Susan Branch Books
y Heart of the Home books are dedicated to the things that connect women, past, present, and future; courage, energy, nurturing spirit, creativity, humor, and heart. We don’t have as much time for the art (which is what it really is about) of homemaking these busy days, but we still love our homes, love a cozy nurturing environment- our devotion to home and family is second nature for most of us. My books celebrate
lthough my mother would never agree, I know she and my dad made a lot of personal
sacrifices while raising my 4 brothers and 3 sisters. But she was a fairytale mother, made the little things in life so special – our house was a kidworld and she was the queen. I don’t think any of us showed much gratitude at the time, we were too noisy and busy to realize just what was going on, but I can’t imagine who or what I might have been without my wonderful innocent childhood. I am soooooooo grateful.
know my mom didn’t feel like a queen when we were growing up, (6 loads of laundry every day takes the queen feelings right out of a person!) so when I wrote my books I tried to put appreciation for moms on every page. It wasn’t hard!
eart of the Home, my first book, and all the ones that followed, became a giant thank you to my mom, and a celebration of what it meant to be a family, “all for one, one for all.” Not only my mom, but for all moms who keep the home fires burning and make us feel so loved. (Dad’s, too!!!)
y dad built rooms onto our house (kids kept coming!), showed us how the watermelon seeds we spit out in the yard became watermelon plants (my first gardening lesson!); my mom taught me how to sew and cook and knit – my parents were the most creative people! They made something from nothing everyday!
They taught by example, and showed me I could make it myself. And I could pretty much make anything – even a cookbook – even if it meant I had to hand write and paint it myself.
ach of my books has it’s own story, its own reason for being, so I’ll tell you a bit about each of them. As time has gone on, several of them have begun to go out of print. Still, if you are able to find one on Ebay or in a second hand bookstore, you may be interested to know what inspired it.
ookbooks: The mantra for my cookbooks has always been “Quick, Easy, Elegant and Delicious.” The recipes are the integrity of a cookbook; cute isn’t good enough all by itself– those recipes better work! And they do, “many times, tried and true.”
eart of the Home was my first book. I wrote it while sitting at my dining room table in my first house on Martha’s Vineyard. (all those years ago…). Heart of the Home is dedicated to my big family- and has lots of family recipes and dinner party recipes. Splurge and make the best Vichyssoise you’ll ever taste!, use your own garden tomatoes to make heavenly Filled Tomatoes, and don’t even think about skipping the German Pancake in the special Breakfast section. (Now out of print.)
ineyard Seasons came next and was inspired by the four seasons on the New England island of Martha’s Vineyard where I live. In this one, the fans go crazy for the Lemon Noodles and my mom’s yummy Spareribs and Juice, just to mention two. Vineyard Seasons also has a special section for Tea, which is where you’ll find the recipe for my famous delectable melt-in-your-mouth Orange Cake, with Orange Icing, and Orange Filling. 2-die-4! (Now out of Print.)
ext came Christmas from the Heart of the Home which I’m proud to say was nominated for a James Beard Award. The thing I love about this book now, is that when it’s Christmas time, all I have to do is pull out this book and VOILA, POOF! Everything I know about Christmas is right there! From decorating, to gifts, to party ideas. Puts me right in the mood! Festive holiday recipes include Cranberry Chicken and Pears, Father’s Bread Pudding with Whiskey Sauce, and Sweet Potato Casserole. Ooh la la! (Now out of print.)
took a little time off from cooking when I did Baby Love, a book for new moms to write in – all about mom during pregnancy, and then what happens when the new bundle of joy comes home. What I love about this book is all the stories I’ve heard about babies from folks standing in line at book signings! They make me cry! Some moms and grandmas wait a very long time for a new addition to their families and their joy absolutely bubbles over.
ove is a little Keepsake Book that tells a story, going from young love, to new love, to romantic love, to lost love; to married love; sweet, quirky and actually useful! One reason is because of the romantic menus and recipes included, such as the All Chocolate Menu, the Breakfast in Bed Menu, and much more. Lists of romantic old movies, Valentine toasts, aphrodisiacs, advise to men, and gifts for each anniversary are also handy.
