Good Morning . . . let’s go hang out with the cute livestock for a while! MUSICA
I fell head over heels in love with lambs when we were in England. Now I’m feeling sheepish.
Because while I’m choosing the photos and painting for the book,
I’m with them every day. (This one looks like he’s up to something. If he was mine, I would have to go check what he is doing!)
Sheep are everywhere in England, part of the fabric. I would love to go on that walk in the Yorkshire Dales right now. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Believe it or not, on the right, just out of the view of the camera, is the 12th century ruin of an amazing castle that belonged to Richard III. OK, I have to show you, even though it’s not a lamb.
We climbed to the top of the castle, which was sprouting all over with wildflowers. Not exactly Downton Abbey, but still, it truly told a wonderful story. Narrow stone stairs worn in the center, huge openings for fireplaces, little slits for windows.
(BTW, My mom used to sing this song around the house! She still won’t get a computer; I may have to phone her and play it over the phone! She’d be off to dance with the refrigerator door!)
This is one reason that spring is so special in England, besides the wildflowers, these little guys are playing in all the meadows where you can walk right up to them, unless their mom’s call them away! They are the sweetest!
This little guy was in the buttercup meadow at Hill Top.
So picturesque, they make the countryside beautiful.
They also keep the whole country looking like a well-tended parkland! I would like one for my back yard!
So darling.
Little sheep families everywhere.
This one was sure the grass was greener on the other side of the street.
Misty mornings and lamb meadows. I am standing right there. It’s hard to believe.
Those tails go a hundred miles a minute when their mom’s let them nurse.
I’ve been painting lambs for a long time — here and there, in calendars and greeting cards. This pink-cheeked one was originally painted for a fabric design.
Sorry to say, fabric designs are one of those products that doesn’t stay around long… they print it, it sells until it’s gone, and they never print it again. I don’t know why, but I think it has something to do with that chant I keep hearing . . . What’s new? They always prefer to make new. But it’s cute while it lasts. This design is all gone … you probably know that. I don’t have anyone making my fabric right now, but if I did, I’d have to do more lambs!
Still, I thought you might like to see it. It has little hearts on too, and, besides blue, it came in pink and yellow.
So any way. Lambs. I’m painting them in the new book, and they are SO fun to do. The one I’m just about to paint is wearing the Union Jack as a shawl. Since they’re on my mind, I thought I’d give us a little retrospective and look at the real things. Also, several of you mentioned the pair of white lambs I had on my mantle at Christmas time. And guess what? You may not be able to get that lamb fabric, but . . .
I bought a bunch of these lambs for my web store (if you click there, look in the very bottom right corner of the page) — we have some in stock now, and more on the way. All the rest of my decorations went back up to the attic, but these lambs are year-rounders; I can’t see any season they couldn’t grace! They look cute every where. I carried them around with me . . . the kitchen counter, my art table, on top of a stack of books, on the bathroom counter. Very cute on the tea table! I have to pass the mantle every time I leave my studio, so there they are, making me happy every day. They’re actually iron banks, they have a slot in the top, but to me, they’re just a reminder of all that English countryside beauty. They look like vintage, but the price for the vintage ones has gone to the moon . . . these are bearable. You can also start saving for your trip to England in them. Makes a nice gift!
What else, oh yes, Brenda, one of our girlfriends, has recently started a collection of heart-shaped rocks and she wrote to ask if I’d post a picture of mine again, so there they are Brenda!
I found one rock down by the water in the shape of a fish, see it there in the middle! Almost as good as red sea glass! See my darling girl?
Lately, food-wise, I have been pure as the driven snowbound groundhog, eating fresh fish, organic chicken, and fresh salads all the time; having scrambled eggs (with only one yolk) on top of steamed spinach for breakfast. Being a healthy little groundhog. But Joe just walked into my studio and this is what he put under my nose. Half an old-fashioned cruller and a cup of chocolate coffee. I had to get the camera, and then . . . Snarf. Groundhog noise!
It reminded me of the card another one of our girlfriends, Denise, sent me via Twitter. So I say THANK YOU JOE! And you, what have you been up to? Have a wonderful weekend Girlfriends! We have friends coming for Twine today at 4, and Downton Sunday night! Yay! xoxo