Willard Sign Up


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Willard is free, it goes out about once a month,
it will come to you in an email.
(Be sure your computer won’t think it’s spam.)


heart ………….heart ………….heart

“I don’t want to be rich, I just want to be wonderful.”Marilyn Monroe
Everything, we think, within reason…..Susan has spent many hours creating her beautiful blog along with her “WILLARD” newsletters to surprise her “Girlfriends” over the years. If you have found them to be of value, and if it tickles your fancy, please consider supporting her time with a donation of your choosing: anything between the cost of a glass of wine or a good dinner! And don’t even think about this if it puts the slightest crimp in your wallet as she will love you forever no matter what happens. ♥

heart ………….heart ………….heart



I would like you to meet my grandfather, Willard Smith. When I was around eleven, and in full letter-writing mode, I sent a letter to his house in Sioux City, Iowa. I had fallen in love with “the olden days” and so I wrote to ask him for pictures of when he was young. He sent me lots of photos including this one of him in his pilot goggles.

As far back as I can remember, my grandfather wrote long newsy letters at Christmas and sent them to everyone he knew; a year in his life more or less. My mom would bring the letter to the dinner table and read it to all of us. He was the first person our family ever saw do this. We thought he invented it.

One day, someone else sent us this same kind of letter, my mom brought it to the table to read; my brother Stephen, who was then about twelve, put two and two together, piped up and said, “Oh! It’s a Willard!” Of course this sent all of us into hysteria, we thought he was so brilliant and brave. Brave because we didn’t usually call Grandpa by his first name for one thing, it was normally frowned on. But my parents were laughing too, this was a good one. So when it was time to give my newsletter a name, my choice was obvious. “It’s a Willard!” I thought you’d like to see a picture of “Our Founder.” He also sent me this photo of his smoking dog Jack. (Don’t think for a moment I agree with this, I cringe a little when I see it now, but it was of its time.) Of course we kids loved it. Willard was our hero, he was the bee’s knees. Liked pork chop gravy on his chocolate cake. A legend in his own time.

Art and Content for Susanbranch.com is protected by registered copyrights. Please ask before using.

1,060 Responses to Willard Sign Up

  1. Ann McKenna says:

    Dear Susan,
    Congratulations on your Blog anniversary! It is a wonderful thing to be able to read the things you have just written and be able to communicate with you. You are a blessing to the world..
    As always, I’m excited for your 3 upcoming giveaways! The winners-to-be are very lucky, indeed! Thanks for everything!

  2. Kathy Kiefer says:

    Dear Susan
    Thank you for giving me a remembrance of how the world was meant to be.
    Being a 64 year old, I connect with your humor, style and art.
    Bravo !

  3. Mary Calaway says:

    Looking forward to Willard !!!!!

  4. Penny Cornett says:

    I would consider myself fortunate indeed to receive your newsletter, as well as any of the products in your give away.

  5. sue says:

    I would like to participate on your blog, but anytime I send a comment it always says something like your comment is in moderation, what does that mean, and what am I doing wrong… Thanks Sue

  6. Kathie Burkhart says:

    I love ALL of your things… Every single one!! When will you be coming out with new fabric designs?

  7. Judy Flynn says:

    I love all about your site. I love the good old days, the prints you show, the books, the things you enjoy…all of it..and hope to be a part of it here now..that I found your lvely site.It is very peaceful here and I want to thank you for having this blog
    so people can come visit…Happy Summer to you and your family. Also, I found you on fb too..should be fun..looking forward to it..here…

  8. I have the book..” To My Daughter with love from my Kitchen”.
    Do you have one that is to my son?

    • sbranch says:

      No, we should, but I can’t talk the manufacturer into making it (I license my art and design for that book, but they are the ones that decide what’s going to be made). I’ve asked them, but they say there isn’t enough of a market for it. I disagree. If you want, you can look on your book for their website and contact them . . . they are much more likely to listen to you.

  9. Eileen Kimble says:

    Dearest Susan,
    Last year I purchased your pocket calendar–your artwork captured my eye. Then just the other day I was in Barnes and Noble and your new book “A Fine Romance” jumped out at me and I picked it up and started browsing. Well, of course I had to get it and I just love it. I am so glad you shared with us all your wonderful trip to England in your book. Thank you so much. So many details, photos, your wonderful artwork, quotes and tips re: traveling. My mother was from London and I have been over there; however, not to the wonderful places that you were. I need to leave you now as my hubby wants to get on. Bless you my kindred spirit, eileen hugs

  10. Alison says:

    Hi Susan!
    Thanks for putting your older stationary back into use!! (Free Stuff!) Takes me back to a time of “no more strife ….the simple life”!! Of course, everything you do, does just that! Happy Summer to all!

  11. Karen Forsten says:

    About 4 years ago I received as a gift a box of 64 Happy, fun, little inspirational sharable thoughts of JOY cards. Loved them! Where and what do I do to order several more boxes? They’re called JOY cards by Susan Branch. Please HELP!!!

    • sbranch says:

      I know, JOY cards . . . there were also “Love Notes” and “Girlfriends Forever” — but they’re long gone I’m sorry to say.

  12. Char fruland says:

    I have ordered your amazing calendars for years
    Of course that won’t change;)
    I wonder if anyone noticed the fact that there wasn’t a July 31 on the 2014?
    I probably wouldn’t have except it was the day we leave for a little getaway with our four kids and their ‘littles’ .
    Love everything you do. Char

    • sbranch says:

      The bad news is that it’s true, July 31 is MIA. The other bad news is my pitiful excuse . . . the good news is the FIX, because it really does work. Go HERE to read more and get the perfect little fix. And please forgive me, Char . . . I’ve posted about it several times, here and on Facebook, but I knew some people would slip through the cracks. Thank you for your sweet, soft, kind FYI. xoxo

  13. Miley says:

    Hi, Susan! I’m starting to like art and I saw your website. This is really fantastic. I love every bits of it. Hope to learn more from you. Thanks! 🙂

  14. Barb Whyte says:

    I just finished “A Fine Romance” – what a wonderful book, could not put it down. I have
    collected all your books, beautiful artwork ! Your trip to England reminded me of a trip I
    made with my husband fifteen years ago, he passed away last year, it brought back beautiful
    memories, thank you.

