It’s a very quiet, very warm summer morning ~ I’m in my studio, the windows are wide open, I feel like I’m on a porch. It’s still dark, insects are cricking and shisking, birds are just now beginning their morning song, I have my tea, Girl’s asleep on the pillow, Jack’s on the ironing board in front of the pantry screen door, peering out into the dark (ever vigilant) . . . foghorns are blowing over the island . . . and in the background, softly wafting from our windows into the breaking morning light . . . MUSICA
Today I get to design advertising for our new book for Victoria and Teatime, two of my favorite magazines. Believe it or not, I’ve never put an ad in a magazine before! It’s exciting to think about how I want the ads to look. It just seems to make sense to have our book in the September annual “British” issue of Victoria, don’t you think? And Teatime? I can’t think of better places for a book about English charm. ♥
I had an idea the other day. When I paint, one of the things that’s always at my right hand is a little square of watercolor paper that I use to try out color — you can see it in the back of this photo . . . the little blotter with wisps of paint color. I couldn’t work without one of these nearby.
I use them to test my pen; I mix colors on them. This one has the stick on it that I picked up in the yard of Norman Rockwell’s studio.
Sometimes I will paint or write something I don’t care for, it’s not quite good enough, or I don’t like the colors I used, so I’ll want to do it over, but I don’t want to waste the paper, so I cut it up and save it and use it to dab my paint on. So that’s how some of the art and words show up on these paint daubers.
On this one I practiced pencil drawings of women’s hair. I tried drawing with pen and filling it in with color — these cards come in very handy.
I’ve done this for years, and when the card is covered in paint and squiggles, I throw it away and get myself a new one.
Until A FINE ROMANCE. About halfway through the painting of our book, I decided maybe I should start saving these squiggles. So I did. I was surprised on how fast they piled up.
And yesterday I cut them all up.
I got quite a handful of them. They look so festive!
They’re all on card stock and every one of them is covered on both sides with all the colors of the English Countryside; the colors of teatime, long walks, cottage gardens, the Yorkshire Dales, Jane Austen’s house, ocean liner sailing . . .
They’re kind of a little story all by themselves. Now I wish I’d never thrown any of them away!
But at least I have these . . . and there’s quite little pile of them. I thought, what good bookmarks these would make.
Not all of them have discernible art on them, but some definitely do, and no matter what, each of them is one of a kind. I never made the same mess twice! So, you know I’ve been setting dates for my book signings? I thought what would be fun . . .
. . . is if I would bring these bits and pieces that helped to make up the original pages of the book and give them away at the signings. ♥ The bookmarks will match the book!
And just in case you can’t get to a signing, or in case I run out before I get to your town (it’s bound to happen, but I promise, only one to a customer!), that big BOOKMARK in the middle is for you. You can print it at home, cut it out, and tuck it in your book when it comes.
I love planning these book events. The people at the bookstores are such hard workers and make me feel wonderful about coming to them. My first two book signings will be on Martha’s Vineyard, beginning with Bunch of Grapes Bookstore, on Julia Child’s Birthday ♥ (I just love that), on August 15th. You can keep track of the dates and see where I’ll be going as we begin adding new events this month. On the right side of the blog you’ll see COMING SOON, EVENTS. Scroll down for dates, times, links for directions, etc. I hope to see every single one of you somewhere on our long drive across America. ♥
And just a few more Small Treats: Did you notice that Kellee put up new summer computer wallpaper, stationery, and postcards you can print out? She did! Kellee changes everything for the season; you can always check for her updates if you go to “On-Line Shopping,” and then click on the left on “Free Stuff.”
Oops, I almost forgot to mention. This time, one of our continuous small treats include a giveaway . . . you see that Beatrix Potter Bookmark in the pile below? The little girl with the bunny?
