Time out for dreaming, Girlfriends. One of the things I’ve learned over time is to listen to my inner voice when it tells me I’ll do better work if I take some time to dream and just be. So that’s exactly what I am going to do, but first a new post ~ I’ll show you what I have in mind . . . MUSICA
I actually started yesterday ~ I don’t think I’ve ever felt it as strongly as I do right now, I think it’s trying to tell me something ~ all the way out on the walk this morning I was in some sort of nature trance, I could feel the movement of every leaf and the drift of every cloud ~ it was sending me to the moon.
Our walk lends itself to that kind of dreaming. Looking at the sky through a canopy of leaves and of course staring at the sea is an excellent exercise for dreaming.
You’re all dressed up to go dreaming, mind if I come along . . .
I love reading old cookbooks too, especially this time of the year, it takes my mind to another world . . .
. . . and makes me want to bake something . . .
Because there is nothing quite as inspiring as coming in from a chilly fall day and smelling something baking in the oven. It makes a person feel good about herself, don’t you agree?
Another good one is getting under a blanket your grandma knit for you, totally guilt free, not a care in the world, with a kitty on your tummy, to watch a wonderful old movie like Random Harvest.
Also, making dinner with the birds at the feeders and no noise at all, just the clanging of the measuring spoons, the clanking of the spoon against the bowl.
Filling the little vases with whatever is drifting around the garden . . .bringing nature indoors. And I don’t have a photograph of this but I have to report an aphrodisiac alert! Joe just walked by my studio window carrying our new storm door for the front door! I love a man in the yard in the fall! So inspiring!♥
I love wrapping up in a cozy shawl and lighting candles and reading or just staring at the fire as the days grow shorter.
. . . and hanging clean dishtowels on the stove . . . is perfectly inspiring to me.
Of course writing in my dairy . . . extra squiggles are tucked in the back of my diaries, everything from greeting cards to ticket stubs — this is one of them (on the right), totally and completely meaningless . . . I have no idea why I did it. I think I’m thinking about clothes!
This was me just starting out on a lifetime of dreaming. In those days it was the noises of the neighborhood from my bedroom window that sent me off to la-la-land. I could lay on my bed and listen to that all day. I recreate that every chance I get.
This is just a little wonderful art (which I did, of course, NOT paint!)
Back then my dreams had no edges, no solid lines, they were unformed, I didn’t even know I was doing it. After I grew up I learned about Beatrix Potter and always wondered what her dreams were like as a child. She has always seemed so grounded to me, I wonder if she had flights of fancy. ♥
But she definitely helped me to form my grown-up dreams.
She gave me places to go and people to see . . .
Dreaming taught me this . . .
Every once in a while I forget, but then I remember.
Of course, the fastest way to fill my heart with inspiration is to imagine myself back in England, for example here, in Ellen Terry’s garden. I can still smell the fresh green-ness of this place, and feel the breeze and remember that it is actually poetry in motion.
I sat in that garden, with her lilac, writing our book, having tea AND Peah-Ci-da, listening to lambs baaah, all senses on high alert. Deep breath, ahhhh, now that was a beautiful day.
An empire of imagination.♥ I am SO HAPPY Scotland, with it’s lovely men in kilts and the entire ecosystem of fairy magic, chose to remain as part of England. I was so happy to hear the news this morning, it made me cry! It would have been very sad to see them break up after so many years. MUSICA And I’m sure it will be better now! Heres to the future!
Here’s a bit of English charm I know you will love, also from Ellen Terry’s garden.
And this? This is my first glimpse of Wray Castle, the place the Potter family rented on their first stay in the Lake District when Beatrix was sixteen. I took this photo while on a boat crossing Lake Windermere, the egret was a gift.
I wrote about the Waterhead Hotel in Ambleside (across from where you get the boats) where there was magic in the bathroom! This is the place! I didn’t have room for a picture in A Fine Romance, but here it is! If you haven’t read it, you can (if you squint) below.
Like a basket of drinkable kittens . . . ♥
This stone cottage in Tetbury belonged to our friends Siobhan and John. There is a river running just below the windows, it is raining and grey outside; just behind where I am working there is a woodstove with a little crackling fire.
Dreaming . . .
Isn’t it adorable ~ a perfect storybook cottage. I wrote and watercolored these pages while we were there:
I was channeling Beatrix Potter when I did it. I had to. I couldn’t help myself by that time. I’d fallen head over heels in love with everything around me. She must have painted and drawn on many rainy English days just like mine.
Lambie Pie.
When a picture makes me cry, I know I’m on the right track. This is the Yorkshire Dales and the grand sweep of it is beyond my words to describe. But the sound of those wildflowers blowing against each other was enough to do a person in. Permanently and forever.
Oh. I’m sorry. I’m losing it, right Girl Kitty? Sorry.
Another thing that encourages my dream state, which I need right now for growth, is piddling around. Putting away my summer books and putting out my red winter books. . .
. . . filling vases and cups with flowers ~ because I need nurturing, Joe needs nurturing, kitties need nurturing, our house needs it too, and I’m assigning me the job of doing it. For the sake of my dreams. ♥
Some people hang clothes on the line because they want to dry them. I hang them on the line so I can go outside, smell the fall air ~ and watch them fly.
Time to pull out the hooked rugs for the kitchen floor and put the draft stop at the door. This draft stop is one of my favorite decorations for my kitchen in the fall. I love it because it’s useful, it does a very good job of keeping the air out, plus, “Home Sweet Home” just says it all. ♥ The design isn’t stamped on, it’s embroidered! It’s filled with Balsam needles and smells like Christmas. Kellee says our Goat Barn at the studio (where these are kept) smells WONDERFUL. Why? Because we just got a bunch of them in! Are you excited? Because I am! I’ve been trying for two years!
My guy, this morning, on our walk where all the trees were talking to me, making me cry from how beautiful it is out there. Beatrix Potter had her beloved Lakeland, and I have my wonderful island, and especially this little corner of it right here, with that guy on it, right there.♥
And one last thing before I go and do as much more-of-the-above as possible for as long as it takes . . . this↑. Several of you have asked for Count your Blessings to be made into a print. And Kellee listened and did it! From us to you with love. XOXO Have a wonderful day Everyone, be sure to take a moment for dreaming. ♥
Thank you for reminding us to dream. Your post was wonderful as usual with the moving Auld Lang Syne “musica”, and I am especially glad you are happy about the results of the Referendum. I am sorry if some are disappointed, but I was born in England and love Scotland and the Scots, and I’m very glad we are still together in this union. It would also have set a very scary precedent – what if Martha’s Vineyard decided to secede? The rest of us would all be so sad!
I am so happy to be a part of such a great group of like-minded people who all seem to notice and love the truly important things in life that you so delightfully present to us!!
It would be awful. Although, back in the 60’s or 70’s, they tried!
