feel very special. You are a
    delightful and warm person and it was truly an honor to meet you. April M.

    • sbranch says:

      What’s your address on Claire, April? Do you live there now? Unless it’s grown, I remember that it wasn’t a very long street. Thank you and your sister for being there! It was a wonderful afternoon.

  47. Catie Cook says:

    You’re ever so welcome! And, while you’re here, can I ask you a quick question? You know that adorable apron pattern you offer as a complimentary download? Well, I downloaded it and, due to the fact that I am an utter techno-idiot, it is miniscule… I cannot make it work. Is there any way to purchase a full-size version of the pattern. The pattern is so dear… I absolutely LOVE it and would very much like to make one! Is there a way to purchase it from your site? Thanks, Susan!

  48. Catie Cook says:

    Thank you so much!!

  49. Jan McKinney says:

    Susan (and Joe, as I can tell Mr Joe is a patient man), I just received the 7 A Fine Romance, for Christmas gifts for my girly friends and ME. I am recouping in a nursing home from a long leg situation and will allow myself 10 pages a day of your precious book. In my career days I owned and escorted a travel company taking ladies to England for antique shopping. Tracing all your steps over 12 separate journeys to England. Had gingerbread in Grasemere, made it from an Internet recipe, tho not the same as standing in the rain eating it.

    Please journey to France for us all and write a book. My best along with my pug Lizzy, we send our best, Jan McKinney

  50. Charlotte Anderson says:

    Susan, I went to the Vroman’s reading with my daughter. We had a blast! Her favorite part was getting to watch Joe’s face as you read about your finding each other! I’m another one that gets out your Christmas book to read every year, right after Thanksgiving! Anyhoo, I picked up my preordered copies of A Fine Romance at Vroman’s on a visit there with my husband! We love trips to England. He saw your book , read the section on driving in England and came to find me with great excitement. He said, “and, she is coming here to speak this week!” It was a fun moment for us when he realized I already put my books in the car, and had carefully planned to be there at the reading with our daughter! But great minds and soul mates think alike! He couldn’t be at the reading, but we will be especially devouring all the travel hints together. We can never get enough of travel or England and plan to use it as home base on and off when he retires. I’m piggybacking on a comment above to say PLEASE do France! Also Italy! It is so much fun to meet our English cousins while touring Europe. There is definitely a common bond. I now feel that you have given us a delightful gift of still another thing to bond with them over(your book!) and a host of other things (your blog, other books and myriads of things)! So a big thank you, Susan! Hello to all the Girlfriends and our wonderful cousins in England reading this!

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Charlotte! xoxo Thank you … I’ll work on that France and Italy idea! 🙂

      • judy young says:

        A travel book on France would be so yummy…..research in Paris and Tuscany. How joyous would that be. Even though I grew up in England I never made it to France (I’ve been to Spain a couple of times and once to Malta for my honeymoon!). I adore Paris, it’s so romantic. Just finishes reading “Lunch in Paris..a Love story with recipes” by Elizabeth Bard. Fabulous book. I bought an old mercury glass ornament of the Eiffel Tower this past weekend and I just love it! Constant small treats right? Just keeps you in love with life!

        But back to a book on France, done in your style, would be just as great as the Fine Romance book. It’s mind boggling, the things you “could” do if you only had the time!

        Also. shopping on your site recently, I saw some decorator “flags”, the kind that fit on a wrought iron stand in the front garden and change with the seasons. Are these your designs? If not, it would be lovely to have a Susan Branch design flag waving in the breeze!

        Thank you so very much for all you do for us Susan!! Merry Christmas to you and Joe, the kitties and your entire family! We are iced in in Dallas, TX. Very pretty, but very cold. Unusual for Texas. It was 84 on Wednesday!

        • sbranch says:

          84 on Wednesday, iced-in today, what a world! Those are my flags btw Judy, my designs, and yes, wouldn’t Paris be so very wonderful!!!

