It’s a very quiet, very warm summer morning ~ I’m in my studio, the windows are wide open, I feel like I’m on a porch. It’s still dark, insects are cricking and shisking, birds are just now beginning their morning song, I have my tea, Girl’s asleep on the pillow, Jack’s on the ironing board in front of the pantry screen door, peering out into the dark (ever vigilant) . . . foghorns are blowing over the island . . . and in the background, softly wafting from our windows into the breaking morning light . . . MUSICA
Today I get to design advertising for our new book for Victoria and Teatime, two of my favorite magazines. Believe it or not, I’ve never put an ad in a magazine before! It’s exciting to think about how I want the ads to look. It just seems to make sense to have our book in the September annual “British” issue of Victoria, don’t you think? And Teatime? I can’t think of better places for a book about English charm. ♥
I had an idea the other day. When I paint, one of the things that’s always at my right hand is a little square of watercolor paper that I use to try out color — you can see it in the back of this photo . . . the little blotter with wisps of paint color. I couldn’t work without one of these nearby.
I use them to test my pen; I mix colors on them. This one has the stick on it that I picked up in the yard of Norman Rockwell’s studio.
Sometimes I will paint or write something I don’t care for, it’s not quite good enough, or I don’t like the colors I used, so I’ll want to do it over, but I don’t want to waste the paper, so I cut it up and save it and use it to dab my paint on. So that’s how some of the art and words show up on these paint daubers.
On this one I practiced pencil drawings of women’s hair. I tried drawing with pen and filling it in with color — these cards come in very handy.
I’ve done this for years, and when the card is covered in paint and squiggles, I throw it away and get myself a new one.
Until A FINE ROMANCE. About halfway through the painting of our book, I decided maybe I should start saving these squiggles. So I did. I was surprised on how fast they piled up.
And yesterday I cut them all up.
I got quite a handful of them. They look so festive!
They’re all on card stock and every one of them is covered on both sides with all the colors of the English Countryside; the colors of teatime, long walks, cottage gardens, the Yorkshire Dales, Jane Austen’s house, ocean liner sailing . . .
They’re kind of a little story all by themselves. Now I wish I’d never thrown any of them away!
But at least I have these . . . and there’s quite little pile of them. I thought, what good bookmarks these would make.
Not all of them have discernible art on them, but some definitely do, and no matter what, each of them is one of a kind. I never made the same mess twice! So, you know I’ve been setting dates for my book signings? I thought what would be fun . . .
. . . is if I would bring these bits and pieces that helped to make up the original pages of the book and give them away at the signings. ♥ The bookmarks will match the book!
And just in case you can’t get to a signing, or in case I run out before I get to your town (it’s bound to happen, but I promise, only one to a customer!), that big BOOKMARK in the middle is for you. You can print it at home, cut it out, and tuck it in your book when it comes.
I love planning these book events. The people at the bookstores are such hard workers and make me feel wonderful about coming to them. My first two book signings will be on Martha’s Vineyard, beginning with Bunch of Grapes Bookstore, on Julia Child’s Birthday ♥ (I just love that), on August 15th. You can keep track of the dates and see where I’ll be going as we begin adding new events this month. On the right side of the blog you’ll see COMING SOON, EVENTS. Scroll down for dates, times, links for directions, etc. I hope to see every single one of you somewhere on our long drive across America. ♥
And just a few more Small Treats: Did you notice that Kellee put up new summer computer wallpaper, stationery, and postcards you can print out? She did! Kellee changes everything for the season; you can always check for her updates if you go to “On-Line Shopping,” and then click on the left on “Free Stuff.”
Oops, I almost forgot to mention. This time, one of our continuous small treats include a giveaway . . . you see that Beatrix Potter Bookmark in the pile below? The little girl with the bunny?
Leave a comment, I will sign it and date it ~ in a few days I’ll send it to the winner of the drawing, to the lucky name that Vanna pulls from our giant top hat. ♥
Hi Susan
I just love all those pieces of paper you have cut up and saved. I think bringing them to your book signing is a great idea. Who doesn’t love a bookmark:) Enjoy your summer day today!!!
Love this idea!! Little portraits of daily work.
I was noticing your paint brushes, do you choose red ones mostly??
Not really on purpose, but red does draw my eye. I like the Windsor Newton #1’s — and they just happen to be red.
Hi Sue!
Patiently waiting to purchase your sweet book…….Have a lovely day!
Hi Susan!
I just tweeted you about the refreshing music from your parent’s and grandparent’s era you linked.
I don’t remember my grandparents playing any music when I was growing up, so I never really experience this era of music unless I watch old movies. My folks did play music but from the 50’s and early 60’s mostly.
In my head, I said “Oh no!” when you said you threw away all the little watercolor blotters. I was thinking how cool it would be to save them and give them to folks who would enjoy them. I was happy to see you had that idea too! Making bookmarks is so perfect!
Happy tea! I’m having mine too right now.
Happy morning Lisa, glad to see you here (and there too!) xoxo @dearsusanbranch
Good morning Susan and everyone! I’m catching up on a few blog posts as I’m recently home from a beautiful time on our family vacation at Walt Disney World. Reading the posts and all the comments makes it a little easier to settle in. I love the idea for the bookmarks and sure hope to meet you at one of the book signings. Love all you do always xoxo
Welcome home Darlene!
