Willard Sign Up


Email Address
First Name
Last Name

Willard is free, it goes out about once a month,
it will come to you in an email.
(Be sure your computer won’t think it’s spam.)


heart ………….heart ………….heart

“I don’t want to be rich, I just want to be wonderful.”Marilyn Monroe
Everything, we think, within reason…..Susan has spent many hours creating her beautiful blog along with her “WILLARD” newsletters to surprise her “Girlfriends” over the years. If you have found them to be of value, and if it tickles your fancy, please consider supporting her time with a donation of your choosing: anything between the cost of a glass of wine or a good dinner! And don’t even think about this if it puts the slightest crimp in your wallet as she will love you forever no matter what happens. ♥

heart ………….heart ………….heart



I would like you to meet my grandfather, Willard Smith. When I was around eleven, and in full letter-writing mode, I sent a letter to his house in Sioux City, Iowa. I had fallen in love with “the olden days” and so I wrote to ask him for pictures of when he was young. He sent me lots of photos including this one of him in his pilot goggles.

As far back as I can remember, my grandfather wrote long newsy letters at Christmas and sent them to everyone he knew; a year in his life more or less. My mom would bring the letter to the dinner table and read it to all of us. He was the first person our family ever saw do this. We thought he invented it.

One day, someone else sent us this same kind of letter, my mom brought it to the table to read; my brother Stephen, who was then about twelve, put two and two together, piped up and said, “Oh! It’s a Willard!” Of course this sent all of us into hysteria, we thought he was so brilliant and brave. Brave because we didn’t usually call Grandpa by his first name for one thing, it was normally frowned on. But my parents were laughing too, this was a good one. So when it was time to give my newsletter a name, my choice was obvious. “It’s a Willard!” I thought you’d like to see a picture of “Our Founder.” He also sent me this photo of his smoking dog Jack. (Don’t think for a moment I agree with this, I cringe a little when I see it now, but it was of its time.) Of course we kids loved it. Willard was our hero, he was the bee’s knees. Liked pork chop gravy on his chocolate cake. A legend in his own time.

Art and Content for Susanbranch.com is protected by registered copyrights. Please ask before using.

1,060 Responses to Willard Sign Up

  1. linda says:

    hello susan,
    i just linked to your blog from my friend, valli. it’s wonderful!! so creative and fun to look at! i will definitely add you to my ‘must check everyday’ list!! nice to meet you here!
    ps: i’m a knitter!!

  2. Jan says:

    I’ve been receiving the Willards for a few months now… though I have not received the March one either (I noticed a couple of other comments on the blog). I did check my spam, have deleted a few in the past couple of days but am fairly certain there was no subject of Willard there… it has always come in to my inbox fine in the past. Thanks for checking into this.

  3. Susan Townsend says:

    I love your web site and you.

  4. Georgeann from Texas says:

    I just received my booklet of your older Willards that I purchased. I was
    reading and wondering if you still have your beach cottage and if so how did
    you fix it up? It sounded so special!

  5. Carla Henn says:

    Susan, Have you stopped the Willard? I have not received one since Dec. 2011, I keep reading the BLOG to see what happened. I have saved every one since the beginning.

    • sbranch says:

      No, once a month, Willard goes out on his merry way, just as usual. Did you try signing up for him again? Glitches seem to be a part of everything on the internet!

  6. Dawn says:

    Hi Susan, the March Willard never arrived! I’ve been checking my inbox and hoping each day to find it waiting. I’ve never missed one before. What should I do?
    Many thanks! Dawn

    • sbranch says:

      Here is the March Willard — you should also sign up again for the next one — the signup is in the right hand column on the homepage of the blog where it says signup. So sorry!

      • Dawn (Elmhurst, IL) says:

        Oh, Susan! Thank you so much for the link to the missing Willard. What a feast for all of the senses! Your book suggestions will be such fun to read, too. Happy Springtime!
        Warm hugs,

  7. martha dagostino says:

    hello Susan, this is my first time at your website and I love it. My daughter who is in heaven now loved your books and I have one of her cook books and will be using the raspberry dressing for salad on Easter sunday. love, ruby

  8. Julie Thompson says:

    Hi Susan! I found your Pesto/Cheese spread tucked away in a safe place:) Many years ago, you made a sympathy card that was sooo beautiful and comforting.It was ,as I recall, a spiral design with the ocean and a seagull in the scene.I purchased everyone that I could find I loved them so much! Is there any chance that you would consider making them again? Also, will you ever make rubber stamps for all the cardmakers out there? I would be first in line to buy them! You have a wonderful site by the way!! I love coming here! You make me feel wanted, which is hard to do in the Internet world for sure! Your friendliness, kindness, compassion and overall love for family,nature and beauty are very evident in all that you do here on your site.Thank you so very much for having it for us all! From now on, when I come here, I am going to join you with a cup of tea ! A perfect way for me to take a break and find out what’s happening with you whether you are back East or out here in California:)P.S. I also love all of the wonderful goodies you have for us to bring into our homes! I have lots of your recipe card/folder sets,cookbooks and other special finds.I am in the process of filling one of your recipe albums for my son as he starts his new life with his bride! I am proud to say he has become quite a cook and I think it has something to do watching his mama all these years! Your artwork is incredible and sooo amazing to look at! Thank you so much for all that you do. Hugs, Julie B.T.

