We’re on our way H♥ME!

Halloooooo out there in realities-ville; here we are, right this moment, in suspended animation in middle of surreal Atlantic Ocean.  This is what it looked like driving up to the ship on Sunday.  Look how badly the Queen Mary 2 wants to get going!  She is straining at those ropes!

She is happy now, doing what she does best; we are steaming right along, through blue sky and sea; making a beeline for home.  It’s been hard to get on the internet girlfriends, sorry — that I can get on at all is quite a little miracle, yesterday I couldn’t even get the screen to come up; I think I might not be the only one on this ship doing a blog!  But I got up early this morning to beat the traffic, so here I am, and hopefully, here I will stay for a while!  It is cozy in our little cocoon this morning; here’s what’s playing on the TV here in the room, very quietly not to wake everyone up; for your morning enjoyment, French music …. they think of everything around here! 

Lots of tears saying good bye to England; but it was a gorgeous day to float out to sea.  If there is a softer, gentler, more romantic way to travel than aboard an ocean liner like the Queen Mary 2, I can’t think of what it might be!  It’s like living in a really good dream!

What a surprise for us to find this special box of chocolates and bottle of champagne waiting in our room . . . if you have time today, and you’re on Twitter, I think it would be a great surprise it you could drop a Tweet to @LisaPageUK and tell her how MUCH we are loving these champagne truffles, how they are melting in our mouth! How we especially love them at breakfast.  Tell her we are saving the champagne to toast the Statue of Liberty when the Queen Mary 2 sails gallantly, as I know she will, into New York Harbor on Sunday.  

In the meantime we are ensconced and cozy in our little room, with the door open, the salt air is putting us out at night like lights; we are walking the promenade around the ship every day, Petey is happy, we are happy  . . . and . . .

Oh dear . . . you know what girls? I hate to disappoint you, but this isn’t working; so far I have uploaded 17 photos, this is all I’ve managed to get to come up, and they are taking forever!  I just got up to make another cup of tea and realized I am turning into a nut with this . . .  so, see that bed, I am getting back into it!  I’m rereading Sense and Sensibility and enjoying it so much, there is no reason I should be fighting city hall!

But, no matter how long it takes, I have to show you one more picture . . . here goes.

Taaa-daaaa, 15 minutes later, I got it!!!  People can bring their dogs on the ship, but they have to stay in a kennel.  They get to come out twice a day, and this was yesterday.  One little bulldog is not happy, look at that face!!!  I love it there are animals on board!   We took lots of photos of them, but this one sort of broke my heart.

Soon we will be home; I’ll be in my studio with the window open looking out on my picket fence garden and, slowly but surely, the rest of the story will unfold . . . I will tell you, at leisure and with relish, all about going to Jane Austen’s house, Dove Cottage, and all the rest.  I will show you Rachel’s beautiful bedroom wallpaper!  I will show you the stone cottage at Siobhans! I have a WONDERFUL surprise that I’ve been saving for you . . . wonderful wonderful . . . Have we not had a ball girlfriends?  Your comments made it so much fun for me!  You are lovely traveling companions . . . I never felt alone the whole time!  I’ll see you all back on Martha’s Vineyard; give me a little time for unpacking, let me dip my brush into some watercolors and do some more doodling for the English Diary; I can’t wait to walk out to the opening on the pond, roll around with Jack and Girl Kitty a little bit, cook something pub-ish in my own kitchen; have tea with my girlfriends, hear the screen door slam a couple of times. K, g’night girlfriends, back to the adventures of the Dashwood girls and that handsome Mr. Willoughby who feels that Elinor is “using him unkindly.”  I think not! 

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Time to say Goodbye . . .

How to say goodbye?   I started trying to put this post together last night, but, as I was doing it, matters were made even worse when  Love Actually came on the TV in our hotel room!  So all I really did was cry.


