Good Morning! How’s everyone this red-letter day? JoEllen, one of our Twitter/Blog Girlfriends contributed the perfect MUSICA this auspicious morning! Enjoy! At four this afternoon I’m having my first book signing for our book at Bunch of Grapes Bookstore here on the island. Nervous, yes! Happy? Thrilled! And I thought I’d share a few of the wonderful photos I’ve been getting from YOU. ♥ This first one is from our girlfriend AngieTink who just received the books she ordered . . .
Apparently, Angie’s planning to spread her fairy dust throughout the western world! Thank you Angie! ♥
This is Cadie. She’s the daughter of our Girlfriend Joann from Colorado (thank you Joann!). She’s reading the first chapter of A FINE ROMANCE to her mom. She’s a Romance expert right now . . . she’s going to be a very beautiful bride in a few weeks.
And, speaking of gardens, look at these cute girls! That’s Linda on the left and Kathy on the right. Do they know how to do it up right? Oh yes they do! Roses on the tablecloth, silver tea set, crustless cucumber sandwiches, strawberries floating in sparkling-something in thin tulip glasses, scones, flowers, all in a gorgeous garden — a perfect setting to take your book for a wonderful afternoon read with your best friend. I was honored to come along (even in book form)!
But what else would we expect from Kathy? This is a photo she sent me a few years back. She has been writing the story of her life, year after year, keeping her journal in my Book of Days . . . Counting her Blessings galore. Thank you Kathy who understands, just like you, the importance of the
This photo came from our Girlfriend Dawn in Elmhurst . . . she’s serving her book along with heart-shaped gingerbread scones! Our book is everywhere! Thank you Dawn!
And out to the gorgeous Missouri Prairie we go — this photo sent by Patricia Kelley via Twitter! Love those cows! Love our book among the cows! Thank you Patricia!
In these photos, our Girlfriend Georgie (and her very own JOE) are packing their car for the trip from New Jersey to Martha’s Vineyard for the signing on the island tonight. They went to Illumination Night last night. How is that for perfect timing? And the Fireworks are on Friday! It’s perfect weather for our Girlfriend and her Guy!
These are the photos Georgie sent from the boat. Thank you Joe and Georgie!
Well, this is all I have time for today! I have so much to do! I have to figure out what to wear tonight, get Jack’s cat hair off Petey’s sailor outfit, gather up the painted bookmarks,
and think about what I might say before the signing. This is always the scary part. Fun, but scary. But I didn’t want to let today go by without saying hello! And Girlfriends, a second printing of the book was just ordered! Yes! Now all of you have signed First Printings! It’s all going so well, which I attribute to YOU! Almost all the books we had have been sent out now . . . but we kept some back for our web store, in case you need one and can’t find one at your local store, we’ll try to have them for you. The second printing will be here in about two months. So all I can say is . . . from the bottom of my heart . . .
Girlfriends ♥
How fun! I can hear your heart singing aaaaaaall the waaaaaay over here! Congratulations, Sue! You’ve done it again!
Just ordered my copy from Amazon!! Can’t wait to enjoy all the eye candy.
Congratulations, Susan! I don’t know where you get the energy to do everything you do! Happy belated birthday to Joe! Enjoy meeting all the GF at the book signing today! No reason to be nervous – we all just love your positive spirit and kind heart!!:-) Hope to meet you in Colorado – either at the Tattered Cover in Denver or the Old Firehouse in Ft. Collins!
What an exciting day! What a great day to be you! Sure wish I could be there in person. I’m sure all the girlfriends do, too. But we will all be there in spirit. Good luck and enjoy every minute!
Congratulations on the second printing, Sue! A Fine Romance will be EVERYWHERE! I’m thinking of you today and wishing you a wonderful book launch. I’ll be there, even though you won’t see me — unless you catch a glimpse of the Twitter girls hiding in Georgie’s bag ;). We’ll all be there with you today, bringing love and good wishes. XOXO to you, dear Sue.
Got that glimpse and was thrilled — thank you Janie!
I’m so glad you were there Janie!!! Wasn’t it fun! How special. Thanks for cheering me along! xoxo Georgie, NJ
hi susan!!! What a fantastic idea for a post!!! I absolutely love putting a face to some of the names I see here all of the time. Good Luck today at the signing…if I wasn’t here in St. Louis, Missouri at our 1st day of school, I’d be at Bunches of Grapes!!!! Loved that bookstore!! have fun!!! love, cindy
P.S. I brought “A Fine Romance” to school with me today…just in case!! xo <3
Susan, So very excited for you today…..what a joy filled, happy day! I know all of us girlfriends are sending you love and good mojo, we know the book signing will be part of your dream coming true! Sure wish we could all be there to celebrate with you…..but we will be in spirit!
Sending you a special warm hug on this special day! Will be thinking about you and the girlfriends all gathered together at A Bunch of Grapes this afternoon.
