Party Party Party Party Party Party Party MUSICA

We go from party to another around here, from Tea Party to Birthday Party! Lots of our girlfriends are having a birthday month, lots of new babies are being born, but you may have noticed on your calendars, it’s also someone else’s birthday on Sunday, and she would be 147 years old. 

H A P P Y    B I R T H D A Y

So what makes sense for today’s blog is cake and presents!  Right?  First we’ll have cake, and then we’ll have presents.  OK?  That’s the normal way for a Birthday Party! And never forget, we are the normal ones! 

L A V E N D E R    P O L E N T A    C A K E

This Lavender Polenta Cake is a plain cake alright ~ really easy to make, deliciously moist with an amazing crunch, plus, it’s gluten free — but the recipe, which I got from my girlfriend Siobhan (“Shivon”) when we were in England, calls for ingredients that aren’t “everyday” fare.  Don’t let that stop you, because if you’re like me, and something tells me you are, this cake will become a standby.  The recipe calls for fine yellow cornmeal (or polenta flour) and almond flour.  Our supermarket carries them, but I’m pretty sure that won’t be true everywhere.  You can order them from the lovely Bob’s Red Mill web site.  If you’re not familiar with Bob’s Red Mill, you are in for a treat.  They also have everything you need to cook for a gluten free diet.

The recipe also calls for superfine sugar, which my market does not carry.  But I made my own, I just whirled regular sugar in the blender until it was superfine. Super easy!

No problem coming up with a pound of unsalted butter, allowed to come to room temperature.

In a large mixing bowl, beat the butter and sugar together until it’s . . .

. . . pale and light.

Then stir in the almond flour . . .

. . . and vanilla.

Beat in six eggs, one at a time (Don’t worry, I’m putting the recipe at the end of this as a party favor! )

I’ve made this cake with orange zest and juice, lemon zest and juice, and this time, with lime zest and juice.  All are truly wonderful, it’s up to you.  And btw, if you haven’t used one of these wonderful microplane zesters yet, we have them for you in our webstore, because they are a must-have tool!  No more knuckles in your food!  You pull the razor-sharp edges across the fruit, the zest collects on the top with no pain or strain at all . . . it makes it so easy to measure too.

So you fold in the zest and juice . . .

along with the polenta (cornmeal) flour, salt and baking flour … just pop it all in,

along with dried culinary lavender flowers (just click there to get them on-line).  The recipe calls for three tablespoons — and this is correct.  Don’t worry, it will not taste like soap, just so very light, and pretty in the cake.

This cake serves a lot of people ~ twenty four!  It’s perfect for a party, but you can also halve the recipe very easily and bake it in a 9″ cake pan. I wanted the big cake for our Tea Party but I don’t have the called-for 12″ cake pan, so I bake mine in this 12″ iron frying pan, which works perfectly.

Into the oven it goes until the house is filled with fragrance and the cake is brown.  Let it a cool a while, flip it over onto a serving plate and it comes right out of the pan.

And this is it, close up.  Delectable!  Also addictive.  Here’s the recipe as it will appear in our new book!

It’s your party favor, but there’s more.

And I have some heartstrings for you.  Starting with our Royal Baby Gift Giveaway.

 Vanna left for the beach hours ago, but she didn’t forget to draw a name before she hopped into her yellow convertible 1959 T-bird and sped off, sunshine glinting off blonde curls blowing in the ocean air.  What a life that girl has!

Such a happy thing, a Baby Book, filled with love and hope and firsts for everything.  I’ve been loving the stories from our Girlfriends of babies coming, of new grandchildren on the way. I did not envy Vanna’s position of choosing just one winner.  I did ask her to try hard to get me someone who’s expecting a baby into their family.  And she did that.  Oh yes, she did that.

 I’m thrilled to announce that the winner of this trio of gifts is a first-time mommy to-be who is decorating her own Peter Rabbit room for her first born child coming in September, a real “birth-day” . . . she’s having her own little Prince, and her name is OLIVIA.  So happy for you dear Olivia, congratulations to you and your whole family!  Let us know when the time is right and we will hold hands on this blog and say a prayer and say, “Pushhhhhh.”  We can be a big help! ♥  (Mas MUSICA)

So now, I have another little gift for you in honor of Beatrix Potter and you don’t even have to pin the tail on the donkey!  If you CLICK HERE, you can print out this name tag on card stock (just put it into your printer like regular paper, the printer will do the rest) . . .