    • sbranch says:

      What a beautiful comment Julie, thank you SO much! I love doing this, love having you here! And how great that you raised a cooking boy! His wife will appreciate you forever! Have a wonderful day!

  9. Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

    Was just browsing through your shopping site and noticed the set of little vases–were they, by chance, added on April 1? The regular price is listed as $451,295 per set, now offered for $32. What a steal! :>)
    Your Easter post this morning was beautiful. Thank you so much. Blessings to you and yours!

  10. Carilyn Wolski says:

    Hello Susan! I will be signing up for the April Willard, as I never did receive the March Willard. Oh well, that’s okay, as your daily blogs are so wonderful!!!!! Thank you ahead of time!!!!!

  11. Emily Wulderk says:

    I am enthralled by the artwork! Your Willards are wonderful!

  12. Darlene Messina says:

    Nevermind about the QE EB mug. I was looking in the EB spot on your site, but found it in the shopping section. I have now place my order. LOVE Willard! Keep them coming.


  13. Kathy from Brevard, NC says:

    Hi Susan,

    I haven’t received the April Willard despite signing up for it last week. I had signed up for the March Willard last month and did not receive it either, however, I read it through the link you provided above. I checked Spam and it’s not there. Can you resend it to me or provide another link here? Thank you so much for all you do!


  14. Rose says:

    Just read Willard and am so excited that you are going to England and even more excited that you are going to visit Beatrix Potter’s house. I share your fascination with Beatrix and could never figure out why. I hear you on the 10,000 reasons as to why you should not go and agree with you whole heartedly that sometimes we need to make new/more memories. I am joining you with my own travel bug and am leaving on the 21st on a road trip with my sister to Monument Valley in Utah. Again not knowing the attraction but I have wanted to go there since 2003 so I am off. Bon Voyage! Enjoy your trip as I will enjoy mine and let’s make new memories.

  15. Heather Lyon says:

    Dear Susan,

    My daughter, Olivia, and I are both California fans of yours. We agree that we would love to be your BFFs.

    Olivia is going away to college in August. We have decided to correspond the old fashioned way. I thought you had some lovely stationery, but I don’t see it in your (online) store. Did I imagine it? If it doesn’t exist already, would you consider making some? Also, I would love your pointers on writing a good letter.


  16. Anne Hice says:

    I collect old LittleMiss Muffet children’s dishes,mugs, etc. & other “Spider/web stuff. DO you look for items for folks? Thanks, Anne

    • sbranch says:

      I try! But really what I look for is “wonderful thing at good price” — if I saw those at a good price, I would just normally snap them up! I will keep my eyes open!!

  17. Diane Harken says:

    I hope you could put me on a list to purchase 2013 calendars. I really need two! My sister and I love your work. Is that possible?

  18. Marlene Fisher says:

    Hi Susan-

    I am considering making a “wedding proclamation” for my daughter’s wedding in August. I love your art work and was wondering if there was some way you could develop a floral/heart/love type border for the piece which I may then try to use calligraphy to mark the occasion. I have seen it done with pen and ink and water color – my friend did it for her own daughter’s wedding. What do you think?

    thanks- Marlene Fisher

  19. CarolK (NJ) says:

    Hi Susan,

    Just had to let you know….I recently ordered an Emma Bridgewater mug (Rose) for my sister, Roberta. I intend to give it to her on her Birthday (June 25th) because her favorite flower has always been the Rose. I got her to name her cute little house Rose Cottage. She painted the name and some roses on a little child’s desk chair and set it on her front porch. Now she can sit out there with her morning tea and feel very English. I can’t thank you enough for the timely processing of my order. I ordered the mug on the 16th and it arrived today just in time to be wrapped and ready for presentation! P.S. I also treated myself with your 2013 calendar, very cute. Hugs from NJ

  20. mary spring says:

    Dear Susan…( as if you aren”t busy enough these days..but..)….where has Willard been …I have missed him so ..even tho I’ve been keeping up with your wonderful blog ! ( I kinda feel guilt asking…as if you don’t already do enough for us ?!? …but I miss Willard ….it reminds me of my father’s letters to all of us kids, since I was from a very large and wonderful family as well …just wondering….with love…

    • sbranch says:

      He went on vacation when we did, but he’s back now, and getting ready to break loose sometime this month!!!

  21. judith says:

    We have not had a letter in awhile so just in case we were removed from the newsletter I have signed up again. I look forward to the things you write about . My heart is still in the Northern States but my grand children are all in the South. So here am I also. Anyway thank you for you and all the wonderful things you write about.

