CATCHING UP . . . Christmas Joy

December 20th, How can that BE?  Time is rushing by . . . we need to catch up!

38° this morning Girlfriends, still dark around the edges out there! Listening to my favorite MUSICA, and thinking of you. 

It’s been relatively quiet at our house . . . especially after Yankee Magazine left!  The good kind of quiet.  I’ve been working hard on our book, painting new bits of art for the English Diary.  This Union Jack bunting was hanging all over England where we were there, crossing over the streets of every little town, celebrating Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee.  I had to paint it into our book; it would not be complete without it!

In case you are new to my blog, I’ve been working on a diary of the trip Joe and I took through the English countryside last spring . . .

And you know what?  I have 130 pages done!  I think it’s going to be around 200 pages, so we are getting there!  It’s fat, heavy, exciting to flip through and see it coming true.  I love waking up in the morning and going into my studio to paint.  Here’s the page I’m doing now . . . not quite finished!  That’s Alice, my English girlfriend Rachel’s dog (below) . . . we  stayed with them while we were there.

Every day I get to wallow in the memories of this wonderful trip.  Did I tell you there will be an Index in the back of the book with links to everything?  Oh yes, to places we went, bookstores and pubs, places we stayed, tips for what to bring, how to drive, what to wear; all kinds of things.  So that’s how I spend these wintry days, wrapped in a shawl, hovering over an art table with my pen or my two-haired paint brush, thinking, what do they want to know next?   And in-between time… I’ve been taking pictures around the house!

When I make tea or lunch, I keep my eye on the windows over the kitchen sink, not to miss the daily Cardinal gathering on our driveway.  Look close, there are two males, and four female Cardinals there!  Notice that the boys are guarding the area while the girls eat?  Look how stand-up brave they are!

The girl’s feathers are so much more subtle than the boys; no wonder they fall in love with these handsome guys and mate for life.  Wouldn’t you? They are wonderful husbands.

Here’s our kitchen door; Joe has finished putting up all his lights, roping and wreaths.  We are decked!

And because of Yankee Magazine coming last week (to photograph the house for next November’s issue of the magazine), we are CLEAN and shiny.

Some of you have asked me to post photos of our pantry . . . I suppose this is about as good as it will ever look, just don’t look too close!  That is Jack’s regular bird-watching post.  My niece, Holly, painted the “Friends” sign for me when she was twelve.  It was supposed to hang on my garden fence, it did for one summer, but I was afraid the weather would wear it out too soon.  So in it came and there it will stay.  Holly is twenty-four now and just about to graduate from college. 

Everything is neatly folded, more or less — on the pantry shelves!  I had no idea what they might want to photograph so I needed to make everything at least passable!

Before they came, I washed all the “red” dish towels and hung them on the wooden drying rack in the pantry.

Jack likes the ironing board too, another good bird viewing position in the pantry.

This is sort of how our living room looks most of the time … empty, peaceful, clean.  All I would need to do to have a party is add food and flowers.  All I would have to do to redecorate completely is to remove the red, change the pillows and quilt for some other color (except I like the red too much!); that room is like a prop, really easy to change.  Those slip covers are all washable, so don’t worry, come on in and bring your cranberry juice!  The carpet has been there for almost twenty years!

And here it is, not quite as peaceful anymore, all the little bits and pieces that turn it into “Christmas” have been added, pillows, flowers, stockings, wreaths, roping, Christmas books, sugared fruit, a tree . . . . . .  And Joe, the honey on the floor.

There he is, a contented man, cozy in front of the fire. Lately he is asking why we need to have a coffee table.  Maybe you can explain it to him.  He isn’t listening to me.

And here’s the mantle at night, and the clock ticking.

Was just thinking, I’m not sure if I showed you this chain idea — if so, ignore me.  It’s so simple and easy … you pop a couple of thin nails into a hutch or bookcase, and then . . .

You hang a chain and fill the holes with greens and decorations. Jack, of course, helps.

Speaking of Jack, we brought our deer down from the attic, which was a bit of a surprise for Jack.  He was full of questions:   “What is this?  Is this an animal?  Have I seen this before?  Why is there an animal on the table?”

“Hmmm, it has a bow.  I like bows.  I like to eat the skinny ones.  But this one, maybe if I smell it, I will know what this thing is.”

“Or touch it.  Those,  the sticky-uppy things, what are they?  They aren’t ears.  Horns?  This thing has Horns?  Why?  I think I’ll bat it, see what happens.”

“I’m leaving, this feels a little bit embarrassing in fact.  To have a human who puts horned items on the table, why?  It’s stupid.  I need quiet time. “

“I need time to myself to ponder the reasons behind things.  Like, what is life?  Why can’t I go out there.”

and why is that thing behind me.

Because we love it when our little neighbor Iris comes to visit . . .

So all is settled down at Branch Hall.  And last, I thought you might like to see one of my favorite decorations . . . for every year . . . I may be a little bit jerky with the camera, but I love the bells, and everyone who comes in here says … Oh, I used to have those … so guess what?  Next year we will have them in our web store, just in case yours slipped away from you.

It’s a most wonderful time of year. 

I’m putting together a surprise Give-Away for next time Girlfriends, something very very homey . . . have a wonderful day! JOY to the WORLD!  xoxo

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758 Responses to CATCHING UP . . . Christmas Joy

  1. Aggie says:

    Always adorable Jack! I have been saving this for now – I sent a GF your Christmas book last Christmas and this is what she wrote in her TY: “Susan Branch – love her books! She always describes the Christmas we all want in our hearts.” So very true and thank you Susan! Merry Christmas!!

  2. Gini says:

    Thanks for letting us visit Susan! Your home is so warm & inviting! Good job on your progress with your book! Cheers!

  3. Julie Marie says:

    Good morning Susan… what a lovely post!…sweet “Alice” is adorable!… and I am sooo excited for your (our) book on England!… two of my nieces just moved back home from London this past August and I loved hearing all of their stories and seeing all of their photos… cannot wait for yours!… your pantry is my favorite ever!… I love having a full pantry for the winter, so I can bake yummy recipes from your cookbooks… I love your home so much because you REALLY live there!… love Joe’s red socks!!!… and Jack with the deer… too cute!… and how fun when sweet Iris comes to visit and has a special place on your couch… so many happy things today… sending you all much love… oh!… and my Jack (hubby) ordered me another surprise from your shop for Christmas, the retro red timer!!! Can’t wait to get it… I am baking again today… it is cold here in Utah today too… the windchill is making it 8 degrees!… xoxo Julie Marie

  4. Julie Marie says:

    PS Forgot to say how much I LOVE your Cardinals, and how the boys look out for the girls!… we don’t have Cardinals in Utah and I wish so much we did… this morning my feeders are full of Lesser Goldfinch…

    • sbranch says:

      Oh Lesser Goldfinch, isn’t all bad!!!

    • Kerry S. from San Pedro, CA says:

      Julie – you have Cedar Waxwings there don’t you? They remind me a little of the female cardinals! 😉

      • Julie Marie says:

        Hello Kerry S… yes, we do have the gorgeous Cedar Waxwings here too!… it is so fun to watch them pass the berries down the line to each other until one of them finally eats it!… they do kind of look like a female Cardinal!… I love ALL of God’s precious little creatures!!!… Merry Christmas to you and ALL the girlfriends!

    • Laurie says:

      In our experience watching cardinals, the Dads eat FIRST and then the Moms come. But they do seem to watch over each other. Had a flicker perched on the feeder the other day–didn’t know they did that.

  5. Laurie Walt in Illinois says:

    I love you Susan! Laurie

  6. Janice says:

    I am fairly new to your blog, and I am enjoying my visits so much. Your home is lovely, the decorations for the season delightful. And Jack…my, what a cutie!

  7. Kristin E., Burlington, WA says:

    Angel chimes. Love! Merry Christmas to you all. XO

  8. Peggy Cooper says:

    Oh Joe, you silly billy. Of course you need a coffee table. The practical reason is so you have someplace to put your drink and snack. The “from the heart” reason is because it gives you another decorating opportunity. You know we girlfriends love making our houses a home :o)

    • sbranch says:

      What I told him. Drink and snack! (I hid that other reason from him, the decorating one!)

      • Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

        Hubby gets the “drink and snack holder” part and “great place to play trucks with the 4 year old grandboy” part but not the “decorating opportunity” part!! Guess it’s a guy thing:) I must say, Joe, you look quite comfy in those two photos–great position for taking some stress off your back!