Hugs to Joe too…….and we know there will be an appearance by that mischievous Petey too…..LOL!
Your Dad must be popping his buttons with pride! You are an inspiration to us all.
“A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes” ………You believed and your dream did come shining through! ♥ ♥ ♥
Love and hugs,
Dearest Deb,
It is so fun to hear from you again!! My heart always is so happy when I see your name. Isn’t Susan’s book the greatest? And every time she mentions her blog Girlfriends in the book, it is hard not to burst with pride b/c we are part of that number! Hope you are having some good days (not too hot) with your family (and that includes Bean!!) Baby Button says hi from one kitty to another. Love ya! Linda
Does this mean that books have not been sent to privately owned, independent book stores and will not be for two more months? Judy in Nashville
We’ve shipped to the bookstores that have ordered them, and we do have a few more for shipping to bookstores, but we are very low, and those who haven’t ordered probably should do it as soon as possible.
Susan, will the bookstores that you having signings in have the books to purchase?
Yes they will!
Good luck at your book signing tonight!! Only wish I could join you and all the other girlfriends who will be there!! I know it will be absolutely wonderful!
congrats susan,
your baby is off to a brilliant start! my dear daughter (17) is now reading my copy and loving it. have fun at the signings
I’m officially halfway through my copy of THE book and slowing down to savor. Thank you, Susan. It’s beautiful!
Best of luck today and enjoy all the praise. You’ve earned it in spades.
Wow! The cows and myself are flattered to be included with the lovely girlfriends having tea and road tripping. Thank you Susan for having this blog and sharing so much with your blog girlfriends!
Have fun at the book signing!
Ah, I will have to get a snap taken here in FL of your amazing book. I too, like so many, spread my reading of it over a period of a week. I rewarded myself each day with a snippet of it.
Oh….I would have loved to be at Linda & Kathy’s tea? party
Lovely. Excitement for your signing tonight:)
So very excited for you and your new book. Happy signing! I loved seeing the pictures of everyone sharing their readings of this wonderful book. I am getting one for my daughter Ashley who is wildly mad about England, what 12 year old isn’t? Ta Ta for now.
I have tears of happiness and joy in my eyes after reading your post this morning! You are the BEST! We all love you, Susan – your generosity, your creativity, your love of life. Love the pictures of all the girlfriends – I was just thinking this morning about your signing and how I wish I was back closer to MV – this would be a call in sick day and get on the ferry to see Susan and her book
What a red letter day indeed!!! Enjoy every minute – you could recite the phone book and we would all be overjoyed to share it with you lol
because it would be done with love and style!
Thank you so much Mari! xoxo
I couldn’t say it any better, Mari!
I will be thinking of you this afternoon. Have a wonderful book signing! Wish I could be there. Loved all the photos of the girlfriends with the book.
Nice seeing where the books are being read…have mine packed to take to Big Bear Lake this weekend…have already finished it the first time through but there is much to go back and look at and I’m looking forward t doing just that! Happy Day Miz Susan and Girlfriends. I’m sure your first book signing with be wonderful! Pix, please.
good morning Susan, good morning girlfriends. its a lovely day here, feels like Fall is in the air. plenty to do, and the county fair opened up yesterday so we may or may not go, haven’t really decided. the fires are still burning, the big ones are contained, the Labradore fire they are going to let burn itself out, just a small crew keeping watch on it. have a method to get hair off of Petey, wrap some scotch tape around your hand, sticky side out and brush your hand over Petey, that get the get the cat fuzz off. works around here and I have 4 cats to deal with. well Fall is definitely in the air around here, summer is almost over and we can hear the katydids singing in with the crickets. the squirrels are getting a darker coat for winter now, and showing up more and more in the yard for their food, and the acorns are huge this year, the squirrels will love that. seems they throw the acorns at the mailman and at my MIL for some odd reason. wonder if its because she tried to trap them in my yard and take them to her place which has no trees and no place for the squirrels to go to for food or shelter except across the road to the oak trees near the railroad tracks. whatever the reason, each time her car shows up they bomb it with the acorns. the cats have been busy watching a mouse on my front porch…ICK!!! as long as it stays out of my house it can stay on the porch and stay away from me, but if it comes in, then its war!!! I have had enough of those varmints eating my toilet paper and chewing up my make up bag and leaving their little droppings all over my bathroom. soon it will be Fall and the last of the tractor brigade and lawnmower brigade will chug down the road for fuel for the last of the summer season. i’ll miss them until next summer. almost time for the Labor Day festival and carnival with the Tuff Truck competition and the parade in town, not to mention I get my Lion burger fix for the year and will have to wait after that for another whole year before getting those burgers again. best burgers in the valley, and I only get them once a year, so I do pig out a little……
!!!! well off to go do the laundry and feed the barnyard crowd, then off to run some errands and go snoop out a new shop in town, Halloween City. I may go for some inspiration for ideas for Halloween. have a great day everyone…..hugs!!! 