  51. Nancy Annis says:

    Dear Susan,
    I got your book, “A Fine Romance”, at Remnants of the Past in San Luis Obispo. I have absolutely loved reading it. In fact, once I started I couldn’t stand to put it down. I always loved visiting your little shop, “Heart of the Home”, in Arroyo Grande, Ca. I and my girlfriends were so sad when it closed. I love getting my letters from Willard. They are a bright spot in my day. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us and for inspiring us.
    Love, Nancy

  52. Natalie says:

    Hi Susan,

    I have grown up around your artwork – as my Mother has put your books, calendars, etc. on show in our home for years! Thank you for inspiring me in my handwriting/art! I’m always on the look out for your work. I have now moved to England (as last year I married an English man) and love (even more) having your things around our home – as I know you have a passion for the British things in life 🙂 I think if I could have any career (other than being a homemaker) in the world it would be similar to what you do. Thanks for inspiring this 22 year old girl! God bless.

  53. Patricia says:

    I’ve just found you through a fellow blogger who found you when she visited Martha’s Vineyard this summer and posted all about your past work and new book. I’m loving what I’m reading on your blog and very inspired by your artwork. I’m hoping to start some art journalling soon and am currently practicing different types of handwriting techniques. I’ve ordered your 2014 calendar and can’t wait to get your book. Thank you for your inspiration.

    • sbranch says:

      Nice to hear from you Patricia! Thank you for the kind words. I’m not sure you saw it, but there’s a button at the top of my blog called “About Me” … when you click on it, there’s a drop-down list and one of the things on it is “My Art Studio” — there are two things there, one about Handwriting, the other is how I learned to paint. They might help!

  54. Barbara Chaney says:

    How I envy you your Jack and Girl Kitty. I’m allergic to those delightful creatures. BUT I’m the proud Auntie Barb to Petie, a big orange cat who lives with the Ringberg’s. He reminds me a lot of Garfield. Quite a character! He even sent me a Thanksgiving card. When he doesn’t get fed at his mealtime, he sometimes knocks everything off the coffee table. Wishing you and ALL your friends, including your “blog” friends, All the Blessings of the Season………Barbara Chaney

  55. Barbara Chaney says:

    I received your book, “A Fine Romance” today. I knew I would love it, but it’s everything I hoped for and MORE. Now I know we are kindred spirits. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it was such a nice Christmas surprise!

  56. Pattierin Houston says:

    Hi Susan, I have been a fan for your work for many years now. I adore your books and every year I have to have your calendar hanging on my fridge in my tiny kitchen. I look forward to my new one every year. But you know it is bad luck to hang a calendar before it proper time. At least I do not cause my mom told me not to do it and so tradition began. Anyway I hope you have a wonderful winter and thanks again! Patti

  57. Diane Titus says:

    Just purchased my first “Susan Branch” Calendar for 2014 and I love it. I will be ordering one every year. I usually spend a considerable amount of time, (days) trying to find the perfect my calendar for the coming new year, dragging my husband around and making him wait until I have searched every rack for the “perfect one”. Many times I end up settling for one that is close enough to my liking. Now, I have finally found the “perfect calendar”, one that suits me. It fits my home just right. Thank you so much.

  58. SHERI MCDOWELL says:


    My mom bought me a Home Cooking recipe book. We were wanting to know do you sell the extra pages to add to it when the cookbook is filled up?

    Thank you!!!!!

    Sheri McDowell

  59. Fran says:

    I hate that there will be no blotter calendar this year! What will I use on my desk? Happy New Year nonetheless!

  60. Inez Schlueter says:

    To Susan,I ordered your book,A Fine Romance, it is truly wonderful. I have always enjoyed your art,and I loved learning that you enjoy old worn things. Anything used and or vintage is ME. I just adore Jane Austin, wish I had known her. Also one of my favorites, from right here, is Tasha Tudor. What a woman. Anyway,I have to put your book down, so I can make it linger. Otherwise I would have been through England, in one sitting. The paint in my e-mail name came from a business, I had for a few years. I found roadside and old pieces of furniture and household items and re-painted or refinished them. Loved it then and love re-doing now. Thanks for the armchair journey….

  61. Dearest Susan, My sister gave me a copy of A fine Romance at Thanksgiving. We have both read your book and it was magical. I felt like I tagged along to merry ole England with you…I also would have been your buddy when you were seasick, just reading how you felt, I was queasy. Since that book, I got Girlfriends and ,one of your cookbooks and your calender. Whenever I read your stuff I get the warm fuzzies. You have brought a lot of joy and sweetness, Thank you so much.