  9. Anne says:

    I’m in the Christmas mood now! What a cozy post! We’re supposed to get 1 to 2 inches of snow tonight – can’t wait! I’m chuckling at Joe wondering why there has to be a coffee table – that right there is the difference between men and women – too funny 🙂 I can’t get over your neighbor dog Ivy coming to visit – so sweet! How do Jack and Girl get along with her? I love the chain decorating – brilliant! I find myself still wanting to decorate and fuss. At some point I need to sit back and enjoy! Merry Christmas to you and Joe and the kitties!

    • sbranch says:

      I know, it’s so fun to play with the decorations. My kitties and Iris do well together. Iris is a good dog, and the kitties have learned she isn’t going to hurt them.

  10. Anna from Herefordshire (transplanted from PA) says:

    Thank you for another lovely post Susan. It’s nice to see a warm home-y scene. We are restoring a Georgian house and things are a bit out of order here. I loved hearing the bells. I actually have a set but hubby has to do some repair since they are so old. Happy Holidays!

    • sbranch says:

      How beautiful it will be when it’s done!

      • Pam Fortune says:

        My daughter Penny lives in the next county of Gloucestershire in the Forest of Dean but she works at a school in Hereford, a beautiful part of the country. I hope you enjoy living there and have a very Merry Christmas in your Georgian house. My eldest daughter Fleur has a Georgian apartment in Edinburgh but her and her husband’s home is in Cambridge.

  11. Beth from Virginia says:

    Dearest Susan,

    Oh thank you thank you for always making me SMILE! You are the JOY of the girlfriends! I hope you and Joe and Jack and Girl-Kitty have a Very Merry Christmas! With love from Northern Virginia, Beth and my girl-kitties, Maud, Molly, and Poppy!

    • sbranch says:

      Maud, Molly, and Poppy … furry high-five (as one of our other girlfriends says) to all from Jack and Girl Kitty!

  12. Reading your blog is both exhilarating and calming at the same time, if that makes sense. It calms me and brings me to my happy place.

    I love those little tinkly angels. My mum inherited this small lamp with a shade made of paper, in the shape of a Christmas tree. There were slits on the decorated tree, and it sat on a pin propped over the light bulb. The heat of the bulb went through the slits and caused the “tree shade” to slowly spin. I loved that lamp, and your little angels reminded me of it.

    On another note, I can HARDLY WAIT for your new book on England. Oh JOY, oh BLISS!!!! I have the dark chocolate digestives and PG Tips at the ready.

    Cheers, from Pam in a snowy Montreal. I hope you and Joe have the happiest of Christmases!

  13. Joy says:

    Oh, how I love “visiting” with you at your beautiful home! The picture of Jack eyeing the reindeer just made me laugh out loud!

  14. Karen P. - Green Bay, WI says:

    Oh my! Such a beautiful sight! It’s exciting to see our book in progress! Love the Union Jack banner…of COURSE that is a must. And how brilliant of you to put an index in the back of the book with links! Love the cardinals…the pictures of Jack and the Reindeer read like a picture book! Ha! So cute. Everything is so festive and cheery and organized and pretty! Your tree is so plump and pretty! Thanks, dear, for this beautiful blog today!! xoxo

  15. Paulie says:

    The cat got the deer and got me too! Too funny and so cute. Loved the visit to your home Susan and am feeling so so relaxed after being there……what a great post……..lifted the spirits right back up again. Thanks so much! Love every word and ever picture and every thought and every giggle you shared with me! Have the same super day you gave us today!………..blessins!

  16. Ann says:

    I loved the house tour. You have a beautiful home. I have so many questions today but I will just ask two: Is Joe lying on the floor because of his back? (and if so, I hope he feels better soon); and Did you make the white paper Christmas trees on your little bells video? Also excited to see your progress on the diary. My husband and I want to travel a similar route in England some day soon and I’m hoping to use your diary as a travel guide. Thanks for all the Jack pics today, too. He was too funny with the deer.

    • sbranch says:

      He does that more because he likes it, but he has had back trouble in the past so he’s just careful. I didn’t make the trees, they were a gift! I’m really designing the book as a travel guide, with maps and everything, so I think it will actually help! Nice to see you Ann!

      • Kerry S. from San Pedro, CA says:

        Oh, oh – many husbands will be “dreading” that concept!! Can’t wait to see the finished product!! 😉

  17. Marcia Ren-Kuehner says:

    I love your idea with the slipcovers. Where did you order yours from?

    Thanks for your lovely days.


    • sbranch says:

      Well, the man who made them has left the island. Try this … put the word “slipcovers” into Google along with your city and state, and maybe you’ll find someone local.

  18. Kerry S. from San Pedro, CA says:

    Oh the angel chimes – I remember when so many people had those!! Such a pretty bell chime!
    When we lived in Ohio a pair of cardinals nested on our deck – up in the spaces between the joints in the wooden cover! They were so much fun to watch. If any of the cats even got near the nest the male would dive at them! The cats quickly learned to watch from a safe distance!
    Thank you for the house tour! At first I couldn’t see Jack – I thought he’d be on the ironing board & then I spotted him! Does he “chirp” at the birds – our cats only do it occasionally now – the female calico seems to do it more than the boys!
    Happy weekend! 😉

  19. Jackie says:

    Dear Susan,
    Your blog is my “holiday quiet time”. I find myself rushed and hurried when I don’t wish to be, and then I check on emails and such and there you are. My breathing starts to slow down, my focus is now on your beautiful drawings, pictures, photographs and of course, Jack, and my mind relaxes to enjoy the latest post. So, thank you for being my quiet time and the very best this holiday season to you and Joe.

  20. Lori says:

    Christmas Joy is right … you and your home are exuding it! Thank you Susan. Just what we need. Getting excited about your book too. Merry Christmas! <3

    Ps. I think we are expecting some snow soon in Indiana!

  21. Lori says:

    Thank you Susan for a beautiful post. I always feel I can start my day better after checking in with you. I’ve got a question. Are you working on another book besides Pancakes and your journal from England? I thought I remembered a promose of a book from a few years back. So looking forward to your next publication. Have a lovely holiday in your beautiful home.

  22. Charlotte in KY says:

    What a beautiful post….birdies, Jack, Iris, deer on the table, Joe, your pantry (to die for), your home….sigh. I have already read this post twice. We are getting the recipe for the lemon butter cookies aren’t we? I’m hoping we are getting lots of English recipes….a Susan Branch book just isn’t a Susan Branch book without recipes 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      You are! you are so smart!

      • Charlotte in KY says:

        I was just a little concerned when I did not see “recipes” listed in subjects for your index LOL….I should have known better. Even though “our” new book may be considered a scrapbook, guidebook or any number of other types of book, it will reside in my kitchen with my Heart of the Home cookbooks. BTW, will you be including recipes from the various pubs, hotels etc where you stayed as well as recipes from friends/family homes?

  23. Jan says:

    What a joyous post! Loved it from beginning to end. We too have cardinals – such a beautiful bird. We also have blue jays. One day we had three pairs of them at the feeder all at the same time. Your house looks so welcoming and homey all decorated for Christmas. Beautiful! So exciting to see the progress
    on the English Diary. Loved the bells too. Am I right in assuming the movement is caused from the heat of the candle flame? Have never seen these. Wonderful! Still have my tree to decorate and presents to wrap so had better get moving. Still want to do the sugared fruit and croutons too. Off to the grocery store first though. Suppose to get snow tonight. Thanks so much for the heartwarming post!! Merry Christmas!

  24. Vicki in Cincy says:

    Hi Susan!! Your beautiful home tour makes me feel like I’m already there all warm and cozy, Thank you! Jack is a cutie, I wish I could show you the pics I’ve taken of my Midge hiding under the tree. It’s her little cave. When she comes out, she seems so nonchalant, like ‘I’ve never been under there’ LOL. I can’t wait for the book, it is going to be awesome!. Have a wonderful day, dear, you’ve made mine! 🙂

  25. Rebecca says:

    Susan, I have to say thank you today, because your quote is perfect to go in my Christmas letter I want to write to my husband’s aunt. Today I have my sourdough going, plan to make fudge, and do my cards this evening. She had a close call after a surgery this fall, and on that very tense day, I pondered why she has been so special to me. She was my friend when I was in high school. I would go spend the night with her; we would cook and laugh together, and talk about life. Later, she introduced me to her nephew.