I have a question for anyone who can help me out: how do you dust or clean silk flowers??? I know you can’t wash them or they will be ruined, so how does one clean them off and get the dust and fuzz off??? thank you
Hi Pat, when I was living at home it seems my “job” was cleaning my Mother’s silk flower arrangements!!! UGH I started by using a hair dryer to blow off the dust (which did help), and then took a very damp cloth and just started wiping. Hope this helps. Enjoy your Fall.
oh my, Girlfriend!! You have got me excited for fall. I must admit we are having several fallish days right now, but I know that hot-hot weather is till in store for Sept. Then some nice Indian summer days of Oct.–I love those. There are many little communities in Lancaster County that still have fairs. Starting with the E-town fair in August; ending with the Manheim fair in late September. Some have Wednesday parades; some have rides; most have farm produce, etc. for judging; ALL have good food! Will, look forward to squirrel news in upcoming comments from you, Pat. Love, Linda
Hi Linda!
We are leaving Colorado for Jackson Center, Ohio, and Lancaster, PA, in October. I grew up walking to Central Market with my grandmother every Tuesday and Friday. Can’t wait to see it again now that the “updating” is finished. (Contributed to that cause a few years ago!)
My dad went to F & M and at age 93, he will be with us. We will be there for a week, so I’ll get to go to market twice!! Staying at the Circle M resort. Love, love, love that part of the country!!! You are so lucky to live there.
Susan Bryza
hello Linda, you will get plenty of the squirrel news, next month is their mating season and they just seem to energize the yard by all the running round and round the trees and up and down them chasing each other all around the yard. its fun to watch but exhausting. and yes they bomb the mail carrier every time she drives into my yard, and my MIL. I love it. Fall is just around the corner and I can’t wait. hugs…..
Hi Linda! I know I have told you this before but you are one lucky girl living where you do! All those wonderful Fairs and Farm Markets and the Textile Museum in Lancaster City. When I visit my son in Morgantown I always think of you and tell my dear husband as soon as he retires we are off to Lancaster! I LOVE Susan’s book and cherish every word and picture. We are so lucky she wrote it for all of us to enjoy. Have a nice Sunday.
I’m so glad things are going beautifully for you! You did a wonderful job on your book ( I ADORE it!!!) and I hope everything goes well with your book signing!
Happy Dancin’ all over the place…just so Awesome what you have accomplished…and to think we girlfriends were lucky enough to be
there, every step of the way! Best of luck at your first signing tonight…
Break a leg, kid…You’ll knock em dead!!!!! ♥
So much more fun with YOU!
I have been watching the mail everyday for my copy of your book as I preordered it way back when you first allowed us to order. Is it on the way? I am so looking forward to it. thanks. Sheila
Have a great day, Susan; I know you’ll do fine. Have a couple more pages of your wonderful book, and I’ll be finished.
Reading your blog adventures about Martha’s Vineyard is so much fun, but this book……I felt like I was right there with you and Joe. You did an awesome job! You should do tours, you know!! How fun would that be??!!
Dear Susan,
I wish you the best of luck at your book signing tonight. You are going to do fantastic because everyone that is coming ***HEARTS*** you! It’s a win win situation. I just got through reading the my book and didn’t want it to ever end. I think this should be the first of many books this style. You could even do one on New England and we would all gobble it up! We love you and everything you do it magic!
P.S. Have you ever read Mary Mason Campbell’s “Butt’ry Shelf Cookbook” It is right up your alley. It’s a New England recipe book with lovely stories and could be the inspiration for you to do a trip/book of New England.
Hi Nancy…love Mary Mason Campbell… you have Butt’ry Shelf Almanac? Both books so special.. especially with Tasha Tudor’s illustrations!
Hi Vicki,
Yes I do!!! I even bought copies to share with my sister because they are just so precious. Mary Mason Campbell also has a book about herbs too! You’ll have to find that little treasure to add to your collection
I found that book last year. It is called Kitchen Gardens. I really like Tasha Tudor’s art. I think that is why I like Susan’s art so much. So many details!!! Tasha Tudor’s birthday is Wednesday.
I must look for the Butt’ry Shelf cookbook too!!
Best of luck today, Susan. We all know it’ll be perfect. Thank you for sharing the lovely photos of your friends and the book; each is unique with a common likeness. — I’m so very excited that I’ll be at one of your book signings on my birthday; what a wonderful way for me to spend my day, and with my Mom. We’re looking forward to meeting you. — Enjoy your book signing today; I’m sure it will be wonderful.
I’m so excited for you today!! Such fun to see the pictures of all our girlfriends and their books! Guess I’m not too adventurous……I read a little of mine every night, snuggled in my bed! It makes for great dreams!
Oh Susan! I just can’t tell you how excited I am to meet you in NH next week. It seemed sooo far away and it’s less than a week! I have finished reading A Fine Romance and have started it all over again! It seems as though I hadn’t even read it the first time. I keep asking, how did I miss this part!
