It’s a very quiet, very warm summer morning ~ I’m in my studio, the windows are wide open, I feel like I’m on a porch. It’s still dark, insects are cricking and shisking, birds are just now beginning their morning song, I have my tea, Girl’s asleep on the pillow, Jack’s on the ironing board in front of the pantry screen door, peering out into the dark (ever vigilant) . . . foghorns are blowing over the island . . . and in the background, softly wafting from our windows into the breaking morning light . . . MUSICA
Today I get to design advertising for our new book for Victoria and Teatime, two of my favorite magazines. Believe it or not, I’ve never put an ad in a magazine before! It’s exciting to think about how I want the ads to look. It just seems to make sense to have our book in the September annual “British” issue of Victoria, don’t you think? And Teatime? I can’t think of better places for a book about English charm. ♥
I had an idea the other day. When I paint, one of the things that’s always at my right hand is a little square of watercolor paper that I use to try out color — you can see it in the back of this photo . . . the little blotter with wisps of paint color. I couldn’t work without one of these nearby.
I use them to test my pen; I mix colors on them. This one has the stick on it that I picked up in the yard of Norman Rockwell’s studio.
Sometimes I will paint or write something I don’t care for, it’s not quite good enough, or I don’t like the colors I used, so I’ll want to do it over, but I don’t want to waste the paper, so I cut it up and save it and use it to dab my paint on. So that’s how some of the art and words show up on these paint daubers.
On this one I practiced pencil drawings of women’s hair. I tried drawing with pen and filling it in with color — these cards come in very handy.
I’ve done this for years, and when the card is covered in paint and squiggles, I throw it away and get myself a new one.
Until A FINE ROMANCE. About halfway through the painting of our book, I decided maybe I should start saving these squiggles. So I did. I was surprised on how fast they piled up.
And yesterday I cut them all up.
I got quite a handful of them. They look so festive!
They’re all on card stock and every one of them is covered on both sides with all the colors of the English Countryside; the colors of teatime, long walks, cottage gardens, the Yorkshire Dales, Jane Austen’s house, ocean liner sailing . . .
They’re kind of a little story all by themselves. Now I wish I’d never thrown any of them away!
But at least I have these . . . and there’s quite little pile of them. I thought, what good bookmarks these would make.
Not all of them have discernible art on them, but some definitely do, and no matter what, each of them is one of a kind. I never made the same mess twice! So, you know I’ve been setting dates for my book signings? I thought what would be fun . . .
. . . is if I would bring these bits and pieces that helped to make up the original pages of the book and give them away at the signings. ♥ The bookmarks will match the book!
And just in case you can’t get to a signing, or in case I run out before I get to your town (it’s bound to happen, but I promise, only one to a customer!), that big BOOKMARK in the middle is for you. You can print it at home, cut it out, and tuck it in your book when it comes.
I love planning these book events. The people at the bookstores are such hard workers and make me feel wonderful about coming to them. My first two book signings will be on Martha’s Vineyard, beginning with Bunch of Grapes Bookstore, on Julia Child’s Birthday ♥ (I just love that), on August 15th. You can keep track of the dates and see where I’ll be going as we begin adding new events this month. On the right side of the blog you’ll see COMING SOON, EVENTS. Scroll down for dates, times, links for directions, etc. I hope to see every single one of you somewhere on our long drive across America. ♥
And just a few more Small Treats: Did you notice that Kellee put up new summer computer wallpaper, stationery, and postcards you can print out? She did! Kellee changes everything for the season; you can always check for her updates if you go to “On-Line Shopping,” and then click on the left on “Free Stuff.”
Oops, I almost forgot to mention. This time, one of our continuous small treats include a giveaway . . . you see that Beatrix Potter Bookmark in the pile below? The little girl with the bunny?
Leave a comment, I will sign it and date it ~ in a few days I’ll send it to the winner of the drawing, to the lucky name that Vanna pulls from our giant top hat. ♥
You’re so creative and inspiring. Thanks, Susan! I love that you’re recycling; not only is Earth reaping your benefits, your followers are too!
