Believe you me (as my mom would say💖), you cannot pack up all your very favorite things from a house you’ve lived in for 35 years without living every single day on that beautiful old street called Memory Lane. MUSICA! I love it there. I’m good at it. Not the packing, the memories. Everything we pick up has a story, and looking at some things brings back the years, and leaves me with joy joy joy, a surprising result from what should be an awful job! Me (and Man Cat) when I first moved to Martha’s Vineyard from California, in my tiny house in the woods (that I accidentally bought because of the cute stove and broken bird feeder) knowing no one, devastated from divorce, scared, confused (like how did I get 3,000 miles from everything normal), with no idea what would come next. See that face? It’s the face of luckiness. But we never know where life will take us. Fun thing about growing older, you get to see your path! The little cottage I’d stumbled upon had a hand-written sign out front with a name, Holly Oak ~ the house had a name! It was small but it was cute! So much happened in the seven years I lived there, that in 2016 I used my old diaries and photographs to write a book about it called Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams. Next Willard is going to be all about this little house. Pure memory indulgence. Now it’s hard to wait … 👏

And I was right, wonderful things were ahead. As my eyes began to open to everything around me, I heard the birds singing, I admired every detail of the changing seasons. I began feeling like a bunch of fairies were always running ahead arranging little discoveries for me . . . it never seemed I had to look far to see them . . . and it never stopped. Here we are on our walk just the other day. Where’d that heart come from? We don’t know. We walked past it to where Joe is in the photo, and I suddenly thought “I can’t just walk by that,” and said to Joe, “Hey, look at this.” I went back and showed him and he said, “Take a picture of it.” (Joe, the gift that keeps on giving. Fairy found him in a restaurant and sat him next to me one night.💞)

Joe waited while I took pictures. I think it was just a dry place in the damp road where the trees hadn’t dripped. Put there for us.

We love our walk so much we put our name on it. Lots of times! 

Only 3 weeks ago our walk looked like this . . . colorlessness in all its colorless glory. Deeply beige. Good air though, good, clean, cold, briny, fresh ocean air.💨

Everything we see is art.🧡

And baby look at it now . . .The gift of our lives, being here in all seasons, a piece of our hearts will ALWAYS be here, forever, until time is no longer. It’s made for such a happy life! What I take with me from this: sea glass we found during hours of wandering the beach, heart-shaped rocks, tons of photos and videos, memories, of the porches we sat on watching the sun set, the barbecues on the beach with our friends, the yellow kitty I found and wrapped in my jacket to take home ~ too many memories to mention ~ always reminding me what a wonderful world this is. And the BOOKS we’ve listened to together out there (one Airpod in my ear, and the other in Joe’s)! Speaking of which: Oh boy, do I have good books for you! First off, have you read The Dutch House by Ann Patchett? SO GOOD!!!! A+++ and read by Tom Hanks! Which made it perfect. He acts all the way through it! We just finished it the other day, we both cried at the end. Walked the rest of the way home talking about it.📚 We are now reading something completely different, but equally compelling, memoir and history, my two favorites, and it includes archival recordings! It’s by Doris Kearns Goodwin and it’s called An Unfinished Love Story. We’re only just two walks into this book, and I thought I knew the history of the 1960s, but I was only 13 when the decade began, and am being TREATED to a whole new view in this book. I think what I was doing and thinking then (sooo busy watching Bewitched, meeting the Beatles) and compare it to what these others were doing and thinking. Another world! Walking and learning!👍👍 Win-win! Under the trees, through the woods, to the sea with my honey man, for a lifetime.   Even the sky knows it’s spring, and not afraid to show it.

Our house fronts on two streets, this is a view of the small-town, tree-lined street at the back…. . . I love the lawn going right up to the granite curb . . . in my mind, the cars and asphalt are gone, and what I see is a couple of horses nibbling grass . . . How quiet it is . . . make a right after that second car, and you see this . . .

Our House. The first time I saw this, before I knew I could buy it, I would come over and sit here in my car and stare at it, dreaming it into becoming mine.💖

Looking down from way up there, the sky, the same one we walk under, the same one you see outside your window, the same one that floated over that old street and this old house 175 years ago, has seen it all . . .

Seasons of beauty, and the excitement we feel waiting for each season as it comes, marking time as a gift. Sparkling sweet spring and my pink-flowered clematis Montana Reubens is blooming!!! I saw this plant for the first time at the first house we rented in England and fell in love 🌸. Wrote about it in my garden diary, came home and planted it. You California girls, do you know if this vine will grow out there?🙏 I might have to be satisfied with gardenias and sweet peas which don’t grow well here on the island. Gardenias, not at all!

The bluebells came from Lowely’s garden and now they’re in bloom in my garden and volunteering all over! In England, bluebells are protected, and in the spring there are carpets of them in the woods, for as far as the eye can see.🦋 

The Jan van Leeuwen peony my girlfriends gave me in 2020 in memory of my mother just bloomed in time for this Willard. The first of my peonies to bloom each year.💞 Wonderful! Big as my hand!

Next comes this one! My mom and Shirley Temple go together like peanut butter and jelly, bologna sandwiches and potato chips, saltine crackers and milk.💞

This is my second year of No Mow May. I love seeing what comes up when we don’t mow! It’s quieter too . . . no lawn mowers. 

Everything seems to be blooming at once, Lily of the Valley, 

. . . dogwood, and Lilac too. Mrs. Bowditch, who lived here for 30 years before us (to whom I give thanks every spring, summer, winter and fall), planted the entire west side of this property with lilacs!

Mrs. Bowditch’s wisteria is planted across the length of the house on the arbor that goes under our bedroom windows, under another bedroom’s windows, under the back stairs window, ending outside the Peter Rabbit room bedroom windows. Old old, with a trunk much thicker than my leg. Our windows, newly relieved of storm windows, are open at the perfect time… to smell the flowers, and hear the sound of the fattest bees!💤

I came in from the garden carrying my phone, and my shadow came with me . . . I looked down, and there was my OTHER shadow.💖 

Jack seems to be oblivious to what is going on in this house. He hasn’t said a thing about the shelf Carlton made for me (see the hearts?) being taken down and wrapped up to go to California. Doesn’t miss the pictures on the wall, not repelled by empty bookshelves, missing silverware, dishes, and nap blankets, doesn’t mind walking around, over, or through boxes … He does what he always does, looks cute, basks in the sun, shadows me…

Waits in my chair . . . because he knows soon it will be nap time . . .

Rolls over for Joe’s Man-hands to give him a good rub! He is going to love our trip across country. He’ll be center of attention 24-7!