    • sbranch says:

      A new Willard will be coming soon! He just couldn’t do it alone, back here in the states, and was waiting for me!

  22. Linda Siert says:

    Now that I have found you tonight, and thoroughly absorbed each and every part of your website ( it is 2:20 a.m……….I must truly try to get to sleep!!)….I just realized that I used to be the recipient of your Willards! How I wish I had saved them. When I carried your delightful works in my gift shop in the 90s, I used to receive the most delightful, longggg letters from you at Christmas time…………..and those Have to have been Willards. What a treasure……..am looking forward to more, again. Whoop!!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, they were Willards! I sent them out for about ten years via snail mail, now I send them out on email . . . haven’t done one since I left for England, but soon! Be sure to sign up (in the right hand column of the blog). xo Sweet dreams!

  23. Kay Swanson says:

    I am wanting to order Emma Bridgewater mugs with the red rose design…I do not see it listed anymore…is there any chance that particular design will be available again?

  24. Hi,
    I wanted to order a couple patterns but it flips to another screen.
    One is the hen tea towel….if you can help me…..please let me know.

  25. Maxine Boyce Buckman says:

    “Willard” has not arrived although I signed up for it two months ago. Am anxious to receive this publication after reading such good things about it. Can you help?

    Thanks. Maxine

    • sbranch says:

      I haven’t sent one lately Maxine . . . I went to England and haven’t done one in a while…but I will soon!

  26. Ceil Garrison says:

    Just today found you! I feel like we are kindred spirits. So enjoyed reading your blog. It truly made my day. I love gardens and the heat is doing a number on mine this summer so I enjoyed yours. I subscribed to your newsletter so we can stay in touch girlfriend! You are so talented. I’m still searching for mine.

  27. Julie Jenkins says:

    Hi Susan,

    Hi Susan,
    Please, please, please tell me you’re bringing back your Day Book for 2013. Today is my 218th sad day of this year without a little piece of you in my beautiful Days book. I really hope it’s coming back. There’s nothing like a little piece of you every day to make the sun shine, on even the dreariest day!!!!


    • sbranch says:

      But who’s counting! I haven’t been able to talk Lifeguard Press into it, but maybe you could give it a try? They often listen to YOU rather than Me! Thank you Julie! So sorry; I would love it too, it was a cute little book!

  28. carol ballantyne says:

    Spent this morning reading about your trip to England, just loved it, looking at all your photos and videos–taking notes, ordered the shoes you ordered in purple, but I ordered the last pair in black. Now I’ll go on line to look over those (funky) shoes. Just love them. I ordered Rosemary Verey’s” English Country Gardens” book. I plan on making the small garden that you designed next spring.

    Thank you for the lovely morning,


  29. Saundra Nelson says:

    My dog’s name was not Jack…it was Skip.

  30. Tamara Thompson says:

    Hey ,I just want to say welcome back home Susan. And…no, I am NOT going to ask you anything about products or Willard..just hope u had a good trip, now rest, and enjoy what’s left of your summer in New England as I am enjoying the rest of my summer in the beautiful state of Washington. ( I took a month off to tour Ireland 2 yrs ago, but also did manage a few days in England and Paris…& I have to tell you seeing the home of Jane Austen, as well as also visiting her museum in Bath, made my heart skip beats..My favorite memento was a tiny (& I mean tiny) 3 vol set of Sense & Sensibility, bound in powder blue leather measuring only about 2 inches by 2 and a half! You need a magnifying glass( almost) to read them, but its all there, unabridged…..& I do live them…”oh Willoughby” ( spelling?) I almost missed my ride on our tour bus back to London… I was so enthralled ( I was the only one ” foolish” enough to forego seeing the mineral baths (at Bath) to sprint the mile or so on foot to see the Austen Museum. It was all up hill of course, but TOTALLY worth it ( & made losing my wallet earlier that week, seem inconsequential! ) Love Beatrix Potter too…
    PS …My two summer highlights this year included a super terrific meteor shower last week, ( where I couldn’t help but squeal with delight lying out on the paved road in front of our house .. no traffic that late…but probably making the neighbors wonder) …and celebrating our 24th wedding anniversary. I have a good hubby too…Well its late out here..so going now.. wishing you clear starry nights and sunny days filled with joy, laughter, kitty love & fat raspberries ..welcome home. <3 Tam

    • sbranch says:

      You too Tam, so nice to hear from you, can picture you on the paved road looking at the stars! Ahhh, the good life!

    • sbranch says:

      So nice to hear from you Tam, welcome home! I can picture you on the paved road looking at the stars! Ahhh, the good life!