How do you say goodbye to this?  Did you hear those birds?  And it’s only a small taste of the magic and beauty that’s been around every hedgerow since we got here.  It’s not really over, I tell myself, I still have so much more to show you when we get home . . . you’re going to love the rest of Rosemary Verey’s garden! Not to mention, we get to go  back to Hill Top!  To Beatrix’s husband, William Heelis’s office in Hawkshead!  And to William Morris’s house!  And so much more!!  Look what we have to look forward to!  Waaaaah.

Would someone please tell me how to say goodbye?

Because I just can’t do it.

words fail me

But the clock is ticking  . . .

. . . even here, in a land, that sometimes you think, time forgot.  Yesterday we went to Lacock, the perfect little village where Cranford was filmed.  I hope you’ve all seen Cranford, because it’s a charming story of yesteryear and looks just like this . . .

… only better, because when you are on this street, you can hear the English accents, feel the breeze, smell the lavender, see the clouds moving; you know it’s real because they have cars there now; and you can go in here and get the London Times if you want . . .

. . . because, in fact, what seems to be a dream, is all very real.  Dreams, you can wake up from; we won’t ever wake up from this.

How do you say goodbye to the everyday charm of life here?   Tea rooms,  cottages with names like Dove and Sky; kitchen gardens in every patch of dirt; cavorting lambs around every bend; paths that take you over ancient stone footbridges,

through fragrant wildflower meadows that go forever?   Where “My-toe-hurts-bet-tee” is the nature national anthem (a wood-pigeon is singing it outside our window right now) . . . this completely handcrafted country, with a full size electric tea kettle as standard in every hotel and every rental!  People who say “dodgy” and “crap job” and  who have cars like this right outside your hotel window and think its normal?

How can you not love them? Well, you really have no choice, you just do, don’t you!?


Because this is the epicenter, the ground zero, of charm.  They show us how it’s done.  And just when the whole world needed some cheering up, they did this — they had a big wonderful party . . . for the sweetest of reasons . . .

. . . and decorated every corner of England, in the biggest and smallest ways . . .

Which sent our whole family, including Petey, over the top!  Thank you England!!!  Joe was reading this over my shoulder and we just decided to make ourselves honorary English people as of this moment.  Petey too.  I hope no one minds.

 So goodbye shockingly beautiful place. We are putting the last bits into our bag (never said bits before but now I’m English I can get away with it) this morning, and going off to do the thing we saved for today; going to  Chawton House, the home of Jane Austen, for one last garden stroll and walk through history before we board the ship and sail right out of Southampton into suspended animation for seven days. Where blue meets blue in an unending swirl of sky and water . . . on a big ocean liner, with violin music playing, while waves lap at the windows.  Talk about unreal.

Good bye darling pubs; goodbye Rachel and Paul, Siobhan and John and all the wonderful people who made our trip so special. Goodbye Yorkshire Dales, the Peak District, the Lake District, and Kent, and everywhere in between.  Waaaah.  We are going to miss you very much.

Goodbye land of enchantment, it was wonderful.  Take good care of yourself.  Until we meet again.

You better get packed Girlfriends, and get yourself back into those suitcases; keep your raincoats on, it looks like we’re going to need them — and don’t worry, we know what’s waiting for us on the other side; we won’t be too sad. We have home and kitties; some of us have dogs that have missed us so much; we have our friends and family and own beds to look forward to.  You can get the crimps out of your legs and I get to finish our English Diary too!  Not to mention a picket fence garden, and tea with the best friends a girl could have . . . I brought everything home with me that I will need to make a real English Tea Party!  I have Union Jack bunting!!!  I have Pear Cider!  We have our wonderful memories, and also, let’s not forget, about 10,000 photographs.  Yay, US!  We did it!  Wasn’t it fun?  XOXOXO  Bon Voyage!!!!  Thank you for coming along . . . I’ll try to write from the ship!  But you know . . . it can be dodgy! ♥

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