It’s a very quiet, very warm summer morning ~ I’m in my studio, the windows are wide open, I feel like I’m on a porch. It’s still dark, insects are cricking and shisking, birds are just now beginning their morning song, I have my tea, Girl’s asleep on the pillow, Jack’s on the ironing board in front of the pantry screen door, peering out into the dark (ever vigilant) . . . foghorns are blowing over the island . . . and in the background, softly wafting from our windows into the breaking morning light . . . MUSICA
Today I get to design advertising for our new book for Victoria and Teatime, two of my favorite magazines. Believe it or not, I’ve never put an ad in a magazine before! It’s exciting to think about how I want the ads to look. It just seems to make sense to have our book in the September annual “British” issue of Victoria, don’t you think? And Teatime? I can’t think of better places for a book about English charm. ♥
I had an idea the other day. When I paint, one of the things that’s always at my right hand is a little square of watercolor paper that I use to try out color — you can see it in the back of this photo . . . the little blotter with wisps of paint color. I couldn’t work without one of these nearby.
I use them to test my pen; I mix colors on them. This one has the stick on it that I picked up in the yard of Norman Rockwell’s studio.
Sometimes I will paint or write something I don’t care for, it’s not quite good enough, or I don’t like the colors I used, so I’ll want to do it over, but I don’t want to waste the paper, so I cut it up and save it and use it to dab my paint on. So that’s how some of the art and words show up on these paint daubers.
On this one I practiced pencil drawings of women’s hair. I tried drawing with pen and filling it in with color — these cards come in very handy.
I’ve done this for years, and when the card is covered in paint and squiggles, I throw it away and get myself a new one.
Until A FINE ROMANCE. About halfway through the painting of our book, I decided maybe I should start saving these squiggles. So I did. I was surprised on how fast they piled up.
And yesterday I cut them all up.
I got quite a handful of them. They look so festive!
They’re all on card stock and every one of them is covered on both sides with all the colors of the English Countryside; the colors of teatime, long walks, cottage gardens, the Yorkshire Dales, Jane Austen’s house, ocean liner sailing . . .
They’re kind of a little story all by themselves. Now I wish I’d never thrown any of them away!
But at least I have these . . . and there’s quite little pile of them. I thought, what good bookmarks these would make.
Not all of them have discernible art on them, but some definitely do, and no matter what, each of them is one of a kind. I never made the same mess twice! So, you know I’ve been setting dates for my book signings? I thought what would be fun . . .
. . . is if I would bring these bits and pieces that helped to make up the original pages of the book and give them away at the signings. ♥ The bookmarks will match the book!
And just in case you can’t get to a signing, or in case I run out before I get to your town (it’s bound to happen, but I promise, only one to a customer!), that big BOOKMARK in the middle is for you. You can print it at home, cut it out, and tuck it in your book when it comes.
I love planning these book events. The people at the bookstores are such hard workers and make me feel wonderful about coming to them. My first two book signings will be on Martha’s Vineyard, beginning with Bunch of Grapes Bookstore, on Julia Child’s Birthday ♥ (I just love that), on August 15th. You can keep track of the dates and see where I’ll be going as we begin adding new events this month. On the right side of the blog you’ll see COMING SOON, EVENTS. Scroll down for dates, times, links for directions, etc. I hope to see every single one of you somewhere on our long drive across America. ♥
And just a few more Small Treats: Did you notice that Kellee put up new summer computer wallpaper, stationery, and postcards you can print out? She did! Kellee changes everything for the season; you can always check for her updates if you go to “On-Line Shopping,” and then click on the left on “Free Stuff.”
Oops, I almost forgot to mention. This time, one of our continuous small treats include a giveaway . . . you see that Beatrix Potter Bookmark in the pile below? The little girl with the bunny?
Leave a comment, I will sign it and date it ~ in a few days I’ll send it to the winner of the drawing, to the lucky name that Vanna pulls from our giant top hat. ♥
What a delightful bookmark, thank you for the chance to win!