    Thank you for the inspiration I needed! Also, I love your house Christmas pictures, pantry included. My granddaughter, Emma, when she sees me with my lap-top, will come and ask me if she can see what Jack is doing today. She is three, and loves “kitties”, but she starts that word with a “t”.

    God bless you, and Merry Christmas!

  26. Is that a photograph or painting of Alice? It sure looks like a painting. I love it!

    I wanted to add here something to think about for those who got their feelings hurt in the discussion that ensued on your last post…..whenever we feel misunderstood and hurt by other people’s words or actions it’s because there’s something deep inside us that wants OUR attention–something unresolved that we’ve not been willing to take a look at. I think that’s why people read things into your responses that simply wasn’t there on the page. I believe everything you said was from a place of love–and love can be tough sometimes when the status quo is harming others because we need to say and do things that might make people uncomfortable. After all, we do tend to find comfort in routine! But sometimes things need to be shaken up a bit to get our attention and I think your changing the tone of your Blog for a little while was a very good thing.

    • sbranch says:

      It’s a photo … but right now it’s just a photo from the copier, so it does look a little like a painting! You are so kind to say that Cathy, and really think everyone just does the best they can.

      • Chris Wells from West Texas says:

        I agree with Cathy. Love you Susan for all you do…BIG HUG!
        Love the home tour. When I get home from work tonight, I will dwell in the house longer….so much to see…so beautiful, warm and inviting. I’ll probably be staying with tea! Ha Ha
        All my love, Chris XXO

        • sbranch says:

          xoxo Chris …

          • Kerry S. from San Pedro, CA says:

            I agree too! Susan, you handled all of our responses with grace, tact, compassion – most of all love! It was an amazing outpouring – one that I will return to as I compose letters!
            Thanks to you again! OXOX 😉

          • sbranch says:

            xoxo Kerry! This is why I titled my book Girlfriends Forever … it seems to work out that way!

  27. Sheila says:

    I love Jack’s perpetually surprised expression, such a silly Cat-man! Thank you for your fun updates, they are so pretty and fun to look at and always make my day better! Merry, wonder-filled Christmas to you and Joe (and the kitties).

  28. Jane says:

    It’s always a good morning when I pop in and see you have a new post up, they are always so uplifting and add a little spark of joy to my day! Your book is coming along great…I think you are going to inspire a lot of people to make a trip to England. I know from all of your other books, your enthusiasm just leaps off the pages!

    Loved seeing the pictures of Jack and the deer, especially him swatting it. Priceless!

    I keep thinking Christmas is next Thursday and I have all my days mixed up (hubby just had major surgery and got out of the hospital Sunday). So, while you started early for the magazine…I have a late start! But it will be joyous! Hope your is, too!

    Jane From Chicago

    P.S. Major blizzard on the way here!

    • sbranch says:

      Sending get well quick wishes to your husband, Jane! Happy to hear the hard part is over, now he just has to get better.

  29. Lynn McMahon says:

    ~ Good Morning ~
    Returning to the blog this morning I was so happy to see your Christmas House~
    Your pantry reminds me very much of my laundry room~ it was a pantry in a former life~
    I have the angel chimes too~ such a beautiful, peaceful sound~ ” Every time a Bell rings an Angel gets Their wings”.
    Merry Christmas & Happy Hoildays~

  30. Jacquelyn Wirthlin - Las Vegas, NV says:

    Love the post this morning! So much of your beautiful holiday art and a wonderful peek at the book pages. Love it. We have lots of sunshine this morning but pretty chilly … 25 degrees presently. Love Jack’s post at the windows and his antics with everything else. lol… Thanks Sue and Joe … think we all need a “little Christmas” just this very minute as the song goes. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

    • sbranch says:

      25 degrees, that’s pretty wild for Las Vegas isn’t it Jackie? Or does it always go down that low?

      • Jacquelyn Wirthlin - Las Vegas, NV says:

        Yes it is a bit chilly, especially since we were enjoying 70 degree days at Thanksgiving. Winter here is pretty unpredictable. It’s high desert and tropical plants may or may not survive. Keeps us guessing!

  31. sandy says:

    Good cheery morning to you Susan! I had to check to see if there was something lovely and charming from you here today, and there is! I have just scanned down it all, and it has put cheer in my heart, so I will go back and read and savor it all. Thank you…..God bless you today! sandy 🙂 oh, I love young Frankie!

    • sbranch says:

      I know, he was quite the thing.

      • sandy says:

        I love the way you photograph Joe–often with just the lower regions, face turned away, or from the back, through a frosty windshield, sort of makes him the mystery man. And I love Jacks’ Poirot-style mustachios–too cute! You deserve them (the two cuties, Joe and Jack) both!! xox

        • sbranch says:

          Do you remember Carlton the doorman in Rhoda? On TV years ago? You never saw him, you only heard him on her intercom. That’s sort of my inspiration for how I photograph Joe. I don’t know why! 🙂

  32. nancy jo says:

    Hi Susan,
    Merry Christmas. Looking forward to the new book, like soooo much! Also the Yankee magazine next Novemeber, hope Jack made it into one of the pictures, I told you to put that in the contract. Your house looks great, and loved seeing the pantry.
    Nancy Jo

    • sbranch says:

      He got in one, just as you asked! And posed like a little model! None of them could believe it … it was the photographer’s favorite photo — now let’s see if it makes it into the magazine — they must have taken 1000’s of photos!

  33. Lesley Baker says:

    Hi Susan!beautiful post and just the distraction I needed, I am up very early,couldn’t sleep… too much excitement last night, new baby grandaughter Georgia born last night by emergency ceasarian(that bit was far too much of the wrong kind of excitement) Baby and my daughter are both ok.Ahhhhhhh!-
    those angel chimes!!!!!!I have been hunting far and wide to replace the ones we had as children,I will be haunting your shop to make sure I don’t miss out!!
    all the best and Merry Christmas to you and yours,

  34. Back to the joy of Christmas. Lovely. I’m so looking forward to your book. I know we visited some of the same places. Oh how I wish we had cardinals out here! Such a beautiful bright bird against the snow would be wonderful!

    • sbranch says:

      Except for the red bows on the wreaths at Christmas, he is our only color … in this black, brown, beige, tan, white winter world.

  35. Sherry from Maryland says:

    Susan how warm cozy and inviting it is to visit your beautiful home all dressed
    up in Christmas finery. I think Jack and Gurl Kitty are the sweetest. I am looking forward to your England journel so I can add another one of your books to my ever growing cherished collection, I believe I have everyone you have ever done for us. I used to live in the Pacific Northwest and only saw Cardinals in books and now I live in Maryland and we have them everywhere nothing is more beautiful then to see a vivid red Cardinal in the snow. It is such a pleasure to share my cup of tea with you everyday you are my joy and my
    inspiration. Merry Christmas to you and Joe and the Kitties..

  36. Sharon Calvert says:

    Merry Christmas, Susan! Thank you again for sharing the serenity and ‘entertainment’ at Branch Hall; so comforting. Quick question: the two-hair brush … I know you’ve mentioned it previously, but don’t recall whether you made it yourself or purchased it? My husband dabbles in watercolor, and has never heard of one.

    <3 from Alabama

  37. I LOVE the pictures of Jack! My husband and I were recently going through some challenging circumstances and our Maine Coon, Victoria, seemed to understand our need for some laughter.

    So she jumped HIGH off the ground and batted the shoelaces on the shoes he was holding. Just out of the blue! It was so funny, he called her the Michale Jordan of kitties.

    That is part of the reason God made kitties. Not just to have some beauty here and there but to bring with it a lot of laughter. Jack’s face was just priceless!

  38. Diane says:

    Oh Susan, I just don’t know if I can stand to wait until your book is ready for us! It will be like taking the trip all over again and I loved it the first time, so I know I’ll love it even more through your book.

    I know what you mean about the male cardinals and their devotion to family. A few years ago, a pair of cardinals nested nearby in our paw paw tree and the female came up missing. We worried so much about the little ones, but as time passed, we saw Papa Cardinal continuing to feed the little teenagers almost nonstop. He would take a little morsel to first one and the then the two others in turn as they fluttered their little wings in anticipation. Poor Papa almost never got his turn and it was then that I began to understand why God made the male Cardinal such a beautiful shade of red. He deserves such a gorgeous coat as he is completely selfless in his parenting role. Last winter was an exceptional year for us around here…we had many cardinals. Hope they are with us again this winter.