Safe travels. See you next Wednesday! Can’t wait!!!! Asha oxoxox
Me either Asha! Thank you!!
just so happy for you & all of us on this wonderful blog!!! Also love those colorful bookmarks – what a great idea ♥
Many thanks to you for writing this wonderful book!!! I am loving it!
xoxo Priscilla!
Hi Priscilla … I’m in SD area too …. Hope Susan comes are way…..
So fun! Happy signing this afternoon…I know it will be a blast and I cannot wait to see pictures from it! Have a beautiful weekend!
Congratulations to you on your newest book. Best wishes and loads of fun on your book tour.
Have fun at the book signing Susan and Joe. So glad Petey is going with you. He’ll enjoy the “airing”. Don’t let him go AWOL! He’s got that look in his eye. Speak from your heart, Susan and you can’t go wrong. Take gentle care.
Perfect advice! xoxo
Do any of you remember an old TV show, I think one of the “Twilight Zones,” in which this child gets a dummy doll that the child’s daddy doesn’t like. The dummy winds up on the stairs, the guy trips on the doll, end of dad who dislikes the dummy. The dummy had a face like your sailor doll. Be careful on stairs Susan. That doll has this creepy smile, would you not agree?
(Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)
LOL. I’ll be careful. He was a very good boy last night, almost angelic!
Congratulations, Susan! This is such a milestone. So happy for you. . . and for us!! Hope lots and lots of people come!
I am so excited for you! You are going to do wonderful today I have no doubt in my mind about that! I can almost feel all the excitement of all the girlfriends waiting for your book signings! Delicious anticipation is right! I am enjoying summer to the fullest , having picnics and cloud watching and so much more! It’s crazy to think that summer time is almost over! But in comes fall which I am excited about! I wish you luck and send all of my love, wish I could be there! P.S Happy Birthday to Julia child today too!
Love the wonderfulness of all the girlfriends! Just sent my daughter her signed copy of “our book” along with other goodies. Thank you Susan for pure joy! Denise in Maryland
Thank you Denise, and a big hello to your daughter!
ok, last comment
I just sat down for lunch when the mailman delivered my book A Fine Romance!!!! Perfect timing & definitely worth the wait ♥♥♥ Now I’m on my way to email Sheri to thank her for the super quick delivery – and here’s to a fabulous afternoon of reading and dreaming – the next best thing to being on MV today! Thank you! Thank you!
Oh so happy to hear it Mari! Enjoy! xoxo
How wonderful Susan. I am very happy for you. I just love my book, I have first printings of every one of your books, so glad I got mine already. Hope to see you somewhere along the way. Good Luck at the signing. xoxo
Hi Susan…love your “girlfriends” photos! I think everyone is just so thrilled with your lovely book! I know I am! You mentioned about thinking what to say before the signing tonight….do you plan to talk before all the signings? Just don’t want to miss anything… really are magical and your creativity boasts mine to greater levels all the time. Isn’t that the best thing about girlfriends…we inspire and raise each other to new heights! Hugs, Safe trip and good luck (not that you’ll need it) tonight and in all your travels and signings.
What a wonderful post….(wow Angie Tink!) I love that I’m inspired by someone who inspires such wonderfulness in others! Does that make sense? Enjoy tonight… Maureen
Susan, wishing you a wonderful time at your first book signing for A Fine Romance. All your hard work and dedication to this beautiful book is so well deserved! Although we’ve never met it person, I feel like you truly are my girlfriend and I wish you and Joe a fun, safe, and memorable journey as you travel to each of your book store destinations. Looking forward to each blog as you make your way to meeting and signing your girlfriend’s books! With love and happiness always. ♥
Hi Susan, I don’t know why my comments are not going through, but it seems when I reply to my own original comment, you can see it. Hope your book signing was wonderful!
Oh, it will be fun this afternoon! Have a wonderful time. I am slooowwllyyyyyy reading my copy (my first edition!), eeking it out to make it last. I’m only allowed to read one day’s worth per day, though I’ve been known to cheat a little… I love it so much, and even though I felt like I was there with you when you posted about it last year while you were really there, I feel like I’m there with you again….
Good morning to you Susan and to all Girlfriends everywhere!~~~
I bet you are sooooo excited about today and I don’t blame you for being a little bit nervous when it comes to speaking, but I bet you do a turmendous job!!! It’s really that time now! We’ve all been waiting for so long for this day to get here…. the book signings! Oh, I do hope that Barns & Noble will let you do a book signing there. Even though they are a chain, I’m hoping that each store is individual. Will find out in a couple weeks.