ust as the title suggests, The Summer Book is everything I could think of that relates to Summer- fabulous recipes such as (where do I start…) OK, you have to try the Potato Fish Cakes, the killer Salad Nicoise, the gorgeous three-layer Coconut Cake with Lemon Filling and the Old Fashioned Boiled Frosting – and don’t forget my famous PINK cocktail, the Skip and Go Naked – oh Yeahhhhh. The Summer Book also goes into the garden, has ideas to decorate your house for the season, and reminds us (as Julia Child said) that “life itself is the proper binge.”
ays from the Heart of the Home was next off the press. What makes this book fun to use is the heavy, smooth paper and covered spiral binding. It’s a perpetual calendar, so it’s good for any year. What makes it special is the stories we hear from readers, such as this photo and note by Kathy Nagel, who’s now on her 12th book! With her daily notations, it’s the story of her life!
“Every morning since July 1996, I have paused to thank God for the previous days’ blessings… “so that I might have roses in December.” My DAYS journals have traveled with me from New York to San Diego, from Marco Island to Northern Canada and even to Ireland and France!! I have never tired of turning the pages to a new season’s illustrations and over the years have incorporated many of Susan’s inspiring musings into my own life.
If there was ever an Rx for maintaining a positive outlook (even in the midst of some serious trials) – it is waking up to the life-loving personality of Susan Branch and remembering the Good/God parts of the previous day!! Thank you Susan!! God Bless You!!
Ps. My dozen DAYS journals, stacked under my nightstand lamp, are a visual reminder of God’s faithfulness. Please keep this book in print! And… If you’re ever in Ohio, please come for dinner!”
-Kathy Barrord Nagel
weets to the Sweet is a collection of (one guess) SWEET recipes – all deserts, from cakes and pies, to puddings and candy and fruit desserts, cold things and hot things, all tried and true. None of them fattening because I took out all the calories. Feel free to eat the entire book in one sitting, you will not gain an ounce.
also did a full-color, better than the average kind, Heart of the Home Address Book. It’s a pretty little binder with lots of pages in it – and quotes and all the regular stuff.
hristmas Joy is another small Keepsake Book; a collection of sweet and simple ideas in the quest for a joyous and fulfilling Christmas. Keeping it simple is the focus. It’s also very big on COOKIES!
ne of my favorite books is Girlfriends Forever. It’s a celebration of US! I wrote it for grown ups, but after it was out a year or so, I read it again, and I think the whole thing was really written for 12 year old girls (which is basically my age for life). “Girlfriends” has great healthy recipes such as the Turkey Meatloaf (which even a man can love), the Asian Chicken Salad- and not to forget, well worth the price of the book all by itself, Spicy Mango Salad! There are Chick Flicks, the story of how I met the Beatles (She was Just Seventeen), Natural Beauty, How to be Pulled Together when Traveling, Stress Relief, and much much more.
hristmas Memories is a five-year Christmas Scrapbook. There are places in this book for you and your children to write, places for five years of Christmas Tree Photos, five years of Christmas Dinner Menus, five years of New Year’s Resolutions, and lots more. (Now out of print.)
utumn from the Heart of the Home is my most recent book, totally inspired by nature. I love fall and I loved painting all those gorgeous autumn colors. Like SUMMER, it has ideas for seasonal decorating, fall crafts, autumn entertaining, and fun; plus holiday celebrations for Thanksgiving and Halloween. There’s a recipe for Homemade Marshmallows in this book! You should also try the Cinnamon Ice Cream, the Gingerbread Cake, and the Scallops, Mashed Potatoes and Corn Chowder. Lots of stories too: My House; Twas a Dark and Stormy Night, to name just two.
Thank you so much Susan for all the wonderful books! I own them all & made sure to buy copies for my two grown daughters, & special friends. I have always hoped you would write a spring book and a winter book to complete the four seasons. Being as creative as you, are it would not be a problem! I feel we are sister soul mates growing up with the Beatles & big families! Waiting for a new book is hard! Hurry! I wish you all the best!! Denise
I am hurrying, that’s for sure, sister soul mate, Denise! Thank you!