I’ve loved Beatrix Potter for years– her books and her paintings!! I’ve also loved anything Susan Branch!! Such talent!!! You takes me back to kinder and gentler times for which I long– for which I’m afraid will soon be forgotten!! Hopefully your book signing travels will bring you to North Mississippi –Memphis area!!
They’ll never be forgotten, the written word will last forever — and look at all these comments from our kindred spirits. We yearn for the better angels of our natures, and if we want it, we can make it. ♥
I forgot to add–I’d LOVE to have the bookmark!!
Good idea! I love just looking at all of the different colors! We’re planning our Fall vacation and I’m hoping that if you come to St. Paul/Mpls., we don’t end up missing your visit! Do you know if you are coming this way?
Should be September if we get up that high Pat! I’ll post the dates as I go along!
HIGH??? Heck, MN is the heart of the continent isn’t it:)??? I was just wondering to myself, “wonder if she is going to MN – sure she is, there are soooo many commentors from MN on her blog”. When what to my wondering eyes should appear – Pat Mofjeld!
Honey, Minneapolis is just as beautiful as New England in the fall. Seems to me peak colors were in the Oct. 07 – 14th area. Do hope you make it up there to the place that gets the most #1 awards in the country for the best of ……blah, blah, blah, you know, like education, quality of life, politeness, etc.
I was lucky enough to go there a couple of years and meet Pat in person!
“MN is the heart of the continent isn’t it?” Judi, you have me laughing. I distinctly remember when I was a lot younger and the concept that “everyone thinks the center of the universe is where they live” became clear to me. Let’s hope we can see Susan in Minnesota but their task at hand–traveling across the country via automobile and stopping doing booksignings–while fun at first, is going to probably be exhausting. So while we can cross our fingers, we’ll have to see…Just think, if they do come “up here”, maybe I can talk Deborah Heater from Indiana into coming “up here”, too, for a visit!!!
I think the hardest part will be to stay clean and ironed!
My advice re that? Wear Linen!!! LOL!

I think your hardest part will be avoiding carpal tunnel and getting enough sleep! And being homesick for the kitties!!!
You’re right about that last one. That’s truly the hardest thing!
I love, love, love to read and a signed bookmark signed by you would be wonderful!
Oh, Susan, your bookmarks are beautiful – a veritable kaleidoscope of rainbow colours. Would love to win the bookmark. In the past, we loved three bunnies. Their names were Bunker, Thumper, and Sweet Bunny – all named before we adopted them. Even our cat Patches loved the bunnies. Such fun to see them playing together. How is Petey? Perhaps he’ll join you on your book signing tours?
Oh, and don’t forget to tell us what Joe found for you on your leaf peeking trip in October that is perfect for your tours. Been trying to guess what it might be but I guess I’ll just have to be patient. A Petey bookmark would be great, too.
Oh, thank you for reminding me, I better get that packed!
Greetings from New Park, Pa.
I so look forward to your posts!! Makes my day! I can’t wait for our book to come out, well your book to us! I hope you come to a city near me, I’m in a very rural little place in York County, Pa. the Mason Dixon Line to be exact. I will travel a bit, however, to see you.
Oh how I’d love a “little” original artwork by you!! Hoping Vanna grabs me.
Have a lovely day, you bring such joy and happiness.
Love the idea of saving the paper and making book marks. The colors are so cheerful…puts a smile on my face!
You know, you write in the same way that you paint – beautifully, with soft colors and with your heart. This blog is such an amazing treat, and I think of the Girlfriends across America and the world who enhance their days with your happy spirit. You are a blessing to us all. Wanted to add that I finally ordered one of the needle point pillows from your web store – the one with your tea pot design – and it is just darling! It is in my parlor, announcing the true purpose of the room and welcoming in my girlfriends. Love it!
Perfect! Those are almost gone, I’m so glad you got one Roseanne. Thank you for your kind words. Touching my heart.
