Today is my day for B I R T H D A Y   G R A T I T U D E  and we’ll start with my favorite song ever in the history of the world . . .  MUSICA Good Morning Crocus,  Good Morning Daffodils, Hello Tulips,  Hi there Miss Hyacinth! Hello fresh spring air,  you smell so good!  Hello Sunshine ~ Hello GIRLFRIENDS!  

happy april!


T O M O R R O W   I S   M Y



So many things  to be grateful for and I thought today would be a really good day to talk about them.

my favoriteLet me first say that if I put every one of my blessings in this post, reading it would become a full time job because they pretty much go to the moon.  But I have to start somewhere!  My favorite magazines have arrived and for my own birthday present to me, I’m taking them to lunch this week.  Me and them, alone, at a corner table, with a knife to hold them open so I can eat Sesame Noodles and read at the same time.  One of my most favorite luxuries, reading all alone in restaurants (a sidewalk cafe on the Champs Elysees?  Oui!)

JackAnd him, my shadow, he’s more than a luxury, he is my must-have.  And the very best present I could ask for, he and Girl have been playing this last week, chasing each other up and down the stairs, you can hear their feet running back and forth upstairs, ambushing each other, jumping off the beds.  It’s wonderful!  So good for Girl and just what I was hoping for her when I brought Jack home.  I hope it lasts. Jack is 2 1/2 years old and this is a first!

sunrisesSpring has come to Martha’s Vineyard!  The early morning light is exquisite.  Pristine, fresh, clean, and a miracle if ever I saw one. Especially after this winter!

forsythiaI have huge amounts of gratitude for Mrs Bowditch who lived in our house from 1949 until 1980 and was so good about planting for spring bloom. I got to meet her once.  She’s been my inspiration.I hope she knows I’m taking good care of her house for her.

come and get your happinessOur daffodils are in bloom.  Thank you!


the walk

We have nature’s address, it’s out through the woods along a dirt path that takes us here . . . no leaves on the trees yet, but the sun is lovely and the breeze smells wonderful, and you can hear the waves.


Crocus! Pure miracles.  First there is snow and then there are crocus!


I’m grateful for talented Kellee who made me this kitty last year. xoxo

kids say the darndest things

And for little children who write me beautiful letters with borders.  Thank you Little Children! xoxo



I’m grateful for these, my own research department, my diaries . . . Yes, I know I’ve been MIA from our dear blog, and I’ve missed you!  But every time I’ve tried to do an update (and I have tried!), I think “Oh, just let me add this one more little thing to my new book and THEN I’ll go do a new post” . . . that’s when I fall into “the zone” and have to say help I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.  But no one comes, so what can I do?


I can’t save myself, and honestly, I really don’t want to.  I like it in there.  I’m driven in the best possible way.  I wake up and RUN to my paper and pen before all my morning fresh-from-dreamland thoughts disappear.  I have 418 pages of our new book written, Girlfriends.  Of course, probably 50% of it is what English people would call “a crapjob” ~ but that’s OK, first I have to get the whole entire thing down on paper, and we’ll worry about crap removal later on.  I promise, it will be distilled, only the juicy bits will be left when I get done.  It’s almost my birthday and  I feel so grateful to have this passion.


Daddio and Joey-0

And then this . . . digging through my photos, I found this one.   I am SO grateful for these two cutie-pot-pie Leos in my life, the Blog Daddy, John Patrick Stewart Jr. (hi Dad!) and my partner in crime, Joseph Buckminster Hall.  

little family

And I’m so grateful I was ever a part of this group of little people. ♥    


Gladys Taber

I love sharing my birthday with Gladys Taber.  I love being born on the same day as someone who was a light to the world. 


I’m excited that Joe and I will be at the Friends of Gladys Taber meeting in Connecticut in June — I’ll be speaking and signing A Fine Romance and we get to tour her house Stillmeadow for the very first time!


High school

And right after that, I come home to this . . . these are my high school girlfriends (last fall in California) . . . and they are ALL coming to stay in my house for four days in June! I’m grateful I have this to look forward to!  We have stories, we laugh, we have fun!  They are like sisters to me.  I have some house fluffing to do!  (And with my “passion” in full bloom plus old man winter to sweep out the door, this house needs it! 🙂



I’m thankful for this, because this means YOU. 

girlfriendsCounting the blessings of my last year, one of the best of all was going out to meet so many of our Girlfriends.  Look how cute Lucy and Ethel are!  I’m telling you, this was a ball!


in CAA Fine Romance was such a blessing ~ it took me here  (both of those horse pictures are still on the door of my studio, one from Jessie and one from Sydney) . . . and it took us all here   To Beatrix Potter’s house in the Lake District.  M A G I C A L , I almost can’t believe we were there.


A fine romance at Castle CottageAnd tomorrow, on my actual birthday, I get to go to lunch with my best girlfriends here on Martha’s Vineyard ~ flowermaking me grateful for a Spring Birthday ~ the perfect excuse for a girlfriend lunch.   And then we’re all going to the nursery together!  Our nurseries close in the winter, so this will be a treat, our first visit this year!  Sometimes my California girlfriends wonder why I would want to live in a place that has such a cold winter, and this is part of the reason.  It’s  thrilling to go to the nursery for the first time, seeing the first flowers, smelling the warm sun on grass.  It’s a miracle every year.  The more miracles, the better. 

