Hello Girlfriends! We left the Peak District today, drove four hours north, and, as of about an hour ago, we’re in Ambleside, in the Lake District, very close to Beatrix Potter’s House. It’s gorgeous here, from what we could see driving in; there’s a huge lake called Windermere; lots of charming little villages, really cute houses, lambs all over the hills, and we have a book called Walking with Beatrix Potter: Fifteen Walks in Beatrix Potter Country. So MUCH to look forward to. And so much to tell you and everything happening too fast! London, Rachel’s, the Emma Bridgewater factory, a darling town called Matlock Bath, where to begin??? My computer is hooked back up, that’s a good start, we now have a constant supply of juice that came with our new flat. I’ll be putting up a new post tomorrow. It’s 10 pm here, but I couldn’t wait to say Hi!! Sweet Dreams! xoxo
Loved this cutie pie of a pub. Took my bag of knitting, and my pad of paper. All the necessities of life! xoxo If you’re happy and you know it, hold your camera up!
Susan, I am so enjoying your blog. You take the best pictures and Joe is a Prince of a man! I want to go everywhere! When I looked at this last photo I thought that you must have lived in England in a past life. You fit right in. It’s in your blood. Thanks for sharing.
When I drove in here tonight, I almost felt at home, like I’ve been here before!
Hey, I have been following your blog and loving every entry, but didn’t want to post until today’s photo. I LOVE YOUR SKIRT!!!! Just had to say it and I know that you are having a wonderful time. Thanks again for including us and for all the photos, wow wow wow.
Susan, you look so, well, English there in front of the pub! Eager to hear about Beatrix country. Have to rent the Renee Z film this week so I can “join” you a bit. Happy walking, painting and looking about! As always, DonnaRay
You’ll love it if you haven’t seen it yet. It’s a charming movie!
You look fabulous Susan!! Enjoy!!!
Thank you for sharing your adventures with us. Traveling is exhausting, you impress all of us girlfriends with your energy, enthusiasm, and gift of writing. I’m writing from Okemos, Michigan…wish I were with you!
Hi to Michigan and to you Cheryl!
Susan, I don’t think it would be possible for you to look any cuter!!! Love your skirt & tights, you fit in perfectly, which is probably why it seems so familiar. Can’t wait ’til tomorrow’s post. Hope you git in a few good row of knitting and some sketches/writing.
Sweetest dreams to you…..zzzzzzzz…..Good night, moon – Good night, Susan!
Xoox, Jeanette
Good night Jeanette!
Should say, “got” not “git”. Grrrrr…to spell check.
Have a good night’s sleep!
Emma Bridgewater!! My dream!!
And the Beatrix Potter walks sound divine!!
Thanks for popping in to say *Hi*
Susan, you look so cute, love your outfit!! You must have lived there in a previous life. Am loving your blogs and thanks for taking us along. Looking forward to a new one tomorrow, have a well deserved rest.~ Sharon from Ohio
You not only look happy…..you look adorable!!! Sweet Dreams to you & Joe !!!
Oh how absolutely adorable you look! Love the tights….and all of your outfit…verrrry British! Looking forward to the days ahead and to hear how you will be celebrating the Queen! Would be so fun to see the 1,000 plus Flotilla on the Thames among other things. But I certainly will be happy to catch a post from your blog about what you are doing the next few days. You will come home, won’t you? ♥
We definitely will, and with as much excitement as driving into Ambleside yesterday . . . More!
I am soo enjoying seeing the sights of England and hearing all about from you . Thanks for taking us along with you .
YOU look so cute and I LOVE the name of that pub! Sweet Dreams…looking forward to tomorrows blog!
I ADORE this photo of YOU in front of the pub. You look so loveable and happy. I think you should draw a picture of it. I am so jealous that you will walk the walks of Beatrix. I love her (and her books and her art).
Well I’ll bring you along as much as I possibly can!!
LOVE the outfit!!! You look adorable! (In a sophisticated, British way, of course!) Very excited to hear about everything – so get your rest! Sweet dreams!