  62. Genie Self says:

    What a day this has been! I walked into your blog and couldn’t decide which room to visit first. Hemingway would call it “a movable feast.” The books and the movies and the quilts and the quotes ……my cup runneth over….
    My sweet neighbor, Dianne, lead me to you……I will walk the path that connects our homes tomorrow morning, and we will have tea and watch an episode of Downton Abbey……and talk about you…..and how fabulous you are.
    I walked into your blog today, and I am never, ever, EVER leaving. : )

  63. Diane Pangburn says:

    Hi Susan~~
    Love everything you do~~
    Saw that the Peter Rabbit room is for your grandsons. I never knew that you had children and grands. Hope I am not being intrusive into your personal life, but would love to hear about them.

  64. Suzie Barrett says:

    Hi, Susan. I love your beautiful products.You can tell that they come from a place of Love. I ama Registered Nurse in Az. I am looking for you pocket calendars, I think they are a 16 month calendar. I have found them the last few years, in the greeting card area of Safeway, but they do not have them this year. Where can I purchase, since your website is sold out? Thank-you, Suzie

  65. Fleur says:

    Hi, Susan,
    I’m living in the Netherlands and read about you ( for the 1th time..)and your new book last week.
    I ordered it, cause I ‘m sure I will like it! Last years I also visited the Cotswolds and Shropshire; I loved it! The villages, the gardens, the sheep…
    We also visited the Bridgewaterfabric and saw how all is made and I was Lucky to buy some cheap mugs! (I posted pictures on my blog ;
    I’m looking forward to your book and will read your blog now!
    I like the countrylife, Quilting,England,etc so we have lots in common…
    Friendly greetings from Holland, ( hope my English is good enough…)

    • sbranch says:

      Your English is perfect! I think you are a kindred spirit! Thank you for saying Hello and have a wonderful day xoxo

    • Cathy says:

      Hi Fleur, I just contacted a travel agent to arrange to travel to Holland, Austria, and a couple of other countries. Can you tell me the best to travel< I want to visit a few tulip farms or growers. Can you suggest any? If you want we can exchange e-mails. Let me know! Cathy

  66. Debbie says:

    Dear Susan,
    I have admired your work for many years. As a young bride in the late 70’s, I would tear out your beautiful artwork from Country Living magazine. I couldn’t wait each month to see what recipe would be featured and your artwork was such a treat! I have all of your books, I buy cards when I find them, I am a Kentucky girl, now woman. 🙂 I love your blog too! Your book, “A Fine Romance” is absolutely beautiful, the illustrations and the content makes yo feel good all over! I read it from cover to cover, I simply could not put it down and then I would go back and look at all of the illustrations and photos again. I also love Beatrix Potter. Twenty six years ago, it was hard to find any of her figurines and other things. Our son was born in 1988 and his nursery was all “Peter Rabbit” – many special moments in that room and I have many mementos of Beatrix Potter still today. The world is a better place because of you being in it, sharing your love of art, and helping us take a break to sit down and enjoy one of your books or reading your blog.
    God bless you! Debbie

  67. Susan, I sent comments to you last week and saw them posted here. Now they’re gone. Do you know why that is? Really curious….



    • sbranch says:

      No I’m sorry I don’t know … I do know that my computer person told me they were going to “Upgrade” the blog over night Saturday and that it would be down for a while … but I don’t know if that would have caused it. The other thing is that we do have gremlins which have caused my own comments and others to disappear. Not often, but sometimes. That’s all I know! Sorry!

  68. I’m going to England on March 4 for two weeks. My daughter and I will be in Suffolk and Norfolk, and reading your book is adding to my anticipation. I’ve ordered the book for daughter Jenifer, too. She and I have been to England many time; we go yearly, and we love the English countryside especially. We book quaint cottages in villages in different areas and enjoy the scenery and meeting the people. We are members of Daughters of the British Empire, and March first, we are having a Quiz Night and Pub Grub fundraiser. Everything goes to charity, and we are loving being members of the group. This morning I spoke with the owner of the British Emporium in Grapevine, Texas, and told her about your book. She will probably order copies to sell in her wonderful store. Thank you for this sweet book. It’s really special – probably be my very favorite out of all the many books on England which I have. I collect books on afternoon tea, and I have over 300! I will be making some of your recipes when I host my next DBE meeting! Thanks so much, Susan!

    Linda Pritchett

    • sbranch says:

      Lucky you Linda, to be going so soon. It sounds like you know how to do it right, all that beautiful countryside. Sheri saw your comment and asked the name of the person at the British Emporium — she’s going to send her a book. How far back can you go to be a member of DBE? My English relatives all came very early, in the 1600’s … do you need to be first or second generation to join? Have a wonderful trip…hello to your daughters!