To remember on your Birthday

And this weekend, I’m going to write us a new Willard!  Oh yeah, I think you deserve a birthday present too . . .  make sure your addresses are all up to date.  It won’t go out for about a week and a half, I’ll be sure to let you know.

magicOne more wish, my birthday wish for you is that you go through your days gracefully growing more beautiful and wise, never missing a sunset or the opportunity to count your blessings, I hope that’s how we stay forever young. xoxo Love you . . . Wham, *❊ BAM,✱ whoosh,✶* sparkles *♫*✱•*¨*•.☆.♪•*¨❋**••*¨ ✱*•★.* ♪* ✱ •*¨✸*•.★.♫•*¨☆✱*•*♥. . .  feel that?

aint life grand

D O N ‘ T    F O R G E T    T O 

The little things in life SB

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931 Responses to BIRTHDAY GRATITUDE ♪

  1. Yvonne Shafer says:

    Hi Susan! I hope you have a wonderful birthday and enjoy your lunch with friends! As the Beatles said, “Love Is All You Need.” Ain’t it the truth!!

  2. Kay - North Central Texas says:

    Awwww, happy birthday Susan! You’re like a gift to us as you welcome the seasons and take us along vicariously on your travels for free…. Well, maybe not for free. I have been tempted to make several purchases after reading some of your posts. Hehe….

    Stretch out the happy and enjoy your birthday for a week or soooo…

  3. Betsy Carroll says:

    Happy Birthday, Susan! Have a great day. Thank you for reminding us to show gratitude for all the big, and little, things that make our lives worthwhile. And here’s a quote that comes to mind when I think of you, “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.”–J. M. Barrie

  4. Jeanette says:

    Susan, Excuse me a moment…(me, me, me, me, meeeeeeee……)
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to our girlfriend, Susan,
    Happy Birthday to yoooouuuuuuu…..(and many more)
    Hope your day, weekend and year is filled with every sweet, little delight to fill your heart! And, as I say, “When your cup runneth over, put a saucer under it!!” Which you know how to do so well.
    Thanks for sharing all your gratitudes, I count you, your art and your blog as one of mine.
    Squishy hugs and birthday love,’

  5. Ginger says:

    Happy Birthday! You go right ahead and hit that zone so we can have more fun girly picture books. The writing zone is so fun, even when my writing stinks. It’s sorta legal daydreaming. I have a second life every time I am blessed with a new story. But…I miss my characters so much when the story comes to an end. Don’t you?

    • sbranch says:

      That’s why I already don’t want this one to end! Isn’t that crazy, we write like madmen and yet don’t want them to end.

  6. Ruth from Pennsylvania says:

    Have a wonderful, happy day, Susan. And I hope you indulge in your very favorite food on your special day. When I was a kid, on our birthdays, my Mom made us whatever we wanted for that night’s supper. My absolute favorite (are you ready…) was fried chicken livers and a big angel food cake. Well, whatever makes you happy! Enjoy your day with your favorite people, and kitties.

    • sbranch says:

      My mom did that too. I liked this recipe she found that won $25,000 in a contest. It was a casserole with veal on the bottom, herb biscuits baked on top of it, with a sour cream sauce over the whole thing. We liked funny things back then!

  7. Sally G says:

    Happy Birthday on Palm Sunday this year! You do have many reasons to be grateful.

  8. Cynthia says:

    Let the celebrations begin!! Happy, Happy Birthday!
    As my husband always says, ” isn’t glorious to be upright!?”.
    Always enjoy your blog….always!

  9. Cynthia says:

    Oops…meant. “Isn’t it glorious to be upright?!” C

  10. Makiah says:

    Happiest of Birthdays to you, Susan. Your blog always makes my day. You are a beacon of light and hope to women all around the world…especially to this woman. Your optimism and hope and ability to count your blessings is a blessing to me. I strive to be more like you! Thanks for sharing your world with us. xoxoxoxo

  11. Nettie says:

    Happy Happy Birthday Susan…..I too love my birthday…..being a twenty five year breast cancer survivor has taught me to celebrate celebrate celebrate each and every moment and especially my birthdays…..
    I am spending your birthday weekend on a retreat with three of my very special soul sisters…we will laugh, drink a little wine, dance, do yoga, pray and of course eat and yes talk talk talk….maybe we will sing Happy Birthday to you! your blog is delicious as usual….spring is grand…
    May your day be filled with love and special memory making moments…
    with gratitude for birthdays, Nettie

  12. Ann says:

    Happy, happy birthday to you!! Your forsythia is as beautiful as mine. Like all good things, it won’t last long. Enjoy your birthday weekend.

  13. Donna Hrehor says:

    May God bless you on your birthday and always Susan!!! Donna (Idaho)

  14. Happy Birthday to you tomorrow!! I love Victoria too — and also love to take a new magazine to my favorite restaurant for a private lunch for one! I thought I was strange to enjoy this, but since you do too, I guess not! Happy day, Spring is here in Idaho too — it was a long winter, and hasn’t given up in the mountains yet — but the warmth is winning! Love your blog and books — keep up the good work! All your girlfriends are anxiously awaiting your next publication. xoxoxo Michele

  15. Sue from Simi says:

    Hi Susie, I am so excited for you – for your birthday (Oh happy day….) and for all the fun you have planned over the next few months. I think all you mid west/east coasters deserve the most beautiful Spring ever after the winter you’ve all had! As much as I sigh each day there is not a new post from you, I am excited you are moving so fast with a new book! You keep us all uplifted! Thank God for you!


