Summer Morning . . .

It’s a very quiet, very warm summer morning ~ I’m in my studio, the windows are wide open, I feel like I’m on a porch.  It’s still dark, insects are cricking and shisking, birds are just now beginning their morning song, I have my tea, Girl’s asleep on the pillow, Jack’s on the ironing board in front of the pantry screen door, peering out into the dark (ever vigilant) . . . foghorns are blowing over the island  . . . and in the background, softly wafting from our windows into the breaking morning light . . . MUSICA

Today I get to design advertising for our new book for Victoria and Teatime, two of my favorite magazines.  Believe it or not, I’ve never put an ad in a magazine before!  It’s exciting to think about how I want the ads to look.  It just seems to make sense to have our book in the September annual “British” issue of Victoria, don’t you think? And Teatime?  I can’t think of better places for a book about English charm. 

I had an idea the other day.  When I paint, one of the things that’s always at my right hand is a little square of watercolor paper that I use to try out color — you can see it in the back of this photo . . . the little blotter with wisps of paint color.  I couldn’t work without one of these nearby.

I use them to test my pen; I mix colors on them.  This one has the stick on it that I picked up in the yard of Norman Rockwell’s studio.

Sometimes I will paint or write something I don’t care for, it’s not quite good enough, or I don’t like the colors I used, so I’ll want to do it over, but I don’t want to waste the paper, so I cut it up and save it and use it to dab my paint on.  So that’s how some of the art and words show up on these paint daubers.

On this one I practiced pencil drawings of women’s hair. I tried drawing with pen and filling it in with color  — these cards come in very handy.

I’ve done this for years, and when the card is covered in paint and squiggles, I throw it away and get myself a new one.

Until A FINE ROMANCE.  About halfway through the painting of our book, I decided maybe I should start saving these squiggles.  So I did.  I was surprised on how fast they piled up.

And yesterday I cut them all up.

I got quite a handful of them.  They look so festive!

They’re all on card stock and every one of them is covered on both sides with all the colors of the English Countryside; the colors of teatime, long walks, cottage gardens, the Yorkshire Dales, Jane Austen’s house, ocean liner sailing . . .

They’re kind of a little story all by themselves.  Now I wish I’d never thrown any of them away!

But at least I have these . . . and there’s quite little pile of them.  I thought, what good bookmarks these would make.

Not all of them have discernible art on them, but some definitely do, and no matter what, each of them is one of a kind.  I never made the same mess twice!  So, you know I’ve been setting dates for my book signings?  I thought what would be fun . . .

. . . is if I would bring these bits and pieces that helped to make up the original pages of the book and give them away at the signings. ♥  The bookmarks will match the book!

And just in case you can’t get to a signing, or in case I run out before I get to your town (it’s bound to happen, but I promise, only one to a customer!), that big BOOKMARK in the middle is for you.  You can print it at home, cut it out, and tuck it in your book when it comes.

I love planning these book events. The people at the bookstores are such hard workers and make me feel wonderful about coming to them.  My first two book signings will be on Martha’s Vineyard, beginning with Bunch of Grapes Bookstore, on Julia Child’s Birthday  (I just love that), on August 15th. You can keep track of the dates and see where I’ll be going as we begin adding new events this month.  On the right side of the blog you’ll see COMING SOON, EVENTS.  Scroll down for dates, times, links for directions, etc. I hope to see every single one of you somewhere on our long drive across America. 

And just a few more Small Treats:  Did you notice that Kellee put up new summer computer wallpaper, stationery, and postcards you can print out?  She did!  Kellee changes everything for the season; you can always check for her updates if you go to “On-Line Shopping,” and then click on the left on “Free Stuff.”

Oops, I almost forgot to mention.  This time, one of our continuous small treats include a giveaway . . . you see that Beatrix Potter Bookmark in the pile below?  The little girl with the bunny?

Leave a comment, I will sign it and date it ~ in a few days I’ll send it to the winner of the drawing, to the lucky name that Vanna pulls from our giant top hat.

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1,519 Responses to Summer Morning . . .

