It’s a very quiet, very warm summer morning ~ I’m in my studio, the windows are wide open, I feel like I’m on a porch. It’s still dark, insects are cricking and shisking, birds are just now beginning their morning song, I have my tea, Girl’s asleep on the pillow, Jack’s on the ironing board in front of the pantry screen door, peering out into the dark (ever vigilant) . . . foghorns are blowing over the island . . . and in the background, softly wafting from our windows into the breaking morning light . . . MUSICA
Today I get to design advertising for our new book for Victoria and Teatime, two of my favorite magazines. Believe it or not, I’ve never put an ad in a magazine before! It’s exciting to think about how I want the ads to look. It just seems to make sense to have our book in the September annual “British” issue of Victoria, don’t you think? And Teatime? I can’t think of better places for a book about English charm. ♥
I had an idea the other day. When I paint, one of the things that’s always at my right hand is a little square of watercolor paper that I use to try out color — you can see it in the back of this photo . . . the little blotter with wisps of paint color. I couldn’t work without one of these nearby.
I use them to test my pen; I mix colors on them. This one has the stick on it that I picked up in the yard of Norman Rockwell’s studio.
Sometimes I will paint or write something I don’t care for, it’s not quite good enough, or I don’t like the colors I used, so I’ll want to do it over, but I don’t want to waste the paper, so I cut it up and save it and use it to dab my paint on. So that’s how some of the art and words show up on these paint daubers.
On this one I practiced pencil drawings of women’s hair. I tried drawing with pen and filling it in with color — these cards come in very handy.
I’ve done this for years, and when the card is covered in paint and squiggles, I throw it away and get myself a new one.
Until A FINE ROMANCE. About halfway through the painting of our book, I decided maybe I should start saving these squiggles. So I did. I was surprised on how fast they piled up.
And yesterday I cut them all up.
I got quite a handful of them. They look so festive!
They’re all on card stock and every one of them is covered on both sides with all the colors of the English Countryside; the colors of teatime, long walks, cottage gardens, the Yorkshire Dales, Jane Austen’s house, ocean liner sailing . . .
They’re kind of a little story all by themselves. Now I wish I’d never thrown any of them away!
But at least I have these . . . and there’s quite little pile of them. I thought, what good bookmarks these would make.
Not all of them have discernible art on them, but some definitely do, and no matter what, each of them is one of a kind. I never made the same mess twice! So, you know I’ve been setting dates for my book signings? I thought what would be fun . . .
. . . is if I would bring these bits and pieces that helped to make up the original pages of the book and give them away at the signings. ♥ The bookmarks will match the book!
And just in case you can’t get to a signing, or in case I run out before I get to your town (it’s bound to happen, but I promise, only one to a customer!), that big BOOKMARK in the middle is for you. You can print it at home, cut it out, and tuck it in your book when it comes.
I love planning these book events. The people at the bookstores are such hard workers and make me feel wonderful about coming to them. My first two book signings will be on Martha’s Vineyard, beginning with Bunch of Grapes Bookstore, on Julia Child’s Birthday ♥ (I just love that), on August 15th. You can keep track of the dates and see where I’ll be going as we begin adding new events this month. On the right side of the blog you’ll see COMING SOON, EVENTS. Scroll down for dates, times, links for directions, etc. I hope to see every single one of you somewhere on our long drive across America. ♥
And just a few more Small Treats: Did you notice that Kellee put up new summer computer wallpaper, stationery, and postcards you can print out? She did! Kellee changes everything for the season; you can always check for her updates if you go to “On-Line Shopping,” and then click on the left on “Free Stuff.”
Oops, I almost forgot to mention. This time, one of our continuous small treats include a giveaway . . . you see that Beatrix Potter Bookmark in the pile below? The little girl with the bunny?
Leave a comment, I will sign it and date it ~ in a few days I’ll send it to the winner of the drawing, to the lucky name that Vanna pulls from our giant top hat. ♥
Great Susan! A Very Good Idea Indeed – Reduce Reuse Recycle – that’s how we used to live and thank God it’s back in fashion again! And what colorful “throwables” as Giveaways! Lots of giggles, salve
Did you dip your brush in water from inside the little bowl from Disneyland? If so I have to believe… that along with all the good mojo coming from you, and all of our wonderful dreams of England and ” A Fine Romance”… that every one of those bookmarks must contain a little magic in it!