Sue!!! Is there a book-signing in Michigan??????? I would soooooo love to come see you. also…if we pre-ordered A Fine Romance when will we be getting those? of course we would want to have our copy signed in person! I feel like I know you already but imagine my delight if I actually met you! you might be taller (or shorter) then my imagination – and I quite obviously would be wider than you imagine (if, in fact, you imagined me at all). I took out a subscription to Yankee, and used to have one for Tea Time. (I want to have that copy that will feature your home). How darling are your bookmarks! Clever girl. (that must be said with the accent used in “Jurassic Park”)
Thinking of you on the “island” – while here in Michigan it’s been raining and we’re been attacked by mosquitos everywhere – evil beasts.
The books should be in by September first. They will go right out as soon as Sheri can get them wrapped up. I hope for Michigan, but we’re doing the signings in order of our travel, and we haven’t “gotten” there yet! I will also be wider, not tall and not short! (Evil Beasts, did you see the giant mosquito that is now supposedly in Florida? Yikes!)
UFF DA, I hope the giant mosquito doesn’t come this far south:)
UFF DA, me too!
Dear Susan, I think this is a wonderful idea. The book marks look lovely and would certainly be keepsakes!! I would love the chance to meet you someday. We are in the Philadelphia area, and I have six little boys. They love Peter Rabbit, almost as much as you:) And though it’s impossible for me to keep my house as beautiful and tidy as yours…I love your house pictures because they are my GOAL! I think ALOT about the ideas you post about, decorating, dishes, gardens, cats, girliness…and I love your simplicity and zest for life. Have a great day, Susan.
God bless you,
Six boys, Colleen! You must be an amazing woman! I had four brothers. You go girl!
it’s more that THEY amaze ME!
Good luck in all you do, Susan!
I am sure they do! You are in for quite a ride. Enjoy! xoxo
This is so reminding me of my mom [mother of 6 – 3 and 3] who was overheard to say on MULTIPLE occasions when we were young – “Oh goodness, I’d rather than 6 boys than 3 girls anytime!!” This always made we girls laugh – and the boys’ brows furrow. :>)
Good morning Susan! I love your bookmark idea. I have done this same thing with my Christmas cards for years… Cut them up into bookmarks.. I would love to have one of yours! Do you know if you will have any signings on “the mainland” in MA?
I want to get to the Vineyard this summer – we’ll see what works out.. Yes, this is porch weather, and I am enjoying mine.. It’s on the cool side of the house.. Well, I need to get ready for work.. Enjoy your day! From a humid Attleboro today….
Yes on the Cape, for sure, also in New Hampshire — but the dates aren’t set yet.
Oh, Sandy, Good Idea to cut up your Christmas cards for bookmarks–or you could use the backs for notes!
Gee, Sandy–you could send one in each Christmas card you send out the next year! A little “Christmas card gifty”…aren’t I just full of good ideas? (for those who don’t know it, Sandy and I are BFFs and we like to tease each other…)
Too bad we aren’t headed East this year–we could go to MV together! Then Susan, when you looked out your window and saw two women with blonde wigs, head scarves, big dark glasses, and looking in disguise across the street from your house googling–you’d know who they were!!! LOL!
Love the idea…so cute.
Good morning,
When I got up this morning, I was wishing for a new message from you and there is was about the bookmarks. I will be printing the bookmark today to put in my book from you when it finally arrives, can’t wait!
xoxo Linda!
~Good Morning Susan and Girlfriends~
What a nice surprise to find a new post this early morning~ I love the bookmark idea~very cute and “green”~ I’m hoping you make it to my neck of the woods~ SE Wisconsin~
I was going to bribe you with Butterburgers and Kringle but that will only work if you take a little break from your healthy eating……?
~ Enjoy the Day!~
I know, it’s going to be a dangerous world out there!
Lynn–let’s see if she could do a booksigning on Door County this Fall!!! I’ll bring the coffee, you bring the Kringle!
Ah, kringle, girls you are making me hungry – haven’t make that in ages…maybe tomorrow
Judi–the “Kringle” that you and me make (I’m assuming we use about the same recipe) is good but the one made and sold from Racine, WI, is different and even BETTER! Grocery stores here carry it in their bakery departments–“Door County Kringle” and it comes with either cherry, apple, almond, or cream cheese filling. It is WONDERFUL with a cup of coffee!!!
(Okay, Lynn–what else can you tell us about it?)
~ I am spoiled!! ~ The kringle in the store is not like the fresh ones here~ sorry!! ~ homemade is good but…..
Go online and google Danish Bakeries in Racine Wisconsin~ I have learned to not over indulge ~BUT I cannot resist Red Velevet Kringle usually only available at Christmas~ it can sometimes be special ordered ;)!
Have you ever heard or tasted Danish Layer Cake oh my gosh!!~ You can get it a couple different ways so there is another temptation~ moderation~ that’s the key~
Great ~now I want some …..but too bad I made brownies~ discipline Lynn!
Sounds Good!
BTW ~ If you are coming by in the Fall bring a life jacket as we are being deluged by rain ~ probably had 5″ in a week~ at this rate we could still be flooded by then! ~I haven’t left too many comments~ been busy building “The Ark”~ What a difference a year makes~ dry and no rain for weeks and 104 on The 4th~ this year rain by the inches and 65 on The 4th~~~~~Uff DA!
You are always coming up with yet another great idea! I have quite a bookmark collection from places I vacationed, and from friends and family. I choose a different one to use with each book I read and it brings fond memories with it!
Love from another,
What a fun way to use them, like charm bracelets ~ every picture tells a story!
What a great recycle! I am an avid notetaker….and I have a paper cutter. I think you could have started a trend! Just ordered my book and I can’t wait to receive it.
Little bits of your thoughts … fun!
Good morning Susan! Thank you for a wonderful post this morning. I’m fighting a nasty summer cold, and your lovely post cheered me up.
Can’t wait to get my copy of A Fine Romance, and I’ll be watching my issues of Victoria and TeaTime for your ad. Enjoy this beautiful summer day!