  69. Susan,
    Here is the contact information for The British Emporium: http://www.british-emporium.com 140 North Main Street, Grapevine, Texas 76051 (817)421-2311. The very personable owner is Sheela. As to the DBE question, anyone with British ancestry can join. I’ve passed along your question to our chapter president and she may have further info for you, but you can also visit the DBE national website. I hope there is a chapter near you. The charity work is wonderful. For example, just before Baby George’s birth, we had a baby shower and collected many wonderful baby gifts in his honor. Gifts were donated to a local shelter for women and children. I was amazed at the gorgeous shawls, clothes and furniture which was collected. We received a lovely thank you from Kate and William! Jenifer and I love being part of such a wonderful service organization, and we always have tea and goodies at the meetings. What’s not to love? I’d be honored to have you as a DBE sister!


    • sbranch says:

      I went right away and looked for a chapter in MA. But I will need to delve a bit deeper. I do have lots of British ancestry, but it’s a long way back, I’m glad to hear it still counts! I think I read about your baby shower on line, what a nice thing to do! We had a baby shower too, a tea, here in my back yard … we were actually the ones that got the baby born! You can read how we did that right HERE. I wish I would have thought to have everyone bring a baby present!

  70. Dear Susan,

    At yesterday’s Daughters of the British Empire meeting, I took your book, and everyone copied the information so they can buy one. One lady asked me, “Is she a friend of yours?” I said, “She is NOW….and she can be your friend, too!” One member who is from Scotland said the Boston chapter is probably the closest one to Martha’s Vineyard. Even if you can’t attend all the meetings, I’m sure the group would be thrilled to have you as a member. When my daughter and I leave for England on March 4th (here’s a silly note…March 4th is the only day of the year which is a “command”…if you say it like an “order”. I learned that from a Highlights Magazine when my children were small) your book will travel with me. I think it will become my good luck charm. Also, I’ll enjoy re-reading it on the plane. Wish we were going on the QE2, but I’m grateful to be going at all!


    • sbranch says:

      I’m happy for you too Linda, living vicariously through you! March 4th is so close! Have a wonderful time. Thank you for the introduction to the Daughters of the British Empire … I will follow up and also thank you for introducing your friends to me and A FINE ROMANCE … very sweet of you. Bon Voyage! Tell us how it was!

  71. Sharon Maier says:

    Hi Susan…Your comments about Downton are so right on the money…I felt like you were reading my mind! Such a wonderful show — and doesn’t the wardrobe get better and better? Fabulous style and color. Just FYI, I recently received a catalog with cute Easter things that you may like…it happens to have a bit of Peter Rabbit stuff, which is probably why it appeared in my mail. It’s called fancyflours…check out the website. BTW, I also have an upstairs Peter Rabbit room — filling up fast since I also have Brambly Hedge mice everywhere. Your blogs make my day and always amaze because of their originality and freshness…thank you thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you for being here Sharon! Yes, the clothes are just wonderful on Downton! Fancyflours = fun!

      • Sharon Maier says:

        Susan, I forgot to mention that I recently discovered in one of my Beatrix Potter reference books that a manuscript exists showing plans for a lamb story entitled “The Tale of Daisy and Dumpling.” It was intended to be included in the Peter Rabbit series but was finally rewritten for Chapter IX of “The Fairy Caravan,” and the lambs are Daisy and Double. So there are your lambs!

  72. Kris Norton says:

    Huge fan of your fabric. Purchased the “Language of Flowers” fabric for Quilters Only and have suffered the fate of many quilters which is “I don’t have enough” 🙁 Any thoughts on where to acquire more? Absolute minimum requirement for the project that I started is 3 yards. I appreciate any help you can provide. Love your blog!!!!! Thanks for reading this.

  73. Sharon Provence says:

    I am a HUGE fan of ‘all things Susan Branch ‘! Have been for years. I love your style /artwork -love the watercolors! Really enjoy reading your blogs. I have all your stickers, alot of books, rubber stamps ..etc.Thanks for all the adorable stuff you make!