I’ve been away for a bit.….caregiving has not left me much time. So, I am happy to have finally read through all the blog posts… I missed…..and Wow, they are wonderful….inspiring and touch the heart!
I believe that. I bought that little bowl at Disneyland about 2 weeks before I painted my first picture and everything I’ve painted has come from it since. Happy to have you back Deb!
And just look how your talent and your good heart, plus that Disneyland magic have touched the lives of so many…….over the years!
Wonder if Angie Tink was flittering around back then…spreading her fairy dust?
A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes……
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling thru……
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true……
I know all the words to that song! Isn’t it wonderful?
I have always loved that songs message…….of finding the strength to carry on….and keep believing in your dreams.
I think the interesting and most wonderful part of the song is, it deals with heartache and grieving, and the power of believing and having faith that someday….. your dreams will come true.
You can sing it in the strongest voice in the world, and it’s just as good when your voice is thin and little. It makes you strong.
Dearest Deb!
I hope you read this! You have not been forgotten! I’ve missed you and am so happy to have you back! I have been thinking that you have been busy with your mom and hoping that it wasn’t anything more serious. Are you back with your kitty-the Bean??
I can see Baby Button from my sun room window. His eyes of green are gazing at me.
Love you!
Hi Linda!
Thank you so much for leaving me a note! Hope you are doing well. I am home for a respite, and the “Bean” is right by my side…such a snuggler! LOL…..I missed her so much. Sounds like you and Baby Button are bonded too!
So much has happened, I read the Blogs I missed…..and the comments from the girlfriends….it is like catching up with….your old “gang” of friends, and feeling like no time has past at all.
I Think I read about your new grandbaby…congrats! You must be so happy!
Hope you are having a wonderful summer!
Susan, I love your colorful blog today. I’m so excited because I subscribe to both Victoria and Tea Time and I cannot wait to see your ads. I love how colorful your bookmarks are. It reminds me of a million years ago when I had time to be more artistic. Never in painting unfortunately but I love doing Calligraphy and miss it a lot.
Thank you for all you do!
Maybe that time will come again Jennifer!
Any colorful squiggle from you would be most welcome! The “fan” of your cut-ups
is so pretty & a little Beatrix bookmark would be the best souvenir of your whole
bookmaking experience. I hope I win, sigh… Anyway, thanks for sharing!
Susan, as always….Fabulous!….I have a bookmark collection of lots of things…magazine photos I have loved, ribbons, quotes, and old cards. That was a good idea – making bookmarks out of your paint practices … very clever! What a treat for your fans… Can’t wait for your new book and books to come.
A dedicated fan always, Randi —<–<–@
I would have a hard time throwing away the used cardtock too, the colors are so pretty! What a clever way to save them!
Susan, The bookmarks are charming. Little doodle strips. I love your artwork. My mother-in-law Elsie did too. She passed away on May 11- I will so miss purchasing your wall calendar for her every year. Thank you for your talent and inspiration.
I’m so very sorry for your loss Mary. xoxo
When my daughter was in high school she took a watercolor class at a local gallery. Her teacher told the class that whenever they paint something they aren’t happy with to just cut it up into strips for bookmarks to keep or give away.
My daughter just graduated from college with a BFA last month. Although watercolor wasn’t one of the media that she specialized in at college, it is a medium she enjoys from time to time, especially because it is so portable, and because it is an interest she shares with her grandmother (my mother).
Anyway…. I hope Vanna picks me because I would love, love, LOVE to have one of your bookmarks.
Loved your blog Susan…so very colorful. I only wish I was able to attend one of your book signings. What a great idea…cutting up your scrap paper into bookmarks. Some of the girlfriends will be so very lucky. Thank you for the opportunity you have given me to learn more about Beatrix Potter. I got the movie Miss Potter for Christmas last year and I’ve shown it to everyone, and they’ve loved it. Still don’t feel anywhere near 100%, but I had another good report from my Dr. this week. Thankful for your blog to help keep me cheered during this time. xo
Another good report! They are adding up Rhonda! Stay strong! xoxo
Oh Rhonda! That’s really neat about the doctor’s report. Keep up the good work whatever you’re doing. You have all of us praying for you and your complete recovery. God is good!!
Carol, thank you for continuing to pray for me…I still have a journey ahead of me. More tests and Dr. appointments through until the fall. Had an appointment with the Dietician today and she is pleased with me…another good report. I am feeling stronger every day. The lady who looks after me at the bank came and gave me a hug today. She said she couldn’t believe how many people were praying for me, and no wonder I was improving. She is right…thank you all for the prayers – they work!