  16. Paula says:

    Have yourself a GRAND DAY! It is always fun to share with good friends and fond memories.

  17. Linda June says:

    Goodbye Quinoa Salad, Hello Birthday Gratitude. I’ve missed you–glad you are back! “Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you. . .” They do come ever closer today, these birthdays–but we are glad we are still having them! Enjoy your magazine time. These are my favorite magazines, too, although I also take Traditional Homes. I’m a hybrid decorator: country gal/city gal.

  18. Anne Lovell says:

    Happy, happy Birthday to you Susan!! You have a wonderful day planned out! It is no surprise that you receive my favorite magazines also, I love them! as I love your blog. Just received an email from Tea Time to nominate for different tea categories at the World Tea Expo. I nominated you for best tea blog. I know yours is not only tea but I thought only of you for that category! I also am glad Girl is playing with Jack, it gives me hope for my two lovelys. We’re all sending birthday hugs your way!

  19. MaryAnn says:

    Happy Birthday to you, Susan! I have your name written on my Susan Branch calendar right beside Gladys Tabor’s. Enjoy your special day and weekend. We share so many common interests. I loved the picture of the magazines. “Country Living” is where I first saw your lovely artwork and recipes , on the “Country Living Pantry” pages. I was captivated! And of course, “Victoria” and “Tea Time” are my favorites. We are grateful for YOU- you bless us with the special things you do for us. Hope your birthday celebration is perfect! I’m off to the nursery for more plants–forget me nots in blue and pink!

  20. Irene Talaasen says:

    Hi Dear Susan,
    Yes, I , along with many others, was missing you on your Blog but we knew what you were doing and that will be a special treat when that book comes out!! Wishing you the Happiest of Birthdays! with all the love and care to you that you give to others. A new Willard will be delightful too!
    Thankfulness for each day is such a great time and you have shown much thankfulness for your life and blessings in this Blog. The Lord says ” In everything give thanks!”
    Hugs and love,
    Irene in Colorado

  21. Pat says:

    Happy Birthday Susan. Have a wonderful birthday.

  22. Angie(Tink!) says:

    ♥*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.♥*¨`*.✫*¨♥*¨`*.✫*¨* I’m Wishing You A Rainbow & I’m Wishing You A Star! Happy Birthday Sweet Sue! I Hope You Got My Birthday Card Filled With Magical Things! 🙂 Happy Birthday To Gladys! 🙂 There’s A Huge Smile On Me Pumpkin~Face About Girl & Jack Playing! Meowy & Kitty~Kisses To Them From Me! 🙂 I Adore The Photo Of Your Dad & Joe! Your Boyzzz! 🙂 Your New Book Is Going To Be Spectacular! & I Love That You Are Back In The Zone! Your Birthday Springtime Pixie~Dust is Enchanting! Thank~You Birthday~Girl! ok Here Goes…Happy Birthday To You…Happy Birthday To You….Happy Birthday Dearest Sweet Sue….Happy Birthday To You! Now Close Your Eyes & Make A Wish! 🙂 Have The Most Wonderful Birthday Weekend Ever! We Love You! 🙂 CELEBRATE! Yay! Love & Hugzzz & Birthday Pixie~Dust Everywhere! xoxo Poof! ♥*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.♥*¨`*.✫*¨♥*¨`*.✫*¨* 🙂

    • Angie(Tink!) says:

      ♥*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.♥*¨`*.✫*¨♥*¨`*.✫*¨Good~Morning Birthday~Girl 🙂 Have A Magical Day! Happy Birthday Sweetest Sue….xoxo Poof! ♥*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.♥*¨`*.✫*¨♥*¨`*.✫*¨ 🙂 P.S. Did You? 😉 The u-n0-what? & I’ll Be With You In “Spirit” At your Party! Yay! 🙂

      • sbranch says:

        Yes on the u-no-what♥ and thank you for all your fairy dust Angie!

        • Angie(Tink!) says:

          ♥*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.♥*¨`*.✫*¨♥*¨`*.✫*¨ 🙂 ♥*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.♥*¨`*.✫*¨♥*¨`*.✫*¨ I Love Birthdays Cause it’s Truly Each Person’s Very Own Holiday! Yay! Happiest Holiday & I’m Smiling Sue! 😉

          • sbranch says:

            Isn’t that true! My island girlfriends made me feel so good! My Blog Girlfriends are the most wonderful! It’s been perfect.

  23. Cynthia says:

    Happy Birthday!
    I am so excited for your next book!!
    It’s nice to have good things to look forward to.

  24. Chris Sauer says:

    Happy Happy Birthday to YOU! I love your blog…it always makes me feel happy and light… and I thank you for that!
    Enjoy your special day!

  25. Ann Jane says:

    Happy Birthday to you, Susan…..have a wonderful day with your girlfriends! Your blog just made my day….and I am ever so grateful that I am now part of your “girlfriend group”.