Hi Susan and Joe,
I am enjoying every post – thanks. You may want to have a sign up
sheet for your travel journal so you know how many to order. Put
me in for 2. Have a day with nothing but rest so you don’t wear
down. Looking forward to your post tomorrow.
This is the most darling picture of you!!…. and I bet the inside of that pub is just as cute as the outside.
It was, copper pans hanging from the ceiling and beautiful plates and platters hanging on the beams!!! I took pictures.
Thanks for the “Hi”! The cutie pie of a pub “The Knockerdown” looks so inviting. I’m so excited for your post tomorrow! I can’t put into words how much I’m enjoying all your detailed descriptions and beautiful pictures! Sweet dreams to you too!
Can’t wait to hear about everything! This is just what it was like when we were there – so much to see and do – no time to report back! LOL! Such a wonderful time! Glad you are having FUN!
Noticed you are wearing tights – must be much cooler than here in CT. Rainy last couple of days but other than that – short sleeves and shorts! ;0)
Actually cold here this morning, scarves, shawls, sweaters, coats, even a hat, and probably I get to use my new umbrella. Cozy!!! Really is. Plenty of time for hot summer, this has a real mood to it.
Holding my camera up! You look so cute outside the pub. Can’t wait to hear about the past few days.
Oh Joy, Oh Rhapsody (I think the Cowardly Lion said that?) Anyway, so glad to hear from you again at last. You look marvelous darling! Very English. Enjoy a good night’s sleep, and hope to hear more from you tomorrow.
You look like you are a local in that picture. But please come back to the US we need your charm here I think England has more than its fair share. I love the name of the pub! Thanks for sharing so much of your trip with us.
Englands charm cup runneth over!!!
You are looking good and I’m loving the posts. I had the same feeling when we visited there, like I had been there before.
You look so cute and so happy! I am excited to see the area of one of my favorite authors. You are such a lovely person to take us all with you. It must be hard to keep up with us…LOL Have a great time! And thank Joe for letting us come along.
Susan, I’m living vicariously through your travels in England. I have enjoyed everydays adventures, love all your pictures and your enthusiasm! You do fit right in with the Brits in dress also. Will you be like me, when we visited Northern Ireland….I wanted to move there? It’s a wonderful trip you are on, enjoy it all! M. Ray
Hello Susan. I have been following your trip to England and enjoying every moment. Like yourself, I Love England! I travelled 4 years ago to England and like yourself felt like I belonged there. I fell in love with the countrysides and the beauty of the gardens. Both of my grandparents were from England so I was very excited to be there. Wish I was there!
I understand completely.
Susan, you look darling!!!…..and ecstatic!! xoxo….kp
Dear Susan and Joe…you have arrived !!!!! Sweet dreams to you both as well!!!!..
You look so darn cute…..like a true English Lady! Can’t wait to hear more tomorrow, sleep tight!
You Look so Cute In That Photo Sweet Sue…I Know You are Sweetly Sleeping…shhhhhhhhhhhhhh….Dreaming of Beatrix Potter’s House! I am so Excited about all You Have to Share with Us! Good Night…see You In The Morning My Friend! Hugzzz & Love to You & Joe!
xoxo Poof!✶*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.
Hi Angie!!! Been missing my computer and you, and Twitter girls!
Hello Sweet Sue You are a Very Busy Traveler! Your Blogs have Taken us Along on The Most Spectacular Journey! I Thank Thee for including All of Us! Been watching The Queen’s Jubilee on The Telly Thinking of You & feeling Like I’m really There because of You! Cheers to You & Joe! xoxo Poof!✶*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*.✫*¨*
oh my Gosh!!! I am so excited for you!! I was there for a special birthday…my cousin bill and I and his wife did a portion of the coast to coast walk…I have never felt anywhere what I felt in that part of the world….like I was home!! Lake windermere….It just makes me happy…what a heavenly part of the world….wait until you see Beatrice Potters House……so so so beautiful….If you have a chance to visit Stonethwaite….go go go…..the sweetest little place on earth!!! enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!!!!!! xxxxx
Driving into town was almost enough, and there’s still so much more. I want to walk verrrry slowly!