  74. Sharon Maier says:

    Had to tell you that I’ve made your Cold Day Bean Soup several times this winter. It is now my faaavorite, and husband thinks he’s hit the jackpot with homemade soup–truly wonderful. Jack and Girl Kitty should be professional models…both have tons of personality, even on paper. I do love seeing them since I can’t have a resident kitty (always had kitties until 13 years ago when granddaughter arrived on the scene along with a feline allergy). So I feed strays and enjoy making them happy, even though they can’t come in. Fortunately, Texas weather rarely gets extremely cold. Can’t wait for your new book!

  75. kendra says:

    Where can I find more of the half page protectors used to hold recipe cards in the Recipe Traditions book?

  76. Lauren from Michigan says:

    Hi Susan Branch! My name is Lauren and my mom is Patty from Michigan. My mom, grandma, and I all came to have our books signed by you when you were here in Michigan. It was so fun to meet you and Joe!
    My mom’s birthday is this Sunday, and I was wondering if you could comment back to me with a little birthday greeting for my mom. I know she would love it! Or, you can email me. Thanks so much! I would really appreciate it!


    • sbranch says:

      Hi Lauren — aren’t you a doll, thinking of your mom. I’d LOVE for you to give her a big Happy Birthday hug from me. I remember the three of you at the book signing. xoxo

  77. Sharon Maier says:

    Definitely would love the Gladys Taber book…she was always a favorite of my Mom, and now I know why…anything you like must be good, Susan. Thanks again for your delightful blogs…and for Jack on screen multiple times…such a joy he is!

  78. Barb Crespo says:

    Just a quick comment and a question: I totally love receiving your emails and inspiration.
    I noticed on the Irish Stew Recipe (sent out in early March 2014); one of the ingredients call for 1 bottle of red wine… is this regular drinking wine? or cooking wine?

    thank you in advance,

    a follower from Vero Beach, Florida.

  79. Lan Wicks says:

    Bountiful Susan. Thank you for sharing your overflowing heart with all of us. I just read “A Fine Romance” and have been buying copies ever since to share your treasure with others. I’m 62 with 7 grandkids, ages 3 to 14. I have bought 7 journals to make individual tomes of their lives through my eyes, plus inspirational input and family stories. I plan to present the books as they each turn 18. I would like the books to have the flavor and look of “A Fine Romance.” Can you share how you planned and arranged the book? Is there a process that would help make it as easy as possible? Seven is a lot, and I will make it work, but I’d rather not reinvent the wheel to do so. I love your heart and soul. Grammy Lamb

    • sbranch says:

      You have your work cut out for you. Each of these books is going to be completely different? If they are all different, then you’ll need to do them one at a time. Think about how many photos you might want in each book. Then go through your first journal and willy nilly, sketch outlines of spaces to put photos, leaving a little space for captions if you like. Then write your words around those spaces. You won’t have to match up your words perfectly with photos if you have captions. You can also leave spaces for things like feathers, postage stamps, gift tags, fortunes from fortune cookies, all those little things, the kids drawings, whatever you might like to glue onto your pages along with the photos. I hope this helps! Good luck, have fun!

  80. Christine Schurkus says:

    Hi Susan, I just finished A Fine Romance and loved every page! I had bought the book as a gift for a friend who is visiting England this year, and then a different friend bought it for me as a birthday gift! It is just wonderful! I wanted to share with you the website, colinscreatures.com. I don’t know this man, but he handcrafts sheep in Asheville, NC. They are just darling, and I think you would love them. I saw his ad in The Cottage Journal, a magazine that you would probably love as well. Thanks for making the art of homemaking so valuable for those of us who love it!

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve put his website up too Christine, aren’t his creatures just wonderful?! I’m so happy you liked A Fine Romance! Thank you for writing.

  81. Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

    Hubby and I are heading to Ocean City MD tomorrow for a few days for a little spring getaway. I probably won’t be online Saturday, so just want to wish you an early happy, happy, happy birthday! I hope you can take a break from writing our book, catch your breath, and take some time to look back on the amazing year you’ve just had. May this one be even better 🙂 Hugs!

  82. Morgan Elizabeth Lasyone says:


    I am a young painter from North/Central Louisiana. Natchitoches to be exact! 🙂

    I just wanted to write you, and say THANK YOU!
    Your artwork inspires me everyday, and makes me feel at “HOME.” & Isn’t there that ole saying “Home is where the HEART is?”