Hi Susan,
I must say this blog surprised me. As a watercolorist, I was taught not to toss out anything I painted – including my scraps – as they could be turned into something else – bookmarks, collages, little cards, little framed abstracts, etc. I have done that for as long as I have been painting and just assumed that it was your practice too! Imagine my eyes popping wide as I learned you had previously just tossed your scraps out. Oh the artful joys those scraps would have provided. But GREAT IDEA today – FANTASTIC IDEA today – yes, DO IT – save the scraps and make them part of your book tour. I just need to figure out where you will be that is close enough to me to be there for the signing!
Happy summer to you!
Oh, how exciting that you will be advertising in both Victoria and TeaTime! I subscribe to both of those magazines, and I can’t wait to see your art in them.
The bookmarks are a really wonderful idea! My mom and I are excited to get our copy of A Fine Romance. We thought we’d make it like a fun book club read.
Oh Vanna! Pick me please! I’ve ordered my book and I can’t wait to see you in California!!
Wonderful idea………..hope Vanna pulls my name!
Any chance you will come to or near Michigan??? I’m keeping my fingers crossed!!!
Hi S B,
I printed out the sheep bookmark twice cuz I love your bookmarks! Thank you.
WA State
I would totally cherish a bookmark from you. love love love your artwork…
I will be in the line to see you in SLO…looking forward to it!
What a lovely idea! These bookmarks represent the creative process of your finished book. Which I am anxiously awaiting!
I am always so excited when I check in and…BOOM a new glorious post! I have to say, even when there isn’t a new post, I so enjoy all of the comments from the smart and witty women you’ve gathered together under the Branch Umbrella! My aunt and I can’t wait for the new book. She’s traveling to England in May of 2014…A Fine Romance will be a fine guide for her no doubt!

Tawni Urrutia in Lodi, Ca
Isn’t it nice to think of a use for things that we could just throw away? I am a quilter and cannot bear to throw away anything but the smallest smidgens of fabric. I’m sure I could use those for something too, if I thought about it long enough. The bookmarks are great keepsakes!
I am so excited about your new book since I got to travel that trip with you, thanks to your wonderful blog. I have it pre-ordered and excitedly await the day it arrives. Having a book mark would be fun for some very lucky person. Thank you for your wonderful thougths and your marvelous creativity.
I do the same thing to test my colors.
Please put my name in the hat!!
I love Susan Branch. I love Beatrix Potter. I love to read. I would love the bookmark. Pick me.
Oh how I love bookmarks! I already have your Fine Romance bookmark and use it daily. I have a passion for a good book at all times. Thank you for sharing your doodles with us all – yes, I plan to be at your book signing out in San Luis Obispo, CA – it’s marked on my calendar already. Enjoy a magical summer.
Susan, dear heart, please don’t run out of the squiggles bookmarks before you reach your other natural habitat–California. We plan to visit you at Remnants of the Past, and purchase Our Book there. November is ever so far off…
See you there Lenita!
Ahhhhhhhh, I love you!
Printing and tucking them in my book of days until my pre ordered copy arrives. Thanks, madam! xo
I am so loving your bookmark idea! Hope to receive one at a book signing. But if not, I will go ahead and make my own!
Love to all !
You are so thoughtful for sharing so much with us…
What an encouragement to us and our children!
The bookmark idea is inspired! Hope I win the B. Potter one!! Seeing it reminded me of a woven Peter Rabbit bookmark that one of my first graders brought me from England. His mum was British and they went for Spring break. I went looking for it and found it in a book called The Magic Years of Beatrix Potter by Margaret Lane. That book was signed be a class of 2nd graders who gave it to me. I can remember each of those kids…good memories!!!!!! The British mother also gave me her recipes for plum pudding and roast goose. That Christmas we has a Charles Dickens dinner party. I hadn’t thought of those things in years. You always manage to spark the best memories! Thank you!!
I love the pieces of scrap paper. I paint with water colors and I can’t paint without them. Love the idea of cutting them up like you did. Even your scratch paper look professional. Hope I win.
Looking at your blotters reminded me of some of the drawings my mom once did. The sheet with the women’s hair and little yellow cat in particular. Alas, I didn’t inherit her ability to draw, but I can sew and do other artsy things which make my heart sing each time I find time to create. If you visit a bookstore within two hours of here I’ll definitely try to be there to have my book signed. Crossing fingers now and hoping…
The bookmarks look like an explosion of pure joy! Literally counting the days for
release of the book!!!