Susan, your blog made me think of a great disney (Cinderella) song:
A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you’re fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for you keep
Have faith in your dreams and some day
Your rainbow will come smilin’ through
No matter how your heart is grievin’, if you keep on believin’
The dream that you wish will come true
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smilin’ through
No matter how your heart is grievin’, if you keep on believin’
The dream that you wish will come true
THANK you………thank YOU!!!!!!
You do realize, I hope, that you are a modern day Beatrix Potter and Gladys Taber for so many people. This post, like so many others, just makes my heart soar. Reminds me of so many things that I am grateful for, that have inspired me. The epitome of cozy, the height of delight… You’re a treasure!
Oh Jake, what a nice thing for you to say. No, I don’t know that. But you are a dear to say it. xoxo
You speak the truth, Jake! It is the truth, Sue! xo
Jake, I agree. I love what you said! Sue, know it! For those who know and follow you, you ARE the height of delight. Love all that you do!
You guys!
I agree with Jake too!
I do my best, Debbie!
Grabbed my tall ladder this week and picked the last of the nectarines and peaches from my trees………left the high ones for the squirrels who have truly enjoyed them (but were very wasteful eating only small portions of each).
Then baked a big peach pie for me and Mom! Her pies were always the best but she is polite and says she likes mine!!!
My dog and I took the afternoon off from chores and spent it laying on the chaise and swing in the yard and enjoying a mild summer day……truly a day for dreaming and trying not to feel guilty for not getting much accomplished ..
You were such a darling little girl with your winsome face! I’m glad you had a nurturing family life something I feel most children today do not get.
Thanks for a beautiful post as always. Linda from Idaho where the weather is hot and heavenly!!!
Thank you back Linda, hello to your mom!
Hi Susan,
You’ve mentioned Peah-Ci-da in several of your posts. I must have missed the one that explains what they are. I think I would love them, too, if only I knew what they are. Please tell me. Oh, maybe it is really pear cider, but where does one get it?
I love your books and reading your posts. I have one of my mother’s old “recipe books” printed in 1939. Oh, how the recipes were different then, but fun to look through.
It is Pear Cider, and a very refreshing drink — I learned about it on our trip to England and wrote about it in my book A FINE ROMANCE, so I wrote it the way they said it, with an accent, Peah-Cida. It’s delicious — the one we liked the best was “Magner’s” which is available in the US in many places. Google it or ask for it at your liquor store. I have to say, what you get in England is more carbonated than what we get here in the US. I heard it was because import duties are higher for more carbonation — if you can imagine that! They charge for bubbles! So apparently they take some of it out. Too bad.
loved your post Susan. Fall and me are like peas and carrots! I take your Autumn book out in August and my dreaming begins. I try to stay controlled with my decorating and only have fallish things till October but it is SO hard not to slip a little goblin or witchy poo somewhere inconspicuous on a shelf. heh heh. I am going to re- read A Fine Romance soon and savor every bit of it once again. Thank you for bringing so much joy to me. Squinch Jack and Girl for me. Love, Kerrie
I will squinch the heck out of them for you as soon as I get home! (In New Hampshire this morning.)
Just like you, I was very glad to hear about Scotland’s decision to stay, yay! I enjoy your posts always, but I love it when little things happen to connect what I am doing at home and what you are doing. You have your book, A Fine Romance, open to the page with the Dr. Seuss quote. I just finished writing that quote on my kitchen chalkboard. That sort of stuff just makes me smile. I have been going page by page in your book and putting the collection of quotes on my chalk board. So fun. Happy Autumn!
How did it get so late so soon! Dr. Seuss . . . ♥
Amen! Beautifully done as usual.
Good~Morning Sweet Sue….Almost Noon On This Lovely Sunday….Did You Watch Sunday Morning on CBS? The Queen~Mary…..(I Always Think Of You!)
Love The Musica….DREAM ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*. Since I Grew Up On Long~Island I am very Spoiled… Because Our Autumns Were Spectacular!
So Now Living Here in Central Florida Every Year I Must Re~Create Autumn…. & Oh Boy Do I!
Once Again… I Have Transformed Our Home into An Autumn Enchanted Cottage…. It’s Gorgeous & Magical…
We Have had A Few Real Rainy Gray Misty Days So Finally even Our Temps Have Dropped & “Fall” is in The Air…. So You Know I’m Twirling With Sweet Delight! Thank~You For Sharing All Your Magic With Us Sweet Sue….& Inspiring Us & Reminding Us To Stop….Breathe….Listen….& Enjoy All The Magic…. The Changing Of The Seasons…I have Just Read Your Blog Post & Then I Read Everyone’s Comments & Your Responses….& I Feel All Warm & Cozy & Happy Inside….
Your Blog Is A Very Fine Place To Come Sit & Stay….for A While…..
Again Thank~You! Ahhhhhhh……Time for Me To Fly….Make Herbster Some Lunch…BLT’S & Tomato Soup Today….Yummy!
Happy 1st Day Of Dreamimg Sweet Sue! Enjoy!
Hugzzz & Kitty~Kisses to You & Joe & Girl & Jack! xoxo Poof! P.S. Autumn Pixie~Dust For All! Make A Wish! ✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✫*¨*.¸¸.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶* 
P.S. Hey I Think I Got Lost Again! Hello! Sweet Sue Can You See Me????? Happy Autumn! It Has Arrived! Twirling! xoxo Poof!
I can seeee yooooou Angie!
Whew! Thank~Goodness Sweet Sue! xoxo
I’m so late with your comment Angie darling! Please forgive me, and Yes, the Queen Mary was wonderful!! I but your house is adorable!
As you do resemble somewhat the attributes of Beatrix Potter and Gladys Tabor and Eleanor
Roosevelt , the scope of your functions in their light however , are exponentially of wider , larger and greater impact! . You and the world are blessed with the intimacy of a more direct personal relationship due to the existing technology . You provide inspiration to thousands of “girlfriends” on a daily basis , touching their hearts and emotions in the , Susan Branch style , that emits the positive vibe that creates a warm aura of contentment over the icy and inherently cold and impersonal Internet.
There are not , if any , others in this world that have that interest or capability ! Ergo , you have become a national treasure , in being there for hundreds of ladies needing a little lift out of their personal or emotional distress.
That is only one of the coexisting Susan Branch elements — there are the international visits where you take all that follow on your holiday to provide a virtual out of the armchair and off the couch experience . Getting so much of what you see and feel from your photos and
verbal descriptions , as posted , along the way .
Oh yes , then there are the books for home and heart , diaries and Mothers and for cooking and travel —I could go on elaborating ….but need I say more ?
Objectively speaking Dad !
OK, I’m putting this in here only because my dad is having a fit that I won’t. Objectively! Ha! XOXOXO
How eloquently and acuately said! I think it was objective…….even if you are her Dad! All of us out here whole heartily agree! A national treasure……you have only just begun Susan Branch. You may not be flying under the radar as much as you think.