  15. Vivian Borgstrom says:

    Susan…I have been a fan for so many years! Everything you do is just so wonderful and positive and lovely and I could go on and on !
    I do hope you will soon be coming to California ! I know you have been here in the past, but I was not able to go to see you……now I can and I just hope and pray you will come back !!!
    Thank you for all your wonderful things and attitude! So refreshing in this day and age! Love you !

    • sbranch says:

      I will be there in November . . . and have dates for two signings; one in Santa Barbara, the other in Cayucos. See EVENTS in the right hand column on the main page of the blog for times and directions and all that good stuff. Hope to see you there Vivian!

  16. Adrianne E. says:

    I recently started getting the emails from the Susan Branch Blog. Are the Willard newsletters the same content? I don’t want to get duplication (not that I don’t love this stuff, but I just have too many emails to sift through now!!) I don’t want to miss ANYTHING!!
    Thank you.

  17. Carol Reynolds says:

    Dear Susan~
    I had to write and let you know that I just received my copy of “Autumn”. I haven’t even gotten past the first few pages and I LOVE IT!!!! Thank you for inspiring me through your words, your thoughts and your watercolor images. Fall is my most favorite time of year and I can’t wait to read each and every page. I have just ordered another copy to give to my sister – she will love it as well! I love reading your blogs and seeing all the beautiful pictures of your home and surroundings. We are way down here in Florida so things are a little different but when I am into your website, in my mind everything is the same! Thank you again!
    Carol Reynolds
    Alachua, Florida

  18. Ruth says:

    I read “A Fine Romance” in two evenings and loved every page of it. In fact, I am going to read it again in a few weeks, maybe a I missed something the first read.

  19. Gammy Ro says:

    Love your blog, and just signed up for the “Willard”s. Am going to buy your book and see you in Santa Barbara. Yahooo!

  20. Colleen H. says:

    Five years ago I purchased 5 of your AUTUMN books, and gave four of them to very special people. I saved one to give my future (unknown at the time) daughter-in-law. Now, today, a brand new bride of 2 weeks, I gave her this precious book for her 28th birthday! Next to my Bible, YOUR book is my favorite of all! Thank for this treasure!

  21. Barb Schrock says:

    I just received 2 of your 2015 calendars..the large and mini..cute..except I was so disappointed in the quality of the calendar paper..thin..not your usual heavier quality paper..

    • sbranch says:

      Oh dear. Well, I’m feeling the paper on both the old blotter (made by the other company) and our new one, and I can’t really tell the difference. If it’s the 12 x 12 wall calendar you’re talking about, there is a difference ~ they decided to change the paper to be easier to write on. I think the weight is the same, but maybe the texture is different? Either way, I’m truly sorry if it isn’t quite what you expected.

  22. Cheyenne Renard says:

    I plan to come to either Santa Barb or to Cay near morro bay to see u. I am planning on it hope to get to see u. Love to you both all 4 actually Love Cheyenne XXX

  23. Jeanne says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your free downloads of stationery and bookmarks. It is greatly appreciated.

    • sbranch says:

      My pleasure. In the old days when I wrote snail mail Willards, I always included little gifts in them — this was the only way I could do it via the computer, but it works!

  24. Susan says:

    I love, love, love your books and calendars and everything! I have two questions. Will you be getting more of the autumn charms (I really, really want one)? Can we put our name on a backorder list? My second question is a flag that you had in the past. It is the Halloween flag- “the goblins will get you if don’t watch out”. Is there anywhere I can get one of these garden flags, anywhere? My grandmother used to recite this poem to me when I was young, and it brings back such good memories for me? I have looked on eBay and the internet and haven’t been able to find one. Could you PLEASE help me? Susan

    • sbranch says:

      I’m not sure about the flag . . . I forwarded your question to Sheri to see if maybe we still have one of those around. As for the charm, I’m working on that now, but I just don’t know yet. Keep in touch!

  25. Carol Ney says:

    For the last six months or so I was rarely getting your blog and I think I only got one Willard. I wasn’t sure why this was happening, but recently found out that my computer had been “hacked” and after having it thoroughly “scrubbed” and “debugged” etc I have been assured that all is well as of Oct. 4 however I didn’t get your Oct. 6 blog posting and I haven’t gotten a Willard since April.
    In light of this, I thought that (since I’m already subscribed to both your blog and Willard) there was something that could be done at your end that would fix the problem. Please let me know if I need to do something so I can continue to get your wonderful “pieces of mail from the land of cozy fires, sweet kitties, little lambies (my honey’s nickname for me–he is my wolfe) and wonderful friends who don’t have to live next door to have a special place in your heart. Thank you,
    Carol N

  26. Sara says:

    Hey, Susan, I can think of no better way to spend the morning of my 69th birthday than skipping around on your website, reading posts by your girlfriends and your replies, and stopping by your online store. I think it’s great that stuff flies off your Cali shelves but a little sad that I missed getting the autumn charm and the lavender soap. I’ve been checking every day, because I firmly believe that the early bird gets the worm, even though I must have been just sitting in my favorite tree watching the world below when the charms and soap first appeared in your store. Hope springs eternal with me!