Oh Susan Branch, you’re in my life too now !! I received my first book for Christmas /16 …A FINE ROMANCE…and now, you guessd it, I want to travel to England..and I want all of your books…..the illustrations are special…and I saw on Pinterest where someone posted a “stack” of your books…how perfect for my coffee table!!….I too would love all 4 seasons…and will be looking for the Summer / Autumn books…I want to learn more about you…we must be kindred spirits :)…Margaret
Happy to meet you Margaret! Thanks for saying hello! xoxo
Dear Susan,
You had me “hooked” with your first book!
I am the oldest of 8 and so many of your childhood memories and stories ring true for me. We did group Christmas jammie pictures too! I even gave your “Christmas from the Heart of The Home” to each of my siblings one year! I use your wall calendars each year as a sort of “daily diary of our lives” and I have now bound them together so that my daughter can go back and read what was happening in our lives every month of every past year—everything from appointments and birthday reminders to first dates, dinners out and special moments. Thanks for the memories & the beautiful way you share them. Hugs!
Is there a way to get more pages for the “Homemade Recipes” book? I need more for a cookbook I’m putting together for my niece.
Yes, look in my web store under BOOKS — we have extra things too . . .
Hi! I purchased two of your “To My Daughter” Recipe cookbooks. I love them and have been adding my recipes to them for them to use when they move out into their own places. I would love to find one “To My Son”. Do you have one? I could not locate one. Thanks!
No, and I have repeatedly asked the people who license my art for those recipe books if we can make one . . . and they have always said No “there’s no market for it” which I think is thinking from the stone age (my Joe is a WONDERFUL cook) but I can’t seem to change their minds. So sorry!
I know it’s very late to be making this reply, and it will probably never be seen, but I agree with both of you. I made recipe books for both of my sons when they left home. I scanned copies of their favorite recipes on 4 x 6 cards and just used a cheap little 4 x 6 photo album to put them. Both boys are now married and have children, but they still have the recipe books. And I know they use them because their wives have commented about it. I agree with you that it would be a wonderful idea for Susan to make a recipe book for sons!
Comments from the past come in with the comments of today, so here I am, and I couldn’t agree with you more. Maybe you guys could write Publications International . . . they are the ones that make the books, maybe if they heard from actual consumers rather than me, it would help. Fingers crossed because it seems like a no-brainer to me.
Hi! I have stumbled across your enchanting site because I am looking for that same thing – a “To My Son” Recipe Book. I have two sons, now aged 17 and 12. I’m planning to teach them how to cook their favourite meals and have been looking for a special keepsake recipe book for them to write them down in as we go. One day when they venture to the world they will use them and remember creating these memories with “Mum” (and perhaps share them with their own family one day). So do keep trying Susan … I totally agree that there is a market waiting out here! Hope it helps to pass on this message … Some of us Mums just have “boys” … the desire and meaning behind sharing these special books is no less than if we had girls! ….
Nicole – Sydney, Australia
Couldn’t agree more, I’ll keep at them!
Last year I actually handwrote all of my son’s favorites from home in a spiral book. I would have loved to have found a cookbook for this purpose!
Dear Susan … please tell me a little something about your “Little” books:
Tea; Flowers; and Love-Sweethearts; they are being offered on eBay and I already have Little Dinners and the Chocolate books which I think are darling darling!!
I have been collecting your books since I’ve read A Fine Romance and am so
anxiously waiting waiting for your box on my doorstep! I check at least 3x daily…
You and Joe have a well=deserved charming time on your road trip and again, can’t wait to hear all about it in your next blog/Willard?? Safe travels…With Much Aloha and Love, Evie in San Diego
The little books are really little, maybe 3 x 4 and only about 16 pages long (8 pages both sides), or something like that. Tied together with a ribbon. There were about, maybe, 16 of them? They were like little quote books with art about Tea, Chocolate, Girlfriends, and they came with envelopes so you could send them. The company that made them was Cedco, but I think they may have gone out of business. Thanks Evie, Aloha!
