It’s a very quiet, very warm summer morning ~ I’m in my studio, the windows are wide open, I feel like I’m on a porch. It’s still dark, insects are cricking and shisking, birds are just now beginning their morning song, I have my tea, Girl’s asleep on the pillow, Jack’s on the ironing board in front of the pantry screen door, peering out into the dark (ever vigilant) . . . foghorns are blowing over the island . . . and in the background, softly wafting from our windows into the breaking morning light . . . MUSICA
Today I get to design advertising for our new book for Victoria and Teatime, two of my favorite magazines. Believe it or not, I’ve never put an ad in a magazine before! It’s exciting to think about how I want the ads to look. It just seems to make sense to have our book in the September annual “British” issue of Victoria, don’t you think? And Teatime? I can’t think of better places for a book about English charm. ♥
I had an idea the other day. When I paint, one of the things that’s always at my right hand is a little square of watercolor paper that I use to try out color — you can see it in the back of this photo . . . the little blotter with wisps of paint color. I couldn’t work without one of these nearby.
I use them to test my pen; I mix colors on them. This one has the stick on it that I picked up in the yard of Norman Rockwell’s studio.
Sometimes I will paint or write something I don’t care for, it’s not quite good enough, or I don’t like the colors I used, so I’ll want to do it over, but I don’t want to waste the paper, so I cut it up and save it and use it to dab my paint on. So that’s how some of the art and words show up on these paint daubers.
On this one I practiced pencil drawings of women’s hair. I tried drawing with pen and filling it in with color — these cards come in very handy.
I’ve done this for years, and when the card is covered in paint and squiggles, I throw it away and get myself a new one.
Until A FINE ROMANCE. About halfway through the painting of our book, I decided maybe I should start saving these squiggles. So I did. I was surprised on how fast they piled up.
And yesterday I cut them all up.
I got quite a handful of them. They look so festive!
They’re all on card stock and every one of them is covered on both sides with all the colors of the English Countryside; the colors of teatime, long walks, cottage gardens, the Yorkshire Dales, Jane Austen’s house, ocean liner sailing . . .
They’re kind of a little story all by themselves. Now I wish I’d never thrown any of them away!
But at least I have these . . . and there’s quite little pile of them. I thought, what good bookmarks these would make.
Not all of them have discernible art on them, but some definitely do, and no matter what, each of them is one of a kind. I never made the same mess twice! So, you know I’ve been setting dates for my book signings? I thought what would be fun . . .
. . . is if I would bring these bits and pieces that helped to make up the original pages of the book and give them away at the signings. ♥ The bookmarks will match the book!
And just in case you can’t get to a signing, or in case I run out before I get to your town (it’s bound to happen, but I promise, only one to a customer!), that big BOOKMARK in the middle is for you. You can print it at home, cut it out, and tuck it in your book when it comes.
I love planning these book events. The people at the bookstores are such hard workers and make me feel wonderful about coming to them. My first two book signings will be on Martha’s Vineyard, beginning with Bunch of Grapes Bookstore, on Julia Child’s Birthday ♥ (I just love that), on August 15th. You can keep track of the dates and see where I’ll be going as we begin adding new events this month. On the right side of the blog you’ll see COMING SOON, EVENTS. Scroll down for dates, times, links for directions, etc. I hope to see every single one of you somewhere on our long drive across America. ♥
And just a few more Small Treats: Did you notice that Kellee put up new summer computer wallpaper, stationery, and postcards you can print out? She did! Kellee changes everything for the season; you can always check for her updates if you go to “On-Line Shopping,” and then click on the left on “Free Stuff.”
Oops, I almost forgot to mention. This time, one of our continuous small treats include a giveaway . . . you see that Beatrix Potter Bookmark in the pile below? The little girl with the bunny?