    I know you already know this, but it bears repeating again–you bring such joy to so many, including me! It was fun meeting you, Susan, and every time you blog, it’s like you’re right there, sharing your enthusiasm for life with me. It’s a beautiful day here in Indiana, and this afternoon I get to take a Nanny hike in search of all things great and small with my three grandsons and then share my chocolate cake with penuche icing with my family. It just doesn’t get much better than that!

    Have a wonderful day! 🙂 Sara 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Happy Birthday dear Sara!!! I know the soap will be back soon — cup is half full! Sorry about the charm, they are truly making it difficult for us to reorder them. Happy happy day to you and yours!

  27. Linda Dillon Jones says:

    Susan, I just started reading your wonderful book A Fine Romance, and I wanted to write to you immediately to tell you how much I’m enjoying it. Your comments are interesting, your drawings are beautiful, and I think this is the book I have always wanted. I think it is actually a better option than a travelogue film, because you can curl up with it and enjoy it over a long period of time! Even though I love to pass my books along to others, I think I’m going to keep this copy by another copy for my friend.

  28. Linda Dillon Jones says:

    I meant to say BUY. How embarrassing. I pressed “send” too soon!

  29. Lisa Popelka says:

    Big question: While I have been begging for you to put out more stickers for years and scouring ebay and everywhere else to get my hands on everything possible, (I am OBVIOUSLY a HUGE fan, ESPECIALLY of your “months”,) all of a sudden ebay is flooded with your stuff. Stickers that I’ve never even seen before. Are you selling somewhere again? I started buying your stickers at scrapbooking/craft stores and other places. I find it hard to believe that all of a sudden everyone is giving up vintage Susan Branch! Meanwhile, I’m buying everything up as fast as I can like a maniac.
    What’s up? You know, I LOVE your stickers!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      I did a huge number of designs with a company called Colorbok many years ago. All I can think is that because of my newest book and perhaps a little resurgence of popularity for my art, people are finding the old stickers and putting them on Ebay. Are you able to buy as many of any design you want? I only saw one of this or three of that, but not an unending supply. If there is an unending supply, I would start to worry. I have tried to get another company, such as EK Success, to manufacture my stickers, but so far they have not replied to my queries. Maybe if you try? They always like to hear from consumers! Thank you Lisa!

  30. Hi! My sister showed me a picture of two kids hugging that you posted. Do you have a book of art that I might put into a frame? These watercolors are so beautiful and would be lovely in my granddaughter’s room.

  31. Candy N. says:

    I just realized I haven’t ordered my calendar for 2015 yet. Are you aware that Calendars.com sells them for $13.49 while your own website is selling them for $14.99? Any chance you plan to reduce the price?


    • sbranch says:

      No, we are definitely not the cheapest place to get our calendars, but we are surely the smallest ~ a mom (me) and Pop (Joe) organization working hard to pay our bills, pay Kellee, Sheri, and Alfredo, pay our rent, storage and insurance etc. But we know there’s something for everyone, please feel free to get your calendar anywhere you like. I understand your question, and don’t mind a bit that you ask. I’m sure others wonder about that too, so thank you for bringing it up. Happy Thanksgiving!

  32. Jilli Oyenque says:

    I have loved Susan Branch for a very long time. We must be family….

  33. Jane Alexander says:

    You, dear friend have flooded my life with sprinkles of joy. You are a gift to us. A friend that loves us all. Thank you for showing us the immense joy of life. I love all you do, & pray for blessings to abound upon you and Joe forever.

  34. Karen Dyser says:

    Hi Susan,
    My father’s name was Willard. I have not heard of many Willards. I think they are “rare birds”. He was a character, born in 1915 and died in 1984.
    Loved A Fine Romance and look forward to each article. Merry Christmas!

  35. Lisa Champion says:

    I’ve always loved receiving your “Willards” and I’ve always loved your art! It takes me back to when days seemed simpler. You portray the seasons with such beauty and it’s because you put your heart into each work of art you do. I see your work and I feel warmth and comfort and peaceful. Thank you.

  36. Lyern Riedl says:

    It seems like I have been out of the loop for awhile, I am not sure why. I too love your
    Work. You are blessed to be so gifted. And also blessed with a husband who supports and helps you with enthusiasm. Wishing you both a very Merry Christmas and a very prosperous New Year!! Love Lyern in Des Moines, Wash. (State). It is beautiful here, you must visit. It would be a whole new inspiration! It does not rain as much as people think!

  37. Diana Hartman says:

    I recently viewed your most recent Willard Newsletter with a picture of a cookie jar. I wanted to copy the recipes but cannot find it. Also, the cookie jar is so cute, you should have it made and sell it.

    Merry Christmas
    Diana Hartman

  38. mary spring says:

    …I heard Willard was here recently… ‘don’t know why I didn’t see him yet…but realize a lot of transitioning is going on amidst a most busy Christmas season…I’ll be patient and still love and have gratitude for all that you do !

    • sbranch says:

      Did you get Willard, Mary? It was our traditional Cookie Jar . . . ???

      • mary spring says:

        …dear Susan, I didn’t ever receive this December’s Willard…but I did look up past Decembers’ Willard’s news (wow-try to say that fast-lol ) to find your traditional Cookie Jar !…’don’t want to be a bother…you give us so much already !…thank you !

  39. Betty Welton says:

    Just finished reading your book “A Fine Romance” loved it, felt like we were with you. Enjoyed it so much and inspired me to work on my garden this spring. Looking forward to your blogs. Have a nice Holiday. New girl friend. Betty

  40. Kathy Minges says:

    Oops! Santa didn’t bring me the 2015 version of your pocket/purse-size calendar and I can’t find one anywhere: Not on your website, not on Amazon, nor in any of the calendar oriented stores at our regional mall. Any possibility more will be printed? The year won’t be the same without one!

