Wednesday’s child is full of woe, Thursday’s child has far to go . . .

I’LL ANNOUNCE THE WINNER OF THE DRAWING ON THURSDAY!!! If you haven’t already, sign up by noon EST today so Vanna can find you!!! 


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279 Responses to THURSDAY’S CHILD . . .

  1. “Well,” said Pooh, “what I like best,” and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh ;>)

  2. Nancy McCarty says:

    My last minute entry, but I am just as eager as the rest!

  3. patti frain says:

    Oh Susan, you are too funny 🙂 Hoot, Hoot

  4. Brenda Lange says:

    This is my first visit to your lovely blog – my dear cousin Carrie (fellow Anglophile) absolutely INSISTED I not miss all the wondrous tidbits found in your blogs, postings, videos, photos, etc. I must say, I’m not disappointed! I’ve been to the UK many times and it never, ever gets old…alwasy some new adventure or treasure around ever corner. Thank you for bringing back many fond memories of previous trips…and renewing my inspiration to start planning my nephew’s graduation trip. How dear of him to want to travel with his Auntie Bren to the UK and some of the most delightful places on earth!

    • sbranch says:

      Lucky lucky nephew! And you! Fun! And please thank cousin Carrie and tell her I said Hello!

      • Karen Saunders says:

        I want to go Auntie Mame….

        • Brenda Lange says:

          Oh Karen — that’s hilarious! That’s exactly what everyone in my family says about these “graduation trips.” I don’t have any kids of my own so when it was obvious my older brother and sister-in-law would have only two kids (Amy & Zack) I told them they could each choose a place, anywhere in the world, and I would take them there for their high school graduation gift. Amy choose France since she was an Art major at the Univ of Oregon with a concentration in Textile Design when we finally got to make the trip. I, of course, told her we would start in England since we were going to be so close, and then take the Chunnel to France. We spent a lovely 10 days in a tiny apt on the Ile Saint Louis, just across from the Ile de la Cite and Notre Dame. Even though that was delightful and we hit lots of museums, galleries, restaurants, patisseries, and we even had snow on Christmas morning, Amy preferred England (smart girl!). Mission accomplished! Now Zack first chose New Zealand and Australia, but since becoming addicted to Downton Abbey and learning more about the archeological sites in the UK, he’s changed his mind and it’s off to England we’ll go! Not sure when, exactly, but it’s on the horizon…Auntie Mame strikes again!

    • Brenda Lange says:

      Just on the phone with Carrie and reading your response – thank you so much! We just had a brain-wave….thought it would be grand if you would chat with the jolly folks at Cunard and convince them you should be a guest speaker on a future cruise with The Girfriends (Joe can tag along too) and we’ll all book passage along with you and have a merry old time on our way to the Mother Land! Haven’t been on a Cunard Liner (QEII) since ’87…time to hit the waves again and head back to Southhampton…I’m game, are you??? How about it, Girlfriends???

      • sbranch says:

        Wouldn’t that be fun! I think there might even be room for us all on the ship! I’ll even help…. here’s the people we would need to talk to . . . I was going to do this, but haven’t had time! [email protected] Can’t go until the book is done … we’ll have a signing on board and I’ll get to tell you IN PERSON, all about it! Dream on! xoxo

        • Teresa Jensen, CA says:

          I’m in!!!

        • Brenda Lange says:

          Okie dokie — this is shaping up nicely! My cousin Carrie (Weidert) and I will see what we can find out and report back to the group. What a fabulous trip this would be! I think this is totally doable and I can just imagine what fun it would be for as many of the Girlfriends as possible to actually get to meet you! I have no doubt we could make quite a dent in the passenger list!!! The only time I sailed to England I was stunned to learn that one of my favorite authors — Anne McCaffrey — was a guest onboard. It was a highlight of my trip to actually meet her, discuss her books, and then watch her sign a book for me in the ship’s library. Hopefully we can work toward making the same type of experience happen for this group! Stay tuned…..

      • Kathy from Heafed to the Fell, Brevard, NC says:

        Wonderful idea Brenda—I second! At your leisure, Susan!

