Bloody Hot

 . . .And we’re STILL doing it! MUSICA.Bloody hot almost everywhere in this country 🥵, and here too, but I have some ideas on how to fight back because THIS reality is unbearable! Gotta get some fun out of life! But first, Kellee is getting lots of phone calls asking what are Susan and Joe doing, are they moving, where are they moving, when are they going,  will there be an estate sale?  So she asked me to say: Yes!  Joe, Jack, and I are moving to California (where I grew up) and we’re putting our wonderful old house on Martha’s Vineyard up for sale! I know. Seems crazy because of how much we love it. Love this old house. Far as I’m concerned, in my mind it is always going to be mine.  Love our neighborhood. Love the seasons, love the people, LOVE MY GIRLFRIENDS, love it all.  But there is a time for every purpose under heaven and we’ve been gifted with 35 glorious years as the “caretakers” of this house. Now it’s time for someone else to take over and enjoy all the fruits of all the labors of every single person who has ever lived here for the last 175 years, not to mention the history or the DNA of love.💖 My strongest feeling now is gratitude and of feeling SO LUCKY.👏 And Yes, the other question being asked,  there will be an Estate Sale. Not forgetting. 💞Our Vineyard house is 3,500 square foot, but we’re moving into 1,800. We only get to take a third of our stuff! Which means years and years of happy antiquing treasures will have to be left behind! It’s going to be a fun estate sale! 👏I will put the date here as soon as I know it, but probably in a couple of months, after the house is sold. And YAY!  Joe and I get to have new adventures. AND . . . I get to redecorate!!! How bad can it be? SO win-win. Plus, we’ll be back to visit in the seasons we love best, and when we do, we’ll take you with us! 💞All is well, we have glorious memories, plans to make more, the beat goes on, the floors in our CA house are all one level and no steep ship-captain stairs,  all is as it should be! Did I mention how much I love my girlfriends?💖And here’s where we’re going:

Look! Year-round gardening! No ice! And note: Fog. Glorious, cool, delicious, morning fog comes up from the Pacific, and pretty much stops at the house next door, making our weather slightly cooler than any around, and very good for roses and sweet peas. And low humidity. I’d pay big money for that right now. But we don’t have to because we’ve had this California house for 23 years. 👏

  All the details about our move . . . are in the blog archives of every Willard I’ve written since the end of March 2024 (scroll down and look on the right of this page for ARCHIVES) ~ and there are even more details if you go back to February! AND NOW, FOR “BLOODY HOT” . . . because who doesn’t want to talk about this ridiculous weather!!😳Idea #1: Turn on the music and take a nice cool bubble bath … Feet up, window open, birds singing, a cup of tea! Put on something loose and forget about the shoes… Go downstairs and feel the cold floor on your bare feet . . . make a pile of ice cream sandwiches to put in the freezer! And there’s more! 💝

Make it a throwback Summer ~ Fill it with charm. Set your mind at ease . . . Watch the entire series of Ted Lasso, it’s just as good the 2nd or 3rd time ~ pure calgon-take-me-away. Makes you realize how beautiful people can be and mostly are. More charm? Read Enchanted April . . . a wonderful book that starts on a cold rainy day in London. Brrr. Go into the kitchen and whip up cool, bright, fresh summer food! Have an outdoor dinner party with your friends under the moon and stars ~ hoist a sheet to a tree, set up some chairs, do a slide show of all your old photos, or have an early morning breakfast party! (Remember, mosquitos don’t like wind over 10 mph!) Or enjoy it all inside, right in front of the air conditioner!! Make the moments last forever, take lots of pictures . . . for the memories. And despite everything, you know this summer will never come again.

Drink a Pink Grapefruit splash with lots of ice, in a tall glass with straws!

Make Honey Crisp Apple Coleslaw, with cold lobster or shrimp, and easy creamy lime dressing … topped with leaves of your choice

It’s the perfect time of year for ice-cold, fresh, healthy, crunchy delicious Gazpacho ~

Make it a main dish with the addition of steamed shrimp or lobster ~ delicious with a dollop of sour cream topped with a chive flower.