    Mercy sakes, those pictures of Jack, the deer and the owl is priceless. The look from each pair of eyes…so wide-eyed and inquisitive. I love Jack’s antics.

    Does Joe have back trouble? The reason I ask is that the way he is lying on the floor with his feet propped up on the chair is exactly the way my doctor told me to lie when my back was giving me trouble. It really does ease back pain.

    I loved today’s post…wait a minute. I love EVERY DAY’S post!

    Diane in North Carolina

    • sbranch says:

      Joe’s had back pain in the past, he does that to make sure it stays away, I just think it’s his way of laying in front of the fire looking like he’s “doing something!”

      • Diane says:

        I thought so. Back pain is like a bad penny; it keeps coming back, but that position really does help keep it away longer.

        That man of yours sounds like he does a lot judging from the last few posts. He’s a keeper. You both are busy, busy folks and make a great team.

  39. Glendell "Sam" Campen says:

    It’s fun to see how similar our tastes are—I, too, have red accents in every room in my house, except the Grandgirls’ bedroom upstairs which is more like your Peter Rabbit room. I have to buy every old embroidered dish towel at auctions and antique stores, I love old, colorful dishes and mixing bowls and jadite pieces, as well as the sweet flowery dishes of the ’30s and ’40s. And, like you, I thought I didn’t have any artistic abilities at all until the age of 60 when I took a pastels class and did some pretty respectable still-lifes. I would like to know what kept you motivated; my art teacher moved her class to a larger town and I chose not to make the drive, so haven’t tried to pursue drawing on my own. Thanks for your blog; I’m always disappointed on those days when there isn’t a new posting!

    • sbranch says:

      Kindred spirit Sam! I think when my friends said they liked my art I was so shocked it made me want to make more. I called them kitchen art because they were all over the walls of my kitchen… and I made lots of handmade cards and little framed paintings for my friends. I guess I just liked it! Set yourself up at your kitchen table and see what happens!

      • Glendell "Sam" Campen says:

        My family had only good things to say about my artwork, however, I imagine they’re just being kind! And I have some framed pics atop a pie safe which is visible from my kitchen, leaning, as I can whip them out of sight should embarrassment overcome me and not leave a gaping hole in the wall. What is your one sentence piece of advice on working with water colors? I would like to invest in a beginner’s set to try my hand. . . . . .
        Thanks for your encouragement.

        • sbranch says:

          LOL, that’s what I always think. You just can’t trust your friends and family; they’re just too nice! It isn’t really true, but it’s so easy to think it! I still do! My one sentence is, it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Just go to Michaels and get yourself one of those big paint sets they sell. Then it depends on whether you are doing dry brush or wet brush. Go on line and look at both and what your favorite might be. Wet brush means you wet the whole paper, dry brush doesn’t. I mostly do dry brush, so I draw the picture with pencil first. If you look at the top of my blog, there is something there, I think it’s under “about me” and it’s about painting — it shows all my paints, brushes, everything … and gives a couple of helpful hints. As for getting truth: Leave your art out, but say nothing. If people go OH and AH and ask you about it — then you know it’s good. If they don’t mention it, then just practice a little more. ♥

          • Glendell "Sam" Campen says:

            Oh, I think dry brush sounds more like me, too. I would get the paper too wet, probably, wetting the paper first. I will do as you suggest and get back to you. Here’s hoping! And I have a lot of photographs just o begging to be sketched and painted. Hobby Lobby, here I come. Thanks, Susan and Merry Christmas to you and Joe out there on Martha’s Vineyard!

  40. Holly says:

    You’ve done it once again, Susan – put us all in the Christmas spirit!

    Was your niece Holly born at Christmas? I get that question ALL the time, but unfortunately, no – I came into the world on Groundhog’s Day!!

    Your post made me remember that I have those very same angel chimes in the basement! I forgot all about them – thanks for the reminder!! Merry Christmas to me! 🙂

    P.S. For Christmas, Santa Paws needs to bring Jack a bird feeder that hangs on the window with a suction cup. Santa Paws gave our cats one several years ago and they love it…..hint, hint! 😉

  41. Kate garfield says:

    I loved this post! Thanks so much for sharing with us.
    Merry, Merry Christmas to all!!!!!

  42. Jeanette says:

    Susan, What a Christmas-inspiring post! Thank you. Love the flock of cardinals, they are absolutely gorgeous, that color – nothing like it. Your home is the epitome of a warm, embrace – so gracious, inviting – like walking into a big hug! I can’t wait to revisit and reread everything later. About to get on a conference call and need to get my thoughts in…getting ready for quite the winter weather event here in central IL – not looking forward to 50-60 mph gusts AND snow. What a drive home!
    Have a lovely, bell-ringing, chimey day. Love them. Will have to have some next year.
    Bye for now!

  43. Linda Pintarell says:

    Lovely post, Susan. I’m just so anxious for the English Diary. I’m making a list of people I want to buy it for. It will make such a lovely, lovely gift and I know my friends will appreciate it ever-so-much. But I will be the recipient who loves it the most – can’t wait! Happy Holidays…loved your post…made me feel tranquil – ready for my holiday company and the days ahead.

  44. Marie (Long Beach, CA) says:

    Loved this post! I was wondering, the picture of Alice, did you sketch and paint her from the picture you took? It’s beautiful! The cardinals are so pretty. I didn’t know they mated for life, how wonderful! I so love seeing your home. The pantry is HUGE! Wish I had one like it. Joe’s comment about the coffe table made me smile. We have a small living room and no longer have a coffe table. Michael, my honey, made one with legs that can be unscrewed so it’s stored in my hall closet until we need it for entertaining. I cover it with one of my many tablecloths, depending on the occasion and it looks great. JACK, JACK, JACK… love his many expressions, priceless! My grandma used to have the Angel Chimes, can’t wait to buy some for next year! Well, I’ve certainly been chatty this morning, time to get busy with the day. Merry Christmas everyone! And thank you Susan for another warm and wonderful post! ♥

    • sbranch says:

      It’s really not a painting … there will be tons of photos in the book (paintings too), but this is a photo! I think Joe would love to unscrew the legs of this table and hide it in a closet!

  45. Christine Anderson says:

    Such a lovely Chritmas visit to your charming home. I saw my first Cardinal last spring when visiting my grandson at school in Illinois. So exciting to me. I love “Red Bird Christmas” by Fannie Flagg. What a wonderful story! To really have them around regurlarly is so special.
    A very Merry Christmas to you and Joe! and the Kitties!

    • Cathy McC. says:

      Hi Christine — so nice to read that you enjoyed A Redbird Christmas. I absolutely loved it and it has become a seasonal MUST READ for me. This year I had a cardinal Christmas luncheon — used cardinal invites, had cardinal dishes, napkins, etc., etc. Party favor was Fannie’s book and a cardinal cookie cutter. One of my friends called today and told me she just got a wonderful pair of cardinal jammies at Kohl’s. Fun!!! Every dusk and dawn here in our South Bend, IN, yard includes a visit from cardinals at our feeder — probably the same by you 🙂 Merry Christmas!!!!

  46. Love those cardinals. I just read a great book, “The Geese of Beaver Bog” by Bernd Heinrich, and learned that Canada geese do the same thing. If you see a flock there will be sentinels keeping watch. And in the pairs he observed, the males kept watch while the females were eating, even when he tried to tempt the males first with food. Instinct and love is very strong, thank goodness.

    What dear photos of your home. I notice your unabridged dictionary, open, ready for use on its stand. A great dictionary really makes a house a home (says the booklover). ;O)

    • sbranch says:

      We use it all the time too and are finally going to break down and buy it its own little light! Big decision made just last night! 🙂

      • Cathy McC. says:

        Thanks for the book tip — wonder if it’s Canadian geese you are referring to, or all types. We have so many geese at our cottage — I’d like to learn more about them, so I’ll try to find the book. 🙂

        • Yes Cathy, the whole book is about wild Canada geese he watches over several years. The white patches on their cheeks are always slightly different shapes (who knew!) so he identifies and names individual geese that return to the ponds near his house. Such a neat book, if you like reading about nature and creatures. He wrote another book about ravens.

          Susan, how great that your dictionary will have its own little light. Practical *and* sweet, the best combination!

          • sbranch says:

            I have gotten the flashlight out sometimes early in the morning, you would think I might have done it before! 🙂

          • Cathy McC. says:

            So excited — went online to my favorite bookseller and found they have several copies. Many thanks!
            Susan — I just KNOW you’ll treat us all to a pic of your dictionary lamp when accomplished . . . please?

