A week from today . . . we Sail away! I really can’t believe it!
This is a little scene that has been in our bedroom since we came back from the last trip to England aboard the Queen Elizabeth II in 2004. I love having it here because a dress like that should not be locked away; it hangs there like a fairytale and has all the fairytale magic and dreams connected to it. I’m not the kind of girl who’s worn very many dresses like that. Like really, this is the only one. I just can’t hide it away.
The hat, I bought in England, because our good friends took us to Royal Ascot! I think I look a little like Queen Elizabeth in it (which, although she is lovely, is not the look I’m actually after), especially with Joe next to me wearing his gray top hat and a morning coat with tails! This is the dress code for Royal Ascot and you really have to do it!
Do we look like Yanks? Could they tell? I kind of think so! But not one dog attacked us!
I bought the dress that’s hanging on the closet door for our first formal night aboard the ship. It has a scarf too. It goes to the floor, has four layers of skirt; I packed it in tissue paper. I think it was the right thing to do for my first trip. But this time, I’m thinking differently (now that I’m a seasoned ocean-liner traveler); I don’t want to take different evening clothes for each night (six!) like I did last time; that was a lot of packing of things I never needed for the rest of the trip! I was jealous of Joe, who more or less wore the same tuxedo every night and looked adorable. To be honest, I’m not really a formal type of girl (I think pantyhose was invented by the devil); I like corduroy and linen.
I looked around the dining room last time, to see what other women did; there was this elegant French woman who sat at a table near us at dinner; I loved how she handled it. She wore the same classic black pantsuit every night, with heels, and different scarves and jewelry, to change the look. It was so clever; seemed very French to me. What a good packing tip for next time, I thought! So this time I have my own little (non-itchy) black suit all ready to go into the suitcase, and all the accessories to go with it. Just like Joe.
The entire rest of my suitcase is raincoat, cute umbrella, jackets, t-shirts, lots of linen bell bottoms . . . (remember my dancing pants … now they have a reason to dance, they’re going on a trip!) . . .
. . . warm sweaters, and comfy shoes. And art supplies!!! Almost ready!
By the way, are you all on Twitter? I am — I Twitter and send photos there too (I think you may be able to read my page without joining, not sure). A couple of times, when Joe and I have crossed the country on the train, I’ve done this thing called “Twitter from the Twain.” It works really well, because if we’re out and about and only have the phone with us, I can take photos with it and send them directly to Twitter. I’m going to try and do that on this trip, we’ll see what kind of connection England affords our internet connections . . . but I need help. I need a name. So far, the Twitter Girls have suggested “Shenanigans from the Ship,” “News from the Cruise,” and “Blog from the Boat” — all wonderful, but what about when we’re not on the boat? Any ideas? (Playing my cards right, figuring out ways to no longer have to do my own thinking )
Good morning, Susan! Can’t wait til next week! I really need this trip, haha! Enjoy the anticipation of your big adventure in the days to come. How about “Bits from Britain” for your tweets?
Kelly from Eastern PA
Like it!
I adore the pic with the hats, so elegant and so beautiful! You both look SO happy!
How could we not be considering where we were!
Very Exciting! The grand adventure begins in just a few days! Where did you get those great linen bell bottoms? And in multiple colors at that.
Treese/Colorado Cowgirl.
There’s a shop here on the island…right now they have hardly any colors because I was just there…they have white . . . will be getting more in … it’s called Bryn Walker . . . tell them I sent you!
Getting so excited for you … and all of us you are taking! Glad I don’t have to pack.
I’ll probably have enough for all of us!
Happy Morning to you Susan!
So exciting! What great pics ! Love the hat, the gown, the top hat and tails and seeing you both! Name for twitter? How about the “Happy Bluebells from the Cape”, The Dynamic Duo from the Vineyard “, The Dynamic Bluebells………I am sure someone will come up with some great ones. Good Luck and will have to check out twitter for sure as am not a user at all. Happy Day Susan!
Can’t wait for those Bluebells!
If you “Twitter from the Twain”, why don’t you “Tweet from the Twip”! =) Can’t wait to see your updates!
I love that!!!
I LOVE Tweet from the Twip! I also follow you on Twitter so I’ll be looking for your Twip Tweets!
Me too!
i love that too! what about The Runaway Review? but i think i like tweets from the twip even better. lol
Then there’s Cruisin’ with Susan!
OK, Shannon — you beat me to it!
Yes, I like “Bits from Britain” or even “Bits from Brit” — Have resisted Tweeter up to this point. May have to give it a try . . .
I do understand the resistance!
OK – meant to type Twitter! not Tweeter!
Hi Susan~
How about ” Branch’s Beguiling British Blog” ?
Love the B’s!
Or “Tea & Crumpets from Me to Thee”
It’s going to be very hard to pick one of these! xo
Or “With Love From Across the Pond”
Or Puddle Jumping with Joe?
I like this one Lynn! How’s the weather up there???
The B one.
Hi Margot~
It’s been cool here. At least the sun is shining! I actually have rose buds on one of my roses on the south side of my house! In April! Thanks for asking & have a great weekend!
I thought of another one~ “Ship to Shore with Susan”.
I need to stop!!
Banter from Blighty, Tweets from the Twip, Clips from the Old Country…can you tell that I’M EXCITED TOO??!! Remember that hat…& you look more like a Princess than the Queen! xoxo Happy Day
Banter from Blighty! I knew you’d come up with something! ♪ We’ll meet again, do know where, do know when . . . ♫ I’m singing to you!
I’m so excited about your trip and waiting to see England through your eyes which cherish the beauty and history of so many things. How about “Tweets on the Thames” or “Embellishments of England” or “Tweets with Tea”. You will come up with something delightful, I’m sure. Seeing the gardens of England is on my bucket list, so I’m hoping you send lots of garden pictures. Most of all, though, have fun and relish every moment.
Susan in Spokane
I definitely will! You will love them, I’ve really never seen anything like it! I’ll do video too, so you can hear it, and maybe even smell it!
Smell~a ~ Vision~ love it!