Homemade crunchy granola, the best! Filled with toasted nuts and seeds and fruit and orange zest sweetened with honey and maple syrup … use gluten free Bob’s Red Mill oats… Good with fruit stirred into yogurt, or sprinkle it over cereal, cover with fresh fruit, and cold milk.

I always keep the ingredients for my Linguini in Clam Sauce on hand for a spontaneous summer dinner, its a big favorite … Start with Gazpacho and have this with Blogdaddy’s garlic bread and a glass of ice cold rose! (I always thought that EVERYONE made garlic bread like this . . . but now I know it’s not true. So here’s the recipe for something, once you taste it, you will long for it the rest of your life!)

Taste-bud excitement, a recipe my mom used to make … I’ve always loved the textures in Avocado and Grapefruit salad!

And this, Cold Asian Quinoa Salad with pea pods, nuts, raisins, green onions, fresh ginger, lime zest, a bit of this and that, sesame oil dressing … great to take to a party!

Breakfast of champions . . . crunchy Blueberry Corn Cakes with real maple syrup . . .

Fried eggs…

And don’t forget German Pancake! So impressive! Food for the tastebuds AND the eyeballs!

Make it extra special, even birthday special, have your summer breakfast outside under a tree, and include Baked Bananas with a scoop of ice cream… and ice cold fresh squeezed orange juice. 🍊 YUM! Right?

What do all these Summer Dishes have in common? These, and so many more (Lemon Chicken! Basil Ice Cream!), are in the updated 30th-Year Anniversary Edition of my first book, Heart of the Home, which besides recipes, the kitchen garden, and other things, is filled with the hopes and dreams of a whole lifetime as I think you can tell when you read it! Here’s an excerpt from my 1985 diary while I was writing it…

For this Anniversary version I added lots of new recipes . . . here I’m painting the recipe for “Beer Butt Chicken.”

Heart of the Home was my dream, a homemade book for a homemade life ~ so unexpected that it happened the way it did, and it changed everything for me. You never get too old for that yearning, that wonderful desire to do more, be more, to be a Valentine for the world. In our crazy world, I worry that dreams could get set aside, even lost. What fun would life be without dreams? In your heart, divide the world from you. Go there when you need to. The world still needs us, and as a group we need to do our best to make it a good one, but you can still live the life you dream if you put you and those dreams first… Go there first, go to social media second because if all we do is talk about it every day, we’ll never get anything done!!!

Use your own rules for making things wonderful, just like Ben Franklin did in his autobiography, yours are the only rules that matter . . . look at this wonderful bookend . . . this was one of my life rules, and will always be! I’ve found nature’s teachings wherever I’ve gone, and feel very happy to go forth in the quest for more!!!

While packing both Joe and I have discovered wonderful memories hidden in folders and files, in the barn attic, and between covers of books! Look at this! Christmas 1992! A party for 50 on the 23rd, a Christmas eve dinner on the 24th, Christmas Breakfast, and Christmas dinner for 17 … all the guests and all the food! What fun!!! It’s good to be young and not know what you’re getting yourself into! Thank goodness “Heather” came and did the party dishes! I remember feeling so decadent having her!

And this from 1996 . . . a Christmas card from Mrs. Bowditch and a letter from me to her ~ she’s the wonderful garden person who lived in our house from 1949 to 1980 with her Dr./woodworker husband and four children …  She was 91 when she sent me this Christmas card, and as I told her at the end of my letter, I was 49 and Joe was 45! I am keeping a copy, but the originals will go with the house along with these . . .

. . . lovely old photos that were given to us when we bought the house! Going to keep the history going!The new owner can look back at my blog and even at my calendars (especially my 2021 photo calendar) and pretty much figure out what this house was doing in every season, in snowstorms and nor’easters, Summer nights, Halloween, Memorial Day, in the garden, or my Studio, in the kitchen, and under the arbor, for years and years!⛄️☀️🌷🍂

They’ll meet Jack . . . my boy.💝

. . . and they’ll find the little graves of his predecessors, the Man kitties and Girl kitties who’ve shared our lives, buried in the garden under the marble stones behind the barn. 