 . . . and then when you come to one of our book signings next month (and as we drive across country) you can wear your name tag and we’ll know we’re Blog Girlfriends ~ I’ll know you, and you’ll know each other!  Fun!  (Kellee is going to put this name tag on our EVENTS page, just in case you forget where it is.) ♥  And if this isn’t quite enough, I have something else for you . . .

. . . I’m thinking maybe a nice parting gift for everyone would be something to read?

Because we got a surprise on Friday . . . at our California studio . . .

Oh yeah girls, your books arrived!  Early!  Boxes and boxes of books,  A FINE ROMANCE ~ Falling in Love with the English Countryside! is born. What a cute baby!  Sweet smelling with ribbons and everything!  (I’m secretly screaming inside, how about you?  Did I surprise you?  They surprised me! :-))  The first page you have to read is Page 9 where I mention you.

And now these two darling girls, Kellee on the left, and Sheri on the right, with lots of help from our wonderful Alfredo, our right-hand man (on the truck but not looking at the camera), will ship their little fingers to the bone.  The books will leave the studio as they were ordered … the first of you to order will get yours first.  I have no idea how long it will take to get them all into their envelopes with addresses, so please be patient with us, because these two are the hardest workers in the world and will get them out as quickly as humanly possible!!!  Look how strong they look!

So of course, we are celebrating birth-days and dreams come true.  Our Twitter Girlfriend Janie made us a Dream Banner to match the Bon Voyage Banner she gave Joe and me when we went to England (you’ll see it in our book, in the stateroom on board the ship).  She made just a few for anyone who might want to focus on a dream for themselves.  They come with their own little envelope, and they’ll be in the web store on Monday. 

And the last gift today, in honor of Beatrix Potter and Olivia, and all of you with new babies in your lives or hoping for one, or dreaming of one, or remembering what it was like to be one ~ these are the two games we used to play on our babies faces when I was little and the oldest of eight children.  The babies love it.

That’s it Girlfriends, for today, just another day in paradise.  Happy Birthday Beatrix! Congratulations Olivia!  Click teacups! Eat cake!  Happy weekend!  See you soon!  xoxo

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Royal Baby Tea Party ♥ or how we got the baby born . . .

 R O Y A L   B A B Y  

Let’s start with a baby gift to celebrate, because crikey, IT’S A BOY! MUSICA!

 Must have something to mark this lovely event happening our own Mother country!

Something for a Royal Baby’s first year, my Baby Love book for new moms and dads to write about their own little royal baby, and two 2014 wall calendars to record his every adorable achievement. If you leave a comment at the bottom of this post, this signed set of goodies could be yours.  Even if you aren’t welcoming a baby into your family right now, Baby Love is a jolly good thing for anyone’s “hope” chest.

Getting ready, washing cups . . .

It’s Sunday morning, the party is at 4:30 pm, we have no baby, but I’m happy because finally, the sun is just starting to come out.

I’ve been lining the little shelf over the sink with flowers . . . squeezing them in amongst the Beatrix Potter People.

 ‘Course Jack is helping me . . . vaguely eyeing Jemima, thinking, “Don’t jump!”

 Joe hung up our new Downton Abbey bunting (white), and the flag we brought home from England; I plumped the “God Save the Queen” pillow my girlfriend Elizabeth brought back for me on one of her visits to England . . .

The Twine experts of all time came from California to help ~ that’s Diana on the left, and Elizabeth on the right.  They have tea parties for their girlfriends every year, it’s a tradition they make new hats for each event.  They are their own kind of royalty and their names (and the sunglasses) prove it.  I loved having royalty at our party.

Other people see them as royalty too, here’s Paparazzi Cathy in her posh little ruffled gloves.

Here’s another photo of them and their hats!  too cute!  Just a tiny idea of how fun and creative a tea party can really be.

Diana and Elizabeth are cousins, their moms were sisters.  They’ve known each other all their lives.  You can see by the flags in the window that they love England too, and have also done the pilgrimage to Beatrix Potter’s house!  I met Elizabeth when she bought my first house from me in 1989.  The two of them left yesterday, but I had them here all week!

Making the perfect cucumber sandwiches was a snap for these two . . . along with egg salad sandwiches and smoked salmon with cream cheese on pumpernickel.

I baked an Orange Lavender Polenta cake . . . I’ll show you how to make it in the next post.