The new buyers of our house in Eureka are signing their papers a week early!! Told our realtor yesterday that we’re not ready yet! I’m still packing, although not much left to do. THEN, we need to find out if the still owner of the house in WA that we’re buying will let us move in a week early. We are willing to pay him rent to do so. Also, we are still having to coodinate the movers. WOW! I’m riding on a high as you can imagine…. which is a good thing as I finish with the packing. Am packing up the kitchen, which you know can be quite the challenge. Can’t have those boxes super heavy so it’s taking a lot of them.
I’ll be praying for you as you start your book signing adventure today!!
Carol M
I forgot to mention about all the pictures of the girlfriends and our book! They are great!!!!
Hi Susan,
I predict this book will be a massive hit — not just with your friends here on your blog, but with many, many women around the world who love beauty! Thank you for shipping our books so quickly. I am enjoying mine and purchased one for my Congressman’s wife (another Susan) who I introduced to your website during last fall’s campaign season.
Your talent has blessed so many people and we thank you for sharing not only your art with us, but sharing so much of your enchanted life with us!
Will you book be sold in London I wonder…. I’m going to London this november, and with some luck, I’m hoping to find it there.
I finished “A Fine Romance”. Loved it dearly. Thank you so much! After hearing me rave about your book, my husband wants to read it! I love your website and blogs and web store.
I want a heart shaped scone and a Susan Branch book !!! And I want it now!!! Gee, I wish I was 6 again…..I might get what I want right now.LOL Not likely:):) But fun to think about. I will be getting a book, I’ll have to dream of the scone. Blessings for a great book signing. xoxox, Susie
Susie, it would be so sweet if all of the Girlfriends could meet for tea and scones! We’d have so much to talk about!! ♡
Oh Dawn, you may have just made the perfect wish — there is a FINE ROMANCE TEA PARTY event in Illinois, in a town called Wilamette, at a GORGEOUS Country Club there called Westmoreland as a fund raiser for a Women’s Exchange you can read about there. I think it looks amazing! Thrilled to be going there! I hope it’s close to you!
Oh, Susan!! It’s a dream come true!!!! I just mailed in my check for the tea party. It’s only about an hour north of here… and I’m looking forward to exploring the North Shore area! Westmoreland Country Club looks just beautiful! I love that it is a fundraiser for The Women’s Exchange, too. So much goodness!!
Counting the days!
I love everything about it too! And now you’ll be there! I heard they’ve already sold over 50 tickets — it’s going to be fun!
I just contacted a cute new bookstore in Ann Arbor, MI and am hoping they’ll be in touch with you to set up a signing if you have time that first week of September. If you’ve never been there before, you’d love Ann Arbor! Good luck tonight with your signing. We’ll all be thinking of you (and some of us will be there!!!)
I’m crawling through my copy so as to prolong the experience! Even though you shared so much in your blog, I feel there is still much more to see and savor! The actual book is a treasure! Thank you, thank you!!!
a short note today because I am reading A Fine Romance by YOU and I have to get back to it! loving it. what a treasure!
how I wish I could be there for your first book signing of “A Fine Romance”.
Have fun. Will Joe video a little of the excitement ?
Susan, Although I can’t be there at the signing I am so excited for you! And for me, when I receive your book! I just called the Bunch of Grapes and ordered a copy and asked Lily (also from Pittsburgh, Small world!) to send me a copy and also to ask you to personalize it for me. I was hoping to be able to get a copy when we were visiting over the Fourth, but now I have the delicious anticipation of waiting for it to come in the mail! Safe and happy travels to you and Joe!
I am in love with your new book! THANK YOU from the bottom of MY heart ~ it is a true delight to read and enjoy!
My sincerest congratulations! And I wanted to wish you the best of luck at your first book signing for this wonderful book! I received the book a couple of weeks ago, but had TEN house guests (is that crazy or what?) and now getting ready for my husband to deploy to Afghanistan again. I decided I would not read the book until after my husband deploys. It gives me something to look forward to, but, I gotta tell ya, it is V-E-R-Y hard not to read it yet!!!!!
God be with you as you begin this amazing journey! I am in tears, happy for you (and Joe) but sad that we can’t ALL be there with you…of course we are in spirit and love. I have a few special pictures to send your way soon. We will all be sitting on the edge of our seats, waiting to hear all about the signing today…YAY!!!!! Savor each moment….you deserve it, for all the joy, love and happiness you have given to each of us. We love you!!
Congratulations on today’s book signing and your upcoming tour. I hope to see you on the road!
I just know you will have a grand time at the signing tonight! Have fun!
Nothing I can add…just, enjoy all the love coming your way. You deserve EVERY last bit!
All you have to do is say “hi” and you’ll have everyone in the palm of your hand. I just finished my first reading…thought I would be able to savor it one page a day….ha!!!!!! Have a great evening! Christina
So excited for you & your book signing tour–PLUS I just read my new copy of Victoria magazine & TA-DA, a whole page with your lovely book art & photos to remind me that I should’ve ordered an early copy….sigh….