  26. Coraleen Rawls says:

    Happy Birthday to you, may you be blessed with many healthy and happy years to come. I had a birthday on Sunday the 6th and two of the things that brought me joy was ordering yet another of your book “A Fine Romance”, (so far I have ordered 4 and this is the 5th and I am keeping this copy, have given them away to brighten others days. The other is ordering two of Gladys Taber’s books. I am so thrilled that I found you and your book list. Oh, and also, I received for my birthday the Emma Bridgewater – Petter Rabbit mug as a present and the Pride and Prejudice Game Board.
    Thank you for all the joy that you bring to our world and please have a funtastic birthday.

    • sbranch says:

      Happy Birthday Coraleen! You have been well-blessed and it looks like you give as good as you get! xoxo

      • Coraleen Rawls says:

        Thank you very much for the birthday wishes and again I have so much fun with your website and blog. Guess what, my best girlfriend in the world gave me the room and board for Jane Austen/Beatrix Potter girlfriend trip. So way excited, I am giving yet another copy of your book away. She will truly enjoy as we plan our funtastic trip.
        Again, thank you for allowing us into your world. Many, many blessings to you, Coraleen

  27. Donna Klein says:

    Happy Birthday Susan!

    I hope you have a faaaabulous birthday week! I don’t think I have ever read alone in a restaurant. But I have bought magazines and lingered over a coffee and scone in Starbucks at Barnes and Noble. Does that count? Because I am thinking it has been too long and I am going to try that this weekend. thanks for the idea 🙂
    I am reeeeaaally looking forward to the completion of that book, can’t wait to read it.

  28. SusanA says:

    Happy Birthday, Susan!! And thank you for giving all of Us a present for Your birthday–this post and your blog. Your wholeheartedness is infectious!


  29. Kathleen says:

    Happiest of birthdays to you! Thank you for all you share with us and all the smiles you bring into our lives!

  30. sherrill says:

    Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, Susan!! Hoping you have a lovely, lovely day!
    Have to tell you… I just ordered the 3 little pink glasses! I just love old stemware and I’m so looking forward to having these.
    Oh, and enjoy perusing your magazines. Love those magazines as well!!
    Take good care~~ Sherrill

  31. Vickie in Olympia says:

    Happy Happy Birthday to YOU!

  32. Chris says:

    Happy happy birthday Susan! And to think you gave US a wonderful birthday blog. Enjoy the bright spring days with happy breezes, your girlfriends (wish we could all join that pajama party), the special men in your life and those wonderful kitties. Chris in Florida

  33. Judy dow says:

    Happiest of birthdays to you! What a gift you gave to Ethel and me today! We are in your blog! We have been busy making garlands here, thinking of you of course. I had ten girls over to make April fools fascinators which we all wore to lunch on April first. Totally thought of you and wished you could join us. This was a hard winter. I’m sure you missed California at times, just as I missed Arizona. But this coming of spring renewal is something I just couldn’t do without! Finally in the 60’s today in Granger, Indiana! Hoping for buds and blooms soon. Have a wonderful day! We can’t wait to hear bits of your new book.
    Love, Lucy

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve been hanging on to that photo — you were so cute — all that laughter expresses exactly how I felt to be there! Hello to Ethel for me! xoxo

  34. Laurie L. says:

    My mother was born on April 12 also! She will be 83 tomorrow. Happy Birthday Mom, Susan, and Gladys.

  35. Tamar Time says:

    Love your birthday blessing wish for your friends. Very nice! Right back to you 🙂

  36. Heartsdesire says:

    Happy Birthday, Susan, and thanks for the birthday wish for us, the blog girlfriends. I hope you have a wonderful day with your Martha’s Vineyard girlfriends. Nothing beats a day with lots of hugs, laughs and general good spirits. Spring is a great time for a birthday, lots of renewal. I’ve to wait until August, but then it’s summer and that’s not too bad either. Looking forward to Willard and the new book.

  37. Monique says:

    Happy Happy Birthday to you.!~xo
    Grateful to you:)

  38. Debbie R from Valencia, CA says:

    Happiest of Birthdays to you dear Susan. Hope your day is as special as you!!

  39. Carol C says:

    Happy Birthday Susan and thank you for the uplifting, happy message! Everyday is a gift and we all need to recognize the joys and wonder of each one. We went to the memorial service for a dear friend this morning. This man had a wife who had a brain aneurism at age 35 and has been an invalid since; he had two daughters that died at ages 17 and 42; his adopted son is autistic and he has known he was dying of pulmonary fibrosis for 3 years. In the decades that he was our friend and physician we never ever heard a word of self-pity or anger at his situation. Up until the very end he was concerned only about others and was always smiling and witty. He was a rare and wonderful person who showed us that life is grand in every circumstance and that it is to be lived well and celebrated every day. So here’s to Dick and Susan who know so well the joy of life!!!

  40. Kathryn in Los Angeles says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday Susan! Mine is in two weeks. I also grew up in Los Angeles in the 40’s and 50’s and I am still here! You have talked me into joining Friends of Gladys Taber. I wish I could find more of her books. Thank you for bringing so much happiness and positive outlook into our lives.