Good morning Susan, thank you for sharing your lovely photos! I love the beautiful dress and that hat is gorgeous! I can see why you’d want to keep them in view! Love the photo of you and Joe….a great moment in time!! I’m looking forward to all the wonderful and inspiring moments that lie ahead. How about Enchantments from England (E.E) for tweets?
That’s exactly how I think it will be!
Good morning and let me say, you and Joe look smashing in your Ascot do’s. I love to travel with a material called “slinky knit”. Looks wonderful, never wrinkles, looks elegant and can be dressed up or down. That being said, you really don’t have time to run off-island to shop, so I think your choices are fine. It will be a bit damp but you know that. I have two fold-up umbrellas that are a sunflower and a peony! Might as well make a statement if you have to use one. The only thing that comes to mind for a title is “Traveling Tales”. Of course, there is “Branching Out”. Whatever you select will be fine, we will all be looking at the pictures and enjoying your trip with you.
I’ll have to check out slinky knit for the next time! Thanks Pat!
Chico’s carries a travel line of clothes. I swear you can roll it in a ball and it never wrinkles!
Great to know!
Not only no wrinkle but they pack SO compactly — I had five or six pieces of the Travelers from Chico folded into a single sweater bag and that tucked into the center of my duffle when we did our Ohio River cruise on the Delta Queen in 2004 — fantastic!
Dear Susan, Oh my goodness……………..love, love, love that beautiful evening dress which is just so lovely and different. It is true………many wear black for evening. So glad you have a non itchy dress. When I went, I had a long fancy skirt and wore different fancy tops and then sometimes put a thin shawl over them to look a bit different. And your lovely hat is so you. You and Joe look super together but you do look like Yankees. And yes, they can tell for some reason even without you talking. Only one week left and now I’m really getting excited for you too! We thought the entertainment onboard was great……..better than “our” cruise ships……….and the costumes so appropriate too (not just your Las Vegas glittery shine)! We’ll be watching……….enjoy every single minute! Hugs, Gail in Bev. Hills, Fl
OMG… I’m having my breakfast, tea, english muffin with peanut butter and honey, and I turn on my ipad and the most amazing blog !!!!! I’M SQUEALING !!!!! What a wonderful blog, that dress is gorgeous, that hat is amazing. Splendid ! You two make the most beautiful couple all dressed up and not dressed up of course. You are such a wealth of knowledge on everything I love, there should be a Susan Branch dictionary ! All wonderful things. I just gave my beautiful daughter in-law your Heart of the Home cook book ( well, more than a cook book) for her Birthday and she squealed ! She was so happy she didn’t want to open any more of her gifts, she was satisfied to say the least. Thank you for this and for the wonderful packing tips ! Oh how about just “Teatime” I always get a cup of tea and drink it while I read your blog, You are my best blog friend ! I always have tea with my best everybody ! Or……………. “Traveling Teatime “.
Thank you Wendy! You make my day! Happy birthday to your Daughter-in-Law from me!
good morning susan….a partly cloudy day here on the eastern shores of lake erie and our temps are seasonable….wanted to tell you that i read the forgotten garden and liked it..thanks for the mention in one of your blogs ….liked the dress that you have hanging up in your room….i love those prints, so summery and tropical….and finally maybe a name you could use when writing us girlfriends while you are on your trip …….tidbits from the travlers…whatever you choose we will all be waiting for each little note that you write to us….enjoy your day
I finished the book yesterday and cried. I thought Kate Morton did a great job!
Halfway through The Forgotten Garden – loving it! Thanks for thr recommendation ♥
You’re welcome, and thank you to everyone who told me!
Sounds like it’s time to read The House at Riverton, if you haven’t already.
I think you’re right Janie!
That’s next – borrowed both from library – love discovering new authors and discovering that I like their writings!
I’ve never heard of Kate Morton, but after checking her out on Google, I’m so EXCITED to read her books. I love mysteries … especially ones that go back in time.
I just loved The Forgotten Garden; I don’t keep all the books I read, hardly any of them actually, but I have a small library of my favorites and I was so excited to add this one in today. Tucked in between West with the Night and Schindler’s List.
I enjoyed that one, too. Not too sure about The Distant Hours – it was good; but I found it a tad depressing (and a bit creepy)! Was glad when it was finished…
Oh, that’s interesting to know!
I’m halfway through The Forgotten Garden, too! So captivating. It’s hard to put down and I can’t wait to find out how it all turns out! My heart is just breaking for little Eliza and all she had to endure! Funny how you get so wrapped up in the characters. Can’t wait to read Kate Morton’s other books….what a writer. I LOVE the book recommendations we get here!
Kate Morton is SO tricky and slow getting to the ending.
Or, as the Brits say; titbits!!
OH, I LOVE your hat! I am a hat girl,though I don’t wear them as I once did in the 60’s. Your idea to keep your dress(gown) out is a wonderful one, that I want to copy. No one would ever pick the two of you out as being from accross the pond. WOW! just one week away and the butterflies are going to keep fluttering, to at some point abord ship, you can settle them down….LOL
Your tweet name should be really short, it is your vacation. You love roses,how about “English Rose” or something like it?
I love that …. Oh I can’t wait to see those roses!
P.S……. “Tea For Two” Do you think this could make Joe feel fully included?
As long as he thinks he’s one of the two!
I am so excited! I can’t wait for “our” trip to England! The cruise I would love to make one day, visiting lovely gardens that seem to be tended by fairies and best of all Peter Rabbit’s home!!!! I am all “packed” and ready.
Good, we’re going to have fun!
Dear Susan,
You look so beautiful and happy in the photo. I am thrilled for you, you must be thrumming with excitement! Thank you for including us girlfriends in your Joy! I know I love sharing the anticipation. Have a fabulous day,
Hugs and Kisses, Lorraine
Love sharing it with everyone, even more fun than the last time!