    • sbranch says:

      Shockingly we have sold out of almost all the calendars this year . . . never has happened before! I know the manufacturer won’t be printing anymore now . . . I’m sorry. Hopefully they’ll print a few more next year!

  41. Margaret Blodgett says:

    I’m 92 and love reading your thoughts and comments. You definitely an inspiration.

  42. John Henry says:

    Dear Ms. Branch,

    I am hoping that you will re-release or re-publish your Christmas Memories keepsake book. I did manage to purchase three of them through the years, and we have filled 14 years of Christmas memories in the Henry household. Next Christmas will be the last we have room for in your lovely books.

    An internet search for a new copy shows several offered through Amazon, starting at $249.79 (plus shipping!). I would love to surprise my wife with a new copy (or two or three), but not at that price! We would also give new copies to our children when they move out on their own. I am hoping there would be a great demand for a re-issue; maybe you could post a query to gauge interest.

    Thank you for all you do. Your calendar is hanging in our kitchen, as it has for years (my wife always knows what one of her gifts will be)!

    Thanks again,
    John Henry

  43. Mary Compton says:

    In response to your blog about Downton Abbey, I have to agree– I would take the Dowager countess’s home any day over “the big house”! It is so beautiful. And I love the china, crystal, and silver, too. Oh, to be invited for the weekend would be wonderful.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, just one little weekend, that’s not asking too much! But I have to say, when we were in England, bits and pieces of this lifestyle are still there, the castles and houses, and you can go to amazingly beautiful Country House Hotels and there are tablecloths and cutlery and service, it’s so lovely.

  44. Susan says:

    Have read all Gladys Taber books based on your recommendation. I am hooked. Thank you

  45. Mary Kay Franklin says:

    Dear Susan,

    I was gifted many years ago with one of your books and I told my friend how much I enjoyed it and she through the years has given me I do believe all of them. However, I purchased A Fine Romance for myself since I love my journeys to England, romance, tea, Gladys Tabor, Martha’s Vineyard and all that is quaint, sweet and of course not to leave out Emma Bridgewater. I enjoy all of your beautiful work. I also have your fabric in a porch quilt. Please keep enlightening us with pleasant things.

  46. Marilyn Taylor Young says:

    Hope this is the right spot to put my name in the drawing for Valentine’s Day, the most romantic day of the year. If I am so lucky to win, my signed copy will go straight away to my friend Marie who dearly loves whimsical things like me!

  47. Marilyn Taylor Young says:

    Susan, I just noticed my new quilt that I’m making has this pattern on the sides, etc. How very strange!

  48. Connie Adamkiewicz says:

    A friend took me to a luncheon/book signing in Wilmette Il where I purchased your book and read about your trip to England just before taking the same trip.
    At the luncheon I met a women who told me about Friends of Gladys Taber, a
    long-time favorite of mine. I’d say that was a bonanza! Learning about Susan Branch and her lovely book, becoming re-aquainted with Gladys Taber and becoming a member of FGOT.

  49. Linda Nigro Wallach says:

    I have always cherished small things: a shell, a button, the book – “The Borrowers”, a piece for a doll house and the dots, scrolls, flowers, fruit and the like that you embellish each of your pages, they too I mentally cut out and place in my wee box of special little things. They make me happy and for that I thank you greatly. Plus I lover your book, “A Fine Romance” and I long for more – please.

  50. Sara Dalcher says:

    Dear Susan –
    Thanks for continuing to share your joy in living with all of us. I certainly perk up every time I read something on your website, and you never fail to deliver.

    Now…about those gorgeous calendars of yours. Might there be ANY chance that the format could be set up so that the week begins w/ Monday and ends w/ Saturday & Sunday together on one side of the page or the other?? It’s maddening to have to enter tasks twice & draw a big arrow so as to make the connection!
    Optimistic thanks –

    • sbranch says:

      My publisher is very traditional; wants everything to be “standard” — which means Sunday is on the left and Saturday on the right . . . otherwise, they think, people will be confused and they fear they will be yelled at! But why do you have to enter tasks twice?

  51. Marissa says:

    Hi Susan, I’ve been a fan of yours since my mom bought the book, Summer…. I think I was around 14 years old at the time. I now have all your books and can’t wait till your next gem comes out!!

  52. I would love to receive your Willard newsletter. My dad’s name was James Willard. My kids called him Grandpa Will. A wonderful man, a wonderful dad. I miss him. Thank you Susan. Looking forward to reading “Willard”.!!!!!! Well ,I guess this is where you also sign up to be in a drawing for any of your give aways! Please sign me up for that too. Glorious!

    • sbranch says:

      This is where you sign up for Willard, the give-aways are on the blog, as each of them are announced you sign up by leaving a comment on that post. Hope that helps!

  53. Jan Dearborn says:

    Latest blog:

    The quote:

    “Never complain. Never explain.” was said first by Katherine Hepburn

  54. Betsy Groher says:

    Thank you for your book A Fine Romance. While I have traveled many times to England I suffer from end stage kidney disease which ties you to Dialysis so traveling abroad is not easy. But this week I traveled to England with you and I want to thank you. You book transported me from the high desert to the lush back roads of the English countryside. It made me again want to plant somehow an English garden.

  55. Georgia Fisher says:

    I am a summer resident and gardener on MV. I have loved following you through the snow storms this winter. Many thanks for all the photos and detailed descriptions of what we miss when we aren’t there.

  56. Vicki - Kentucky says:

    Susan, I love everything about you. I enjoy your blog, Willard, and books, etc. very much. Margot Datz is amazing. I hope to someday visit the Whaling Church in Edgartown. Congratulations to Margot, Scarlet and Yoda on the arrival of beautiful Georgette.
    Do you have a print of Inspiration – Reasons to go on Living. You have written many of my favorite things in life. I can really identify with it, and would love to have it hanging in my kitchen.
    Thanks Susan for many happy times. My best to you. Vicki xxoo

  57. Tammy says:

    Hi Susan,

    Love, love, love all that you do! My daughter recently had a baby girl and I am searching for the perfect baby book and of course thought of you! But sadly it seems you have not made one.. Is this something you have ever considered?