Leave a comment, I will sign it and date it ~ in a few days I’ll send it to the winner of the drawing, to the lucky name that Vanna pulls from our giant top hat. ♥
Your summer morning with windows open is heavenly. Thanks for transporting us. I save my “blotters” too. One day they can be cut up and become a watercolor mosaic. Bless You. GM
OMG! You constantly amaze me!!! The creativity that flows out of you just makes me shake my head in wonder! It is at that time that I think to myself (or shout out loud) “I wish I had just a smiggin of that talent!” Of course… each and everyone of we “girlfriends” have a talent that we use each and every day. Some of us just have to look a little deeper as to what that is! LOL For instance, I have the amazing talent to do multiple projects at the same time, making it impossible to complete one! Now how many of you can do that???? I can tell you are getting REALLY excited about this “Romance…..introduction” and, boy, can I understand why! Don’t think for one minute you are going into this alone….Oh,NO! Each and every one of us are proudly standing beside you for this one! Once again – I AM SOOOOO PROUD OF YOU, MY DEAR!!” I have watched you grow during this whole process. You have gained more and learned more about what you can do and who you are and the many places you have yet to go. My, My….what a gal !! Strut your stuff, Girlfriend!! I love you tons!
You make me cry Pat! xoxo
What a wonderful blog! I am reading the Artist’s Way as you suggested…checked it out from our island library….so good. My attic room is ready for company with a comfy iron bed, lots of quilts, chairs for reading, but most important my little, metal table for my watercolors. Thank you, Susan, for well, just being YOU!
Your attic room sounds wonderful Cyndee Gayle!
I love the bookmark idea !!!
As I was reading your blog post I was secretly hoping that you were going to do something fun with all those artistic dabbles !!!
I love your little redheaded artist. It reminds me of my creative daughter who now has her own little artist! Your bookmark/blotter idea is wonderful…who wouldn’t love to find a colorful little snippet from your paintbrush to mark their place in A Fine Romance? I love the expression on the face of that dear little Beatrice. She would too.
Seeing your bookmarks was just the thing I needed today. I saw today’s blog in my eamil this morning, but didn’t have time to read it until this evening–which often happens. It’s nice to thing of being able to read your blog during the events of a busy, and sometimes stressful day. Thank you.
What a wonderful idea to give those scraps away as bookmarks! I love it! I really hope you will come to Dallas, TX on your tour. I have your book pre-ordered and followed your blog as you traveled. Such a wonderful adventure! Your artwork is absolutely charming. I have your calendar hanging up too!
I love your bookmarks created from the blotter paper … what a great idea to use as gifts at your book signings. I would love for you to come to our area.
I love love love the bookmark idea! I don’t paint enough yet to have that kind of system… I think, I need to set my stuff out so that when I have time, I will sit down to paint instead of sitting to watch television….
Thank you for the inspiration that you give… I love that God puts strangers in our paths to encourage us!
and your California visit!
anxiously awaiting A Fine Romance
If only my scribbles looked so fab! I’d be such a proud owner of the bookmark if selected. I’m going to have to talk the hubs into making the trek to SLO for your signing there. We love SLO and it’s just a hop, skip and jump from our favorite central coast beach town (Cambria).
Wonderful idea to make bookmarks out of the cardstock & give them out @ the book signings! Thanks for the chance to win one :0). When I got up this morning the air was cool & the sun was coming up & there was an antelope family nibbling grass in our yard! I love when they come in~~~such gentle creatures. The daddy is very alert~~watching & listening while the momma & babies eat first. These moments make the day so special. Enjoy the rest of the week girlfriends!
XO, Linda in Chino Valley ,AZ.
I love that you are using them to give as bookmarks.
Love the bookmarks. What a great idea! Have a lovely summer!
Am I late to this post or what? 331 comments to read! And you said Teaxs…you are coming to Texas! I will be there! Where ever it is in Texas….I know it won’t be Knickerbocker.LOL
But Jim and I know how to travel! Since I am in Ohio every September, there may even be a chance to catch you there.
That dear Nancy Luce quote, almost makes me cry, knowing the terrible lonely and isolated life she had and the love she held in her heart.
A particularly touching post today. That sweet little girl with her watercolors, so serious, so focused. And all those wonderful bookmarks, waiting for a home. Waiting to nestle into their very own book! Sweet.
Thanks for the refuge…….as I try to limp to the weekend….almost there!
The weekend is in sight, Girlfriend! I commented earlier in this post about my vacation last week. Scroll up near the top if you haven’t read it yet. Wow! Texas is such a big state!! And you are willing to go wherever! Now you are an SB fan!! I love the little girl on the Woman’s Home Companion magazine. Did you see how she was holding her paintbrush? So dear!