GORGEOUS Dress!!!! I LOVE dresses, especially in the summer!!! I would be in a world of hurt though if I had to wear a hat.. I am not much of a hat person and my hair is thick and I guess my head is too cause they don’t seem to want to stay on or look very good on me!! But alas, I admire those that are hat people..always so chic!! You and Joe wear it well, but you are both so tanned and beaming that I think you can tell that you are no natives of England.. but are enjoying the experience!!… I have a twitter account but mostly just read (when I can remember) and not post, so will have to start paying closer attentioin!!! Hmm.. how about Sue’s Muse… Susan’s Sightings… well, that’s all I have for now.. back to work! So excited for your (our) trip!!! YIPEE!!!
Dear Susan, Enjoy your very exciting trip. Can’t wait to go along with you and Joe! Mary
“News from the Cruise” !
Can’t wait to go with you both. I’m looking forward to having tea with clotted cream ofcourse.
xoxo Pam
Oh yes, I will slather it on for you!
Oh I am also getting so excited for you . Lovely dress . I love the photo of you and Joe all dolled up ! Tweets , To and from England ! or Ahoy Tweets from England ! or Brit Twip Twitter style .Hope you find a title for your Twitter trip ! Have a great day !
Thank you, we’re getting lots of wonderful ideas!
Hey Susan,
I didn’t read through all the comments so I don’t know if anyone else suggested this. How about “trip quips” ?
And smooth sailing to ya…
Trip Quips is new, love it Cecelia!
You and Joe looked sooo nice in your picture! Love to see a picture of this cute umbrella you are taking on your trip. Dancing on a ship….ahhhhhh how romantic.
So romantic!
Oh no! Will you be on the boat for the Flower Moon? How romantic would dancing under the Flower Moon be?! <3 (sigh….)
Yes, we leave Friday night, and Saturday is the full Flower Moon, our second night at sea!
I am a little confused by that – I thought May 5 was called the “Corn Planting Moon”. You call it the Flower moon, too?
I put all the Native American names of the moons on my calendars. I have May as the Flower Moon and August as the Green Corn Moon, but there are really two names for most of the moons (that I know about).
The Flower Moon is a more romantic name, I think, for being out on the ocean on The Queen Mary!
Probably should be called Wild Ocean Moon!
Awww ~ you and Joe look so cute in your spiffy clothes! I’m not sure I could ever get hubby into a tuxedo
!! Can’t wait for “our” trip. We’ll be celebrating our 28th anniversary on May 5 – we’ll be on the cruise by then, won’t we? Goodness, what a lovely way to spend the day!
Happy Thursday everyone!
xox from SW Hbr., Maine
Happy Anniversary Lori!
Where did the time go since you first announced your exciting trip to England? I’m sure for you it has been dragging along even with all the work you have had to do to “coordinate” your wardrobe. I haven’t entered the world of Twitter and don’t intend to? I know don’t ever say never. The girls have given you some great “tags”……Tea Talk, Tweets & Tarts, one will fit your fancy. We found a Clematis in a grown up garden in our backyard and Jim asked if it could be moved?? I was thinking not now since it was about 3 ft. and had a purple bloom on it. Well, we decided to move it to a trellis and tried to get a good clump of dirt with it and you wouldn’t believe the root system….it took me an hour to try and weave it in and out of the trellis and I tied little pieces of twine to hold it in place. That plant has yet to even wilt and that truly surprises me so it has a new home in the backyard. I think the cool temps. and showers truly helped. Just a question…since you will be away during our Memorial Day do you have any “patriotic clothing” you could wear on that day to celebrate your homeland holiday?? Susan, take this last week to stop, take one last inventory, pack and put away so you can enjoy the Spring, and spending some quality time with the kitties.
Just me, Jack, and the little red ball. That’s how it is :-)!
Bon Voyage, Susan! Have a wonderful trip….I’m so looking forward to hearing about your adventures! I’m also off to the UK next month….a few days in London and a long weekend in Bibury…can’t wait! I hear the weather has been lovely… Ruthanne
Where are you staying in Bibury?
At the Bibury Court Hotel…..been there in the past and it’s a favorite place for my husband and me!
Well, warm it up because we’ll be there in June!
We certainly will!
:>) :>) :>)
Good morning, Susan and everyone! Oh, what a wonderful way to start the day.. thinking of England, your crossing of the pond in such an elegant way, and wearing such beautiful clothes. I think getting to England via ship would be spectacular. And, oh, the clotted cream on scones… and crumpets. Yum, yum, yum! I shall have to look into Twitter just to get your pics and tweets. Can’t wait to go along with you, so I had better finish packing, too. I think there will be a whole other boatload of us along with you and Joe! What fun it will be. Happy packing, dreaming and waiting to you!
Thank you Susan!
Susan, You and Joe look absolutely splendid in your formal ware! Smashing, absolutely smashing!!! How about “Escapades from England” while you’re off the boat? Just a thought. I can hardly believe we’re leaving a week from today. I do have plenty of tea and treats to follow along with you!
Thanks for allowing us to stowaway with you – this will certainly be the more the merrier trip!!
Lots of love and hugs for a delightful Friday Eve (that’s what I call Thursdays).
Love that, Friday Eve!
Bon Voyage!!!…I know you are counting the days til your departure…so glad to read your lovely blog this morning as I am waiting for a painter to arrive…as I am beginning to grit my teeth because he has ten minutes left in the time frame he gave me…your wonderful blog is tempering my seething…trying to get things done and packed for my six months in MI…and a bit of cleaning and rearranging done too…I will be thinking of you dashing about as I do the same…xoxo…
Good luck with the Painter!!
Thanks Susan…your wishing me good luck with the painter help make the painter arrive within the time frame he gave me…I liked him…”ball park” estimate this week…off to pack…xoxo…
So far so good!
Susan! I love PUDDLE JUMPING with JOE!! It is perfect! Love your black suit and accessories idea. You live and learn. So practical and much easier deciding what to wear. You will do us all proud and look adorable each night strolling in on your Joe’s arm!
Well, I’ve been waiting for you you to set sail. I am so looking forward to beautiful gardens, shops and Beatrix Potter’s cottage, and your English adventures!! I don’t know how you can contain all your excitement! ..but, I’m ready to go!