Will be ‘tinking happy tots’ (i.e. “thinking happy thoughts”) of you today to help quell those public speaking butterflies, ‘break a leg’!
Susan, I’m so happy for you and thank you for all the joy you bring to our lives without us even leaving home. When my books arrived I didn’t want to flip through or read ahead but rather savor the moments with my hubby reading a little each evening. We are on page 190 and just loving every moment of your book. I will be sad when the trip is over but we have more fun ahead, my hubby has been painting the most adorable little fairy doors to entice them to stay so we can hear their giggles. I’ve been suspecting for a long time that they are living in some of my parlor treadle sewing machines. To celebrate your book signing I’ll make scones and tea for an afternoon break with hubby and maybe leave a crumb or two for the fairies.
I am guessing that you’re very busy right no we getting ready to be at A Bunch of Grapes this afternoon. My husband and I shopped there one cold late December when we stayed on MV between Christmas and New Year’s Day. So quiet at that off season time, and SO VERY cold!
You have done much for all of us with your efforts on this book and all that you do to perk up our lives! Many have been the days when your blog was the thing that got me out of a down time while my younger sister was dying this past winter. Seemed to me that you just knew the right day to send out some sparkle for my day! Now, go have a grand afternoon!
Oh dear Mary Pat, I am so very sorry. And grateful that you found a little respite here with us. Thank you for the good wishes!!
Oh how exciting to be beginning your tour, Susan!
My copy of “A Fine Romance” seems to have found a permanent home on my sofa.
May I ask from which book the fairy quote is taken? (“The first thing you must do,” said the fairy, “is to go back into the sitting-room and find my magic wand. I’m useless without it.”) I think I must read that book! Thank you!
It’s by an English children’s book author, but I’m not sure which book it is now … he wrote lots of them and I can’t remember where I saw it.
Good ol’ Google! I entered the quote and came up with H. E. Todd, but it didn’t say which book that quote was from.
Thanks, Cathy from Maryland!! Hugs from across the country!
JoAnn, you must be the JoAnn who called me today! Hugs back across the country to you! God works in mysterious ways, does He not!
What happy days! All over the world we are joining you in your Fine Romance – and it’s so much fun. I am trying (really hard) to read your book in small bits, but it’s hard! I want to savor and imagine. When I’m done, I think, no I know, I’m going to read it again.
I’ve just finished your rainy day adventure on the lake near Beatrix Potter’s house. You make even a wet dreary day full of delights.
I shared my book with my Mom and she loved it! She said it brought back wonderful memories of my Dad and the trips they would take together. I am taking it with me on vacation to read it again. Have a wonderful time on your book tour!
I just found out you’re coming to Bakersfield, CA in November! I have it on my calendar and will be there for sure! I have followed your blog ever since Suzanne mentioned you on hers! Of course I already knew you from fabric and scrapbooking. I’m very excited to meet you in person.
See you in Bakersfield, Laura!
I love your book, can’t put it down. A few pages into it, I ordered another one for a dear friend of mine. She loves the English countryside and Peter Rabbit, and has told me that some of her most precious memories with her late husband are of their travels in England. This will be a perfect gift for her.
Thank you so much from both of us!
Thank you so much Marian,
AND ALL YOU GIRLFRIENDS … I want to answer every single one, but I have to start getting ready for tonight! But I’m going to read them anyway!
Yes, Susan, we are VERY understanding and astute Girlfriends!! Book signings and traveling are going to take up much time! We know you read all our comments–you’re a very good listener! Thanks for reading–even though you can’t comment as much as we know you’d like to.
VERY hard not to!!
Really enjoying my book and every page of your adventures.
A beautiful book written with love…
Thank you
Sure wish I could be there today…we were in the book store in the fall hoping to find some of your other books…good luck
Pat in Ohio
OH…and I forgot about those amazing bookmarks you’ll be handing out! Made my heart skip a beat just seeing the awesomeness of them all together like that. The simple joys of life
LOVE THEM!! Now I’m feeling like the kid in school who wasn’t invited to the party…boo-hoo.
It’s OK, you were there in spirit Becky!
We had our hot water heater burst and flood part of our house and lost Internet service for who knows how long so I came to a local coffee shop to catch up on the latest as I knew you’d have a new blog…not to mention I needed a respite from the drama! Looks like things are popping with you and the girlfriends. My book is safe and I’ll keep tabs on you via my coffee shop as I can. It could be worse so I’m still smiling! God speed your travels!
Oh dear Sarah!!! Good idea for the escape, glad to hear from you!
Oh my goodness!! Oh my goodness!! I am sooooo excited! What a wonderful delight to have with my tea today! I am living vicariously through this blog and with a dear sweet friend Christie Ray who is also in Martha’s Vineyard right now and will be along with Miss Eliza ( her darling sweet mouse from her books) and her sweet Prince of a husband at your book signing today!! I KNOW that when the time comes today you will know just what to say and everyone there will be hanging onto every sweet word you share. How exciting for both of you! What a wonderful continuation to such “A FINE ROMANCE” adventure!!