Here is Girl Kitty II on HER cross-country trip in our van… she loved it!💞 We did too! Now it’s Jack’s turn! Fingers crossed for him! (And us!)😳

They’ll know all there is to know about this move, and they’ll mourn when they realize we took our famous upstairs-window Halloween ghost with us.👻 I’m so sorry, he asked to go, and who are we to say no. And I’m thinking, depending on how things go, he would probably make a good housewarming gift to the new people.💖 He does look so good in that window ~ he’s become a tradition. But the new people will make NEW traditions!🌺 So off to California he goes!👏

OK, Judy has asked me to spread the word to all our girlfriends who have shops, work in shops, or bookstores or antique stores, because once again, the world has turned, something new has come along, and our little company is now able to sell wholesale! There is a site called Faire, it’s there that even the smallest  retailers can buy wholesale from lots of manufacturers! And now Susan Branch Studios is one of them! This could make a big difference for us (Thank you Judy!😘) Shops can carry our stationery, calendars, stickers, cups, books, all kinds of things. We’re in stores again!!!💖 So thrilled! If we manage to sell more, maybe  when I get home we can MAKE more. And wouldn’t THAT be fun!!?? Faire is having a virtual trade show for shops and bookstores July 23, 24,25 with lots of discounts and free shipping … check it out HERE!

Something else I want to tell you! Guess what? Now, when we move we can take our landlines with us! Joe got his first iPhone yesterday (mainly for the camera) … but we asked them if we could transfer over the number of our landline and they said yes! His new phone now has the number I got when I moved to the island 1982! ☎️. . . so when our friends call, we’re always home! Isn’t that great? He bought the phone yesterday and it’s already hooked up!

OK darling people, time for me to go!

East to west . . .

and everyone in between, You are the BEST! Thank you!💞 Hope you have a wonderful day!!! Remember to make some fun! And I will too! We probably leave in another week or so . . . but due to multitudes of phones, I’ll always be in touch! ❌⭕️ One last reminder . . .

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130 Responses to Bloody Hot

  1. Karen Kotowski says:

    Wishing you and Joe ALL the best in your courageous move! You deserve peace and happiness and sheer JOY ♥️🏠‼️

  2. Marsha MacLean says:

    Oh Susan, California will welcome you back! I know you know that already,🤗
    I’m just trying to get rid of stuff even though I’m not moving, but sure wish I could attend one of your yard sales! Ha ha! In the meantime, kisses to Jack and hugs to you and Joe as you get ready to go out the door. It’s wonderful that you can think about, this next chapter of your life with such positivity! Safe travels… Marsha

  3. Kristine Teachman says:

    So glad to hear of your ‘new’ adventures, Susan! You just can’t stop life’s journeys from continuing on! We will be leaving our Malibu home to relocate to the Venice Canals before the holidays! Never too old to enjoy a new adventure! Have fun decorating (AGAIN)!

  4. Karen Cox says:

    What a lovely Willard! It was encouraging to me as I am starting the process of looking to move from a house that i built with my late husband and has 32 yrs of memories attached. I too need to downsize to a place on one floor. Im hoping to convince my daughter and her husband to buyt my house, but we’ll see …enjoy CA, it looks beautiful

  5. Debra Randall says:

    Wishing you and Joe much happiness in your new adventure and home! I’ve followed you for a long time and have many of your “happies”. You’ve brought so much joy throughout my time keeping up with your blogs and reading your books. You feel like an old friend. I’ll miss photos of your beautiful home and Martha’s Vineyard but understand why things have to change! May God bless you in the days to come!❤️

  6. donna says:

    Hello Susan – Thank you for a lovely post, and for the recipe ideas – I am looking forward to making the coleslaw and gazpacho! perfect for this weather! Too funny – today on this (another) hot muggy day, my husband and I couldn’t figure out what we wanted…then I remembered your cheesy biscuits in the summer book, so that’s what we did – we made them larger, more of a serving size, and topped them with raspberry jam! Perfect! thank you for the recipe! Good luck on your move – I love how you are leaving memories of the house to share with the new owners, so thoughtful and generous. Stay cool, hope this doesn’t last much longer…..Donna

  7. Stacey says:

    The humpbacks have been playing off Shell Beach, the fog bank is thick across the horizon and it’s almost 60 degrees hotter over the grade. I’m staying put!