  1. Christine Morgan says:

    Great idea! Love all your bookmarks you make available for us. You are such an inspiration!

  2. Annette Tracy says:

    I enjoy seeing your paint palettes so much. It’s always fun to see what another painter uses, especially a painter I love so much! You’ve convinced me to keep my scrap papers instead of throwing them out, and to also doodle more on them! Count me in for the drawing! Would love it! Happy Painting…

  3. Maryellen says:

    I am still teary eyed over the years of bookmarks that landed in the landfill or recycling bin! And then I had so much trouble trying to read the blog post with that lovely lady holding the bunny clouding my mind. How wonderful you are going to share her with a special reader. I so hope that special reader is me!

    Faithfully crossing my fingers that if I don’t win (boo hoo), there will be a book signing near me! Maryellen

  4. Christine Morgan says:

    Great idea! Love all your bookmarks you make available for us. You are such an inspiration!

  5. Joanne says:

    Love your blog, your art and your books! Maybe Vanna will draw my name this time, or the next time, or the next . . . ?

  6. Claresgabby says:

    Amazing. Even your squiggles and mistakes are lovely. Happy Summer!!

  7. Heidi says:

    I am planning to buy my boss — retiring after 33 years — one of your new books, and a signed bookmark would be just the thing to whet her appetite for the real deal. Her party will be very English, and she is a fan of yours, so it would be perfect.

  8. Marcia A. Sherman says:

    Susan, please come to the philadelphia/atlantic city corridor soon…

    Marcia in Sewell

  9. Oh Susan, you won’t be anywhere *near* me on your book tour; I’m just too far out in the sticks! Is it possible you’ll stick a book mark in the books folks have pre-ordered? Pretty please?

    • sbranch says:

      Too many Sandra — these bookmarks wouldn’t be a drop in the bucket, but I’m including a signed bookplate for everyone.

      • Linda from Lancaster Co. PA says:

        Wow!!! That many books have been pre-ordered!!! Wonderful! I bet your publisher is glad you decided to pre order. I sure am! I forgot about the book plate:) You have a way of always sweetening everything you give us. Thank you, dear Sue! –Love, Linda

  10. Debby Suovanen says:

    Oh, what a good idea you had to make bookmarks out of your paint blotters! Just as you said that you threw them away, I thought, “Oh no! Don’t throw anything away!”. Your creativity is such an inspiration to me. When i see “Susan Branch Blog” in my Inbox, that’s the first email that I open. Thank you so much for taking the time and sharing as you do. Hope to see you in Oregon.

  11. Alice says:

    Susan, Your blog was a very bright spot in my day! Thanks! Such a creative way to use your paint paper. I love your bookmarks, I print them and use them myself or tuck them in gifts. Best to you on your book signing tour!

  12. Carol in KS says:

    I LOVE your bookmark idea!! What fun!

  13. Stacy P. says:

    I just read your blog to my daughter to show her your wise habit of having a scratch paper nearby while you are working. For just a moment, we were with you in the wee morning hours at your house! Plus, we have always loved the photos of your cats. Thanks for being our inspiration to create!

  14. Sara D NW Georgia says:

    What an absolutely DELIGHTFUL idea!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Us girlfriends will just eat this up at the book signings!

    Hope to see you in a bookstore here is Georgia!!!

  15. Pat Salada says:


    I would love to win this bookmark from your hand….I collect bookmarks and
    this would be delightful addition. Your paintings of young girls always remind
    me of you and this one is an especially good likeness….and there you are holding
    a bunny — one of your passions.

  16. Jill A. says:

    What a nice treat! I love all the beautiful things you can make out of something you once may have considered trash! 🙂 happy summer!

  17. Theresa says:

    The redhead at the top of our post reminds me of my oldest daughter. Not that she’s very “old”–nearly 5. 😉 The bookmark would be fantastic, too!

  18. Bethie says:

    Sweetness, that’s for sure. I love it that you are now saving your precious papers. They are treasures. I can’t wait for your book to come out. I am thinking of someone who will get it for Christmas.