        • Pat Mofjeld says:

          Hate to bring this up but are there any “Auntie Mames” out there that would be interested in adopting me and any of the other girlfriends who might find it a bit impossible to quickly come up with the funds for a trip on the QEII. Hmmm…I’ll just bet Dawn MN and Deborah H. IND might be good “cousins”, as well as my friend, Sandy-in-Boston. So, anyone interested in adopting at least the four of us??? We’d be such good nieces–wouldn’t get in trouble at all. We could share a room–after all, we’ve shared a suitcase for two months with no problems! We’ll have to wait until Sandy recovers from surgery…but it will take a while for Susan to finish her book, anyway… Oh well, I’m heading to bed and I’ll dream on that idea for a while tonight… LOL!!! 🙂

      • Judith - Texas says:

        Boy, oh, boy do I hope this will be accomplished. Count me in…this Texas lady willing to leave her home State in order to sail the sea, having a jolly good time with the guests of honor, Susan and Joe, and party-hardy with the girl friends – destination England. I’m very serious about this and most willing to help in the planning/execution stages (have a lot of experience in the hotel business as Manager of Events/Coordinator for large hotels – my forte!)

        • Brenda Lange says:

          I’m not sure why this didn’t post on July 20 so I’ll try it again….we got a reply from Carnival/Cunard! The process requires some input from Susan (copied the link to the app below). Didn’t want any of you guys to think I’d fallen down on my obligations!

          (Posted 7/20) Just received a response from “Carnival UK” re: arranging a cruise with Susan as one of the guest speakers! Of course there is a form to fill out and lots of background information needed, but we are at least on their radar and can push forward! Carnival UK includes the liners Queen Mary II, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth — ANY of which would be fine with me .

          Susan, here is the link to the application:

          Baby steps….but heading in the right direction!
          All Aboard!!

          • sbranch says:

            Hi Brenda! It’s because I tried to go there, it asked me to sign onto something — I wasn’t sure what it was . . . so I was working toward emailing you to ask if this was the right address? And thank you so much for trying!

  5. Diane from WA state says:

    Okay…I WANT to win the book…and the anticipation is just TOO MUCH! lol. There…now I have announced how I feel! Of course I will be absolutely thrilled for whoever the winner is, but I dont think it hurts to wish and hope, do you? I have the PERFECT spot to place the book …..right alongside of Peter himself ! My Grandmother gave me an adorable stuffed PR years and years ago and he really could use something to read….. lol. It will be so much fun to see who “Vanna” ends up picking tomorrow, so I will be checking in first thing in the morning! Other than the anticipation , I have been having a wonderful week and I hope all of the girlfriends are also having a terrific week! Blessings to everyone! 🙂

  6. Heather Mavis Rushing says:

    It doesn’t seem quite fair that I could squeeze in at the last minute and yet have just as much chance to win that lovely book.
    The tour of England was dee-lightful. I pray to have the opportunity to travel all over the British Isles one day. I’ll probably be a grandma by then .That could be as close as maybe 10 years. I especially want to tour the “Celtic Fringe” – Cornwall, Wales, northwest England, Scotland, the Islands, Ireland. Well if that can never be there WILL be Heaven.

    • sbranch says:

      You know, ten years is going to come anyway…seems far away now, but then, when it comes, there you’ll be!

  7. Gini Gould says:

    Yes Susan, I dearly love to play house!! It so reminds me of my childhood when life was simple; we weren’t scattered with multiple choices as we are in today’s world. It’s not too late to sift through it all and get down to basics with how we use our time: husbands, family, friends, homemaking, church, and a passion for something in the community. So I try to live the simplier life having reduced my priorities to what really matters, which for my husband and me includes our passion for counseling maximum and medium security inmates (Doug- the men and I- the women) at the County Jail of over 2,000 inmates. Convincing them caringly and lovingly how they can move forward in their lives, have successes and not return to a correction facility ever again is a main goal; one of many. (The percentage of returnees to jail/prison is raging in USA; well over 80% recidivism.) Enough! Also want to say how “tongue-tied” I would be 🙂 if I were the winner of your “giving and giving again” Beatrix Potter book. But my prayer is that whoever is the winner will be thrilled- willing to share it with friends, value its contents, and equally so, ever so tenderly touched by your generous heart, Susan.