Feel better soon Lydia!
What fun this is!!!
Please count me in!
Lovely idea to keep those perfect little strips of paper. Reminds me of my grandmother’s ball of small strings of left over embroidery thread! I thought that was how embroidery threat came when I was a little girl!!! Have a nice day, Susan!
Ha ha ha! That’s funny Becky!
Dear Susan! That’s funny. Do you know how I found out about your blog ca. 2 years ago? I was looking for stylish bookmarks, because I love to read and I love to have bookmarks that suit my readings. Those boring and aesthetically not so pleasing bookmarks you can buy nowadays in bookstores are not good enough for me. So, I went online and searched and searched and searched, and voila I found your website and fell immediately in love with your work. Hence, it has been so funny to read a post by you about bookmarks today. And, of course, I would love to win the Beatrix Potter bookmark! Have a nice day!
Amazing, full circle!
Hi Susan,
I love the idea of saving the paper for bookmarks!! I can’t wait for the new book to come out…..I know it’s going to be wonderful!! Enjoy the rest of your morning:)
Well done, a wonderful recycling trick, there very pretty…. Best Wishes Andrea
Wonderful idea. It would look so nice in my book on my bedside. You always amaze me, and are so inspiring.
xoxo Thank you Rita!
Reusing paper is the best. Your book marks look like bits of abstract art. I was hoping you would give them away when I started reading your post. What fun!
Love the bookmarks. I hope you come to Virginia on your book tour. Trying not to wish the summer away, but I can’t wait to get the book.
Doing the same thing Lee Rose!
How fun! I’m so glad to see your post this morning, Susan, after dropping my little sister off to work, coming to check the news of the day and finding you’d posted is a marvelous way to ease into the creative portion of my morning. I’m saving the stationary to print it out and write to friends! Thank you!
Hope you are keeping cool!
A wonderful way to start the day…..a little music (playing over my chocolate labrador retriever who is still snoring) and sweet message. My granddaughter is an avid reader and will be printing and passing on the continuous small treat to her.
Hope you and Joe have a blessed day.
What a fabulous idea, these bookmarks are so adorable.
I do have a question, I just love the selection of musica that you play with each blog update and I was wondering if could tell us the names of some of the CD’s you have?
Off to make my morning cup of tea, enjoy this beautiful summer day.
I’ll do that Tricia!
Thanks so much
As I was reading your blog, I though it would be great if you made those wonderful pieces of paper into bookmarks…viola’…great minds thinking the same! I love it. So looking forward to the book coming, I will take a day off work and sit and read.
Good morning, Susan! What a fun and creative way to recycle & re-use your paint blotters! They look so pretty all fanned out. Enjoy your book signing plans. Can’t wait to read A Fine Romance!
Kelly from eastern PA
Brilliant! (does that sound British?) I have a little wooden box where i “collect” bookmarks…. I have printed several of yours and they are in my little box. My daughter is studying in London for the summer ~ so I am anticipating her return and then we’ll pour over your new book together!
Sounds so British!
And how lucky for your daughter! I would like to be young again for just that one reason, so I could go study in London!
Love the idea for bookmarks, especially using water colors…there is something about water colors (cozy, calm, soothing?) that I just can’t find with oils. Like others, can’t wait for the book. Happy planning for your book tour!
Love Vanna and the giant hat! I save my bits and bobs, too — mostly practice stuff that I keep in an envelope in my journal … I like to see if my practice is doing any good!
Thanks for the chance!
It’s doing good, it makes perfect!
Oh, I would love, love, love to be entered to win the bookmark! As a Librarian, I collect them, and this would be a fun one to add! I am so looking forward to your book release. I doubt that you will be close enough for me to make it to a book signing…*sigh*.
I look forward to the new freebies on your website. They are always fun and bring a little extra Susan Branch cheer to my day. Thank you.
Where are you Melody?
Hi Susan, I printed out the lamb bookmark several weeks ago to give to my daughters and granddaughters for their summer reading. Sometimes I use old cards that I fall in love with for bookmarks they keep the messages with me for a long time. Trying to stay cool in CT right now it’s going to be a challenge today!! take care. Karen in Westport
Love that use for old cards! Some are too darling to throw away, too many sweet messages!
Good morning dear Susan… love how you describe your Summer morning on Martha’s Vineyard, especially the foghorns… wish we had those here!… love that sound… it is hot here this morning too, but I still hear the crickets out my open window… and I don’t have a kitty cat sitting by me, but I do have Tessy, our beautiful ENGLISH pointer, who is VERY excited for your book too!!!… she wants to know if any of her ancestors are in it???… love all of your paint daubers!… they look so beautiful all together. So excited to hear you will be in Victoria and Tea Time, two of my favorites too!… and if your book signing is August 15th, does that mean your book is out sooner than you thought???… oooh, I hope so, I just cannot wait!!!… Happy Summer days to you, xoxo Julie Marie PS Oh yes, please enter me in your giveaway for the darling bookmark!
We think it will get here early! They are shipping us boxes for the first signings to make perfectly sure!
Ya-hoo!! and Hubba-hubba!!
My goodness, that bookmark looks so much like my 12yod! She’s an artist, reader, and lover of bunnies- it would be perfect for her!
Tell her I said hello please Lori!
As someone who works with an artist’s archive, I hope you’ll save some of those scratch sheets for the future. They’re wonderful windows to your process!
OK, maybe I won’t ever throw them away again! Too bad, I don’t have the Autumn Book or the Girlfriend’s Book, or Baby Love! Live and learn! Thank you!