Leave a comment, I will sign it and date it ~ in a few days I’ll send it to the winner of the drawing, to the lucky name that Vanna pulls from our giant top hat. ♥
Hi Susan, Quite interesting! I have a friend who puts bookmarks in all kinds of places including cookbooks. I ususally just use them on the current book I am reading, but now I’m trying out her idea of putting bookmarks in for my favorite recipes in different cookbooks. I’ll be so excited when my special book arrives in the mail. Hope you’ll enjoy your cross-country trip! Hugs, Gail
This would be the ultimate thing to add to my Susan Branch collection. What a treasure it would be!
Reading your blog is a treat I give myself over and over again, calorie free.Thank you for the pleasure.
Your blog is my Happy Moment of the day. It always, without fail, brightens my outlook. Today I loved getting a peak at how you paint. I would be very happy to have a bit of your original creativity in my home. What a great idea…bookmarks!
I looked and looked but cannot find my comment from yesterday. Must have fallen through the cracks. Waaaaaaaaaa! Put me in the pot, I would love to win that beautiful bookmark.
Hi Susan, I just returned from a mission trip in Brazil where I served with a team from my church building a youth camp outside of Joao Pessoa. Although I have served on teams like these in the past, this one seemed especially difficult with long workdays and most of our team enduring some sickness or injury. One of the most special parts of the trip, however, was being able to share it with my family! My husband(it was the 1st trip of this kind for him), my 20 year old daughter(who has been away from home for 3 years), my 16 year old son and I were all able to make the trip together! Although rough at times and still recuperating we made some wonderful memories! We trust many more wonderful memories will be made at the camp we help to build in the years to come. Would we do it again? Absolutely….Yes!! But, as our country prepares to celebrate Independence Day, I am thankful to be an American and to be home! Home, where I feel safe and free. Home, where I can cozy-up and dream! Thanks for your books and your blog….they are help me do just that! God Bless America!
I am thankful for people like you who share the wealth in more ways than one. Amazing giving hearts! Thank you Tammy.
What wonderful things you’ve done for the world! Your kind of work will enrich people’s lives for years to come. You & your family are just too, too, wonderful! (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)
As always your blog is a mini vacation….a release from the hum drum day to day duties. It is amazing how gorgeous your dabber bookmarks are…
A book mark right out of your studio?! Oh yes! Sign me up too!
They are such
a beautiful pile of color! Happy Summer Days to you!
How lovely to see a post from you today!
I saved it until I could enjoy it s-l-o-w-l-y. Too hot for tea though – lime fizzy drink instead. The weatherman here has a funny phrase he uses – air you can wear! Perfectly describes it – so humid my hair is quite uncooperative. Like that saying you use – a continuous state of inelegance! Beach head is what I call it.
Fun to see your scraps and bits! Love the bookmark idea. Hope I will be able to get to a book signing too! You must be doing a couple in CT – we’re neighbors, after all! :0)
Susan, Such a wonderful idea, as are all of your ideas. I am going to start using that idea when I paint. Have a great day!!
Your trash is my treasure! Would love to win the bookmark — love the expression on the bunny’s face. Are you coming to the South at all for any book signings? This SB fan in Birmingham, Alabama, would love to see you here!
Yes, but I’m not sure where yet … I’ll post the dates as we get closer!
I was feeling a bit out of sorts, and then your blog arrived! Thank goodness! I needed that! And I loved hearing about how you paint. Thanks for turning my day around!
I left my book recommendation on the wrong blog. So here goes
again. Before we leave the book blog I want to recommend
The Poet of Tolstoy Park. I think the author is Something Bailey.
I really liked it.
Julia, I second your book recommendation. I LOVE The Poet of Tolstoy Park. It’s by Sonny Brewer. My book club loved it too.
Yes, Sonny Brewer. My book is loaned out at the
moment and I couldn’t remember. Thanks!
Thank you for always thinking of your readers! I can’t wait till my book arrives! Wish I could make it to one of the book signings!
Such a cute Bookmark! Love your paintings,even the squiggly ones!