    Thank you for inspiring me to feel my Heart in ART

    Morgan (an up and coming arteest)

  83. Ashleigh M. says:

    I love your recipe cards, they are too cute! I was wondering if you still make the ones with the Julia Child quote “Remember you’re all alone in the kitchen & no one can see you” with green flowers in the left top corner. My mom and grandmother used them for all their recipes so they are very special and remind me of home! I would love to be able to do my recipes on the same cards 🙂

  84. Sharon Sears says:

    What a great surprise that I found your site !
    I loved the store you had in Arroyo Grande Village, but didn’t know if you have reopened another store in our area…I am in Nipomo and so miss all your special items, they have made such wonderful gifts for my dear friends and I too enjoy them so much.. Hope your still in our area and would love to hear more.
    Thank you ,

    • sbranch says:

      No, no other stores. I loved the one in AG though. It was a lot of fun. The only store we have now is the one here on the blog. Nice to hear from you Sharon!

  85. I recently bought your SUMMER BOOK at a little second hand store in Yuma, Arizona. It was love at first read, as I am a transplanted New Englander, and I began to reminisce about my childhood summers in Lanesville, Gloucester, Massachustetts. I’m so glad I found your website with all it’s fascinating categories. We must be kindred spirits because I love and collect much of the same stuff, and more! Just by being your unique and original self, you are inspiring to me.

  86. Karen Gildea says:

    Thank you for writing, illustrating and giving to us A Fine Romance. It was upon the recommendation of “me mum”, and was glad I took to sitting with it for a few days. She is a Brummy, from Birmingham, England, and we love all things British. I have had the fortune to have been there a few times, along with Martha’s Vineyard. What a lucky lady you are! Many memories of your visit across the pond crept up as I read through your travels. It is a hard place to leave. Ready for another trip!

  87. Pam says:

    Dear Susan,

    My husband picked up A Fine Romance for me while on a trip to Ashland, Oregon (of Shakespeare Festival fame) with our daughter. Thank you for sharing your own ” little stories;” I sniffed,sighed, mmm’d and laughed out loud ( the real kind, not the lol kind) right along with you, and read snippets to my husband who also drove me all about England to visit every place Jane Austen ever drew breath. I cried when I saw her writing table, I still do when I think about it! I’m doing it right now! I have read most the books you recommended, but thank you for the Barbara Pym and Elizabeth von Arnim suggestions.

    I would like to point out you made one major omission: clotted cream is like crack and is a major factor impacting my decision to return to England. Cream teas are akin to opium dens for me and are a testament to the resilience of the British. How else could they not just sit and drink tea with scones and two inches of whipped-cream-butter-heaven and get anything else done? They have my eternal respect.

    Finally, as many people have told you, you are an inspiration. I have so many half-finished scrapbooks, journals, musings; equal numbers of art and craft supplies, and Pinterest pages await. You actually do it, that’s remarkable.

    Pam Whipple
    Sacramento, CA

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Pam. Of course I had to LOL (the real kind) when I read you are crying thinking about Jane Austen’s writing table. Exactly what I do ~ and at Beatrix Potter’s too, even if it’s only in the remembering. The best part of writing that book has been hearing everyone’s stories.♥

  88. Genevieve Hughes says:

    Glad I found you.

  89. Liz says:

    You have been one of my favorite illustrators for over twenty years, and just now I discover your blog. I nearly was trembling with excitement as I read today’s entry and realized you live, write, and illustrate the world that lives in my head. I look forward to many blissful hours reading your archives, and bless you for sharing your talents.

  90. Gostaria muito de comprar o seu livro Outono mas, pelo que percebi, ainda não há tradução para o português… será que vai demorar muito? Beijos!

    • sbranch says:

      From Google Translating from Portuguese, a comment from Heloisa:

      I would love to buy your book Autumn but, as I understand, there is no translation into Portuguese … will it take long? Kisses!

      With help from Google I wrote her back:

      Olá Heloisa, prazer em conhecê-lo. Meus livros são escritos em caneta à mão, eles são difíceis de traduzir. Eu sinto muito. Eu queria que fosse mais fácil! Obrigado por perguntar.

      I told her my books are written in pen by hand, they are a little hard to translate unless someone is willing to put it into a Portuguese font. At least that’s what I HOPE I said!