Love you!
I did read your post….you listened to the waves!!!!!!!!!! I am so envious. It sounded like a glorious week with the girls! I am sure you are refreshed and ready to be home.
I will be home all summer, except for an ocassional trip to Ft Worth. You would not believe how many miles we put on a car in a year, but usually we are getting very close to 100,000 by the time our cars are 2 1/2 years old. You would think we were traveling salesmen! LOL But it is a big state! But I will get to see Susan one way or another!
Have a great weekend Linda…no more backbreaking work for you for awhile….sit back and watch the garden grow!
Love ya right back!
Put me in your hat, I live in New Zealand and it would be wonderful to have “a wee bit of the Branch” way down here. Your creative ideas seem to never cease, which is a secret to happiness in life in my opinion. Cheers.
I had my eye on that little girl through all your beautiful pictures in this post. What genius to save your scribble pages! As a lover of color, each of your color scribbles delights me.
Pick me for the bookmark please!
Oh and come and visit a bookstore in Portland, Oregon too!
Pretty Please!!!
I would so enjoy this momento – wishing me luck!!
Susan, what a fabulous idea!. I also hate to throw anything beautiful and useful away. Happy Summer!
I love all of your art ~ even the narrow “bookmarks”! Would love to win one!
Thanks Susan
Too fun!
I’d love a little hand painted bookmark to join my pre-ordered A Fine Romance coming soon!
Love your artwork!! The blotter/bookmarks are a great idea–only wish there would be a book signing near me to grab one!!
As a young girl it would always tickle me to see my “maiden” name in print in a book I was reading,(Daub). I had that feeling again today as I read your post. The daubers are so pretty. I am looking forward to your newest book and wish you every success on your book tour. Via con dios from one Daub to another dauber!!!
Via con dios Suzanne
Love your artwork!! The blotter/bookmarks are a great idea–only wish there would be a book signing near me to grab one!
What a classy idea on how not to waste anything! Looking forward to my copy of your book and would love a signed bookmark. (maybe even the one with the cat, my personal favorite )
What wonderful bookmarks.
Im headed to your event link to see if the
Little ol’ state of Wyoming is represented yet. If not, cone to The WhistleStop in Douglas.
Wed love to travel there or Jen’s books, to see you.
All our best from the Wild West!
I’ll check it out Jena!
Well my Mom’s name is Bunny and I know she would love to have this bookmark!
Dear Susan!
I would love to win the blotter/bookmark! I would put it in your new book as soon as it arrives! Anxiously awaiting it!
Thanks for bringing so much joy and peace into my life!
Happy 4th Of July!
What a fantastic idea to give away!
I love that you’re giving away the girl with the bunny.. I thought to myself, “I’d love to have that one as a bookmark!” the minute I saw it.
What a beautiful bouquet of bookmarks! Who would have thought!!!! But I would love a special one of my own. Cross my fingers…Vanna please……choose me!
Are you in Georgia?
I love the bookmarks. The colored dots look like confetti or a batch of jelly beans. Would be a favorite keepsake.
Oh!! How I would love to win an original Susan Branch doodle! If I won it I would frame it and hang it on my wall in my art room with all of my favorite things. Fingers and toes are crossed!!
Sure hope you grace Kansas City with your presence on your book tour. My girlfriend and I would be there with bells on! I love the happy ‘fan’ of your cut up daubers…..great colors….great patterns….great idea!
Would love to have an autographed one for my copy of your book when it arrives. As always, you brighten my days.
Love the little strips of colored artwork blotters. What a rainbow!!! I hope I win!
It will be wonderful to put into the book I ordered from you.
Happy Painting,
just sent my sweet sister a book about Beatrix Potter’s art for her birthday – so that sweet little bookmark would be the perfect companion!