  19. Hi, Susan,
    I’m sitting in the lovely Camden, Maine Public Library where wireless is free, catching up on you wonderful posts. I was so excited to discover that by using “save to my reading list” on my iPad, I am able to save some pages of your blog to read offline. I just shared the post about the present your dad sent to Jack with my Aunt Mary who has no wireless at her house. I was so excited to share that post and pictures of your Jack and girl kitty with her. Her kitties, Pasha and Zach, are the loves of her life. Good luck with your book tour. Thanks, as always, for sharing your wonderful talents with us. Finding your blog is one of the best things that has happened to me since I retired from teaching a year ago.

    • sbranch says:

      How wonderful, Camden! Please say hello to your Aunt Mary for me! I’m so happy to have you here Carolyn.

  20. Sharon Avinger says:

    Oh, how I’d love to win that bookmark! I can’t wait for your book to come out, Susan. Love, love your work.

  21. Patricia from Philly says:

    Oooohhh, Susan!
    I love all those gorgeous watercolors, so lush and vibrant and juicy!

    I soooooooooo hope you’ll be coming down to our area, or nearby, PA or NJ…

    Fingers crossed.

    • Linda from Lancaster Co. PA says:

      Hey Patricia!
      I haven’t heard from you in awhile. If Susan only goes to the Philadelphia area (and not Lancaster), I might see you!! Fun!

  22. Vicki Panzarino says:

    Love your book mark mania idea! Thought of you when last month’s Yankee magazine spotlighted the Vineyard in an article. Can’t wait for the magazine articles to arrive…will look for your advertisement. Happy summer! Enjoy!

  23. Kelly from Pennsylvania says:

    I love the idea of making the bookmarks, they are so colorful and festive!! Any chance of maybe getting one if we pre-order a copy of your book in case we are not close enough to get to one of your book signings?? Just a thought… 🙂

  24. Nancy McCarty says:

    Adorable bookmark!! Maybe it will be mine!!??

  25. Lisa Cleveland says:

    What a great idea! All will be thrilled to get one! Wish you’d come to Texas!

  26. Sharon O says:

    I love your blog and would love to win a special little book mark from you.
    Enjoy your lovely art and stories and especially the kitties.

  27. R Van Duren says:

    Wonderful idea. I’ve always admired the process behind a beautiful project or work of art.

  28. Terri says:

    What a lovely idea for your test papers! I’d love to own a first edition SB bookmark – especially of Beatrix Potter influenced drawing. She’s one of my heroes!
    (Love, your blog! Cultured and refined – yet accessible. Thank you for all the time you take out of your life for us.)

  29. Lynn B says:

    I hope you will be near southern Connecticut for one of your Book Signing events, what a treat that would be. Awesome idea turning squiggles into bookmarks… spread the Susan Branch love!

  30. Lyndia/Corte Madera, CA says:

    I love the spirit of “making something from nothing”. One minute, it’s trash and the next, it’s a bookmark!. I save all small gift enclosures, greeting cards, Christmas photo cards and use them as bookmarks. I’ve opened books to a carefully printed card from a 6 year old niece (who is now married and children of her own) wishing me Happy Easter. I keep a birthday card in my sewing basket from my dear departed Mother. So fun to view their handwriting and sentiments.

  31. I took an Intro to Theater class in college (back in the 80’s) and our teacher was teaching us about set design and told us to work from the top down that way if you dripped paint you could work it in to the design – she said, “there are no mistakes, it’s all a work of art.” Almost 30 years later and with 4 kids and many projects and volunteer opportunities later, I use those words to tell kids when they are painting or drawing. I love that you are saving your “testers” and think that they are lovely works of art. They will become treasured bookmarks by all who are fortunate to receive them. I am so excited to read the new book – we leave in a week to visit London for a week and then Paris as well. Reading your posts has added to our anticipation! I feel as though our week will fly by and when your book comes out we will be inspired to plan a return trip 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Have a wonderful time! If you would like a gorgeous day trip from London, Google Hever Castle. It was the home of Anne Boleyn … it’s wonderful there. Only about 35 miles from London. I’m sure there’s a transportation system that would get you there.

