It’s a very quiet, very warm summer morning ~ I’m in my studio, the windows are wide open, I feel like I’m on a porch. It’s still dark, insects are cricking and shisking, birds are just now beginning their morning song, I have my tea, Girl’s asleep on the pillow, Jack’s on the ironing board in front of the pantry screen door, peering out into the dark (ever vigilant) . . . foghorns are blowing over the island . . . and in the background, softly wafting from our windows into the breaking morning light . . . MUSICA
Today I get to design advertising for our new book for Victoria and Teatime, two of my favorite magazines. Believe it or not, I’ve never put an ad in a magazine before! It’s exciting to think about how I want the ads to look. It just seems to make sense to have our book in the September annual “British” issue of Victoria, don’t you think? And Teatime? I can’t think of better places for a book about English charm. ♥
I had an idea the other day. When I paint, one of the things that’s always at my right hand is a little square of watercolor paper that I use to try out color — you can see it in the back of this photo . . . the little blotter with wisps of paint color. I couldn’t work without one of these nearby.
I use them to test my pen; I mix colors on them. This one has the stick on it that I picked up in the yard of Norman Rockwell’s studio.
Sometimes I will paint or write something I don’t care for, it’s not quite good enough, or I don’t like the colors I used, so I’ll want to do it over, but I don’t want to waste the paper, so I cut it up and save it and use it to dab my paint on. So that’s how some of the art and words show up on these paint daubers.
On this one I practiced pencil drawings of women’s hair. I tried drawing with pen and filling it in with color — these cards come in very handy.
I’ve done this for years, and when the card is covered in paint and squiggles, I throw it away and get myself a new one.
Until A FINE ROMANCE. About halfway through the painting of our book, I decided maybe I should start saving these squiggles. So I did. I was surprised on how fast they piled up.
And yesterday I cut them all up.
I got quite a handful of them. They look so festive!
They’re all on card stock and every one of them is covered on both sides with all the colors of the English Countryside; the colors of teatime, long walks, cottage gardens, the Yorkshire Dales, Jane Austen’s house, ocean liner sailing . . .
They’re kind of a little story all by themselves. Now I wish I’d never thrown any of them away!
But at least I have these . . . and there’s quite little pile of them. I thought, what good bookmarks these would make.
Not all of them have discernible art on them, but some definitely do, and no matter what, each of them is one of a kind. I never made the same mess twice! So, you know I’ve been setting dates for my book signings? I thought what would be fun . . .
. . . is if I would bring these bits and pieces that helped to make up the original pages of the book and give them away at the signings. ♥ The bookmarks will match the book!
And just in case you can’t get to a signing, or in case I run out before I get to your town (it’s bound to happen, but I promise, only one to a customer!), that big BOOKMARK in the middle is for you. You can print it at home, cut it out, and tuck it in your book when it comes.
I love planning these book events. The people at the bookstores are such hard workers and make me feel wonderful about coming to them. My first two book signings will be on Martha’s Vineyard, beginning with Bunch of Grapes Bookstore, on Julia Child’s Birthday ♥ (I just love that), on August 15th. You can keep track of the dates and see where I’ll be going as we begin adding new events this month. On the right side of the blog you’ll see COMING SOON, EVENTS. Scroll down for dates, times, links for directions, etc. I hope to see every single one of you somewhere on our long drive across America. ♥
And just a few more Small Treats: Did you notice that Kellee put up new summer computer wallpaper, stationery, and postcards you can print out? She did! Kellee changes everything for the season; you can always check for her updates if you go to “On-Line Shopping,” and then click on the left on “Free Stuff.”
Oops, I almost forgot to mention. This time, one of our continuous small treats include a giveaway . . . you see that Beatrix Potter Bookmark in the pile below? The little girl with the bunny?
Leave a comment, I will sign it and date it ~ in a few days I’ll send it to the winner of the drawing, to the lucky name that Vanna pulls from our giant top hat. ♥
Dear Susan, Can’t wait for the book to arrive. I love what you created with the cut up pages. Wouldn’t they make wonderful little cards to perhaps to tuck in a special gift!
I just love your blog. I don’t think I have ever commented but I read all your blogs and enjoy them so much. You are so down to earth and I feel like we are friends – even though we have never met. It would really be quite nice to have one of the signed bookmarks. Thanks so much for being YOU and sharing your life with all of us.
Nice to hear from you Brenda, thank you for being here.
