AUTUMN from the HEART of the HOME

Hello darling people!   MUSICAMusicaTea

Get a cup of tea and join me for AUTUMN from the Heart of the Home, it’s blog time!

tree talk fall Trees make SUCH good sense when you can get one to talk. Fall is when they do it, you can hear it in the shhhhh of their leaves . . . and you find out they make sense in more ways than one! 

leaf border

through the woods

And they smell good too!  Especially this time a year, when the air is filled with them.  Here was our walk yesterday. It’s getting very beautiful out there.  Still lots of green, but the change is coming . . . 

flower border


flower border

if you dream it


As you can see, we are nowhere near peak yet, color wise, but a few things are beginning to burst, like the bittersweet . . . such a fun thing to decorate with although I can use it outside only because it’s not good for kitties.

flower border

poison ivy

You would NOT want to decorate with this inside OR out, because this is poison ivy. But isn’t it pretty?  Our woods are filled with this climber that turns bright red . . . they should have called this bittersweet — because with poison ivy you get the bitter, but in the color you get the sweet! 

fall color

You can see a bit more of it in red on the tree in the back . . . it’s gorgeous, one of the prettiest fall plants in the woods.

down to the sea

Bittersweet tumbles everywhere. It lights the shadowy places up.

Through the trees

Sassafras!  Pretty pretty pretty. The wind makes the leaves shimmer in the light . . .

flower border

leaf fall

So I was wearing this kind of loose-knit sweater and I started gathering leaves, flowers and berries to bring home so instead of carrying them, I strung them through my sweater . . .

elizabeth von arnim

wear your love like heavenThis face says Ha! I thought it looked great. I wanted to cover my entire sweater in them. Make a fall costume. But, when a car drove by us out there, Joe pretended not to know me. Silly boy. Doesn’t he know . . .

normal ones


Here it all is, that’s our woods!

windfall crabapples

These are windfall crabapples I found on the ground under a tree when we were in New Hampshire. So cute, I brought them home to put on the kitchen table. P.S. They were free!  Just lying around on the ground. Can you imagine?

last rose of season

And this gorgeous rose is the last one of the season from our garden. I debated, bring it in, or enjoy it in the garden? IN! I felt good about my decision. Up close and personal, not just for me, but for you too. Through the MAGIC of the Internet! I still can’t believe we can DO this!

2015 calendar

October, my darling, slooow down. Last two months, please . . .I really love you. I had such fun painting this page, I want it to stick around for a while!

flower border

decorating for autumn

mums from the garden

We almost always end up getting mums to decorate our porch, and then we plant them in the garden afterwards. And they always come back. These wine-red mums are growing in the garden now.

the porch

Lowely was just here for tea, she heard we’re going to have a freeze on Saturday! So I’ll cover the mums with a blanket to get them to last a bit longer. The hand-painted little thrift shop vase up there is my newest favorite thing ~ it was a gift from my girlfriend Pat  . . . adorable don’t you think? For the collection . . . From one “little vase” lover to another . . . 

…How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockle shells…

stove decor

Top o’ the stove as of yesterday. . .

1950s O'keefe & Merritt stove

We are cookin’ with gas in more ways than one . . . because it’s getting chilly out there!

little vases

flower border

Fall color

Casper from the back

And it’s Casper time.  A VERY friendly ghost . . . already lighting the bedroom window upstairs. . . hello to the street!


See him?  Our pumpkins are up too. But you can see, although there are colored leaves on the ground, the trees still have a little ways to go. Mas MUSICA? OUI!

stove decor

When I want to decorate I just shop my house and pull out anything that says “Autumn” to me, like these little faux pears and that pinecone I found out on the road. Nature (and the attic) provides.
Feed Your Creative Heart


I read my Autumn Book and set it up in my kitchen to get inspired . . . such a creative time of year! 

the window

See, just little stuff we have around . . . the birds we sell in our web store ~ along with little faux leaves I got somewhere and saved.