  32. christine says:

    Thank you, Susan, I’d love to have the bookmark:). How about for your book pre-order people (wistfully, wishfully asked…)?

  33. Kathleen says:

    What a wonderful idea ! The girlfriends will be thrilled !! Loved the blog today…just the pick-me-up that I needed !

  34. Nan says:

    I do hope you’ll come to Seattle! I’d love to meet you and tell you how much joy your books have brought to me and my family – we are all beneficiaries of your amazing recipes and I have the thighs to prove it! xoxo

  35. Kay in Iowa says:

    As I was reading along, I thought to myself “those drawings would make wonderful bookmarks”; as I read on, I realized you had the same idea! Some of us will not be able to be at your book signing, but have preordered…would it be possible to include a bookmark with that order? I have already received a mug I ordered for my daughter’s birthday…I am planning on giving her the mug & book at the same time…her name is Amy, if this is possible. She is an avid follower of yours, as am I! Thanks ever so much…I know you are busy, busy!
    Love all you do and are willing to share with others.

  36. Sylvia in Seattle says:

    What a brilliant, fun idea. It’s getting exciting . . . . Can’t wait for my copy of A Fine Romance to arrive — but I guess I’ll have to. I dragged out some old watercolor paints recently and have some test papers of my own so thanks for the inspiration. Fun to read comments from other girlfriend artists today which hopefully will spur me on, especially to get to an art supply store for a better grade of paper. A test strip from Susan B. would be sooooo welcome. I hope, I hope, I hope. Little treats — such fun. Thanks in advance for whoever wins :-).

  37. Barbara Thomas (Lodi,CA) says:

    Vanna, Sue, Joe, pick me please! I must have it! I would treasure it ( as all of us would)!
    Barbara Thomas in Lodi, CA 😉

  38. Jude says:


    All of your posts are delightful, but today’s was so colorful and artful, it made me smile the entire time. Such a clever idea for the bookmarks. People love a momento and these will be extra special. Best wishes always.

  39. Jenn Bontrager says:

    Such sweet bookmarks! Hope I win one. Also so excited for your new book to come out. Are you going to be coming to OKC, OK for a book signing? I hope so I will definetly come.

  40. Barbara Weaver says:

    What a super idea for bookmarks! The ultimate in recycling! Can’t wait for the book to come out — soooo looking forward for my copy! Meanwhile, would love to win the Beatrix Potter bookmark. Could you post your book signing itinerary on the blog? Hope you might be coming near my neck of the woods here in PA.

    Barbara W.

  41. Stacy Smith says:

    I love to read your blog. Every time you show some of your work I am still in awe at your gift. I can’t imagine how you can take paint to paper and create the beautiful pieces of art that you do.

  42. barb bussell says:

    Gosh, Susan, I just love seeing your workspace. As a fellow artist, it warms my heart to see how you have your art space set up, the well-used paints, the “daub papers” (I have those as well, and keep them, since they’re like a little diary). You really do transport all of us girlfriends to your locale, with the wonderful descriptions engaging all five senses. Your blog is a gift. Thank you so much!

  43. Gin in New Hampshire says:

    Dear Susan, I would know your w’s anywhere!

    The bookmarks are beautiful and such a great idea. Please come to New Hampshire so giddiness can commence.


  44. Deborah Winter says:

    Dear Susan,

    Since you are scheduling public appearances and book signings as early as August 15th does that mean those who pre-ordered a copy of your book a few months ago will be receiving their signed copy in the mail before then? Just wondering. . . .

    • sbranch says:

      As soon as the books arrive at the studio in CA ~ we’re not 100% sure when that will be, but sometime between Aug 15 and Sept 1 is what we think, they will start going out. We’re having a few boxes shipped to the island for the first signings, so we can get started on our book tour a little earlier.

  45. T says:

    I love bookmarks*:)

  46. Rebecca Walsh says:

    Would you please ask Vanna to put my name into the giant tumbler from which she draws names, One day, I will be lucky. Now to check out the upcoming events to see if Denver is included (or Colorado or for that matter maybe Iowa or Nebraska, I’m flexible).