Oh, what a sweet idea! This is inspiring me to pick up my watercolors again. I would love to have a piece of the creative world that is Susan Branch! =)
It is rather thrilling that you are at the book tour stage – I mean, August 15 isn’t very far away!! Your idea with the bookmarks made from your trials is so charming and loving and sweet. Hope you have a wonderful time on the tour and it fills your heart to overflowing
My heart is overflowing right now, with all these sweet comments. Thank you Barbara!
Good morning! Hope you are visiting my area. I would love to meet you.
The “work” sheets are beautiful!! Headed to the Cape soon- hoping for sunny weather. Maybe a trip to the vineyard.
I would love to have a “one of a kind” bookmark to go with my book! Great idea to recycle your “art” pages. I wish you would come to Texas for a signing…just dreaming!
What a wonderful post. I love it when you show your paints and your painting. It somehow makes it all seem more real.
What a neat way to get use out of used up paper that might have otherwise been thrown away! You know who ever wins the bookmark, and those that get one at your book signing will treasure them!
I sure hope you come to the Minneapolis area!
LOL, more real!
Susan, I’m so glad you didn’t throw those beautiful colorful cards away!! That’s my motto…keep everything! LOL! I’d love to be in the running for one of them…and it’s a beaut! Great idea..
oh how i do hope you are coming to the washington dc/maryland/virginia area! pre-ordered you book a couple of months ago! : )
Hello, Susan. Thank you for bringing Beatrix Potter and all the things she loved back to life!
My true pleasure and honor.
good morning Susan and good morning girlfriends. well its going to be a hot day here after a week or so of cool temps and rain, i’m ready for it. made tons of potato salad and pasta salad for the fridge, along with gallons of iced tea and a pitcher of beer margaritas for tonight to enjoy while sitting out on the front porch. also got grandma’s recipe for icebox cake, and have flank steak marinating for fajitas cooking in the kitchen as it makes the house too hot, grilling outdoors for now. I just heard from a dear friend that that a group of people are trying to revive a national tradition of ringing bells on the 4th of July as a way to celebrate and ring in our freedom, and they are asking people to get their communities involved by having chuches ring their bells, and town halls, any place that has a bell and for folks to grab a bell and ring it on the 4th of July at 2pm. a great idea and I already asked a couple of churches here and the mayor if they would ring in the freedom on the 4th of July, how about all of you getting on the bandwagon??? it costs nothing to ring the bells and it will be our country’s 237th birthday.. what a way to celebrate!! it is supported by many of the baseball teams, the cartoonist union, the firefighters union, the steelworker’s union and AFL_CIO!!! so for the 4th of July lets all ring our bells to celebrate our freedoms. John F. Kennedy first started this tradition back in 1963 and I think its high time it came back…how about you??? have a great day everyone and lets get the bells ringing!!!
Love it Pat … our churches do still ring the bells on the 4th! It’s a wonderful tradition!
well if all the girlfriends can pass the word along, and get in their communities and ask the churches and town halls to ring their bells at 2pm, we can get a tradition going again. I remember when the bells rang on July 4, 1976, it was a wonderful sound and I think I would like to hear it every 4th of July!!! it costs nothing to ring a bell, but when the war was over and the declaration of independence was signed, they rang the bells then, so why not now as well.
here is a link for more information on the group trying to revive the tradition, I think its a lovely idea. go to: lets get out and ring those bells, or key chains or bang those pans, whatever to celebrate our freedom on this the 237th birthday of this country.
LOVE THIS IDEA! Grass-roots activism too! How about sending an e-mail with Pat’s link here to the TV stations in your area? They LOVE suggestions for news stories – and it would get the news out to LOTS of people really quickly… :>)
What a lovely way to recycle!
What a talented woman you are. Love it. And love Beatrix Potter. Thank you Ms. Branch and Miss Potter.
What a very creative idea!
What a great idea, they’re so lovely!
Very ingenious idea! Love it! Looking forward to receiving my book this fall!
I truly enjoyed following the blog while you were traveling overseas. It was so kind of you to take us with you! And now we can relive the charm of England once again through your eyes. Hope you come to KC for a book signing , I will be there if you do!