          • sbranch says:

            OK, I think it will just be one of those little book lights!

  47. Bev Bryan says:

    How on earth does Jack get on top of that hutch (the one with the chain)? I don’t see any place for him to “get a grip”. Oh well, cats are sort of magic.

    Cheery wave!

  48. pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

    good morning susan, girlfriends, hello, how are you all on this cold snowy morning??? yes its snowing here, hard right now, big fluffy flakes. the cats are in the windows watching the birds on the feeders and chattering at them, school is out for the holidays so i have my little visitors with me today. the snow is a source of fascination with them, they have never seen snow before…. they moved up here from L.A. this past summer. so this is a first for them. i was ready for that, i got them a snow kit of warm gloves and mittens, scarves and warm hats to wear out in the snow, they have boots to wear due to the mud. we expect 3 or more inches today, so we just may get out there and build us a snowman. i’m also going to be busy fixing my henhouse again, some varmint got in there and killed some of my chickens, and i am not too happy with that critter right now. i don’t know if its a fox, or a coon or what, but it tore down the barrier i had place there to keep it out and for awhile it was working, guess i had better re-secure it, and slap some boards on the inside as well to slow that varmint down. if joe has any thoughts i would love to hear them. i love jack trying to figure out the deer on the table, tell him he is in good company, my cats are still trying to figure out ed’s reindeer out by the front door. they look out the front window and can see it and they try to swat it if they can, they freak out when ed lights that reindeer up. LOL!! i love the cardinals, such a beautiful bird and so christmassy. well i have 2 lil friends who want to play in the snow, so off we go. have a wonderful day today susan and everyone……Merry Christmas to all. hugs…… 🙂

    • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

      i forgot to mention, i love your pantry, it reminds me so much of my grandma’s pantry. i’m afraid my pantry is not as cozy as yours but its my favorite spot in the house. the cats like it, their food is stored there and they go right to it all the time for a treat. furry high fives from my furballs!!!! 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Have fun Pat!

      • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

        we are, just back in, its snowing hard now and its sticking. a brief time indoors to dry hats and mittens, and to stir the soup on the stove, grilled cheese sandwiches and lentil soup for lunch. i guess its time for a snowball fight…so here’s one snowball for you……… SPLAT!!!! gotcha!!! hugs….. 🙂

  49. Pam Fortune says:

    Hi Susan
    Such a cheery blog, I loved the video of the tinkling angels it took me back to my childhood. Family friends who my girls thought of as an extra Grandma and Grandpa always had a small present under the Christmas tree for them and for me as a child. Every year they always lit the tinkling angels which came all the way from Sweden. So, as you can imagine that little video gave me a special memory of two special people who were a large part of mine and my daughters life. Thank you Susan. The book is going to be huge and I am so looking forward to ordering it a soon as it is published. Have a happy Christmas and a Happy and peaceful New Year.

  50. Kathy in California says:

    Thank you for the pictures of Jack that I requested after previous post and comments 🙂
    I love, love, love your house, and after viewing your pictures, I see there are still areas left for me to decorate in my own home. Even your pantry is inviting. I would love to come over and root around in there! I wonder if your closets are also fascinating? Don’t think you’ve revealed those to us, have you? Oh, just kidding; you have to save something. “Keep them wanting more” as the saying goes.
    That living room carpet is twenty years old, you say? Is it coated in teflon? It looks pristine.
    A very merry Christmas to you and Joe from me!

    • sbranch says:

      “I would love to come over and root around in there!” LOL! I used to think there should be a movement that ALL houses had to open up the last Friday of every month, so I could go root around! 🙂

      • I am the same way! I’m always disappointed when we go to someone’s house and they don’t give me a tour. And I’m just as disappointed when my guests don’t ask for a tour of my house. I guess people are just being polite, but it would be just as bad of me to suggest it! Oh well. That’s why it’s so nice to be invited into your home through your Blog. I’m even up for seeing the attic and basement! 🙂

        • sbranch says:

          The basement? I have learned to “like” the attic, not that much, but I still have fear of the lunatics I know live in the basement, along with the spiders. 🙂 Maybe someday!

  51. Patty from Michigan says:

    Susan, my eyes became a little teary watching the angel chimes. My Grandma Florence (a great italian lady) had the same angel chimes. I loved looking at it when I was a little girl. I was fortunate enough to be the granddaughter who obtained her beautiful hutch. I have it in my dining room adorned with a beautiful village just as she did as well when I was little. I love thinking back to the time when I was young and the great memories. Thank you for taking me there with angel chimes. Your home is beautiful!

  52. Loes Bloem, the Netherlands says:

    Susan,you make this world a better place.
    Merry christmas!

  53. Bernie says:

    Unfortunately, Ive been suffering from a lack of Christmas spirit this year…..but when I concentrate mainly on the “reason for the season”, it helps…..and so does your lovely blog. Thank-You, it’s what I needed today!

    • sbranch says:

      It only comes but once a year … sending love, Bernie!

    • Cathy McC. says:

      Hope your spirits pick up, Bernie. A family member of one of the Newtown victims was coping this way: focus on the good ,,, focus on the good that people do. Hope this helps, FOSB.

  54. Kathy Phenix says:

    Susan, What a beautiful post! So many wonderful pictures of your lovely home and “too cute for words” Jack!!! I have one question. Why wasn’t Jack investigating Joe stretched out on the floor? Because of bad knees, I’ve fallen a few times in the house and whether I am injured or not, I can’t stop laughing because all of our animals come to investigate that large lump on their floor. I get sniffed from head to toe and even sometimes patted by a paw. Joe must visit the floor often and there is no novelty to explore. Thanks for lifting our moods back to the spirit of the season. It’s been a really rough week. So looking forward to “our” English tour book. I have a Susan Branch gift certificate that is burning a hole in my pocket BUT I’m holding out for the book. Hope the certificate doesn’t expire! Love and Merrry Christmas! Kathy

    • sbranch says:

      Hahaha! Joe does it so often, I think he is boring Jack now! The certificate will last as long as I do! xoxo

  55. Heidi says:

    Thank you for expressing so well in your last couple of posts what we all have been feeling – and for today’s – once again – cheer to brighten our days. Your tree is so pretty – love seeing the tree lights reflect in a window and sweet Iris and dear little Jack to make us smile. Bless you all and Merry Christmas.

  56. Joan Georghiou says:

    Thank you Susan, The bells brought me Memories of my Grandma….I’m slightly teary but in a good way. Merry Christmas!

  57. Barbara (WA) says:

    Oh dear, the kitchen is still my favorite but I love your pantry! And Joe on the floor, lol! My arms would fall off holding the computer that way. I am having an interesting pre-Christmas, btw. In short, on Tuesday our wood stove spewed oily black soot over the living room, dining room, hall & kitchen! A restoration company is here today wiping down the walls, hauling away the upholstered furniture to their shop for cleaning, etc. One year we had a “Christmas Chair” but no tree and this year we will have a Christmas Tree and no chairs! I think we’ll go to our son’s house instead 😉 Smooch for darling Jack!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh how special, as my mom would say! You poor thing! Have a Merry ANYWAY… love the sound of a Christmas Chair! LOL!

  58. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Oh, the new book is going to be Epic!! I cannot wait to read it and enjoy all of the trip again! This girlfriend had such a wonderful riding along in the virtual world but I feel certain there was much that I missed!! Your home looks so ready and comforting for the holidays. After so much emotional upheaval , it feels good to have a safe place to retreat and just be with those things you love so much in your heart. Joe at the fireplace, Jack at the window, Christmas memories strung about you home, and quiet for enjoying a cup of hot tea and contemplation. Refuge of the heart. Wishing you and Joe a lovely Christmas !

    • sbranch says:

      I didn’t have time to tell everything when we were there, it was all happening so fast, there’s lots of things in the book that were never on the blog! Wishing you a Merry Christmas too Winnie . . . xoxo

  59. Terri says:

    Love your posts. You are making winged angels, a whole bunch of wings being given out! Atta girl!

  60. Elaine says:

    Wonderful photos and post ! I do love your home ! Have a good day !

  61. Francine says:

    Jack is a funny guy!!! Your home is so cozy, warm and comfortable!! Thanks so much for sharing! Oh a surprise??? I LOVE surprises!!!!! Have a wonderful day. Back to my chicken soup simmering on the stove!

  62. Kate says:

    Can I come live at your house? I would be very quiet and keep out of the way. I just want to watch all the goings on and play with Jack and look at all the pretties. I won’t eat much.

      • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

        Kate, I think there might be a LOT of us who would think the same thing! LOL! 🙂

        • Janet [in Rochester] says:

          Absolutely yes! Except for the quiet part. As you can tell from my frequent and overlong comments, that part would be, as we teachers say, a “challenge” for me. :>)

        • Laura says:

          Me, too. I need lots of hugs, tho. I think I am scaring my husband due to recent uncontrollable crying. I need time in Susan’s world with Iris and Jack and Girl Kitty and angel chimes. Having trouble girls…Charlie Brown’s Christmas set me off again tonight :/

  63. Sylvia Cowen says:

    your house is beautifully decorated! Thanks for sharing. :}

  64. Nancy Brown says:

    I was having my usual pre Christmas “panic”…. you all know, did I do enough, is it nice enough .blah, blah, blah! (Old news for me). when I returned to the blog and low and behold the most wonderful sites I’ve seen this month. Thank you,
    thank you for getting out of my funk, reminding how beautiful Christmas is and just enjoying my life today. Love you Susan and all that you do for us.

  65. Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

    Thanks for sharing your home in “Christmas attire” with us. I smiled when I saw Joe on the floor–Norm comes home from work and “elevates his legs” in that exact position. You can probably imagine what the schnauzers think of it–they think he is down on the floor to play with them! Re the angel chimes–when you say you will have them next year in the store: Have you found a source for the larger one that takes more standard-size candles? I had one years ago and after storing it in a warm and damp apartment storage closet in the laundry room, it rusted and got tossed. Now I have one of the smaller ones that takes the smaller candles and have been unable to find the larger one. I sure wish I could find somewhere to purchase the larger one again… The name “angel chimes” is so appropriate… 🙂 The photos of Jack with the deer are cute–Betti does the same with our Scandinavian straw buck that sits by our fireplace hearth. Frankly, it is about her size so she is kind of unsure about it… If things get hectic the nearer we get to Christmas, a Merry Christmas from our house to yours!!!

  66. Judy Ann from Georgia says:

    Oh Susan, this is your best post yet! So inspiring and homey! Makes us all want to decorate even more! Had those Angel Chimes when my children were small. Don’t know what happened to them. Can’t wait to order them from your store! Brings back such memories…And finally got to see that wonderful pantry! Your house looks marvelous! Love the chain idea…Got to use that in my house. Can’t wait for the new book to come out! Will there be lots of new recipes?
    Love you and Joe and the “kids”…
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and everyone in the blog!

    • sbranch says:

      I can’t say lots … because we were traveling, but definitely the ones there are, they are A number One the Best! 🙂

    • Judy, I had my mother’s for years and then it just disappeared. I bought another one and that one disappeared too. I just bought another one when I was in Bethlehem, PA, and I think they are making them out of cheaper material because the little bells hardly make a sound when the clanger hits them. This one has a different kind of post–it’s not a “pole” but is a star that tapers down like a very long tail. If you order some for your store I wouldn’t recommend that particular one.

      • Sorry, just reread your post and you said “from your store” and not “for my store”. I couldn’t find them in Susan’s store when I looked earlier today because I wanted to tell her about these new one’ poor quality. Hopefully, they make better ones and she was able to order those.

      • sbranch says:

        OK, that’s good, I will see if I can try them first!! Thank you!

        • I saw someone else commented about the poor quality of the new Angel Chimes. She said she saw them at the Vermont Country Store and they were thin stamped metal. I think that must be what I have. The bells have no resonance to them. I will have to scour our thrift stores I guess to find a “real” one–or try to remember where my mother’s might possibly gone missing.

  67. Angie(Tink!) says:

    Every Time a Bell Rings an Angel Got His Wings! Pure Christmas Joy Sweet Sue! I Love those Twirling~Angels! 🙂 & Your Cardinals! Joyful Christmas~Birdies! & Jack & The Reindeer…& Perched so Cozy watching All The Birdies! Your Home is Filled with L♥ve & Christmas~Charm Sweetest Sue & Joe all Cozy by The Fire…This Christmas~Blog Has Brought Me Great Joy…a Huge Smile on My Elf~Face 😉 My Heart Feels warm…. Thank~You Darling Joyful Elf~Sue! Hugzzz & L♥ve & Tidings of Comfort & Joy to All….(& Always a Bit of Christmas Pixie~Dust Mixed with a Bit of Star~Dust & a Few Frosty Snow~Flakes!) Yay! Twirling into All This Christmas~Magic! xoxo Poof! 🙂 ♥ ♥ ♥ Merriest Christmas!

  68. Elizabeth says:

    Merry Christmas to you and your dear family. Thank you for sharing all the photographs you took last year of your lovely home and travels!

  69. Patricia says:

    Every time I read a new post, I think “this one is my favorite”. But I really do think this is one of the best–at least, until I read the next one! A little bit of everything here: a peek at your new book, your lovely home, beautiful Christmas decorations, and Jack! (I have to say, and maybe I shouldn’t, even though I am not exactly a cat lover, your little Jack has absolutely, positively charmed me!)

    • sbranch says:

      I wasn’t either, then I was inundated with gophers, got a cat to take down the population a bit, and fell madly in love with her. That’s what happens with kitties, to know them is to love them! Maybe by this time next year your hands will start itching for kitty fur. xox

  70. Holly says:

    The storm is coming! This morning it was 51 degrees here in IN, but the clouds & rain have already rolled in, and it’s starting to get cold! I know the snow will be a pain for those who are traveling, but I hope it snows good!

    I too had the angle chimes, and loved them. I’ve been putting off baking, because I just haven’t been in the mood, but today I have no choice, it’s now or never. My husband wants your carrot cake, so it will be. Grandson loves cookies, and the look in his eyes when I give him a tin of cookies is priceless. So…. kitchen I come.

    My new kitten is getting tall, and she plays so much the older cats get tired and worn out. Moochie has actually lost a pound with his increased play time! We’ve never laughed so much as we have watching this bunch.

    Merry Christmas girlfriends!

    • sbranch says:

      You just made me melt when you mentioned that carrot cake … it’s only 6:30 am, and I want carrot cake!

  71. Ruth E. Rupp says:

    Dear Susan, What a relief after such an emotionally traumatic week, to read about and see your serene, beautifully decorated home. Joe resting on the floor, Jack, here, there, and everywhere, on top of and under everything!! Love it! 🙂 I would love to be a Christmas Mouse in your home through the Holidays just to soak up the atmosphere! (and steer clear of Jack!! ha!)
    Just wanted to thank you again for all your special talents you share with all of us. Your reference this week to Jean Giraudoux writing about sensible women reminded me of a plaque I could not resist buying this fall at a Christmas craft show. I thought the girl friends might enjoy this – – – The Three Wise Women would have – – Asked Directions – – Arrived on Time – – Helped Deliver the Baby – – Cleaned the Stable – – Made a Casserole – – Brought Practical Gifts – – And Then, There Would Be Peace On Earth – – Anonymous
    Christmas Blessings to One and All and Many Prayers for a better New Year

  72. Susan says:

    Oh, I love your pantry! And those towels drying on the rack reminded me of my sweet Granny who is in Heaven now. She loved to dry things on a rack like that. And the husband vs. the coffee table? I have the same problem! He doesn’t see the need for it, but I’m holding out to keep it! 😉

  73. Everything in your home looks so lovely and cozy….I literally laughed out at the pic of Jack raising his paw at the deer, cats are so curious and leary about new things. Jim and I went out of all days in a hard rain (snow coming overnight) to purchase all of the food for the long weekend and Christmas Eve/Day and the crowd was over the top!!! I have all the ingredients (covers one countertop) for all the goodies I want to bake I need a fairy to tap me on the head to motivate me now!!!! Any takers?? I have a furry friend (Smokee) laying on the back of the sofa right by my ear snoring….he is our funny, loving Mainecoon so I understand Jack’s antics what would be do without our precious kitties?? I have a quick question for anyone that can answer….when a recipe for coconut candy (like mounds) calls for “flaked coconut” is that the Bakers Angel Flaked Sweetened type?? I sure hope so because that is what I bought. Well, no one tapped me on the head so guess (oh wait Smokee just took his paw and patted my shoulder does that count)? haha better get up and try to bake something my daughter will not understand the bare cookie containers!!! although she did say to not do anything this year since I haven’t felt well and I appreciate that and say “bah humbug”….it’s Christmas I can rest next week…how’s that for the good ole Christmas Spirit. Merry Christmas to All.