  41. Carla Ludwig says:

    Happy Birthday to you Dear Susan! You have brought so much joy, peace, coziness and love to all of us Girlfriends. I am sooo grateful to have you as such a wonderful inspiration in my life.
    We love ya Girlfriend!

  42. Sharon in Fresno, CA says:

    Susan, have a wonderful birthday. You are such a joy to know. You have blessed my life with happiness. Do everything you want to do on your birthday.

  43. Karen P (Wisconsin) says:

    Perfectly beautiful! So much to be thankful for! One of my most special “things to be thankful for” is YOU! I know I speak for all the girlfriends! Have a truly wonderful Happiest of Happy Birthdays! xo

  44. Suzanne Alexander says:

    Wishing you a very happy birthday, Susan – and a wonderful year ahead! I am so glad that I discovered you, your fantastic illustrations and blog as well as your enchanting book “A Fine Romance.”

  45. Susan Moore says:

    Happy Birthday Susan

  46. Nicoline says:

    From all the way across the pond, Dear Susan, Happy happy birthday to you! I hope your day will be as lovely as you described it to us…. May it be filled with love and sunshine, and your loved ones.
    From Holland and wishing you a wonderful birthday weekend

  47. Noelle says:

    Happy Happy Birthday! Lots of wonderful wishes for you! You just have no idea how wonderful it is getting a new post from you! It just made my day.. Thanks Noelle

  48. Aloyce Levin says:

    A very happy birthday to you Susan! Thank you for always bringing inspiration, beauty, fun and joy to so many lives. Counting one’s blessings is such an important exercise in gratitude. I was born and raised in Southern California, but I spent one year living in Nebraska (over 40 years ago). It was my first experience with real winter. When I caught sight of the first daffodils that spring I was positively delirious! Bless you for rejoicing at all the spring beauty that surrounds you.
    Enjoy every moment tomorrow!

  49. martha says:

    Joyful birthday! Dance, sing, eat, and laugh. After all, why else would we want to grow a year older!??



  50. Ruth Thomas says:

    Happy Happy Birthday, dear Susan. I agree, there isn’t anything like having four lovely seasons. Moving to California from Rhode Island, I always missed the snow in the winter and the changes in the seasons, now I get to enjoy it in Indiana. So looking forward to your new book. Enjoy your special day!

  51. Joy Pence from Ohio says:

    Hello Sweet Susan. I hope you have a wonderful birthday. How fitting you would share your birthday with Gladys Taber, who loved and wrote about homemaking just like you do! I too go the nursery every year on my birthday which is May 2. That is the birthday gift I always ask for! Spring birthdays truly ARE THE BEST!!

  52. Susan (Grayslake, IL) says:

    Susan … Wishing you the happiest of birthdays. I love spring BDs … mine is in May (15). Also I love your blogs … everyone is special and puts a smile in my heart. Have a wonderful day with your girlfriends 🙂

  53. Terri says:

    I think Gladys Taber might also be happy that She was ‘born on the same day as someone who is a light in the world’ – in other words, You! Thank you for sharing your light with us! We just watched ‘Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day,’ this past weekend – I think I learned of it through your blog – though I didn’t see it on your movie list — maybe through one of the great girlfriend comments? Anyway, throughout the movie I kept thinking, ‘Susan would love this part!’ So if you haven’t seen it, there’s a gift for you — I think you would enjoy it. Happy, happy April birthday to you! And Many Mo-o-o-r-e!

  54. Sandi Skeels says:

    Blessed Be Susan …sending rainbows and stars ~~~Smiles and Sparkles….with all your planning ~~~ YOU WILL HAVE THE ”BESTEST” BIRTHDAY !!!!

  55. Cindy Boggs says:

    Happy Birthday, Susan!

  56. Cynthia Avalos says:

    Happy Birthday Susan! I love Victoria Magazine! I always bought their blue and white issue every year, and the March issue (my birthday month).

  57. Karen Saunders says:

    I’ve already had mine…the 6th, and I am so thrilled that I get to share our ‘birthday-month’ together….(I’ll take whatever I can get..) I’m so glad you are going to take a quiet moment for yourself. I like to go to a movie by myself and my most fav thing in the world is going to B&N and get a pile of books and magazines and sit down with an ice tea and just enjoy at my leisure. I so love books…books on decorating, on art, on writing, and most of all…ta da…YOUR books. I read them again and again and again. Guess what is beside my bed on the table?? Your books. (a table BTW that was made by an ancestor to be passed down to the first girl in every generation). I am equally delighted that ‘we’re’ getting another book from you and personally I don’t care how much time you take away from your blog because I think we all know what you’re doing and we know how much you love us and that you would never abandon the ‘girlfriends’. That isn’t to say, however that I still don’t check every day to see if there’s something new from you…it’s to say I understand when there is not. Didn’t mean to make this so long….just wanted to say “Happy Birthday” to my favorite artist and person. Have a wonderful day.

  58. Rochelle In TN says:

    Happy birthday to you and my pretty little mother, Rhonda! We would all make such good friends! Have a special day. I think happy thoughts to both of you.

  59. CarolK says:

    Happy B’day Dear Heart……Wishing you all the best on your special day because you give us all your best and more…….((((((NJ hugs…….))))))