Just a note to say that I pulled out your “Heart of the Home -Notes from a Vineyard Kitchen” recently and it’s inspired me to remember a lovely past and to want to cook up your lovely recipes again.
My mother was Barbara Doran and lived in San Luis Obispo near Mr. Branch in the same complex Serrano Circle. Years and miles later your book still holds a spot in our kitchen here in Auckland New Zealand. Therefore wanted to say love your lovely books/recipes/ideas then and now along with website.
All the best to you Susan Branch.
How amazing . . . Cliff’s parents, Betty and Russ, were the ones that lived on Serrano Circle. Such a small world Joan! Thank you so much xoxo
Just a request please . . .
I am rewriting all my old recipes, trying to eliminate all the little scrap pieces of paper stuffed in my cookbooks.
What I need are lined ( on both sides ), 8 1/2 X 11 1/2 inches pages. Colorful, but not decorated. No need for a space to put a photo, no fancy artwork; just lined pages.
Recipe cards you can find; recipe pages, not so much.
Thank you for your time.
Ask Sheri or Kellee if we have them — customerservice@ — I kind of think we do, but I’m not sure.
Estou muito encantada com sua maravilhosa forma de ver a vida !! Obrigada por nos proporcionar isso. Beijos !
Estou muito satisfeito com suas palavras encantadoras, obrigado por estar aqui! XOXO
Hi Susan
My sister and I are huge fans of yours! If i have one of your books she dosent looks like shes missing Three. Is there any chance you still have—Chocolate and Christmas Joy and Love from the heart and the home? I didnt see them in your books column. I would love to give them to her because she has been my sister my friend my emotional and spirtual Angel. Our Mother passed away last May and we both depend on each other for support. She has been a God send. If you can possibly find those, i would like to purchase all three of them. I cant tell you enough how comforting and happy it makes us when we call to trade recipes and enjoy your sayings that kept our minds joyful ( Thanks to You!) I WILL be ordering more right after those (even if you don’t have them) Your heart must be HUGE to write and make those beautiful things!
From One of your Biggest Fans
Missie Walker
Hi Missie, I forwarded your request to Sheri at the Studio to see if she has anything there. I’m sure you’ll hear from her. Thank you for all your kind words, and please give my love to your sister. You are so lucky to have each other! xoxo
I have a Christmas Memories scrapbook. Not only do I only have one more year left to use, but my daughter would love to have one as well to record her young families Christmases. I see it is no longer being printed. But is there any where I might be able to get another copy or two?
I have them all!!! I never tire of reading them. Thank you for your art and domesticity Susan. Love all you do.
Thank you Stephanie. xoxo
Reading your current blog is like getting a super warm hug from a good friend. Makes you appreciate the good things in life and tolerate some of the not so great ones with a sense of tolerance and good humor. Looking forward to the Martha’s Vineyard book….it looks lovely in the colors of the book jacket you have chosen, and of course, your wonderful handwriting.
Thank you Barbara!
Dear Susan, This is how it went down, I’m reading your blog to my husband–looking at all your wonderful photographs and your new book piled high on a table. I said “Oh, I want mine now sooo bad!” and I swear on everything good 2 seconds later the postman knocked on my door. It arrived! So thrilled. So pretty, I swear an angel delivered it. I’m half way through, its wonderful but I’m crying too and finding myself touching pages to comfort you. You are a TRUE writer, so pure of heart. Thank you for making my and other lives brighter. We love you. Lana Bressler, Simi Valley, CA
Oh don’t we love the serendipity! You should be making lots of wishes for world peace, because obviously the force is with you! You are so sweet Lana, thank you, I’m so happy you are enjoying it. I love you back! xoxo
Oh I feel so foolish at this point. I believe when I first heard of Susan’s third “writing of love and adventure” I thought I requested the book on “release” but I cannot tell if from my notes! Okey dokey can I ask one of the trustee folks to see if I am on a list?