Is there an easy way to navigate your blog? I have posted several times and can never seem to find my post again to see if you have replied. I do love scrolling through the comments. Your blogs are always so inspiring. I am always left smiling.
I would love to be put in the drawing for your lovely bookmark.
Can’t get enough of your bookmarks! I wish you’d post the moon seasons for 2013 bookmark again. I printed it off when you posted it previously, put it somewhere I’d find it easily, and… Of course I can’t find it now (HA)!
Here you go Penny, the Full Moon Bookmark for 2013 …
Thank you soo much!
Hi Susan! I LOVE the bookmark idea! They are so pretty…who knew?! I have loved Beatrix Potter for quite a long time-my daughter Charlotte’s nursery was decorated in Peter Rabbit, with old fashioned wallpaper that came in a book all the way from England! My wallpaper guy had to use real wallpaper paste as it was just paper that came out of the book in long sheets when I un-stapled the book! It sounds crazy, but that is how it was packaged and yes, it really was wallpaper-said so right there on the front cover! Anyway, Charlotte is now 23 years old, and time flew right by. Seems like yesterday that I was rocking her in that lovely baby blue room in our old 100 year old house! Unfortunately, we moved out of that house when she was only 18 months old but I got to bring home Emily and Samuel to two different houses in the next 7 years! My Peter Rabbit baby dishes that were a baby gift for that baby girl are sitting on my living room cocktail table right now! I would love that bookmark!
Nice to hear such sweet memories Kristy.
Love the bookmarks! I’m waiting (im)patiently for THE book!!!
So matter how stressed or out-of-sorts I might be… you bring comfort and sweetness with your blog. And it always ssems to arrive at the right time. You help me find my peaceful center. Thank you. My 2013 goals included “meeting my dear, dear friend Susan Branch”… The bookmarks are nothing short of marvelous.
Hope to see you soon Karen!
What a “supercalifragilisticexpealidocious” idea. They are purr-fect.
Absolutely wonderful idea, Susan. Some lucky person is going to have the good fortune to have any one of your bookmarks, especially that adorable bunny one. If by chance it’s me, I will simply treasure it! <3
I am a watercolor artist too and I also have sqiggles of color pages! You are a genius to think of this and I know everyone at your book signings will love their own original Susan Branch. Please Please come to Powells Book store in Portland Oregon. We have a lovely restored train station for you to arrive and I could be your tour guide in the yes City of Roses! We are also the city of bridges. Paula
I would LOVE to go to Powell’s — hopefully they will feel the same way about me!
Sweet Susan,
Just read that you might be interested in coming to Portland, OR! If it does work out will you let me know in plenty of time to make train arrangements to get there for it? What a blessing meeting you would be–I’ve been waiting for YEARS!
Good Morning Susan! I love reading your blog and today was pure genius! Thank you for the opportunity for those of us who don’t live near enough a book signing to still obtain a one of a kind bookmark for our books!!!! Pick me (crosses fingers behind back)!Have a wonderful…everything!
I am so happy you saved those little cards! I am getting the book and I am thrilled to receive the precious bookmark. Thank you
greetings: i am so excited-i found your calenders a few years ago-and had to hunt all over for one this year/before i realized you have a site-duh-grandma T. here and lots of senior moments, Thank you sooo much for your art and making me feel like a young girl again-you bring such joy!!! my first time on a blog also!! and i’m so happy to find i can order your wonderful things–you are a rare blessing!!
Welcome Toaksie! Nice to meet you!
I love the way you think! Your recycled bookmarks are brilliant! Please put my name in for the bookmark drawing! Thank you!
How cute! And true… :>)
Love, love the bookmarks! I never throw or get rid of anything that I’m not soon sorry for either. Hope to meet you at a book signing…..road trip… fun! Can’t wait!
Most of the time I’m not even thinking about “A Fine Romance.” It’s summer, there are things to do, but then I remember and I smile because I know I have a copy reserved for me, and this fall it’s coming my way just like a gift! (I like that the paying part is separated from the getting part.) I can’t wait, but then again, the waiting is delicious.
I love your painted bookmarks. Festive, indeed. So if little Beatrix were to come my way, I’d be delighted.
I’m going to take my watercolors to the beach when we go this summer. It’s been a very long time since I last saw the ocean, and that’s too long. Seeing your little blotter/tester papers is inspiring. I feel a need to spread some color on paper.