I would sign off, your biggest fan, BUT, the thousands like myself that follow this blog would disagree. So I can safely say, your biggest fan living in Knickerbocker, Texas (population 50)
You are to cute Chris! XOXO Thank you (beyond thank you actually).
This is my very favorite post from your dad. I am truly sorry for your loss but I am glad you had him for so long. Thank you for sharing him with all of us, Susan! Hugs from Christy in Southern California
Oh yes, my dad comparing me to Eleanor Roosevelt!!! He was a corker my dad. I found messages on my phone, his voice, while we were traveling … I loved that. Thank you Christy!
You always leave me feeling so good!
At the moment I am so excited because my birthday gift yesterday from my daughter is a night’s stay on Vashon Island at the former little farm of author Betty MacDonald (“The Egg and I.”) I loved her books so much and now I get to walk the land her feet touched. I couldn’t get as far as Nantucket to walk your neighborhood, nor England to “visit with” Beatrix Potter. Hopefully some day…for now, this moment, I am a happy girl.
So love you and your world.
I loved that book too, and the movie! how fun!
‘Autumn Leaves’ … by Johnny Mercer… written in 1947…
first recorded by Jo Stafford … youtube.com/watch?v=lTaRMum_gWU ……….’Autumn in New York’ … by Vernon Duke … written in 1934 for the Broadway musical, “Thumbs Up!”… youtube.com/watch?v=qRBllJt7rNQ …………….’Early Autumn’… jazz standard written in 1949… music by Ralph Burns and Woody Herman … lyrics by Johnny Mercer… youtube.com/watch?v=mMzRr9faOR0
Love these Carol!
Autumn greetings to all Girlfriends near and far !! How lucky we are to be lured by Susan’s art and wise words. I, too, am inspired by the beauty of this season. One day this week I visited my favorite Amish lanes where I purchased a tri-colored mum for my front porch. Also got a tall yellow pumpkin (or gourd?) with lots of warts. So ugly it’s cute ! Then went to nearby apple farm for honeycrisp and yummy pears. It’s so fun to see the simple act of hanging a seasonal towel on our stoves can unite us in our pursuit of homey harmony. I also like to collect feathers on nature walks to display in tiny vases. My only contribution to the subject of Scotland is that their dreamy import- a.k.a. Sean Connery, was the focus of my movie viewing today in “Finding Forrester.” Great ! So, Susan, happy recharging.
My daughter(32 married and living in a tiny apartment in NYC in the village….with a one year old) would love to have the inspiration print made into a needle point canvas. Is that possible? I would love to do that for her. Please let me know if we can transfer it or if you guys can make it to a canvas. I think many of your writings and beautiful drawings would make wonderful needlepoint projects. Thank u . i look forward to hearing from you!!
I’m not sure how we would do this, but if you figure it out, you can use it if you will give me back the design to share with others? Is that a deal?
How about a photo of the inspiration -take it to Office Max for enlargement and print on the thinnest paper available –attach to needle point canvas and there you have a pattern to simply sew the needle point over .
Look at you! My sewing father xoxo
Everybody needs some time out for dreaming! Your post really accentuates the best about dreaming and following your dreams!! I loved seeing all of your beautiful photos, too. Thank you, Susan!
Your posts are always so delightful but the poem you ended with today greatly helped me. This has been a bit of a rough week. My 18 year old son totaled his truck on Tuesday. Thank God he is fine! Then Saturday my husband wrecked his truck. Again, thank God he is fine. Then Saturday evening, I fell down the stairs. Nothing is broken but I don’t feel so fine. Instead of sitting here covered with bumps and bruises and wallowing in a touch of self pity, I am now going to count my blessings. Our Indiana skies are vibrant blue outside and the leaves are just beginning to turn. So I will take your advice and turn my attention from my aches and pains to the countless blessings that are in my life. Thank you!
Oh my goodness, and thank God everyone is fine, but how nerve wracking! That’s three. They say they come in threes, so you are done, and clear sailing from here!
Happy Monday Susan! The 1st day of Autumn, well tonight actually….I loved your photography! I was just reading this morning about how rushing keeps our hearts earthbound and we need to “listen” for holy whispers. Quieting our minds helps us to hear God’s still, small voice within us. He gives us words of Life and Love and Peace. It’s refreshing to tune our hearts and listen….peace be with you!
And you. Well said Sherry!
Just now able to read your post, but how wonderful to start Monday with inspiration from your well of sweetness! Only I guess I’m too late for the darling draft stopper because it’s already out of stock. Boo hoo. Maybe you will get more? Anyway, I am eager for fall and all the coziness it brings, that so lends itself to dreaming. Your Autumn book has always been one of my faves, though now A Fine Romance has stolen my heart. I recently gifted a copy to a best friend who pronounced it a “masterpiece.” Really, you are the masterpiece, because your book is a reflection of your heart. Thank you for shining more light into the world!
I called today and found out they have something like 40 left, I ordered them all. They’ll not be getting anymore, so watch for these Roseanne. They told me we should have them in two weeks. Oh my, I just read the rest of your comment, you touch my heart Rosanne. Thank you. xoxo
Oh thank you so much for taking the time to call! I will be watching your online store like a hawk! It’s just so lovely to have warm, homey touches about the house, and I see that little draft stop beneath my door. We watched the last episode of Roosevelts last night, and it was sad to say goodbye. What extraordinary people, and no wonder, with what the country went through, that our parents became the Greatest Generation.
EXtraordinary! I knew, but not really. LOVED it.
Susan, the hubby and I went to Cape Cod for the day on Saturday. Unfortunately, not the islands but theres something about the Cape in September that’s beautiful. Less crowds, weathers still great. We found a small town beach and we sat on the bench for hours just enjoying the view, the peace and quiet. I always say to my husband “lets just spend the night, it so calming and wonderful here” Your walks always sound so dreamy. Enjoy the Fall…
The Cape is pure magic isn’t it. All those peeks at the water and ponds!
Lovely post – I love this time of year for many of the same reasons! Thank you so much for including the photo of Greer Garson from Random Harvest – one of my all time favorite movies! I start getting teary every time I try telling someone about the movie. Many years ago a friend found the BOOK! The jacket cover has a drawing of Ms. Garson and Ronald Coleman and the inside front page encourages you to buy bonds! I’ve always been afraid to read it in case they change the story – because you can’t improve on that movie, I don’t think!