With many thanks
Love your books have collected all of them. Gave my sister in Wisconsin “a fine romance” it is so beautifully written neither one of us hated to see the book end. The story, the illustrations, so,so, charming.
Thanks so much Marie. Tell your sister Hello from me!
I wish i could still get your Christmas Memories books. They always are a hit at my house at Christmas. Will they be coming back?
Perhaps in the future . . . when you say, “they” — do you mean the one with the 5 years of Christmas in it or something else?
Susan, you made my cold and rainy summer in Sweden just bright and shiny. Got your book “Marthas Vineyard, Isle of Dreams” from my daughter, who owns a house on your Island in order to make me come. I enjoyed every page and was sorry when it was finished, ordered immediately the next “A fine romance”. Followed each of you days adventures, even the many rainy ones and now I really feel empty – even this book is finished. And I realized that I have 25 years to catch up, so I have to find out which ones I missed. Thank you so much that you let me taking part during this time of your live! Irmi Knutsson
just bought two items from your site. BUT I also wanted to buy
“Gilrfriends’ and couldn’t find witch page would allow me to place
it in the cart!
Please advise
Do you have a dates, just pages?
Not yet, maybe next year.
wife looking for your book-Heart of the home-notes from a vineyard kitchen,please send info-where to buy it,she loves your books,thanks tom
You can get them signed right here at the top of the page where it says Let’s Shop! You’re a good husband!
I recently bought Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams. It’s my first S. Branch read, and I Love,Love,Love it. I already plan to buy this book for my two cousins. A very unique book. I plan to pick up some of the cookbooks. So glad I saw this book in the book store. I love Martha’s Vineyard, and I loved how the paper pages felt and all the quotes (I’m a quote lover as well). A very inspirational book. keep up the good work!
Thank you so much Christine!! xoxo
I am trying to order your book of “Days” and can’t seem to find it under books or calendars. The year is ending and I will need it soon. Oh, what to do???
I hate to tell you, but they are all gone now Bonnie. You could try eBay or Etsy… and I will try to design a new one this year.
I would like to order more recipe pages for your cookbook “Home Cooking”.Is that possible? Or can I order another book? Do you have a refillable cookbook? I want to make a personalized cookbook for my Niece who is getting married soon.
Write to Sheri@ and she’ll help you with that.
I am looking for the book, Love from the Heart of the Home. Where can I purchase this? Thank you, Vikki
Contact sheri@ and see if she has any. After that try eBay or something like that . . . used bookstores sometimes have them too.
Dear Susan,
I really do not know where to even begin. To say I am deeply touched by your beautiful books, photos, illustrations and life history is an understatement. I started with “A Fine Romance” after seeing it on a shelf called “Staff Picks” at Vroman’s Book Store. I felt as if I was transported to a fairy land of magic. Your story is truly heartwarming and the book pure charm. Next came “The Fairy Tale Girl”. I absolutely loved reading every page and shed tears at your struggles. A great pleasure to read about the early days in the valley and central coast. My daughter is currently living in the central coast attending Cal Poly. So interesting to read about the area during that period. It is very inspiring to witness through words your remarkable courage and amazing accomplishments with whatever challenges came your way. You are a true inspiration to women of all ages. The candor, honesty and manner in which you shared your life journey through the joy and pain is truly remarkable. I feel as if I have known you my entire life. What a tremendous gift you have. You brought back a lot of great memories. I love The Beatles too, especially Paul. And I agree, it really is fun to look back on fashion. Currently I am finishing “The Isle of Dreams”. What an amazing journey. It gives me great hope. I became very ill 7 years ago with systemic Lupus and my life altered completely as a result. My dream is a cottage surrounded by the beauty and peace of nature. After reading half way through I thought to myself this is something I can possibly do as well. My husband and I honeymooned in Martha’s Vineyard. A lot of fun to read about the island 29 years later. I thank you with all my heart for providing tremendous pleasure through your incredible talents. As I’m nearing the last chapter I feel sadness because I do not want the stories to end. Your books have brought me much happiness and transported me completely. I cannot thank you enough for that. My dream from the first time I saw The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show has been to see England. I don’t know if that will come to pass but I really felt I had a mini visit with your gorgeous book. Bless you dear Susan for all you have shared in a way that is incomparable to anyone else. You deserve all the goodness, love and happiness life can provide. I am truly happy your fairy tale dreams have come true!!! With love and gratitude, Pamela