Thanks for sharing the scene in your early morning studio with us. It sounds wonderful. Open windows are a treat.
Hello Dear Susan,
I hope your book tour will stop somewhere close to Indianapolis, Indiana! I would so love to come and meet you!
I love your practice sheets and what a wonderful idea to make them into bookmarks. Just the perfect piece to go along with your wonderful new book. Can’t wait to receive my copy this fall.
What watercolor paints do you use? I paint with oil paints but for the past few years I dream I am painting with water colors. Thank you for all of your gifts to us, I can’t hardly wait for the “A Fine Romance” to come.
I feel as if we have been friends forever ♥
Rebecca Clark
Hi Rebecca, go to the top of the blog, click on ABOUT ME… scroll down to MY ART STUDIO, there’s a drop down — I wrote all about my paints and brushes there.
Great idea Susan ~ fan for 27 years!!! Can’t wait for your book to come out
A visit to your blog is a treat….always. Thank you Susan
I love your name Maggie! It reminds me of one of my favorite children’s books…..’The Maggie B’ by Irene Haas.
Perfect little accessory for my book! Can’t wait! Thank you!
What fun, always enjoy visiting you. Please enter my name, and just maybe the one in a million chance. “)
In Joy,
Oh, Susan! I’m so excited, can’t wait to get your (our) book, just ordered the other day. Thank you for the bookmark, and please throw my name in the hat for a chance for #2 bookmark.
When I grow up, I want to be Susan Branch! She lives the life I can only dream about. =^..^= (“Hi Jack”)….
What a lovely bookmark! It will look great in my new book! (I HOPE!!) Fingers crossed! Kisses to the Kitties!
September is not so far away…and I’ll be waiting, waiting…..I’m hoping to see you somewhere near my home…to sign my book!…In the meantime, let me enter this drawing….and hope!…Thank you, Susan!…
Hi Susan, have you ever been to Rochester, NY for a book signing? I would love to meet you sometime. You have been an inspiration to me to start painting. I love painting people’s houses on rock. I first have to find the perfect rock to go with the picture of the house. I always put in people’s pets too. Everyone loves them. Thank you again for inspiring me to take up painting again.
P.S. I would love to have a bookmark signed by you.
Thanks for all you do-Kathy H.
I’m looking forward to the book and I hope to meet you on the book tour! I enjoy the blog very, very much!
Always so nice to hear Deb xoxo Thank you!
I was thinking that you probably had a very large stack of the squiggles and swatch pages, but I guess if you had saved them all you would run out of space on the island. I love the bookmark idea that you made from them. I love bookmarks. I use all sorts of flat things for my marker. That is one of the things that is sad about E-books. You have no place to use lovely markers that you have. I would love to add a signed bookmark by you to my groupings. Enjoy and I can hardly wait for my book to get here.
Hot in Texas
Stay cool Pamala xo
What an honor it would be to meet you at a book signing….hope one of your stops is close to Cincinnati which is just 22 miles down river from where I live. Wanted to let you know that I won more Beatrix Potter figurines and books in an auction last week! What an addition to my Peter Rabbit guest room!. The only problem is I don’t know how to fit one more piece of furniture in the room to display them. Wish you could stop by and advise! Please put me in the box for the drawing of “the” bookmark.
Anne Marie
A narrow shelf underneath a window or mirror?
I love the multi- colored paper six you have created. One of those would be perfect in my pre-ordered book. I hope you come to my area!
I LOVE your little cards! They’re just precious! I can’t wait (but alas, I must), for your book to arrive at my door! *squeal*!!!!!
Hi Susan!
Thanks for your wonderful, joyful blog!
I ordered your book for both my mom and me. We are going to plan a trip to England next year based on your itinerary! Love the bookmark and would love to have it for my book! Come on Vanna!
You two are going to love it … we’re starting to think about another trip ourselves.
Hi Sue and Susan,
I was just reading through the comments and noticed what you said about a trip with your Mom, my daughter and I were planning on doing the same thing! We were also inspired by Susan and Joe’s adventures in England, and also thought that it would make a great travel guide! Maybe we will see you there….at Beatrix or Jane’s house!
I’m going to make us badges so we can identify each other? And for when we’re at Beatrix Potter’s house!
That sounds perfect!
I loved the bookmarks. Please pick me. I love the blog.
We’re roasting in California and I could use some MV breeze. Pick me!