Happy to hear of your book signings and bookmark giveaway but also a little sad as I just learned my granddaughter’s black and white cat Sylvester is missing.
Oh dear, I hope he comes home soon!
I love this idea of using your “dab paper” as bookmarks! They definitely are too cool to be thrown away.
Love the bookmark! I print all the ones you put online! Have a good day, Susan.
The bookmarks are awesome!! Can’t wait for the new book!!!
What a brillant idea! Count me in with the drawing, Can’t wait to see you if you come to Portland, Oregon.
my bookmark collection just squished itself in order to make room! I tried to tell them we can’t be sure to have one of yours to join us but they are excited at the prospect! thank you again for more good ideas!b
love the chance for a bookmark. so glad you are not throwing away your scribble art work. we can all see the beauty in the scraps.
will keep watching to see if you are coming to washington state. if so… i’ll be there :-))))
What a great idea! People will love it!
Another great blog to come home to, thank you. It was a warm welcome change from writing end of year school reports and marking SATs. Only four more weeks now before we finish for the year, yay!! Love the idea of the bookmark. Tomorrow my class are doing an art lesson based on The Dot by Peter Reynolds – not quite up to your standard yet but there is hope…
Oh I hope you have a signing in New Hampshire!!!
I’ll be keeping an eye on the list..
Reading your blog and all the comments from the girlfriends makes me realize what a wonderful world we DO live in with such kind, INTERESTING, people! Bah to watching the (always bad) news! I’m ignoring the bad and rejoicing with you and the girlfriends in the good! Picture us all linking arms and singing!! LOL! And I adore your idea about the bookmarks – even your blobs shine with talent!
Kind interesting smart giving loving people. It’s true. Before there were computers I would get letters in the mail, just like the comments here on this blog, wonderful letters that would make me cry. I always wished I could put everyone together so they could meet each other and see how much good there is in the world. And now look, my wish came true.
A great idea to use your bookmarks as a token during book signing! I so want to take up water coloring.
My husband and I spent last week on the Cape and I kept thinking about how close you were – hoping to hop on the ferry to see your house and gardens and of course you if you were outside!
What a pretty idea!
I pulled up your blog trying to remember where I think I saw some info on getting to the ferry to cross over to Martha’s Vineyard, because….We are COmiNG!! My heart will hardly stay in my chest! I just had mentioned to my husband this morning, how grand it would be…what if we could…wouldn’t it be nice (trying to inch around to the possibilty:) to just hop on a plane and go to MV for Susan’s book signing…her very first one….for her brand new book….
When he said “find out about the flights and find a little b&b”….I just went over the moon!
What’s funny, is my mind plays tricks ….and I keep forgetting that it won’t be Hill Top I’m visiting… but seeing you AND the book, will be like getting both in one package!
Any info…or where to search for ferry take off and landing would be sooo greatly appreciated, dear friend.
August can’t come soon enough…
…and to think …one of those little squiggle cards will go home with me…Oh, be still my heart:)
My dear dear Susan… all is set… i wiggled around on the internet and booked flights, lodging, and found the ferry info…
I am hoping and praying and crossing fingers and toes that I might make it through the line, snap a pic of you and I, watch you sign THE BOOK:))) and then back in time to catch the ferry!!! So I will have no time for lollygagging around…which is my favorite thing in the entire world;) I’ll put husband in charge of watching the time. This is such an exciting time for you!! I can’t imagine how your insides are feeling! And how wonderful it will be to see your ads in my 2 favorite magazines! We are all so very very proud of you and tickled beyond words to feel such a part of the process….what a gift you have given us!
Many thanks and love to you, Joe and the kitties,
So what I think you are saying is that you are coming to Bunch of Grapes for my first signing? I hope that’s right! Yay Christie!
YES:)) Thank you for weeding through my lengthy comment….the excitement here is over the top:)
I have never been to New England, so to go there….AND meet you….AND get the new book….well, there are just no words:)
Much love,
P.S. and my hat’s off to you sister, for reading and responding to the unbelievable number of comments. Once again…you are loved and appreciated beyond measure!