Oh Pamela, you’re making me cry. That was so beautiful and sweet and heartfelt and real and I’m touched and humbled. Thank you, I’m so glad you liked the books. I felt like they’re “our story” ~ change the places and dates a bit, and there we all are, love and loss, striving to do better, and be better … story of our lives. I just wanted people to know that it’s normal not to know! I really thought I should know, everything, from what I wanted to be, to who I was … but I didn’t and it was very frustrating. We grow into it, we have to love ourselves along the way and never give up on our dreams. I hope you do get to England one day, it is as magical as I wrote it, more when you walk a country path and hear the wood pigeons yourself. xoxoxo
Dear Susan,
I was hoping for information on your “Baby Love” book. Is it still in print? I have one for each of my now grown children, and my daughter is expecting her first baby in November, so I wanted to get a copy for her. I thought I might be able to get it here, but it doesn’t look like it. I also looked on eBay and such sites, but those copies seem to be used.
Thank you for all of the wonderful products you create, I’ve loved your work for many years now. My home would not be complete without your books and yearly calendar!
Thanks again,
Brooke Gray
Las Vegas, NV
I’m sorry, but Baby Love is no longer in print. And, us too, most of the old copies we find are used, but you can write to Sheri@ and tell her what you’re looking for ~ you never know when one will show up. Congratulations on your new grandbaby! Wonderful!
Dear Susan,
Have you considered writing a children’s book? I would have loved to have been inspired by you when I was a little girl. Sometimes all we need is something to change our point of view to make a huge difference. You could inspire a whole new generation of little kids.
I just found out that I am going to be a grandma for the first time and that got me thinking of passing on joy, love and a light hearted spirit to the little one that will join us on our journey.
Peace and love,
Kris Stanton
Congratulations Kris! You will be the perfect inspiration for your little grandchild! It’s in your heart, you’ll be passing on joy, love and light-hearted spirit to your little one, I can see it from here! I often say I write children’s books for big people. My Girlfriend’s book, when you look at it closely, is totally for 12 year olds! Life is too short for all the wonderful projects, books and things I’d love to do.
Thanks Susan. I appreciate the vote of confidence! I don’t feel qualified!!! I will do my best and keep reading your wonderful books!

Anyone who expresses herself like you do is more than qualified!
Do you have a grandpa book like the grandma one?
I don’t, unfortunately, my art/name is licensed to a manufacturer for that product, which means I don’t get to say what is made. I have requested Grandfather and Son books (for the cookbooks) but they don’t believe it would sell. I think they are wrong, but I’m not in charge. Sorry Edwina.
Susan…the first book I got of yours was the Christmas book. I got it from my girlfriend because she said she was at a bookstore with her three girls and one of them thought the picture on the back was me…they ran to show it to her. She decided I needed it. In my younger days, I did look like you in your younger years. I have been to much of the English countryside. I remember traveling there and seeing people at an event with their dogs, Barbour and Wellies. Had to get a Barbour jacket and Wellies…had the dogs. I have since adopted you as a girlfriend.
Thank you, and I adopt you right back! xoxo Did you think you looked like Paul McCartney, because I always thought I did!
I have almost every Susan Branch book. I also have some recipe cards. How about a recipe card holder??? I know everything is online now, but I want to pass my best recipes down to my 4 girls and I want to hand copy them onto recipe cards and give them in a nice little Susan Branch recipe book!
Thanks for the consideration.
I think we might have just what you want . . . write Sheri@, describe what you want, and let’s see if we’ve got it!
I dont’t see any order form on your site. I’m going around and around.How do I order Days from the Heart of the Home book calendar?