  31. Georgianna Pumphrey says:

    So happy to read your newsletter and all the wonderful pictures from England. My sister forwarded the newsletter to me because I am always saying someday I will take the trip to England to see all the wonderful gardens. Both of my sisters receive your newsletter and now I will too! Thank you so much for sharing the videos and photos. Also it was nice to see the ferry from Woods Hole. I have been to the Island twice and so enjoyed the wild turkeys and, on the ferry the clam chowder, the best I ever ate.

  32. cheleen says:

    i am interested in the personal recipe keeper to write down all my recipes. are there refill pages once you hit 144 recipes or more?………….. can you send me additional photos i would really like to purchase this adorable book.

  33. Kathy says:

    I haven’t received my last 2 or 3 newsletters so I’m signing up again…

  34. Cathie Becker says:

    Just wanted you to know just how wonderful you are to my family of girlfriends, in Novato Ca. We love you and feel you are one of us.
    Blessings, Cathie from Novato

  35. susan bohlman says:

    Hello Susan,
    I have enjoyed your cookbooks and calendars for many years. My daughter is getting married and I would like to give her one of all your cookbooks. Could you let me know of a book store from which I could order them, please?

    Thank you very much.

    Susan Bohlman

    • sbranch says:

      You can still find my calendars and a few books in my web store, just go to the top of the blog and click on “shopping.” We only have a few books left — since most of them are out of print, I don’t think you will find them in stores, unless you just happen upon one of them. Hope this helps Susan!

  36. Victoria Blalock says:

    Looking forward to your “Willards”…I just signed up. 🙂

  37. Heather Wojciak says:

    My husband of 58 years passed away in June. I lost interest in many things I have always done. Thanks to your wonderful blogs, music, etc. I have begun to get back to doing things, again..decorating for Holidays, etc. It’s like visiting with an “old” (not OLD!) friend. I have ordered calendars so that is a lovely start on the new year. Thanks..so much.

  38. Mairéad Dawes says:

    Hi Susan, I tried to buy the little brown bird teacup with strainer but when I put in in my basket it said it wasn’t available. Do you have anymore? I really love it!

    • sbranch says:

      We keep getting them in, they keep selling out (because they really are the perfect little cup!), when we go back to the company for more, they are all out. We have more coming, but they are backordered, so just watch for them to come back in! Hope this helps!

  39. Susan – just wanted you to know that I have purchased your calendars for many years. I love the artwork. They make great artwork to hang in my kitchen through out the seasons in frames I bought at Hobby Lobby for calendars. One year I cut up various pages and decoupaged an old breadbox which has set in my kitchen now for 7 years. I love it. Your newsletters and everything from your website, makes me feel happy.

  40. Amy Hagadone says:

    So happy to find your blog! My mother & I love your cookbooks! Also signed up for the Willard as well. Excited to be reading all the thoughts & ideas:)

  41. Barbara St Onge says:

    Love everything about you/family and happenings.. forever.. always inspiring in many ways.

  42. Juliana says:

    Dear Susan Branch,
    I am an absolute fan of your books, Willards, and website. I just love your work. Your words are just so inspirational and your illustrations take my breath away. You are just such an amazing writer and a magnificent artist. I want to be a writer and illustrator just like you. You are my role model right now. I am looking forward to reading your next Willards. Keep posting! =)

  43. debbie jones says:

    Hi Susan…I love,love,love everything you do! It makes me feel so happy inside! Wondering how I can get copies of your older Willards so I can print them out & keep them to show all my girlfriends?

    • sbranch says:

      There is a booklet of the first 8 or 9 Willards I did, the ones that went out snail mail … you can find it in my webstore! Thank you Debbie!

  44. laurie clark says:

    Wondering if you are going to get more tea cups withthe bird on them and if you are going to selling pajamas for Christmas this year or ever for that matter?? Mine are getting thread bare…thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      No more Jammies, that company is no longer in business. Bird tea cups, the brown ones with the lid, I think they just came in. If you mean Emma bird cups, I’m not sure, but I think so, as long as they’re still making them, we will carry them!

  45. Sarah Clark says:

    Well, where have I been? Found your blog this week, you love everything I do. I taught Home Economics for a number of years ( yes, I am a dinasour). I always tried to pass along the love for home as opposed to the notion that it was just a house. Hope I was successful and former students are feeling that sense of home on this Thanksgiving Day. I am now your Willard Girlfriend. How fun!
    Blessings, Sarah

    • sbranch says:

      I’m sure your former students thank you every day, as I do my Home Ec teachers — my favorite subject! So I’ll thank you, in case you haven’t heard from them yet! Nice to see you here Sarah!

  46. Barbara says:

    I have been receiving Willards on my mailbox for a long time now, somehow I got skipped the last time around! Is there anyway I can get the last one sent to me? Looking forward to the next Willard too! Thanks so much!

  47. Lauren says:

    Susan, love your blog, your site, everything…..I cannot however, get Williard and have tried now twice to sign up and it states link broken.
    I wish I knew you and I wish I could have some of the peace you feel in your life. Life takes too many turns for me. Nature is the best however.