Thank you for sharing your tea and kitties morning with us girlfriends. Your storybook settings filled with serenity and peace are always welcome!
Love to read! Love creative bookmarks! Hope I win!
Please, please, please, please, pleeeeeeeeeaaase come through Georgia! (smile)
What I’m beginning to think would be handy is that we take a vote, choose one state and we all move there!
That is about what I was thinking, too…
Just think how easy your cross-country booksigning trip would be! LOL!
Just out my front door!
oh my, MV would sink if ALL your Girlfriends would gather at your front door!
Linda, I had the identical thought before reading your comment!
And Judi–I was looking at a map of the USA the other day (for another reason) and the thought occurred to me that with the price of gas per gallon, Sue and Joe have to be careful or this booksigning road trip will cost more than the amount of money they will make selling books along the way!!!
As much as we would all like to see them, realistically they can’t visit all of our towns and states… LOL!
My friend Chris just gave me a very special surprise of your “Christmas Heart Of The Home” book which she bought at a estate sale auction………….see that Susan, only in death do people give up your books!!! I could really use a nice little bookmarker to put in it!
If you read this Chris …………Thank You So Much!!!
Oh my gosh they are so cute. I love all of the colors, and would love one. The ones that have only the paint colors on them are so festive and would brighten anyone’s day. They are just SO pleasant to look at.
Love Beatrix and her bunny. Would cherish her forever.
This book looks like it turned into a true masterpiece. Amazing.
I hope you come sign books somewhere in the South! I would love to meet you and get my book signed!
Hello Susan, What a wonderful way to share your talents, making your squiggle papers into bookmarks! I always say re-purpose, re-use and refresh! The book markers are just so cheerful with all the lovely colors. I always print out the one that you offer free on the website (and usually print more than one so I can share them with my girlfriends. ) Thank you so much for that. I know that you love sheep and lambs, you must visit, I think that you will enjoy her writings. Have a great week!
Warmest regards,
Oh my, this is so sweet. I have ordered two of your books already, one for me and one for a dear friend. If I am lucky enough to win drawing I will tuck it in into your book, a second surprise for her birthday!
While I was reading the blog about your little papers I was thinking to myself “she should save those” and lo and behold look what you did!! What a wonderful idea to give one out with each book. Here’s to hoping you cone somewhere near Pittsburgh PA and you still have some left.
I cant wait to see where you will be doing book signings! I sense a girls road trip may be in the works -the best part is that my BFF and I both have 2 daughters that love your books, so a road trip could be fun!! Please come to Connecticut
So happy!!!My four year old son loves to paint and draw on paper and cut them into strips for me to use as bookmarks as well.Kindred spirit!
Love to you and your home and hope to see you on the tour….Marybeth
PS…Will your schedule be posted for the signings? I hope you’re coming to TN….beautiful in the Fall!!! But if not, I’ll drive and wondered if you’ll be someplace close. Tn has more neighboring states that any other state and Knoxville is not very far from three of them.
Yes, I’ll post my schedule as we begin to fill it in, not sure exactly where we’re going now!
Susan ;
Thank you for your wonderful display of color bits and sketches. As a rug hooker I have finally started to keep a sketch book of ideas for rugs as well as design elements to go into current projects. I don’t know how i did it before.
Love the bookmarks. I am still using the full moon one. Love knowing when to watch for the full moon. Our last one was spectacular.
Love what you’ve done with the paint papers…what a fun idea!
Hi Susan,
Thank you for all of your recent posts…I love the bookmark..hope I win!
How exciting to start planning your book signings!! The cherry on top of all of your hard work. Happy summer…
I remember the first time I saw one of those sampler water color sheets, it was in a photo of something else and caught my eye, like, wow, that looks like artwork all by itself! it’s so fun to see your paints–so many! makes me realize how much work goes into your work. you’re such a dear, Susan, I’m so grateful for you…xox sandy
What a wonderful surprise it would be to win a lovely bookmark for me!
i would like to enter your drawing.
i was wondering if the people that preordered your books from your shop be able to have one of your bookmarks when you mail them out? (the bookmarks you recently wrote about in your blog?)
just a thought.
thank you, joanna
Always fun to have something of yours and this is unique! Thanks for thinking of all of us.