  8. Debbie Boerger says:

    Oh, Dear Lady! How on Earth did you find/make time for a blog? But aren’t we all glad you did? From the looks of it, you are moving with all deliberate speed, as Tom would say.
    Of course we are all looking forward to Westward Ho, with you, Joe and Jack.
    Thankful that my Texas relatives and friends are OK, after Beryl, but you had better make ready for Wednesday and Thursday…as we in New England will be getting lots of rain and steam.
    Saturday evening our wonderful neighbors had a Party. It was very cool and misty, but we were sitting around the nice fire pit. Those of us who have even a little bit of natural curl were laughing as we watched each other’s hair crinkle. But it is nice to remember that cool mist, now that it has finally decided to be Summer.
    Going out to dinner with a good friend tonight, but tomorrow will be the first trek to medics re Tom’s probable cancer second act. And I’m here to tell you, Sue and Joe, you are definitely making the best decision for your future health care needs. We now have to drive an hour to get an MRI, and bone scan. If necessary, we’ll go to Mass General for any treatment. We agree we don’t want to go to Tampa with what looks to be a record braking Hurricane season. Hottest Gulf water temps on record.
    Well….We were warned, but we continued to listen to those who said, OH, Pooh, keep burning that oil and gas. We have managed to hand our kids and grands a rather large problem. You are a good example by eliminating the plastic wrapping on the calendar. Every bit helps! Bigger help is buying “used” furniture whenever you can, and I know you’ve done that. I love my gently used things, which is almost all there are in this home.
    Again, thank you for giving us so much of yourself in this Very Busy Time. Sending Mucho Love
    Debbie in Maine

  9. Elizabeth Moore says:

    What a lovely farewell blog from New England….hoping you will continue in California.

  10. Robin A Barron says:

    1800 square feet is a really nice size. 3500 is huge! And steep stairs! My sweet little 1876 Cape on the Maine coast is 1450 square feet and I most always just use the first floor, wher I’ve got a lovely big bedroom. I think that your “new” house is perfect. Our weather here has been so extreme, especially last winter, and I don’t expect it to get less so. Wishing you all the best on this great adventure!

  11. Monica Wilson says:

    Hi Susan! I love following your moving and packing adventure and all the memories of your Vineyard home. It was fun to get to the end of your Willard and see the photo from Vroman’s in Pasadena many years ago. My two good girlfriends and I are in that photo! What fun to see! Wishing you a wonderful drive across the country and a good settling in to your new/old home. Welcome back to California!

  12. Kathy Branch Spicer says:

    Closer and closer, that time is coming. I feel both great excitement and a heavy heart for you. I know how hard it is to leave a place you love, but oh how exciting to return to a place you already love! Godspeed to Susan, Joe, and Jack. Love, Love, LOVE!

  13. Margot Birkett says:

    If you have not hit the road yet I don’t blame you! One day last week my cousin in Fair Oaks had temperatures of upwards of 106!! Hotter than last Summer. Good tips and recipes!
    Yes folks should read the blog! Poor Kelli. Glad to have gotten my order. Arnie is retired now. John is home safely and there is a pretty girl…
    Almost ready to be a Grandma, but first a vacation!! Wisconsin to Washington to checkout where it all started for me.
    Girl kitty II sure looked regal. I was kitty 🐈‍⬛ sitting in June. I miss Buddy.
    OXOX ox
    Margot B

  14. Its all becoming real now! This new adventure will be like opening a new and beautiful chapter in your lives together. How wonderful that you get to share it with each other. I wish you the safest trip West, without incidence, and a very happy landing when you and your two “J’s” get to the other side. God be with you every step of the way! I cannot wait to read about your adventure and all of the new ones that await you in California. xo

  15. Denise says:

    Tea House of the Vineyard Moon ~~swoon!!!!! And I love the ghost in the window! Happy trails.