  8. Janey says:

    I’m a Thursday’s child. I really hope one of my American girlfriends win this and I have a certain lovely lady in mind. I’m wishing On a star for her!!!

  9. Lezlee says:

    Kinda off topic – but I show hope that the English weather clears for the Olympics – they are having horrible weather . . . I want the UK to just shine for this event! I can’t wait to see it all unfold . . . . and I plan to watch between two television networks – NBC and CBC!

    • sbranch says:

      I know, just the opposite of us and just as extreme, I feel so bad, they haven’t seen the sun since about March!

      • Kathy from Heafed to the Fell, Brevard, NC says:

        Oh dear, the only way to cope with that seems to be lots of tea, crumpets and needlework, reading, or shopping! Oh wait, that’s what I’m doing anyway! xoxos

  10. Angela Sweby says:

    The excitement mounts 🙂

  11. Betsy in Ohio says:

    Hi Susan!

    I am a newbie to your blog, although I have been a devoted groupie of anything and everything you do since way back when; I have all of your books and I have been using your calendars and desk blotters for years.

    I just had to chime in on the topic of Beatrix Potter, one of my all-time favorite author/illustrators. Since you are also such a HUGE fan of her work, I KNOW you will want to be steered toward incredible toy artists who make the most exquisite Beatrix Potter animals you have ever seen. The artists’ names are John and Susan Wright and their website is PLEASE check out this website; I assure you, you will not be disappointed!!! You will find the Beatrix Potter pieces in the History/Chronology heading on this site, and although the pieces are currently retired, many of the retailers listed on this site still have many pieces available (four exclusive toy shops in England even carry their work). They are expensive, but seriously, NO ONE does Beatrix Potter like John and Susan Wright!!!

    I have been lurking for quite a while now, and I want you to know that I LOVED traveling to England with you and Joe, and I cannot wait to get my hands on the travel journal you are currently writing and illustrating. Also, I LOVE your lambie a la Beatrix Potter’s style you watercolored in this Peter Rabbit book. Your artwork always amazes me!

    Betsy in Ohio

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Betsy! I checked out the dolls and you’re right, they’re gorgeous! Glad you came out of the shadows to share! xoxo

      • Betsy in Ohio says:

        You deserve to treat yourself to an R John Wright Peter Rabbit. Seriously. I can perfectly picture the Centennial Edition Peter, holding his flower-filled wooden trog, standing on the dresser in your Peter Rabbit room with this to-die-for little book propped up next to him! Of course, Peter would probably enjoy a few companions: Benjamin Bunny, Tom Kitten, Mittens, Miss Moppet, Jemima Puddle-duck, The Flopsy Bunnies, Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle…..just to name a few, they’re all sa-weet! I can dream for YOU!

  12. Valerie Rose Trahanovsky says:

    Beatrix Potter is one of my favorite story tellers and the movie made me feel like I was right there in England. I have never been to England but I sure like visiting it vicariously as others share. I would cherish the book just as I have cherished your blogs Miss Susan. In hopes of my new experience to England by winning the books…CHEERIO

  13. Teresa M. Young says:

    Me, me, meeeeeee!!!! Sorry could not help myself… Love you Susan!!!!!

  14. Cyndi in NC says:

    *Jumping up and down with excitement* Know I won’t win, not trying to be self effacing just not that lucky. *L* But know however wins will be tickled. What a great gift. Good luck all of you. Can’t wait to see who wins!!!! Jeepers!

  15. How does one sign up for drawings?

  16. Doris says:

    I have signed up for so many of your give away gifts………but it seems on the wrong site. I e-mailed!!! But I found you and want to thank you for sharing your trip to England with all of us. Each day I would wake up and immediately check e-mails for your missive. Can’t wait for your Diary to be completed. You did a fantastic job of being our tour guide. Thanks so much, again. Put me in for the book if this is the correct spot!!!

  17. Fran says:

    Thanks for the chance to win the wonderful book!

  18. Fran says:

    What the heck does waiting for moderation mean???