One day at a time, Rhonda….or sometimes, 10 minutes at a time. Love your positive spirit!
FOSB….are powerful! Much Love Rhonda and many, many prayers!
I won’t stop praying, Rhonda! I am so glad for all the good reports! You have many good people caring for your health. You are doing the right things. And our God is a great God, isn’t he? He is healing you and watching over you. “Consider the birds of the field. They neither sow nor reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. So how much more will your Father take care of you?” (from the Sermon on the Mt.)
Rhonda, Prayers are powerful indeed. My mother has recently been where you are now and believes with all her heart that the prayers and positive spirit from others pulled her through the dark days. We keep you in our thoughts and hearts. God Bless.
Hi Rhonda, Praying for you constantly, and so happy to hear your good news!
Thank you for the thoughts and prayers everyone. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. They mean so much to me…you’re bringing me to tears again. It’s not an easy journey. Thank you!
I. Love. The. Bookmark. Idea!!!! What a sweet, creative, thoughtful, generous, fun thing to do!
It reminds of when I was young and started to read books! I loved having all my stuffed animals and my favorite books to read. Love, love the bookmark!!
What a fabulous idea…Bookmarks!! love it!!! Thanks!!
What a precious treat!
Oh how I would love another Susan Branch bookmark…
What a lovely idea! Hope I win that bookmark. Enjoy summer:)
What a great idea to make bookmarks! Wish I could come to a signing but have my preordered book to look forward to! Oh happy day!
Oh, I would love a bookmark to go along with my book I ordered right away!. It’s like waiting for Santa to come! You are so precious to all of us, Susan. You’re like a best friend.
I just LOVE your bookmarks! I love tucking bookmarks I’ve made into birthday cards I send out!
Gah I wish I had the creativity you do! It’s posts like these that make me want to be more artsy! What a wonderful idea.
I truly enjoy reading the blog and keeping up on you lifes daily adventures. I too share so many similar feelings, and like so many of the same thing you do. Such a pleasure! Please enter me again into the drawing for the bookmark.
I absolutely cannot wait for my copy of “A Fine Romance!” I hope you are coming somewhere near Washington, D.C.!
Not only do I read OFTEN, but I ADORE bunnies!! I have two who visit my yard all the time . . . one I call “Blondie” and the other “Brownie” for lack of anything more creative than their fur color . . . I leave carrots by the porch and they are quite used to me!! They watch me meander about the yard and gardens now instead of racing off with their white tails up! All of that to say that I would LOVE that bookmark along with many others
ANYTHING with your artwork makes me smile . . . thank you 
All your colors make me happy…..I would love a chance at your wonderful bookmark…thank you so much ,and blessings to you.
Gosh! I’ll put it, if I win it, in my favorite Susan Branch Book!
Which is Autumn!
No. Wait, it is The Summer Book!
No, wait, it is The Girlfriends Book,
No. Really, my favorite SB book is The Autumn Book. Really.
Well, except now, when it is summer. The Summer Book is my favorite…
No, as much as I love The Summer Book, my fav is Girlfriends…
Oops! Forgot the Christmas book! …
Gosh, if I win this remarkable bookmark I’ll put it in my favorite SB book – a t t h e m o m e n t!
LOL! I really think I know where it would go . . .
Because it has DNA from A FINE ROMANCE.
Good point…
Greetings from NC! Oh, please sign me up for your drawing. I loved your post, made feel like I was right there in your studio peaking over your shoulder.
Tell me more about the song you picked for our musica. Was Skylark a huge hit? Was Helen Forrest a huge name during the big band era? I know very little about the music of that era, it seems so dreamy. Have a great weekend! Hugs,
Karen C
Skylark was a very popular song, and still is — even Linda Ronstadt has recorded it. Isn’t it pretty? I love it with a big band, love the long intros that go with that kind of music — and yes, Helen Forrest was a huge name during the big band era.
what a wonderful idea. Beatrix Potter is one of my favorite authors and artists. My grandmother introduced me to her when I was young and now I’ve passed her wonderful books on to not only my children but to my granddaughter as well. My grand was a children’s librarian in Vermont and instilled a love of books to all of her fifteen grandchildren.
