Hello from the land of the flying pants! Hung these on the line yesterday, and off they went, doing the happy dance! Such good color, had to show you, they’re the pants-version of the ice cream sandwiches!
♥ ♥ ♥
Hello from the land of the flying pants! Hung these on the line yesterday, and off they went, doing the happy dance! Such good color, had to show you, they’re the pants-version of the ice cream sandwiches!
♥ ♥ ♥
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those pants look great,, look like the kind I wear,, wish i knew where you buy them,, I’ve had to make mine!
Smiling over here :-D. Those are some happy looking pants, not to mention they look so comfy.
These pants speak of summer fun – If I owned them, I would hang them out to dry also. Happy, happy Judy C in NC
I agree with Kim! The sherbet-colored pants look very comfy. I need to hunt for some comfy pants! Whilst hanging out my wash sometimes, I name my pajama pants: my favorite outfits. Is that a Fresh Produce tee I see? Love those colors!
Ahh…. I wish I had a clothes line. These flying pants are delightful… they remind me of popsicles and boy would a popsicle taste good on a hot, sultry day like today!
Can I jump into your picture?
Hi Joe,
The pants do have the same colors as a box of popsicles. Love to see you in the picture eating one! ( popsicle, not pants, lol!)
Oooohhhh! I want happy pants like those too!
Susan, I had to come back and tell you that I wrote about the Friends of Gladys Taber today and mentioned your suggestion, too. You are so right! It’s such a bargain. I love the photographs of Gladys and her daughter and the perfect shot of Stillmeadow. I’ve been dipping into my Gladys Taber book stash every day. She was such a treasure. In the newsletter a writer says, “Everyone who is interested in Gladys Taber is a nice person.” Isn’t that the truth? Well, it sure is true of you! You’re the one who introduced me to her. THANK YOU!
I read Gladys Taber too and have a nice collection of her books. First one I read was Stillmeadow and Sugarbridge. Love it, so glad Sue introduced me to her.
This may date myself but I came to love Gladys Tabor when she wrote the colume for, was it Family Circle? I started collecting her books as she wrote them–kind of like Susan Branch’s books!!!
My mom always read those magazine articles and got me started on Gladys Tabor. And yes, Pom Pom, my mom was a nice person too.
That was a beautiful thing you did…hanging those pants on the line! I love to hang clothes on the line as much as my Mother did…have some darling memories of taking my daughter (age 4) to my Aunt’s house after she was gone and my daughter and I washing the clothes in the WRINGER WASHER and then hanging the clothes on the line. PRECIOUS! Daughter is now 26. I still hang sheets out off my porch..
You hardly ever see clotheslines anymore, so this brings back wonderful memories. Thanks, Susan!
Love,Love,Love it! Such a happy scene..letting the breezes and sun caress the moisture from your pretty paintbox pants! Your clothesline is like mine…tied to my trees,why buy posts,when they are growing in your yard! I can’t get enough of your delightful art,sharing it with all of my friends..oh and by the way…I want to live in Peter Rabbit room…I’m a cleaning lady, so I would be the perfect guest!
Can’t wait to but my 2012 calendars in all 3 sizes!!!!
I love watching clothes blowing in the wind. But your pants really do look like they’re dancing. FUN!
Have a glorious day!
Darling photo!
Love those comfy, colorful pants!! Makes me re-think my black sweatpants, lol. **Helena
How fun, I’m smilin’
at dancin’ pants, & I love the colors and comfy style! xo
There is just something about anything on a clothesline…something I just had to have when we moved to the country…Fancy pants you lol
Have a wonderful day Susan!
Jacqui G
FOSB 4-Ever
PS I’ve made several “friends” through your blog- nice to find a bunch of gals who like what I like…
Hi Susan
Better get out the ironing bored? Ya know there’s something very simple like hanging clothes outside to dry… kinda brings one back to a more simpler time unhurried gives one time to think! hummmm don’t know how wet clothes can make ya think this but it does! Lemonade anyone?
The purple pair is running away without you! Reminds me of Seuss…
“I saw a pair of pale green pants. With nobody inside them!”
Was thinking this morning, they seem like they’re having more fun without me in them!
Aaah, a cute clothesline chorusline. ;D
So cute! I love the smell of line-dried clothes. It is so humid and hot here that by the time I am done hanging, I can go up to the front of the line and take down the dry ones!