    • Iris tugged at my heart she is a “twin” for my dearly departed beloved beagle “Goldee Meg”…..sigh so happy you show us your visitor it warms my heart.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, Deborah, I’m tapping! Turn on the music, or if you can see or hear the TV, put on an old movie, tie on an apron, heat up the oven, peek outside at the snow, think about how much everyone will love your gifts, and GO!

      Yes, on the coconut, I think you have the right thing

      Love your bah humbug, while we’re alive, we live to our best! xoxo Merry Christmas dear!

      • Thank you Susan and I did get the Chocolate Coconut Balls made (what was I thinking dipping each ball (30) in melted dark chocolate) but I made it and they look delicious!! YAY, so we got some snow overnight and I’m staying in and taking your suggestions and here comes the blaring Christmas Music (sorry kitties) because that is what it is going to take!!! I have fudge and Apricot Angel Pillows (cookies) on my agenda. I agree this Season is so Special and so short whatever trials we are going through unfortunately will be here once the Season is over so I’m going to push through it and try to have the best Christmas I can make for all my family and feel blessed to be alive!!

  74. irene talaasen says:

    Oh, Susan, You did it again!! Warmed my heart with your words and photos of the cardinals, sweet Jack , and we would all say Wonderful Joe.
    Thank you, I have out your book Christmas Joy and love it. Your Blog is a gift!!!! thank you so much 🙂 Thinking about Christmas and just read the verse Matthew 1:23 ” Look! The virgin will conceive a child! she will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us’.” He really is with us in the midst of Joy in our celebrations!
    Blessings and Merry Christmas!
    Irene Talaasen, in as of yesterday, snowy Colorado

  75. shirley burt says:

    Oh what fun it is to read Susan Branch’s blog with updates on Jack and Joe, along with all others involved. The new deer on the table to puzzle, Joe on the floor helping his back, the delightful pantry with perches for birdwatching and the before and after. along with the bells. Perfection.

    Now off the finish my daughter-in-laws quilt for her main Christmas Present. Oh me, where did that year go?? I want a recount.

    Merry Christmas a little early, but heartfelt none the less.

    Love and bunny hugs, Shirley

    • sbranch says:

      You can probably count the year in the stitches of that quilt, I’m sure your lucky daughter-in-law will! xoxo

  76. Janet [in Rochester] says:

    Hello Sue and GFs! And life goes on… what a lovely and Quiet-with-a-capital-Q post today! Made me feel as though I just took a nice, long, very deep cleansing breath. Like coming home and walking into my own house after a grueling, long and very disagreeable journey I didn’t want to take in the first place. Thank you Sue.

    The cardinals reminded me of something. Did I ever tell about this before? [Hope not]. Well… I live in a nice apartment community in a beautiful woodland area with several small ponds. One even has a little wood bridge! Eeek – so cute! We’re lucky. We have private entrances & porches, we can garden & decorate for Christmas etc if we want. Really nice. Anyway because of the woodlands we get all manner of God’s flora and fauna – all year long. And one of the neatest things is that every year the SAME pair of geese “set up housekeeping” in the area right next to my building where one of the ponds is situated. And the gander seems to do the same thing as the male cardinals! It must be a Bird Thing. He stands guard – of the female and of the babies if there are any that year. No matter what, that guy stands by, looking around him, following behind the female while she waddles around, stops to eat or pick at this or that or leads their little goslings around in a line just like in “Make Way for Ducklings.” It sounds funny to say too, but he looks REALLY serious. No “smile.” All business. Grim, almost. The first time I noticed it I thought – wow, look at that look on his face. It reminded me – no kidding – of the Secret Service. He looks like they do when the President is out in public, working a ropeline. Except, no shades. I’ve never once seen him eat, not a bite. Or glide around in the pond, or curl up on the grassy edge on the pond for a nap. He always seems to be on guard. I always feel so sad for them those years when after a few weeks I don’t see a wobbly little line of baby geese following Mama – with those feathers that seem to float around them like the Muppets. But I look forward to their return every year. It’s always officially Spring to me when I see them back waddling around.

    Wow, Joe’s greenery makes the house looks SO festive! He really went to town on the place! I’ll bet it looks really striking against the white of the house when you get a full view coming up the back driveway. That one Iris races up to get to your kitchen door. Looks like lots of it could stay up well beyond the holidays, even after the lights and colors get put away for another year. PS – nice to see Joe taking a load off for a change. Good to know Mr Busy Guy can vegetate with the best of us!

    Jack! Have I missed the mush of his! He’s a riot up high on top of your hutch, peering down with those round green eyes. As you’ve said, kitties really are remarkably decorative aren’t they? And tuxedoes with all that nice black and white contrast? They just “go” everywhere!

    And SO good to see Iris! My virtual buddy. All cozy and comfortable in your living room, making a pre-Christmas visit. Merry Christmas, Iris from your biggest fan! Hope Santa brings you [and Jack and Girl] all your favorite treats…

    Big Christmas pageant at school tonight – #34 for me [yikes]. And I will treasure every little glowing face more than ever before, I think. :>) Have a wonderful weekend Sue, Joe and Girlfriends! xoxo :>)

  77. I enjoyed seeing more of your home (I just did some baking and created a big, floury mess) and listening to the music you provided ; I don’t recall hearing the wonderful song before. Thank you for the lovely break, Susan.

  78. Peggy says:


  79. Lynn B says:

    200 delicious pages,,,, can’t wait! Have a wonderful Christmas Susan.

  80. Just wanted to say “Hi”- I’ve been busy cooking my way through the Christmas Book 🙂 Love reading your blog (never miss a post) -Have a wonderful Christmas girlfriend! xoxo Jacqui

  81. Donna says:

    Merry Christmas, Susan! I still have my childhood angel chimes. My Swedish grandmother gave them to me when I was a little girl and I have treasured them ever since, tucking them back into their little box on New Year’s Day. My handmade Santa collection is on the shelves near our tree and, this year, our tree is decked out with all my nautical ornaments befitting a true New Englander who grew up loving the shore. Hope your Christmas is full of grace and contentment.

  82. Jackie Walton says:

    You have a beautiful home, Susan. …and I love how you “let” Jack meander where ever his cute little feet will take him!! Merry Christmas to you and Joe and Jack and Girl kitty!

  83. Cindy Tuning says:

    Your house was made for Christmas! How do you get the platters to stay upright that you have layered on the sideboard? Are they on a rack? I love that and how you layer your pretty linens on the coffee table. I’m going to be a copycat!

  84. I love the photos of the Cardinals. Seeing a Cardinal in the flesh (or the feather) is one of the musts on my life wish list. As I’m from the west coast, we don’t have those birds here. Lots of Bald Eagles but no Cardinals. It’s just not the same.

    • sbranch says:

      I know. I remember seeing my first one when I moved here, very unexpectedly because I honestly didn’t know they existed, I’d never seen one. I was so surprised at how red they are. And then watching them, how they lived their little lives.

  85. ginger says:

    Thank you for another happy-filled post.

  86. Gala says:

    I’m stealing the chain idea, too–such a simple thing with so much potential! There are no cardinals outside my window, no cute kitties exploring, but we had snow last night and my largish brown dog was out romping in it and reveling in his Bernese Mountain Dog heritage.
    Today is a day of baking and wrapping and being together with my kids and is a very good thing and very Christmasy thing and my heart is happy. (yes, I willfully ignored punctuation in that sentence and may do it again)

  87. Patricia from Philly says:

    Hi Susan! I cannot believe sweet little Holly, who we saw leaving NYC port – bound for England – way back in 2001, is 24!
    The house is lovely (but it always is!). I look forward to the book.
    Wishing you and Jolly Joe a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

  88. Karen Saunders says:

    It’s snowing!!!!! So pretty!! I’m going to make my late Mom’s Snickerdoodle cookies….the best recipe ever!! (or maybe they were so good because she made them….) I am soooo excited for your book it actually makes me sick to my stomach in anticipation!!! It’s going to be so wonderful. Won’t you be sad when it’s actually done?? Iris is so cute and how nice you are to invite her into your home….she must get on well with your feline members of the family. Iris looks like there is not a soul on earth she doesn’t like. Good dog.

    • sbranch says:

      So funny you ask that Karen, yes, it will be sad when the book is done. But to fix the sadness, we may have to go to Scotland!

      Iris is a dear and just good with the kitties and everyone.