Susan, I am enjoying our trip with you so very much! It truly feels like I am there. You are so gracious and kind to post things so often. Hard to believe we are already four weeks into the trip! Thank you for including us.
It looks like you have gone native! And it is adorable on you! The BIG SMILE is the best.
Wish you were here Sarah Jane!!! xoxo
Ha! Just noticed you holding the lucky green scarf!
Good eye Sarah!! The one I was wearing the day Joe first asked me out!!!
Ahh, so sweet! I still wear a red plaid wool scarf from the 7th grade!!!! xo
So glad I’m back online and can enjoy all your adventures in jolly old England…xoxo…
Thank you for granting our requests to see more photos of you, Susan! You look darling! Love to you and Joe!
I’m not the put-myself-on-every-magazine-cover type … But I do listen to you!!!
Love your posts! Did you acquire or order any new things from the Emma
Bridgewater factory? Is it too cool for shorts there? Can’t wait to see
Beatrix Potter’s home and surroundings…hope you post lots of pictures and
info. Thanks so much for sharing!
Oh yess I sure did. Oh yes. I’ll show you . . .
Hi Susan & Joe………..Loved the name of the Pub, The Knockerdown, and you do look very English is this picture with your outfit. Very cute! Thanks for the trip………..having a wonderful time with you taking us everywhere. Most people just do sightseeing things but you actually rent a cozy place and do the walking tours of the countryside………delightful. I’ll keep watching. Hugs, Gaily Girl
OMG…..you are the cutiest girl ever and I absolutely love traveling with you. You are making England very real to me…….
Wow I can’t wait for Lake District area pics. I am so loving your travels. Thanks so much for posting the wonderful pictures. That is a cool pub and you look so at home at the Knockerdown! I covet the cool green cart!! ♥ Kim
Adorable Susan—love your skirt and tights and cute shoes. I’m so excited to hear all about the time in your current location. Good night dear Susan and sweet dreams to you! xoxo ♥
Oh Susn…I love this picture! You look so sweet!! I can’t wait to read all about your trip tomorrow!
Blessings and sweet dreams!
I was so excited to see your new blog, ran in to make a cup of tea!!! But, maybe a glass of ale would be more fitting? Love the outfit & the pub! Sweet dreams dear girlfriend!xoxo
It’s pear cider if you can find it. Pear is said, Paah. Paah Sida
Aha, Paah Sida sounds delicious (I’m not a beer drinker!)!xo
Dear Susan~
Every day seems more exciting!
How do you sleep???!!
This morning, eyes popped open, had to get right up … look where we are! Plus the ships on the Thames, plus, well everything!
Good evening Susan, You look so nice in your skirt. Hope skirts and dresses make a comeback on the Cape. I like the look and they are cooler in the summer. Look forward to your next blog!!!!!!!! Your writing and pictures will be wonderful when you are in the Beatrix area.
Wanted to let you know we have a little excitement on Cape Cod. A young bear arrived on our shore!!!!!!! He is traveling East, according to the sightings. A young boy took a great picture of him in a tree. It was on the news. I hope he doesn’t get hurt crossing some of our streets. As of now he is in Orleans. Adds something for everyone to talk about. Good night my dear, Marion
Love the picture!! You look sooo cute – just adorable!! Can’t wait to see and hear about all you mentioned. Can’t help but think you must be exhausted by this time, too. Really looking forward to tomorrows post! Hope you get a good nights rest.
P.S. Have to tell you I found the lemon cucumber seeds you had talked about. Planted them in my garden today.
They taste just like regular cucumbers, but just look cuter doing it!
