BRRRR, we have snow, we have ZERO degrees.  Thats 32° below freezing.  Baby it’s cold outside. MUSICA for a snowy day.

Even the snowflakes are dancing. I think I know why God gave us the gift of winter, it’s a healing time for Martha’s Vineyard after the busy summer, but in a way, for us too. It gives us a good reason to stop the go-go-go, and just be.  Lots of people don’t like snow and move to Florida to escape it.  But after growing up in Southern California, and now experiencing real winter, I would miss these quiet, introspective days.

The whole world is muffled in this blanket of white.  Our old house is “anchored,” as Gladys Taber would say, “like a ship in a still white sea.”  No cars go by, no noise gets through, only the popping of embers of a fire, and the bloop-bloop-bloop of the chicken stock that’s simmering on top of my stove and making the house smell cozy.  It’s a world all its own.

Time seems to stand still, just us, the birds, the squirrels, warm sweaters, shawls, socks, furnace-vent-warmed slippers.

Every so often, I peek out the window.  Yup, it’s all still there!  Not a daffodil in sight.  Thank goodness, I am not ready to give up on all this quite yet.

When I got up this morning and looked outside … and there was our Wolf moon — It’ll be full on Saturday night.

Inside the house, it’s cozy, with quilts draped over everything making us feel warm and happy!

Joe has been making fires every morning . . . I can see the fireplace from my art table, so I look up, Jack is draped on the back of the couch, there’s a fire beyond … girl is on the pillow in my studio.  And I spread watery green paint onto a new piece of paper. . . clock goes tick-tick-tick, and I go, thank you.

We turn on the radio to the classical station, and I count my blessings.  How lucky we are to have this warm house safe from the storms.

Yesterday we had pancakes on the sofa front of the fire.  Could a person ask anything more from a little egg, milk, and flour?  And Vermont Maple-tree juice?  No, I think not.  We have it all just like Bogie and Bacall.

This is one of my favorite photos of Joe.  I see happiness in his eyes.  If I EVER catch him lying down when the laundry comes out, he gets “the treatment.”  Full body warmth from dryer.

But it’s not always quiet around here . . . We get visitors …. Lowely (my BFF and girlfriend who lives only one door over) came for tea the other day and provided lots of entertainment . . .

She came in the door and drama ensued almost immediately.  Her scarf is caught in her zipper. She can’t get out.  What do I do?   Grab the camera of course!  See the zipper being pulled up at the bottom?  Her scarf is firmly in there.

So, a little bit of strangulation is taking place.  Am I helping?  Yes, I’m recording it for posterity!  And laughing too hard, which is why these photos are not in focus!

Oh, the humanity.

She’s given up on trying to loosen the zipper grip on the fabric, now she is just trying to get the scarf off, but it is hopeless . . . she is trapped.

We are laughing so hard!  There is no rhyme nor reason to that scarf!  This is when I came to my senses and put the camera down and HELP her.  She got out, probably without my involvement . . . but we are crying laughing.  Then we had tea and a nice visit at the kitchen table.  And I forgot to take a photo of the normal Lowely, so you can see how pretty she really is.

But here she is with Joe — we’re at her house, for one of her wonderful parties!  See those yummy Clams Casino in the foreground.  I would like one of those right now!  (Thank you Lowely, for letting me use these photos and for the constant wonderful entertaining YOU! )

There are so many good ways to celebrate this magical time of year before it gets away from us and becomes part of the past.  Above is a little picture I painted of me in my chair, with William T. Aristocat III, my book, my blankie, my sippies, and of course, my singing bird (doesn’t everyone have one of those on the back of their chair?)  This is what I call the good life.  Speaking of which, if you haven’t already seen it, there is a really charming movie called Cranford — they have both part one and two, available in a set on Amazon, you will love it if you haven’t seen it; it will get you in the mood for England.  Because we went to that darling village where it was filmed and there will be photos in our new book!  Have the movie with a cup of tea, some cinnamon toast, warm slippers . . . the perfect thing for a winter day.♥ 

Sun is coming up right now, gorgeous blue-sky day and freezing sunlight putting a silvery outline on the tree branches loaded with snow . . . this is what I love, my kitchen, early in the morning, and the bloop-bloop-bloop of the chicken stock . . . Off I go, more pages for our book will be coming out of my little art factory today.  There is a pinpoint of light at the end of the Fine Romance tunnel, girlfriends.   Remember to

 Do one little special thing for yourself today — such as this, bubbles, hot water, book!   You can start having a special day right now, with a great big deep breath.  Aren’t we lucky?  Oh!  And by the way, I want to make sure . . . did you get your Valentine bookmark?  That’s for your book, with love from me, and for you to pop into an envelope to give your girlfriends . . . spreading a little sunshine as only you know how!  Bye for now! Thank you for all your wonderful comments.  We are the mutual admiration society!  Happy weekend!  XOXO

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It’s a beautiful day, blue skies, a brisk little wind — I opened the front door to get the paper off the porch and did not dawdle!  Scurry would be the right word for what I did getting back inside! Brrrr.  MUSICA

Even though I’m trying to stay focused and finish our book, I couldn’t help a little decorating for Valentine’s Day with my old Emma Love cup and the garland I made a couple of years ago.  (I got the things to make it with at Michael’s crafts, btw; you can see how easy it was to put together, in case you are feeling crafty.) Secretly (because I know it’s a kind of blasphemy not to put Christmas first), but Valentine’s Day is truly my favorite holiday.  It has been ever since grammar school when we bought those wonderful little boxes of Valentine cards and gave them to all our classmates.  There is magic in a holiday that’s all about love.