    • sbranch says:

      It means I have to click “go” for a comment to show up . . . it’s how this blog is set up, to keep ridiculous spam from slipping through!

  19. I love the Pooh quote…and all this talk about Beatrix Potter takes me right back to my little corner bedroom, 50 years ago, where I was carried on the wings of my mother’s voice to beautiful, imaginary worlds.

  20. Georgie says:


    There’s sooooo much excitement!
    We all’d like to win.
    With Anticipation,
    We’re starting to grin 🙂
    Tomorrow, Tomorrow,
    Yes! Thursday’s the day,
    When we’ll learn the results
    Of the Great Give Away!

    Good Luck Girlfriends! It’s been quite a journey!

    Susan… THANK-YOU!!!
    Yardville, NJ

  21. Sandra Maietta says:

    I just discovered your blog about 2 months ago…love it! Have enjoyed hearing all about your adventures in England.

  22. Donna B. says:

    Dear Susan,
    Seems selfish to keep enjoying your blog, cooking out of your cookbooks (I think i learned how to cook from Heart of the Home) giving your books as gifts, loving knowing there is someone out there that loves holidays as much as I do, loves kitties as much as I do, and not stop by and say “Thank you!” I am a 1954 gal, and I recognize many, many of your memories…thank you again for years of joy.

  23. Oh Goodness….after a flood in my basement due to the badly needed but not a monsoon rainstorm…I’m just getting around to catching up on my reading here. Whatever the case may be…the invitation is pure tease. It makes me smile. Thanks!!

  24. Linda A. Phariss says:

    Dear dear Susan;
    You have been a part of my life for many years now and I just love you.
    I started using your calendars years ago when my babies were young. They have become one of my most treasured possesions. A big lovely diary of sorts….along with appointments and things we were doing, I also wrote sweet little things they would say, like “Mommy, what will the height be for the day?” (meaning the temperature:) Your blog is my therapy for the day. LOL! I love the peaceful simplicity. You remind me to care for myself. Thank you for doing what you were meant to do. xoxoxoxo

  25. Deborah Gray says:

    Hi Susan,
    I’m looking forward to seeing who the big winner is tomorrow. It’s a special day for me & I will be with my son, Jackson celebrating his 16th birthday. Every year, I wake up ready to surprise him & reminisce how he came into this world & show him his scrapbook which has some of your Baby Love stickers in it…my fav! Hopefully, I will have a few minutes to step away & see who the winner is…Good Luck to All! 🙂

  26. Sharon Scott says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your travels, your wonderful art, and the wonderful giveaways! You have such a generous spirit! Thank you!

  27. Pat Johnson of Paso Robles says:

    Oh, the anticipation – what a wonderful feeling!! I am awaiting the arrival of yet another grandchild – Sophia – and she just may be a Thursday child. My life seems to be filled with anticipation of great things!! So happy you are home and truly enjoying your adventures with Joe around the island. XXXXOOOO Grandma Pat

  28. Mary Ann says:

    Oh please pick me saidWinnie looking ever so sad but trying to be so very brave.

  29. Denni from MN says:

    Good Luck Everyone!! I had such fun beginning of the week, bringing my 91 yr young aunt across the state border to visit her sister, my 96 yr young aunt! My cousin and I listened to their memories of how my dad grew up, hillarious and unexpected behavior for such a quiet dad!! Ah-h, we are all young once!! I, also, made a couple of discoveries I’d like to share with the girlfriends who enjoy linens, a book I came across called ‘The Kitchen Linens Book,’ by EllynAnne Geisel. Wonderful pictures of fabrics, handwork, etc. from the 30’s to the 60’s! Enjoy it if you find it, it brought back so many memories of my mother’s and grandmother’s tables! My special treat was a find of a Teapot from England with a mini cupcake on it’s lid, and a tea towel with a cake recipe on it to match. So-o-o cute! I had to add it to my collection. How could I not?? Peter Rabbit is going to some lucky person out there!!! Susan, you’re the Best!!

  30. Philippa says:

    I am aniticpatering like mad and it is already Thursday here..waahhh, you will still be asleep !
    Thankyou for your very generous gift to the lucky winner.