You look so very British in your wool(?) skirt, tights and boots. Have you tried fooling the locals with an English accent yet? I think you could pull it off! I’m so excited to see Hilltop Farm and the surrounding area. With all those sheep, I’m supposing there a lot of yarn shops there? I’d love to browse in one, or all of them. Guess I should learn to knit first. Can’t wait for our next hike and seeing all those little lambkins baaaah-ing and wagging their wooly little tails hello at all of us! Take care and have a fantastic time for yourselves and all of us, too!…..This is F-U-N!!!
PS: Did all you SoCal girlfriends see the moon last night? Around 3:00 AM, it was a 3/4 moon, low on the Western horizon and a bright, fiery orange — just heartbreakingly beautiful !!!!
No way am I going to try to fool the locals!!! They would talk back to me, I probably wouldn’t understand, and that would be the end of the “fooling!”
Girl … You are the cutest cutiepie of a gal in front of a cutiepie of a pub … ! (I will be anxiously and hopefully awaiting the “Susan Branch” line of clothing!) What interesting fun you’re having and sharing with us — Can’t wait to hear more-more-more!
You look so cute in that outfit!
Hello Susan! You look adorable…..so English looking…..have you acquired an accent yet? Soon your dreams will come true…..walking in Beatrix Potter Country!!! Enjoy yourself and savor every footstep you take!!! I think Beatrix will be with you “in spirit” all the way!!!! Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a little accent. Like I just said “little” like this: Lit-tle.
You look like you could be the Proprietor of the Pub – SO CUUUUUUUUUTE!
We look at ever for sale sign on a pub with a little longing in our eyes!
OOOPS! or is it “Proprietress”??????
I’ve got my camera up! Glad to hear all is well and you are settled in BP Country! Looking forward to catching up–seeing and hearing about your last several days’ activities. Yes, really like your skirt, tights, and shoes–you do look like you fit into the setting as well as practical and warm!
Dear Susan,
Oh, So much I am living with you in your English Adventures…I enjoy every turn in the road….Am so excited to see what you have to say about the Lake District and Beatrix Potter’s home….I have wanted to go there for years and someday I will also….YOU and Ms. Potter have always been an inspiration for my own watercolors….WRiting to you from Bainbridge Island, Washington….living on an island and do art daily!!!! Thank you for your inspiration. Susan, you are AWESOME…..keep writing to all your girlfriends!!!!
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa! WaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Nighty night,
LOL, thank you Susan, island person, artist!!!
During your time in England so far….Do you find that your are picking up the English accent easily? This is so fun and you just can’t help it!!!! Keep having the times of your lives, you and Joe, making lifetime memories….You are amazing that you keep us posted as much as you do…Thank you!
I do it, but I sure wouldn’t want anyone to hear me! We drive along, BBC says a good word, I say it over and over. Caw, caw, caw. Car. Because despite what I think, there is actually an “r” in there, but it is soooooo tiny, you can’t even write it in the phonetic spelling — still, you need to try and include it in the enunciation. caw. Did you hear it?
Try saying butter like an English person- very fun. But-tah. I’m from NY- we say “budder”! I love saying butter with an English accent.
How cute you are! And you look so refreshed for all of the traveling you are doing – my, how youthful!!! Once again, I love how green everything is. And a new flat – how terribly special!! I know you love HOME – but how are you going to stand leaving dear old England! Am anxious to hear about Beatrix Potter. Hugs to both you and Joe…..XXXXOOOO
Well, I might as well put in my 2 cents – you truly do look darling!!!! Love the pub, too! So happy to hear from you!!
Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA
Love that you are enjoying my home country. Had to laugh about Matlock….good job you didn’t go on a Sunday… it’s a meeting place for motorbikes! We use to ride out there in the summer …the streets are lined with the bikes, it can get noisy! Love Windermere it’s all so beautiful there. You are making me so home sick!! Linda
Ah, a stylist couldn’t have put that perfect pic together any better. Adorable pub, you and outfit and it looks comfy for walk-around things too. I can feel the excitement come through – you are finally there:)))
Can it be??? Tomorrow it will be a month since you left our shores – I’m sure you have picked up a bit of an accent. What is your favorite new food there? Pace yourself and have a WONDERFUL MAGICAL day you two. Full moon tomorrow too.