Okay…..I have a comment still in moderation so I want to make sure I’m entered for the bookmarks!!! I have a question for you…at your book signings, will you have your book for sale? And will the books we pre-ordered be signed??? (I don’t think I have a very good memory…..dang!!!) Really getting excited to see you. You’re my hero….and I LOVE the girlfriends. What a GREAT bunch of women on this blog.
So many came in at once, I am still “moderating” (reading
) and slowly but surely, getting them all approved!
What a lovely sweet idea. I would love a Susan Branch personally delicious bookmark!!
I would LOVE to add your bookmark to my SB collection! I have signed art, all your books, and an apron (that you so nicely said that I was a good cook- I feel like one when I wear it!). I can’t wait for your new book! We may be transferred to the Lake District for work in 2015 and I’m sure that your book will be my constant companion.
Artfully grateful,
Really? How wonderful would that be!
I love the bookmarks!
Hello Susan,
I would so love to have this bookmark (or one from the page you practiced women’s hairstyles on – LOVE the women with her back to the viewer…I wonder where she is going…I imagine off to pick vegetables or feed the sheep). Looking forward to reading your new book when it arrives…my husband is already on alert for cooking meals and letting the dogs in and out so I can read uninterrupted!
Yes, you guessed it, she’s off to feed the sheep!
(loved that!)
Your idea is wonderful – the picture of all the bookmarks is such a beautiful collage. Hope you make is to San Diego – or close.
I love this idea. It is so creative.
“One woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure.”
I so look forward to reading and “seeing” each of your posts. Have you ever thought of taking all these marvelous blog pages and putting them in a book just like the old snail mail newsletters?
I’ve thought about it, but wouldn’t know where to begin!
Girlfriends – Sue’s individual posts can be saved to your computers [including comments]. A hopefully-useful tip from a book-loving yet tree-hugging friend! :>)
Maybe we can have Kellee get right on that!
Hi Susan,
Very sweet post…and so colorful!
I took a watercolor class some years ago and really enjoyed it, but don’t worry about any competition coming from my direction. I saved the watercolor notebook that I used to practice strokes and applying paints, etc. Those pages are the best “art” I created. Tee Hee!
Hello Susan, once again I love the way you think, what a great idea saving those color test, doodle papers and reusing them for book markers. Love the way your mind works so clever. would love to see you at the book signing but not sure if I will make it. life has been handing me a lot of lemons.
your website gives me a ray of sunshine and happiness.
Thank you, Caroline
xoxo sending sugar Caroline, hope it helps.
I love things that can be repurposed. Your bookmarks are a wonderful idea. Each one unique. Once again, I am happy to read your blog.
What a scathingly brilliant idea for your scraps! I am so enamoured with your work, and your whimsy, and …. well ….. just with everything about you. I would love to have a scrap signed by you.
All the best for your book event. I’m sure we’ll hear much more about it over the upcoming months!
Oo-o-o, I love your bookmarks with the cheerful splashes of color — and the creative attachment to your book’s development. What fun! And the bluebird of happiness flying with the American flag on your blog is precious. Thanks for the smiles ~
Isn’t it wonderful to see dreams and plans come to pass? You deserve a wonderful, beautiful picnic on the beach to celebrate…I bet you can talk Joe in to it!
I think you’re right!
Good morning Susan and all the Girlfriends! ~~~ This blog has become very very popular with all of us vying for the ‘book marker’
I will be looking for your ads in the magazines. I subscribe to both “Tea Time” and “Victoria”. Actually, they are the only ones left that I do subscribe to. I love the gardening section in Victoria the most. The pictures are so pretty.
Can’t believe that July is just around the corner. Where is the summer going to? We have had beautiful weather this past week or so. The temps have been in the mid to high 60’s. For us, that’s HOT. Have had misty fog rain a few times, which my flowers are loving and I am also. Feel sorry for Washington and Oregon though. Each day on the national weather map, both states are basically green. So unusual.