  31. Oh I’d so love to win the precious little book, esp with your lambie drawing! Such a treasure.

    I’ve loved BP since I was tiny, have my original old little grey green books, especially my much read Mrs Tiggy Winkle….and a few very cherished figurines….
    So, psst! tell Vanna: ”Pick me! Me-me-me!” waves hand madly!

    love lizzy

    gone to the beach….

  32. Marie says:

    Susan, you sure know how to keep us in suspence! I love the Winnie Quote that Bunny left in her comment. You just got to love Winnie the Pooh . . . my second favourite . . . after Peter Rabbit of course!

  33. Trace says:

    so exciting!!
    have a great day Friend!!

  34. stephanie says:

    Hi Susan, Hope I’m not too late! A big fan of Beatrix Potter, one of the first books my daughter ever received as a baby. Such a blessing to have seen England through your blog. Can’t wait for your new book!!! I have a whole shelf in my kitchen devoted to “Susan Branch” books, etc. Love you and your work! Would love to be chosen!!!

  35. Gretchen says:

    I love your blog and had a wonderful time with you on your trip! I just had a birthday a few weeks ago and my daughter gave me an Emma Bridgewater mug as a gift. It was the one for the Diamond Jubilee. My family has always said of I was the queen. Can you guess how old I was?!. The Beatrix Potter book is beautiful. I have a collection of the figurines and the books.

  36. Barb says:

    Hi Susan,

    Ooh…….today is the day…….like Christmas in July to find out whom the lucky winner is. The anticipation…….is oh so much! I just want to say I will be away for the rest of the day and won’t be able to check till tonight. Goodluck to everyone and to all have a great day! Hugs and Smiles Barb, Ludlow MA

  37. Donna Kamerer says:

    Yes, I am another last minute poster, but I am one of, what, 3,000 by now, who would LOVE, love, love a chance to win something so precious to have as a momento of “our journey”. I have followed your blog through this incredible trip and thank you from the bottom of my heart for you and Joe’s generosity.

  38. Betty Marie (Pennsylvania) says:

    I see I am not the only one looking for the results..Hummm
    It is 10:17 am EST and nothing here. Maybe Vanna is still sleeping and she will not be ready for the BIG EVENT till noon time.

  39. Mrs.Pettigrew says:

    Fingers and toes crossed~

  40. Well, I went and listened to “Anticipation” and the last line of the song says it best. “These ARE the good ole days”. Thanks for the giveaway, the anticipation, and for sharing the good ole days.

  41. Bobbie says:

    I have loved your art for many years… New to the blog and am loving it too!

  42. Bobbie says:

    Loved your posts on England!

  43. I enjoyed traveling along with you.
    That lovely book would be most welcomed here on Briarside Lane.
    Thank you for a wonderful give away!

  44. Sara Finally in Georgia!!! says:

    Has Thursdays child gone missing??? LOL

  45. Linda Lepage says:

    I would love to win this book! And give it to my mother, she loves Beatrix Potter!!! She would love to go to England as well, she fancy’s their ways!! LOL
    Love your blog!!

  46. Catherine Adde says:

    Love your pictures of Jane Austen’s house – how well I remember the Tea Room across the street – lovely setting. Love Hampshire.
    Please enter me in your drawing for the precious book.
    all the best from Catherine – a California Anglophile married to a Brit!

  47. Cris says:

    Thanks for the mini vacation we have enjoyed through you!

  48. Mary Ann - Central Highlands of Mexico says:

    Have been without internet service for days! Hope I can enter the contest.

  49. caroline De la O says:

    Hello Susan can’t wait to hear about the winner. Love ya

  50. Vida Howard says:

    You crazy girl! You make even not winning still fun! Enjoy that beautiful rain…

  51. Marcia in Brazil says:

    Congratulations and happy belated birthday, Betsy! 🙂

    I want to send you some of the pictures we took of our family vacation in Portugal. Would that be alright?

    I took several of them inspired by you (wild flowers in the meadows, trees, birds). 😀

    I hope you got all the rain you needed. One of the teachers from our school arrived from Indiana last Friday, and said there is a big draught in the US this year, and that things were dead and brown in her area…

    Have a wonderful week!

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