  60. Jen says:

    Happy Birthday to You!! I’m just behind you on the 16th. We had such good fortune to be born in the month of April, don’t you think?
    Looking forward to your next projects and thanking you for those past.

  61. Lynn McMahon says:

    ~~~~~~ Happy Happy Birthday! ~~~~

  62. Kristin E., Burlington, WA says:

    Your words, photos, art, and music are tonic to my very soul! Thank you a million times over for the beauty, joy, and inspiration you share with the world. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday- my son turns 17 tomorrow, too! On my calendar it says “Gladys Taber, Susan Branch, and Tim.” What a wonderful day!

  63. Chris Morgan says:

    Happy Birthday Susan! It sounds like you have it all planned out. Wishing you the best on your special day!

  64. Marysol says:

    You know, Jack and Girl must be related to my two kitties, Mew-thing and Puddin’. Their cat-aclysmic stunts are always fun to watch.
    And if it were possible, I’d have a houseful of cats – I’d be one cat short of a crazy lady.

    Btw, I see Jack took time off from his Rubber Band Olympics to bake you a birthday treat. Such a cute multi-tasker.

    May the festivities begin! Who wants cake!?

  65. Dana says:

    Happy Birthday Susan and Gladys! We’re going to see the national cherry trees tomorrow and will think of both of you in the spring sunshine and the flying blossoms!

  66. Jan from Northern CA says:

    Happy Birthday Susan! Friends coming, kitties playing, favorite magazines to read, spring springing, crocus & dafodills blooming, photos, memories, and blessings in abundance. What more could any girlfriend ask for! Have a wonderful day!
    Jan from Northern CA

  67. Mary E Osborne says:

    I love this blog! And the HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS TO YOU SUSAN! And MANY, MANY MORE! Please give Jack and Girl Kitty a HUG for me! luv.m.

  68. Isabel says:

    Dear Susan,
    Hope you have a wonderful birthday and lunch with your girlfriends. You are so right. Always great to have an excuse to have lunch with friends.

    I always love to see the pictures of you and your family when you were growing up. You were all SO CUTE. It must be wonderful to have so many brothers and sisters.

    I know all the “girlfriends” would agree with me when I say that you give us all a “gift” every time you send us a post. So uplifting and inspirational. You are truly a beautiful person, inside and out. You should be very proud of all that you have accomplished and all that you give to others. Again, happy day tomorrow.

    • sbranch says:

      You are so kind Isabel. In real life I’m very normal and not as sweet as all that, but I love to hear you say it anyway. xoxo

  69. Audrianne says:

    A grand day for you tomorrow! Spring has finally come to Michigan as well and I am attempting to get my yard in shape but I have a fur person (baby collie – 14 weeks) who keeps saying, “Let me help, mom! I got this. Really! I can do this!” So it seems that I will become garden elf and do some of this work after 8 PM when little Maudie has faded for the night.

    Will you be able to take some photos at Stillmeadow? I have the album/book but would love to see an update. I also have an extra copy of Still Cove Journal that I would be most happy to pass on to someone.

    Tulip Time in Holland MI is in one month! I hope we have a real festival rather than a bud fest. Bring on the warmth!

    • sbranch says:

      I’ll definitely be bringing my camera along, I’m sure we’ll be able to take photos, I hope so!

  70. Christine from Covina says:

    I do wish you a rainbow and I wish you a star!!! I wish you continued joy and a big hug for sharing all of this with us, The blog girlfriends!
    Your magazines match my stack hmmmm, wonder if it is catching. Love your attitude and your joy and YOU! Thank you for continuing to make me smile. A most Happy Birthday!!!

  71. Joanie B from San Diego says:

    I was hoping for a new blog today, wha la, you made my afternoon. I spent some time on some “little things” today and feel a whole lot better that they are done or finally in process instead of being on the to do list!

    Have a Happy B-Day!

  72. Sue in Fl says:

    I was very happy to see your blog in my email today. I’ve been missing you. I checked the other day in case I might have missed one but I know you are busy with the new book. I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday tomorrow. I know your girlfriend lunch will be fun and I’m sure Joe has something special in mind for your birthday too. I also wanted to tell you about a cute book I just read called Cotswolds Memoir by Diz White. She is British born, but has lived in the US for most of her life. She is an actress and comedian. The book deals with her and her husband’s dream of living in England and their search for a cottage in the Cotswolds. You might enjoy it. Again hope you a wonderful birthday!

    Sue in Fl.

  73. Susan P says:


    Wishing you endless Sunrises and Sunsets. Wishing you DOUBLE RAINBOWS.
    Wishing you STARS TO DREAM WITH AND SHOOTING STARS for endless wishes. Wishing you full MOONS to light your way. Wishing you good HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND JOY….But mostly allot of LOVE. For you so deserve it….for all the love you give to others. LET THE CELEBRATION BEGIN!!!!!! Love, Susan P.

  74. Mary Baynes-Indiana says:

    Happy Birthday, Susan! Wishing you warm weather and sunshine for your birthday!
    Party time! Would love some party recipes assuming that your Martha ‘a Vineyard girlfriends are going to cook up a surprise Birthday party for you! If not, certainly Joe will make you a special breakfast in bed!!!!