I know how you feel, that’s so funny, can’t take chances like that!
god morning Susan and hello girlfriends. the weekend was warm, summer’s last blast of the heat and today is cooler, so goodbye summer and hello to Fall. tomorrow will be Fall and I can’t wait. we worked all weekend long, cleaning up the barn and cleaning out the henhouse and laying out new straw for the nest boxes and floors, plus hung up the sprinklers and rolled up the hoses and put them away for the season, also the clothesline may be going away soon to. the chickens, ducks and turkeys and the geese are eating very heavily, can hardly keep the food containers filled they are eating so much. which is telling me that they are figuring on a cold winter this year, I do hope their instincts are right as I have been noticing the squirrels and they are eating heavily, have been for weeks same as the chickens and they weren’t last year. I am already looking forward to soups, stews and pot roasts for Fall meals, and roasted chicken and roasted veggies, too hot to cook those in the summer. we were also busy stacking up that firewood and being ready to have that first fire in the evening. we are looking at rain later on this week, maybe the drought is finally broken, one can hope so. looking forward to cozy days watching the leaves turn color and time for sweaters and jeans when outside sitting on the front porch. also got all my pumpkins harvested and they are now sitting on the hay bales, curing for a 2-3 weeks before I add them to the front porch decorations. off to go get the eggs and get the bread dough punched down and ready for the last rising. I love the scent of fresh bread baking in the oven. wishing you all a Happy Fall and all the blessings of this wonderful season. Happy Harvest everyone. hugs…..
Are you making this stuff up?
What a wonderful rural life you must have but I’ll bet
you have lots of “people” to help! Sounds just wonderful
but lots of work.
You quack me up:)) I’m now closing my eyes and pretending I can smell your fresh baked bread – YUM. Yes, lots of predictions of a cold, cold, winter. xoxo judi
Such a wonderful, lovely post, and I just love the gorgeous door draft stopper — EXCEPT…….. I went to order one and you’re already out of them!!! “Oh, Woe, Hapless Toad!!!” (Wind in the Willows). I hope you get more in soon, they are so very beautiful.
Thank you!
We just got a new order. It will take about two weeks to come in, and they are the very last this company makes or will make — so we got them all — and not very many I’m afraid, so be looking for it! They are beautiful Margie, I was SO happy they weren’t completely gone!
I know my post are short and sweet but you are just so very lovely! Thank you for your blog! Kim
Kimberly A., sorry to stick my nose into your portion of the blog, but I see that you’re from Simsbury, Ct………which is not far from Westfield, MA, where Susan will be speaking on Oct. 14. Check out her events blog for further details!
What a beautiful post! I was a little slow getting to your wonderful Fine Romance & just finished it last week. Loved every word & picture! I have my pretty ribbon between the pages of that beautiful picture of Wray Castle – completely enchanting. I’ve been dreaming of decluttering my home so that I have more room to enjoy my favorite things. Keep on dreaming as we all benefit from your marvelous dreams. Thanks every so much.
Thank you Troy!
This post left me with the “warm and fuzzies” thank you so much!
Hi Susan: I agree with Jake! You are the modern day Beatrix Potter and Gladys Taber only better because we get to enjoy you in real time!!!!
I especially loved the black & white of you. You remind me so much of a dark haired Shirley Temple! Adorable! Have a great “rest” and enjoy this wonderful Autumn weather. We are painting our front door a wonderful spicy red. Can’t wait to see how it looks. Love you, Susan Branch!
We’ve just painted our door too, but we live in the historic district so we have a choice between black and black. Spicy red sounds wonderful! Thank you Asha!
I just watched an old Betty Davis movie . Her mouth looks like it healed OK but they didn’t quite finish the operation….
Dad . . . ha ha ha, I have to say, you are too much.
Hi Susan, I adored your post. I hope you really are getting some time to dream and just be. No one deserves it more, you have been so busy with the new book and your appearances (t.v., book stores, ect.), I don’t know how you do it all. I have to tell you I happened to go on your shopping page, the day BEFORE your blog came out and I saw that beautiful door draft! I couldn’t believe my luck, I ordered one right there and then and I cannot say enough good things about “your girls”, Kellee and Sheri. I ordered it on Friday and Saturday when I got home there was the Susan Branch Box!! I couldn’t believe it. My daughter was with me and she got so excited she asked if she could open it,lol. It is so pretty, it is too hot here in Ca still but I can’t wait to use it. Just had to tell you all that. I also love reading cookbooks, somehow they are soul soothing, I don’t know why. And I also hang clothes outside just to watch them blow, how funny. Yours and Joe’s road does look extra beautiful. It looks so crisp and clear. Thanks for taking us on your walks and all of the beautiful pictures. Speaking of beautiful, I love Girl’s face! Well must go, I am trying to teach myself to crochet. I am at the part of “trying to get the yarn on the needle”, lol, but true. Tomorrow it the 1st day of Fall, yip-eee. xoxoxo
So nice to hear from you Sharon! I’m glad you liked your door draft. xoxo
Per your favorite book suggestions, I just started reading “All Creatures Great and Small”. The picture of the Yorkshire Dales is the perfect accompaniment for my “dreaming” of the countryside described in the book. It IS beautiful enough to make me cry and my heart sing at the same time!
So happy to hear your enjoyment of such a fabulous book! xoxo
Hey Susan!
We have now entered into my very favorite time of the year….So many wonderful things that happen now and all the girlfriends and YOU all talk about the same wonderfulness…Time to slow down a little and think back over the year and all the things that we have harvested in our hearts; from snow to snowdrops to the first robin and the full moons and new moons, twinkle lights in the arbor and clothes drying on the line….I will be on the “look-out” for the door draft also…Living on my island and in an old historic home that can be drafty (to say the least!) this will be well welcomed come this winter….I think it is beautiful and our island grows blueberries too! It is PERFECT! Girl kitty could be a twin of my Dinah…I so love tuxedo cats…my favorite..something about black and white!!! I love the seetness that girl radiates in her pictures…..and Jack has that “life is one adventure after another” look in his eyes!!! ha ha AND for the music this time…really hit home…”Dream” Pied Pipers….was the number one song of the year, the year I was born….It has always been one of my favorites…another favorite of mine is “Smile” written by Charlie Chaplin…………Oh cripes! I started this note to you and had to stop to go to a dr. appointment…I just found out I have shingles! so I will be home for 7-10 days …..But all of your books on my shelves will now come down and I will re read all of them……Gladys Taber is there too, but read those just recently…..and I know Miss Potter and I will rendevous one afternoon while I am curled up in my big cozy chair under my blankie! ….Again Susan, thank you for all you do and sending out your “love letters” to all of us friends….I adore you and what you are doing…keep going but be sure you take time to breathe and love your own personal life………..Thinking of you with a big smile…..from my island to yours!
Jack got out of the house twice in one day last week. Turning Joe and I into cat callers, beggers, crawlers, enticers. He was so wild in the eyes, he thought we were other cats and would not let us come close. Such an adventurer. But all is well, and now we watch him like a hawk! You’re going to LOVE Miss Potter! All my best with those shingles . . . hope they stay very light and unnoticeable as possible.