Hello Dear Susan,
I love to hear about your early mornings. I so love that time of day as you do. Quiet, wandering around the house checking things out, heating up that first cup of tea and checking in on all the kitties……and yes…feeding them. Their first priority! I see that you are headed to CA in November….Yea!! I am checking my calender to figure out a way to head that far south. Have a friend in Morro Bay…hoping she will still be there in Nov to come to your signing with me. Your bookmark idea was great. I so hate waste…and all those colors had to find something more to do! I’ve printed out the book mark you made for FOSB…and shared with a friend. She loved it! Thank you so much. Well, waiting like all the FOSB for that day when “The Book” is here. I’ve pre-ordered as so many of us have….and it’s so hard to wait….but alas…the summer if flying by and it will be here soon. Enjoy your days of summer. Hello and hugs to Hubby, Jack and Girl Kittie…..
Jan from Northern CA
I love this idea and I love original artwork (even blobs and squiggles – the colors are so pretty)!
Hope to see you soon at a book signing out West!
Here’s me commenting! lol! I’d love to win one of the gorgeous Beatrix Potter bookmarks!! ^_^
Ohhhhhhhh, hope I win as I need a bookmark that I didn’t make. Love the recycling idea with your scratch pads..”waste not, want not” should become a popular saying again! Been rainy , rainy, cold here in Idaho but now they say we will be in the triple digits by the weekend……..go figure, my sinuses are giving me terrible headaches so hope the weather breaks soon! I am sure you are not coming to Idaho but can always hold out hope. Good luck on your signings. I now wish I had kept my subscription to Victoria magazine but it just wasn’t the same wonderful magazine that it used to be…….even the photography was not any good and the paper quality was flimsy. Oh well, I am sure you will get your money’s worth with your ads! Linda from Idaho
Oh I think it’s changed, I have an issue here and it’s beautiful — one of the few magazines that hardly has any ads and really gorgeous photos. Plus, the September issue is all about British things!!
Hi Susan, I’ve been enjoying Victoria Magazine for many, many years and keep every copy, lol – and yes, I do often look at previous issues. I think they should make you their “Artist in Residence” for 2014. Their readership would soar!
I like that!
Oh, I agree with you, Elaine!! That would be so great to get each issue with something Susan writes. More the better we always say, right Girlfriends?
What a great idea Susan!!
I hope I can see you on your book tour. Any chance you will be coming back to the Valley ?
Have a wonderful summer!!
Maybe, or close by anyway!
Thts such a kool idea Susan!!! Dunno how u think it up!
Wud love to win tht bookmark!!!
God plz plz plz… let me win tht pretty pretty art!!!!!!
Hope to meet you at a book signing. Love the bookmark.
Oh, after I’ve been DEVOURING your blog, Susan, I get to participate in a giveaway as well! What a LOVELY idea! I would never have thought of this, but WOW, how colorful, how HAPPY!
Sheer beauty, all those colors together. And I just LOVE your work!
Greetings from Wellington, New Zealand
Hello New Zealand ♥ Happy to see you here Jeanne!
Oh two of my favorite things . . . Susan Branch art and a bookmark. I just love my bookmarks. And I love early mornings and the sounds you can hear. They are like no other time of the day.
Hey, Teresa!
Wouldn’t it be great if Susan came to Lancaster?? You are right about morning sounds. I have a wooded ridge behind/to the side of my neighborhood and the morning bird sounds are out of this world!! It makes me feel like I’m in a tropical rain forest!
Hello Susan & GF’s! You gave us a sneak peek into your creative process Susan. So many colors on your sheet of colors. I’ve dabbled with painting over my many years, but could never get the hang of water colors. The blending always was something I just couldn’t get right. I painted with acrylics, which I always enjoyed.
I’m excited about your cross country trip, wondering where I can go to meet up with you. You will have a glorious time I’m sure. When a person such as yourself sends out joy to others each & every day, that joy comes back to you in a multitude of ways. As the saying goes, “we reap what we sow.”
We’ve gone across country in our coach three times, once through the northern part of the good old U.S.A., once through the southern part, then once again way up from CA to New England. All three trips were wonderful experiences, full of meeting people who quickly befriended us, plus places that worked on our minds, beaconing us to listen for other places to visit, seek new adventures, meet new people.
Our love to you Susan, as you continue to communicate through your beautiful artwork. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)
The bookmarkers are a beautiful idea! I am anxiously awaiting your new book. Do you have any idea when the preordered books will be mailed out? I have ordered four and plan to give each one to a dear friend this holiday season. Looking forward to your tour and hopefully meeting you in person. xo
They’ll start going out the moment they arrive … that exact date, we don’t know. But we do think they will be going out no later than Sept. 1. Hopefully sooner.