  91. Jennifer says:

    Good morning! Just returned from a lovely holiday in the Channel Islands, ending with 2 nights in London. My dear friend introduced me to you, and lent me her copy of A Fine Romance. Finished reading your wonderful story before we left on our holiday. While in the Channel Islands, I kept thinking of you, and want to encourage you to visit the Islands- so quaint, steeped in history, lovely people who are passionate about their homes. My cousin and I were able to go on some wonderful hikes along the coast, into the woods (covered bridle paths, babbling brooks), down beautiful lane ways. We paddled in the sea with a castle keeping watch over us from above! I am enjoying your website, and blog – We are planning a holiday to Scotland in 2016! Thank you, kindred soul, for your delightful blog, website, recipes -looking forward to shopping from your site. Jennifer

  92. Dear Susan, you have been an inspiration to me for many years. I was a high school art teacher in Beverly Hills, CA for 35 years (beginning in 1971) and showed my students your darling stickers when embarking on a “crafts” project as I called them when I just had to throw in a collage (my favorite thing to use to bring my students together and let me get to know them better!). I wanted to show them how stickers could sometimes say what words could not and could help to illustrate without them being able to draw (if that seemed to be holding them back). It wasn’t an excuse not to draw (never that), but a way around until they could say “Yes, I can” and then “did”.

    Anyway, this evening I was working on a special project I am going to call “Journeys” for a few of my lady friends that have or have had cancer. Being October and hearing some of them discuss how they feel about cancer and about the month of October, in general, I have started preparing to create some “Journey” collage necklaces. I was gathering my materials and I came across some of your stickers that I had saved because I could not bear to use them all up. I do that with my last piece of stationary, too. I always save one piece if it is something I just love. Well, something triggered me to google Susan Branch and I was so delighted to see that I could learn more about you and feel apart of your love of art and also get to know a little about your heart. How blessed I feel to have discovered this website. I plan to spend quite a lot of time here.

    Thank you for the inspiration you have been to me in the past, and now, again many years later, as I am embarking on these special “Journey” necklaces for my dear ladies who have suffered too much. I, once again, am spurred on by your love of art and you have put the gift you give to us all right into my heart, once again.

    I know I’ll use a lady bug or two, and a butterfly here and there ! I’ll add a tiny Susan Branch heart that I love so much…and probably a little ant, too. I plan to personalize each “Journey” necklace with a tiny collage inside a clear locket and your stickers will be just the right size and they have just the right “flavor” I am hoping to create…light, bright, joyous and uplifting.

    Thank you again, for all you have given and I am so happy to see that you are still up to what you do so well,…a little bit of everything that is so precious to so many these day.
    Cherie, with love

    • sbranch says:

      Still making art, Cherie! Your journey necklaces sound wonderful! Thank you for including me, and telling us about it. Such a lovely thing to do for your friends. Thank you for spreading your love of art through your students.

      • My dear Susan, I am honored to have been included in your list of emails. I tend to get a bit wordy, but sometimes when I am very excited about someone or something (like you and what you do so beautifully) I get a bit carried away and simply “have to say everything in case I don’t get a second chance”. I was so happy to see my email, as long as it was, among the many I enjoyed reading. Thank you.

        I noticed that you were going to be signing books on Nov. 6th, I believe, this coming month and decided to drive up to Santa Barbara and see you and have you sign a book for me.
        I have a dear friend of over 40 years who lives in S.B., CA. I’ll ask her to come with me. She’ll adore you. Her daughter, Marlene, was in my art class at (BHHS) high school and I taught her to do calligraphy. She is my “claim to fame” as now she is among a very few calligraphers (maybe only 10 or 15) belonging to the society in England who have been accepted and have the honor to do calligraphy for the Queen. How exciting!

        Anyway, I won’t ramble further here, but I look forward to your book signing and meeting you. It will be a thrill for sure.

        I have been enjoying your website and passed it on to a number of my friends here in Lake Forest, Ca. I so enjoy the music that serves as background to your lovely photographs. You are detailed to the degree of delight.

        Please take care, and have a safe trip,
        Cherie, with love
        PS…I will give you the credit you deserve when I use your little stickers in my “Journey” necklaces. I know my friends will ask where I got the darling stickers. I will certainly and happily let them know all about you and my “little” reunion with Susan Branch after many years.

  93. Michael Fram says:

    Hi Susan,
    Having engaged with you briefly on Twitter, I was moved to have a look at your work and website. What a joy, and such a talented artist! I am the Education Officer at the World of James Herriot – we are based in the former home and surgery of Alf Wight (more famously known throughout the world as James Herriot) We welcome visitors from all over the world, particularly Americans, who remain his biggest fans. I am sorry you missed visiting us when you came to England. You really must come again, where a warm welcome awaits you. I love your reference to James Herriot in your book. Good luck in all that you do and continue to do.