I’m off to tea in an hour or so. I so look forward to that each week.
Hoping for a bookmark soon… Vanna just has to pick me one of these times
Carol M
Oh Vanna!! Please, Please, Please pick me!
Susan, I have coveted that little image from the moment you gave us a sneak peek many moons ago and knew then how special this book was going to be!! Can’t wait for the book to arrive and what a treat it would be to have this little charmer to go with it!!!
Hi Susan
What a fabulous idea!!!! I would love to add this book mark to my SB collection.
Love the post. Have a great day!!!
I can hardly wait for the book!!! Every morning I see little bunnies in my garden and on the road to work..U are such a blessing to so a refreshing bubbly brook on these hot summer days. Hope I win!!
Count me in the drawing for a bookmark! Looking forward to seeing you in San Luis Obispo in November.
those paint dibs and daubs look wonderful all cut up! watercolors are so whimsical and fun in any form. love your idea!
Susan, As I was reading the blog and got to the part that read you cut them up in strips, I thought, wow they would make beautiful bookmarks. Then you wrote you thought they would be great as bookmark. I said YES, she’s going to make them available at the store… Even better., You’re super sweet and are personally going to be there to see the excitement you will going bring to the lucky recipients. I love it XOXO
I very much enjoyed seeing a bit of your creative process. Using failed paintings in such a way is a great idea. I also paint and just may have to “borrow” your idea. For me it would also be a great way to practice without fear of wasting paper. Thanks for giving some insight into your creative world. It is inspiring and makes me want to get out the ole brushes too!
What a wonderfully creative way to use up and recycle these little blotters. I am sure all the receivers will appreciate them so. Can’t wait for my book to arrive in the mail.
hi susan….. even your throw away stuff is awesome!!!!
….love the bookmark idea….very “Green”… so excited to see the first book signing announcement…it’s really REAL!! I am thrilled to be able to say that we are making our way to MV for a little R&R this month…Just wish we could have held off ’til August and come for the signing..but as luck would have it..I am a teacher and I have to be at school when the students are there….!!
Zucchini is everywhere around here, so I’ve got zucchini bread in the oven and your zucchini sticks for supper….great recipe (Summer Book)…..thanks susan…a very fun happy post today……enjoy those lovely MV summer mornings, …and evenings…and afternoons…. love, cindy
Mmmmm, I would like to be smelling zucchini bread right now. Off to get some tea!
Your squiggle cards are delightful and the bookmark would certainly be a great improvement over my current bookmark. That is a paint sample card from the hardware store because even I find that difficult to lose.
What a wonderful idea. Not only are you recycling but the bookmarks are beautiful too. I would love to win one of your creative beauties. Hugs to you!!
I love bookmarks and would love to add another treasure to my collection. I laminated the one you so generously gave us (I LOVE that charming little lamb) so I can keep it beautiful forever!
P.S. Northern California (specifically, the bay area) wants YOU!!! hint hint
Hello Susan! So excited to hear your first couple book signings will happen soon! Wishing you good luck!!! You are so generous to share your bookmarks, the colors are so cheerful!!! When looking at them it made me think, oooooooh how heavenly it would be to have rolls of Susan Branch wallpaper to hang on walls in our home!!! Maybe? Someday?
Hello, love the little scrapes of testing. Being a painter myself it’s a great idea for menories. Would love one, keeping fingures crossed. Can’t wait for the new book !!!Have a great day!!!
Susan, having a hard time leaving a comment even after filling all marked fields. Will keep tring,hope I make the drawing.Will leave still try to leave comments.
I think you’ve been successful Florence!
I have a friend that had a bunny named “Petunia”. If I were the lucky winner, I would give it that dear, dear, friend.
Susan, I am at a loss for words… I can’t even tell you what an absolute once-in-a-lifetime dream it would be to meet you on Martha’s Vineyard! And as if meeting you wouldn’t be enough, the idea that you’ll be handing out your own one-of-a-kind bookmarks AND (my heart’s throbbing at the thought of this) you’ll be signing in Vineyard Haven the DAY AFTER Illumination Night, is making me feel like this is truly my destiny!