Susan, thank you for providing that version of “Skylark” – it’s my favorite song and I’d never heard it performed with a big band. Gave me chills!
I’ve been singing it for 2 days now!
You’re probably familiar with the K.D. Lang version, too – it’s a melancholy version, but I love it, too.
Oh Sue! You are just so creative! Great idea for the book marks and who would have thought they would be so pretty! I am hoping you will be coming somewhere near me, I really don’t want to miss it. Take care and have an awesome day! xoxo
thank you for the bookmark! Can’t wait for my book to arrive – I too get Victoria and Tea Time. I also get English Home magazine, it is wonderful. Full of English decorating and tips. Have you seen it?
Yes, I get it too, wonderful magazine!
Even before you got to the giveaway, I thought, what a great idea, but the giveaway is the icing on the cake! Thank you.
I love how you don’t waste a thing! I hope you stop in MN on your trip – and I would be thrilled to win the bookmark!!
Oh, Susan, even your ‘trash’ is beautiful! You are a wonder!
What a great idea to create bookmarks from your squiggles! Even your trash is beautiful! I hope MD is on your book tour list!
Happy Summer Susan! Happy bookmarks and ,yes,,,even your doodles and color tests are beautiful art! Thank you for sharing your talent and love of color with us! I hope I win a one of a kind Susan for my (our) book! Also hope you are coming near central Indiana for a book signing…lots of love and sparkles! Mary
What a nice treat to have a signed bookmark. I have printed out my own from the blog and it is awaiting my copy of your book A fine romance to put it in. Thank you for keeping us informed about you articles that can be found in other publications.
The squiggle paper has inspired me to try watercolor painting myself. I have no artistic ability but I am encouraged by those squiggles! Thanks.
Oooohhh…I’d love to win the bookmark. Good idea, saving your scraps for bookmarks. Your summer morning sounds perfectly lovely. Good idea doing adverts in Victoria and Teatime. Surely, the ladies who read them will want your book. Hope you sell gazillion copies…from the hills of TN.
I would love to win the bookmark! I really think you should take a few of them and place in a nice box and sell them in your website little store. What treasures they would be.. just an idea. Emily says you should make Jack bookmarks to print out, she just loves your kitty!
Morning Susan,
I’m a quilter and my little scraps and test pieces sometimes make the cutest things…sometimes even bookmarks. Loved seeing all of your “scraps” made into such charming bookmarks. Just have to add WOW…when I saw how many bookmarks you have, it gave a tangible perspective to how hard you worked on A Fine Romance…and that only the illustrating.
Can’t wait for my copy to arrive.
Good morning! What a fabulous idea! Thank you for thinking of us again with this give-away.
Best wishes from Block Island!
Thank you for always brightening my day! Would love for you to visit us in Cleveland – is it possible that you might include a book signing stop in our lovely city?
I will try Laurie!
Thank you!!!! We would love to have you:)
I am always so delighted and amazed at your creativity! What a “brilliant” idea
to make bookmarks out of paper that normally you would have thrown away. They are truly so pretty! Like a bouquet of flowers in a vase without the smell! So looking forward for your book Susan, I too printed the bookmarks and some of the other things….so pretty. Have a smashing day girlfriend!!! – East Longmeadow, MA
Wonderful idea for the blotter paper! I printed a bookmark and am anxious to recieve your book in September!
Good mornings Susan!
I am a watercolor painter and LOVE it when you talk about your actual painting. I enjoy seeing how others go about doing it since I have only worked with one instructor. I think your idea of testing colors on the watercolor paper is awesome. I use bounty paper towel and don’t always get a true “practice”.
I was quick to catch the possibility of an original Susan Branch color pallet and wish I could come to a book signing but that is just not going to happen. I do have my copy of the new book pre ordered. Looking forward to it!
i do not have a printer so….no bookmark…would love to win one, please! love the idea of your daubers for a bookmark…will you be coming to michigan?
I hope so!
What a great idea! Sure to be treasured by all that receives them!