And while packing, I look outside, feeling the springtime vibes of this 35th Spring of our lucky lives here in this house. This normal Valley girl, oldest of 8 children, walking to school in my Girl Scout uniform, Reseda High School alumni, squirrel-luring, doll-loving, bologna sandwich eating, Toni permanent getting, Zuma Beach sitting, star-wishing, Ciro’s dancing, Beatle-meeting, Joe-finding, cat adoring, birthday-cake making, cookbook-writing, LUCKY person.🌹

Only 35 Springs here . . . of the 175 that this old house has experienced. We did our part, 35 Christmases, 3 weddings, one memorial, and one movie night under the trees, too many birthday toasts under the arbor to count, flags on the front of the house, croquet and badminton in the garden, lobster dinners with Frank Sinatra, Tommy Dorsey, Harry James MUSICA wafting over the neighborhood, hot dogs on the grill, tea parties, Christmas Parties, Girl parties, egg hunts, a luau for Joe’s 40th, quilts-airing, sheets drying, kitties galore, visiting neighbor dogs, in short, LIFE. And I have photos of it all! I’m writing this so that hopefully the people who live here after us, will find this and know what a living thing this house is.🦞 It goes forth with my forever thanks and gratitude.🌹 

I went through my 17 photo albums and took pictures of everything I love. Much faster than scanning, and worked really well. This is one of them . . . it’s my first photo of the house, the exact view from that pretty street where I used to sit and stare.

And this, with hearts I stenciled on the windows for Valentine’s Day . . . Perfect forever-decor for this house. Even if you can’t see them now, you know they were there. And that’s what makes all the difference.💋

For happily ever-aftering than here in Camelot . . .❤️

I feel so lucky that when we get to California . . .

. . . we have another picket-fence garden . . . and a little house that I love. What Martha’s Vineyard (AND England) taught me is that I’ll be happy no matter where I am as long as I can be outside, with old trees, the sound of bees, the smell of dirt, watching birds, hugging kitties, watching the sun set, wandering with Joe. It always was and always will be

Our move in 2024 is very different from my move alone in 1982 … this time I bring my loves with me, my Kitty and Joe . . . and I bring you. I didn’t have you last time, I was in the process of growing into the having of you . . . this time is MUCH better! Can’t wait to show you all our new plans. But never worry that we won’t have our memories too . . . you’ve been here on the island with me for so many years, we’ll never forget it! And I’ll never stop writing about it. Like they never stopped writing about Camelot! Because once there was a spot . . . 😘

Jane Austen and I have a lot in common in that we know how to celebrate getting older! Same way we celebrated being younger! (douceurs in French means “sweets”)🍷

Here’s another harbinger of spring on Martha’s Vineyard, John’s Fish Market opens for the season!!! Oh my!!!🍤🍤🍤 Time OUT from packing!!!

You know it will be good when you go inside and see this photo that’s been on the wall for years . . . Glenn, John’s son, and I’m guessing this is his little sister? She’s smaller than the fish!🐙

You know it’s going to be good when you see this out behind the market! It’s the real thing!

So along with the rest of the island, we go down and stand in line for all their delicious delights, fantastic fresh fish, lobsters, and potato salad … plus, THE best shakes, fries, onion rings, burgers, fish plates, the Island’s best version of fast food, except (spoiler alert) it’s not really fast, but it’s GOOD . . .

And here: the creme de la creme. . . our first fish sandwich of the season. The best melt-in-your-mouth, freshest-fish sandwiches on the face of the earth.🐟 From a fish market that was here when I got here. I never met John, but I knew his wife Sandy . . . for years and years, I would come for fish and joke with Sandy. And now their son Glenn is there, cooking for everyone. If you come to the island, go there, and be REALLY nice, and tell them I sent you. For old times sake. Click HERE to find them. ❌⭕️

Took this bowl to Margot’s for a party on her porch on Friday night with all our friends . . . filled it with Brownies (p.109 Autumn Book ~ but I’ll put the recipe at the bottom of this blog in case you’re in the mood🤗) . . . I didn’t put my name on the bowl, left it and the embroidered linen doily for her . .. because it’s true. “Old friends is always best. . . Unless,” as Sarah Orne Jewett wrote, “you can catch a new one fit to make an old one out of.”♥️Our moving van comes in one week!🤪 But we’re going to stay another month. So all is well . . . we’re DOING it.🆘 Each day I get up and MAKE my day. That’s what it seems to take. A TON of conviction, more than any normal person should have to have, and as little over-thinking as possible. Trying to pay attention to the minutes so the days will take care of themselves!🌹

One last thing ~ just came in . . . we’ve had these “Secret Notes” (see the tiny matchbox at the bottom of this photo?) in our web store for years . . . but I recently decided we needed some new messages and so I made some! Just back from the printer, Kellee sent me a box! It’s an oldie but goodie turned new again. Little notes to stuff into pockets and backpacks . . . tuck into letters, use as bookmarks, give to friends ~ And, did you guys get a chance to read the comments from my last Willard? So so SO good … if you ever need to feel better about this old world, read those comments.💌 It’s all love all the time. You come out purified! Scroll down, it’s the Willard under this one . . . to read them, just click on the tiny word “comments” at the very end (just beyond all the other tiny words). And sign-up on the top right of this page if you’d like the Willards delivered to you! And here’s the recipe I promised! Happy cooking!❤️

L🅾Ve  Y🅾u 🌹

Off I go . . . this is the day I start packing up my STUDIO! I wrote something like 12 books in this room!!! 

And I’m taking it all!

My paints!

Every single memory is coming with me! Saving them up to tell you more later!🌹🌹🌹 Looking forward to our ROAD TRIP!!!

Adios dear ones!!! Thanks for stopping by! Have yourselves a wonderful day!💋

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279 Responses to MEMORY LANE

  1. Shari says:

    Susan… thanks for sharing your precious memories. Joyful yet tugs at the heart when looking back as you change your life path. So you know, from this California girl, yes clematis grows strong here. Need to check this exact species (Montana Reubens) but feel it would proliferate as clematis does in correct growing habitat. (like their roots shaded in warm climes). Much happiness with your return to Cali!

  2. Cindy Maulin says:

    Dear Susan… remember that old song “ Make New Friends…”? Welsh poet Joseph Parry (1841-1903) wrote it. It was the first stanza of one of his poems. Somewhere along the line, the Girl Scouts and Campfire Girls picked up those lyrics and adopted that tune as theirs. Your move reminded me of that… “Make new friends but keep the old… one is silver and the other gold” lalala🎶 I know you have lots of “old” friends in CA, but it will be exciting to embrace the new. Leaving such a special place is so bittersweet and you and Joe have certainly carved out a loving beautiful home on MV. The memories you take with you both in your packing boxes and your heart will always fill you with joy. Wishing you both only the best…❤️❤️
    Love, Cindy

  3. Melissa says:

    Aww Susan, you are doing wonderfully with the move. You are brave! I’ve been here following you since 1993 when I received my first book. It’s a big change for everyone including your fans. In fact, you might be braving it more than the rest of us! We are all here cheering you on though!

  4. Fran from Michigan says:

    After reading your Vinyard Haven book years ago l wondered if you would ever want to go back to California, But Martha’s Vinyard is so beautiful it must be hard to leave, Is Joe sad about leaving? And that house you couldn’t tear me away from it. But at last.all good things come to an end and I’m sure you and Joe will be making new memories together and you will be with family.l understand how hard it is to pack up years of memories and leave some behind,when we sold our home of 39 years to move upstate to our lake home l had to make the same choices, what to take,what to leave what to donate, After a few days it got easier not to get bogged down on memory lane. Good luck Susan and Joe. At least you have each other and that’s the best package you have!