. . . I made cold slaw, carrot salad, stuffed eggs, watermelon balls with yogurt and brown sugar.  We bought butter cookies from the Scottish Bakehouse, and Chilmark Chocolates too.  Sixty guests, friends, neighbors, family, kids, and house guests.

Joe set up a bar, made a giant pitcher of Pimm’s Cup, with orange, lime and lemon slices and cucumber sticks . . .

Proof that it takes a village . . . More bunting drapes the arbor, there’s the cousins surveying the area . . .

 It’s all just busy-work, because all we can think about is when is that baby going to be born!  Someone runs to the TV every 15 minutes just to make sure nothing is still happening.  And it always is.

We brought the Union Jack bunting home from England . . . I’ve been saving it for just this very day.

Of course we needed a talented person to play A Fine Romance and It’s a Long Way to Tipperary during the party … John Alaimo brought his piano.

Getting it all together, teaspoons, sugar bowls, teapots and tea cozies . . .

We had little cloth covers for the creamers that keep any critters out of the cream!

I love the little details of tea . . .

Diana brought a cake topper she made for the Orange Lavender Polenta Cake ~ it looked darling.  You could get one too, and see some of the other wonderful things in Diana’s Etsy store.  While you’re at it, if you’d like to see what goes on in Elizabeth’s designing life, you can go to her website at

I forgot to take pictures of the food and tea table!  This is the closest I got to the table with the camera.  (Fear not, I got a lot closer without the camera!) The book about Diana (on the table) was a gift from our friend Linda . . . I’m sure Diana felt at home with all the other royalty ~ we loved having her here.♥  Just a little bittersweet without her.  How she would have loved this moment.

We know this baby is coming, it’s the talk of the town, but when, when, when?

The Lady Olympia is going from person to person to ask “Will it be a boy or a girl?”  What do you think the name will be?”  Turns out the consensus is, it’s a GIRL, and her name will be Elizabeth!  A few got a bit closer, saying it would be a boy, and they thought perhaps “Charles” or “William”.  I like James for a boy because isn’t Jimmy just the cutest for a little Prince?  King James would be nice for a king too.  We’ll know pretty soon.

Lady Olympia takes a time out for hugs with her dapper white-linen and boater-clad Dad, the Duke of Earl, and her big sister, Crown Princess Astoria.

The Duke’s braces were brilliant!

Princess Marjorie, Grand Duchess Robin, Lady Diana, Countess Jill, and Queen Elizabeth. 

Queen Elizabeth tells a funny story!

Princess Irenie lives in London and came to visit Princess Samantha who just graduated from St. Andrews in Scotland. I’ve known Princess Samantha since she was a little baby.  When she was two and in her mother’s arms, she leaned toward me touching my earlobes, and said in pure baby talk, “I lob youa eahwings.”  Cutest little thing in the world!

Because they are five hours ahead of us here on the East Coast, by this time it was dark in England and looked like this, and the brightest light was London.  I think Princess Catherine was probably feeling a little bit queasy by now, probably walking around the living room, or cleaning out the kitchen cupboards.  But we didn’t know that for sure.  We thought she might need some help to get this baby going.

So just before the party was over, as twilight set in, we made a big circle and held hands.  We said a prayer for Catherine, for William, and for the baby.  We prayed that the birth would be easy for everyone, the baby would be healthy and most of all, that it would come soon. Then we raised our eyes to heaven, lifted our hands into the air, and all together, we dropped our hands and said, Pushhhhhhh, and again, still holding hands, arms up and then down (like we were the white flag at a Nascar race), Pusssshhhhhh, and one more time: up, down, pushhhhhh.  Like a mantra and a prayer.  And guess what?  Must have been moments later, the royal couple checked into the hospital!  Well, I guess SO!  And THAT is how we got the baby born.

Oh, just now as I’m writing, the new parents with the new Prince just came out the hospital doors. So exciting! It seems to have gone swimmingly and all our prayers were answered. Everyone looked beautiful, I saw tiny fingers in their first royal wave.  Now, for the name . . . what do you think????  Be sure to leave a comment, and soon Vanna will choose the name of the lucky winner of the Royal Baby Gift!  Did you hear that the royal mint will be giving a lucky 2013 silver coin to every British baby sharing a birthday with the new royal baby?  The coin comes in either a pink or a blue pouch as a gift to new mommies and daddies.  Just one of the cute things they do over there.

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