Lovely bookmarks…so colorful….and happy! Have a wonderful rest of your summer day! Do you have a book signing in PA?
I’m working on PA now . . .
I never realized authors have to do this themselves! A HUGE amount of work!! I always assumed publishers had dedicated departments – with full-time staffers – that made all these kind of arrangements! And eventually handed you a nice neat typed-up itinerary and sent you on your way! As usual, I learned something new here today… :>)
Not anymore! Only if you are Stephen King!
Well… in this GF’s opinion, you ARE the Stephen King in your genre! :>)
Hahaha. Scary!
Your bookmarks are a wonderful recycling idea! Thank you for sharing your talents again.
Have you considered Breakwater Books in Guilford, Ct or R J Julia Booksellers in Madison, Ct for a book signing?
RJ Julia I think for sure, and I will check with Breakwater too!
Wow, do I need the “A Fine Romance” do-it-yourself bookmark! I have a tiny piece of paper in my “work” book, the one I keep in my desk and read when I sit outside at lunch every day. I also have my “home” book that would love a new Beatrix Potter bookmark
Thank you Susan for all that you do to inspire. Reading your blog posts and willard is like coming Home each day.
What a prize it would be to own something with your original art on it! Thanks for the chance.
Your test sheets are beautiful and colorful and will be great bookmarks. What an awesome idea! Thanks for the chance to win one.
Isn’t it fun to re-hab, re-use, re-interpret – to bring new life to old things????
Oh my goodness, this would be an awesome giveaway to win!! Sign me up!
Oh my goodness, this would be an awesome giveaway to win!! Sign me up!
Good morning, Susan! It’s 5:40am in the good ole San Fernando Valley, the birds are singing, and its still cool. It’s to reach the 90’s today. My veggie garden is thriving and I will be harvesting tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, and zucchini this morning as the sun rises. God is on His throne and things/events are in His hands! Excited to read that you will be in Pasadena! Already plan to go with another SB girlfriend to meet/see you! :). Hoping to have name tags that identify “us” as SB Girlfriends. We could download them from your website, enter our full names and our “SB comment” names. It would be fun to meet/greet each other in that manner! Hmmmm…that wouldn’t make others feel left out, would it? Wouldn’t want that!!! Thank you for this sweet giveaway. I would bribe Vanna with homegrown tomatoes if I could!!!

Hi and Hello Susan Branch,
Can not wait to see you at one of your book signings!!!! Your bookmarks are very lovely, thank you for the chance to win one!
Enjoy your summer!
Kimberly Allen
What a great idea to make bookmarks to give out at your book signings! You always have some idea in the works or some way to make something special, so it seems to me. I do hope that you plan to come to western Massachusetts for a book signing, although I cannot remember if the copies of the book that we ordered when they first became available from your web site will be signed copies. Either way, if you come out here I will be certain to be there. Keep us posted on your events and signings.
I love those colors, and also wish you would have been saving your dab papers all these years! Thank you for thinking of us again!
Hoping to be the lucky winmer
Dear Vanna Susan, thank you for putting my name into your hat….for the drawing!!!!! Hey…what kind of hat do you wear nowadays anyway??? Love your idea for the bookmarks to go with your books….SWEET! Isn’t it great when the Lord gives us little “creative” plans??? P.S. Just read a cool idea for your used teabags… em and put them into your gardens so plants and veggies can soak up the nitrogen! You can use the used teabags on your indoor plant leaves tooooooo! xo
Mine go right into the compost pile!
What a fun idea! I hope you come to Quebec for a book signing, but if not, there might be an event in Vermont I can drive to!
What a lovely idea! I am so looking forward to receiving my copy of your book and it would be wonderful to tuck the bookmark into it. My mom gave me a small set of Beatrix Potter collectable books for my daughter when she was born–I just cherish them! My daughter is 25 now, has a B.S. and is living on her own, but the books are still tucked away on the shelf under the coffee table where they are safe and still on display!
How fun!
please include one of your ‘BOOKMARKS’ in my book I’ve ordered. I broke my arm & i’m in a sling for what seems like forever. reading is what i’m doing. i’m a quilter. missing being in my sewing room. missing sewing projects.