Glad to hear it Chrissy!
I was on the Queen Mary II in 2005. (I am unable to fly for health reasons). We were returning after being in London for 9 days. The ship was amazing. We went over on a Princess ship. I love cruising and have been a few times. My husband’s first trip was our honey moon almost 14 yrs ago.
I do hope that you enjoy yourself.
I think we will!
Darling, darling dress and hat! I think it looks adorable on you and Joe looks dashingly handsome!. I love the sweet baby pink roses in the lapels. It’s all coming together so well! Cannot wait! So how did the elegant French woman get away with wearing a pantsuit? Isn’t a dress the requirement? A pantsuit would DEFINITELY be the way I’d go, too! So many things you can do with that…a black (or even ivory) pantsuit is like a blank canvas! SWEET!!! Love the Gilda Radner quote…that’s where I’m at in my knit pants and sweatshirt and cup of morning coffee!
A nice suit is fine. The jacket and pants have to match, I’m pretty sure I read that.
I’d suggest: “News (or Doves!!) from The Dreamland”
What a fantastic picture of you and Joe!!!!!
Have a great trip!!!
Mrs. Hall’s Travel Log
Travels with the Halls
Jack’s Mum Abroad
Jack’s Mum Abroad! xoxo
Jack’s Mum Abroad has got my vote!!! It is adorable.
It has been so much fun watching you plan your vacation! I was telling my daughter about it yesterday and how you were going to take us all with you. She thought that sounded like so much fun. So I told her about your blog so she could go, too!!! I am most anxious to see the Beatrix Potter gardens and of course the beautiful roses. I absolutely love the picture of you and your husband all dressed in your finery!!! So dashing and debonair! Thank you for sharing this special time with all of us. I am actually getting excited to leave. You have so many good choices for titles for your trip but in my mind I’ll be, “Cruisin’ with Susan”!!! Have a wonderful day!!!
Ohhhhh, Love “cruis1n with susan!” Hi to your daughter, love it that you both can come along!
Good morning!
Of course you and Joe look like Yankees – way too tan to be Brits!! LOL! Also Joe’s tie – the best! Too California!
Oh, oh – only you could persuade me to rejoin Twitter! My husband will be so amused!! Too many cute Twitter ideas to select from – I like the Bits from Brit or Branching Out! All pretty clever!
We were looking at the tans and decided they must have come from the gardens we were going through, but it was chilly, so I’m sure we only had tan heads!
In Re: Twitter Names:
How about– Twavel Twitter – Brit Bytes – Nomad Notes – ?
Have a great trip and bon voyage! Don’t forget to go out on deck on a clear night and really see the milky way. It’s one of the best hidden wonders of an ocean voyage.
LOL Nomad Notes! We have a full moon the second night out!!! Very thrilled about that, hope we can see it.
My husband and I were reading the blog together this morning (we love living this vicariously!) and he suggested “My Britter Twitter” He is brilliant as you can see…
He’s a genius, love that! xo
NEWS from my VIEWS…. Have a great trip, how exciting! Can’t wait to read all about it.
Good one Lois!
I’m looking forward to seeing the UK through your eyes Susan – I love your Ascot photo. You look perfectly dressed to me. The Queen seems to wear tophat style hats now – very elegant I think and more suited to her age than those pretty large brims. I’d have a really hard time deciding what to pack as I’m not well travelled. But I would advise waterproofs and plenty of them….. we’ve had such a wet April – heavy rain, hailstones, snow, thunder – you name it we’ve had it. But then again there was not a drop of rain in March so I’m hoping you get perfect May weather – warm sunshine, light breezes, the odd shower and sight of the Aurora Borealis when you get to Beatrix Potter country. There have been lots of alerts lately!
SO excited!!!
Wardrobe planning is one of my favorite parts of traveling, so I’m already enjoying our trip! You were elegant on your last trip and will be on this one, too, no doubt. Be sure to send us some pictures of yourself, so we can see your little black suit, and your orange shoes, too! I don’t know whether anyone at Ascot could tell you and Joe were Yanks, but if they could you did us proud! I’m SO looking forward to seeing England through your eyes, Sue. I know I’ll love what they see. Much love to you … xoxo
xoxo Same to you Janie!
Hi Susan – I had a lovely fuchsia colored dress that went on a cruise without me, loaned to a dear friend. I loved that dress and the size I was when I could wear it! I will wear it once again while “we” are at dinner on the ship, yes, perfect!
I love your style ~ stylish, clean, colorful, elegant ♥ You and Joe at The Ascot – what fun! Love your hat!!! I love hats, look great in them, and collect them ~ one thing I miss from the old movies is how men and women dressed. Not that I don’t love to throw on a pair of jeans, but women in dresses and hats and heels are just so beautiful ~ a lost era.
It sounds like you’re about ready to sail ~ my tea cup is at the ready, and I am so looking forward to sailing away with you to England! A trip my mom always wanted to take, so I am saving the posts for her ♥
Enjoy your day ~ thanks again for the wonderful and deliriously happy post!!!
I agree, loved the dress up of the 40’s and 50’s.
Can’t wait. It is almost time. Will it be cool there? We are having our 2nd day of 100+. Yuck. Too early. Wish I knew about twitter and tweets, but I think you need a cell phone for that and I may be the last person left standing without a cell phone! But I am getting ready to buy an I Pad, so I can stay in bed in the morning with coffee and read my Susan Branch. My love is at the computer reading the news. Looking forward to the trip…..yeah!!!!!!!!!
Just click on the word Twitter in my post — you don’t need a cell phone!
That was so easy! Thank you!
Everything turns out to be easy!
Chris~We must be the last TWO people on earth without a cell phone…I don’t have one either…and I don’t want one:-)…
Good Morning Sue:
Great photo from Ascot–please keep it on display so everyone can enjoy your happiness. You do not look like the Queen in the hat-you look like your radiant self! (Actually my mother DID look like the queen and was very pleased when we travelled in Canada and people noted the resemblance!)