Well, most artists don’t think about saving things like this – too busy making art! But for people like me (who imagine the Susan Branch Museum and Archive) these glimpses are wonderful. And if you ever have any questions about how to store/care for your works, just ask. There are a lot a great archival materials out there now that can help mitigate the damage that light, humidity and temperatures cause.
Oh thank you Mesclun. I have every book I’ve written, each page in an acid free plastic envelope, all in acid free boxes. My main question is what to do with these things some day, they do take up lots of space…they’re locked in a safe now.
Yes, storage space is always a problem. I’ve worked in a number of museums and there never seems to be enough room for everything. When you run out of space where you are, there are commercial art storage facilities that are climate controlled with 24-hour security. You might also get in touch with some archives, museums or historical societies that would have an interest in your work. You might be able to do a long-term loan in exchange for storage. It sounds like you have your originals stored appropriately now – I would just recommend that you check everything carefully at least once a year. Turn each page over and examine it to see if there are any signs of deterioration – discoloration, mold, insect activity, etc. If you do see anything then you should contact a paper conservator to get help. You can find conservators for all types of materials at
Thank you so much — very helpful! xoxo
What an interesting field to work in!! Can I ask a question? Since we’re lucky enough to having a working professional here? Something I’ve been wondering lately. SO much is now being digitized [photos, music, video, books, newspapers, medical/military/educational records etc etc] – are museums and archives moving to digital storage of art as well? So it’s accessible online. And if yes, I’m assuming there is still HUGE interest in conserving/protecting the actual pieces themselves, right? We’re not digitizing a painting, for example – then turning around & shredding it because it’s safely stashed away on a CD somewhere, are we? Thanks!
Susan~ love your bookmarks, and love the idea of the giveaway. A little piece of you…in your creative mode…what could be better?
Aren’t summer mornings the absolute best? I love gulping in that morning air.
Please, please, please, do a book signing in Virginia!
Happy everything Girlfriend’s!
Marie xo
I’m working on Virginia Marie!
I love your idea of the bookmarks, and what beautiful colors!!!
Dear Susan,
Can’t believe you chose that particular bit of scrap heaven to give away. You see, when I first found your blog about 14 months ago and followed you to England, it was you who introduced me to Beatrix Potter. (Now have my own little village courtesy of our webstore) Subsequently, I started water color painting and don’t you know, that young girl with her red hair and bunny paws just slightly over her right arm, is what I tried to replicate for my very own. Had a dickens of a time with her eyes but quite liked my bunny. I studied that picture and wondered what color you were going to paint the skirt. Just looooved the painted fingernails holding the brush. I kept wondering, those must be Susan’s coral-red painted nails but in other pics I’ve checked out your nails and they aren’t painted. So I’ve spent quite a bit of time studying that picture. I particularly like this skirt, the layered effect and also the colors for the skirt and jacket are very endearing.
Just curious and I know you mentioned this awhile ago, but the National Trust seems the perfect fit for carrying your darling book. After all, it was Beatrix who called you to England and if memory serves me, has provided you oodles of inspiration. Because it is so very unique and clearly a one of a kind, it seems they’d want to have that available to their members because it is sure to be a veritable treasure trove for those who also love Miss Potter as well as the English Countryside.
My nails are almost always painted really pale pink, but every once in a while I burst forth with color! I am trying to get the National Trust to notice our book — I will send them a copy when they come in. I do love the Trust from the bottom of my heart and would be honored if they had my book at the gift shops for some of the houses I mentioned.
And you are a card-carrying member who has visited so many of their properties. I’m going to rub Buddha’s belly, light a few candles and say some prayers that come next fall, “A Fine Romance” will be available via the National Trust.
This may sound odd but here it goes: do you go to the nail salon or do you paint your own nails? I picture you painting your own. I love bright colors on a short sporty nail.
You are a dear, thank you! I do my own nails, I have no time for sitting around in a salon, it kind of drives me crazy. I’ve only had my nails done maybe twice — that’s cuz I’m good with a brush!
There was a woman on the ship who was wearing brown polish. I just loved it on her, so sophisticated. I went right to the shop on the ship (ship shop) and bought some!
Ooohh, brown! Bet it looked great – PLUS it’s got to be in your “season palette” and went with everything! :>)
You are exactly right. But I have to be in the right mood to wear brown.
So glad I checked on your blog early this morning. A new post–yippee! AND a give-away! Yes please!!!
Happy delicious summer
Dear Susan, Wonderful blog today!!! I love your “scrap paper” bookmarks!!! They remind me of my childhood(many years ago) when as kids, we would have an art show. We would paint all day in the summer sun and then hang our art work on the clothes line to be “judged” by Mom!!! I won with my “modern art” piece that was just many splotches of color, just like yours!!! Thanks for bringing back those memories. Here’s hoping you come to Dublin, Ohio on your book tour!!!! Fondly, Kim DeMichele, Dublin, OH
What a fun art show! Darling!
Getting ready to do a major cleaning in my craft room….guess what I’ll be doing with my art scraps?
You always have the best ideas!
Good morning! Happy Summer to everyone. It’s been quite hot here (for Maine, anyway) with thunderstorms last night. But, the air smells like lilacs and roses, the wildflowers are blooming and it’s so pretty out! I do love summer. I’ve been up since 5:30 – hubby and I have a new puppy (Zoe Stardust) and it seems that 5:30 is just a wonderful time to play (according to her!). I’ll be getting a lot of chores done early with her waking me up. It’s fun though…
xoxo from SW Hbr.
p.s. Hi Dorothy Ann!!
Lilacs and Roses–oh my! You must be in Heaven, Lori!
Good Morning Susan!