    • sbranch says:

      I sent this to Kellee so she can make sure you are on the list. If you don’t get one this time, then for sure you should look in your spam folder. Everyday, in the morning, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and feel the peace that’s around you. Just one day at a time Lauren, that’s all anyone can be expected to do. xoxo sending love.

  48. suzanne fischer says:

    Oh Susan: I am so grateful to get back on the Willard list. I had changed my provider and missed your last Willard. You are very generous to invite others to the Willard Table. Thank you.

  49. Wyn-Nelle White says:

    Will you have more “Heart of the Home” wall calendars?

  50. Carla LaPointe says:

    I am looking for 1/2 size blank pages for the “Home Recipes” cookbook. I cannot find them on your website or how to get to the proper place to order them. Please advise. Thank you. Would also like a telephone number to contact you.

    • sbranch says:

      I forwarded your comment to Kellee, she should be getting back to you on that. I don’t actually know if we have those, but she will!

  51. Ann says:

    Hello! I realized after reading your latest blog post that I haven’t received a “Willard” in quite some time. Would it be possible for someone to check to see that I am still on your list serve and also send a link to the most recent one?
    Thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      It just went out this morning…it will continue going until tomorrow night … if you don’t have it by Thursday — check your spam folder, that’s often the culprit, if it’s not there, let me know and I’ll get you signed up again!

  52. Romy Silvester says:

    I too would love to receive a “Willard”. Not sure that I signed up for this before. Merry Christmas Susan, Joe, Jack and Girl. Romy

  53. Lin Hagen says:

    Susan, I just read how your newsletter got it’s name “Willard”! How clever…..and we currently live in Sioux City, Iowa! I was born and raised in the Midwest, lived in Maine and Vermont for 10 years, and miss it horribly. Someday, we’ll move back! In the meantime, I love your Willard and thank you from the bottom of my heart, for all that you share with us! What an inspiration for all! Lin in Sioux City, IA
    PS I have a brother named Stephen also!

    • sbranch says:

      Ohh Sioux City, I feel so attached! Vermont is so gorgeous, I can see why you would feel homesick for it. Say Hi to Stephen for me! xoxo

  54. Robyn Genau says:

    Susan,I didn’t receive my Williard.I have signed up for it several times.Its Thursday,should it be here by now?

  55. Karen Nesbitt says:

    I love, love, love your Willards. We are all so fortunate to be able to get a glimpse into your world, and I thank you so much for sharing your beautiful words, inspiration, and gorgeous photos with all of us. Karen

  56. Heather says:

    Susan- Your Dec. “WILLARD ” is heartwarming and nostalgic. To only say I enjoyed it would completely be an understatement. I sent it to all the people I care about. When I find such kindred spirits as I find in your art, your words, in “Willard “, and in your other readers, well, it just makes my heart & soul SING! I feel like I have “come home” and found many other like minded people – and what a glorious feeling! I loved the personal story & history behind the naming of your newsletter! Thanks for sharing with us.
    I did an opposite move in my own life as you. I was born and raised in Mass. and lived my adult years in sunny, hot, humid S.E. FLA. We are finally having some wonderful weather in Nov. & now in Dec. Loving it! All year I “live” for this weather! I will always be a New Englander at heart and I miss the awe in the distinct changes of seasons – I think those changes “renews ” us on different levels. It gives us a fresh start and a change of scenery without leaving home!
    I know I’m not alone, but I am personally emerging from a long period of depression. After over five long bleak years, I am slowly finding the joy in my creative projects once more and gradually finding joy back in my life! I won’t lie, it’s been a long hard climb, including more than a few set-backs. We are all just “human.” Expect and accept imperfections in life, others, and ourselves – sometimes they take us on wonderful & unexpeted detours. And finding joyful sites as yours Susan, help brighten many a day! So thank you for all you do for us fans!
    _ Last but not least, my heart goes out to all the victims of “Sandy’s ” wrath. Since living through hurricane Andrew, Wilma, etc. – I can only imagine the “battles ” you face to get back to any kind of a ” normal ” life.
    I’m not physically able to help, unfortunably, but I know I am not alone sending you strength, faith and endurance to help you through your crisis.
    ****NEVER GIVE UP! We are all here for a purpose even though it may take some of us our whole lives to discover what it is. So be it…But as long as we draw breathe, it’s NEVER TOO LATE TO DISCOVER OUR PASSION, OUR CALLING!
    Happy Holidays to all, Heather

  57. I haven’t received Willard this time.. I checked Spam and filters… Do you have an online link?

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, HERE it is! Try signing up again — it really never happens that someone who is signed up doesn’t get her WILLARD, so I’m thinking somehow your name must have dropped of the list.

  58. Laura says:


    I did not receive my Merry Christmas Willard. Is there any way it can be sent again?

    [email protected]

    • sbranch says:

      Check your spam folder Laura, we’ve found out that’s almost where the missing ones go! I also asked Kellee to send you a link.