I’m slow, but I get there sooner or later! See you soon!
You are two festive people! I’m so happy you’re coming — it will be wonderful to meet you! See EVENTS on the right side of my blog for ferry links!! See you soon!
Thank you, thank you!! Knew I had seen info somewhere, here:)
You are a dear!
LOVED the post! Loved the bits of color……stained glass on paper!
I’ve just got to know………will you be coming down South for your book signing? My best friend and I have books ordered but we have agreed that we won’t open them til we can have a “retreat” together and open them at the same time. We have already begun to plan our menu for that weekend party and making plans to sit by the fire and open our “presents.” Thank you for the lovely post and a “little treat” to look forward to!
We’re going to try to come south on our way home, and then some more in the winter, after Christmas.
I have been following you for a very long time….and my all time favorite is when you post things about your drawing and actual art. I can never get enough of them….they inspire, please and encourage. Thanks Susan…a little shining star for my day.
Dear Miss Susan,
I love your squiggly, painty, colory bookmarks. You could probably sell them, let alone give them away. Brilliant (as always). I was wondering what type of paint you use? Like the paints you show in the pic at the top?
What a fun giveaway. I would love to win this bookmark, but it would make me even happier to meet you at a booksigning!
Fantabulous idea for the left-over bits and bobs!!
Someone is going to be a very happy camper to receive one of your bookmarks, so you can include me in the list of hopefuls!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love your blog and all your beautiful
pictures. I went to Martha’s Vineyard
13 years ago and loved it. I picked up
your “Girlfriends” book and it was signed
by you. I just love this book and bought
a copy for each of my friends.
Wow–love the opportunity. I have two daughters and we are readers. Thanks for the chance!
What a great idea to share a bit of color from your world. I love Beatrix Potter!
Would love your signed bookmark! Thank you for the opportunity – a lovely small treat!!
Hi Susan,
Thank you for all the inspiration!
I love your post today.
Great idea about the paper scraps.
Happy Summer!
As you were showing your practice pieces, I was thinking the same thing about using them for “something”. The bookmark is a very practical and useful thing to do with them! Such beautiful work you do!
What a great idea with your blot blotches! And thanks for the link to Teatime magazine. That is a new one for me and I can’t wait to receive my first issue! I so enjoy reading your blog!
If your book signing is August 15th, that must mean the book will be ready by then! (I’m quite the investigator! hahaha) O happy day when mine will arrive in the mail!
As soon as I saw your cut up papers, I thought what a great give away bookmark! I would love to win the one you are going to sign. Thanks for all you do!
Good morning Susan and Girlfriend! ~~~ Was so happy to see your new blog this morning and was very surprised to see so many comments already. That gives you an idea just how much we were looking forward to reading a new blog.
I like all those now bookmarks. Very colorful in deed. Good idea to give them away at your book signings. Makes a world of difference when they are cut into bookmark sizes than the whole sheet of paper. We do like ‘happy’ things don’t we?
It’s fun to start reading the places where you will be with your book signing. Makes it very real. Anxious to see where you will be in California. Still hoping we will be in Washington state, but don’t know at this time.
Carol M
You…and ALL of our girlfriends make life SSOOO much more wonderful….in among the tears and troubles that we all must face. God Bless Us, everyone:-)))
As I was reading, I thought ” Oh, I hope she is going to give those away as bookmarks ! ” Yay ! Hope you make it to Des Moines : ) on your tour . As you were sitting in your studio this morning listening to fog horns and your birds, I was sitting on my big front porch listening to my birds and having a stand off with the stray mama cat that I am trying to coax inside and convince I mean no harm . Last year, just in time for my sad new empty nest, she left us three wonderful black and white kittens under our lilac bush ( whom we adopted- going from zero cats to three kittens in a flash. What an education !). We call them the “Lilac Bush Kids ” . I am not sure what she is leaving us this year ! Love your blog : ) it makes me happy.