Last week I began teaching an adult beginning watercolor class through our local community education organization. One of my main goals is to lessen the anxiety that people perceive about working with watercolor and help them to see how playful a medium it can be! We began with a color mixing lesson and I am excited (having seen your post) to share the idea of using these little experiments as bookmarks – do you mind? I often collage or weave my little “test” papers together – you get some wonderful surprises.
Happy creating!
No, I don’t mind, I think it’s a good thing. That way, no matter what, they will have something to “show” for their time and work. Sometimes that’s all it takes to get someone to keep going until they get better and feel good about what they’re doing.
Good Morning Susan,
Your message is helping me keep a happy heart this morning as I watch the rain create a shower of rose petals. I had so hoped to have our family photograph taken under our trellis of roses, which have been brilliant this year, but I doubt any blossoms will be left…..oh dear….small thing really.
Trash to treasure………. but your dabbles, Susan, never were really trash, but little steps along the journey. I love seeing the process of art in your strokes. I can barely draw an animal my granddaughters recognize so I’m fascinated by your talent and skill. One of the things I love about you is that you are always thinking of ways to give! You win the Most Generous Heart Award over and over and over. I am a most grateful receiver.
As always, DonnaRay
I’m so sorry about the roses! Maybe the toughest most beautiful will hold on for your photo! xoxo
Well, I’ll be! Before, when you’ve shown squiggles, I pined for one (didn’t want to be greedy, just one!), & now I may even get one! GFs & I are planning to see you at SLO at Remnants of the Past, in November, so excited my dear! This Musica, the squiggles fan, this great blog, such a great way to start my day! Thank you! xoxo
Oh good Joan! That’s so good to here, that you’ll be there!
I’ll try to act sophisticated & not squeal & jump up and down when I see you!
Me too.
Good Morning, Susan – even before you mentioned it I was thinking “THAT is scrap paper? Too pretty to throw away !” and then kept reading and read your wonderful idea. I love that you use both sides of the paper, too…”Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without” is what my dear mother used to say – and you have turned that idea into a gift. Thank you ! Have a beautiful day !
Good Morning : )
It’s always such a treat to open your blog and find a new post! This is the first thing i open when i turn on my computer. The T.V. and news are so filled with negative images and bad news and i find your blog to be soothing and reassuring. I always love the little bits of “musica” and your little insights on the world. I feel more lighthearted and inspired after visiting.
I love seeing all the pretty and colorful bookmark scraps! When I was a young girl i used to doodle and paint. I saved all of my doodle scraps too. I would sit for hours drawing and painting little dot’s and dashes and hearts and daises! I used to lay in my bed and stare at my pretty wallpaper and think about new wallpaper designs, (silly, I know).
You made me laugh when you posted the pics of your newly cleaned porch railings! I get it! I have been know to spend an entire morning re-arranging and cleaning a junk drawer. Then I go back repeatedly, open it, stare, and think proudly, “Ta Da! Look what I did!
Thanks for all of the fun and loveliness, I never tire of it. ; )
Thank you Mary, happy you’re here!
Good Morning Susan !
What a fantastic idea, you are such a clever girl, I love book marks, I love books, they are in every room in my house! I am so looking forward to “A Fine Romance” and seeing you at a book signing. Paul said that there is a possibility that we could sail down to your book signing on MV ! What a memory that would make. I just so enjoy this whole endeavor you are on and your travels across the country. It is so exciting, I hope we can follow you like we did when you were in England. What a Fall this will be, it will go so fast I think Christmas will be here in a blink, whoa, whoa, let’s just slow down a bit. Summer just began and I want to enjoy each minute, So off to the garden to finish putting up more chicken wire. The bunnies just love my beet greens and they have a perfectly big beautiful field of clover to much on, the nerve of them! Love you lots and lots, Wendy-Louise
P.S. Grandbaby due any time now :0
I’m going to bring my computer and will try to blog it at least a little bit! Sail down Wendy Louise! August is perfect for a sail! Little prayer for new grandbaby! xoxo
Thank-you You Sweetheart ! Paul loves that talk, Sail Down ! I believe we will if the weather co-operates !

Just got a call as I am blogging you, they are at the hospital baby Ellie will come anytime now!!!!!!!!
Hooray Wendy, I know she’s actually already here from your last comment, one more time, CONGRATULATIONS!!
We are so blessed a healthy baby Elise Josephine was born this morning at 3:43 am. Everyone is doing great. I believe Susan that is about the time you start getting up in the am. Oh what a joyful day ! oxoxox
Congratulations Wendy Louise!!! Beautiful name for your new baby!
Congratulations, Wendy Louise!! Hope you get to see that darling baby girl and momma soon!
Oh, my, Wendy-Louise! My second grand baby-a boy-is due any day also. Let us know when your bundle of love arrives!!
You betcha !
Susan, You have brought so much joy into my life since you published your first book. Thank you to you and all the girl friends for the inspiration! Have a wonderful road trip. I hope to see you along the way!
What a treat to be able to mark my page with such a beautiful bookmark! When you were writing about having all those scrap papers I thought to myself “What wonderful bookmarks they would make!” and sure enough that’s what they were. As a librarian in a very small library most of my thoughts have something to do with books!
Lots of librarians here this morning — love that! Hi Sharon!
What a fantastic idea, the bookmarks! I’m less than an hour away from SLO, which I believe is on the book tour? I cannot wait! Last September I visited Martha’s Vineyard and I visited the book store you mentioned–charming, like everyplace on the Island. Thank you for your beautiful art, what a treasure!
Oh yes, the date is set, November 10 at the Madonna Inn.
I will be there…Nov. 10 happens to be my youngest daughter’s birthday, she will be 26…sounds like a good mother-daughter outing!