    Thanks for all that you do to make our lives sweeter!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh I have made one, called Baby Love. It’s out of print I’m afraid. Sometimes you can find an unused one online.

  58. KathyGraham says:

    I love your memory books but would like tp know if you have one for my son ? We are very close. I got one for my daughter need one for him???

    • sbranch says:

      It’s not fair, but the company I design those books for doesn’t think books for guys would sell. And I’ve really tried!

  59. Alice J. Nelson says:

    I’m wondering if there is any site or shopping app that I could see if someone has one (1) Isle of Dreams-Martha’s Vineyard charm they are interesting in selling. Also interested in the Girlfriends charm and the I Love Autumn Charm.

    • sbranch says:

      I hope you hear from someone, but if not, we are seeing if we can have them made again — they make us do 2,000 of each at a time, so you have to promise you’ll give one to a friend! xoxo

  60. Rosemary Monk says:

    Dear Susan,
    I just pre-ordered “The Fairy Tale Girl” (book 1 of 2, right?). Last year I bought “A Fine Romance” and dreamed my way through the pages. Your writing, lovely photos and beautiful art triggered memories of my own English visits. I re-read the “Romance” this spring as I was preparing for some kinda scary surgery (getting all better, with a brand new hip no less) and calmed down, smiling and dreaming once more. When I read you were writing a new book, I was thrilled and have tried to follow the publication dates. So, I will be watching my mailbox and when “The Girl” arrives I’ll find a quiet corner and be delighted again. Thank you for your art, your gifts and your willingness to share them with us. Blessings! Rosemary

  61. Virginia Lempa says:

    I know that you are a Gladys Tauber fan and I am as well. Well, I was at a thrift shop and I got a copy of a September 1945 “Life Story”magazine. I have never seen that magazine and I am doing research on it. Anyway there is an article in it from Gladys. I scanned the article and I cannot copy and paste to this section. I think you would enjoy having such a rare article. Please let me know how I can send this to you. I have enjoyed your cookbooks and I “went ” to England with you and your hubby and had the most wonderful voyage. I just loved your book A Fine Romance.

  62. Evie Tong says:

    Hi Susan … I have signed up about 3 times for Willard (in the past 2 years!) and haven’t seen anything .. help! I did order the hard copy and love it; been collecting your books slowly as I can find them … really cherish them … even have your
    Lenox berry bowl! You will soon be done with your latest book …and all your Girlfriends will be soooo happy … take care … sending Aloha from San Diego, Evie

    • sbranch says:

      I’m sending one soon, we’ll see what happens!

      • Evie Tong says:

        Thank you Susan! I’ll look forward to it …. I also asked about your Happy Birthday Little Book and Summer Little Book:
        are you planning to continue writing more of those Little series? I am still trying to find the Tea Little Book which is very difficult to find! You are quite the inspiration and the Bestest Girlfriend! With Aloha, Evie
        P.S. Is it true that you hate to fly??

  63. Davie Jo Kotches says:

    More power to you for shutting your self away to do your wonderful work. We all benefit in the long run. You’ve paid your dues, answered you instincts. Go girl!

  64. Joy Rose says:

    Has a new Willard gone out recently? I haven’t received the newsletter in a long time. I miss it.
    Thanks, Joy

    • sbranch says:

      A new WILLARD is scheduled to start going out on the 18th of this month! Yay! Now it take four days for it all to go, so it will start on Tuesday and the last of it will go on Friday.

  65. Diane Scharf says:

    Hi there Susan! I stopped receiving your email some months back. I’m not sure what happened but would like to get back on again. Thanks, Diane

  66. Sherri Kennedy says:

    First time reading “Willard” and really enjoyed it all. Thanks.

  67. Jill says:

    Is this how we enter the giveaways? Thanks for all you do!

  68. Ella says:

    Could you please send me your latest Willard again…it was deleted by mistake.
    I just love your newsletters and your blog!
    So inspiring!

  69. Judith Mellenthien says:

    Susan, I loved the new copy of Willard, it came at a perfect time. I recently had cancer and chemotherapy is scheduled soon so I really needed a diversion to take my mind of this. You are so talented and I love reading your blogs and seeing your artwork. Congratulations on finishing the first part of your newest book and I hope the second part comes along well. Again, thank you for all the work you put into giving so many of us enjoyment. Judy M.

    • sbranch says:

      Thinking of you Judy and wishing all the best. People get through this all the time, and you will too. Blessings on your little heart. XOXOXO

  70. Cindy T. says:

    My Willard did not arrive :-(…anyway I can go in and retrieve it? Today is 8/21/15 and just in case, I did re submit my Willard request.

    Thank you all ( especially Ms. Susan Branch!)

  71. Sherri Blake says:

    Dear Susan, When I read your books and blog, its like talking – to a sister my parents forgot to tell me about.

  72. Sue LaMarche says:

    Susan: You are the “cat’s meow”. I bought A Fine Romance to share with a friend who’d recently lost her love of a husband. She wasn’t ready to read it so I & 4 others read it & by then, she was ready. It did just what I’d hoped it would & that was to make her smile & think fondly of all the trips she & her Rick had taken over the years. Every woman who’s read it has just LOVED it & I have 3 waiting to read it! I’m an artist myself & so when I picked up your book, I was spellbound. I also journal but while my art & journaling isn’t as sweet as yours – it gives me inspiration to keep it up. I so look forward to your new book & am going to sign up for a 1st Ed. right now! Thank you sooo much for sharing your talents… SUE

  73. Suzi Kosko says:

    Since I read “A Fine Romance” a few years back, each time I hear the doves in the neighborhood I say outloud, “My toe hurts Betty”…now my grandson does the same, and when he does, all the kids, (and adults) look at him….then at me…and smile~ Thanks Susan Branch. You’re thought of daily as I help raise up my grandchildren Colton 3 and Carson, 1 years old.