Like finding easter eggs … lucky you!
Unfortunately, I’ve been ‘away’ from your blog for a few weeks – but my return today was twice as nice when I got to see your ‘paint sample/artwork sample’ cards! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!
To say that I absolutely adore your artwork is probably over the top – but I can’t think of any other way to express how happy it makes me to see it!
Cutting them all up into book mark size, etc. was genius – see, there IS beauty in recycling!
You are a woman after my own heart – I’m an early riser myself. But you get up so early each day and are so creative – it is as though the sun rises at the same time as your artistic talent – probably not quite the best way to express it – but I like to think that what you do each day adds to the best things in life – and I sincerely appreciate what you do – and your influence on me – and all your fans!
Thank you Rosanna, counting my blessings. ♥
What a lovely idea
You always brighten my day!
SOOOO Gorgeous that girl with the rabbit..I have rabbits since 22 years( so a bit of a Beatrix Potter for that matter two…have her books too)..I LOVE rabbits…always have two running around the garden since two years we have a couple ..Soetie and Breesy froman animal rescue and they are so sweet and fun….a man and wife toether is better than two girls ..for sure….
We also have 2 hen and the rabbits tease the hen..really do..they run through the place they are and then the hen sart to shout and run a round in fear..really naughty of the rabbit couple…
such gorgeous art and such a great idea to give them with the signing of the books..I am sure people will LOVE it!!
Love to be the winner!
Hope you come close to me- I need a bookmark
thank you for always sharing beauty and joy. love, marybeth
pike road, alabama
What a lovely pile of gorgeousness!! I love that you saved your doodles and then cut them up to be bookmarks!! Thank you also for the bookmark everyone else can save and print out–I am doing that today! I love your artwork and have collected your goods (fabric, calendars, recipe binders, everything I could!!) over the years and love all of it. I am a Beatrix Potter fan, as well, and I love to read your blog and newsletter–you keep her alive in our hearts!! Thank you for your generosity and sharing your talent.
I just wanted to say that I love, love, love your painting at the top of the post (the “ginger” haired girl). So sweet! The bookmark idea is brilliant. I’ve been nearly sick with anticipation of your book. I just want to skip summer altogether and dive into September and start savoring every page of A Fine Romance. I pre-ordered a signed copy. Might you include a paint daubed bookmark in the pre-orders??? Pretty please! Of course if you have a signing in my patch of California, I’ll be first in line.
I’ll be on the lookout for that Victoria ad! The British issue of Victoria has been one of my most favorite things since I was a teen in the mid-90s. I would eagerly await that issue never sure if it would be March or April (was always one of those months back in the days of the original Victoria.) Then I would cherish it for an age – going over every picture and article time and again! And it is absolutely certain I’ll be doing the same with your book once I have it in hand! Oh to be an Anglophile!
I discovered, through the writing of my book, that I am most definitely, a proud, card-carrying, flag-waving Anglophile. I never knew before, but it’s very true. And you are one too, I can tell by this comment! Lucky us!
I too love the quiet at the beginning of morning’s wake. I have some vocal birds who have become my alarm clock; I stopped setting one when I retired from teaching. Then Tess (collie) and walk through the neighborhood down to the park where she checks her pee mail and saunters in her most grand dame style. She used to be a diva but at 11 she crossed into grand dame stage. When we return home, the paper is on the front lawn. We enter to the smell of fresh brewed coffee. Tess gets her first treat of the morning, I grabbed a pen and begin the crossword puzzle as morning creeps into the yard.
Susan, You are brilliant, cleverness personified!!!! I love this idea. And, I love the idea of a precious giveaway right here in the middle of the week and can’t wait to attend a signing this fall. I’m super, duper excited about all of it!!! And, can’t wait for my pre-ordered book.
I love how we get to re-live the adventure in the blog and soon-to-be in person via the book and signings!!!
THANK YOOOOOUUUUUUUUUU…. (that’s my version of singing it to you!)