Am so looking forward to the book (I pre-ordered it)! I hope you enjoy every minute of your signing tour, and stay safe. Artists are the specialist peoples!
Such a wonderful idea!! Looking forward to my book. Thanks for sharing with us,,
I was hoping all those cut up papers would become bookmarks! What a wonderful idea. Thank you. Also. What does shisking sound like?
Say the word and that’s what it sounds like, emphasis on the s’s shhhhisssssk.
Such a sweet prize! Put my name in the hat, please. Thanks so much!
I look forward to seeing you at one of the book signings. Have you given any
more thought to coming to Bakersfield?
Hope your trip is as delightful as you are.
Nancy (from Bakersfield)
Yes, we’re going to try to do that!
Susan, I’m still waiting for “the call”. You know Strawberry Patches would love to host a signing sometime this fall. I’ve already started a secret Pinterest board on “How to host a proper English Tea”, Union Jack buntings are in the planning stage and Downton Abbey fabric is ordered, all just in case it all works out. You have so many devoted girl friends. I know you will be warmly welcomed where ever you go.
I’m-a comin’ Suzanne — we haven’t started arranging the CA part of the trip, it sort of has to go in order — between MA and CA in the car, when we stop, so we actually know when we get to CA — it’s confusing, but I promise, I’ll call!
Well then I’d best be getting to sewing…lots of party favors to make! =)
I like the sound of this!
Love, love, love Beatrix Potter! My 19yo dd says one of her children someday will have a B.P. bedroom! Looking forward to seeing your tour schedule…if you are coming to TX, my dd and I will be in line! (She pre-ordered your new book for me for Mother’s Day…or Mum’s Day as she says in her best British accent…:0) )
Let your 19 year old know she doesn’t have to wait for that baby!
Just call it the “guest room” 
What wonderful bookmarks!! Thank you for a chance to win such a cute one!
Oh how special it would be to have a signed bookmark to put in your new book when it arrives in my all the special things you do for all your fans…
I can’t wait to print the sheep bookmark!! YAY! Fall can’t come soon enough to get our book!!!!! Wound love one of your “bookmarks”. I think that would be to wonderful!!!! Love the idea, it’s great!
Thank you for the lambie bookmark with the British flag scarf and bunting. I love it! Waiting in such anticiation for your book. Yay for pre-order and please, please, please come to the Pacific Northwest (Preferably Seattle but would love to take the train to Portland too to see you!) for book signing. Love, Karen
Love the little blotters. I have your new book on pre-order; very excited to see it!
What a nice idea! Would love to win this bookmark.
These are really cool!! Would love to use one when I read.
What a wonderful way to use and save your paint blotters! The picture you included from the Woman’s Home Companion hangs on my wall at home. I received it from a friend when starting my teaching career almost 30 years ago! Great to see it in your blog. Especially nice to see as I just accepted a job to go back to teaching after several years off.
Congratulations Rita!
The fanned out stack of bookmarks gives me the same happy feeling as when I look at Christmas lights. Very cool to have a chance to have one of my own!
That is a wonderful way to recycle!! Your bookmarks are adorable. I wish I was talented. I hope you book tour brings you to Central NY!! I will definitely be there with book in hand.
What a great idea to make bookmarks!!! So very creative! Hoping you will be doing a book signing near Yorba Linda, California! :]
Susan, I can’t wait until this book comes out! What a treasure for all of us Anglophiles — you’re a dear for being you! (I’m feeling lucky, Vanna … )
As a yankee stuck in Texas, I just ordered the magazine. I had never heard of it before. Looking forward to it and can’t wait for your book to arrive!
Thanks for making me smile.
Hi Barbara,
I am a Yankee stuck in Texas also! Former Buckeye… in Knickerbocker. Where are you?
The beautiful little girl with the bunny is so lovely. I’m wondering why you decided not to use her. She is absolutely beautiful! I’m hoping to win……
The bookmarks are a fabulous idea and so pretty!
Being a retired art teacher and an avid believer of “making something out of nothing”, I would LOVE to receive one of your bookmarks to go in MY copy of YOUR book!
I think you are just the greatest thing. Thanks for always sharing your bliss with us.