  75. Jan from Northern CA says:

    Sooo interesting! Being curious about Gladys Taber…..I googled her name under “images”, and guess who was there as well! YOU! You do share so much more than just a birthday, you are both so special. Wish it wasn’t so far away….I’d love to be there to see her home and all that she represents. Have a great time!
    Jan from Northern CA

  76. Anke says:

    Hello Susan,
    Happy Birthday to you!
    I have a dear friend in BC, Canada who sent me your ‘Fine Romance’ Book all over to Belgium. She knew exactly that I could have written such a book – for sure not -because I can’t express myself in such great way as you can. But I do feel like that. I don’t know if I fell in love with Great Britain before I met my husband or after. Whatever way, there are so many places you described which I have had the privilege to see and feel, I am utterly in love with your book now. Thank you for such a fine lecture and all its impressions. Since I read it, I understood that I am right. There is no nicer people on earth nor any nicer places to feel. It goes all right under the skin.
    And thanks for this blog, I have now a direct link to you – very seldom readers are allowed to be so ‘close’ to their authors.
    Wishing you a very fine spring day and a very happy birthday. Perfect timing to be born when the garden centers open and a bunch of girlfriends join to open the season. With plenty of gratitude and warm wishes from Belgium. Anke

    • sbranch says:

      “It goes all right under the skin” — how beautifully said. It definitely does. Thank you Anke!

  77. patti says:

    Happy Birthday, Miss Susan !!! Home sick today with my little Gabriella. Weather is getting warmer and hopefully it will bring me to my blessings. Counting my blessings always makes me feel better. Throw some of that energy down to me in Chicago. Just having a hard time of waking up from my winter nap. I love you Susan and so does my Gabriella. Happy Birthday wishes again for a great new year. <3

  78. Cara M from West Chester PA says:

    Happy happy birthday Susan!!! Hope it is wonderful!! Thank you for your beautiful blog and artwork and books! You are an inspiration!
    Best wishes,

  79. ChrisTea says:

    Merry Birthday to you, Susan! I hope you have a wonderful birthday week! I also agree with you about Spring … we’ve had waayyyy too much winter near Chicago. Finally this week, flowers are beginning to peek out (very gingerly though …. they’re still afraid of getting hit with a snowflake). I’m looking foward to your posts about all the Springy stuff on your island.

  80. Lee Ann says:

    ___.♥ ღ ♥ _____♥ ღ ♥
    __♥ BIRTHAY TO YOU…♥
    _________.ღ ♥ ღ

    Hope you have the most wonderful, fun day ever!

    ♥Lee Ann

  81. carolyn chism says:

    The Happiest of birthdays to you, Susan! My Joe is also a Leo — an August Leo. They are the best! But our son is also an April Aries! A little fire goes a long way! XOXO

  82. Pat Mofjeld of St. Paul, Minnesota says:

    Happy Birthday! It is spring-like here today, too. Most of our snow has disappeared. But tomorrow a cold front comes through and the next week will be cold and rainy–with even the possibility of that 4-letter word starting with an “s” and ending with a “w” and I will be the ONLY person here in Minnesota cheering! 🙂 Of course, it will melt quickly. Spring is right around the corner!
    Have fun on your birthday! 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Do you have daffodils blooming Pat?

      • Pat Mofjeld of St. Paul, Minnesota says:

        No, no tulips or daffodils even up yet. The grass is still brown with the faintest green in spots where the sun hits. We bought a large pot of pansies for the front porch and it looks out of place but does give some color. If we get snow next week, we’ll bring in the pansies. The only thing up is the hostas in their pots in our garage! 🙂 The weatherman said one of the computer models hinted at 16″ of snow next week but it is too early to tell. That would be late but not impossible. Now, that will be heavy wet snow that will melt within two days. I think that is why I love the last spring snowstorms…Norm told me to maybe resist telling friends “I hope we DO get the snow!” as most people are so sick of the snow, they don’t understand. 🙂

        • sbranch says:

          The best thing is that you’ll be happy either way!

        • Dawn from Minnesota says:

          Hi Pat!!!
          No tulips or daffodils here either! But, this morning, Dandelion leaves!!! We should all wish to live the life of a dandelion…they come complete with wishes! Thinking of YoU dear sweet lady and I will try to call soon! xoxo :}

          • Dawn (in Illinois) says:

            Hi Dawn!
            I’ve been missing you here… So happy that you are back! ♡♡

          • Pat Mofjeld of St. Paul, Minnesota says:

            Dawn–good to hear from you! Please do call. Your Christmas present is still sitting here by our front door on the bench! It is becoming part of the décor! LOL! When are you or you and your mom available to meet me for lunch? 🙂

  83. LindaB says:

    Happy Birthday, Susan. That was the perfect blog for me today. Tomorrow, after 9 amazing years, is my last day at my Cafe’. I am missing too much of this great amazing life, so I’ve decided to sell my tiny coffee shop, and start embracing life again. I can’t wait to work in my yard, take long walks and reconnect with my friends. So that was the perfect post to remind me that I’m doing the right thing!!!! Thank You!!!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so happy for you Linda. I’m sure you will be missed but it sounds like you are going to love it!

  84. Joan S says:

    Looks like you are enjoying an on-line birthday party with gifts of gratitude from us for uplifting our spirits as only you can do. Have a wonderful birthday!
    You sure have two handsome men in your life!