Hugs and love,
I love the bookmarks. So cheerful and I’d love to add another one to my collection!
Reusing and recycling beauties… what a fantastic idea!
What fun! Thanks for the chance! Summer is hot, stormy and humid here in Chicagoland. We can only open our windows in the early hours of the day. I will have to imagine your salt sea air
Love all the colors in the bookmarks…what a fun idea. Thanks for the chance to win. Love all your books and drawings.
Hi Susan,
Just have to tell you that the Basil Lemonade is a huge hit! And to let you know that I have always loved your art work and sense of color. You booksmarks are great!!
So happy to hear it — I just made us some too, it’s so delicious! Thanks Mags!
Oh my, what a wonderful bookmark!! I can’t wait to get your new book!!
Susan,This is just the coolest idea you had! These papers are so cheerful and works of your creativity! I don’t like to waste anything so I’m saving scraps for notes etc. all the time. Brilliant idea! They will bring so much joy to so many just like you!
I love the idea of cutting up the card stock pages of paint smudges and making bookmarks. Thanks.
What a smart way to reuse – so colorful all fanned out! Would we see Jack or Girl on any? Hope your tour stops include MI!
Oooooo I REALLY hope I can get to one of your book signings! I might have to make a ‘surprise visit’ to a friend in one of the places you stop if it the tour doesn’t include Seattle! Going through a tough time right now- just broke up with my boyfriend a couple days ago, but every time I visit your website and see your tweets, I feel like all is right with the world. Thank you for being such a ray of sunshine Susan!
I love your blog and would love, love, love that bookmark! Can’t wait to see your new book!
What a great idea! And such a personal touch! Or you could make them into pretty little fans!
I love the idea of a free bookmark for all my girlfriends at the book signing. I won’t get to attend. Oh how I wish I could. Maybe I will still get one…lol
hope hope…love Gail
What a great idea… man’s trash is another man’s treasure comes to mind. Another sign of your open heart. Thanks for the smile again today!
Hope to see you in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area! Sooo excited about “A Fine Romance”!!
Oh Susan I am so glad to see that you’ll be advertising in Victoria and Tea Time – two of my favorite publications! You are sure to add to your fans by reaching out to their subscribers. Does the August 15 date mean that we who pre-ordered can start looking for our book to arrive then? I can’t wait and don’t forget to stop by for a signing somewhere in the Chicagoland area. I’d love to say hi to you and Joe in person!
A pure stroke of genius! I simply adore all those dabs of luscious color!! Unless you head south (to the Gulf Coast) on your tour, I doubt I’ll have another opportunity to meet you face-to-face
; but winning this precious giveaway would be the next-best thing! It really IS ‘the little things,’ isn’t it?
Sharon in Alabama
Your work is beautiful as usual. Using your scrap paper like you do is a great way to repurpose, and make art at the same time. As always you are an inspiration. Love your work. The picture of the little girl painting at the top of this email reminds of my granddaughter, hair color, possible age, and she thinks of herself as an artist too. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
Oh, what a nice treat to see your blog on my tablet this afternoon! You always have such joy and enthusiasm for whatever you are doing. Seeing all those cut up pieces of your “trial runs” reminds me of my teaching days. Never wasting even scraps of paper, and often making bookmarks for my students! But, of course, not as snazzy as the ones you have pictured here! How special you make each day. I already printed, cut out, and laminated my lamb bookmark. It sits at my table waiting oh, so patiently for my copy of your book to arrive! Keeps company with the others I have printed and laminated along the months: Start slow and taper off; Breast Cancer pink flower; Full Moon names; The Owl. They all gather together and visit while we sleep. Have a lovely day and rest of the week! Thanks for visiting!
I like that thought Mary Pat xoxo
It is most generous of you to share bits of your work in this way! What a clever idea! I would so love to win that precious bunny bookmark so thanks for having a giveaway.