Perfect — and Judy’s show is always wonderful!
Hi Susan,
and seeing that you wrote a new page on your blog. I enjoyed my morning tea even more. I just got back from my two mile walk with my yellow lab Winston. We have to walk early before it gets too humid (Long Island). It was breezy and beautiful before 7am, but by the time we were close to home the breeze suddenly stopped.
I love the bookmark idea. My second grade students love receiving new bookmarks throughout the school year….adults love them too! My favorite is one my mother brought back from a “girls” trip to England. It’s leather and I’m sure she didn’t realize how much I would love it when she bought it. It’s perfect and it doesn’t fall out of the book!
How happy I was this morning to be having my second cup of Typhoo tea…you should try it…
I loved hearing about your breeze…sound crazy? When I first purchased my home I imagined white sheer curtains on the bedroom windows blowing in the breeze and that’s exactly what I put up and I never tire seeing them do exactly that. It’s going to be HOT today and that air conditioner is going to get a workout. I’m off for the summer, but I almost….just a little bit….can’t wait for Autumn….that would mean your book too. Sorry for such a long post…
Enjoy your summer day!
On the hot days I begin to dream of Autumn too!
Good Morning, Susan. Love the bookmarks and hope that your book tour brings you to the Philadelphia area!
I’m sure it will Barb!
So creative – but that’s what you do!
I can’t believe I am such a “groupie” at age 65!
I do hope you will be in the southeast at
some point in your signing tour. I might have
to put on my “traveling shoes!”
I’m sitting on my porch listening to the birds
but will go to the sewing room in a few minutes
to start a new quilting project. Or maybe I’ll
make a little dress for the Haiti project.
Have a wonderful creative day girlfriends!
Decisions decisions! Have a wonderful day Julia!
Good Morning, Susan
I think the bookmarks sound like a splendid idea, even if this northern neighbour won’t be able to attend a book signing. The little girl and the rabbit is wonderful. I’m reminded of one of my best friends when I was very young; she had a rabbit named Peppermint and a mother who (jokingly) threatened rabbit stew.
Have a lovely day,
Hi girlfriends!! I so loved this post, haven’t commented in a while but just wanted to say that Barbara T’s comment made me laugh so much…where she said “clever girl” should be said in the accent used in Jurassic Park? Because the wonderful Bob Peck who played the game hunter turned dinosaur keeper was, of course, talking to the killer velociraptor that was just about to tear him apart!! But it is the perfect phrase, spoken in the perfect accent…I often say it to Alice, just as he does. “Clever Girl!” Love it Barbara, and all the comments are so brilliant on here. A reflection on their inspiration, the head velociraptor herself!! Happy day! Xoxo
I’ve heard you say that Rachel and never put two and two together! Cleva Gull. Hahaha!
Hi Rachel, I check your blog now and then to see how you are coming along. Hope all your plans are materializing:)
Love the bookmarks! It would be so delightful to win this little bit of your art.
Hi Susan,
Genious idea! Have a wonderful day!
Your morning sounds like heaven (really). I spent part of my childhood in San Francisco and vividly recall the sounds of the foghorns which lulled me to sleep at night. What a wonderful idea! And thank you for the print out so those of us who won’t have a book signing in our town can have one too. I subscribe to both Victoria and Yankee so I look forward to your Christmas showcase and even the ad in Victoria. The ad is perfect for their annual British issue. I plan to purchase extra copies of our book for gifts. I have a friend who frequents England with her sister often and the book will give them more places to explore and appreciate. Perfect! All the very best as you launch this beautiful book!
Hi Carmel! Thank you so much ! xoxo
Your blog posts are always a delight, and this morning’s in no different! I just love it when you let us either into your home (which makes me dream of having one just like it!) or into your work (which makes me wish I would know how to paint and draw so beautifully!). Thank you for sharing these bits and pieces of you!
And I think your bookmark idea is brilliant! People will feel so lucky!
Good Morning Susan,
We are having a warm, balmy morning as well. It’s overcast and gray right now….had the gift of a thunderstorm earlier. I’m having my quiet time before the girls wake up, listening to our local Talk Radio station….reminds me of my Dad.
I was so glad to see your new post….each one is always a little blessing that makes me HAPPY.:) I can’t wait to see what Ads you come up with for the magazines. A friend gave me a Subscription to Victoria for my birthday, I look forward to every issue. Well, I have to get the girls going. We are having a “Backyard Bible School” for all the kids in the neighborhood this week from 9-Noon. They are having a ball! I have such fun memories of Bible School during the Summer when I was a kid. I think my Twin Sister and I went to about 3 or 4 different churches every year. We loved all the songs, crafts and of course the lemonade and cookies.:) I love all the bookmarks Susan and would love to have one! Have a great day!
How fun that you have a twin, Dana! I always wondered how that must feel, to see your other self right next to you!
Yes, we had lots of fun growing up….her name is Dara and we are Identical.:) Our parents had our 3 older sisters and tried one more time for a boy well, they had Twin Girls instead. Ha! Dara and I have such a strong connection and even though we now live in different cities we are still intuitive to one another….it’s pretty amazing! XO
They learned their lesson! Dara and Dana, very wonderful. Tell her we said hello!
Susan – Having you in the Hawkeye state would be such a treat! It’s amazing how ordinary scratch paper looks like such a treasure when it’s cut into smaller pieces, like a puzzle. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself. The news these days is so bad that it’s such a joy to have these positive, uplifting visits with you.
Karen L.
As I was reading about your ” watercolor scraps”…I’m thinking BOOKMARKS!! Thrilled that you are doing that ”give~a~way ”! Excited that Vana will be giving one of us a HUGE smile with the ”Beatrix Potter Bookmark ”…once again another fantastic idea that you are sharing !!!!