The Fairy Tale Girl

We had such a nice time at our book signing in Meredith, New Hampshire with the good people at Innisfree Books ~ Lots of our Girlfriends were there! By the way, I left lots of signed copies of The Fairy Tale Girl and A Fine Romance at this wonderful Independent Bookstore if you’re interested . . . they told me they would be happy to send you one for as long as they last. You can call them at 603-279-3905.

Susan Branch the Autumn Book

They decorate their store with huge posters that authors sign for them. I figured out where to sign the poster for The Fairy Tale Girl, but was having trouble with Autumn. The caption (and my left hand) would say, “Yeah, but where?”

border flower
Innisfree Bookstore

But I figured out . . . and was very proud of myself!

little things
Fall farmstands

We stopped in the BEST farm stands when we were up there . . . and got ourselves some very large pumpkins to carve for Halloween.

good witches

reading in front of the fire

But my favorite thing was reading in front of the fire at Lowely’s grandmother’s house . . . a little bit of heaven. 


I suggested Corn Pudding on the October page of this year’s calendar (up there  and hopefully on your wall) so I thought I should give you the recipe. It’s in the Autumn Book too. SO good, SO easy, and DO float it in a puddle of maple syrup … It’s the perfect food for this time of year, I promise!


Jackie Boy

Jack. In his new capacity of door beggar. PLEASE take me out!  Please!!!!!!!! I hope over the winter he forgets about the great outdoors because, despite his little mustache and his melting green eyes, this boy has terrible killer instincts and if he were set loose, I would fear for the world of birds, bunnies and other kitties! A neighborhood cat becomes visible through a window and Jack turns into a Rhodesian Ridgeback. One scary kitty.

sammy, Studio cat

I tell Jack he has it so easy. The cats in California are working cats! This is darling SAMMY . . . helping out at the Studio. He sleeps with us when we are there, and I have to say, I get a tear in my eye when I have to leave him. He looks a little scary in this photo, but that’s just the camera, he is the MOST wonderful kitty, SO loving. After Jack and Girl of course. (I think they can read.)

Sasha, Studio Cat

And Sasha! Another HUGE help at the Studio. Look at those front paws! I Love that my Studio has kitties. Kellee’s yellow lab, Reese, comes to work with her too, so we know we are running the RIGHT kind of business, don’t you agree? If things get too busy and Kellee and Sheri get stressed, they can just reach over, pet a kitty or a dog, and voila, stress is a thing of the past and they are smiling again!

All five stars for The Fairy Tale Girl

I’m smiling too because we have 52 five-star reviews on Amazon for The Fairy Tale Girl!!! Already, before most of our Girlfriends in the UK have even gotten their books. You can’t ask for more than that! I had to check Amazon, it’s the only way I know to gauge how the book is doing. So exciting and so lucky! Whoever has taken the time to write those reviews, if you are reading this, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank ALL of you. I love reading your comments here on the blog. I’m really overwhelmed to tell you the truth. This book was a long time coming . . . XOXO


Just so you know, every day I work on Book Two. Trying to girl paintingget it done ASAP! Cliff hangers (I’ve come to realize) are so unfair! No matter how much fun they are! I think you think you know how this next book will end, but I think you will be surprised. *That’s all I’m saying*. And for all the talk about making The Fairy Tale Girl into a movie (or, a series with Zooey Deschanel in the starring role, ha ha), I have one thing to say, where is Nora Ephron (Sleepless in Seattle) when we need her? Hear that, adorable Richard Curtis who made Love Actually?fun is goodAnd so are dreams. . .even if you don’t get them!