I’m SO looking forward to getting my book and would LOVE to win the bookmark!! ♥
Love the bookmarks!!Put one in each book!!!Love the blog!!
Would love, love, love the bookmark! Can’t wait to get my book!
Hi Sue. I sure hope you will be doing a signing in my area. I’ve ordered my book and sure hope I can meet you:)
Mr. Tophat…take a bow
I would likes bookmark now!
Cute idea, Susan. These will be real treasures!
Your blog is one I never go without reading. I would love one of your watercolour dab bookmarks! Thank you for the enjoyment.
What a treasure this bookmark would be. Hope I’m the lucky winner!
Oooh, someone is going to be so lucky! Thanks for sharing your art and sweetness.
What a great idea!………LOVE it. Can you imagine Susan the WONDERFUL pile you would have if you had saved them all!?! As soon as you started talking about them the idea came to me! I have already printed out two of your bookmarks one for me and another for a friend that I have bought the book for! These though are soooooo special. What a delight! I also LOVE the Beatrix Potter one! There is going to be a girlfriend squealing somewhere across America on this one….Maybe even FIREWORKS for the 4th of July!! I am so hoping that you come close to Florida….This girl would then be squealing….WooHoo! Thank you for the delights you bring into our life on a regular basis. We are blessed because of them!!
Susan, I love the idea of using these as bookmarks. Yes, I’d love to win this special one. Can’t wait for your book too.
I would love to have this new bookmark:-) I’m anxiously awaiting my book order too!
The little girl on the bookmark is so precious. I would love to have it to tuck away in a book. Please come to Texas, preferably the city of Tyler!
Susan, your art is so inspiring! I would love to use that bookmark! What a blessing. Happy Summer!
What a great idea to cut up your practice boards for bookmarks. Is there any chance you will be sending any with preordered copies of “our” book? If not, I would love to win the BP bookmark. Thank you for all your generosity!
All I can say is that I love your work. I have all your books big and small, note cards, stationary, calenders and anything else I can get my hands on. Keep on with the beautiful work that you do. I enjoy it so much…Happy Days
OMG!!!!!!! Thank you for your give-a-ways!! ALWAYS a little bright spot in my life!! Truly a huge anticipation!!!!! YAY!!!
I LOVE LOVE your blog! It always makes me feel like I have an online girlfriend group out there! Would LOVE to win a book mark – and am hoping your book signing will include Oregon at some point!
You DO have an online girlfriend group out there, or here, actually! xoxo
O I love this idea! I try to recycle everything I can… Your art is So inspiring that anyone would love a blotter sample! I’ve enjoyed your art since you first appeared in Country Living magazine … So many moons ago!! Blessings from the very hot pastures of Texas!
into the hat my name goes — hoping Vanna will pull it out!!!
Those blotters look festive ! Eagerly anticipating finding this book in the mail.I would love to be able to slip the Beatrix Potter bookmark in it!
Thank you so much for the new downloads… I love them all, you are so kind to give those of us that are not close to your book signing locations an oppornunity to have a little bit of SB in our day….
Your bookmarks are wonderful! A favorite postcard or greeting card makes for a fun bookmark too.
Thank you for a chance to win the bookmark. I can’t wait to read your book!
Your bookmarks from your blotter paper are absolutely charming! So colorful and whimsical. Thank you for the opportunity, Susan.
I like how you think ! What a great idea , Miss Smarty pants !
I hope you’ll be coming to Connecticut to do a booksigning, Susan. It would be so nice to meet you in person and have you sign the book. I love all the colors in your blotters. They’re better than a rainbow!
I’ll be there Pat!
Great! Please let me know as soon as you make the arrangements.
San Luis Obispo on my 59th birthday! I’m 7 hours north, but I’d sure love to be there!
Do you plan to be anywhere in far northern CA ?
Not sure, probably only up to the wine country, but perhaps we will drive to Washington — or maybe we will take the train. That part is still being worked out.
Love your bookmark! Looking forward to reading your new book:-)
Charming idea. Love reading your blog!
I would cherish any scrap of paper with one of your drawings on it. Love all the pretty “bookmarks.” Hope you will be at a city near me.
I love Beatrix Potter, and I hope her farm is featured in your “Fine Romance” book, which I can’t wait to read!
it is, it is!! Oh yes!