  47. Elaine L. from MN says:

    I don’t want to wish my summer away (we had more snow in 1 snowfall in MAY than we did in any month in our never ending winter), but I join all those anticipating your book arrival in Sept. That bookmark would be such an added treasure! Keeping my fingers crossed! (Wouldn’t think about including one in our book order, would you?)

    • sbranch says:

      The bookmarks I have would be a drop in the bucket for the number of books ordered, but everyone does get a little signed book plate in their book. I’ve been signing them!

  48. Brenda Caldwell says:

    I loved the summer morning prelude on your blog today! I must say you are the most kind and generous person I know to share your talents with all of us…A talent not shared is worthless and yours is priceless, because you share it with so many others! Thank you~

  49. Kay - North Central Texas says:

    What fun! You have such a way of including us in your every day life. Please include my name for a book mark.

    Can’t wait for my book. I’ve been looking forward to it’s arrival in September – a birthday present to me! It will be like my very own post card from your trip last year.

  50. Pamela Brouillard says:

    Hi there! I had to laugh a little, as I was reading about the smudges, on the paper and when you cut it up, I thought, “Ooh, what cute bookmarks that would make!”
    As I kept reading on, you were saying you were going to pass them out on your book tours, I thought, “Well, there goes my chance to get one.” Then you said we had a chance to win one! Oh boy!! Here’s my chonce!
    I really love your work and I would truly love to have one of your bookmarks.
    Even if it wasn’t the one with the bear. He is such a cutie! I will probably never get the chance to meet you 🙁 but I would be thrilled to have a signed bookmark.
    By the way,today, June 26th is my Birthday. Wouldn’t it be lovely to have tea and cookies together?
    I have a window in my living room that I listen to the birds and watch them
    jump from branch to branch. It looks like they are playing “Musical Chairs or Hopscotch!” So cute. !
    Thank you for “listening ” to me “ramble” a little 🙂
    I am going to try and get your new book. I love your work so much! I hope you have a great week!

  51. Roma Kottke says:

    I love your bookmark idea! Imagine how many you would have if you saved every single one. Maybe a million?

  52. Karen Holly says:

    Hi Susan! What a delightful idea to make bookmarks out of your colorful papers…and to have the opportunity to win the Beatrix Potter bookmark. I will keep my fingers crossed, as will all of my Beatrix Potter figurines (in which case they would cross the toes of their paws, duck feet, etc., I guess). I cannot wait to receive your new book! Will you have a signing in New Hampshire like you did for your Autumn book? I was there! Please come to New Hampshire again!!!

  53. jean says:

    YOU are a treat, Susan!(and not a small one.) So many life lessons in your words, not the least of which—how to live a life of joy. Every time I read the blog, I send you(from my heart) a thank you and a bless you across the miles…..happy summer!

  54. Debby Mc says:

    Oh! How I love your description of the early morning! I closed my eyes and I was right there. And la musica today was fabulous, so lovely. I love bookmarks and have always cut up pictures in magazines, parts of greeting cards, all kinds of things for bookmarks. I think it all started when my mom used to save the little cardboard dividers in the teabag box for me and told me they made wonderful bookmarks. I would get out my crayons, pencils, or paint, and sometimes things to paste onto them, and I’d spend some fun time decorating them. What was always great was when a new box of tea and a new book or trip to the library coincided! I am SO looking forward to the publication of “our” England book and holding it in my hands! I ordered one for my sister for Christmas, too, cuz she also loves books and England and Martha’s Vineyard, too, just like me. You can bet the tea kettle will be put on to boil and the cookie plate will be filled the day it arrives!

  55. Bets Kirby says:

    Lovely bookmarks! Scraps would also make great postcards (I make homemade postcards). The wonderful squiggles and scraps of pics and words would make great fabric! (If you ever do that I’ll be a customer to make a quilt).

  56. nonnie says:

    What a superb idea . .sharing your “bookmarks”! Susan, you’re the best!