  59. SharonK says:

    Was just introduced to your website by my cousin. Love it!! I signed up for Willards Newsletter and look forward to receiving it. I also love the past and the “good old days” so we are very much alike there. Wish we would get those days back again. Thank you for sharing your wonderful website it with us.

  60. Carmen says:

    Hello …

    My mother had bought me your book “To My Daughter, with Love From my Kitchen” as a Christmas gift. Unfortunately, she fell victim to a house fire. While sorting through her burnt belongings I found the book partially filled out. She was so upset that it was ruined I wanted to get another and suprise her for Christmas. I was wondering if I ordered one tonight if it would get here by Christmas ?? Thank you ! Awesome book by the way !!!!

  61. cathy says:

    Hi Susan, I love that you post lists of your favorite things; books, movies. Can you consider posting a list of your favorite CD’s?

    Merry Christmas,

    P.S. I bought 7 of your cooking books and mini calendars as gifts for my sisters. I can’t wait for them to ‘dig in’. I think they will cherish them as I do!

  62. Mary Ruggles says:

    Hi Susan! I feel like I have just rediscovered an old friend. Didn’t realize you had a website. I signed up for Willard. I have missed them. I have many of your cookbooks and even your checks. I was searching for more checks when I found this site. Thank you for all your creative inspiration and the love you share with all your fans. Happy New Year! Mary

  63. Linda L. Walker says:

    I picked up a box of your notecards…How to be Happy…and love them. You know the ones, starts with Feed the Birds, Eat Good Food, etc. Meijer no longer carries them but I would love to purchase more. They are my most favorite notecard to send to my girlfriends. Also signing up for your newsletter. Love your artwork! Linda

    • sbranch says:

      I do think we have those notecards in my webstore — just go to the top of the blog and click on shopping. Thanks Linda!

  64. Linda Wagener says:

    Susan, I have every one of your Willards, except the one you might have sent this month (January 2013). We had to change our e-mail addresses and if one was sent this month I missed it. Could you please have someone send me a copy – I know it’s a lot to ask and you are very busy with “our” book (which I am really looking forward to having).

    Thank you – I enjoy your blog so much. It’s the first one I read – every time. Cozy!

  65. Michele says:

    Susan, I made your carrot cake cupcake recipe for my boss for her birthday and she LOVED them! Also, your blog/website is darling! I so enjoy and respect the time you take to put this all together. My best friend has 2 of your books and I only found out after I sent her your blog saying, ” You will love this!”. Confirms we are as tight as I thought!
    You give inspiration to me and a lot of others and I/we thank you!

  66. Nancy says:

    In waiting for a granddaughter several years ago, I purchased a kit “The Language of Love” with little girls hats. I can never make a kit as is and have enlarged it so it is a quilt not a wall hanging. There in lies the problem. I need fabric and would like to keep the same fabrics as much as possible. Have any ideas for me? I found the morning glory fabric on Amazon but then they were out of stock. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.


    • sbranch says:

      Oh dear Nancy, that fabric has been gone for so long! I just don’t know where you should look! Just ebay or somewhere like that. I wish I had some for you, I’d love to send it!

  67. Jennifer Dodson says:

    I want to enter the drawing for your new book!

  68. Patty says:

    I love it when Willard shows up in my email box, but I really miss the good old days when Willard showed up in my mailbox! I saved them all for a long time but they got lost in one of our moves. I still have a few stickers that you included in a Willard once as well as a bookmark. Now if I can only win a copy of A Fine Romance, I will have a safe place to keep that bookmark!

  69. Michele says:

    Susan, I thought I had signed up to receive the “Willard” but it appears as I may not have….Is it too late for you to send to me? Hope it’s not asking too much!! I will sign up again now but in case there is a computer issue with me, it”s:
    [email protected]

    thank you so much!

  70. Gay Bumgardner says:

    I just love spending time reading and looking at anything you write or create!!!
    Thanks for sharing your blessings and gifts!! I just can’t wait for your new book, A Fine Romance!! Please enter me into the drawing!! Meanwhile, since I’m a new “girlfriend” I’m trying to locate and purchase all of your books! I’ve been enjoying your calendars for several years now!! Keep creating your “wonderful works” and sharing them with your friends. How in the world do you get it all done?? I can’t wait to get back home and enjoy your new edition of Willard!! It’s a wonderful Valentine!!
    Thanks again!!

  71. Ardi Butler says:

    Haven’t received my Willard yet either. Is there another place other than my e-mail I should be looking? Thanks. Ardi

  72. Julie Geddes says:

    So looking forward to your new book (A Fine Romance) coming out this Fall. My husband and I had a chance to take our first trip to England in 2001 but never had a chance to see Beatrix Potter’s home due it’s closing as a result of the foot and mouth disease. We hope to return to England (my Mum’s birthplace) one day soon and I will use your book as a travel guide. Love your books, website and receiving your newsletters. Thank You ~ Julie

  73. kathryn says:

    just ordered your new book!! can’t wait to get it. also ordered one for a christmas gift. i am ahead this year already! i would love to go to england but don’t feel like i’ll ever get there. now i can experience it all through your book. yea! please enter me in your drawing.