  5. Karen Braithwaite says:

    Susan, your stories of Martha’s Vineyard inspired me to make a side trip to the island when we were taking a trip to see fall colors in New England in 2021. It was lovely. Back home in Northern California I am admiring your attitude about moving back to California. Inspired by how you see the best in everything. Hopeful this means we will get to see you having more gatherings here! Welcome Home (soon).

  6. Ginnie Judd says:

    Oh my word, I’m so excited for you both, and I love your attitude! But first I was very confused – I don’t think I’ve ever missed reading one of your emails, but evidently I did this time – completely missed the previous Willard where you said you had decided to move to Cali. That was a big one to miss! Now I’ve read it and I think you two are marvelous – so smart, so wise, and I’m so happy for you and the new adventures that await.

  7. Pam Erselius says:

    You have such a joyfully good attitude! You know you are taking your favorite things with you: your man, your kitty, and your memories. And your friendships will always live in your heart. Thank you for sharing your enchanted life with us.

  8. el gato que realmente sabe says:

    Full circle for you~
    love to all,
    the best is yet to come and plenty of it… you just watch and see.

  9. Carol Kennedy says:

    You have no idea how helpful and inspiring your blog is, especially with the changes you are facing in your life!! My daughter, son-in-law,and I are moving to another state we have always loved. I love my house here where we are – been in it for 17 years, which is long enough for LOTS of good memories. It’s so hard to leave for the unknown, though. I think we’re the same age, so that makes your blog all the more wonderfully helpful!! Thank you for who you are!! My thoughts and prayers are with you, Joe, and Jack!! And I’ll think of your wise words when we start packing!! We’re going from Texas to Arkansas!!

  10. Evangelina RubalcavaJoyce says:

    I have to agree with you moving isn’t the hard part. It’s making sure you take those you love like your cat and Joe. For me, of course the anxiety of moving is always tough, goodness we just got a room painted and had to remove everything out of that room, it was a big room, But that was tough and we really culled through a lot of the items. In fact, we have seven boxes of books that we’re gonna try to sell or donate to the library for their annual sale. From your last Willard, the reasons why you’re moving make a lot of sense. My husband is 70 and I am 67 and I always think we just don’t need an upstairs anymore. But your adventure is just starting and it’s going to be a good one and I can’t wait to hear about it in future Willards to come! Safe travels

  11. Evangelina Rubalcava-Joyce says:

    I have to agree with you in moving you make sure you take those you love like your cat and Joe. For me, of course the anxiety of moving is always tough, goodness we just got a room painted and had to remove everything out of that room, it was a big room, But that was tough and we really culled through a lot of the items. In fact, we have seven boxes of books that we’re gonna try to sell or donate to the library for their annual sale. From your last Willard, the reasons why you’re moving make a lot of sense. My husband is 70 and I am 67 and I always think we just don’t need an upstairs anymore. But your adventure is just starting and it’s going to be a good one and I can’t wait to hear about it in future Willards to come! Safe travels

  12. Jill says:

    I both smiled and teared up while reading this. You are such an inspiration, and I’m sure lots of others feel this way — you are a kindred spirit. I’ll miss your Martha’s Vineyard days, but I’m looking forward to getting acquainted with your new California home. I was wondering how Jack was doing with all the packing up. I’m glad he’s not too worried about things. I laughed when you mentioned Toni perms. I have not thought of those for years, although I don’t know how I could have forgotten that smell or the rods pinching my head. The things we go through! Treasure your remaining time on Spring Street. I’m sure it will be bittersweet. I can’t wait to read about your journey west. Embrace the open road!

  13. Andrea McVety says:

    “I’m not crying, are You crying?” I wish we were all there helping you! Such a big job. You and Joe are amazing. Such hard workers. I always admired you taking such loving care of such a big property. You both always seemed to enjoy the projects, house cleaning, even shoveling SNOW! You are encouraging others in downsizing, moving and making new memories. I know in my ❤️ this move is exactly what you should be doing and exactly where you should be going. You are going to be so happy and I am overjoyed for you.

  14. Erica C says:

    Go, Susan, go!!!

    So excited to hear about your next chapter… but appreciate that you’re enjoying this one to the fullest. ♥️

  15. Julie Child says:

    Hi. Julie Child of Northern CA fame.
    So excited for you to be back in California, but man-o-man, you had me in tears reading that entire post!!! Killer….. such wonderful memories and wonderful life in such a wonderful place. Thanks for sharing such a lovely lovely life.
    P.S. YES Clematis do very well here. Especially in Arroyo nearer the ocean and not so hot.

  16. Ann says:

    I just think this is so exciting! A lot of work, a little scary, but overall, so much fun and a new chapter! And don’t you think that, when you said, “you didn’t know ANYTHING”, it was good not to know, otherwise we’d not make some of those fun times or adventures happen? I can’t wait to continually read about it all, along with what you’ll do with your CA home. The stove! What about your stove!!!! Anyway, your outlook, your adventures, your loves and the fact that you just do it, is so inspiring. Of course, not without aches and pains, but many of us, including myself are where we’re at simply “because.” Kind of a big sigh I think. You just inspire me in that we can live our own fairytales, it’s okay to do it because we love it, and don’t be afraid about it. 🙂

  17. Lynn Cooper says:

    You are brave to leave a home that you have loved for many years, loaded with happy times and warm memories. I am a little younger than you and still in my house, and the thought of moving elsewhere or to a smaller place scares me. I live out in the country, surrounded by woods and wildlife. You may end up being a leaf peeper in the years to come, and will revisit the Vineyard to see the
    foliage. I don’t think you can take New England out of the girl.

    I picture tons of boxes that you will be unpacking and deciding where to place the contents. It makes me tired just thinking about it, but there are two of you to do the work and get it all done. Easier though to unpack than pack. Let Jack supervise and keep an eye on the two of you. I’ll look forward to your next blog after you leave the Vineyard. Have safe travels.

  18. Elaine Osborne says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you for taking us along on your many adventures and sharing your priceless reflections. You have helped us all to believe a little more deeply in the magic of life on this earth and believing in our own dreams. The precious gifts you share are so inspirational. You are very much beloved as a modern day muse. Peace, love, and blessings to you, Joe, and Jack as you continue on your journey…

  19. Treese says:

    I can’t imagine you leaving the island. For some reason it will always seem like your home to me. I must say you have a good strong sense of positivity on life. You have a good man at your side and kitty too. God Bless you, Joe and Jack and have a safe and wonderful cross-country adventure. I can’t wait to read of all the new and fantastic happenings you will experience in the coming months and years.
    Treese/Colorado Cowgirl

  20. Mary Jo Longgrear says:

    Best of luck to you both as you prepare to start this new chapter in your life! It’s been such a pleasure learning all about the island over the years. Thank you for sharing your beautiful island and home with us. I look forward to hearing about your trip and all the new adventures you will have in CA! Safe travels!