A fan in Montana,
This was a brilliant idea! I would be happy to win any of your giveaways, but this is like the frosting on the cake! Oh, to own a piece of what goes on when you are creating! What an honor! I wouldn’t know whether to use it or frame it, but I would love to have to make that decision.
And don’t even get me started on how much I love Beatrix Potter. Okay. I’ll tell you……but don’t tell anyone else. It’s a secret between you and me. Sometimes……when the kids are asleep……and my husband is asleep……I watch the kids’ Beatrix Potter videos……..while I drink hot chocolate and eat buttered toast. And oh, how I love Peter Rabbit, Jemima Puddle-duck and all the rest. Seriously. This bookmark has my name all over it. Come on, Vanna. Pick me! Pick me!
I love your secret life! How delicious, these guilty pleasures…
Susan: I’d love to win the Beatrix bookmark. I recently purchased a book called “Forgotten Bookmarks” by Michael Popek. He is a used /new bookseller (following in his parents’ footsteps) and has made a lifetime hobby of collecting bookmarks left and forgotten in books he acquires. Very fun & interesting!
What wonderful bookmarks! Even though I do so much reading with my kindle these days, I still have a special place in my heart for bookmarks. Especially handmade ones. One of my very special bookmarks was given to me over twenty years ago. It was made by my young son, colored with markers with pressed flowers on it. I cherish it
Oh Susan!!!! Be still my heart….seriously! It’s practically beating out of my chest. I would SO treasure that precious, darling bookmark! I LOVE your idea of giving away your painting sample bookmarks at the book signings! I hope there will be one in my area. I need to give you a REAL hug instead of virtual ones! (Sorry…don’t mean for that to sound creepy! LOL!!) xoxo….Karen P.
lol Karen!
I am so excited about getting our book! Yep, I was right there with you and Joe every step of the way!! Loved every minute of it! I couldn’t begin to tell you how happy I would be to win that adorable hand painted work of art bookmark! Oh, Vanna, please pick me!!!
You are a saver par excellance! Never waste anything and I think this is such a great idea. I have lots of bookmarks ….but we also have lots of books.
Happy Book signing trip. Can hardly wait until our copy of A Fine Romance arrives!
As ever, Judy Tracy in Newport Beach CA
Paints brushes papers ideas…a wonderful way to spend the day! I’ve loved painting since I was little. I love Beatrix Potter and am an avid reader. I love using my bookmarks in each book. I have some from long ago. Thank you for a wonderful blog. It makes me happy to read it and brightens my day. Looking forward to your new book. Congratulations! Thank you also for the bookmark drawing. Someone will be fortunate to get it.
Hi Susan,
I am so looking forward to driving to SLO to see you this November!! I have never been in central CA in the fall! I know you will be greeted with joyful smiles and warm kindness as you travel with your truly wonderful book. Take care and best wishes always!
love, Betsy
See you there Betsy!
Hi Susan! I would love to have one of your Up-Cycled Book Marks! See you in SLO.
Beatrix Potter – I love you – Susan Branch – I love you too ! X
Speaking for myself, I love you back Tina!
I turn just about anything into a bookmark, including Southwest Airlines’ coffee stirrers with the heart on top, and truly love your happy pile of Art History!
What a delicious idea to share them as book marks! I’m sure the lucky recipients will be just delighted
All the best on your book signings.
Best wishes from New Zealand
Well I must say that was a great idea to make book marks out of your test water colour pages, they look great.
Love your beautiful collection of bookmarks, love my collection of Susan Branch books, fabrics, stationery, stickers, etc., love YOU! Can’t wait to see you again at Remnants of the Past in November!
See you there!
The bookmarks are a WONDERFUL idea!
I guess my previous comment got lost. TGIF girlfriends! Have a great weekend! Off to work I go.
It’s probably just me, I’m late in getting them through the process, but reading this morning.
Susan! What a happy memory-filled rainbow of colors to be spread in the wake of your WONDERFUL book tour! I am so looking forward to having one of my very own… maybe even on MV!
Happy Friday XOXO! I’m up to my ears in Red White and Blue packing for the family trip to Walt Disney World.
Georgie NJ
HI Susan! Did you get my post about Churchmouse Yarns and Teas? I wrote it last night but don’t see it here . . . Please enter me in the drawing!
Susan, The bookmark idea is creative and a great treat for the booksigning events! Thank you again for your fun blog- and all your writings! I have almost every book of yours now (searched many used bookstores for some!) Can’t wait for A Fine Romance! My sis and I went to London last year, so I am getting her a copy also for a Christmas gift. Love your creative spark!