Books are such good friends and the pretty bookmarks will be like jewelry for our best friends. Lovely idea to reuse the bits of color. I would certainly be honored to have your Miss Potter bookmark. Cheers!
Love you squiggle papers! What a lucky trashcan it was when you threw the others away. So glad you are saving them now. What a treasure at the book signings!
I had intended to send you this recipe for “ice tea punch” when you told us how to make sun tea, but it will do just as well here:
Steep 2 large tea bags or 6 small ones in boiling water for about 5 minutes. Stir in 1 cup of sugar until it os dissolved. Add 1/2 can of lemonade and 1/2 can orange juice concentrate. Add enough water to make 1 gallon. Refrigerate.
This is the best thirst quenture I know of. It came from my aunt in Pennsylvania from a lady who made gallons of it for a summer fete. She wouldn’t tell the recipe for years. I always have some in my refrigerator in the summer. Enjoy!
Mmmm, sounds delicious Linda! Thank you!
Linda–thanks! This sounds so good and is timely before the 4th of July! It has been so beastly hot here in Minnesota thus far this summer–hot, humid, and hazy–with a lot of severe weather. So I’m going to make some of your tea to keep in the refrigerator!
Thanks, Linda, for the drink recipe! I’m always looking for ways to beat the heat during summer! I will try this one for sure!
from–another Linda!!
LOVE the idea of creating bookmarks from your painting sessions! I’m always picking up bookmarks through my travels and often make a few to stick in books that friends want to borrow. Great idea!
What a great idea to make bookmarks out of your creative bits of test paper. I love a cheerful bookmark, and I would love to give the girl and bunny a home. Happy Summer!
What a great idea to make bookmarks out of your doodles and test papers! Susan, your fans will treasure these booksmarks!! I know I sure will if I’m lucky enough to get one. Happy Summer!!!!
Can’t wait for the book so come in my mailbox! I would LOVE the bookmark to put inside. Thanks!
Because you are a “giver” is the reason that you feel so blessed and filled with gratitude all the time! You just keep throwing your bites of bread upon the waters and big ol’ golden loaves of hearty, nourishing bread keep floating in toward you at high tide 8~D I do so hope I’ll catch one of your delightful bites when you are ready to throw it out there (ahem, I mean, I hope to receive and cherish a little piece of your original artwork!)… Blessings to you as you travel around showing your book of travels.
A little part of you! That’s what you share with us in so many ways. I L*O*V*E the bookmarks. I keep getting out the watercolor “kit” I bought because I have always wanted to paint….but alas, as much as I keep trying….I think I was not standing in that line when the talents were passed out. One of these days I’ll do something worth getting excited about! And believe me there will be no pile of blotters-into-bookmarks from this lady! I love yours though. Brilliant idea! Thank you for another “little part” of you! Hugs, Willa
What a treasure to have one of your beautiful bookmarks! Would make every book that much better!
Wow, do I need the “A Fine Romance” do-it-yourself bookmark! I have a tiny piece of paper in my “work” book, the one I keep in my desk and read when I sit outside at lunch every day. I also have my “home” book that would love a new Beatrix Potter bookmark
Oh, Susan! What a great idea! How clever!! Yes, count me in for the bookmark “draw”. I have the lamb printed out and sitting here, too, just in case!! But knowing me, I’ll need more than one bookmark, as I’ll be wanting to mark more than one place to go back to!! Really looking forward to the book!!! I’ll be watching the list to see if you come anywhere near us! I’ll check out Kellee’s new “treats”, too. This is like being a kid in the candy store.
Bookmarks are always welcome and since I definitely am hoping to buy your lovely, lovely book…a new Susan bookmark in it makes it extra special. Great Idea!
How I love your colors.
Makes me miss my Petey rabbit. :0)
That is such a neat idea!!! I just love it. Oh I hope Kansas City is on the list for the book signing.
Anyhoo, it’s a terrific idea, I’m going to remember that one.