  21. Kim says:

    I especially love the part where you thank this house for providing a home where you lived a delightful life ❤️ full and lovely with the best parts being in the day to day living. Thanks for this story as you tip your hat in farewell to this house and community that provided and shared so much. You and Joe will be missed. It’s time to hit the road Jack! On to the future and the rest of the story. Cheers!

  22. Brenda says:

    Beautiful memories and dreams of things to come 🌹♥️

  23. Margaret Harke says:

    What marvelous memories you are taking with you to warm your “new” home. Once a California girl always a California girl.

  24. Tanya says:

    What a beautiful, heart-warming Willard this was! Thank you Susan for brinhing us along your wonderful journey. The beautiful memories will live on forever. I second the idea of a book about this house (that Lori mentioned above), full of photos and quotes and your lovely memories. All the best to you and Joe for your new adventures! Lots of love ❤️

  25. Mary Noel says:

    Having done the cross country road trip a couple of times, with dogs, with babies, in an old VW bus, I want to tell you that there are secrets to a great drive:
    1. Snacks! But healthy ones so that you can stop for actual meals and still have an appetite.
    2. A great playlist! You and Joe know the songs you love the best. Rock on!
    3. An approach to each day as an adventure. It’s the days when things go wrong that we tend to remember, fondly. (We got food poisoning! The tire went flat! The spare went flat! You left me at the side of the road with two very small children while you hitchhiked into the nearest town for help! Never doubted that it would all come right in the end!)
    4. Enjoy! Few people have such a talent for joy, so go for it!

  26. Kathy says:

    Susan, you are so brave, so courageous. I’ve followed you for years, have all your books, and even though I know you’re doing the right thing, I will miss shots of your beautiful home! I am 75 and my husband and I (also no children, but we have a dog), have talked about making changes while you still have choices. I’ll be following you along on your journey, you’ve always been an inspiration for me. thanks for sharing this adventure with us!

  27. Annette says:

    Beverlee-inspiration and balm. She said what was in my heart. Safe and happy travels and times. ♥️🥰☺️☀️

  28. Mary Kopecky says:

    Dear Susan,
    Wow! Wow! Wow! You are amazing! Sending good vibrations your way as you three road warriors 👵🧑‍🦳🐈 prepare to wend your way west back to your old stomping grounds here on California’s central coast. There are lots of heart-shaped rocks and beautiful pieces of sea glass just waiting for you to find here on long morning beach walks with Joe. At low tide, you’re going to love exploring the charming sea caves nestled at the foot of Pismo Beach’s limestone cliffs. The 2024 Avila Beach Farmer’s Market is already in full swing on Friday’s from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. It’s so romantic enjoying their gorgeous sunsets, selecting locally grown fresh produce, sampling the food booths, and listening to local musicians play nostalgic tunes of our younger days. 🎶🎵🎵 Maybe we’ll even run into you at Moon Over Avila Beach (our quaint French Bistro that looks like it was just plucked right off the beache at one of Cape Cod’s charming towns).

    BTW: I have it on good authority from one of my extraordinary gardening Girlfriends that Clementis thrive in this climate; you’ll have no trouble growing it here! It comes in lots of beautiful colors. I personally love the purple variety.

    Welcome home Susan, Joe and Jack! 🥰

  29. Mary Hadican says:

    This time must be bittersweet for you, I’m sure. But you will love life wherever it takes you!
    Thank you for all of the drawings, stories, books, photos, recipes, and sharing your heart with us. Travel safe, and enjoy every minute of your journey. I can’t wait to follow along. Love you both!
    💜🩷💕, Mary xxx

    P.S. you forgot to add artist you your list of YOU things- and you are a wonderful, talented artist and author 🩷

  30. Michelle says:

    I think that in the old days they called what you are describing as wisdom. I’m going with being wise!🥰😊💞

    Love the little cards. I ordered two of them! 💗💝❤️

  31. Paula Clark says:

    Oh my goodness, you have me in tears, happy and melancholy tears. You are such a beautiful positive soul. I am so so very happy you are enjoying and reliving all your beautiful memories. When you mentioned that you hoped that whomever came to live in the house reads this, I just thought that you ought to print this Willard and leave a copy for the new owners. I would love that if I were them. I am praying for wonderful new adventures for you and Joe and Jack. My sister, Connie had an idea I thought I would share with you. She said you ought to buy Holly Oak, then when you go back and visit the island you guys would have a sweet little place to stay. Anyway, you will be in my state when you move so I love that. Wish you still had the store I drug my feet to long and never got up there. I hope that Joe is feeling as you do about the move. Bet he is, I met you both at a book signing in Pasadena, and you are both as wonderful as I thought you would be. And Onward you go!

  32. Gina from NY says:

    Read this with mixed feelings, as I’ve loved hearing from you in the lovely MV house…. I think my favorite was seeing those baby pumpkins racing along the top ledge of the front door during my favorite time of the year, along with the beautifully colored leaves in your yard. 🍁🎃 Sad for me, but so happy for you and Joe. You’re “going home”, and what could be better than that? Sending so many hugs to you and best wishes in your CA home! Can’t wait to hear about the new memories you will make there! So much to look forward to! 💕

  33. Joan says:

    Hi Susan, I think it’s just amazing that you are finding time to write us a Willard while in the middle of preparing to pack & move, and say goodbye to your many beloved island friends. It makes me very happy to hear about your progress & happy memories, and I agree with Lori, a book about the Spring Street house would be lovely. Now I must ask the most important question ~ are you taking your stove to California?? You’ve written so much about that stove that I can’t imagine you’d leave it behind ?? Or if it won’t fit your California home can one of your friends have it? Unless you know & trust the new owners, we might lose track of that treasure, which is totally unacceptable. As you can tell, I am very worried, so I hope you can reply.!!😍😍 Seriously ~ wishing you & Joe all the best, you give all of us so much happiness, you deserve it all coming right back at you!
    Love, Joan B from the Cape
    P.S. Have you done a test drive with Jack in the car? It might be a good idea. My cat Ernest HATES being in the car and howls constantly. As a result, he is quite housebound. And very pleased with it being that way.💞💞

  34. Rosemary from Texas says:

    It is such a blessing for you to be able to have such a positive attitude about your life change ahead. You are taking the things and the memories that will sustain you. You have your health and a wonderful partner so you will be content in your new location. I look forward to your sharing this adventure. Best of luck.

  35. Cheryl Van gelder says:

    I have enjoyed so many of your blogs over the years. But this one made me feel so connected. I went to Van Nuys High, graduated in 69. Reseda was, just down the street. I took some summer school classes there. I am now in Thousand Oaks. I am sorry you are leaving such a picturesque place. The one you are coming back to, is equally so. Safe packing and travels. I am looking forward to you next blog.

  36. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Loved this & some memory lane walking. Always appreciate you sharing your beautiful pictures, lovely words, inspiring quotes & the house of my dreams! Sweet Jack & Joe are always a treat too….& brownies! Enjoy your next few weeks & all that hard work packing. We haven’t moved since 1965, sorry I have no good “how to move” advice for you except take care of yourselves, no heavy lifting, get your rest, be safe, that’s about it! Love & hugs!