Ask Sheri@ to help you do that.
When I was little, my mom had a copy of your Sweets cookbook. I would spend hours carefully leafing through each page. A few years later I found the Autumn cookbook from a second hand store. I loved the book so much I eventually named our first dog Autumn! Every Fall I would look forward to getting out the Autumn cookbook and filling up a big mug of cocoa and being taken away by the artwork, stories and recipes. I don’t know why it took all these years to realize you probably had other books!! I went to ebay and ordered 9 more books last week. I have 2 children now so my “free time” is a little less “free” but I cannot wait to dig into these books! I cannot express how much I adore these books. I am a very high anxiety person. I don’t “sit” well but whenever I sit down with one of your books, it takes me to a happy, calm place where time seems to not exist. Thank you for being a blessing!
So very nice to meet you Meghan … although it looks like we’ve known each other a very long time! xoxo
Would you please put me on your email address list? thanks!
Should your books be read in a certain order
They can be read in order, but it’s not absolutely necessary, because I wrote the 3rd in the trilogy first … then the first, then the second. So, to read in order it would be Fairytale Girl, then Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams, and then A Fine Romance. All that came before this trilogy can be read in any order.
Sou apaixonada pelo seu blog! Gostaria muito de ler os seu livros! Mas, não achei nem uma edição em Português! Todos os dias dou uma passadinha por aqui para ver ser tem algo de novo, se não tem, vejo os postes que mais gosto! Uma boa Páscoa para você, beijos!
Eloisa writes (via Google Translate)
I’m in love with your blog! I would love to read your books! But, I did not even find an edition in Portuguese! Every day I take a little walk around here to see if there is something new, if there is not, I see the posts I like the most! A good Easter to you, kisses!
And I say to her …
Obrigado Eloisa! Eu queria que meus livros fossem em Português, talvez algum dia! Feliz Páscoa para você também,
Thank you Eloisa! I wish my books were in Portuguese, maybe someday! Happy Easter to you too,
Hi Susan,
My friend Terry and I have been fans together since 1993. We gift each other via you every Christmas…in conversation she voiced a wish for one of your address books. Any chance you have one out in the warehouse barn? I have one I bought years ago…hope you can find one or create another!
Love always, Forever Friend, in my heart,
Check with Sheri … Sheri@ She and Kellee are just now returning to the US after being here with us in England for 10 days … so give her a few days to settle back in, I’m sure there are 10,000 emails waiting for her, but if anyone knows what’s hanging around the warehouse (actually it’s a goat barn), it would be Sheri!
Why are the Days to Remember our of print?
I think the people who were making it decided not to anymore.
Greetings from Takoma Park, Maryland, the city of aging Hippies. Are you familiar with Little Free Libraries? These are book-exchange boxes that people set up by the curb in front of their homes. There are tens of thousands of them around the country, including three in my neighborhood. Yesterday, one of them had a copy of your first book! It was the 19th printing. It had a leaflet in it for a recipe contest from 1997. The book is so charming. I collect cookbooks, and even cook from them, since I’m a self-taught cook and need all the help I can get. I also like well-produced books, and yours certainly is one of those. Well I took the book home, of course, and met you through its charming pages. Your website has the same charm. What am I going to make first from your book? I think it’ll be the edible salad bowls. Then I’ll make one of the salads to put in them. Cheers!
Try the Linguini in Clam Sauce, p. 100! YUM! With Garlic Bread. Gazpacho is the best I’ve ever had if I do say so myself . . . and the Chicken Enchiladas are to die for. How fun! Later in the season, Apple Crisp, ooo la wee.
Love your books! I have them all including the new ones too. Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us.

I need the Christmas book desperate for it !!!