  94. Cathy Hattaway says:

    Thank You so much for what you do. You are an inspiration to my life. I enjoy reading all you cook books, which I have. Some of my family loves you because my grandson said he wants you cook books when I past. So that goes to show that not only do “your girlfriends” like you but 12 year old children as well.

  95. I love, love, love!! “your seasonal scrapbook” I can’t wait to buy another one since I love to scrap book and since I collect pages from old calendars I have put those, some cute birthday invites (my mom let me) and other keepsake in your four scrapbook in one kit my aunt got me for my birthday last year. I can’t wait to order more of your beautiful work and when I have my own business lotions/perfume/cologne-beauty stuff, book store, etc.. I’m so going to order your things to sell. God bless!!

  96. Cleo Huang says:

    Dear Susan: I have been enchanted with England ever since my college days in the 1990s, when, and as English major, I’d spent a summer studying abroad at Oxford. Although I currently work as a copywriter, my long-term objective in life is to write and publish my own novels. I am currently working on one that I’ve set in England, and your book “A Fine Romance” has provided lots of food for thought! (Perhaps a minor character with your enthusiasm and interests will pop up in this book!)
    I am planning another trip to England this coming summer to refresh my memory of its ambience, and lock down some details for my current work. I will think of you, and keep in mind the experiences that you’d shared in your book. I extend to you a big, warm hug!


  97. Jasmine says:

    Hi Susan. I just purchased your Homemade Recipes recipe/scrapbook. It’s so adorable and I love it so much. I started adding recipes to it as soon as I got it home today. 🙂 I have a long way to go before I run out of pages, but I am already looking into what else I could use. I came to your site to see if you sold refills but it does not look like you do. I found some on Amazon but am not very crazy about them. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks so much!! 🙂

  98. Gisela Suski says:

    I love your work and your items were Christmas presents for my friends. I go to the UK to see Michael Ball at the West End or in concerts. UK friends are friends for life. On your calender you have a figure of a wonderful man in a tux and dancing (love it). On Boxer Day BBC presented the show with Michael Ball and Imelda Staunton (wife of Jim Carson) screenplay by Victoria Wood. It has gotten rave reviews and they are putting it on DVD, I hope it comes to PBS. It is called “That Day We Sang”, Michael pretends to be Fred Astaire and Imelda is Ginger Rogers. Love Martha’s Vineyard, use to be a east coast girl now a Midwest girl.

  99. Betty Welton says:

    Here is my comment to be added to the winning list. I received a box from you today or I should say Ca. My pig, elephant picture arrived alone my bird spoon. Iam buying a kitchen hutch soon Can hardly wait to put them on it. They are so cute. That cute heart tea pot would look good on i also. Glad you are enjoying the snow. I won’t worry about you any more. We live in the Ozarks and no snow this year. Lots last year. Nice and quiet here in smallville. Thanks Betty

  100. Janet Walbaum says:

    I was just watching a very interesting interview you did in 1986 with Marion Vuilleumier about your first book. You seemed very adamant & excited about building & running a country inn. So, I’m very curious to see if it ever happened?

    Thank you for posting the blizzard photos. I’m from SoCal & have only seen snow about a half dozen times. Maybe not that much. It’s gorgeous…

    • sbranch says:

      That was my first time on TV,and I think I sound like a bit of an idiot. I pursued the idea of getting a country inn, I loved the idea of it . . . I looked at property and everything. But then an acquaintance who had run an inn for years talked me out of it, said she didn’t enjoy it much after she got all the bedrooms decorated! I had to think that over. At the time of the interview, I don’t think I knew I would be doing a second book either. That was a long time ago.

      • Janet Walbaum says:

        Ha! No, not an idiot at all. Your enthusiasm was contagious & I found myself dreaming of Gilmore Girl’s and Lorelai’s beautiful country inn. It looks like you got your inn, anyway, just not as many overnight guests! It’s really beautiful.

        … and I’m so glad you posted the bit about the birds pushing the snow off to get to their seed. I always wonder what happens to them during a blizzard. I worry 🙁

        Your blizzard music is too funny! Love the entire site. Thanks for cheering me up!

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