  37. Kay in Wisconsin says:

    Will miss your Willards coming from Martha’s Vineyard but, oh, how exciting to have a new adventure. And you’re going “back home” too so that has to feel good even though you’re leaving a place you love so much. Always look forward to seeing the garden pictures and have coveted the wisteria covering the back of your house for years. Just learned, however, it’s an invasive plant that chokes out native plants so I guess I’ll have to go without. Our whole backyard garden is filled with native plants. It is so pretty though.

  38. Doris Minear says:

    I read this Willard and to share it with a friend who is moving after 35yrs of living in the same house to a new state. We both had tears rolling down our cheeks by the time we finished reading. Best dreams and memories for the future.

  39. Judy in Wisconsin says:

    Susan Branch…YOU are a treasure! Thank you for being genuine, authentic and sharing your LIFE with us!! Best of everything in your home in Cali! We anticipate the treasures you’ll share! Carpe’ Diem!!!

  40. Julie Narcisso says:

    Dear dear Susan…when I see your Willard, I pour myself a glass of wine and sit in my favorite knitting/reading chair and spend the next hour in sheer bliss reading the snippets of your lovely life. I have been in CA all my life and married to my “Joe” for 58 years. I have always wanted to be closer to the beach, but packing up my house seems overwhelming to me so I am sending you the strength to see this through and enjoy many more productive years back in CA. God bless you and your Joe 💕💕💕💕

  41. Nancy B says:

    Wonderful Willard! Hoping your move goes well with no mishaps. Enjoy your trip with Jack.

  42. Judy Beicher says:

    Such a lovely idea to do a memory book on your Spring St home with photos and memories. Would love to read that book! Thanks for sharing your life experience with us.Best wishes to you and Joe for the next chapter and all that awaits you both.

  43. Joan says:

    I am happy you are coming back to California! From one California girl to another, we will always be those girls. I do have sympathy for you leaving your lovely Island. You have shared your wonderful life with us all and we appreciate it! I live in Solvang now. I might see you in AG ,
    my sister and I love going there on the weekends! Happy, safe travels. And many kisses for your Spring house, neighborhood and garden!
    Ciao Bella,

  44. Martha in CA says:

    I must have missed something. I know you sold your house in CA. Now you’re selling this one on Martha’s Vineyard as well? And moving to CA?? Where in CA? Such a busy life! Best wishes!

  45. Karen Lea says:

    I grew up in the San Fernando Valley in CA. When I moved to Oregon at 41, I thought it would be forever, but I ended up back in CA. It was such an emotional experience, but I’m really happy to be back. It now feels like Oregon was an adventure, and this is home where my roots run deep. And now that I’ve retired, I’m taking watercolor classes just for fun. Your cookbooks inspired me to give it a try, so I hope you do decide to teach some online classes because that would be amazing!!

  46. Saralyn Alexander says:

    Love reading your memories! Sad you’re leaving the vineyard but excited for your new adventure! Will you be having a tag sale again? When you had your last one, we were on the island for our annual and my girls were driving by and recognized your writing on your signs and called me…”Mom! Susan Branch is having a tag sale!!” Knowing I love both a good tag sale and you! We drove over immediately and I got you!! But! A big but…I was so in awe of meeting you…I forgot to shop your tag sale!! Somewhat regret but so happy I was able to meet you at your beautiful home. Good luck on your new adventure in life! The vineyard will miss you! Xo

  47. Anna Kaplan says:

    Dear Susan ~
    You and Joe have so many, many, many sweet tender memories of people, holidays and experiences on Martha’s Vineyard. Yes, all of the reasons to move are quite valid, and yet, parting is such sweet sorrow. Thank your accountant for booping you along life’s path. The next owner will lovingly take care of “your” house & garden that you created.
    I wish you, Joe and Jack a safe cross-country journey. You can look forward to creating and RE-creating your California dreamin’ home. (my age is showing in the musical reference LOL). And we fans can look forward to more photos and Willards from the West coast.
    ~ Anna

    • Anna Kaplan says:

      Just reread this Willard to look at the photos and I had tears. Your Vineyard home is so sentimental everywhere you look – in rooms, in boxes, in the garden, down the lane … With the following two ideas I’m trying to hang on to the idea of you still being-on-the-island!
      Could you leave large items “meant” to be in the house (that also make it your home) such as furniture, carpets, curtains, even table and bed linens and these are sold with the house? You’d be giving memories to the next residents.
      Or … is there a financial gain to the island (and the world) making the house a “Susan Branch trust museum”? You really are that important!

  48. Janet says:


    I am re-living the past year and a half of my life reading these last two posts from you. In late 2022, my husband and I decided to move from Philadelphia to Virginia. We had been coming here on vacation for years and absolutely fell in love with the Shenandoah Valley. Like you and Joe, we’re in our 70s and had lived in our 1939 little stone house for 30 years. We are both collectors of artwork, baskets, ceramics and books, books, books…did I mention we have many books? It was a complicated move. Besides our house we had an outbuilding bigger than the house with my husband’s office and printshop, my studio and a two car garage. The minute we made the decision we started to winnow and declutter. Every day. We boxed and wrapped every day. We had professional movers come near the end of the move for most of the equipment and furniture. But in between we made many, many trips back and forth because we moved all of our personal items and special items that we wanted to handle ourselves. We logged in about 10,000 miles altogether. We really didn’t stop to think about how difficult it was we just met everyday with a checklist and determination. We spent the first few months here waking up and wondering how we did it. But now, we feel like we have always lived here. Our neighbors hosted get-togethers to introduce us to the neighborhood and we live on a beautiful acre of land with wild turkeys and magnolia trees. It was one of the hardest things either one of us have ever done but it has been , hands down, the best thing we have ever done. We will always remember and love our little stone house but we felt called to make this change. We have no regrets at all. Neither will you.

  49. Nancy says:

    Have loved your paintings, books and stories for years. We have pictures of your house taken from a trip to Martha’s Vineyard, just because we wanted to see your place. We were with 2 other couples and drove from Michigan. It rained every day, unfortunately, and we ended up departing a couple of days early as a hurricane was coming up the coast.

    Looking forward to many more Willard’s! Enjoy your trip West. The best is yet to come!


  50. Debbie says:

    I am happy for you as I know the older we grow we have to let some things go but its hard! Did you pack up the CA. home and ship items to MA. only to ship it back to CA. home? Oh, I hope not! We have lived in our current home for 28 years and it is still in need of a purge but we have really done well this year by donating what we do not want to keep. Its a process when you don’t have to move and your house has big closets! Best wishes on the move!

  51. barbara lassiter says:

    You’re just going full circle, but what a lovely journey along the way! Life is good. Best wishes always as you continue along the way!

  52. Gaye Marie says:

    As always, dearest Susan, you are brave, and generous. You show us how to live better, to live fully. I am grateful for you, and for the beautiful impact you have had on my days while in Holly Oak, on Spring Street, and soon back in sunny California! Godspeed, my friend. And Thank you.