  57. Lynn (in Simi Valley, CA) says:

    Susan – I hope, hope, hope to make it up to San Luis Obispo to the book signing at Remnants of the Past show. I would love one of your watercolor bookmarks. Have already order “A Fine Romance” – can hardly wait.

  58. Tana Griffith says:

    I always enjoy your postings. I wish you would make them into a book. I would buy it! I would so dearly love the little girl with the bunny bookmark. It would sure get used.


  59. Martha Ellen of VA says:

    What a lovely collection of your work. It’s so generous of you Susan to share all the bits and pieces of your work as it progressed to A Fine Romance. A treasure from your own hand will the girlfriends happy! xoxo ♥

  60. Diane P. in N. California says:

    Oh, Susan, I SO hope to attend one of your signings! I will watch the schedule as it gets updated with fingers crossed. Bookmark giveaway (those bookmarks/YOU are brilliant!!!) or no bookmark giveaway, I’ve longed to attend one of your signings for a looong, looong time!
    I have already printed a couple of the lamb bookmarks you made for printing (I bought cardstock JUST for that purpose, now I’m having lots of fun with cardstock!); one for me and one for a friend (who I’m giving your book to for her birthday…shhh, it’s a surprise!) <3 Can hardly wait to see/hold/read your new book AND to see the look on her face when she opens hers!
    Soooo thoughtful and generous of you to include a chance here to win your sweet little girl with bunny bookmark, thank you! That darling girl looks soooo much like my daughter Emily, when she was young. (She was 2 when I started reading your books…she is turning 26 next month!) Gosh, how time has flown!

  61. Cheryl says:

    The bookmarks are beautiful! Thanks for a chance to win one!

  62. Melissa Quarles says:

    those scraps of paper look like a beautiful bouquet of wild flowers….beauty at your fingertips!!! thanks for sharing!!

  63. Oh my I love the bookmarks, I am such a fan and have everything you have probably ever done from the cards to the books, love them all…would love love to add the bookmarks to my collection of your wonderful art…thanks for lthe considerstion…Big fan Phyllis

  64. Lynn Pinda says:

    I love all of your books that I have collected over the years. I am such a fan of your art! Making the scraps into bookmarks is a wonderful idea!

  65. Your bookmarks are adorable!! I so need Vanna to pick me for I doubt that you come close to Thomasville, Alabama….:(. But I have pre-ordered your book and I can’t wait to get it. Love your blog and Vanna…….have I told you how marvelous you have been looking……;)

  66. heidi shorts says:

    susan…you make me laugh! as a calligrapher, i also keep spare paper handy for testing my ink and my strokes and my swirls & squiggles! it makes such sense, doesn’t it??? (kind of a parallel world…mimicking the final product but with all the fun and “permission” to test & experiment)…i think i might have to save some! by the way, my husband was so proud of himself…he took my hint and ordered a copy of “a fine romance” for my birthday…he kept telling me that i had a gift that would be coming in the mail “any day”…but it didn’t come and it didn’t come. when he finally told me what he’d ordered and how frustrated he was, i reassured him that it was a WONDERFUL gift, but that i would be enjoying it in a few more months since it was a pre-order. he was so relieved…he was ready to call someone and complain! i just know he will enjoy the book almost as much as me:) thank you for all the ways you make us smile! xo heidi

  67. shirley burt says:

    Hi Susan,
    What a treat your blog is to all of us !! And now a chance to have a “scrap” of you tucked away in the BEST book, soon to be released. Thank you a bunny bunch for loving us all. Take good care of yourself, there are an awful lot of girlfriends in the world waiting. Your heart is too generous, and you will overdo. There is no doubt about that.
    Love and bunny hugs,

  68. Kathy H says:

    Funny, when I was painting in college I did the same thing – dabbed on art paper before the canvas – I couldn’t bring myself to throw them away, so when they were filled up I put them on the bottom of my bookshelf in my dorm – I have no idea of where they are now – hmm, maybe I need to look for them?!