Unless something happens, we won’t be able to see the moon, unless a nice big wind comes in and blows away this gray blanket we are under right now!
Susan you look sooo cute! I think you could even teach us English girls a thing or too! O and one more thing the Kopperberg pear cider is my absolute favorite! But it has to be the mixed fruit or berry flavor have you tried that one its yummy over Ice. Have a wonderful day! xxxx
We had the berry one, and you’re right, it’s delicious, but it’s the Magner’s Pear I’m partial to, I tasted it first on the ship, maybe that’s why!. I’m new in Cider world, I’ll probably get more sophisticated tastebuds as I go along!
Lol Magners is good too! xx
All I can say is “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for including us on your trip!!! It’s lovely and exciting. My daughter and I just can’t wait to hear more everyday! We both get up in the morning and check out your blog first thing, to see what you have for us that day. It’s makes our day! We love you and ever so glad you two are having such a great time. God Bless and savor every minute. What a trip of a life time. Hugs to you both, Marie Fluck from PA
I windsurfed on Lake Windermere many times. Don’t forget to go to the Fish and Chip shop I wrote about.
Tell me the name again Treese! please?
Happy day, there’s a blog from YOU! Don’t know how you keep up with everything, but I’m glad you do. These past few days without a message from you have been borrrrrrring. I peek in on your site each day. I’m writing down all the places you’ve described, hoping to visit there some fine day. You are definitely in “a land of enchantment.” Safe journey. Sondra
Hi Susan!
You not only feel like you have been there before, but you actually look like you belong there also! Love your outfit! It is darlingly English & fits right in ……..love it! However much we love this trip, cannot wait for you to come back here too. We need your joy here on our turf too………..xo
Goodmorning Sue, Hoping you had a very restful sleep last evening. Exciting to wake up to a new post and knowing where you are. Love the picture of you….it reminds me of that old school charm….with your skirt and top and tights and clutching your camera with your smile from ear to ear…….Yeah for You!!!!!! I will make this comment short and say so Thankful as always for taking us all along and can’t wait to see the next post for today! Hugs & Tons of Smiles
Try this link for a live feed of today’s festivities on the Thames:
Thanks so much for this link – great celebration.
How absolutely adorable….both the writer and the pub! Love the outfit, really hope you are hsving a fantastic time!
So glad you managed to catch the blue bells in bloom,isn’t that the most Devine smell.Excited that you saw Matlock and my Lake district, if you get a chance try some Grassmere gingerbread!!!!! A taste like no other and it’s sold in the most charming little shop,it’s always my first stop on my trips home . Oh wishing I was there enjoy!!!!!!
Love reading all about your travels and the photos – wonderful! I’m watching LIVE the celebration on CNN – looks like lousy weather – ugh! The word is the rain is bringing out the Dunkirk experience! Keep the posts coming! LOVE them!!
Beautiful weather here in St. Charles, IL!!
Pouring! But they’re still waving the flags. Not raining here, but you can tell it’s England!
I have watched the ceremony for Queen Elizabeth on the Thames and it was wonderful especially since I didn’t have to stand in the rain. It is nice that you have friends in England so you get to see more than the average tourist. Your pictures are wonderful and look forward to reading more of your blogs.
ohhhhhh i love that pub, it looks like i have imagined a country pub would look like, and i love that skirt, actually i love the outfit, very British!!!
Looks like you are enjoying yourselves in the Lake District – enjoy! We stayed a few nights in Ambleside a few weeks ago while visiting England. Try to have a pub lunch at The Drunken Duck – delicious! Hope that you are having sunny days!
Sun is here this morning and we are off to get some of it!
Hi Darling Susan and Everyone,
I am so far behind you all that I feel that I may not catch up until July so I better just jump back in here. Susan, you just look so adorable in your outfit!!!