My treasured bookmark that I received years ago in a snail mail WILLARD has gone missing so I’m happy to be able to have a chance to enter my name in this drawing. Thank you Susan for the enjoyment I have received over the years with your artwork. One last thing….I finally found an old coat tree at a local estate sale and I just had to have a Laura Ashley hat like yours to perch on top of it. I found something similar but not quite, so I spent last evening trying to shape the thing with steam pouring out of my teakettle. I added a vintage daisy pin to the hatband, and it’s not exactly authentic, but sure looks cute on the coat tree…..kind of Susan Branch-ish.
Im over-the-moon excited for my very own journal to arrive!! I hope you come somewhere close to east Tn! I would probably faint!! What a joy to get this one-of-a-kind bookmark to go with someone’s own journal!!(I hope it’s me
Love the colors! Great inspiration for me! I’m off to paint right now! Thank you!
Hi Susan, I’m so looking forward to receiving my copy of A Fine Romance. I can just picture using this lovely bookmark to mark my place in it. Thanks for the chance to win!
Love your wonderful idea of cutting up your practice cards to make bookmarks out of them! And, of course, I would absolutely Love to get one! I noticed there is a big gap in your schedule between August and Nov. So I Do hope you will make it to the Seattle area for a book signing! I would dearly love to finally meet you in person!
That would be Awesome! I’m So excited about your advertisements for your book in Victoria and Tea Time magazines! I subscribe to Both! What Fun it’ll be to see them! So will your book be out in time for your first signing in August? I though it wasn’t due out until Sept?
Happy Summer!
Three boxes of books are being sent ahead so we can get a head start on the booksignings. But I do think it might be arriving early, I just don’t know for sure!
You’re always so sweet to share your art and ideas with all of us! I’m sending you some Florida sunshine today…along with the heat! heehee! Sweet Southern hugs, Diane
Dear Sue… I love love love these slices of rainbow! What a fantastic idea! And yes, I’d love to have the book mark for sure! More than anything, though, would love to know you were coming to do book signing in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area! Thanks so much for being such a stress relief for me daily! You are an inspiration! Hugs from TX, Shannon
Anxiously awaiting The Book… and hoping to see you at a signing nearby!
Tricia in CT
The moment I saw the stacks of paper I thought they would make beautiful bookmarks. and a great giveaway. Is it possible to include one in the books that we have ordered through your website? I do some occasional watercolor and save my test strips too. They are fun to look at later. Enjoying your blog so much Susan, so inspirational!
The best bookmarks ever! Please put me in for the drawing.
Any chance those lovely bookmarks will be included for those of us that have pre-ordered A Fine Romance?
You are sooooo creative….
You girls have ordered SO many books ~ those bookmarks wouldn’t go very far at all. But everyone does get a little signed bookplate in their books!
What a great idea for bookmarks! I imagine that, like my Grandmother’s quilts, each one brings back a special memory for you as you recall what you were painting with those colors. How fortunate those able to get to one of your book signings are, to have that treat in addition to the treat of meeting you in person!
The Tale of Peter Rabbit happened to be my favorite book when I was tiny – the one I memorized the words to and would correct Mom or Dad over, if they left one out when they were reading the story to me. Our first child’s bedroom was filled with Peter Rabbit items and, dare I admit it? — 23 years later I’ve managed to keep most of them in there! (He no longer sleeps in the room – it is now my den/haven.)
Thanks for brightening our days with your beautiful artwork and stories!
Susan~I love the “scraps” of paper…wow…very cool…sign me up for the give-away.
You brighten my day! Getting ready to sell my home of 41 years, reluctantly….but sometimes we must move on. Hoping you have a signing in the San Francisco Bay Area…of coarse would love to come to the Vineyard….but that will be another day.
I have to say, I can’t wait for my copy of the book to arrive! I have been a Beatrix Potter fan for a long time and I just love the way you have depicted her on the little cardstock “bookmark”. Would love to win that! I so enjoy seeing a notification of a new post from you in my inbox!!
Love the sweet bunny and girl

I hope to see you in SLO in September. I live in Cambria
oops! November