I does seem like forever, but this too shall pass! Get well soon!
What a great idea on the giveaway bookmarks! I would love to win the Beatrix Potter bookmark. I think I have every bookmark you ever have posted and even some before your blog. I remember you sending one in Willard years ago. I have ordered your new book coming out and can’t wait to receive it. I am really disappointed that you won’t have a desk calendar this year! I always look forward to mine and use it all year long! Have a great day!
Loving this whole idea. Sweet and soothing at the same time. Just like you.
pick me pick me!! thank you susan!
Hi Susan! Thank you this beautiful post Susan! Love your creative idea to cut up your test papers and make bookmarks, brilliant! I can’t wait to get my hands on our new book and enjoy reading each beautiful page. June 26th is my birthday and I turned 59. Wow, the last year of my 50’s, where does the time go?!? I couldn’t be more blessed with wonderful family and friends. And my husband, Michael, is one of my biggest blessings. I’m feeling very lucky today and just wanted share it with you and all the girlfriends. Life is just so good! With love and happiness. ♥
Happy Birthday dear Marie!
How sweet…..I myself have a difficult time throwing away little scraps of fabric and special papers. I always think I will come up with a special use for them and sometimes I actually do….just like you did.
You continue to inspire me.
Have a day filled with island blessings girlfriend.
I have preordered A FINE ROMANCE and cannot wait for it to arrive. It would be extra special to have one of your paint daubers as a bookmark with your quote: “the colors of the English Countryside; the colors of teatime, long walks, cottage gardens, the Yorkshire Dales, Jane Austen’s house, ocean liner sailing . . .” on it.
I would be over the moon if I could actually attend one of your book signings. Will be possibly be coming to South Carolina? The Litchfield Books store in Pawleys Island would be perfect and they actually have literary luncheons with exciting authors at area restaurants every Friday and they are called Moveable Feast. See for more info.
I recently got my order of Susan Branch Notecards beautifully packaged as always. I love it when the things I order from your store arrive. And, I just placed an order for the Good Things for Boys and Girls for my grandchildren, Colin who is 8 and Mila who is 6, in hopes that I can get one of your 2002 pins.
Who is Vanna that will be will be pulling the lucky name from the giant top hat? Did you know that Vanna White is originally from North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina? Vanna actually visited my hometown in January of 2006 to attend the funeral of her Godmother, Miss Peggy Hursey. I didn’t get to meet her as I was working at the Genealogy Library, but my mother and my aunt did and they said that she is just as beautiful and down-to-earth in person as she is on Wheel of Fortune.
Vanna is our make-believe Vanna White who chooses the winning names for our drawings. She’s also very beautiful and a lady of leisure. (btw, I made her up, because the other name for Vanna’s job description is the very unromantic “random number generator.”)
You are so clever, those blotters will make wonderful keepsake bookmarks. I would love to have one. Your blog is a very bright spot in my week, so fresh and wholesome!
Such a great idea!
Greetings from Bozeman, Montana where we are camped for an overnight stop. I am hoping to be somewhere close by one of your book signings….keeping close tabs on your schedule!
As I was reading this blog I was hoping you were going to put the bookmark blotters for sale….but you are generously giving them to us! You have such wonderful ideas! I did print the bookmark and Willard and have them with me so I’ll have everything together when my book arrives! So looking forward to meeting you, if not this time….somewhere down the road! Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us!
What a wonderful lesson in “recycling”!!! Thanks for all the special little things you do!!
This is such a wonderful idea to make lovely bookmarks out of your paint blotters! They are beautiful! I would love to win one of your bookmarks! I would treasure it!
Such a delightful idea! I will encourage my artist mother and wildly creative children to do the same; fabulous one-of-a-kind presents for family and friends! Thanks!
Dear Susan,
I plan on ordering the book…and use it as a guide for my next year trip to the UK. I have not missed one of your blogs and have every book you have writing… Including original WILLARDS… would be a great treat to have the book marker.
Plan on seeing you at a book signing!!
Ahhh, summer indeed, Susan. Thank you for such a bright start to my morning.
ann deakers
What a great idea – these bookmarks are wonderful, little works of art. I’d treasure it, if I were chosen as the winner!