Miss Potter was soooooo wonderful. Adore that movie and everything about her. and yes! I was all curled up in my blankie with a hot cup of tea!!! so perfect..The shingles are now gone..I was blessed that they were very small, light and with no pain, ever. One week and all gone! Glory Glory!..My cousin (like my sister) and her husband are traveling New England right this minute and today went to the JFK library and museum..and on Wed. they take off for 7 days touring Ma.,Vermont. New Hampshire and Maine to see the colors…I wish I was in her pocket, but she is wonderful to call me everyday and report her travels…Can’t wait to see her pictures when they come home…but even more, I can’t wait to see your pictures when you return from seeing New Hampshire in the fall… I have been to New Hampshire twice…once to New England College graduation and another time, just sight seeing!…But the best for me was spending time on Cape Cod…I stayed in a BnB in East Sandwich for 10 days…so all the places you talk about, are alive in my mind, only wishing I was there again…..I just want to thank you for all the pictures and descriptions of all those wonderful places where I have been and still want to go…..Sue, you are so fantastic to share all the things that you do….Thanks sweetie!!!!
That is truly a blessing, and now you’re probably immune! Lucky you! And thank you back Susan! xoxoxo
YIKES! So glad this has a happy ending.
Happy autumnal equinox!
If it’s true that we all have a twin, I saw yours Sunday on the beach.
Didn’t think it was you because you are too busy to come to the low country.
Drizzly rainy day, got out Autumn and I’m feeling fallish. Went to
town yesterday to buy pumpkins and mums for my big party Sat. night.
Also, found a set of autumn harvest dishes at the thrift store, straight
out of the 50’s. They will be on my table for sure. It’s so much fun
playing house!
Maybe it was my clone, if so, please tell her to hurry home!
Happy Fall to you! Dear Susan! I loved your post as always. The whole bundle of it was enjoyable but the thing that really popped for me was the part of enjoying a man in the yard. I just celebrated 38 years of marriage . It’s true … Let’s not take for granted having a dear man to help out with the things that they are good at. While I’m in Fl. Enjoying time with my daughter my husband is at home fixing the lights along the lake and getting the yard really for Fall. He is gifted for knowing when things are about to break and what to do to make the house ship shape. It is inspiring to see a man in the yard and what a blessing it is .
I couldn’t do half of what I do if it wasn’t for Joe. It’s easy to be grateful for him!
Wonderful, beautiful blog! Of course, I had to watch the trailer for “Random Harvest” & had a delightful surprise! On the sidebar was “Ashokan Farewell” w/Doc & The Lady, now I’m sitting here humming & swaying to the beautiful music! Love it that you’ve always been a dreamer dear sweet Sue, me too, I remember staring out the windows daydreaming whilst the teacher was explaining algebra. The huge trees were much more appealing to me than those numbers!!! I’ve been reading this blog, every morning, & I thank you (& all the great comments), going off to cozy up this cottage & dreaming of beautiful things! xoxo
Good morning everyone, Happy first Day of Fall. just popped in to wish you all many blessings for the season and Happy Fall. sorry have a sick turkey to attend to, she is weak and needs feeding and water so on the way. have a wonderful First day of Fall. hugs…..
~ Same to you Pat!~
Hi Susan, I totally loved this blog complete with all the dreams. What on earth would we do without them? I was so interested to see the video of the nuttery since I love filberts and they are my very favorite nut……..they taste a bit sweet to me. But, I must confess, I do love ALL nuts and they are good for you too.
Not sure if I saw Random Harvest but will check it out because old movies are the very best and we both love them.
I so enjoyed looking at your cookbooks and baking at this time of the year is the best. I’m thinking those were corn muffins which I absolutely love. Yummy warm with butter! Also, another favorite of mine is Popovers with butter!
Love the “Home Sweet Home” draft stop. So pretty~! I’ll have to think about that for a Christmas Gift for someone special. My sister, Carol, would have loved it and she lived in Maine so the blueberries would have been perfect.
Hope you have a wonderful day! Hugs, Gail xo
FYI, just between you and me Gail, we are getting the very last of the draft stops in existence anywhere in about a week. We sold out of the first batch, but the manufacturer had just a few left, and we snapped them up . . . so if you really want it, be on the look out maybe by the end of next week.
Thank You!!!
Also, this is for Blog Dad. How do you make cabbage soup? Sounds
so good with potatoes. Is it in one of Blog Sisters books? Please share.
I always put cabbage and okra in my vegetable soup. In fact, it’s on
the stove right now. Perfect for a rainy day.
I simply went on Google and asked for a Cabbage Soup Recipe ….they had several to pick from
Beautiful post, beautiful pictures. I know that beautiful photographs are a large part the subject and then a large part the photographer, but I was curious as to what camera you use, or cameras you use. Thanks if you feel like sharing.
Yes, I use one camera, it’s a four year old canon EOS Rebel T2i.
Hi to you, it is a lovely day here in Michigan…sunny and 70 degrees, not conducive to thinking of winter, but here goes! I so wanted to get that delightful draft dodger you had in your shop saying “Home Sweet Home” in blue embroidery, only to find it is not now available! I am bummed! Will you get any more in? Thanks!
Yes, watch for them in two weeks.
I am sad to say that I have stopped getting your blog again by email. This happened a few months ago and it was corrected. All of a sudden I realize that I haven’t seen one in a while and I go your website and there is it. I know I’ve missed at least two. I don’t want to miss any! I tried clicking to subscribe by email again on the website but something strange came up and I could not register again. Just thought you’d want to know. Hope they start coming again soon.
Sue in Fl.
Well, I heard that a few months back something big changed in the world of blogs and it wasn’t just to us, but to all blogs. I have no idea if it’s true, but that’s what I heard. I don’t know why this is happening now ~ you should be able to re-sign, but I forwarded your comment to Kellee to see if she can help you. She’s much better with the computer than I am.
I think my post got lost in cyber-space, so I will try again…
Oh, what a cozy post ! Those “fall feelings” are so welcome. Doing much the same here….filling vases, taking walks…Random Harvest is one of my favorites, but this fall day I managed to get Vacation From A Marriage through the wonder of library loan….got the afghan my dear Aunt Mamie knit for me, tea ready….here we go. Hope your fall gets cozier and cozier !
And someone mentioned “Oh, Smitty” in RH….my favorite part is when he hears Oh Perfect Love at the wedding rehearsal. Was not Ronald Coleman a dish ??? Thanks Susan for all your great posts !
It’s probably not lost ~ I’m just late “approving” comments (too much spam, have to do it) ~ we’ve just been getting ready to go, and then going, and now we’re here in New Hampshire, and nothing is normal! But it’s early and Joe’s still asleep so I thought I would say Hello! Ronald Coleman was a dish!
I completely agree with you about the necessity for dreaming. Like almost everyone these days, I get caught up in accomplishing things every day. It’s good to take some time to be quiet, watch what is happening on the creek & think about the really important things in this limited life we have. The simple things in life seem to bring the most joy!