“Continental Chronicles” ? “Sisterhood of theTraveling Tweets”? “All a twitter over England”? “Britain beat in a Tweet” —Must be as difficult as selecting the traveling clothes. Anyway, we are all having a great deal of fun planning along with you- you really do brighten the day.
Cannot wait for the journey to begin . By the way, why not let Joe add a tweet or observation-gives you a day off or a “seen from her eyes, seen from his eyes” perspective on something that you both find interesting.
“Letting” probably isn’t the thing, more like “begging”
He’s very old fashioned and isn’t even all that thrilled with a cell phone!
Yeh, he and my husband, too! He considers them for “emergency only”… LOL!
JOeY to the World! That’s what you send to us girlfriends Susan! I am so excited for you two! You will look smashing in your black suit with different accessories. So practical–I learned this too from the French–tres elegant! Branch Hall invades Britain ? Enjoy the excitement and love that we’re coming along! ♥
Yes, time to turn the tables on that British Invasion!
“Branching Out” — just a thought. . .
Portrait from Across the Pond…
British Banter…
Regal Reflections…
Tea & Twitter… Twitter & Tea…
Oh no… now you have my brain swimming with ideas… (No pun intended!)
Better yours than mine :-)!
How about Branch’s British Banter???
I love hats! I love your hat!! I love to see you in your hat!!! When THE Queen came to Williamsburg in 2007 she had at least 8 hat boxes and 4 men to carry them! I would love to have a Royal Hat Carrier, but I would settle for carrying one of those hats myself. However, it is not a job for women. I also noticed she wears brooches. I like them because they don’t get in the way like necklaces and bracelets.
Have fun!!! Pinkies up!
Gosh, is it only a week away! How time flies . . and you look positively blooming in your Royal Ascot finery . .
I’ve always said, after my very first trip to Paris, the only thing that separates French women and their impeccable style from the rest of us is the way they accessorise! Now, I even paint my nails to match something I am wearing, and it is amazing what it does to pull a look together.
I love your wardrobe, your dress is so perfect, and I think your plan to accessorise that suit is spot on. The Royal Ascot Powers That Be recently changed the rules for Ladies Day . . short skirts and strappy tops are out, as are fascinators of less than a certain size . . it’s all change this year.
I can’t help laughing, and I think we Brits have a better name for panty hose . . we call them tights! Tights by name and nature!
I don’t tweeter; I signed up but cannot get the hang of it at all, so I will miss out on that sadly, but there we are, I’m sure I’ll survive with all your magical blog posts on here!
I can see why they would make those rules; they like to keep it old fashioned I’m sure!
That’s the charm of England, right? Old-fashioned….quaint…”proper”….I think that’s what we miss here in the States and why we love Great Britain so much. At least for me…
I like old-fashioned and proper too Karen!!!
Margot from WI now in VA.
Fun to read about your packing. Love your “bell bottom linen pants”–are they really bell bottoms or kind of like palazzo pants? I have a couple of those, not in linen, but every time I wear them, I love them so much. They are cooler, feel dressier, etc. Whoever came up with “tapered legs” on pants for women?
Re the Twitter: How about “Blips from the trip”?
Like it! Yes, tapered legs are not that flattering unless you are twelve!
Dear Susan, Have you finished The Forgotten Garden yet? I read it on vacation last year. Have you heard of The Beatrix Potter mysteries by Susan Wittig Albert? There are eight of them and they were great fun to read and probably available on the kindle! I know you will have a great time on you trip! Susan J.
I just finished it yesterday afternoon, and cried … I loved it. Kate Morton is so smart, the way she slowly unravels the details! I have the first book of that mystery series to take on the trip!
My fav mystery series, The Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter, I think. I get so eager for the next one to come out…I know it will end one day and then I’ll start from the beginning and read them all over again. I love how Susan Wittig Albert combines fantasy, fiction and historical facts to make a charming, engaging tale. I originally picked up the book because, of course, it had Beatrix Potter in the series title but what caught my eye was the cover illustration! It’s all about illustration for me!!
Love that picture of you & Joe. It would look fabulous is a silver frame on a dresser or chest. How romantic!
I love your dress, and the hat is absolutely gorgeous. Simple, yet elegant. I found the most adorable hat on Jekyl Island years ago and have always regretted not buying it. One of my few regrets in life!
Sounds like things are really starting to get crazy, but once you’re on the ship you can let out a huge sigh of relief and just simply enjoy yourselves. Hoping you have a marvelous time!!!
Oops … I meant to say the photo would look fabulous IN a silver frame.
Funny how we remember those things that get away! Thank you Coni!
Wow – the dress on the hanger is GORGEOUS. However, it sounds like it is not going with you this trip. Is that correct? The pix of you and Joe at Ascot is the most precious ever…my very favorite so far (more to come, I am sure). Someone mentioned Chico’s line of travel clothes and I second that motion. I have the black pants, top, jacket and even long dress – it lasts forever and ever and washes up so easily. LOVE IT! (for next time). Excited for you and Joe and thank you for taking us along.
Not this time, that dress is sort of my souvenir now; I’m trying the black suit “chic” route, we’ll see how it goes, and know more for next time!
Hello, from the beautiful Fraser Valley, in British Columbia!!!
hmmmmmm……(thinking)…..hmmmmmm……(thinking some more)
how about the JUBILEE JOURNAL for a name?
I’ll do some more hmmmmmmmm-ing while at work today and scratch my head like Winnie-the-Pooh. Will let you know if I’ve had a revelation of some sort.
Enjoy your excitement and anticipation. It’s contagious. XO
As always,
Thank you Erica, I love your help!!!
Greetings to you and yours!
I do some of my BEST thinking laying on the floor doing gentle stretches, or laying on my medicine balls. I try not to force my thinking but rather let thoughts drift through my mind like a breeze through an open window.
I’ll get to the point because you probably have many replies to read. As I was laying there, I started to envision a sweet little bird on a tree branch….then thought of tweets…and then the phrase ‘TWEETS FROM A BRANCH’ came to me. A name for you, maybe?