  74. Bernadette Wolf says:

    Hello Susan from the QM2!
    I am writing from my comfy bed out here in the big blue. My sweetie and I are half way home from a summer touring the UK, and I just wanted to plant a seed for your trip….
    Find a WI (Women’s Institute) meeting when you visit. You can check their meeting schedule on line, and when you find one that works with your travels, give them a call to arrange a visit. They apparently love to have visitors, especially from other countries. I attended a meeting in a small town outside Durham, and had such a wonderful warm reception. Just lovely women willing to open their circle wider. It was definitely one of the highlights of my trip.
    all the best~

    • sbranch says:

      There are too many exciting things here! You are on the boat!!! Love thinking about that. I’ll check out the meeting. Thank you! (You are ON the boat!!!)

  75. Jeanne Swan says:

    I signed up years ago and for some reason they quit coming until this last one… thank you… was so happy to see it and thought I better sign in again to make sure I keep getting them.. I love you and all the work you do and your happy Happy life style and all your good things.. the way you see the world around you .. Many blessings for ever…

  76. AnneL says:

    Have you thought about doing Willard’s from 2004 to December 2007 in a book and sell them like you did for 1999 – 2003? I’d buy one!

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve thought about how to do that. Printing from a blog might be a little different than printing from a page of artwork. I’m not sure how to do that.

  77. BeckyR says:

    I am new to your website and spent the afternoon enjoying your blog and the pictures that you share with all of us! You are amazing and so talented! Keep up the great work!

    P.S. I share the same love of vintage linens and glassware!!

  78. Peggy McNeill says:

    Have recently discovered you through A Fine Romance and love your work !

  79. Pat Fuller says:

    Hi Susan,
    I have just come back from the Lake District withmy husband. We are lucky enough to go most years for a week. We live in the south of England in a little town called Ongar in Essex. About 12 miles from east of London.
    A lovely lady who I have made friends with through Etsy sent me your book “A Fine Romance! as a gift. She said my things reminded her of you!! NO, no Susan. I cannot paint or draw. I can make little crafts and sew a bit so what it was she saw I don’t know. Something happened when I read the book. I felt extremely happy as all you do is what I would love to and you touch peoples hearts I think. Anyway, this time when we went to the little caravan of three on this lovely farm owned by a very elderly now couple (we’ve been going 18 years) I took the book. I reread the bits about the Lakes and Hilltop. We had never been to see it. Jim (husband of mine x) had joined the National Trust who now own Hilltop. (Beatrix left it and her favourite things to it as you probably know now) So I was looking at it as you did and as I’ve recently seen took the same pics!! Last year when we went we stayed at an inn at Hawkeshead. just for one night as we had our dog with us. It was our 40th wedding anniversary year so Jim wanted to treat me. I am very glad that you love England so very much. I laughed when you spell words as we say them.
    Thank you Susan from me a lady of 67 who has just found you and your beautiful books. I am slowly trying to collect them. Please never stop making us all happy as long as you can!!
    Kindest Regards, Pat.

    • sbranch says:

      Happy Anniversary Pat! Thank you so much for saying hello! xoxo I’m coming over there next year, watch the blog for updates on that visit, and maybe we can meet and say hello in person.

  80. Libby Werner says:

    Where do I begin. I was working in a lovely little store called Port O Call in Newport Beach Ca., when your very first book came out. I bought it the first day. I own ALL of your books and love them so much. The Fairy Tale Girl arrived yesterday to my home and I read the whole thing! I am SOOO proud of you for what you have accomplished. I wrote to you many years ago trying to order aprons with the wooden spoons in them for Christmas gifts. You sent me a hand written long note saying that they were not making them anymore. Your beautiful handwriting and the thought of having a personal response from you was magical!! I can hardly wait until May when your next book comes out. You keep me grounded! With 6 grandchildren now I love to go back to the non technical days and bake with them and read them Fairy Tales. You had wonderful parents. At 17 a mother?????? I love that Shelly has her own family now. God Bless You! Libby

  81. Linda Boylan says:

    Hi Sue (see, how you write makes me feel like we really know each other!) – Thank you so much for your art, books, blog……I saw you at the Gladys Taber [FOGT] meeting last year and enjoyed that, too, especially getting “A Fine Romance” and having it autographed. Looking forward to picking up “The Fairy Tale Girl” and reading that, maybe in one fell swoop! Happy autumn, be cozy, best wishes.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Linda . . . was just talking to another Gladys Taber fan, in fact, it was a guy who helped load our car onto the ferry we are now riding home on! He saw the Fine Romance van and started talking to me about Gladys! Fun! We are all connected.

  82. Genevieve Groesbeck says:

    Dear Susan,
    I have ordered some of your calendars in the past, but never really gone to your blog. I am so taken with your darling personality and already sense that if we lived closer, we would be the best of friends.

    I love your artwork, the spirit you put into it and your all around attitude about life. You just fit in with all kinds of people, all religions, just calling us all your girlfriends. Kinda takes me back to being single and a young girl in school where you had all kinds of girlfriends and noone thought you meant you were more than that, but that you were part of a society, a wonderful patriotic country, where everyone was as fun as the girl or guy next door. Everyone tried to be kind and honest and seeking all the best for themselves, their family, and everyone else in the world.

    You are one who proclaims the sweetest and most profound statements, not caring what anyone else thinks, but always trying to lift up the weary and depressed, cheer up the sick and trodden down in life. I personally appreciate your attitude, your beautiful spirit, the love you emanate through words and pictures, and it just jumps off the page.