Here in the northern desert, June, strangely, is usually our wettest month. We’ve been treated to thunder storms and deluges. It’s been wonderful, if short-lived. Monday, it will be 102 degrees F. Your bookmark squiggelies are precious. I hope I win one. Thanks for sharing so much of your world with us.
What a lovely idea!! Such a fun, creative thought to cut up the paper and make colorful bookmarks, loved it!! I sure hope to see you at one of the book signings, would love to meet you and have you sign a copy for me!!
Your blog is the highlight of my day! Oh, I’ve added 2 more furr babies to my family!! Twinkie and Midnight now have 2 sisters, Karmello and Duchess. What a family with these 4 girl kitties running around the house! 
Makes me want to go do that too!
I want to be entered in the drawing!! Such pretty little “bookmarks”…just goes to show that anything, even trash, can be turned into a treasure.
By the way, if Miss Vanna pulls my name from the hat, I’m giving the bookmark to my mom! She adores you, and I think it would make her quite happy to have something like this.
Well tell her I said hello please
Those paint dabbles are so pretty! Who would’ve thought? I can’t wait to read your new book! I need to order don’t I?
Thought of you when I read this article my husband forwarded to my girls and me. Jane Austen’s England: Tracing Her Steps And Haunts,0,1938547.story
Your art just makes me feel happy! It would be such a delight to win the bookmark. Thanks for the chance.
Oh my! I hope I’m still in time to enter this drawing. I have been busy and keep getting side-tracked! But would love to have these for when I get “our” new book!
Thanks for the chance to win!
What smiles your bookmarks will bring for those lucky enough to have one. I save the subway (tube, metro, etc.) tickets for bookmarks. I know what smiles they bring me when I see them.
Your book trips must bring you lots of smiles—-to meet those who enjoy you so much.
Have oodles of fun spreading your colors around.
Would love a chance to win that sweet bookmark. Thanks for what you do – you are a factory of good cheer!
Am so looking forward to receiving your new book, my daughter and sister and I went to London and Oxford in March. A business trip for my daughter, my sister and I tagged along, it was a short but sweet experience ! Thanks Susan…love you.
Susan: Love all the bookmarks — great idea. I too have a relic from Norman Rockwell’s backyard. Our art class in college went to meet him in his studio — what a gentle, humble man he was. Have always loved his art work — as a child, I can remember going into my grandmother’s house and heading straight for the chair where she kept the Saturday Evening Post and loving the pictures. I picked up a leaf from his back yard and actually still have it in my scrapbook. Thanks for yet another lovely “visit” with you. :0)
Kindred spirits .. a leaf and a stick and huge admiration.
You’re starting to sound like Omar –
A book of verse beneath the bough,
A leaf , a stick and thou……..
infinity times eternity…….
Oh my Papa . . .
Your words took me right into your morning studio! Thank you for the “continuous small treats” you send our way! (hoping for a Beatrix bookmark, too!)
Susan, I love you’re little water bowl. While in an antique shop I found a great big coffee/tea cup with a wonderful big flower on it, without a saucer and I’ve used it ever since for my watercolors. Isn’t it funny how we’re creatures of habit and sentimentality?? I also have an antique ice tea pitcher with daffodiles for extra water. My studio is so small I have to lose weight just to get into it….and my husband put these wonderful old leaded glass windows in that came out of a mansion in San Francisco, (don’t know how they made it to Grants Pass!) so when the sun comes through I get all these wonderful little rainbows. My cat McKenzie also likes to sit on my table but I have to shoo her away because she drools when I pet her!! Ha!
LOL, no petting! Your studio sounds wonderful Karen.
What a wonderful idea! Who wouldn’t love one of these one-of-a-kind-Susan Branch treats? Please put my name in the hat for a chance for one of these lovelies.
I was reading about how you became an artist. I should’ve known, “The Artist’s Way !!” I started reading that book and I have completed a few notebooks of Morning Pages. We are in a transitional way in our lives right now. I hope we can get in our car and just have a bunch of road trips this year with one of them ending up at one of your book signings. <3
I’d started painting before The Artist’s Way, but that book was a big help in keeping me focused. Hope to see you Patti!
the finest example of recycling this girl has ever seen! what a great (and beautiful!) idea!
Hope it is not to late to throw my hat in. I get your blog posts delivered to my email and then I wait till I can be still and enjoy reading it, before opening it up.
What an adorable idea! Sure would look cute when I get my book!
Have a wonderful day.