Welcome back Kathy! Thank you!
Love, Love, LOVE your outfit! You are beaming and look just wonderful. You’ve been traveling for 2 full moons! Does it seem possible? Oh Susan, the longer you’re in England, the more you are looking English
It’s as though you are showing us your countryside and you’ve been there before. The Queen looked wonderful today in spite of the pouring rain, smiling and waving. If I didn’t know better I would have thought the sun was shining simply from watching her! It was uplifting just to watch the coverage on TV.
That’s what happens when you share with us! Your happiness shines through… come rain or shine we are happy too! I don’t know where you get your strength and organization!!! I would have all 12 suitcases and their contents jumbled up by now. Perhaps Petey is helping you keep things in order?
Georgie from NJ
P.S. That stone cottage looks like something right out of a picture book, a movie… or a diary
The whole country does look like something out of a movie. You should see this little river cottage outside our window, I can’t wait to show you!!!
So, The Knockerdown!
I used to go there when it was just a few tiny rooms in a house! They’ve expanded since then! Moving with the times! They had a brew there called Theakstons Old Peculiar, which was hard to find, all those years ago! Now, not so much! But oh, the memories! With Tom, my first love…and John, best friend! Thanks for the memories! Now in Chicago, IL! Did you find a Birds cream cake? Just wondering! Happy Peter Rabbiting!
Yes! We had delicious Bird’s Cream Cake!! And now, with that and the Gingerbread to come, and let’s not forget, last night with the Sticky Toffee Cake and Ice Cream, we are officially gigantic.
Oooo YUM! I do hope you are logging some wonderful new recipes to share in your new diary
I second that motion, Georgie!!! The heck with the calories — Susan will hike them off for us!!!
Sticky Toffee Pudding!! I first heard about this when Daphne used to mention it on the Frasier TV show. I looked for a recipe on the Internet and now it’s DH’s favorite dessert! Oh my, yes, it doesn’t take too much to feel the little cells on the thighs ballooning out! Ice cream too??? Oh my, it’s a good thing we live hundreds of miles apart and lead parallel lives…if we ever crossed paths, heaven help us!!!!
How cute are you Sue Sue???
A.. your adorable…B…your so beautiful…C…your a cutie full of charm!!
love this pic of you!!
Hi Susan!
I’m loving your posts from lovely lovely England! I’ve been to Scotland (♥!) and Ireland (♥ too) but not England. Didn’t have time that trip ;(. Hoping I can get back over the pond in the not too distant future! If/when that happens, I’ll be using your posts as my travel guide.
Anyhoo, what a treat to see Beatrix Potter’s home. I’m so glad you’re having such a wonderful time! You look adorable in your cute skirt and tights and what a pretty, smiley, happiness beaming face you’re wearing too ;).
p.s. And just when are you going to show us what your knitting ;)?
Hi Susan,
If you are up right now (10PM Calif. Time), look at the Cunard bridge cams. All three, your Queen Mary, the Victoria and Elizabeth, are all in Southhampton.
QMII was just coming in from NY when I looked. Lots of people on the bridge, looked like staff.
A LOT of people on the Victoria bridge, and people on the bridge of the Queen Elizabeth were wearing red, blue and white hats!
Just wanted you to know. Fun to see.
Carmel, CA
How fabulous!!! I have never seen anything more wonderfully celebrated than this Diamond Jubilee. So full of HOPE, every bit of it. So full of positive human spirit. Just lovely, the whole thing!
Enjoying sharing your trip to England. Pictures are beautiful. Thanks…
Loved your entry about Beatrix Potter’s home and life! I was so excited just reading it and watching the video. What a dream!!!!