Good Morning Girlfriends!
I am still in Wisconsin, the Motherland. We are visiting our Moms. The mad dash back to the east coast is Saturday.
Susan, I do think the British edition of VICTORIA is a perfect place to place the add for your book. A while back I thought that they stopped printing VICTORIA. Now I see it again in the stores near my home.
I still don’t know where I will be in September, so I hope that I can get to a book signing.
I hear the birdies now! It is so green here!!!
When I read your blog this morning, I stopped and looked at the pic of the little girl with red hair painting an apple. For some reason unknown to me, it really caught my eye. It could have been the words around it because the John Lennon song, “Imagine”, is one of my favorites of all time.
I love the bookmarks! They remind me of Monet paintings because he used watercolors also in pretty spring colors. It was a great idea to cut them up and now they can be used my all some lucky readers, instead of being tossed in the recycle bin!
It would be wonderful if you stopped in Maryland on your tour. The train does come right through the middle of Baltimore!
I’m so looking forward to your new book! I hope that you can make it to Philly for a book signing!
She so reminds me of my littlest daughter! I hope, I hope…
A signed Squiggle for our book! Please pick me.I can hardly wait.
You made me laugh when you wrote ‘I had an idea the other day’, as though it were quite an oddity :). Why do we feel that way I wonder ? I always seem surprised at myself when I have a creative moment!
Love all the colors on the bookmark. Makes me happy just looking at them.. Happy Summer.
Hi Susan,
My daughter is obsessed with bunnies, reading and painting so this would be a trifecta of perfection in a bookmark for her!
Take care!
I cannot wait for this book to arrive. Though, I think it will arrive at the perfect time. In the Autumn, when I can cuddle up with the pets and some tea and not worry about yard work or the garden. Anticipation is high! I would really love a bookmark, and I’m sure everyone does! I will print out the one you designed with the lamb, so cute! I printed the one you designed with the owl, and keep that one in my SB Autumn book. Like little gifts from SB!
Hello Susan,
You think of the most lovely gifts and usuful ones to boot. Once I traveled to Washington D.C. to see Beatrix Potter’s original work on a traveling exhibit at the Smithsonian. I was so pleased to find it included a bit of her scatchings along with her published work. You should save a bit of yours just in case in 100 years the Smithsonian asks for them!
I also was pleased to see some of her brilliant, botony work. I think many people don’t realize her appreciation for natural science and preservation. She is a great example of a women that made a difference in the Lake District and beyond, without becoming a nasty person. It must have taken great fortitude on her part during a time when women were not given many opportunities and thought of as decor.
Thanks for spending so much time on us, your faithful girlfriends. We feel privileged and honored!
Seek peace,
TOO FUN! What a special treasure! Your blog is a ray of sunshine for my heart! Thanks for taking the time to share your life with us! Heavenly blessings, Cathy in Idaho
I would love to have this bookmark! I love your drawings!! <3
Susan, even your blotters are beautiful with all the colorful wisps of paint on them and when you said you just throw them away I cringed! Such a great idea you had for the bookmarks. I hope you come to Michigan sometime. Mackinac Island is beautiful this time of year.
I would love to win the bookmark to put in one of my SB books. ~~Tammy from Michigan
WOW.. sooo many responses already!! I am a slacker I guess!!LOL.. Thanks for the cute give-away! Oh, sooooo hoping you will be signing somewhere in, near, around, kind of close to, or maybe just a little far from the St. Louis area.. in Illinois or Missouri…a girl can dream!!! Good day and weekend to all the GF’s out there!!! Thanks Susan.. you are so kind!
When I saw all those little slips, I was already thinking what a wonderful thing it would be to have a “piece” of Susan’s work, right from her hands. Putting my name in with the MANY more with wishes to win! Have a great summer day!
You are such a creative person! Just love how you thought to take your little “practice sheets” and make something out of them. The colors of all of them are so cheerful and such a fun idea. Bet you just smile when you look at them. I know I do, when I see them on the screen. I just love all the many things you do. Thanks for sharing your talents!
Will you ever have a book signing in Colorado?
I’d love to win!! Now I’m off to check your book signing schedule!!
Have a beautiful day!
Such an amazingly wonderful idea! I bet everyone who follows your blog would love to have a little bit of you on a bookmark! I can’t wait to check out your book signing dates! I wish you much joy during your journey across America!