Flap copy for The Fairy Tale Girl


So, what else . . ? Oh, yes, I’ll be signing THE FAIRY TALE GIRL at Titcombs Bookshop on the Cape in Sandwich this Saturday, October 17th, from 1-3 p.m. if anyone is in the birthday kittyneighborhood. Joe and I are having lunch with the Beatrix Potter Girlfriends before the signing, to talk about next year, the 150th anniversary of the Birth of Beatrix, a light upon the earth for her time here, and still, after all these years. There are plans afoot for a celebration. I will tell you more later . . . hope to see some of you at the signing.

come see us

pumpkins in the garden

october susan branch

border flower

Joy to the world, that’s all I have to say. Not really ALL I have to say. That’ll be the day.:-) We are starting to plan our cross-country bookstore tour for next year . . . we are very excited. You know how good it feels to put something fun on the calendar?  Oh boy, do we feel good! Because we are also planning a very big birthday party for Joe next August. With a band and a tent and everything!  pumpkinPLUS, we still have another book to do, PLUS, Downton Abbey is coming, it’s all so exciting. PLUS Thanksgiving, PLUS Christmas. AND the first snow. Our cup runneth over.  Love you Girls, have a WONDERFUL day. EAT corn pudding! XOXO 

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We’ve been out trippin’ for the last week, and I just downloaded (or uploaded, whichever it is) 491 photos into my computer! I will do you the supreme favor of not showing you all of them (have to save some for WILLARD), just a few, to catch you up on where we are and what we’ve been doing so far! You know what?  Taking pictures doubles the pleasure! I’ve had so much fun looking at them this morning!  MUSICA!

delicious-autumn Fall quote

It’s October, Girlfriends, rabbit-rabbit, big time. 



It’s been wonderful out here on the road.  We’ve driven across Massachusetts, up through Vermont to Lake Champlain, and now we’ve arrived in Meredith, New Hampshire ~ in two cars, with our friends Lowely and John.  Here are a few road photos so you can see a little bit of what happens in New England in the fall.

happinessScarecrows, cute ones, decorate roadsides . . .

apple trees in Vermont

And there are apple trees EVERYWHERE.  Aren’t they gorgeous?  I bet 300 of my pictures are of apples! I can’t help it. I think you can see why!

Vermont covered bridge

And of course, Vermont is famous for its covered bridges . . . which we brake for like crazy!

from inside a covered bridge

This one had windows inside, and this is the view.  Lowely and I are looking out this window and thinking how much we want to take a walk next to that river ~ so we pick a spot further down and ask the boys if they would meet us there with the cars.

The Fine Romance Van

And of course, they say yes . . . there goes Joe!

walking in vermont woods

So here we are, on our little woodsy path next to the river. That’s Lowely.

taking photos

She needs to get just the right shots so she can paint some of these scenes when she gets home.


We’re going to meet the guys on the other side of that bridge . . .

our walk

Here we are on the bridge with the lapping little stream running beneath us . . . 

patience is a virtueAnd there they are, in the ancient, classical pose of men waiting for women . . . how we love them!a picturelove the flags in Vermont

So off we go again, through hill and dale . . . and everywhere there are American flags flying . . . and trust me, although I haven’t put up pictures of us eating, don’t worry, we definitely ATE.

on the road in Vermont

There was just enough color to satisfy the soul, but much more to come for New Englanders!  This is just the beginning.  (Uh oh, we better catch up with their car, they’re getting ahead of us!)

following John and Lowely

John lived in Vermont when he was in college, so he knows all the best back roads . . .

No service!

But then I try to take a picture of it to Tweet on Twitter, but no service!


That’s okay I just save the pics for later . . . can you see the cows?  I am SUCH a barn person!

Myles Burkett Foster

All these country scenes make me think of paintings like this one.


More flags!  A good red tree over there too!



More flags, and of course, since this is Vermont, it’s “Bernie Sanders country!”

hydrangea, in Vermont

The last of the season hydrangeas are worth their weight in gold.  Picket fences too . . . Everything has been so clean, no trash on the sides of roads . . . beautifully kept.