    I have decided to begin collecting your books, as they seem so folksy and down to earth. I’m already ordering your calendars. I used to live in Albany, NY, so I have an idea what it’s like to live in the East. We havn’t driven over to Boston but once when we stayed in the Hotel where the Parker House Rolls originated from. We visited Plymouth Rock and drove through some of the fun neighborhoods that were a lot like we had in upstate NY when you’d go for a drive on a Sunday afternoon. Truly, the countryside looks like it came out of a Lang Calendar . . . but now I’d better say they remind me of Susan Branch’s calendars and artwork.

    I also have worked for JetBlue and only booked a few flights to Martha’s Vineyard. I’ve always wanted to go there to visit and feel of the atmosphere of that place. The Kennedy’s lived there, but other than them, the vacation-minded tourists loved it thoroughly. I found out that since I no longer work for JetBlue (of course wouldn’t you know it), next year sometime, the airline will be jetting to Albany from SLC, UT. This is the headquarters of the registration crew, but it’s really hard to get a flight. Because of the wonderful memories we have of our time in Albany (actually the Village of Menands), we still have friends there and want to go back and visit. We used to drive 40 hr in 2 days with our young family to get to our homes in SL area. Now that we are a bit older, it would definitely be easier to fly. I look forward to finding some cute little country stores and places you make popular just because you visit them and write about them. Oh, I’m so sorry to go on so long but I just have floods of memories come back to me from living in the East. I can’t believe they have the nightly news at 11pm at night. Here, it would be 10pm which still gets you to bed in time to get a good sleep.

    Well, I look forward to communicating with you in the future. I’m on facebook under Genevieve Potter Groesbeck and you can message me there if you’d like. I’ll say goodnight and thank you ever so much for being “you” and spreading love and sunshine all over the world. Have a wonderful Autumn and we’ll be checkin’ in often.

    • sbranch says:

      Such a sweet note Genevieve, very nice to meet you! You have a wonderful Autumn too! Hope you get back to Albany and see some leaves!

  83. Susan Dasse says:

    Loving your latest website update….. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  84. Gloria Shone says:

    Hi, Susan,
    I just posted to FB forTattered Cover in Aspen Grove (Littleton, CO) hoping you stop by there on your book signing tour. There are 3 location, but this one is around the corner from ME! They are transitioning to new ownership. I will stop by in person to mention your tour. Xxoo

  85. Cassie O'Lear says:

    Your books inspire me to cook, garden, dream, create and do for others! They have new ideas and yet bring back childhood memories at the same time! I appreciate your love of cottages, beaches, dishes, food, romance, travel and humor. If I lived there we would be friends! I enjoy watching you grow in your creativity and ideas…….. HOWEVER, I have two lonely books tucked in my bookcase that scream daily for two mates! I am referring to “Summer” and “Fall.” Will you ever feel it in your heart to write “Winter” and “Spring?” In Altoona, Iowa there are six of us that have all the books that you have written. We all would like to see the full set. What do you think?

    • sbranch says:

      I think there are not enough hours in the day. But once I get these books out of me, we’ll see what inspiration takes over next. There’s a book I have half done that I know would be wonderful called Pancakes. Thank you Cassie!

  86. I enjoy reading your blog tremendously. On the days when there is a new post I love having my cup of tea and reading your musings and absorbing the photos and living on the Island vicariously for a few moments. (As others have said, Texas just doesn’t do “seasons”.) I also love all of my books of yours. ESPECIALLY the last two!! I have always taken Summer with me to the beach “just because”. It was always the end of school present for my kids’ teachers and they are grown with their own school age children now. I have given countless copies of Christmas Is The Heart of the Home to young brides. Way back, I wouldn’t throw away a Country Living without very carefully tearing out your artwork first. Basically, I am a big fan and have been for a very, very long time. Having said this, I am having a small problem in that for some reason it seems my comments don’t get posted. Or maybe I can’t find them because you have SO MANY fans who respond. There will be a message saying they are being moderated and then… nothing. Anyway, I DO want to be registered for your giveaways! I also have signed up three times in the last few months for Willard and still have never received it. I check my spam and still… nothing. I found out you are coming to Austin by reading other people’s comments. I would put a sad face emoticon here if I could. I am having trouble connecting, so please tell me what to do. I LOVE your work and don’t want to miss a thing!

  87. Hello to you. My dear sis and best friend gave me your latest ‘The Fairy Tale Girl’ I have been reading and savoring every little bit and had to slow down because I wanted to read the whole thing in one sitting! I am making myself happy by musing over the many lovely paintings and wise, funny sayings. I am supposed to be writing a paper today…but I have been spending more glorious time on your website.

    Thanks for all you do in keeping the written word living in our hearts and minds.

    Cheers for now,

    Deborah Surprenant

  88. Marlene Boyda says:

    Some how I miss the debut of The Fairy Tale Girl, but am glad to know about it and have asked for it for Christmas. I have preordered your new book and hope to bring it to An Unlikely Story. My sister lives about 10 minutes from there.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    • sbranch says:

      It’s going to be the perfect place to launch the tour … which will also be the 30th year since the publication of my first book Heart of the Home. They’re having a really special event for us. I’ll give the details soon.

  89. Nina M Pope says:

    would love to receive Willard so please sign me up!

  90. ShirleyRose Brady says:

    I loooovvvveee your work and over the years have collected your books and things. Just took out my Xmas Book of yours purchased many years at. I am a Fairy Tale GirlToo. Love and hugs and Blessings. Shirley Rose Brady.

  91. Lisa Deerman says:

    Please change my name from Lisa Willard to Lisa Deerman. You may congratulate me on my divorce!!