I love your website everything about it makes me smile
I’m on an adventure of nature food fun decorating all kinds of things
The pioneer candles lit me up too
Deborah from New Jersey
Thank you for sharing your art and your heart so generously. I’ve been a fan for decades, have purchased many books for myself and for family and friends, have been purchasing your wall calendars every year since 1998, and this year I finally treated myself to the Winter tea mug. I never knew I could enjoy such a simple, daily treat as much as I love savoring my morning tea in that cup. It’s the perfect shape, size, and weight in addition to being a beautiful work of art. Decades ago I purchased your address book, and this year, as I was preparing to do my Christmas cards, i realized (sadly) that there are so many addresses that are crossed out that I need to purchase a new book. Alas, it doesn’t appear that you sell address books any longer! Any chance they’ll return someday? Any chance there are some in a store room, waiting for a new home?
I don’t think so Margaret, but just in cases, write to and ask her if there are any hidden away… she’s the keeper of the keys!
Hi Susan.
I bought 7 of your To My Daughter with Love Cookbooks a couple years ago. They came with the metal book stands.
Since my retirement I have been transferring all of mine, my mom, grand and great grandma’s recipes for my sisters, children and grandchildren. I am short by 4 cookbooks. I didn’t see them on the list of shown books. You still do have them, don’t you? I hope so. I would like to purchase 4 more books and stands if possible. I look forward to your response.
Thank you,
Melinda Dean
Hi Melinda . . . write to … she’ll tell you! I’m not sure what we have, but Kellee definitely knows!
Dear Susan,
Needless to say, I love your books and I am in the process of collecting them all. Is there a master list somewhere that I can print up so I can keep track and not miss any?
Thank You,
Zonnie Renfroe
Thank you, Zonnie! In the back of the newest one is a photo with a picture of them all . . . But, here we go in order: Heart of the Home, Vineyard Seasons, Christmas from the Heart of the Home, Baby Love, Days, Love, Summer, Sweets to the Sweet, Christmas Joy, Girlfriends Forever, Christmas Memories, Autumn, A Fine Romance, Fairy Tale Girl, Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams, Home for Christmas . . . I think that’s it! In the meantime, I reprinted Heart of the Home for its 30th Anniversary, updated the cover and added a bunch of new recipes. Hope this helps!♥️
Hi Susan I was wondering if you had a copy of Days from the heart that I could purchase. I purchased one when it first came out and would love to get one to use as a planner. If you get a moment would you email me. Thank you for putting a smile on all our faces with all your books!
I’m so sorry Jennifer, but it’s not in print anymore! Once in a while you can find a copy or Ebay or Etsy, give that a try!
Hi Susan! I am on the hunt for your baby book! I just found out I am pregnant and when I was home telling my parents, the first thing my mom did was hand me my baby book (yours!) that she filled out perfectly – without a detail missing – for me to read one day. The day has come and i am still in tears! I am hoping to fill out the same book for my future baby (and more babies down the road!). Hoping you can help direct me where to purchase. Be well and thanks for creating such a special book!
First off, CONGRATULATIONS!!! How wonderful, Amanda. How lovely your mom saved your book. You will relate to it in so many ways now! Write to Kellee, she may have one tucked away … or know where to get one.
I have every single book of your except the “Sweets to the Sweet” Which I am going to buy now. Every trip to the book store I ask, “has Susan Branch come out with anything new!” I have loved your books for so many years they bring me peace and joy! I have a set in the Florida house so when guests come they have something lovely to read. I love the artistry in them all. Your stories are great-lots of fun! Thank you for always sharing joy!. Please bring back some of the old tea cups – love those too!
Hi Susan,
Oh, your posts have been so wonderful! It is so special to follow along. What a beautiful countryside over there. Thank you so much for sharing your memories with us.
Is it too late to get Distilled? I neglected to pre-order it and now find myself wanting it so very much. Can I get it at a bookstore? Will Bunches of Grapes have some?
Dear Susan,
I just adore everything about your books. Please keep writing. I have a question. I may be gullible but I believe when you say your books are hand written. My son says they are
Printed with a fancy font. So, do you actually hand write the words yourself and they print the pages of your handwriting? I hope so as that makes it so special. I treasure your books. Especially “A Fine Romance”. I carry that book with me room to room. Love you!!!
Just saw a remark about a new book (Enchanting??). Hope this is true. Any updates? (PLEASE!!)
Thank you.