  53. Cynthia says:

    Ten years ago, My Husband and I made just such a move after 38 years of kids, friends, love and happiness. It was a hard move – so very emotional – but we released many ‘things’ into the universe; looked forward to change; and tucked our friends into our hearts as we leaped into the new normal.
    Good luck to you and your husband and cat…you have friends. waiting on the other coast and you can always come back to visit your favorite places.
    Your posts have brought back so many memories. Thanks for sharing your journey. cjr

  54. Ro'se from the Cottage in NJ says:

    as I read, I get tears in my eyes, they are tears of Joy for you and the new adventures that await for you and Joe. Tears for the things that are left in the past, tears for the journey you have made and have shared with us. THANK YOU for sharing MV with us. I’m looking forward to travelling to CA and your new Adventures!

  55. Lisa Hay says:

    Just before reading this I was writing on Instagram and FB about my beloved Raggedy Ann and memories of my childhood. I wrote that without memories the future can be a scary place. My Dad has lost all his memories except for us, his family. I’m glad you are so blessed with many memories you are taking with you to your future in Cali! Praying for you along the way! I’ve loved being with you all these years on your journey! xoxo Lisa Hay

  56. Janet O’Connor says:

    Dear Susan,
    Something told me to make sure to read this post. I’ll be honest, I’m happy for you but also sad. I live in Massachusetts, so I always thought of you as my neighbor. You’ll always be my neighbor. I did meet you at a book signing. It was so exciting.
    Your artwork and photos are wonderful. Thank you for sharing them. I hope your home in California will be just as beautiful.❤️
    All my best to you and Joe💕

  57. Helen Rosson says:

    Oh my goodness! So excited for you—–having ALL the feels. Sending you the best of everything.

    I have been ordering Gladys Taber books like crazy…I have all of yours…so now will put Gladys next to you 🙂

    Can’t wait to tag along for your next adventures. xo

  58. Lynne says:

    Love hearing about your new adventure! I’m sure Jack will be happy at the new house, as not only will he be with you and Joe, but new and interesting things to watch outside! Godspeed my friend!

  59. Charlene H. says:

    Dear Susan…I’m a fan who has been absent for quite a while. I have your autographs from Vroman’s in Pasadena (Joe’s, too) and from the Madonna Inn (I think!). I also grew up in the San Fernando Valley.
    All this to say, though I have not commented, I have continued to subscribe to your Willards and all your books moved with me when we downsized.
    That was almost five years ago. I don’t know how we did it but we moved from our SFV home of 34 years…to Ventura, California. My husband had a very lengthy hospital stay the year before…but he downsized (I did, too) and moved us closer to our son. His family (four grandkids!) live three blocks away. SO THANKFUL.
    We enjoyed three years of this small beachside community until his heart gave way for the final time. It has been an adjustment to say the least but his frugality and hard work has allowed me to remain in our retirement home near our son. SO BLESSED.
    And now…to read of your decision to return to California, I feel all those feelings of downsizing and moving once again. And I am THANKFUL. We had the same thought process of Safety and Financial Stability. Be Blessed as you go through the process!
    I’ll be “just down the road” from you for future events! Love, love, love Arroyo Grande! My friend’s daughter owns a store there, “Neighbors”. It’s adorable!
    Thanks for “listening”…
    Charlene H (formerly of North Hills)

  60. Robin K.Walton says:

    Moved after 30 years just 2 years ago!
    You will certainly miss Martha Vineyard and your home there is an incredible beauty.
    So much lies ahead, no one can tell you..I found ..reflection,memories and patience carries me through the unknown..where then you will see will sun there for you all..Jack too.
    Much happiness where ever that takes you and Joe and Jack…

  61. Mary Ann in Mid-Missouri says:

    I am so excited that you are taking us all along on this wonderful new adventure. It will be so much fun to follow along and watch you settle into life in California (again.) I think you will love the more manageable size, and NO STEPS! Enjoy your last month on Spring St.

  62. Barbara Heinsohn says:

    OH MY! I must’ve missed something. I knew you were selling the California house but now the Vineyard house too?! It made me cry that you’re leaving there. I guess I better read what I must’ve missed in a past Willard.

    Blessings on your journey and thanks for taking us with you!


  63. Linda Kostecki says:

    My heart aches for you. I know the packing and moving of a home after 30 years. You are a brave soul. Im so happy you have a place to go. I hope you have a great morning walking place out there too. Gosh Sue, your life is coming full circle!! Love to you and Joe and your next chapter.

  64. Monica D. says:

    Do you still have plans to write the pancake book eventually?

  65. Maureen from SoCal (4irisheyes925) says:


    Thank you and may God Bless you for all the years of sharing your world with us. It has been a true blessing for all of us. You have inspired me in so many ways and as I wrote on the last blog, I’m now inspired to get a move on with my own downsizing before it’s too late. You have been a joy and respite for me and helped us all get through that Dam-panic as Joe would say, bringing beauty and light to the darkness. Not sure I’m spelling it the same as you/Joe, but you get it.

    Sending up another prayer for you, Joe and Jack for a safe and joyful journey back to California. California welcomes you with open arms.

    Looking forward to your next blog; from the Central Coast.

    Peace & Love,


  66. Donna Wallerstein says:

    I confess that ever since your trip out to California, I’ve been afraid to read the Willards, afraid you were going to choose magical Martha’s Vineyard (and I would have completely understood if you had.) So I am thrilled you will be here, in my adopted home that I love so much, and maybe I will FINALLY have an opportunity to meet you after so many years! I moved here from my other dream home back east 15 years ago and I still miss our old Victorian money pit. But I love here so much too and I’ve made new old friends now as well. Blessings to you and Joe and Jack on your new adventure and welcome home!

  67. Vicki says:

    Great post! Have a magical move with lots of new memories to share with us!!😘

  68. Cyndi Williams says:

    [email protected]
    Susan, You are getting me motivated. We are leaving our home in VA. I was born here, moved away to NJ for 30 years and returned for the last 24. Imagine the pain I feel. but alas family calls with needs and love so off we go. Your books and recipes have been a part of my life and I imagine will continue to be. So best wishes for a safe and happy move. Cyndi

  69. Cyndi Williams says:

    [email protected]
    Susan, You are getting me motivated. We are leaving our home in VA. I was born here, moved away to NJ for 30 years and returned for the last 24. Imagine the pain I feel. but alas family calls with needs and love so off we go. Your books and recipes have been a part of my life and I imagine will continue to be. So best wishes for a safe and happy move. Cyndi

  70. Who will I stalk when I take the ferry over to the Island now? Wishing you many special times ahead! Be well!

  71. Wendy says:

    It really is so bittersweet, dear Susan. Praying the move goes smoothly and that Jack is a very good little mustached traveler!
    I put a hold on “Dutch House” on the Libby app. I’m with you 100% on audiobooks. They are the BEST! Love listening to them at night before I fall asleep….they help a LOT because I’m listening to the story instead of letting five hundred thoughts whirl through my tired brain.
    If you love memoirs I really hope you’ll finally read my book about my Nick, Susan. It’s extraordinary and so much of my writing style and – especially – the art pages in my book were inspired by YOU! “Their Wings Caught the Sun” Thank you yet again for being such an inspiration to me.