I want those pants! They look so nice and cool – what brand are they – or did you make them yourself? I don’t even own a dryer anymore, and hang my clothes out year round. I live in Colorado, so it does get interesting in the winter, and I’ve had to resort to hanging in the basement a few times, but we do get 300+ days of sunshine, so not a problem very often.
Hi Susan, I just discovered your blog through a comment on another one I was reading today. I recognized your name right away and had to visit you. I am thrilled to find your blog….. I have your books. Always loved your illustration and design… Have beautiful day! xoxo Kim
That picture is just adorable. Love all the comfy looking pants. Sweet, summer colors!
Oh Susan…you have the most creative blog! Always something ‘special’ and ‘unique’ going on at your house…smile… Love this picture… I’m always looking for a special picture…and they all just seem to be at your home…smile…. Out your door, window, neighborhood….smile…. lovely place to live!!!
xoxo Gert
Ah…The Sisterhood Of The Flying Pants! Love it!
m ^..^
I am lovin’ the color and the mood of these great lookin’ pants.
I miss having a clothesline, and having sheets and dishclothes having the good fresh smell from hanging out on the line. Your dancing pants on the clothesline picture is wonderful–how descriptive–and it has been fun to read all the comments! Are your pants linen?
Late, late, late once again to the party, but I love, love, love these “dancing pants!” How comfy they look! Doesn’t laundry from the clothesline have the freshest scent? This reminds me of my childhood and the sweet-smelling cupboard where my mother stored the sheets and towels after their time on the line.
Have a great week-end! xoxo
Today is my birthday and I was out of town but made it home before day’s end and had to check out the blog! I missed it for a couple of days and realized what a part of my routine it’s become! Then, I log on and see this adorable pic of happy, dancing pants in sherbet colors….so fun! Thanks for making the end of my very fun birthday such a sweet one!
I love how you make every day house-keeping look so beautiful. I like doing that,too.
Hi Susan!
I am brand new to your blog. I’ve been blogging about three years now and I find such delight in blog-land. I’m all about whimsy. I grew up on 12 acres and my childhood home was called Once Upon a Fairyland. I have loved all of your work for many years.
Hi Jackie, welcome! I’m a new blogger, and love it already. Thanks for visiting (and you too, everybody else! xoxo)!
♫♥♫♥♫♥ ahhhhhhhhhhhhh…Clearly…Sweet Summer Breeze…Happy Sunday Sweetest Sue! (& Joe & Kitty toooooooooooo!) xoxo Poof!♫♥♫♥♫♥
how fun! susan, can you share where you buy these colorful, comfy-looking pants? love, love, love the pic.
It is so great to read your blogs! My heart swells with soul sisteredness knowing that there other women out there that get as much satisfaction from keeping a cozy, happy, inspiring home as I do! Nothing makes me happier than picking a bouquet of fresh basil or hanging quilts on the line or sharing iced tea with my honey! I love what you do and how it makes me feel.
Hi Susan!
Can you tell us where you got the beautiful & comfy looking flying pants?
love them & you
They’re from Bryn Walker … try here . . . http://www.helloboutique.com/dressing_room/?id=1666 we have a store on the island, right now it looks like most of the colors are darker … they have a thinner lighter linen, and a heavier winter weight. Both go in the washing machine. Sometimes I iron them and sometimes I don’t.
You must be a “winter”. Your clothes are a dead giveaway!
Just have to say if I only had hours and hours, could read your stuff forever. Each time it is something special. Just read your California “stuff”. We just did an electric boat ride in the Newport Beach harbor last night with four friends and then came home to dinner. Have you ever tried that? Put Chicken Lasagna in the oven at 250 degrees while we were cruising on the bay for two hours and came home to it being almost ready to serve, with bread and salad and brownies and ice cream…and we were ready:>)
Life is good! But most of all we are sooooo grateful for our blessings.
Gotta love those “travelling trousers”! Reminds me of about 40 years ago when I still lived in N.Y. and we hung everything out on the clothes line to dry. One extremely cold day I had hung a pair of jeans out and of course they were frozen solid when I went to bring them in. They looked like they would shatter if you even breathed on them! My Mom and I had a good laugh that day! Soon after that we bought a clothes dryer and then moved to Florida. No more frozen pants for me!