I’ll keep it simple, I would love to have one of your bookmarks!! Have a happy summer.
wonderful idea for your bookmarks. i make greeting cards and often cut up “mistakes” to use the “good” part on another card or make a bookmark – one can never have too many of those. would love love love to be your winner.
Ditto, Betty:) judi
Would love to win that cute bookmark. I look forward to purchasing a Fine Romance. Will you be doing any book signings in the South? A dear friend gave me your book, Tell Me Your Story Grandma and I have had so much fun writing down my memories in your beautiful tome. Love all your pretty watercolors!!
Yes we will, we’re heading west via the north, will go back home through Texas and Oklahoma City — then maybe wait until after Christmas to head down to Florida and points south.
Thank you, for all the creative things you do…can’t wait for the new book
Dear Susan,
I was woken up early at 4:00 a.m. this morning with a phone call from my daughter in Hawaii. She’s in labor a month early with grandchild #7. Of course I can’t go back to sleep just worrying and thinking about her and wishing I weren’t so far away. So I thought it was a perfect moment to check out your blog. A lovely escape for a few minutes. I love the idea of saving your scratch paper for bookmarks. You are such a generous person!
In a few hours, a brand new baby. So happy for you Marilyn!
Susan, What a great idea for bookmarks! They would make lovely inserts in your holiday cards too. I hope Vanna picks me, it would be such an honor!
Can’t wait for my copy of your new book to come. Please come down to South FL to sign your books…bring your bathing suit, stay for dinner
xoxo Jacqui
Hi Susan,
What a wonderful idea! I’m hoping you’ll be coming to my neck of the woods or relatively close nearby. There’s an absolutely wonderful bookstore in Huntington on the north shore of Long Island called “The Book Revue.” They always get the best authors for signings. I hope to see you there!
I’ll look into it!
Yes, come to the Book Revue!!
What a wonderful way to recycle in an age where everything is disposable.
Keep up the great work!
What a great idea Susan! I hope to get to one of your signings, my book is already preordered and having it signed would be awesome.
Sometimes scraps and pieces turn into the best things!
Would love to win the Beatrix bookmark! Pick me! Pick me, Vanna!
…so colorful are these watercolor strips !!… so glad you are being so ingenious as to save and share them for book markers !!.. ‘so anticipating this Autumn with the arrival of “our” newest book and the delivery of my new grandson in September !!..’will be headed to the west coast with the treasured book in my hands !!…thank you, dear Susan !!!…take care and with love…
Lots to look forward to! Your baby, and mine!
ooxx..thanks Susan !!
Your creativity abounds … and astounds! Although I don’t think I’m eligible after winning your prized Emma mug I wanted to say what a great idea! Simplicity at its finest… You go girl!
Can’t wait to see where you’ll be stopping between Main Street in Edgartown and Madonna Road in SLO. Still hoping you’ll be getting off the stagecoach in the wild, wild west of Arizona where we have the great 5 C’s … Copper, Cattle, Cotton, Citrus and Climate! “It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all” ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
You have 5-C’s and a D. My Dad.
Good morning Susan and friends,
Love love love the idea of those original bookmarks! I have pre ordered your book and can not wait to get mine. Hope you will be coming to PA. For a book signing. Would love to meet you. Have been an admirer of your work forever. Enjoying your blog brings such pleasure as we share your life on that beautiful island. Have a special summer day. Taking my tea out to the garden to have a look at what’s blooming. Hydrangeas for a summer bouquet.
So there I was, on this lazy warm Summer morning… in bed… watching Wimbledon with a cup of coffee and two sleepy dogs beside me. And then I saw your tweet about the new blog. I found myself holding my breath as I read and my eyes took in the glorious myriad of colors on your test sheets. Something about your reds especially (and I’m not a huge fan of red) just makes me so happy. I bounded out of bed and vowed that today I will spend this day in my garden with my watercolors and paint a memory of today. This is how you inspire me, Susan.
You might think this is corny but this reminds me of another morning years ago, when I first got into scrapbooking and discovered your stickers and papers. I woke up with an awful migraine, took some Motrin and just settled in on my pillow. I keep an old wooden box on my bookshelf near the bed with all sorts of things I love. Lying there, I took the box and began to read the recent Willard that you had sent, and one by one studied the art on the stickers. Within an hour, the headache was gone. Your creativity and words just seem to take me to another place where I am content and relaxed. It’s wonderful.
Just looking at the samplings you’ve revealed from “A Fine Romance” promise the sweetest, most relaxing journey ever and I am looking so forward to it. Have fun with the designs for the new advertisements and have a fabulous day! I’m off to paint! xoxox
Lovely words from you Maria, thank you so much. xoxo
I would love to win that beautiful bookmark!
I so enjoy reading your blog.
Oh how I wish I could be at one of the book signings! I will definitely look at the schedule. The first picture you posted with the Norman Rockwell stick, right underneath it looks like a pink, lil pig? Is this what it is or is it mt imagination making pictures in the paint? Raining cats and dogs here for days!!!!!!!
I can’t tell you how many accidental animals I make with my blotches! It looks like a pig, but it didn’t start out to be one!
Love the idea of little snippets of your art as bookmarks. Thanks for bringing a little bit of sunshine to a rainy midwest day!!!
What a beautiful rainbow of squiggles!
I wonder if you’re coming anywhere near here–I’ve about decided to buy the book myself instead of waiting for dear hubs to get the hint.
You said the magic-magic words, “Jane Austen’s House.”
My girls would all squeal.
Hope you have a lovely day!(It sounds like it started well.)