May Day Bouquet

following john and lowely

We went to a graveyard to lay flowers on the grave of Lowely’s grandmother. . .very lovely, of course, quiet, blowy and chilly, wonderful.


following john and lowelyAnd then we’re off again . . . to Lowely’s grandmother’s house, to see where her mom grew up (the house has been made into a B & B) where we got to see this . . .

the Moon eclipse

The eclipse!  Ooooo, eerie and cold night, leaves blowing and this red moon! The last time we had a moon like this was in 1982, the year I moved to Martha’s Vineyard.  Perfect timing for a revisit!

The moon belongs to everyone artwork Susan Branch


Trees blew in front of it . . . I wished it was Halloween and this was our moon! All of us under this moon together! So lucky!

Lowely's grandmother's house

Lowely put us in the bedroom belonging to her grandparents . . . we had a fire.  Do not fear for us out here no matter what the weather, because wherever we’ve gone, we always seem to find a cozy fireplace!

leaf border


Here we are at the Shelburne Museum yesterday, which I will tell you more about later, but I just had to take a photo of this little pile of leaves blowing around the corner of one of the Museum houses.

Mill Falls at the Lake

And this is today! From the deck of our room here at the hotel in Meredith this morning, beautiful sky, but cold out there!

B r r r r ♥ 

From our Hotel room

Here’s another shot, looking down. We seem to be “lake hopping!”  This is Lake Winnipesaukee. When I get done here, we’re going out for a walk in the woods!


And, as you might imagine, when it comes to the new book, the fairy tale continues. I think the very last of your books went out yesterday and we already have 12 lovely five-star reviews on Amazon!!!!!! It’s really hard to believe. I know it’s you ~ and I can’t thank you enough!

The Fairy Tale Girl on Goodreads

Reviews are also starting to trickle in to Goodreads too ~ also wonderful comments, but a couple of readers girls eating applesmentioned  discomfort with having to read about the sad parts of my life. But I have to say, I’m not sure if I would have ever made it to this kind of happy if I hadn’t had that heartbreak too. It’s bringing yourself out of sadness that is the true accomplishment in anyone’s life (I think). And butterflies in loveit’s true life. It can’t all be candy canes and butterflies! But it’s YOUR reviews I’ve been loving. If you would like to read what our Girlfriends have been saying, just click on “comments” at the bottom of my last post and they are all there. Even on this trip, I’ve been reading them and telling my heart to “be still” every day. Not easy! Too good! Thank you all so much!


Writing about the back roads of England is one thing, writing about yourself is something very different!  I didn’t realize HOW different until it was too late!!! So thank you! XOXO 

michele morgan

And darling pictures are coming in too . . . this is our Girlfriend Michele Morgan and her new book . . . a fairy tale girl if I ever saw one!

The Fairy Tale Girl

And this one came from, you guessed it, a teacher Girlfriend of ours from Indiana named Lori Hibbard who wrote “to give the book an A+.”  I felt just like a kid with a really GOOD grade!

Susan Branch Studios Crew

Here are the girls we have to thank for the monumental job of getting your books to you . . . from left, that’s Sherie, then Kellee, Bonnie, Robin, and Sharon.  And they’re still smiling! 

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 


Here’s Kellee, who makes all the hard decisions! 

Girl Kitty

I’ll say goodbye and leave you with some more hearts ~ ones we found on the beach, and another bigger black-and-white heart named Girl Kitty.  Out here in the world, no kitties for me!  It will be good to get home!  But tomorrow, Saturday, October 3, I get to girl paintingmeet lots of you at Innisfree Books, between 11 am and 1pm.  I hope, if you’re in the neighborhood, you can make it.  After Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams (book two) comes out, Joe and I will get in the van and cross the country and try to see the rest of you!   That’ll be next May! I have to get home and finish painting for the second one (SO much more to show you)! Until then, any of you who ordered a book but haven’t gotten it, you should have it very soon now!  Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Have a fabulous day! Love you! XOXO

dreams come true

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