And especially, because of sweet little things like this!  Simple little words of love that let your people know you are thinking of them.   Joe found me this postcard in an antique store and I put it on our kitchen shelf every year.

Probably the very best thing we have in this house, besides the things with the beating hearts, and my Beatrix Potter figurines (:-)), is this set of windows in our kitchen.  When we brew our tea, wash dishes, or cook dinner, the seasons knock on the windows and say, “Hey, look how beautiful I am!”  They show us what’s going on within ten feet of the kitchen sink. Every thing we need to know is right there, they put on an amazing display.

Right now we need to be sure the squirrels have enough to eat, and Joe makes sure they do!  In the winter the windows are tightly shut, and outside, our garden friends visit regularly, for the seeds and apples we put in the driveway, and of course for the bird feeders.

We see it all from those windows . . . we can watch the garden grow, the snow fall, the wisteria bloom, and then there’s the wild turkeys, skunks, and bunnies grazing on the lawn.

Jack loves the windows too.

Especially for his new friends.  This is one of our “regulars” —  the little gymnast.  Poetry in motion . . . Here he is in technicolor ….

He’s here so often that he and Jack are almost friends.  Jack is very calm looking at him and vice versa.

But here is someone new and Jack is anything but calm with this very special kind of woodland critter, wearing her winter fur-coat-camouflage!  She was here a couple of days ago — we’d never seen her in the wisteria before … isn’t she adorable?

She must belong to one of our neighbors. I’m sure she’s here to try and ambush the birds, but they are too smart for her.  She looks like she’s expecting a squirrel!

Such a little doll.  She stayed out there a long time, looking darling the whole time.

I wish she would live here forever.  Is that not the sweetest face in the world!?  See why I love my kitchen windows?

So then, we woke up the next day, and everything had turned white! It was beautiful, but only around 23°!  Rather glorious.  Joe’s been making us fires every day.  We are completely hunkered in for winter.

The view is especially nice from the kitchen windows.  You have this to look at while you make a grilled cheese sandwich to take to eat in front of the fire — and everything’s right with the world!

Jack of course is fascinated by the change of seasons, by anything that happens outside.

The feeders suddenly got very busy — we stopped everything to watch.  Joe went and put a zoom lens on his camera so he could take some closeups.

He got really close, it almost doesn’t look real.  This is right outside our window!  It’s like having a fish tank you don’t have to do anything to but stare at.

And she is waiting for her sugar daddy to bring her a bite to eat — she waits, off to the side, on a little branch.  Isn’t she pretty and fluffy?

Jack’s eyes never get normal, it’s all too exciting. His head whirls from one side of the room to the other, one set of windows to the other.

And why not? I’m excited too!  Isn’t this wonderful?  By far the best photo we’ve ever gotten of a cardinal.  I would like to feel that little topknot on his head.

Look at that face!  This must be where punk rockers got the idea for their hair.  Right?  Everything from nature.

Then Lady Bird got tired of waiting for him to bring her a seed and came to get her own.  Feeling very liberated.

Jack doesn’t limit himself to the kitchen window . . . he is at every window in the house.  I sneak up on him and put my mouth next to his ear and he rubs against my cheek and we talk about what we are seeing out there.

 Joe doesn’t limit himself either, he was so excited with that lens that after he got done with the birds he went to take pictures of the hibiscus!  You must be wondering where we would get a hibiscus!  At the end of the summer, Joe brought a big pot of hibiscus in from the porch and put it in an upstairs window.  Look what it’s doing for us in January!

Joe is a wonderful photographer!  Surprisingly, hibiscus does well here, indoors, in the winter.  So many things don’t, it’s funny that our dry heat doesn’t seem to bother it.   It blooms all summer too.  And they come in so many pretty colors.

Joe planted yellow ones in the same pot.  This light comes from the back lawn, reflected off the snow!

So now you know what Jack’s been doing, what the birds and squirrels have been doing, what the weather’s been doing, what Joe’s been doing, and here’s what I’ve been doing:

I’ve been painting little pictures in our diary.  I just realized it’s our anniversary on February 6th . . . it was just a year ago we got the brilliant idea to drop everything and run away to England.  I wonder what we will think up this year!

I told you I wanted to paint lambs, and I have been!  Fat cute thing with wagging tail!  Yes, girlfriends, I am having fun. xoxo

Today I’m going to paint a new page about tea.  With Beatrix Potter figurines and English teapots for my muses. Happiness.  Nothing really going on at all around here; just another regular day in paradise.  But here comes Valentine’s Day.  I’m not sure if you have ever tried my recipe for chocolate eclairs?  The little two-bite ones? They’re delicious and so easy.  And so romantic.  Make them for someone you love.  Make them for the man at the post office, or your child’s classroom at school; have a girlfriend’s Valentine tea party.  But be sure to hide a few for yourself!

And that’s all for today my friends.  Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!  Downton Abbey tonight!  Yay!   I have to tell you, just this moment, Jack’s paw came up in the narrow space between my art table and the desk this computer is on. I didn’t hear him, it was just that little paw, feeling around. I look down, there’s a rubber band on my foot.  Too much.  Gotta go.   XOXO

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