  74. Jo says:

    I accidentally erased my Willard, can it be re-sent? Pretty please.

  75. Penny says:

    I received Willard today and have spent the last few minutes reading it and, as always, loving all your little paintings and the beautiful photographs that will be in A Fine Romance. Please include me in the drawing for this beautiful book.

    I wish u still were in Arroyo Grande but after reading about your romance with New England can understand why u now live there. I hope u haven’t been affected by the recent heavy snow .

    Thank you sweet lady for all of your beautiful art. Everytime I look at my calendar, read my “Susan” books, and see something from u in my email, I know there is a treat waiting.

    Penny Tingey
    Paso Robles

  76. Judy Covell says:

    Hi, It’s Feb. 17 and no Willard has arrived yet. I have checked every day. I love getting them. Thanks

    • sbranch says:

      It should be there by now Judy, I’m so sorry … first thing to do is to check your spam folder. If it’s not in there, I think maybe you should sign up again. Also, there’s a PS on this post, go there and you’ll find a link to the Willard.

  77. Elise Falvey says:

    Just wanted to say I’m still using your gingerbread recipe from from the pages of Country Living’s Pantry (1989) pg. 119….I laminated it so I couldn’t ruin it, I use it every Christmas to create my fun gifts and table decorations. Thank you again and again for this perfect cookie.



  78. Tracey Olsen says:

    I love your newsletters! Just a good read for anytime of year, Thank you Susan Branch and Willard too.

  79. Mary Kay Stimers says:

    Hi Susan ~

    I am sitting in my Susan Branch jammies of yester-year with bronchitis and strep and thinking that these jammies have been through a lot but I still love them. After I received my first set of jammies, I tried to purchase one of each set, but alas, they sold out very quickly. Any chance you will consider producing them again as a “retro”?

    • sbranch says:

      I’d love to, but the folks that made them stopped doing it! Maybe someday I’ll find another manufacturer that would want to license my art … was just looking at a photo of my family all wearing my Jammies! Funny you should mention it! Maybe it’s a sign? ***** We hope!

  80. Kathy McDowell says:

    Dear Susan
    I have always loved your charming artwork, haven’t always taken the time to look through “Willard” though but loved seeing the newest issue. I have been to England twice(although for a much more brief stay and not at all for romance!). I love every little thing about it, everything!! I will be sharing this with a friend who also adores England and we’d love to thank you in advance. More charming than ever and so sweet.
    Kathy McDowell

  81. Colleen Cessna says:

    Hi Susan,
    Some time ago you were selling a childs tea set, it was pink, had a tray not sure if it had 2 or 4 cups and saucers, teapot, sugar and creamer and small plates.. Will you be getting any more of those in for sale? I would love to get my granddaughter one. I can’t wait till I get your new book.
    Sincerely, Colleen Cessna

  82. Asha says:

    Hi Susan! Asha here. I just went on line to purchase my first Emma Bridgewater mug. I wanted the Year In The Country – Easter and found it was out of stock. Do you know if there will be more in stock soon? I absolutely love that design and would love it to be my first Emma purchase. Was so sad to see it out of stock. Thanks!

  83. Kathy Theiss says:

    My grandpap used to write lengthy letters, or books as I referred to them, and would tell me many facts/stories about himself and our family. He passed away in 1981 and I have kept many of the letters. He would also send clippings from newpapers, magazines, or anything he thought may interest me. Your Willard reminds me of my grandpap, Frank. I miss receving his letters and having him to write back to.

    • sbranch says:

      I know the feeling. I wish I’d started my Willard’s when my grandfather was still alive … he would truly get a kick out of them.

  84. Terri (Richmond, VA) says:

    I received the last Willard and was so happy to see it in my email! My grandfather never wrote, but my Mom and her mother wrote each other every week. They wrote 6-7 pages, back and front, on airmail sheets of paper. I know Mom kept those letters for many years, and now with both of them gone, I would give anything to read them. It was as much a record of everyday life as a journal would be! Thank you, Susan for sharing so much of your life with all of us!

  85. Jennifer says:

    Hi Susan, I just ordered your new book and I can’t wait for it to be published. I know it will be a real treasure. 🙂
    I want to thank you for just being you. You are such an inspiration to me. You have a heart of gold, and your love for life is evident and contagious. I know you must be a VERY busy woman, but I appreciate the time you take to blog. I get on your blog just about every day, and read through some of your old posts. Such a balm to my spirit. I especially love the posts about Girl and Jack. I have always had cats, and they are such special “people.” I can’t imagine life without them! My best to you and Joe, and the kitties! Sending love and hugs!