A lovely cozy post..exactly what this time of year is all about..almost like a new year..for about 1 month:-)
Hello Susan, Fall is my favorite time of year. So much to do but little time to do it all. The lists are long and your heart begins to race with time. Everything starts with the harvest moon. I love the fresh air and cool breezes, crisp mornings and the changing of the season. The leaves are changing rapidly now from green to an orangey orange, lemon yellows and apple reds. When you take a walk to the oceanside and do an about face you can see color as far as you can see. The mountains are so beautiful this time of year like Arcadia. Beautiful time of year. I love gathering all the last veggies out of the garden. Such a busy time of year trying to gather all the pinecones and acorns for wreath making and gifts to make for Christmas. You have to hurry before the leaves fall so to get all you need to find.Time to go to all the farm stands and stock up on squash, pumpkins, cider, honey and mums. It’s also time to pick apples …cut, core, peel, and freeze apples to have all winter long. Time to make the last of your jelly for gifts and to store for winter. It’s time to finish all the canning of the veggies with the last of the harvesting of the garden, tomatoes, cukes, and such. Then last of all it’s time to have a little fun at the fair. Crafts and blue ribbon quilts. The smell of kettle cooked popcorn popping and candy apples, fried dough and icecream cones to. Seeing all the animals. Cows ,horses, lambs, goats, chickens and bunnies too. The sounds of old time music playing and a stop at the Christmas tree farm stand to see the weaths and trees and which ones get the blue ribbons. Let’s not for get the flower shows and black smith’s shop also. So many things to see and do. That’s why you go for the whole day long. Love your blog and glad you are taking a little time for yourself. Old man winter is just around the corner so enjoy the fall season as much as possible. Thanks for the up date and keeping us up to date. I have enjoyed your blog so much. I check all the time to keep up with all your books and all. Take care of your Joe and kittys.
Thank you Linda, I’ll do that!
I love this post. It is so how I feel when Fall comes around. Enjoy your dreaming.
OH Fall! Most definitely a time for dreaming! Summer is so energizing and busy and Autumn is like a comforting stretch and yawn before dozing into Winter.
You just make me chuckle at my computer. And believe me that doesn’t happen enough. Have a beautiful Autumn.
Happy to hear it Vida! I just love your name.
Hello Susan, I can’t thank you enough for the precious little house sketch in your last posting titled “Reasons to Go on Living.” I printed it out and it is hanging, framed, on the wall next to my bed. I recently developed chronic nerve damage in my feet that makes walking painful. Having been active all my life, this is a bitter pill to swallow. Your blog reminds me to hang in there, that life is still worthwhile and there are many things to be grateful for.
Blessings, Catherine L.
Hello Susan and all the friends
I made a “find” that I wanted to share, although many of you may already know about it. The US post office has a series of “celebrity chef” stamps including many names beloved in this blog (unfortunately not yet Susan).
They also have a series on farmer’s market produce that should look lovely on fall letters. Just another fun way to celebrate the season and the art of feeding loved ones. Marty
I love the PO stamps! Thanks Marty!
I’m sitting here reading your book, A Fine Romance. You make the best girlfriend ever. I’m eating up every word and illustration. I just had to pause and come read the latest on your blog. I shared on my Facebook page. You are fantastic.
You are a doll Anna! Thank you so much!
Notice you have a Scottish Bakery there in town …. Might be a good contact in planning your forthcoming visit ….to help set up your itinerary . Is Scotland a place where you make a grand loop or simply slice through it from stem to stern to “do” the place.
Unfortunately the Scottish woman who started the bakery sold it and then passed away, so there are just regular people there! The flag is still out front though, and they still make their delicious shortbread. Grand Loop of Scotland is what I hope for! xoxo Have a wonderful day Dad — we’re off to a beautiful little town on the coast by the name of Newburyport to do a book signing on Sunday . . . raining here this morning, but it’s supposed to be nice. Kiss Jeanie for me!
Hi Susan,
I have one of my Mom’s old cookbooks, and it looks just like the one you show in your post here.
Happy Autumn to you (it’s my favorite time of the year)!
I bought Talbot’s teacup sweater today–have you seen it? It’s really nice with a yellow polo shirt or lt. blue chambray shirt. JA
I think you would have made an amazing teacher! Many people dream, but you have the ability to give life to your dreams, and help others feel those dreams, too. You are very much like I imagine Beatrix Potter to be ~ I’m sure she had flights of fancy. And like you, she pressed those dreams onto paper with words and watercolor. You both have shared some pretty wonderful dreams with all of us.
I would be hard-pressed to pick a favorite part or picture from this lovely post ~ I so enjoyed it all. Looking forward to being able to get the air-stop. As pretty as it is, I think I’ll enjoy the fragrance most of all!
Thank you Lynn . . . I would have liked to be a teacher — if all my students were as sweet as my Girlfriends!
I did it, I just finished reading all the archives and I am both humbled and inspired. Your positive outlook has cheered me on some sad days and your appreciation of creativity echoes my own. Your generous spirit is a gift, I hope to be like that instead of indulging in grumbly moods, and you have re-awakened my own illustration dreams.
We visited Scotland last year; it is my spirit-home where I felt an instant connection and I bet you’ll feel the same. My hubby enjoys scotch so he was thrilled, while I went nuts over everything else, particularly the sheep! Happy dreaming and planning, and thank you for the inspirations. xo
Love hearing that Liz. We can’t wait for Scotland. xoxo
Dreaming and nostalgia go hand in hand and your post made me dig deep into my memory bank! First, I had a dress similar to yours which made me smile to think of it. Second, my dreamy memory and one I hold dear in my heart is running down to my Grandmother’s house (she lived one house away from ours) on a sunny autumn day to sprint up the stairs to my favorite bedroom with the pineapple head and foot-board bed adorned with a crisp white chenille bedspread. While reading John Steinbeck’s “The Pearl,” on that twin bed, I remember looking out the open windows while the white ruffled curtains fluttered in the fall breeze and thinking even then,”This is a special moment in time to dream.” Thanks for the wonderful post and Happy Autumn!
Just caught up on your blog. Great way to start the day! Flew home from CA visiting our son. Poor CA , the drought is more than terrible! SLO looks like it could just blow away! Read you will be in Cayucos soon. Moved from there 5 months ago. Would be extremely happy if you can come to Raleigh area in the future. Love your photos, especially Joe on the am walk. Came home to fall here. The BEST!
Welcome home! Yes, poor California, makes me sad for them too. I just hope when it starts raining it starts slow, stays slow, and constant.
beautiful post, pictures, memories and music. and as usual just what I needed this evening. Thank you Susan and God bless you and yours. xoxo
This post really put me in the mind of something my Dad talked about every once in a while. That one of his favorite things in the whole world was to wake up from a three-hour Sunday afternoon nap in the deepest part of Winter, reclined in his pinwale corduroy easy chair, feet up, wearing flannel-lined jeans, the scent of roast beef and apple-cranberry pie in the air and the sounds of my Mom and we girls getting Sunday night supper ready. A very nice memory. PS – Tetbury? Isn’t that really close to Charles and Camilla’s Highgrove home? Do your friends ever see “the neighbors?” LOL. Have a great weekend, all!