  69. Pam G says:

    Thank you for the lovely bookmark to print! What a good idea for your squiggles. It has been hot and dry in Canandaigua the last few days, but we have had enough rain that my plants look much more robust than they have in the past couple of years. I hardly know it’s my garden. I heard from a couple of friends that this is supposed to be a wonderful gardening summer in our area-oh, I hope, I hope… I ran out and bought 5 more beautiful perennial plants. I always say no planting after the end of June so I will “squeak” through.
    Best to you, hubby and those sweet kitties

  70. Melissa Leathley says:

    As I was reading your blog and saw your “scraps” of paper I was thinking what great bookmarks they would be. And then you SAID that same thing. YAY! It also gives me ideas as I am a new artist. I have been doing black ink and pen drawings of mostly abstract stuff. I never knew I had it in me until someone asked if I would illustrate a nursery rhyme for them. I have never done faces or hands or fairies or poppies and what do you know? I can draw all those things and more.
    Thank you for your inspiration over all these years. It was growing in there each time I read one of your books or looked at any of your paintings. LOVE it!

  71. Vickie in Cleveland says:

    Oh, what a great idea for bookmarks! Anyone would love to have a little bit of your “squiggles”. I wish I could come to one of your book signings in person.
    I can’t wait for my book to come. It won’t be long now!

    Vickie in Cleveland

  72. ChrisTea says:

    Awww …. I would love to have the bookmark. I’ve always been drawn to that little bunny. Sooo cute! Thank you.

  73. sloDian says:

    I can’t wait until November when you will be visiting SLO again. Please, Vanna, choose me!

  74. Julie McCrary says:

    Bookmarks are so special. I love opening a treasured book and finding a marker of the time I read it…..perhaps a photograph, or a note someone wrote, or even an actual bookmark:) I think you had a “brilliant” idea, as they would say in England! Have a blessed day. x

  75. Judy says:

    What a wonderful idea isn’t it amazing how creative we can be. Enjoy your summer

  76. Kristi says:

    What a lovely surprise gift for one of your lucky readers! Have a wonderful summer!

  77. Traci S. says:

    What a wonderful treat for all the lucky people who attend your early book signings! I would love to be one of those lucky enough to attend your first book signing in August but alas, I live in the Pacific NW. So, I will have to trust to fate and Vanna’s drawing abilities for my chance at the lovely bookmark of the girl and bunny.

    Thank you for all the work and love you put into your blog posts! It is a special treat when there is a new post I can read and savor. Your artwork is just so “happy.” It evokes the simplicity and purity of the little things in life that are to be enjoyed and reminds us to do so; much in the way Norman Rockwell portrayed the scenes of everyday life. Thank you for your work!

  78. Bell says:

    Hi Susan,
    Love your post! Are you going to be on the morning talk shows when your book
    Comes out? I would love to have a book mark.

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t think so, I’m a little shy of TV to be honest. I think I would like it, but I would need a LOT of practice!

  79. Carol Duffey says:

    Hi Susan, I’m SO HAPPY you’re coming to Vroman’s!! I’ll be there for sure. Hope to be 1st in line (so maybe I can snag one of your bookmark “test strips”)See you in November I assume! Have a great summer!

  80. Margi Duffy says:

    Sometimes I wish I would write something every time I thought of you, or after each newsletter and share with you how much you inspire and bless my day. I am sure you would get tired of me. But please know that I am so blessed to have you in my days. I love your idea of the handouts for the book signings, unfortunately you don’t come to my little town, but I have already pre ordered your new book. I could not possibly pass it up because then my shelf would be bare.
    Thank you for all you share.

  81. Margi Duffy says:

    PS Thank you for the bookmark for the new book, I printed out two. I pre ordered 2 of the books for me and my bestest friend, so now both of us have a bookmark.

  82. Linda Pintarell says:

    What a colorful blog and what a wonderful idea for bookmarks. You are one smart gal, Miz Susan, but then we all know that! Just spent a few days in central California – walked around the sweet town of Arroyo Grande…walked into what used to be your store…now a place called the GATHERING…took a pix for posterity. Lucked out with lovely weather ALTHOUGH Sunday evening the whole area of central coast lost power from about 9:30 PM until early hours of next morning. Not a usual occurrence for this part of country; not everyone well prepared but thank goodness in late evening hours. Now headed for Napa and the wine country tomorrow. LOVE road trips!