It was lovely to meet her Belinda, as you would guess! Such a treat to be able to put a face to her name after all these months of meeting here on the blog!
Yes!!!….;o) I was squealing with every sweet text/picture from Christie and every tweet from both you and Georgie! What PURE delight!! Thanks to all!!
Happy Book-signing and traveling. Sorry I will miss you in NH, but have your signed book in hand–:-) And one ready to give my English pen pal when she visits in about a month.
How fun that she is coming! Enjoy!
Susan, Joe, & Petey
Good luck tonight and all along the roads to your signings..
Thank you so much for the wonderful pictures and most of all thank you for all of the wonderful, sweet things you add to our lives.
p.s. I just made my 2nd Lavender Polenta cake. I am having 23 people tomorrow evening for a wine & food tasting. I thought that the cake, with fresh raspberries,homemade raspberry sauce and whipping cream would be a great way to end the evening…and that’s one more “sweet” thing you have added to my life.
I love the fruit sauce — they will too! xoxo
Not to make you nervous or anything, but the Obama’s are on MV. What if one of them turns up? LOL I wouldn’t worry about what to say, the girlfriends are a very supportive bunch and they will love ANYTHING you say. They will be just so happy to be able to thank you in person for being our inspiration to slow down and enjoy everyday. Cheers!
Yes, that would have made me nervous!
Thank you Vickie!
~ Good Afternoon~
Have fun as you begin your book tour~! I’m sure you will do great~ Enjoy the ride~~
Oh how wonderful for you ! Such a talented lady you are ! I hope for you , Joe and kitties of course the best of everything ! Have a blast at your book signings ! Are there any books coming to Southwestern Ontario Canada ? Oh I hope so ! Raising my tea cup to you .. a job well done !
I know we can ship there, it just depends on if someone orders them!
Have a great time at your signing today, I wish I could be there to meet you and collect one of your bookmarks!
I live near St. Louis (but in IL) and I’m hoping you’ll make it this way on your tour.
Michelle……. ME TOO!!! I live in Highland… are you close? I AM SOOO Hoping that Susan’s van will need to stop in STL!!! If so, then I will be there for sure!!! Good to see another midwesterner in the crowd!!!
So excited for you, I hope it’s a lovely evening with friends both old and new at the book signing tonight!
Best wishes on your book tour – I’m sure it will be a blast!!!
Best of luck (don’t think you really need it!) and have fun tonight! I know it will be wonderful. Am working on trying to get a signing for you in VA. I’ve never done this before, so am fumbling along. Tried to contact Mermaid books in Williamsburg, VA. And will talk to our 2 B&N in Richmond. All our thoughts and energies are with you tonight, and after this it will be a breeze!
I can’t thank you enough for trying Terri!
Today is your DAY —-SHINE ,SHINE , SHINE ! Wish I were there.
I love seeing the Girlfriends feeling so happy with our new treasure! It’s wonderful
to know there’s so much love & goodness out there!
I am most patiently awaiting the arrival of my pre-ordered, “A Fine Romance” as I am looking forward to sharing with my neighbor from across the pond (50 years). She is a real trooper as she lost her leg last March due to an infection and is handling it valiantly. I know she will just love your book, Susan.
If it doesn’t come soon go to any page in the shopping section of the blog — you’ll find a contact for the studio and either Kellee or Sheri can track it for you! Just in case. You are wonderful to think of your friend. Please give her my best.
Have a wonderful time at your signing this evening. All the very best and I am sure that you will be brilliant and funny. Hoping Michelle O. stops in tonight while she is vacation on MV.
It’s all just too thrilling!!!! Savor every minute!! xo
I’ll be seeing you in Grand Rapids! Wish I was at MV though, what a perfect setting for your first signing. Love the book and ordered a second copy…thank goodness I got the first additions!
Hugs, Lynnie
Red Letter Day Indeed! Know you will enjoy all the activities and meeting so many admireing girlfriends. Soak up all that love, you deserve it! You haven given it so freely to all of us along the way, now it’s your turn. Enjoy!
I will be lost in my copy of “A Fine Romance” all afternoon. It’s the closest I can get to MV today. I’ll be thinking of all of you there.
Wishing you safe travels. Bless you and Joe, and Petey too!
This note is to thank Georgie and Erin for the tweets of their adventures on Marthas Vineyard. For those of us who are not on Twitter, it is wonderful to be able to read their Twitter comments and see the photos of the Vineyard and the booksigning……so exciting! It is the next best thing to being there.
So, thanks again!
And to think at this very moment Georgie and Erin are meeting Susan…….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I met them both and it was so much fun to finally put faces to names!
Add my thanks to them too! Loved the pics and seeing them:)
Deb! Thank You! It was so exciting. I’m glad the pictures could offer a small glimpse into all the JOY of the event. Erin and I knew Girlfriends everywhere were right there with us!