I’m currently scouting the area for accommodations in case I find the resources (aka $) to come up there. This would honestly be the most pivotal trip and one of the most fondest experiences in my life. It’s surreal just thinking about it!
Hoping, hoping, hoping… <3
I hope you can come Erin, and get here in time for Illumination!!
And Erin–if you end up going–we’ll be watching YOUR blog for photos of the booksigning and Illumination Night, etc.!!!
Those are beautiful! It gets me thinking… I should do something like that with my girls drawings. They’re little so sometimes the drawings don’t make much sense but there are always SO many of them! Lovely! I love your blog! tara
I think it’s very amusing that no matter how often I look at your blog there is ALWAYS at least 1000 comments before me. I can’t figure that one out! :O) No matter…’s all fun. You must feel very, very loved and accepted and I’m thinking that must be the BEST feeling in the world. <3
How could I not adore this blog and all the wonderful people who come here. xoxo
Hi Susan,
What a great idea, turning your scribbles into book marks, every single one is a treasure, to be sure! I’d love, love, love to have a chance to win the sweet one you’ve offered up, please toss my name into the hat!
I love this idea! Even your ‘mistakes’ are beautiful!
Sure, add my name…it would be a delight to have an original signed piece AND hold me over til I actually get to Beatrix Potter’s place too!
thanks for your overwhelming generosity!
The “bookmark” is adorable!
I’m pre-ordering your book on Amazon and can’t wait until it comes out. I’m thinking it will be the Christmas gift for my daughter and my daughter-in-law.
Well, not the same book… they don’t have to share. It did sound that way, didn’t it?
I love your blogs especially with a cuppa tea. Thank you.
I love the way you think! What a wonderful way to recycle and bring joy to others at the same time! What a brilliant idea!!!
Bookmarks–what a wonderful idea! You’re so smart.
I love the expression on her face (the girl on the bookmark).
I would love a new Susan Branch signed bookmark to mark my reading spot! Thanks for the chance to be in your wonderful giveaway! Heidi
I just love the idea of all the scraps becoming bookmarks – recycling at it’s best! That they have original Susan Branch paint and art on them – well…cool beans! Thanks again, Susan for making my day.
I love this post, and especially adore the painting of the little girl painting a picture of “Home”. I would also REALLY love to win the Beatrix Potter bookmark.
I love all things Susan Branch! I am getting so excited to get my pre-ordered copy of A Fine Romance.
Won’t be long now Mary Ann!
Vanna…. really, it is time to pick me!
I remember the first time I heard of you. I was, in all places-BJ’s , superstore in Avon. They had just opened and I was there with my 3 little children under 7, when I saw your first cookbook. I had to have it. You came across the pages of that book, like a BFF, sharing and caring. Money was tight then but I didn’t care-I bought the book and never lived to regret it. How fun it was to make those recipes. There was not much internet in the early 90’s but I always looked for you at BJ’s. How funny is that-I bought your Christmas book there and your Summer book. (I am still trying to recreate that garden.) When you came to The Captain Linnell House in Orleans, in 1996, I bought a ticket and will always remember that day. You are as real sitting across from you at a restaurant as you are on your blog. Thank-you for sharing so much.
I wish you much success always!
Thank you for that sweet walk down memory lane … xoxo Rose.
I would love a beautiful handcrafted book mark! Thank you for saving all your doodles and creating something wonderful.
Thank you SOOOO much for leaving so many freebies for us!!! I LOVE them all and will use each one to good use. It’s like “Christmas in almost July”.
Also, am sending a giant sized Thank-You for urging me to explore getting less expensive tickets for the Queen Mary 2 by opting for an inside stateroom; EXCELLENT advise!!! My sweetheart of almost 48 years and I surely did enjoy England AND coming back on the Queen Mary 2 even tho’ he spent the last two days of the voyage in the “Medical Centre” with pneumonia. He received royal treatment in the Queen Mary’s little hospital; the ship’s physician even called me after the Queen Mary was on her way back to England to ask how my husband was doing.