Where are you April? You may have told me, but I forgot!
Oh, I just love your blog! It’s such a treat to have my morning coffee with a new post. The bookmarks are a great idea, and they’re so pretty! I love the Norman Rockwell stick. I was fortunate this spring in that I was able to visit a traveling Norman Rockwell exhibit. There were many, many of his original works and I learned so much about his life. Can’t wait for September when my book will arrive!
Just caught your little post this morning. Great idea to cut up the “uninentional artwork” into bookmarks. So perfect! I really hope I win the girl with the bunny one! It will be September before we know it, this year is really flying by. We will have temperatures in the 100’s by end of this week.
Wanted to tell you about a book I am reading right now that I got from the library. It’s pretty new, saw it at Barnes and Nobles also. It’s called “Looking for Me” by Beth Hoffman. You would love it Susan, it’s delightful reading.
Oh thank you Judy, I’ll look for it!
I love the bookmarks! What a great idea! Everyone is a little masterpiece by you! I hope you come somewhere in Texas. This past weekend was exciting with the Summer Solstice and the Super Strawberry moon and yesterday was my birthday. I’ d love to win the Beatrix Potter bookmark as a present! We also recently adopted two kittens – an orange tabby we named Cheddar and a tuxedo we named Oreo. Hope you and Joe and all the girlfriends are having as wonderful a summer as I am!
Happy Birthday Lisa!! And happy Kitties too.xoxo
Happy Birthday Lisa!.
Hi Susan!
Love the bookmark idea!
Hope to see you in Ohio
We’re going up north to Lake Erie in a couple of weeks, love to peek ahead to the July calendar page (I pretend I’m on the beach listening to the waves!) on my wall calendar by the stove…makes me smile every morning!
Have fun Shellie!
Happy Summer Susan! Love your bookmark idea and how lucky are those that will have one. Looking forward to getting your new book and settling in for a good read. Happy Canada Day from me and Happy 4th of July to you!
Happy Canada Day to all you wonderful neighbors to our north. The sensible people with the wonderful banks that have never failed in your entire lovely peace-loving, hard-working history. xoxo
What a sweet give-away! I love this.
I could do this with my young granddaughter’s bits & pieces of artwork, too. At 5, she loves your blog & is inspired by you. Oh, how she loves updates on Jack!
Have a beautiful day!
I love 5 year olds. I love their open minds and hearts and most of all, their pure idealism. Catch them small and you can give them a lifetime of magic! xoxo
I absolutely love your response here, Susan … I need to write it down and post it above my I work/ play with little ones all day long.. love you, Susan, and all that you do !!
You have the power Mary, and you’re perfect for it! xoxo
xoxo… thanks again and again, Susan…you inspire me so !!!
Dear Susan ,
Love the bookmark idea. I would love to win one. My family will be on the island for your book signing. I am so happy!!!!! So glad We made plans to spend a few days down there.
Happy to hear it! Friendly faces!
Hi Susan!
What a lovely idea! Those bookmarks. Would’nt it be fantastic if you and Joe could come to The Netherlands to promote your new book?, I would buy a copy (or 2,makes a very nice birthday present for a friend)for sure!
Mabey you could get inspiration for another all new book! for example about our country, traveling, dutch recipes to try out(smile)!
Anyway I just wanted to say that I’m enjoying your posts very much as always!!That one about your daddy was also very beautiful! I miss my daddy, but I see some character traits from him in our oldest son, would have loved to have him still with us now though.
Lots of love and wishing you and Joe a lovely summer!
I’m hoping to win! Pick me Vanna!
Love from Holland
YES it would be fantastic! We would love it!
A fantastic idea! My daughter would love that bookmark thanks Vanna!
So happy, you began saving these.
And I’d love, love, love to have one…
Gentle hugs,
Love these, just like all the other SB fans. Your post has brightened my day!!
Susan what a great idea. I just starting taking a watercolor class about 6 months ago. What a thrill this would be to take and show the other students. Blessings to you.
My pleasure Lois, have fun!
Love the bookmark that will be given away. Great idea of giving away the others when your fans come to meet you and have you sign their new book. They are so pretty.
Such a great idea,Susan—-please pick me!!!!!
Good morning Susan and GFs! Although I love all of these blogs and find inspiration, today’s visually touched me a great deal. First that darling little girl at her easel. . .look at that hair and bow, the perfect dress, and the seriousness of her face. Wow! Then ALL of your colors, Susan. Those are THE Susan Branch colors. I love using your daubing sheets as book marks but I could also see some of them cut in uniform sizes, framed, and made into a kind of modern art grouping on your wall. The words and random sketches would make that even more interesting. So never ever throw those away again.
PS. If not on your wall then for sale so they could be on my wall. . . until the SB Museum opens and then I would most generously donate them.
Thanks for everything, Susan!!
I never will. I’ve learned my lesson — love your idea! LOL on the last sentence!
If you come anywhere near South Carolina, I will be there! I’ve already pre-ordered your book – can’t wait to see it. It just needs a bookmark…
Wonderful post this morning, Sue! I love that you use little snippets of paper to ‘try out’ the colors, the pens, the drawings and doodles. I do the same here, too. Of course, your pieces are an extension of your art!!! And, as I looked at them (before I got to the part that mentioned bookmarks) I had thought, “what a treat it would be to find one of those slipped into a book!” I can imagine someone pulling a book off of the shelf at the library, and being pleasantly surprised to find a little art snippet!!! ♥ peg
I do that here in the house Peg, with my books, little bits of leftover art. I put them between pages of my favorite books, so exactly what you say will happen. Someday, someone will get a surprise. Have a wonderful day dear friend!