  83. Marilyn says:

    I was so sad when I saw that you cut her up, so I’m glad she’s going to a new home! 🙂 Thanks for all of your fun giveaways–and your lovely blog.

  84. Coni (Nashville, TN) says:

    What a wonderful idea! As I was reading, I thought “Wouldn’t it be nice to have one of Susan’s little dauble sheets?” And as soon as I saw that you’d cut them into strips I was imagining the most adorable, one-of-a-kind bookmarks and voila! How sweet that you would share these special little treasures with your fans! You are one of the most generous women!!!

  85. Jennifer D... says:

    Mee,me, mee, me me me me……pick me. I REALLY want that bookmark! 🙂
    I use little pieces of watercolor paper ‘daubers’ like that too. I have some with my daughters art doodles when she was little. They are priceless. 🙂

  86. says:

    “Scraps” are one of my favorite by-products of crafting/creating. Occasionally when I’m quilting or making cards, I will use only my scraps – so interesting to use in new ways. Thank you for sharing yours!

  87. Jen Y says:

    What a beautiful idea for your blotters. I’d love to win the Beatrix Potter bookmark.

  88. Pam says:

    Susan, you are the best girlfriend! You come up with the greatest ideas. Even if I don’t win, it was fun be part of a great idea. Pam

  89. Lee says:

    What a fabulous prize!! I am happy to have the chance to win!

  90. Christine says:

    What charming bookmarks! I love the idea for you book signings! Never get tired of reading your posts!

  91. Nola Wilson says:

    I hope to see you at a book signing in California. If I am so lucky to receive a bookmark I think I would frame it and hang it in my craft room. Anytime I would need inspiration all I would have to do is to look at the bookmark and smile! I am sure your idea of giving out your bookmarks will make a lot of ladies happy. Thanks Susan!

  92. Sandy Forbes says:

    Just read you’re considering a visit to Oklahoma for your book tour. Yea! I’d be thrilled to have you sign my copy and just as thrilled to have a scrap/bookmark! And thank you for the chance to win the bunny bookmark. You make me smile! 🙂

  93. Linda L. says:

    What lovely pieces of your book. I would love one!
    Linda L. in hot simmering Texas

  94. Kelly says:

    Hi Susan! Not only do I think that I really really really need that bookmark, I also think I am going to go buy myself some watercolor paper and watercolors and get busy! I love the idea of little doodles all over!

    • JoAnn from SoCal says:

      Hi Kelly,
      Susan’s watercolor bookmarks had the safe effect on me! Out to the art supply store I go!!!

  95. Bernie B says:

    I always enjoy your blog and this retired school librarian would love to win a bookmark!

  96. Cynthia (in Tucson) says:

    Eagerly awaiting the new book! The peeks you’ve provided look stunning and I anticipate much time spent with it. Any chance your book signing tour might take you through Tucson?

  97. Suzanne Alexander says:

    As a former school librarian, I love the idea of your using the paint daubers as bookmarks for giving away at your book signings. I would love the Beatrix Potter bookmark. Love your art!

  98. Mary says:

    You are so very clever, and thrifty 🙂
    I hope you are coming to MPLS
    You always make me smile, thank you!

  99. Pam Higgins says:

    OMG! It amazes me how often you can surprise us! Another give away! Thank you! Even if I never win, thank you! You make us all happy to be friends…xo

  100. Marianne says:

    The bookmarks of your test papers is a lovely lovely idea. Colorful. Happy. I’ve been trying – just started dabbling in – doing watercolor (starting with watercolor pencils) – three tiny ones – a tea cup, a robin, and a birdhouse. The tea cup turned out the best. I had trouble getting the robin and birdhouse to look like watercolor. I might not have colored them in enough. I never thought of using bits of paper to try out/test (though it wouldn’t work with watercolor pencils) – so this is a great tip, too, that I will use when I try my other watercolors.

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