Love your memories, and yes, in fact John knows the Prince . . . he milled the flour for Prince Charles’ Duchy Originals and arranged for Joe and I to tour the gorgeous gardens of Highgrove on our first trip to England. Heart a’flutter.
Hi Susan! Hope you are enjoying lighthearted, refreshing, and dream-filled Autumn days! Your morning walks must be even more lovely as the colors emerge. I’m so happy that more Girfriends will have a chance to gather for your book signing this weekend! Happy leaf-peeping along the way!
Safe travels!
Yesterday was beautiful, we wandered about Plymouth and Salem, today we go to Canterbury . . . lots of trees have turned, but many haven’t.
So happy that you and Joe are visiting such special places along the way. It would be such fun to see your photos. So many of us dream of visiting New England in Autumn! Warm hugs! ♡♡
How large a part does meditation play in your life?
It’s a huge part.
Fill us in sometime.
I thought I might put it in the book I’m writing.
Your blog postings are ALWAYS such a respite from “the news”, as are the comments from all and everyone including the “one in nine” satisfied man
I got a very nostalgic hit from the illustrative art of the little girl and her paint box. Took me back to days of my youth sitting at the kitchen table with coloring books and crayons and a particular kind of book that had “magic” dots that made color flow when water was brushed on — loved it while listening to those 15-minute radio soap operas with my mom and the chick-a-dees outside in the hedge along the driveway. Thanks for bringing that all back Susan. Oh yes, and Toni home perms — who can forget that stench and the shocking curls. Nary a digital device was known . . . unless you count the digit dialing the rotary phone. Oh dear, my mind is definitely wandering.
I hate to be an old fogey, but wasn’t it better? Course we couldn’t do THIS, so there are some benefits.
THIS is really great, but so is being nostalgic and remembering and yes, much of it was better. I will go on pondering this. Must be one of the best reasons for writing . . . Hmmmmm.
It has turned to Fall here in Seattle …Yay! I think we are all such a lovely group of Girlfriends to all enjoy the same things. That makes me so happy! I also feel happy that we have certain family members who keep us in check….like Girl Kitty. Haha…her expressions are absolutely adorable. It is raining and cooler here (finally), and we have been lighting the fire in the gazebo when it turns to twilight each night, and we also have Bliss lights that we turn onto/into the gazebo and it looks like a twinkling cosy room. I have been waiting for this time of year …for a year! I always reread your beautiful Autumn book and start the baking. Your wonderful blog keeps me inspired, along with all of the great comments. Xoxoxo
Susan, I see by an earlier post that you and Joe were in New Hampshire this morning. Hubby and I are heading up there Wednesday to do a little leaf peeping by ariel tram (Cannon MountIn), train (HOBO dinner train) and boat (Lake Winnipesaukee). We’re hoping the weather there will be close to what we’ve been having here in south central PA for the last few days…break-your-heart blue skies, trees starting to flame more and more each day, fields gold and brown with ripened corn and soybeans, mounds of mums and piles of pumpkins at roadside stands and in markets and on front porches. And, if I listen very, very carefully, I can clearly hear the perfect theme song of Autumn. Ashokan Farewell. Makes me cry every single time. Hugs. Hope the book signing in MA tomorrow is lovely!
It’s just gorgeous up here! You’re in for a treat, Shannon. Roadside stands and antique stores galore, trees turning colors reflected in the ponds and lakes, just beautiful!
helloooo, Susan and all. I haven’t done a “reply” for quite some time, but cannot pass on this one. (1) sooooo glad to see comments from your dad…I was worried. no need, I see. he is FINE. God bless him!! (2) fall is my favorite time of year…being VERY thankful that the heat and humidity are OVER!! whew! (3) the mentions of nh made me a wee “homesick”…today is one year anniv of our move to va. the bonus….our grandbabies are so much more able to visit us here….it’s a much shorter drive to and from dc to va than to nh. and, a true bonus it has been!!!!! mmmmm. anyway…I will say as I did in ALL my earliest replies….thank you…for being you….and, thanks to all for being “out-there”….you are always fun and always a boost to the heart. bless you all.
He is fine, thank you Chris! xoxo
Susan, it is so important to take time away to get the ideas flowing again. I thought you might enjoy this British gardening video while you are recharging your batteries.
Thank you for your work and this blog. It is a touchstone for me to help get clarity and focus on my own dreams.
Hi Susan,
Just so happy to have finally had the chance to meet you yesterday in Newburyport. After 21 years of being a fan, it was a joy to shake your hand and talk to you for a few minutes. I so appreciate your willingness to sign all 7 or 8 books I brought along (I lost count) and also to sign Joe’s Black Dog Martha’s Vineyard Summer book. Unfortunately, I didn’t run in to him on the street when I left, but having your signature makes it extra-special. Enjoyed meeting other lovely “girlfriends,” including Wendy and Martha and loved that little shop. I shared my experiences in my memoir writing class at York County Community College today and urged my fellow students to visit your site, check your blog and buy your books. You are a treasure.
Thanks again and looking forward to seeing your post on your New Hampshire leaf-peeping and cemetery visiting trip.
Nancye T.
Wells, Maine
Nancye with the ye . . . love your name. Very nice to meet you too, it was a wonderful day. Bring the BD Cookbook with you next time, usually Joe stays closer to the signing, but that cute town just called his name! And Thank YOU! For sharing our meeting with your writing class . . . that is just the nicest thing! xoxo
….Yes, the “ye” is always a conversation starter! Thanks, Mom…I am doing a memoir piece on it! Will definitely bring the BD cookbook the next time. But please let Joe know I love his many tasty fish recipes…we eat mostly fish.
Take care until next time,
Nancye T.
I’ll tell him!
I’ve been reading the comments, since I can’t sleep…and having a grand time clicking on the names that are “clickable” and reading Girlfriends’ blogs…what an interesting bunch we all are. I highly recommend checking them out, especially as we wait for a new “Susan” entry!
Last night, I was so wishing you could of been a fly on the wall. My 11year old daughter was on the phone with her friend and she was telling her all about your book! I thought to myself if Susan Branch was in this room, she would be so proud that she has touched a young soul!! What was so wonderful about it was they talked all about how you wrote it by hand. They dreamed and talked about how they would love to go on a trip like yours. Thank you for doing something different for today’s kids and adults. Have a nice day! Kimberly
You are absolutely right, I loved hearing this! Thank you so much Kimberly, for telling me. Eleven is such a magical age, when you’re such a magnet for creativity and beauty. Give her a little hug for me. xoxo
now she is doing a book report on it!!! I’m just giddy about it.
I am too. ♥ I was writing Mother Seraphima this morning (see the next post) and I told her about your daughter and her friend and how much that meant to me! xoxo
Hi Susan,
It was lovely to meet you last weekend in Newburyport for your book signing. I wrote a post about it and published some nice photos. It was such a treat to see you again and to have a stack of signed gifts for my Mom and sisters for Christmas.