  85. Sharon Calvert says:

    So good to hear from you and know that all is well; I was genuinely concerned when there weren’t even recent tweets! So unlike you 🙂 HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    …from southern Alabama

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t think I’ve ever experienced something like this book. I’m so there with it. But don’t worry, I’ll be back!

  86. Chrissy says:

    Happy Birthday Ms. Susan!!! I wish I could give you all you have given me. I am slowly savoring your “A Fine Romance” book I received for Christmas. I’m mentally going on the journey with and am loving every minute. Enjoy your day. Blessings!

  87. Happy Birthday to you, young lady! Hope your day is as ‘special’ as you are! Hugz!

  88. Amanda says:

    Happy Birthday to you… Just wanted to let you know I am reading you book, just about to visit Knle with you, I live near Leeds not far from York. Looking forward to reading about what you loved about The Yorkshire Dales..
    Amanda x

    • sbranch says:

      I LOVED the Dales, sort of found my “home” there. Thank you Amanda.

    • Lauren Naudain says:

      Hi Amanda…I was blessed to have spent a year at a riding school in Yorkshire when I was 17. We shopped & had tea in Leeds once a week on our day off! I fell in love with England & all the wonderful people I met there. You live in one of the most beautiful places in the world.

  89. Barbara Kuzdzal says:

    Happy Birthday Susan! Not surprised you were born in the Spring….You are a breath of fresh air!

  90. Paula B. says:

    Happy Birthday, Susan, what a wonderful post. (I’m going to pretend it was written just for me as I’ll be celebrating a “big” birthday on Sunday.) I like your theme of gratitude because as I enter a new decade I plan to take both a sense of gratitude and living with grace, as my mantra for meeting life head on. I went to the nursery today, also. Put some lovely yellow and purple pansies in a basket to bring some spring color to our front steps. It seems like we have gone right from snow and cold temps to sun and sixties. Not sure, every year. how this season always manages to catch me by surprise – we wait and pine for it for so long! I have to confess that April is my favorite month, Mother Nature soon will unfurl all her glory and we will delight in this beauty that is spring, once again. Enjoy all your bday celebrations!

  91. Sharon says:

    Happy Happy Birthday Susan! My wish for your birthday is that all the love joy and happiness you give to others will return to you on your special day and always. You deserve the best!

  92. Kim says:

    On the occasion of your happy birthday tomorrow, Ms. Judith Viorst says it best! ~ xxoo, Kim

    The Sweetest of Nights
    and the
    Finest of Days

    by Judith Viorst

    I wish you, I wish you,
    I wish you these wishes:
    Cool drinks in your glasses.
    Warm food in your dishes.
    People to nourish and cherish
    and love you.
    A lamp in the window to light your
    way home in the haze.
    I wish you the sweetest of nights
    And the finest of days.

    I wish you, I wish you
    A talent for living.
    Delight in the getting,
    Delight in the giving.
    A song in your soul, and
    someone to hear it.
    The wisdom to find the right path
    when you’re lost in a maze.
    I wish you the sweetest of nights
    And the finest of days.

    A snug roof above you.
    A strong self inside you.
    The courage to go where you know
    you must go,
    And a good heart to guide you.
    And good friends beside you.

    I wish you, I wish you
    A dream worth the doing.
    And fortune’s face smiling
    On all you’re pursuing.
    And pleasures that far far
    Outweigh your small sorrows.
    Arms wide to embrace your
    A long sunlit sail on the bluest and
    smoothest of bays.
    I wish you the sweetest of nights
    And the finest of days.

  93. Dawn (in Illinois) says:

    Happiest Birthday wishes, dearest Susan! It’s so sweet of you to send us all a gift in honor of your special day. We know you have been so busy writing our next book. Please don’t leave out any pages!! We are looking forward to every word, photo, and lovely painting! Cherish this most special birthday celebration and look forward to another AMAZING year ahead!
    Grateful hugs,

  94. Ruthie P says:

    Happy Birthday Susan!!!! You absolutely had to be born in Spring….had to be.You bring life and happiness and newness to all who love you!!!!! A breath of fresh air that’s you!!!!! Happy,happy day!!!! XOXOXO…Ruthie

  95. Terry says:

    Happy birthday, Susan! I hope you have an awesome day! You make my days awesome! Thank you! I can’t wait to read your new book.

    Happy Spring!

  96. Paula Abay says:

    Happy, happy birthday to you Susan! Hope your day is wonderful, celebrating you!

  97. Teri says:

    Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day doing just what you love most.

  98. Kathleen says:

    I am sure we all wish you Rainbows and Stars ..could you possibly deserve less….I think not!…Birthday Blessing Miss Susan <3

  99. Ruth Ann Ruddell says:

    Happy Birthday dear Susan. Guess what? I also LOVE to take myself out to lunch and read a book. I usually take my Kindle so that I don’t have to worry about propping it open. Blesssings on your special day.

    • sbranch says:

      A little present you can give yourself, your time!

    • Kenna says:

      I also love to treat myself to lunch, often with a “to-do”list, no phones ringing, no dryers buzzing…no distractions! I get a lot done in that quiet time. Have a wonderful birthday!

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