I love the idea of the bookmarks – they look beautiful! Too beautiful to throw away! I’m so sad to miss the book-signing at The Bunch of Grapes – I leave MV on August 12th
Martha from CT
Ohhh, so close.
I would mat it, frame it and hang it in a “place of honor” in my home that has many Susan Branch touches here and there! Did you mention recently that your Dad’s birthday is in July and you might come to AZ to celebrate? If so, and you have time, don’t forget the English Rose Tea Room in Carefree, AZ !
Its about 1 1/2 hour south of my Dad, and if it’s not ridiculously hot, we might just have to go down there. Thank you for reminding me.
Would love to have an ex-special bookmark of yours, please put my name in the drawing for the bookmark!!!!!!
Dear Susan,
How this bookworm would love to win a beautiful bookmark from you! I would love to tuck it inside your “Fine Romance” book! Can’t wait to read it! Just the other day on the radio I listened to the song “A Fine Romance”, reminded me of you!
Hope your book tour brings you to the Northeast Ohio area!
Enjoy every moment of this summer, fall will be here soon! What a beautiful time of year!
As I was reading your post, I wondered if you saved all your little dabbles. I am glad that you started!! Can’t wait for your book to arrive.
It is such a Summer Sunday morning at my home on the island today….We folks in the Pacific Northwest are finally getting a taste of summer! It is in the high eighties during the heat of the day….and it is delightful! We wait all year for this gorgeous weather here..the air is clear and you can see Mt.Rainier in all of her glory…..and the Olympic Mountians and Cascades! The sound is a gorgeous ultrmarine blue…..The tides are a little more extreme right now, so beach walking at low tide in the hot sun is a real must!!!! Collecting shells and such! The coffee cup has been filled 3 times and the summer jamas are folded and put away for the day… now will be off to my sons home for a sunday gathering of kids and grandkids……….tonight, when the air cools, I will be back to work on a new art project……..I hope everyones Sunday can be as wonderful as mine, filled with love, laughter and peace of mind….Love to you, Susan and to all the girlfriends…..Oh how I would also love a bookmark from you Susan…..I think it would look just fine in my new copy of “A Fine Romance”…’s all getting closer!!!!
A grand idea, just one of many, many! Please enter my name for the drawing. I am really looking forward to your book and my journey with it on my porch swing. Denise
Oh my gosh! Please!! Me! I have been to Beatrix Potter’s house and I can’t wait to get your new book. I have it pre-ordered. I am so excited for it!! LOVE Miss Potter!!!!
With over a 1000 comments so far, my hope of owning a Susan Branch “original” is pretty slim–but hope I do.
Would you ever consider selling these sheets of “waste” paper to the girlfriends? Even if it is just color (“just color”!! Did I say that?!! Color is everything!!!!) I would love to own one. Or perhaps they could become a book of their OWN. Just think how wonderful it would be own a copy of Beatrix Potter’s test drawings and doodles. To you they might be idea tests but to someone else they could be inspiration, “If Susan found beauty in this, then I can try too.”
Hugs to everyone that needs one!
I won’t ever throw them away again, it’s fun to give them away.
ooo, you can make anything looking beautiful! I love that little girl. We will be in Connecticut and Massachusetts at the end of August. I so hope to see you at a book signing!
I have been collecting your beautiful books for years. Thanks for the chance to win a bookmark signed just for me! : )
I just love the bookmark idea and can’t wait to receive “our” book this Fall. Your blog is always such a happy place to visit. Thanks.
What a great idea! Please put my name into the drawing, A special bookmark would be a lovely gift for my friend & heirloom sewing teacher. She’s the lovely woman who introduced me to your blog. Must, of course, buy the book to go with!
hi Susan! {: Sometimes a morning is more than a morning and sometimes a stick is more than a stick and for always your squiggles are more than just squiggles! Because I/we ……
snowy days + a warm glowing art corner + a sheet of white paper + squiggles of memories and doodles of dreams = BEaUtiFuL!
XoX Dawn
xoxo Thank you Dawn!
Hi Susan,
You are so down to earth, you always make me feel better when I read your blog. Thank you, for being you.
I ordered your book, can’t wait. Would love the bookmark.
When you feel better, I feel better Christa, and this is true. xo
Would love to add this one to my collection of bookmarks.
The bookmarks are an amazing fabulous, clever idea!