England was SUPER!!! Two weeks just wasn’t long enough; we MUST go back. Thank you again for all your inspiration!! Can’t wait to read your book for I too love the island country from whence my ancestors called home. Am forever hooked!!
I know just exactly how you feel, forever hooked! Hope your husband is feeling better. I’m so glad you enjoyed the voyage, despite the illness. You did it Karen! Congratulations! Now that you have the lay of the land, going back will even be easier!
Thanks for keeping us posted on your book signings. I vote for Yellow Umbrella Books and/or Where the Sidewalk Ends in Chatham! And good idea for the bookmarks!
I’ll be close, at Titcombs!
I definitely don’t have your talent, Susan. Even my handwriting is childish. When my son was in 4th grade, I wrote a note to the school giving permission for my son to ride the school bus home with a friend. The teacher took one look at the note and asked accusingly, “Are you sure your MOM wrote this note?” It’s become a family joke. I would love to win the book mark and add it to my Beatrix Potter collection. I may not be able to write well, but I love to read.
hahaha Diane! You have “young” handwriting! Reading is everything!
Oh, could I EVER be so lucky as to be a winner in a Susan Branch drawing??????
Such a lovely treat! I was hoping for a giveaway when I saw the stack of bookmarks.
Just love the Beatrix bookmark. She is my very favorite of all and the painting on your bookmark looks just like her childhood pictures.
I so enjoy your blog, I feel like we would be girlfriends if we met and we are virtual girlfriends through you blog. Thanks girlfriend, you always know the right thing to say!
So do you Wilhelmina! Thank you so much!
What a great idea for all of us book lovers!
So excited about the book. I wish you could make it to my neck of the woods for a signing, but I know you have too many fans to hit all our locations.
Just love the bookmarks! I use old greeting cards to make mine.
luuuuurv these bookmarks!
So many cute bookmarks!
Just called my girlfriend… And told her not to go to bed with out checking out your blog. Loved it as always! Thanks for the bookmark and thanks for the reminder that sometimes it’s the simple things in life that are the best.
Such a good thought for bedtime! Sweet dreams Barbara!
Oh… your bookmarks are so cute! When I was in elementary school one of my favorite things was when the book fair came. I could not wait to pick out one special bookmark to go with the books I had chosen. Your whole blog reminds me of that special feeling I got when from seeing the book fair. You always have such special treats for us. Thank You!!
Such a nice compliment Nichelle — makes me happy to hear it.
I love all my bookmarks—-how perfect would this one be to add to my collection!!!!
Dear Susan,
I am off to Hill Top Farm in just two weeks! Can’t wait! Your blog inspired us to make the journey. Thank you for sharing your love of England!
Oooooo, lucky you!!! Enjoy Diane.
I would love to have Vanna’s special touch, reach into the hat and pull out my name. What a treasure it would be to have.
A friend just told me today about your website, and I’m hooked already! I have a few of your books and pictures, so this is a real treat to be able to read about you often!
Welcome Kathy, and say thank you to your friend for me too! Sit down, have a cup of tea, and stay awhile. ♥
I’m waiting on pins and needles for my book to come. I can’t remember when the mailing period is. I’ll need a warm batch of scones, clotted cream, lemon curd, and my very best English tea … all right next to my favorite chair.
Mmmmm. It will come right around the first of September Carla!
The bookmarks are Sue-perb!
How cute! And true… :>)
Oh, Susan….such beautiful bookmarks! A true artist at work….
Oh, how I enjoy reading your blog! And, I almost hate to see June pass by because I love looking at your June Calendar pic every morning. The green watering can filled with pastel flowers starts me off each day energized to do something creative and fun. The bookmark would be such a special treat to go with your book which I have pre-ordered. Thank you for all you do….and share!
Thank you back Susan!