I love this idea! I always use a special bookmark in the books I’m reading. I love to add a little tassel to them. Shelley
Hats off to you for the cleverly cute recycling effort; please put my name into the hat as well. Thanks! Nancy
What a wonderful idea !Those blobs of paint almost look like a bunch of leaves!I don’t know who wouldn’t want one ,they are one of a kind!
Your tester sheets are pure delight. I am a watercolor painter as well and I use left over paper on the back side….if they look like anything at all I doodle over it with a black sharpie and hand it over. I have found some of my accidental art on friends’ fridges. It works because you use such cheerful color combos. Can’t wait for your new book.
Hi Susan What a neat idea, your bookmarks are beautiful. I love my collection of bookmarks almost as much as I love my books. It will be fun to see who vanna picks for a winner. Sherry from Washington
What a splendid idea for bookmarks! Oh how exciting to hold a piece of the process! If Vanna should choose me, I will have to choose whether to keep the bookmark for myself and my copy of A Fine Romance, or give it with the gift copy I have ordered for a special someone. Hmm…such a hard decision, but I hope I get the opportunity to ponder it!
Oh, what fun to try and win a treasure from YOU!!!! We have several cotton tails in our yard these days so would LOVE to win this bookmark to remind me of them and YOU. Great idea you had for your “scrap paper”!!!!! Love your work and blog and looking forward to your new book. Joyce
Dear Susan,
What an exciting idea! I wish you would come to do a book signing near my home in Oregon. I’ve bought your books all over the United States (and on line); but have never managed to be where YOU are. But I love the idea of bookmarks from “throw-aways.” I’ve been cutting out pieces of wrapping paper from special occasions, writing the pertinent information on the back, and using them as markers for favorite treats in recipe books. They’ve triggered some wonderful memories. Now if I just had a special “Susan Branch”…..:)
What a wonderful idea, Susan. My favorite bookmark is already one of yours…the girl reaching for the moon. I’ve got my fingers crossed for this one.
Your blog always brings me such happiness and joy. I read it with pleasure and delight. Have a lovely day.
What a neat idea! I would love to have one, please Vanna draw my name out. It would be great it I could make one of your book signings, I did pre-ordered four copies of your wonderful new book, my girls and I can hardly wait for them to arrive. I got one for each of them also, we are all big fans of yours…..
XOXO Carol
Hi Susan — I have a “thing” for bookmarks and would love to win one especially for “A Fine Romance”. I also hope to see you and many of the Girlfriends either in San Diego or SLO for the booksigning. I’m planning on wearing a summer dress I made about 20 years ago that I think you did the print design for: a soft blue background with pastel-colored garden themes in the design; a straw hat with flowers and blue ribbon, pink garden gloves, a basket of tomatoes, bumble bees, butterflies, seed packets, watering cans, hoes, roses and much more. I found darling little pink roses for the buttons on the bodice. The print looks like your artwork and I’m dying to find out if you’ll remember it!
I think I do!
What a great idea for the bookmarks. We are all about recycling in my family and they are so colorful and cute. Love the girl with the bunny – we had a pet bunny for 8 years and he was like a member of the family – a gentle soul. Hope to meet you at a book signing if you’re in New Jersey/New York area! Your blogs always make my day
Dearest Susan:
Your blog and artwork always makes me happy. You have the gift of scattering joy! I’m grateful for the gift of you!
“The gift of scattering joy.” I love that! This is my new goal.
What a great thing to do with your scratch paper. I would love to win a bookmark from the fabulous Susan Branch! You are just the sweetest! Have a wonderful weekend.
I am sitting here today at the dining table making handmade business cards and tags for my paintings, with watercolors and watercolor paper, scissors and rulers, a pen and pencil, and a triangle and hole-punch. And then I see your beautiful pictures of bookmarks and I have to smile! So wonderful. Happy to put my name in the hat for a chance to win one. If not, I hope I can make it to one of your book signings. If you plan to visit Maine on your tour, I recommend Left Bank Books in Belfast – a wonderful independent bookshop run by three terrific women who love books and England (and France, and Italy, but that’s another story). Great antiques shops all over this region, too, if you need tempting.
You always have the best ideas but honestly if you said that we could pre-order a copy of your scraps, I would just because I love all of your work. You are the best!