Hello Susan,
What a great opportunity to enter and hopefully win a signed bookmark. I have pre-ordered your book and can hardly wait to have it…….I love England and certainly enjoyed my “trip of a lifetime” there about 5 years ago. I am sure your book will add places that I will want to visit on my next trip. I hope your book signing will bring you to the St Louis area.
Thank goodness you are saving your scribbles and dabbles!!! They are priceless and what a keepsake! Hooray for your super-great idea!
Hi Susan,
The bookmarks are a great idea! They look so colorful and pretty. Please put my name in for the bookmark drawing. If I win, I will put the bookmark in with my small collection of your books and calendars that I have been collecting.
Will you be able to tell us what issue of Victoria and Tea Time your advertisement will be in? Is there a place in your blog where I can look up articles that your work has been featured in?
I do have to say your blog is a nice place to go too when one needs a bit of happiness. I was going to say ‘when one needs some sunshine’…. but living in the middle of nowhere in Ca this heat wave is bringing plenty of sunshine our way
Hi Susan
I haven’t been reading your blogs for a while as I have been so busy, so have just caught up. I do the same colour testing whilst making my homemade cards. Have fun on your whistle stop book signings, wish I was in America to meet you in a book store. I keep thinking about your dedication to the book whilst sat making my quilt. I have finished the 35 embroideries and backed them in stipple stitch. Yesterday I cut out all the blades for the Dresden plates so that I can make the 35 plates and sometime I hope this week I will start sewing them. I had lunch with a friend last week in a very nice restaurant in the Yorkshire Dales and thought of you as I looked out at the lake and the beautiful scenery and watched the newly shorn sheep pass by the huge plate glass windows and doors out onto a large patio. It was poor weather but I could just imagine you sat looking out of the window and sketching the scene. Enjoy your signings and summer as your weather sounds much better than mine, although my daughter Penny in the Forest of Dean said that the sun was cracking the pavements and they were having daily BBQ’s. Bye for now.
Love it!
Been away for a vacation – spent time with grandkids – bowling, fishing, shopping, reading books, coloring, eating kid food, swimming, watching fireworks, laughing and more laughing. They are so adorable and say the funniest things! What a brilliant idea to reuse your practice papers! You’re just sooo creative. I love it!
* Good Summer Evening, Susan *
What a delightful new post…”Summer Morning”. Continuous small treats really do await us girlfriends with each and every one of your posts.
Thank you for the darling “A Fine Romance” bookmark that you included today, for us all to print and cut out.
Oh, yes, do please enter me in your new drawing…the little girl with bunny bookmark…it’s just too sweet.
Those “bits and pieces” of your art-in-progress, are little treasures, for sure. perhaps receive one of them at a book signing, would be just perfect to add to the pages of my copy of “A Fine Romance”.
Those color-filled dabs of red and blue, yellow and green and everything in-between, or those practice pages, or your festive designs that are just not quite right for you to use, remind me of a quote from Mr. Albert Einstein:
“You have to color outside the lines once in a while, if you want to make your life a masterpiece.”
* Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain, Washington *
* Hi Susan *
Just a note to let you know I noticed that my July 1 @ 3:09 AM (East Coast Time) post comment is still awaiting moderation…
It seeems to be right above where I am now “replying”, so hopefully you can see it too. Even though it is awaiting your moderation, am I entered in the drawing for the bookmark or should I re-type my comment?
Have a wonderful day!
* Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain, Washington *
I’m sorry Dorothy Ann, it’s not showing up to me here — But this one is! Gremlins again. I never know when they will strike, or where–drives me a little bit crazy because it’s like the noise in your car that disappears when you take it to the garage. So sorry.
Brilliant man, and especially on the human level.
Thank you for all your happy thoughts and for creating such a wonderful blog! It makes my day when i see a new post! Enjoy the summer!
What a great idea! I luv book markers. Will there be one in each book that is purchased or must I attend a book signing to get one? Either way, I would LOVE to be the winner of the drawing. Thanks for being so thoughtful, Susan.
You have to come to a signing for the ones with the original watercolors on them — but I know everyone won’t be able to make it, so if you click on the link on the blog, you can print out a lamb bookmark for your book.♥
Dear Susan,
Another great idea from you. Love that picture of the bunny being lovingly held. What a sweet bookmark it will make.
I am very happy you will be advertising in my favorite two magazines. You will fit right in and surely your book will appeal to all of the readers there.