  72. shanna+masters says:

    I feel your pain. I feel your excitement! I’m in awe that you can have so much going on and still find time to tell us about it. Amazing girl. I envy your energy.

    We’ve also downsized and changed coasts many times and it is always daunting, but also rewarding. Best of luck for your move back to your roots. Say Hi to CA for me, I do miss it more than anywhere we’ve lived in the last fifty-eight years.

  73. Carolyn from Pittsburgh says:

    Hope you packed the Rose Chintz dishes. I regret only having a few pieces and I love to see your cupboard and table covered in it’s beauty.
    Good luck on your trip to your new/old home. I’ll be waiting to see all your new adventures. ❤️🍓❤️

  74. Donna says:

    Oh wow, Susan! I love how you embrace change with such joy. What a gift…35 years in that wonderful, lovely old home. I know you will find much joy in your new abode also. Once again, you inspire me, as I do not handle change with the joy you do. Although I realize there will be grief at leaving so much behind, you are focusing on the good that lies ahead. Many blessings to you and Joe as you make this move.

  75. Anna says:

    I’ve had to move a lot. My husband is retired Air Force and we’ve moved coast to coast a few times but mostly lived out West. I enjoyed our time in Lompoc, CA at Vandenberg AFB. We enjoyed exploring CA and its beauty. I can see why you want to make it your forever home.

    It is such a pain to pack but it’s so fun to unpack at the new digs and place your treasures lovingly around as I know you’ll make it beautiful. I so look forward to seeing your creations and hear about your adventures after you get settled.

    Much love and luck to you. I own most of your books, many of your calendars, and have really enjoyed your Vineyard life. Thank you so much.

  76. Amy says:

    You have brought me to tears! I’ve just caught up with your news and as happy as I am for you
    I’m feeling a tiny bit of nostalgia for everything I’ve admired about the stories of your life. I used my best handwriting in the address book you designed when I was a young newlywed. I still have it…So many addresses later! I wish I had saved all your calendars that I filled with our daily life.
    I read to my husband from “A Fine Romance” to convince him to visit England (12 years ago now) and we had the trip of our (my) dreams! We are returning this October to visit more of the countryside. We finally arrived on Martha’s Vineyard in the fall of 2022 for a week of exploration and rest. I had read the excerpt from “Isle of Dreams” about John Belushi’s wake and my husband was captivated. We paid our homage at his grave, respectfully. I brought with me an old article about your home that may have mentioned the street…but I knew what it looked like…I could picture the front door, the lawn and fence…and suddenly there it was! I may have gasped. It was as lovely and welcoming as I’d imagined and it made me so happy to see it. We loved the island, the peaceful roads, the glorious sights, the quiet nights…So thank you for the inspiration over the years, the motivation to keep cozy but moving through nature, to embrace displaying my grandmother’s Beatrix Potter collection…to see the places I often dreamed about. Your words have been such a comforting, happy place. I know the next chapters will be too.
    PS. We Love California!! Driving the coast was pure delight! I’m so glad you’re landing in another beautiful spot.

  77. Nancy C says:

    When is the Estate Sale????

  78. Laurie Walt says:

    Home is where the heart is, your honey is, your kitty, your puppy, your dreams, and every single second that ticks and every breath we take is a new memory! Magic if you ask me. Making a home full of memories is a privilege and I am grateful every single day for that❤️ Can’t wait to hear of all your new adventure and all the gifts that you and Joe are grateful for! I am grateful for your friendship and your love of life. Love.

  79. Bernadene L Stammer says:

    Oh Susan, I am thrilled and saddened for the changes you have the courage to make! Knowing what will be best for our physical bodies is often at odds with our spiritual one.But you are right. The love and memories keep, no matter the distance and you have left a legacy of happiness that will be a trail for your admirers to follow to your Isle of Dreams. All you have shared with your readers will resonate there and be a call to simple life graced by humble pleasures you taught us about. Godspeed, my friend, your coming adventures will inspire us with life’s wisdom anew.

  80. Paula Lewis says:

    Well, Sue, you are coming back to California just as I am leaving. I have spent all of my 77 years in SoCal and packing up my life, as I am sure it is for you, is a very emotional experience. I am heading out for a new life in Arizona to be close to my oldest granddaughter and extended family. I can relate to all your feelings about packing up one’s life to start another. I wish you well in your adventure!
    Paula from SoCal

  81. Linda, near Seattle says:

    This post makes me think of memories of many houses I have lived in over so many years. Thank you for stirring up those memories for me.
    I can relate to the heart-shaped rocks you have collected. Two weeks ago, on the beautiful Oregon coast, I asked our granddaughter who is almost 8, to find me some heart-shaped rocks on a beach that was too rocky for my old knees! She came with two of them and they are now on a table with others from numerous places. Happy memories!
    I will look forward to your next post about Holly Oak. I have read and re-read the book about your arrival on Martha’s Vineyard.
    Thanks for being a friend!

  82. Ann R says:

    I finally got to read this post and the previous one. You certainly surprised us all, but not really, it’s definitely that season in one’s life when you have to make important life decisions. I always admired you and Joe both fixing the MV house for the various seasons but thought gee that’s a lot of work and lot of ladders to contend with. The East coast and MV has been your grand love affair with all the important events in your life (you certainly romanticized your life there, it made me want to see MV for myself, and I love the PNW), but I know very well there are changes to be made (I’ve been trying to make the decision to move). You being from CA and Joe being from Oregon makes it a bit easier. There’s a Youtuber channel called the “Vintage Bombshell” Selena and her husband Pete just bought a cabin on the Oregon beach side that they are currently renovating. I’ve been enjoying watching the progress they have made and it’s very inspiring. I know you and Joe & little Jack will thrive and have new adventures and revive that original love affair with the West Coast. Good luck and happy trails to your new old home!

  83. Autumn says:

    Thank you for sharing your memories with us <3 The best thing about life is that there are always memories to be made!

  84. AnneL says:

    Susan, I’m so excited for you! What an adventure to come. Yes, I will miss your walks to the ocean and peeks into your beautiful house and garden, but it will be fun learning about California now! Packing would take me so long because of all those memories that I would be reliving as I pack. have a great day! Anne

  85. Theresa Jones says:

    Dear Susan, I will always remember the excitement of seeing your home in person in August 2001. I was on vacation at the Harbor View Inn in Edgartown with my sister and a friend. We spent one day sightseeing in Vineyard Haven which turned into a fun adventure. While shopping up and down the main street, we stopped at the bookstore to purchase your “Summer” cookbook, the salesperson stated that you were often a customer in the store. We had a close encounter with President Bill Clinton and his entourage as they walked uphill to a restaurant for lunch followed by a huge crowd of tourists snapping pictures. After experiencing this excitement, we decided it might be fun to try to find your home. As we were leaving the main street walking towards the neighborhood, lucky for us, we encountered a woman who had some art supplies. We shared with her that we were fans of Susan Branch, and we were on a mission capture a photo of your home. She walked with us (on that shady street shown in your photo above) and pointed to your backyard — the view that we recognized from your “Christmas” cookbook. She shared with us that the street was shaped like a horseshoe so by walking the curve, we would see the front view of your home — your inspiration for “The Heart of The Home” logo.