XOXO Georgie, NJ
TWO MONTHS! :-(. It’s really exciting to be in on all this. I’m a big fan of C-SPAN’s BOOKTV show on the weekends. Maybe you’ll turn up at some book event and be filmed speaking. What a happy thought. Have fun at all the events.
Oh that is a good thought, I love that show too!
Isn’t “Book TV” on C-SPAN terrific? I’ve learned a TON there – and so often the topics START being things that in a million years I would never have guessed I’d find interesting!! But by the end I’m often buying the book! I discovered Michael Pollan there, and a LOT of great history books, and two absolutely wonderful books written about the historic New England Hurricane of 1938. Highly recommend it to anyone interested in non-fiction! So well worth the time…
Agreed! Interesting educational and inspiring!
Fingers must have been tangled…You Have given us so much love along the way I wanted to wish all that love your way, you deserve it!
PS: Love your blog today with the photos of the friends and their books. I’ll take one and mail it to you too.
So wish I could be there for the inaugural book signing today! But, do know that I am here (with my Roxie), thinking about you! I know this is only the beginning of an incredible book signing journey! Safe travels …. I’ll see you when you get to California! xo ♥ peg
Thank you darling Peg.
Oh, Sue Sue! I read this blog all the way to the very end..and all I could say with tears in my eyes was, AWWW! I hope this book signing was so awesome. That meeting some of us Girlfriends was so beautiful for everyone! I know I am not alone wishing I could’ve been there to root you on for the very first book signing. I know your face is hurting from all that smiling…XXXOOO
It was everything I hoped it would be. Half the audience was wearing name tags, I was in a room full of girlfriends! It was heaven!
All the very best to you, dear one. My 2 copies just arrived! Our book is gorgeous!! My prayers are with you and Joe as you embark on your new adventure. I loved the pics of the girlfriends – what fun! I’m so happy for you that I cried. Go off and spread the world with your loving, magical glitter.
Your spirit is exactly what I feel, thank you, and all the girlfriends for this great send-off!
Oh, I read this blog all the way to the very end..and all I could say with tears in my eyes was, AWWW! I hope this book signing was so awesome. That meeting some of us Girlfriends was so beautiful for everyone! I know I am not alone wishing I could’ve been there to root you on for the very first book signing. I know your face is hurting from all that smiling…XXXOOO
You were there in spirit Chrissy. Half the audience was wearing badges! It was a joy to behold!
Susan –
Please please please come to the Philadelphia area…we are not that far away…I will stand in line for hours for you…sheesh this is sounding a little stalker-ish…well…lets just say I enjoyed the book, enjoy the blog and wish you the best of luck in everything. You are the NICE and BETTER m stewart of the new millenium!
I will be stopping into one of our locally small owned bookstores called “Inkwood Books” in South Tampa, Florida to request that they send an invitation out to you! Would just love to meet you in person along with several other girlfriends!!!
Thank you Belinda! It always helps! xoxo
Good luck tonight! You will surrounded by dear friends who love you! I just picked up your address book (pink and yellow flowered one) and ‘Our Family’ scrapbook at Barnes and Nobles! My treasured collection is growing! I am hoping that I can get my Jerry to come to the book signing….he needs to meet my wonderful friend!
omg now I’m really nervous. I was moving so I wanted to wait to order mine b/c I didn’t want it to get lost in my move. Now my move has been pushed back and I so want to order one and I’m afraid I’ll have to wait 2 more months. Today is my birthday and 1st thing tomorrow morning I’m going to order one (b/c it’s payday too). I so hope you still have some. Great job Susan. You are a rock star. My new place has my Susan Branch room and it is going to be so cute !!! <3
Happy Birthday Patti! And happy move too! I hope your book comes soon.
It was shipped today !!! Woo Hoo, I can hardly wait. <3
Aww man, I didn’t know Petey was going to be at the signing too! Well, my mom called and said she was in line for “me” at the bookstore, and she would have her cell phone “wear” my girlfriend badge, lol! Enjoy the book signing kickoff. I can’t wait to get my personally autographed “A Fine Romance” into my eagerly awaiting hands! Cheers and Thanks! Sarah
I remember your mom! Yes, Petey was there, but we missed you!
Sending best wishes on your first of many signings! I am sure it will be a great success!!
I just received my copy in the mail yesterday. I’m so excited. It makes me smile when I look at it on the table waiting to be read. How I wish I were at your signing tonight… that would be so wonderful. Best wishes for a great book tour!
PERFECT Musica! Best Wishes for wonderful book signings this week! (Van is great too!) I asked the Laguna Beach Bookstore (Laguna Beach, CA) to please invite you and gave them the contact info. Now I am crossing all my fingers and praying that it works out! How are the tea tins and teas coming?
Coming right along. I can’t wait. Thank you for working on Laguna Beach — how fun that would be!