I cannot wait for my book to come. I am excited just thinking about it. I so love your artwork and really, all of the things you say and the things you like are the same ones that make my heart flutter too. It was so much fun “joining” you on your trip through the photo journalizing you did here. Can’t wait for my own turn to do it too. Hill Top here I come!
Thank you for all the joy and warm feelings you share and bring to us.
All the best, Ruthie
Hearts a’flutter forever Ruthie! xo
Thank you for all the inspiration you give.
Susan: As it is a dreary, rainy day in WPA, it is so pleasant to visit your site (thank you) & please put my name in for the bookmark drawing..cannot wait to get my book.
Me, please! Love this!
Me please, love these! And every other little thing you do!! Blessings…
What a good idea to cut up the colorful squiggles. They all look wonderful especially during these rainy days of summer. I hope you get to RJ.Julia’s in Madison, CT. I can visit my family and meet you too. A double treat.
It’s my plan to be there, let’s see if they like my plan!
What a treat it would be to have that lovely bookmark. I am an absolute fan of Beatrix Potter and you.
Wow, lots of comments. Love the bookmarks, but I doubt if you will make it to Montana, so I am out of luck there. But there is this chance! I can hardly wait for my books to arrive, I’ve ordered several for gifts for my best girlfriends and one for myself. I’m just as excited to gift them as to get my own. I think they will all love them.
Hello Susan,
I enjoy keeping up with your wonderful adventures, places and
creative works!! You always bring such a joy to my life when I’ve
spent time “with you”! You’re a a kindred spirit! ~~Teresa~~~
I so enjoy this blog. Your descriptions are wonderful. I can just picture the early morning on MV. Looking forward to the new book and this bookmark would be a lovely addition. Happy Summer and keep doing the creative work that you do. We love it!!
Hi Susan,
Oh my, I’m SO far down the comment list! I hope Vanna digs deep
I’m so excited to see the book and to have mine in my waiting hands! I was with you every enchanting, enjoyable step of the way……thank you for allowing me, us to visit with you XO
I will have her get INTO the hat to mix up these names!! Only fair to dig deep!
Happy July 1 to you, Susan!
Where is the summer going? Much too quickly. Love your bookmark invention! Isn’t it fun to come up with a simple idea and make it fly?
Have you ever heard of Maragret Roach? She used to work for Martha Stewart and has written several gardening books. Anyhow, she has a blog and you have got to see/read the one from June 28. Her website site is: A Way A To Garden. I thought of you instantly this morning when I read this entry and you will love it, as well as many of your other girlfriends.
Have a grand afternoon and early Happy 4th of July!
Michele from Vermont
Oh Susan, here I am last but not least! Forgive me for being so late, and I hope I’m not too late for the drawing! You have no idea how wonderful it would be to win this and tuck it into your new book! Exciting!! This was a great idea and have made wonderful book marks!
Enjoy your summer….
Never to late Gert! Nice to see you!
Hi Gert,
Hope your rehab is going gang- busters……well….if not gang busters….making steady progress!
Best Wishes from Texas!
Bookmarks! One of my favorite things. Reading your blog is such a treat–a much needed sea breeze in a over-reactive world.
Have a happy July. I had fun turning the page of my calendar today and reading all the little tidbits.
Excited to receive my book.
I love your bookmarks! They are so adorable and festive.
Cannot wait for the new book – Bunch of Grapes and Julia Childs – 2 of my “most favorite things”! So tempted to load up the car and head out on a road trip
Two of my favorite things too Julie!
Oh, such eager excited anticipation! So delicious to have something to look forward to!! I would loooooove to have a scrapbookmark!! FUN!! Thanks Susan!
Hi Susan:
Having lots of fun at Little Cedar Lodge this summer. FINALLY, had
a chance to grow borage. I first read about borage years ago in your Summer book that suggested freezing borage flowers in ice cubes. How pretty! I always read your books seasonally to mine ideas and recipes. Would love a
sweet bookmark, but would love more to see you in St Louis with your book tour! So looking forward to adding it to my happy collection. Thank you so much. Happy 4th!!
Happy 4th and happy borage-growing Suzann!
I just spent a week with my dear, dear friend, Diane, and thought of you so many times. I am quietly giddy at the thought of how much she is going to love A Fine Romance. You have so many ways of spreading happiness. Thank you for the buzz of anticipation today. xxx
Thank you for helping that to happen Beth!
just leaving a comment – cause it would be wonderful to receive a scrapbookmark –
say hi to Jack & of course Girl