Your story about the Waterhead and the recording of Judi Dench reading Beatrix Potter brought to mind what recently happened to me while patronizing Schmidt’s Sausage Haus in German Village, Columbus, Ohio.
Soft polka music was playing when I entered the ladies – then a man’s voice spoke in German – I thought I had gone into the wrong facility! Then the man spoke again! But this time, it was in English – and a movie quote no less. “May the force be with you.” Turns out they attempt to teach you German while you are a somewhat ‘captive audience’!
Ha ha ha, I love that too! Very handy!
I love the draft stop you have for your kitchen door. I was looking for them on your online shopping but didn’t see them there. Will they be on soon or have they all been grabbed up? Dear Heaven I hope I haven’t missed them!
Watch close, more should be in by the end of the week. (But these will be all they have, so do keep an eye out for them)
Rabbit, Rabbit!
Dear darling, sweet, wonderful, friend to so many wonderful, sweet, darling, people that love you so much !
What a lovely book signing in Newburyport at The Best Of British shop ! You made so many dreams come true meeting long time followers and ones that just found out about you. I really didn’t know that Nuns could be so giddy and happy ! It was so sweet to see ! You are a modern day Beatrix Potter and Gladys Taber as one of our friends said you were. Thank-you for such a wonderful day to cherish and all the gifts you bestow on all of us. Just by being YOU! And as for Joe….. I see why you love him so much. He takes such good care of you and visa versa ! oxoxox Wendy Louise oxoxox
The ONE thing I never knew until about an hour ago when I was talking to Joe about the event was that YOU are not just any Wendy — you are Wendy LOUISE! I don’t think I heard that, so I missed going OHHHHH, WENDY LOUISE! Sorry! I felt like I knew you, I just didn’t know I knew you! Yes, it was delightful — and yes, the nuns were the best. I told Joe we could make a movie with them, they were so cute! All of it just could not have been better. Thank you and your darling husband for being there Wendy LOUISE, now I know, I won’t forget. (probably I will, that is the nature of the beast!) xoxoxoxoxoxo
No worries, I am in the same boat with you ! My heart will never forget such darling people all because of you and this most wonderful Blog, the best in the world ! oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Thank you darling!
Hi Wendy Louise!
Great meeting you on Sunday and thanks for taking care of my books and putting them behind the counter so I wouldn’t have to carry them around until Susan arrived. Look forward to keeping up with you on the blog….isn’t the Girlfriends network that our dear Susan has started amazing? Truly thrilled to be a part of it and making so many new connections!
Take care and thanks again for helping with my books!
Nancye T., Wells, ME
Dear Nancye,
It was my pleasure ! What a wonderful party we had going, it was perfect ! We should meet sometime for tea, Wells, Maine is not that far and we could meet in between. You know we would have so much in common especially because we LOVE Susan !
All the talk of Autumn just wasn’t happening here until the last minute…the tempurature just dropped the late afternoon of the 22nd, so we were offically into Autumn on the 23rd!
I had been thinking of driving up to the Northeast in October, so I could see the leaves, visit friends, and meet YOU! Then it happened…Arnie’s class was changed to CA for 5 weeks! So…I thought I would see you in CA, but NO. When I am in CA you will be signing books in MA and when I come home, you will be signing books in CA!! I feel like the 11yr old with the dream…still just writing to my favorite author!
I was planning on going to Santa Barbara the week of October 13th with my cousin…
We leave here on October 30 and probably will be in Santa Barbara, I think it’s Nov. 7th.
Crossed purposes! Don’t worry, I know I’ll see you someday Margot!
Dear Susan,
As I read along your thoughts, words like: evensong, remembrance, holiday, observance – come to mind. The season is shifting, the dark time of year is running towards with open arms. Grandma’s quilt, tangy autumn air, outdoor laundry flying on wind (I love your observation!). Yorkshire, the Lake District, Beatrix seems in your heart. You create beauty, just the same! Your artistry melds into everything you do! You can whip up beauty faster than a speeding finch landing at your birdfeeder! Having said, I love dream time, quiet time, and asking, “What’s next?” I lived in Yorkshire what seems a lifetime ago – ten years and counting – I can attest to the darkness this time of year, hurtling towards you like an avalanche. It is rather unsettling to be sipping tea mid-morning – in the Yorkshire dark. I couldn’t bare it, and came home earlier than I had planned. So, there you go! Be happy you’re not heading into the English winter! There will always be much more light gathered round your home! Thank you for always lifting my spirits with how beautiful it is here! (and smells good too!)
All the best,
Oh Susan, I ran right over to buy the Autumn charm and it’s already sold out…
I so hope you get more in soon. I love it! Happy you were in NH, where I grew up and it so pretty this time of year. I go to Newberry Port every year with my GF when I make it back to NH and we spend the day there. It is lovely and a grab a couple of Emma’s mugs at the Brit store too!
Hugs, Lynnie
The Autumn Bead is gone,,, Any chance of a Autumn Tea?? hint hint… maybe a little orange spice pumpkin somethin somethin !!!! your teas are the BEST!!!
I think it’s coming!
Jeanie ! LOVED her unbirthday celebration yesterday ….she looks like a little girl all snuggled in that big fuzzy cozy bathrobe and new nighty…. As birthday cards are starting to roll in she says this is the seven days of birthday . A Happy wife is a joy in the home !
I was waiting until next week for her real birthday, but I think I better call today and wish her happy UNbirthday! I don’t want to be left out of the celebration!
I have found that a lot of times when I hit the Post Comment button , it blinks but actually doesn’t post …. So I have taken to watching my computer very closely to make sure it gets the job done …. When I send a message out into the ethernet . I’m thinking perhaps this is
what may be happening to these folks that are concerned that their postings did not appear
…. They simply did not get sent ….we always referred to that as ,” cockpit trouble”.
LOL, I like that, “cockpit trouble.” Yes, and what makes it worse is that I can’t check on something I can’t see! I don’t think it happens often though — and by the way, it’s happened with me too!
Susan, I recognized the pages you featured from a 1920s blue cookbook I own entitled, “Anyone Can Bake”! I told my husband about it and it prompted him to say once again: “You guys are kindred spirits.” I also read and collected Gladys Taber books before I found yours. Just love everything you do and appreciate your love for life. It is so inspiring!
It’s a pretty little book, such nice drawings! Thank you Renae!
I also like to hang laundry out to dry for the same reasons. However, I am transplanted in Alabama now (I sorely miss New England autumns) and in the summer, it’s a very fine line between getting the clothing off the line just as they get dry and unclamping cardboard still pieces of laundry that no amount of steam ironing will smooth. It reaches that point very quickly here in the intense heat. Some call it sultry, I call it … something else.
Yes, I call it something else too.