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve been away from the blog for a few days, trying to finish the book, I’m so close! I miss everyone, will be doing a new post tomorrow. Girl Kitty is good as gold, steady and true, and Jack follows me everywhere — up to mischief at all times!

  86. MJREILLY says:

    Susan- Remember those really, really cute notecards that came in a little box and had all sorts of wonderful sayings and pictures? Do you think you could ever make those up again to sell? I’m running out of them (I put them in letters and cards I send to people for special occasions…) The little boxes and note cards were ~ 3″ by 3″ and there were maybe 50 or so cards in a box with inspirational or whimsical sayings….

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, I do remember them. Maybe some day we can find a manufacturer who would do those for us! They were cute, I have to agree with you!

  87. Mary Redle says:

    Susan, I have been thinking of you and your husband the last few days. Years ago you and Joe went into Boston to have dinner and I think it was a celebration of some sort. Your description of the snow falling down and how beautiful everything looked. My husband and I travel to Boston from Ohio and I asked you for the name of the place you were having dinner and you told me The Lenox. After the tragic events of this week, I noticed pictures of the Lenox in the coverage. I truly hope the Lenox is okay as it is a wonderful place to be. P eace

    • sbranch says:

      You have a very good memory! We commented on that too, watching the coverage. You’ll find a surprise about that dinner in my new book Mary.

  88. Rae Jean MIles says:

    I so would like to have a frameable copy of your desktop with the blue and white flower background with the saying “I meant to do my work today,but a brown birdsang in the apple tree..etc it is so me …I love your stuff, your site and everything

    Rae Jean Miles

  89. Pat Stansel says:

    Oh Willard , Willard where for art thou Willard —-have you become moot ?

  90. Aletha Riter says:

    Hello…I accidently deleted the spring willard newsletter is there any way you can re-send it to me? It would be appreciated..
    Thank you very much

  91. Carol McGarvey says:

    I read your blog religiously and LOVE it! But even though I sign up monthly for Willard, I don’t seem to receive it. February was the last one I got. Any suggestions or help? Thank you.

    • sbranch says:

      The only thing I can tell you, is that I have been so busy I haven’t sent a Willard since then. So, let’s see what happens when I send the next one!

  92. Catherin Bertrand says:

    I have been a long time fan of your books, calendars and stationary. I noticed that the 2014 wall calendar is available for oder, but I didn’t see the desk calendar. Are you doing a desk calendar for 2014? (please say yes….)

    • sbranch says:

      The blotter — is that the one you mean? If so, the company that made those has decided not to carry them anymore. Very sad news for us — we loved that product. But then, just a couple of days ago I spoke to someone I believe would like to do it for us. So there is a possibility there could be one — if we still have time for design — I’ll know by next week. If not, then it would be next year for sure.

  93. Vicki in Cincy says:

    HI! Just wanted to share that I found some long lost favorite books at the Lawrenceburg, IN flea market! On one single table, I found 3 books of great value to me. I found a book that I have been looking for since I was a child called ‘The Lonely Doll’. All the photos are of a real doll and teddy bears. Crazy? I know, but I LOVED that book. Also, the complete ‘Bears On Wheels’ book. I used to read this to my kids when they were small, but the book we had was a hand me down and was ripped. I vowed if I ever saw this book again I would buy it! And last, but by no means least, a Gladys Taber caught my eye. ‘Stillmeadow Sampler’ is now in my possession! My first Gladys Taber! and I can see why you love her! Take care dear Girlfriend, you bring joy to my life!

  94. JOY KORDOS says:


    • sbranch says:

      We keep trying to send one, but first Kellee went away, then she came back and Sheri went away, soon I will go away ~ but we are trying~ Hope you find some books Joy!

  95. Dia Doughty says:

    Hi Susan,

    I have asked several times, but never received a response. Will you consider making a perpetual calendar that could be purchased? I’d love one – I love your work! Thanks!

  96. Jere Mullen says:

    I have loved your books since I stumbled across the first one many, many moons ago. Now that the children are grown starting families of their own I have time to relax and feed “my interests” I was ever so delighted when I ran across your blog and it “felt” like the first book of yours I feel in love with. Can’t wait to sign up for Willard … We sent long “yearly newspapers” home at Christmas complete with articles, personl updates and pictures while we were in the Air Force and traveling around.

  97. Margaret Schuemann says:

    I have always loved your books and all this technology
    is wonderful. Thanks.

  98. Sharon Cone says:

    Hello Susan,
    I enjoy your blog so much. I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t get my Willard a few days ago, but remembered that I have a new email address. So I changed it in my profile. I know the Willards have already gone out, but was wondering if I could still get one. It’s okay if not, I’ll just wait for the next one. I just don’t like missing out. :o) Thanks!

  99. Sandy says:

    I have not received Willard since February. I just signed up again. Thanks. Sandy.

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