Dear Susan,
I read about you on FB about 2 weeks before you left on your journey and have been following it ever since along with my daughter. I just want you to know that my daughter and I who have been saying to each other for about 10 years “let’s take a trip together some day” have decided after beginning to read your blog about 7 weeks ago… that we are not going to talk about it any longer. We have tickets to fly to London and meet there – she from Chiang Mai, Thailand and me from San Francisco – the beginning of September. We will be there for 3 weeks and so are getting lots of ideas for our trip from you. We will stay our first days in The Cotswolds, then move on to the Lake District. I am wondering the name of the hotel you stayed at in Ambleside. And I have a practical question for you. We are looking at B&B’s there but are finding they do not take credit cards. Probably because they have so few rooms and can’t afford to do so. The place we are currently considering is Woodland Crag, former home of Wordsworth. What have you learned about how to pay for these places in advance if they do not take a credit card? We’ve joined the american version of the National Trust (Royal Oak) in preparation for our departure. You have definitely gotten us off our duffs and going!! We are so excited. Today’s blog thrilled me because we plan several days in the Lake District. Keep sending them on. I would like to know the name of the Hotel where you are staying in Ambleside if you don’t mind. I’d like to check it out before firming up the other reservation.
Thanks, Betty Watson
You are doing everything right! Take the Wordsworth place, that area is beautiful. Ambleside was also beautiful, but busy — and we rented a flat there. We went to two Wordsworth houses, his first Dove Cottage, DARLING, and then his big house, Rydal Mount, also very pretty, interesting, with big garden. I think you’ll be happy with anything with his name on it! Have fun!!! Be sure to get on one of the wooden ferries and just let them take you around the lake, even if it’s raining, it’s just beautiful!!!
Sue, Thanks so much for your reply. My daughter and i will go ahead and reserve our spot at Woodland Crag. I’m looking forward to your blog entries on The Cotswolds as we will begin our trip there with a cottage that we have already rented. What fun for us to be able to learn so much from you and your travels before beginning ours. Betty
Thank you so very much for allowing us to take this journey with you. I have never been to England, but hope to some day.
I love all things Beatrix Potter, so it was a thrill to see the Lake District! What a beautiful area!!..Continue to take those wonderful pictures so that we may enjoy your adventures with you!
Love your blog have been following you since I bought your recipe scrapbook at a book show at work. I would love one of those beautiful Jubilee Tea mugs. Delightful!
I am SOO enjoying following your adventures and look forward to seeing what you’ve been up to every day. It’s my break at lunch time, my little Ahhh moments of escape. Thank you SOO much for sharing. Hugs, Anne
Swoon, swoon, swoon. It’s breath taking. All things Beatrix. You have out done yourself with this blog. I cannot wait to see that Diary, and you brought your knitting. Hurray!
It’s still cold, lots of rain here, so last night we did the perfect thing, ate in the “drawing room” of this hotel, in front of the fire, WITH the knitting!!
You’ve just got to sketch that scene for us, how perfect! After having a bummer of a day ( surrounded by people in the financial world), I was looking up recipes in “The Summer Book”(one of my favs) and thought I’d see what you were up to. So glad I did!! I’m enjoying your travels so much -just what the doctor ordered – takes me back to my year as a student at Cambridge — oh the lambs and sheep grazing on the backs of the river Cam – so peaceful and uncomplicated! Just had to join you for a moment – I’m sitting on my deck under a starlit sky drinking a cup of Earl Gray tea even though it’s about 80 degrees here in Georgia and I can smell Gardenias &Magnolias instead of Roses!! Thanks to your thoughtful blog,I’m back in England! So grateful to God for the simple things we are often to busy to take notice of – thanks for reminding us.
In August 1996 my husband and I spent a month in jolly old England and I fell in love with the country, especially the gardens and cottages, and the sweet, funny people we met while staying in wonderful old B & B’s. I’m enjoying your blog so much and wishing I was there with you. Thank you so much for giving me an ‘armchair tour’ of so many of the places I saw almost 15 years ago… when my feet were more able to do all the touring. I love that place!
I know how you feel!
Susan, where did you get that wonderful green headband that you wear?????Love it!
I’ve had it forever, so I’m afraid I don’t know … am always looking for cute ones that work on my head!