      I’m sure you smell the love of your mom in every one of those cookies! xoxo

  89. Frances Fowler says:

    How kind to open up your home and invite everyone in (so to speak). Everything looks warm, cozy, inviting, and ready for Christmas! But the expression on young Jack’s face upon discovering “the intruder” is excellent. And I’m tellin’ ya — Iris may thoroughly enjoy visiting you and Joe, but she loves your couch — which I know from experience, having had my similar, comfy couch taken over by my big dog years ago 🙁 Looking forward to hanging up your new calendar in my kitchen in a few weeks. Merry Christmas to you all!

    • sbranch says:

      She does love the couch. If she was my own dog, I would probably not like this as much! But since she comes to visit, and she’s so old, I can’t help but let her do it. Merry Christmas to you Frances!

  90. Sylvia WA State says:

    What a lucky neighbor is Iris :-). Is Joe writing a book too?? Maybe he’s proofreading or editing there on the floor with his feet up by the fire . . You two have created a paradise to live in. I LOVE being able to visit via this magic screen. Almost as good as being Iris. Thanks for all this cozy charm we all get to soak up. I am so grateful. The closing quote is really enchanting. I am inspired to finish my Christmas story/memory about the pantry of my childhood adventure, leading my younger brothers up into the attic to bring down the Christmas tree ornaments while our parents were out. We decorated the bare tree driving us nuts in the living room. Now I’m going in search of those angel bells. Used to have them. Hmmm. They would be perfect to cheer up my apartment. :-).

  91. Kate says:

    Oh the Angel bells brought back memories, we had one growing up. Ours had 3 bells but the other parts looked the same as yours. Ive seen them at Vermont Country Store and other places, but you can tell they are a thin stamped metel, not the heavy brass of the old ones. Ours has parts missing now, I hang on to it in hopes of finding another one in a thrift shop or something someday.
    Jack is darling, and either really a good boy or you arent showing us his naughty side, my boys would have ripped that deer apart! Thanks for sharing your beautiful home. Coffee tables are for displaying lace and china and pretty books and all the things you want within reach while you are parked on the couch. Silly man. Merry Christmas!

    • sbranch says:

      I would show you Jack’s naughty side if he had one — he has accidentally knocked things off my shelf when trying to get through a window at a bird, but only once or twice. He is so calm, like mature, oddly, with a penchant for chasing things, balls and thick ponytail bands which I shoot for him. LOL, silly man.

  92. Raylene says:

    Catching up on a couple of days worth of your blog. Whilst working nights at the Seniors Lodge, I caught the last bit of Pierce Morgan’s show on CNN, dealing with the Connecticut tragedy . . . their approach was looking at mental illness. That is the real culpret there. I know in Canada, we have seriously lost funding for dealing with this difficult problem, resulting in untreated patients living on the streets , etc. (The American lady who drowned her kids in the bathtub was also unsuccessfully treated post partum depression.) It is very disturbing. Especially this time of year. Just saying . . . .

    • sbranch says:

      So many suffering from it now, and their families too, and no where to go with it. I think because it’s somewhat invisible, people try to pretend it doesn’t exist.

  93. Chris k in Wisconsin says:

    Such a warm and wonderful post today. We have blizzard warnings and have had about 14 inches of snow so far. It is the heavy wet kind that is not easily removed… from the walkways, driveway or roof. Love the cardinal pictures, too. I am over 60, and was always told that when a cardinal visits your home, it is a dear one who has passed, coming to spend some time with you. I always talk to them when they stop in for a snack at our feeding station. Love seeing sweet Jack in all your posts, also. Two of ours spend all of their time under the tree when it is lit. I have all different bell ornaments I have collected over the years around the entire bottom of the tree so I can hear when they are coming or going from their little fortress. Again, I love the visits to your home. They are truly enjoyed!!

    • sbranch says:

      I am looking at Wisconsin on the news right this minute! How beautiful it is!

      I never heard that about cardinals. I wonder if these are all the dear ones who lived in and loved this house! I think I’ll choose to believe that!! Y

      our bells, how smart! and cute too! Thank you Chris, stay warm!

  94. Lezlee says:

    We’ve had many, many cats over the years . . . but I have to tell you – based on Jack’s antics, he is probably the smartest cat I’ve ever come across! More like a little dog . ..

    When I was a teenager, we had a sweet little tabby with one eye (losing end of a dog encounter) named Babbi . . . . one Christmas we had a string of lights on the floor to test them, and this quiet, dainty little cat took the strand and ran off with it- lights a blazin’! It was quite the sight – until she pulled the plug and the lights went out and she didn’t care anymore . . . .

  95. Rosanna says:

    I’ve found that there are two things that can make me stop and go within myself to feel at peace – yoga and a visit to your website/blog. Your previous post was so calming and helpful and done with such dignity – thank you for that.
    It really is like deep breathing and serenity to come here and see what you are doing, catching up on your latest book, etc. I feel each time I look at a picture of your home, I see my grandmother’s house – minus the white cushions of course – there were 17 of us grandchildren running around that place at times – so a ‘busy floral’ fabric covered a multitude of ‘sins’. 🙂
    And it is wonderful to see the little touches of Christmas here and there – I’ve gained so much inspiration from your style – Thank you for sharing this with us.
    Merry, merry Christmas to you and Joe and all FOSB!

  96. Rhonda Dunn says:

    Another beautiful post Susan. And do you know what one of the most eye-catching things was for me? Joe’s red socks. I love them…how festive. Now I want red socks. In fact, I want color co-ordinated socks for every season now. Loved to see your pantry. You have so much space in there. That room has a life of its own. You could almost live in there…washer, dryer, fridge, ironing board, food, cat and no coffee table (??). The sound of your bells is awesome…one of the things that truly make a house a home, especially this time of year. Is that a scottie dog on your sofa in the living room? Wondering what it is…a pillow or something? I love it anyway. I’m off to Halifax tomorrow to spend Christmas with my new granddaughter. She just spent a week in the hospital with an eye infection from a blocked tear duct. A hard week for us, but she’s doing much better now. You are all decked out for Christmas…your home sparkles and shines with the spirit of the season. Wishing you and your family and all the girlfriends a wonderful Christmas. Love and hugs. xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      Joe almost only wears red socks. He just likes them. No coffee table in the Pantry, must use top of dryer! It’s a scottie dog pillow. You might notice my living room seems to have collected little bits of black for the holidays, and that dog is one of them. Enjoy your trip, your granddaughter, your holiday, Rhonda … Merry Christmas!

      • Rhonda Dunn says:

        Well, I have to admit, Joe has good taste in socks. They’re even a nice shade of red. Your scottie dog pillow is so detailed for a pillow. That’s why I had to ask. You are right about the black. My eye was immediately drawn to it. I like to have touches of black in every room if I can. Thank you for the Christmas wishes.

  97. Lynn Marie says:

    Your home is beautiful! I will be sure to order some bells–those brought back such wonderful memories as we had them when I was a little girl. I had forgotten about them until I saw them in your little video posting. Merry Christmas Susan Branch–I eagerly await each and every posting!

  98. Laurie says:

    Hi Susan,
    Jack is probably bigger than my 10lb dog, a maltese. Here in California we do not have cardinals, we have stellar jays, so thanks for all the eye candy!!
    Have a good holiday!

  99. Jenny, Hamilton, OH says:

    Everything looks so lovely, and festive. Had to do a double take of your pantry. I thought that was tissue paper hanging on the drying rack. WOW is she organized. I was laughing out loud thinking, here’s my tub of wrapping mixed with bits of twine and twig, crushed bows, and recycled gift bags. I’m such a failure. Second glance, oh! it’s towels!! Feeling much better now. BTW, love that Holly/Pine towel just adorable.
    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

  100. Sarah Maldonado says:

    Just lovely! Every bit! Good idea about the chain. I think I’ll try that. Also, would like to see that picture above your fireplace sometime! Is it a photo you took, a painting? Looks so inviting. And then there’s Iris! Made me smile and think of the English Setter who used to climb my mom’s fence in order to come visit. She came so often and stayed so long the neighbor asked Mom if she’d like to keep her so Lady became a part of her life, went on vacations, slept on the couch, shared her love. :-). Merry Christmas, Susan!

    • sbranch says:

      Nice when the animal chooses the person! My neighbors would have a bit of a fit if I tried to keep Iris! They are nice to share her with me! She’s a pretty old dog, almost 13 I think, so she gets to live her life as she chooses.

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