  92. Shelby Dagenais says:

    Hi Susan!

    I have tour Home Recipe Scrap Binder and I was wondering if you sell the extra pages for recipes?

    Thank you!

  93. Judy Carpenter says:


    A neighbor showed me your book about your trip to England and I asked for a copy of it for my birthday. I have shared the book with several friends and everybody loves the story, pictures, art, poetry, etc. Your talent is exceptional and much appreciated. The Willard site is really fun, too. Thank you for sharing your life stories with so many people.

  94. Mary Pat Simon says:

    Several years ago I purchased your calendar stickers… I bought a lot of them and now I am running out of certain months… do you still sell this item… each month had stickers that matched events of the month… they were such a treasure and a “pleasure” to look at…. I wish you would bring them back…. I love you style. Mary Pat Simon (Ellicott City, Maryland 21042

    • sbranch says:

      It isn’t being made anymore I’m sorry to say. I loved them too! We don’t make the stickers ourselves, those were done by a company I licensed to.

  95. Lori Templeton says:

    I thought I had signed up for this before but I don’t receive any communication. I read your blog all the time and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. I live in Albuquerque,NM and saw you the last time you were here………….I was so excited to meet you….I have been a fan of yours for a long time……………….I love all of your art work and I read and reread every single line of every book and calendar!!! I have similar collections as you and I love all of my “STUFF”.
    I’m amazed at all the sayings and quotations that you put into your work.
    I was married at almost 17 yrs of age, lived in London for 3 yrs, had one daughter there and 2 more children later. I loved London and the people so I really enjoyed “A Fine Romance”. I just bought “Fairy Tale Girl” and can’t wait to read it……………I also bought the new calendar and Love it!!
    My husband left when I was 40 and I have lived a wonderful and happy life for the last 30 some years in my dream “cottage” here in NM…………….Every day is a joy and I’m fortunate to have good friends and family (including 6 adult grandchildren and 2 great-granddaughters). Thank you for all you do…..your friend in NM, Lori……………………………….
    PS…I lived in Ruislip in England and would love to hear if you have readers there.

  96. Donna Bonine says:

    dear susan, I wanted to send you this page from my memory book, but couldn’t find an address, so here goes:Spending Christmas reading Falling in Love with the English Countryside, again this year. Last yr. first time, I loved it, and have had most of your books for years, and have used many receipes from them also. I am an artist, and this past yr. I painted a picture in oil of the cows in the English Cotwolds from the Coggs Museum Farm where we visited it in 2000 . This got a first place at our Art Gallery here in Cookeville Tn. I must tell you after reading your English Countryside, I went into my kitchen that day and made the Toffee pudding with that wonderful sauce. love the receipe for brie
    cheese baked in pastry and with a chimney, have made that one for years. So much more to say, but mostly I love all of your illustrations, you and Joe,falling in love, your home, your friends, your trips to your favorite places in England, love it all. Keep up the good lovely work, and I will be looking forward to the next book. sincerely, Donna Bonine

  97. Jan Bass says:

    Whenever I’m feeling a little down for some reason, or tired of the boredom of daily drudgery (!), or needing a lift — I turn to your blog and read the current one or ones from the past, and immediately start feeling the warmth of your artwork and writings! Thank you for helping me get past some rough spots and just enjoy the little and lovely things in life.

    I noticed something so special when watching “The Wedding” on TV and seeing the picture you posted on your blog: Mrs. Hughes carrying a tussie-mussie as her sweet wedding bouquet! I love that cute term “tussie-mussie” and have made a few in my crafting times. Mainly, mine are Victorian Cones filled with fresh or silk flowers. It’s fun to add little extras like baby’s breath (real or silk) and fresh Sweet Annie (smells yummy and old-fashioned), curled ribbons and bows, feathers… and whatever suits my fancy at the time. It’s also fun to make Christmas ones filled with winter greenery, stems of red berries, some white ferny stuff or glittered greenery… and of course a small teddy bear or toy doggie tucked in at the top. What fun to design each one as a unique piece! If you make tiny ones, they’re cute on the Christmas tree. And all of this is sooooo British! Just like using the British “crackers” on special occasions like Christmas or a birthday dinner. (They can be expensive, so I wait and buy mine on sale at Pier One after Christmas, real cheap.) Martha Stewart has shown on her past TV programs how to make them (DIY), but I’ve yet to find how/where to order the little doodads that go “pop” when you pull on the ends to open them.

    I just hate when Christmas is over. But maybe it’s time to go take my Christmas decorations off my front door and porch! BTW, tiny birds like sparrows love to sleep overnight in the door wreath where it’s warmer and protected from the elements. One night I pulled open the door too fast and one flew inside! I couldn’t get him to leave; he roosted for awhile on the chandelier, then on a lamp shade… and finally flew to the guest room to spend the night — true story! He left the next morning when I propped the back door open (in 25-degree temps), and he heard other birds chirping out in the maple tree and made a mad dash for the open door! Once out there, what a happy welcome he received when all his buddies chirped their loudest and happiest!

  98. Patty says:

    Hi Susan,

    I love your Blog and so enjoy your posts. I have a question about your recipe card binder sheets. May I ask if you sell the recipe binder sheets separately as you do the cards? I have filled up my cookbook and need more binder recipe sheets. And is it possible to get an extra set of the binder separator sheet tabs (i.e. cookies, desserts, etc.) I am looking forward to receiving Willard. I

  99. Roxanne Meo says:

    Love love love the newsletter!

  100. Joy LeFave says:

    I just found your blog and I love it. I love Downtown Abbey and your drawings are lovely. Thank you for sharing. Please place me on your email list. Thank you.

    • sbranch says:

      I sent your comment to Sheri and she’ll get you on the list. There’s a signup in the right hand column of the Blog, just in case. Happy to meet you!

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