My thoughts continued with a vision of a wee bird, beak open, in chirp (tweet) mode…on branch. Because this is or would be tweets from Britain/Cruise one could incorporate something British. Perhaps the birdie could wear a tiara, with a royal sash, or something else. Then, if you’re on a train (as you have been) …..you could still use the bird on a branch idea…but a train or railroad tracks below…or the birdie wearing an engineer cap. Car? hmmmm…birdie on the branch (same birdie) same branch…..hanging out over a country road. So many ways you could do this!
Well, if nothing else it got me all excited while on the floor trying to unkink my knots.
TWEETS FROM THE BRANCH. I wish I could draw you a picture but I’m afraid you’d do a much better job of it.
*smile* Oh yes, much better. Mine would be a stick bird, on a stick. Period.
Hope you are packed, isn’t it fun counting sleeps?
As always,
Erica XO
PS. Joe is the birdie. You are the branch for obvious reasons. *smile*
LOL, stick bird on a stick! Thank you Erica, loved this.
“Ello~Luv” ♥♫
it’s Noon…Lunch~Time! Sweet Sue This Blog is Fabulous! & The Photo of You & Joe…British~Royalty!
You have to Be Beyond Butterflies! One Week until Bon Voayage…omgggggggggggggggggggggg
& Your Ball~Gown & Hat…Devine! I Can Imagine You in that Ball~Gown & Joe In His Tux Twirling on The Dance Floor….Glorious! ♥♫ As Far as Naming Your Tweets from Your Magical Adventure…Hmmmmmmmmmmm….Everyone Has given You so Many wonderful Choices….
I Have one too… ready? ok…*Twee~Tweets” I Looked it Up & *Twee* is a British word… meaning…cute~quaint~precious….& We All Know That All Your Tweets are…*Twee*
so @dearsusanbranch here we go…*Twee~Tweets*
I Know… Now You must Pick…I Know Darling Sue You will Decide on The “Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect” Name! Time to Make Lunch …I Must Fly~~~~~Weeeeeeeeeeeee…Wishing You & Joe & Girl~Kitty & Jack a Dazzling Day…& Now We are in The Count~Down to Bon~Voyage….Yay! xoxo Poof! ♥♫ 
The birds that fly across my blog sound like they’re saying that! Thanks Angie!
Hi Susan,
Getting so close. I’m anxious and excited for you.
Diary from the pond and beyond. My entry.
Nancy Jo
Cute Nancy Jo!
Excellent idea with the black suit!
Susan your dress and accessories are stunning and I think that you looked like a true Brit.
I pray you have a safe but awesome trip to England. Hopefully the rain will have gone because I have gone rusty with the showers we have had.
You will be in awe of HillTop. I visit every year and still adore it possibly even more everytime. I think Joe will love the little Pub very near it. Make sure you post your mail and postcards in the little postbox. I will not tell you anything about near Sawrey or HillTop because I know you have asked to keep it a secret but I will give you a big tip get there early in the morning because the tickets are timed and get taken up very early. I do hope you enjoy it as much as I do. You will be able to get more figurines from the little shop.
I can’t wait to see what adventures you get up to. Make sure you wave to me as you get to North West of England. I live between Liverpool and Manchester. I love the name The ramblings of an English Rose. Much love x
But seeing the real English Roses, I don’t think I could be mistaken for one; I’m from the wild west!
Twitter from the Twain– AKA — Twitten’ from Britten (I know, Britain)
Excellent !
You’re so good at this!!!
And while aboard the ship —” Tween from the Queen “
You mean Tweet from the Queet?
No – I mention Tween , as in between the USA and England — while at sea — aboard ship…..
You are so funny today! Tween from the Queen!
Or if you GOTTA use “Tweet” — u cud do — “Treats for the Tweet”
I don’t think we HAVE to say Tweet. Someone suggested Bubble and Squeak!
how cute you two look in top and tails for ascot, love the hat!! have a wonderful trip and easy on the ocean videos,,,i’ll be the one nearest the rail for that. have a fun, sunny day. hugs…..
I will try very hard not to make anyone seasick!
Hats, floral dresses, gauzy scarves….I’m loving it! It all has a “Great Gatsby” feel to it. So elegant and feminine!! But, at the same time, a wonderful black suit with all the great accessories you can find, is the perfect solution for dinner. Tres chic!
The picture of you and Joe is a keeper. Whoever took that picture captured a really wonderful moment.
I already follow you on Twitter and am particularly looking forward to your tweets from on board. As far as a name: “Calling all Tweet-Hearts”
Marilyn (in Dallas)
Tweet Hearts, love it!
Hi Susan! I’m so excited to be going with you!
I love your “dancing pants” and want to get some. Do you know what style of Bryn Walker pants they are?…and also, what “comfy” shoes are you taking? 
Just tell them flat front (not gathered, only gathered waistband in the back), no pockets, wide legs. Medium fits fairly true to size, but theyir just a teeny bit on the large side — every so often I can get them in small. Taking Merrill Shoes for one thing.
Love Merrill shoes. Already have my pair to take to Africa this summer!
How about “Trippin’ Twitter”? Have a LOVERLY time! I’m looking forward to it for you ~and us:)
A couple of years ago we had to spend 2 months in England for Russ’s work…I did a little blog called Bluebirds Over Blighty while there. It was fun but we were in Herefordshire in a tiny little village- beautiful but the internet reception wasn’t very good so what started with wonderful intentions of highlighting what we were doing while there ended up being a short blip of a blog without the multitude of photos I hoped for (fwiw, if anyone wants to google it I believe it actually pops up). Oh well! I love that photo of you and Joe- what a wonderful hat!! I’ve been to a few weddings in the UK and no one does hats and weddings like British women! Susan- you are going to have such a wonderful time. I’m so happy and excited for you both. xx
ps- I mentioned above- Tweets from the Twip is really cute.
I’m hoping we have good reception! Rachel, my girlfriend over there, tried to arrange it, it will be the best it can be, but we’ll see how it goes!