Oh how I would love to win the book mark! If only you would have been doing the book signing one year earlier I would have been at Bunch of Grapes Bookstore. My sweet daughter Emily, took me on a trip last August just so I could see what the island is like and where you live and see all the beautiful and wonderful things you write about. When I read your blog I feel like I am right there. Thank you so much for giving me such a beautiful escape. Also While I was there I found a Petey. He is so special and reminds me of my dad since he was in the navy at the time Petey came to be in 1945. Thanks for so many beautiful writings. Leah
Love the bookmark idea! Hope I win one!!!
Oh, my! It seems impossible now, but please add my name into the pile for Vanna to draw from. I’m hoping you come to Kentucky (or somewhere near enough for me to drive) for a book signing. That would be so wonderful. (I always love the musica you choose! I’m a big fan of music from the 1940’s and 50’s).
How joyful to look at all the beautiful colors.
What a great idea for your signings! Will you be coming to my part of the world (?) which is Washington state? I’m sure you have many fans here who would love to go, including myself
Will you give us a preview of your ads for the magazines as well? Sorry lots of questions.
Enjoy your summer weekend!
We will try to make it to Washington — Joe’s never been, and it’s been a long time for me too. So it’s definitely on our list. Yes, I will give you a preview of the ad, very soon Melissa!
Oh! Very excited at the prospect of you coming to Washington for a signing!! There are lots of antique stores in itty bitty towns (and in some big ones too), that you two could enjoy as well
Have a great 4th of July!!!
–love, Melissa
Have always loved Beatrix Potter… and have always loved you
Thanks for a chance to own one of your beautiful bookmarks.
What a fun use of your scratch paper … they look so amazing!! Great idea to give them away as bookmarks!
Great idea. What neat bookmarks…lets call it “up-cycling”. Just think…you might have thrown them away…..
Scrumptious colors!!
The bookmarks are lovely, the blog is charming, and Susan, you must be the nicest famous person I “know.” Love the bookmark idea.
Oh Susan, I have loved that little girl with the bunny since you showed her to us. I hope you come to a signing in or near Ohio. Guess where I was last month? The Amtrak Station in San Luis Obispo, CA!!! I know it is closed, but I looked for where your store may have been
(from the train) I took a picture of the train station sign for you, but didn’t figure I could attach it. I was on my way to Disneyland! We had a great time. I got a pair of Minnie Ears for the first time in 60+ years. I can’t wait for our book! And I hope to win!
What a wonderful way to go to Disneyland. Joe and I take a train trip at the end of July, going out to see my dad!
I would love to have a bookmark… Count me in too! Thanks!
What a brilliant and super fun idea! I’m sure all your girlfriends would love to have a little piece of original Susan Branch art.
By the way, have you ever read The Diary of A Provincial Lady by EM Delafield? Written in the 30s, a whimsical and wry chronicle of her life. Really charming, and she went on to write several more. I’ve just finished the third one in the series and am waiting for the 4th to come in at my library.
Believe it or not, I was just reading the first few pages of that today!
Susan – Your blog brings me so much joy – my mom and I text back and forth about it every time you post something new! How happy I was when she told me you’d be in San Luis Obispo for a book signing. She’s pre-ordered us both a copy of A Fine Romance, and we’ll be staying in Cayucos for that weekend in November! xoxo
Wonderful! I look forward to meeting you both!
Love the bookmarks. A clever way to recycle too. The colors look so bright and cheery—are you displaying them at home in an old mug on a book shelf?
I would love to own one! (I just may have my granddaughters over and have a go at making a batch!)
What a great & beautiful idea. Hope to win that bookmark!!
This was so neat to read. I just gave my 12 year old daughter cuttings from me sizing down art paper. she has been making bookmarks with beads and her art work, so coincidental.
We would just love a bookmark of yours to go in our book when it arrives.
And she could bead it and make it her own!
Cant wait for the book release
Good evening SB. I am often amazed by the way you take an ordinary thing and turn it into an extraordinary thing, i.e., paper bits with ink test blots into British bookmarks, while, along the way, entertain with a heart warming story. Always a good story. The cut strips look artistic – seems all you touch becomes art. You must have starlite in your eyes to see items with such vision.
You encourage one to keep hopeful, and that anything is possible. Thank you. [Joy] 6.28.13
Sweet words Joy, thank you so much xoxo
What a great way to repurpose your scratch paper. The colors are so cheerful. Will the new book be ready for booksigning at Bunch of Grapes in August?
We are going to make sure by having those books shipped ahead, so yes!