    Needless to say, we were beyond excited as we peeked over the front hedge to snap pictures of the white Adirondack chairs and the picket fence garden. Of course, we were very respectful and stayed on the public sidewalk. We saw Joe pull into the front driveway, but we did not disturb him — too nervous for sure.

    Later that day, we had dinner at The Black Dog Restaurant (where we knew Joe was the chef) — signed the guest book and asked Joe to say “Hi” to Susan from us.

    Our vacation on Martha’s Vineyard was wonderful. When I returned home to Virginia, I sent you photo copies of the pictures we took and wrote a very long letter describing our adventures on the island. I even decorated the envelope addressed to you with lots of your stickers…it looked so on brand for Susan Branch.

    You absolutely cannot imagine my complete surprise when I received a handwritten notecard from you a few weeks later. You stated that you in California and that my letter made you homesick and that some portions made Joe laugh.

    Of course, all of this is now documented in scrapbooks (one each for my sister, my friend and myself) documenting our adventure and the adorable response from SUSAN BRANCH.

    Looking forward to your California content!

    TJ in VA

  86. Kathy Madigan says:

    You always take me to a place of calm. Thank you! ❤️

  87. Kate Maver says:

    I just found you! I found you from “My New England Story”. I have beautiful memories of the Vineyard, where I lived for a wonderful summer as a au pair across from the West Chop lighthouse. Later I discovered that I had colonial ancestors who settled there and on Nantucket. Enjoy your new life in beautiful California! I’ll be following you there, too!

  88. Ann English says:

    We just returned from the Vineyard-it rained the whole time we were there, but it didn’t dampen our spirits. Once, again, I scanned the landscape to see if I could find your home, a glimpse of that iconic house, but, alas, I don’t think I saw it and of course, I didn’t spot you! I’ve looked for you every time we’ve had the opportunity to visit!
    I understand how hard it is to leave a house you love. I cried at the closing and I couldn’t even visit a girlfriend who lived across the street because, well. It hurt my heart. We only moved 50 miles away. It might as well have been 3,000! It’s been well over eight years, now-that doesn’t seem possible. We have settled into our new community, our new house-we brought “home” with us. This is NOT where I dreamed of retiring but I am grateful.
    Thinking of you both and sending cyber hugs-you are in the midst of the hardest part of this journey, your next chapter.

  89. I am so excited you will have some updated little notecards. I have been sharing them for years.
    Perhaps we will meet when you are in California. I’m in Cayucos – not so far from you.

  90. Cheryla says:

    Ooooh….Susan! Thank you from the bottom of MY heart! ❤️ ( Thanks for giving me HOPE, LOVE, and faith! I’m following right behind you! The Fairies have brought ME to YOU and am finding MY WAY! ❤️ I lived in a lil cottage in Snug Harbor! (I know…right.??) and experienced much of what you did….and the wind hasnt blown me to MY next destination….but one can ONLY HOPE itll be as fabulous an adventure and I’ll be singing “OUR HOUSE”..w/ 2 cats in the yard w my art & music friends!!!! 😸😸
    You go guuurl (you’re doing great! & I love that you’re staying another month!) and thanks for the clues and tips and recommendations for island bopping! 😁

  91. Christie+Levin says:

    This is such a huge move for you and Joe, and your attitude & thoughts about it all that you are sharing here is making ME feel brave. I’ve always thought your happy gene was more than a little contagious 🙂 Love you on both coasts and over the pond, too. xoxoxo

  92. Melissa says:

    What an exciting adventure for you and Joe. One question…will Joe be leaving any family members on the East coast? You talk a lot about your family, but not Joe’s. Just curious about him also. Love your stories and lovely photos, thank you for sharing.
    God bless your very long trip across this beautiful land of America.

  93. Janet Hundley says:

    We’ll all miss posts from your beautiful home on Marthas Vineyard, but it must feel good for decisions to be made and plans for the future in progress.

  94. Karen Ruth Ullom says:

    I’m absolutely dumbfounded that you and Joe are actually leaving Martha’s Vineyard; it’s beyond my comprehension!! Even though where you are going is nice, it isn’t Martha’s Vineyard by any stretch of anyone’s imagining. Even though I don’t live there, I feel as though I’m losing a neighbor. After all, you gave me good advice about being able to afford a voyage on the Queen Mary 2! Your advice paid off. My late husband and I had a marvelous time in England in 2013 thanks to you!! PLEASE BRING BACK YOUR STICKERS!! I need more!!

  95. Jan Martin says:

    Oh my! A new chapter begins. Loved reading this post, what beautiful memories you & Joe take with you. Safe travels & I look forward to reading about your adventures♥️

  96. Heidi says:

    Wow, I just finished the book “The Women”today and cried most of the way through it. Next I read Willard and I am in tears again. I am turning 60 in August and I totally understand why you are making the move. I love that you will still be with all of us and cannot wait to hear about your new adventures.

  97. Maddie says:

    Don’t ya just love new beginnings?!! Like Anne of Green Gables would say, “Everyday is a blank piece of paper. A new chance to begin again!” Go for it!!
    Safe travels to your new old beginning in California!

  98. jeanie says:

    Good grief! When you decide to move, you don’t mess around! I think this has to be the fastest closing out of a house and hitting the road to move I’ve ever heard! You have “stuff!” and lots of it! But it is exciting to hear your plans and to step back into your memory bank. Having never moved from the town in which I was born I have this vision that combines terror and excitement. You are so fortunate to be going to where you have a grounding but I will always think of you in the Vineyard. (I fell in love with it when our visit coincidentally occurred during the Grand Illumination. I’ve wanted to return ever since.)

    Sending all (and only) good wishes for this exciting journey and the next part of your lives together. I know you’ll keep us posted!

    • sbranch says:

      We have to get ON with the fun and this isn’t that! Except we balance it with going out all the time, so we’ll probably NEVER go! It IS terror and excitement, it’s happy-sad, laughter and tears, exciting and scary, sure and questioning, everything, all the time!!! I’ll keep you posted Jeanie!

  99. This will sound silly, but one of my first thoughts – Please tell me you’re taking the stove with you!! You are wiser than I am to plan ahead, and stronger than I am – I admit, I would be stubborn and they would have to drag me kicking and screaming out of a sea captain’s house on Martha’s Vineyard. Sigh… But just as you followed your heart to get there, you’re following it now – New adventures ahead, and always the sweet memories. Wishing you a safe journey west (is it possible to take the train and have everything shipped so it’s waiting for you?) I’m sure it’s crazy busy and bittersweet-we’ll all be thinking of you. Hugs to Jack!

  100. Sharon Will says:

    To quote from the movie “You’ve Got Mail” – “You are daring to imagine that you could have a different life.” Wonderful line. And you and Joe are showing that it is possible to embrace, with enthusiasm, this tremendous change at a time in life when many people are content to just stay put. Woohoo! Hooray! Best wishes as you begin your cross-country adventure. Jack is in for an interesting time!

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