Only a week??!!! WOW!!! That flew by!!!! You must just be bubbling over with anticipation!!!!!!!
Oh yeah . . . !
You and Joe look so adorable, Darling!! So excited for you! What wonderful memories. Swoon…..
Good afternoon Susan and All,
I am so far behind on the Comments and am not catching up at the rate I am going. If I repeat a suggestion, I apologize, and second yours. What about Tweet Musings?
I think that’s new! Such great ideas, this is getting to be like choosing a kitty name!
Oh my, the kitty would probably be retired from ball playing before the comments would stop!!!
You did wonderful on the kitty !
HAHAHAHAHA! I’m glad you like it! xoxoxo
Jack is the perfect name for the latest addition to the Hall household! I was referring to naming the NEXT kitty!!!!!!
But what is the best way to distinguish between the two “Jacks”? Do you mind if I call you Papa Jack? I like that a lot. In any event, I hope that both Jacks and their respective households have a terrific day!!
Speaking of bubbling and squeaking, I sense that a facetious remark regarding Papa/Daddy/Big Jack’s nickname might be forthcoming soon!!
I am so excited for you! I love all of the tweet suggestions that everyone has given you so far, especially “tweets from the twip! LOL!!!! (I don’t have a tweet account yet.) And . . . the two of you look amazing all dressed up – and I think you looked like a princess in your hat, not a queen! (You are much too young for a queen.) Oh my goodness, that dress that you wore on your first cruise – it’s so, so beautiful and different from anything I have ever seen before. I absolutely love it! Thanks so much for sharing these lovely photos and your packing (and excitement) with us. You really made my day! I remember my frist cruise – I went on the QE2 out of New York on a “cruise to nowhere” with 3 girlfriends. We had such an amazing time, but we all waaaaay over-packed! It was fun because it was my last cruise as a single woman – met my huband shortly afterwards!
I always overpack, I’m going to try not to do that, but I know I will!
The Art Lover’s Wanderings
Anglophile’s England
Bibliophile’s Crossing
Love these romantic ideas!
How about “Cruising with Susan”?
Like it!
The Emma Bridigewater factory visit encourages their visitors to design and personalize one
of their products — during the tour — with a little pre planning , you could turn out a very
nice momento of your visit !
Oh, if you had one made with Little Jack’s portrait on it, maybe he would forgive you for leaving him at home, as soon as you unpacked it!!!
Ok, a name, eh?!?! What about “Mind the Twitter”? You know the Mind The Gap sign is EVERYWHERE over the pond… Just a thought, kind of catchy! Hope you have a wonderful wonderful time! Will enjoy it through you!
Hi Susan!
I think that dress is perfect. So classic. Thanks for sharing the black suit idea too. I’m sure I can use that if we ever go on a cruise again. Are you taking the dress with you on the trip? And since you are so excited, are you having trouble sleeping? I would be. Heck, I have trouble sleeping when I travel for just a few days to see my Mom!
I’m not on twitter, but honestly, since you are a tweeter, I might consider it.
I wish you peaceful sleep and plenty of hours in the day to get everything accomplished. Love, Pam from Dallas
We DROP into the bed at night, and so far, we stay asleep!
Hi Susan,
I am trying to resist suggesting this twitter title, but ….ok, I can’t. How about:
News from A Broad. (get it?) Oh well, it amuses me! ha I love Gilda Radner’s fashion style and I certainly agree, “anything that doesn’t itch.” So exciting to hear about your count down to launch details. Cheerio!
How about Tweets from Twonderland ? Looking for the hearing all about it no matter what you call it. Please take lots of pictures to share. Think you and Joe looked perfect for Ascot. Have a fabulous time!
Sandy from PA
Wow, the time went unbelievably quickly from your first news of the trip until now! I think we girlfriends are as excited as you actual travelers – a real case of living vicariously through someone else!
As a sobriquet for your travel blog, I’d have to vote for CRUISIN’ WITH SUSAN – because you can cruise ON LAND just the same as ON WATER – but mostly because you just can’t beat a snappy rhyme! But whatever you choose is fine – we’re just glad you are taking all the trouble you are – just to take us along too… Have fun with the last bits of getting ready and don’t forget to leave something cozy of yours behind for Jack and Girl to sniff [and cuddle with] once in a while…
I will for sure!
I just keep thinking of Paul McCartney ‘s song, English Tea, and how he uses the word “twee”…which reminds me of you, of course(so cute)…but that’s as far as I get. Can you take it from there?
Twee Tea and Me? Judy suggested Bubble and Squeak, I like that. I like them all!
Hello Susan,
I just know how excited you must be. I haven’t been any farther than Florida and I live in Western Massachusetts. I can’t wait to follow you through England on this blog, it’s going to be as much fun for us as it will be for you….ok…almost.
I hope you get to see Highclere castle, that is where they are filming Downton Abbey. Part 3 is in being filmed right now. Just maybe they need a couple for a part….and you and Joe can be in that scene. That would be wonderful.
Have a wonderful Thursday and rest of the week.
It’s closed! It won’t be open during the times we’re there…too bad, it’s very close to Southampton where the ship comes in, we were going there right away, but I checked; I think it’s because they’re filming! Something to look forward to next time!
I love Branch’s British Banner!
Or British Banter!
Dear Susan,
The photo of you and Joe in your Ascot finest is so beautiful! You are such a lovely couple…you should post more pictures like that on your blog. I love, love, love seeing the pictures of all the places you visit, but toss in a pic or 2 of the two of you enjoying your trip together. I’m sure you can find folks willing to snap a pic for you.
I am so eager to see your pictures of the Lake District and Beatrix Potter’s home. You are so lucky to have this opportunity.
I thought of you the other night as I watched “Greenfingers” on Netflix. It’s based on true events. A touching story, but mostly a gardeners dream to see all those beautiful, lush English gardens.
Enjoy your trip and be safe.
Buon viaggio,
How about “Email from England” or “Eng-mail” OR “Artistry from Abroad” (or from A Broad! haha).
Can’t believe it’s only one week till your trip! Where did the time go? My trip to NH is still 3 months away and seems like forever!
That pic of you & Joe is great. Looks like you were at the Royal Wedding or the Kentucky Derby! I think you both really DO look British, despite your tans!
Good luck in picking a name! You should put them all in your magic hat and pick one! You could even write the name of the person who suggested it and they could win a prize! Sorry I can’t think of anything original!
I am just gonna go off the cuff
From New England to England
A Gardening we will go
The Yanks are coming (I think I might have gotten a thought from George M. Cohen)
New England Wanders
Mayflowers to English Roses
(the Mayflower is in full bloom in New England during the month of May
Tea for Two Abroad
Okay I give up…. Everyone has such wonderful suggestions!’
How bout…
1) Twitter-pated with England
2) Trip Tweets
3) Tweets for the Stowaways
Bon Voyage!
Getting so many good ideas! Thanks Lynne!
Thank you for you! I so enjoy your site, and look forward to it! and your picture …. WOW …. such a “loverly” photo! Just charming!! I believe we all are looking forward to a wonderful trip!
Pink Hugs,
We’re in it together Dee!
Mystic English Bytes or Mystic British Bytes – recommendations from my English husband. Just enjoy and surely do hope I can read your twitter because I do not have an account. Judy C
Can I add one more, please – English Bubble and Squeak
I really like Bubble and Squeak! I should write a little newspaper and just call it The Bubble and Squeak. That’s cute!
Ask him if he can thing of anything about Mother Country or history like British Invasion … I love Bubble and Squeak!
Well then: Susan IS Branching Out, Susan’s Empire or The House of Hall;-)
Beautiful photos…adorable hat and dress. Charming Ascot photo too. Oh my! I like Britter Twitter…short and sweet…or Brit Twit or Twip Tweet. I do not know how to twitter so I might have to learn just for your trip to England. You’d be worth it!
Bon Voyage with love to you and Joe. PS…Pick up some -Summerdown Pure Mint- english peppermint tea…perfect for an iced refreshment this summer.
Have a wonderful, glorious, fantastic, fabulous, joyous, incredible time! I know you will. Looking forward to “tweet treats” or what ever you decide.
I just wanted to make a comment about all the hats in the link you sent us Susan and the lovely hat on your blog. I don’t know if it is just my place in the world but nobody wears hats anymore! Not even at Easter. Sad…
I love the idea of hats, and I myself have several. I use to get a new hat for Easter up until about 10 years ago when even wearing them in church came out of fashion.
A beautiful hat makes you feel beautiful. A nice sunshine hat makes you feel special too! So, I’ve taken the dare to continue to wear hats in the summer. It makes me feel special to wear a hat.
I think over the pond they have a reverence to say an outfit is not complete without a beautiful hat. Bully! I say Bully! (as in the way Teddy Roosevelt did; in joy and affirmation.)
Just a wordy view of my joy of seeing all those hats!
Bully for you Ginny!! You have the best last name, btw!
That dress looks like something out of an old movie! It is beautiful. You two are going to have so much fun, I can’t wait to see all that you get up too! Jennifer
Pink champagne anyone?
Pink or any kind would do!!! Celebrate I say!~!
So, can you sleep nights? Or are you so excited that you are really going away – ooh – I know the feeling! How lucky you are, and I’ll be enjoying every day of your trip with you!! I’ll feel like I am there. We just came back from a 3 day trip to Iowa where we rode bikes along beautiful trails. Next month we’re going to a cottage on the Iowa Great Lakes, and I’m looking forward to that! I don’t begin packing until the night before we leave, but I’ve already got everything I’m going to take planned out in my mind. Every day I count down 1 less day till we get in our touring truck and head west down I-80. But in the meantime, I’ll be wishing you “bon voyage” as you step onto the ship and head toward merry old England! Bless you, don’t worry about the kitties, and keep these wonderful blogs coming!
I’ll do my best! Have fun Rita!
Love the hat! You and Joe look quite at home in the picture, more British than Yanks.
I’m looking forward to following your trip. I’m married to an Englishman and have been lucky to have traveled to England many times, but haven’t made it to Beatrix Potter’s home yet. Can’t wait!
How about : B.O.B. aka Best of Britain
Safe travels!
Fun to have something to look forward to!
How about “Two’s News & Views”?
You guys are so creative!!!
Funny how much we have in common these days! I have read Kate Morton’s “The Forgotten Garden” and loved it. Probably because I love everything and anything to do with England! I have another of her books, “The Distant Hours” ready and waiting for things to slow down this summer. I found out this week that my hubby has to be in England for work this fall for 2-3 weeks, and with my youngest leaving for college, I am finally free to join him!! I understand completely the fluttery feeling you talk about when you think of your trip because I am getting that already myself. I have been to the UK a few times, but not in many years, so I am THRILLED to have the chance to go back. I am quite sure I lived there in another life long ago because I adore it so much. I wish you the very best on your amazing trip and look forward to each and every detail you have to report back to us. I will be keeping notes to use in my planning. LOVE the dress, hat and the fabulous picture of you & Joe – take many more on this trip too
So happy for you! Something wonderful to look forward to!
The dress!!! So magical- it certainly should hang in plain sight at all times!
You and Joe look wonderful at Ascot- very British to my way of thinking. And very much in love. That picture needs the title “And they lived happily ever after”
I can’t see the two of you so dressed without thinking of that scene in “My Fair Lady”- “Come on Dover- move your bloomin’ ass”! I would be so tempted to shout that if I were ever at the races.
LOL, you would be in such trouble! Or, the crowd would cheer for you!
I was looking at the pics in your blog again. And I started thinking of the scene in “My Fair Lady”. While I thought of slipping up on the Queen’s English, I saw Jennie’s comment. LOL I just loved the hats in that movie. And Prof. Higgins was correct…we should all speak proper English or we just tell on ourselves (and might not get the job we want). Be proud of one’s heritage, but annunciate. The rain in Maine…(American version).