  16. Kim Young says:

    Your brain must be swirling and twirling! I think those of us who were resistant have now adjusted to the Cali life idea. Honestly, just knowing you don’t have to climb those stairs every day ( multiple times) makes me feel better. What a brilliant idea for Joe’s phone number!! I’m trying not to think of you getting in the van on that last morning….sniff, sniff. BUT i know you will both thrive, love life ,continue to create beauty and send joy out into the world no matter what coast. I sense a wonderful creative surge on the horizon!
    We just attended a ” Going away” bash for some dear friends in their 80’S who are moving from the beautiful NC mountains to TX. They admitted they waited too long. Many hands helped them pack and sort, they could not have done it themselves. So confirmation and lessons learned, don’t wait too long!
    You’ve wisely navigated this life passage! BRAVO!
    safe travels,
    Kim from NC

    • sbranch says:

      I think we’d left our bodies by the time we drove out of the driveway! It was surreal. Thank you darling! xoxoxo

  17. Barbara Thomas says:

    I surely hope that the purchaser of your lovely house is a Susan Branch fan. I know I personally will be so jealous of them, sad you are going, glad you are revisiting your digs in CA, and hope for only happy tears. If only I were 40 years younger and wealthy…… I would love to be there but alas I am not! Back to trying to stay cool in our heatwave in CA (116 the other day- my AC can’t keep up, and I’m dying)! Can I visit Arroyo Grande? I’ve been once to your old store. I fell in love with it there. I guess my envy for your location will never stop! Love ya always, Barbara in Lodi

  18. jeanie says:

    Oh Susan, Jack looks so worried to me. I hope you’ll be taking his ironing board! LOL
    Time is flying❤️. Safe travels to all of you.

  19. Sandi from Plymouth says:

    Oh dear Susan and family, I still can’t believe you’re leaving our beloved MA, but I do understand. At least we had you close for a good long time and I’m sure you’ll not skip a beat in keeping us girlfriends up to date on Jack, you’re new experiences and the fun of decorating your west coast home. I can’t wait to hear the date of your Estate Sale, not that I’ll buy anything as we just downsized but to actually walk in that wonderful house you’ve invited us in and shared several memories with it. Our best thoughts are with you as you start your new chapter and our love goes with you! xoxoxoxox

  20. Genie and Lee says:

    Thank you for the beautiful reminders.
    Filled with joy for each of your adventures.

  21. Jane Franks says:

    Dear Susan! This is sooooo exciting!! I love new beginnings! And where you are going! Be still my heart! I know you will be successful wherever you are — you and Joe! Love that he has your old phone number! I’m excited, too, I decided to go for it, and plan a BIG event — an Open Studio, like Gene and I used to do together to show (and hopefully sell!) his remaining art work I’m calling it “The Grande Finale” and it will be October 26 & 27!! I’ve got my plan written, and beginning now. I’ll need to find lots of help, but think I can. I feel more alive than I have since Gene went to heaven! It’s a big “gulp” moment, too. But we’ll see what happens!! Nothing ventured, nothing gained!! But back to you!! You always inspire, and I’m so happy for you in this big move. I have friends in Arroyo Grande! And who knows, we may cross paths again someday!! Best of everything in this move! Hope you have a wonderful cross country trip, and I’l pray for Jack, too!! Bon Voyage!! California here I come, right back . . etc. Take care!! Jane P.S. I’ll stay in touch wherever you are!!

  22. Carolyn Johnson says:

    After reading your last blog, I was so happy and excited for you and Joe! But for some reason after reading this one, I’m a little sad – perhaps nostalgic – I do firmly believe you have made the right decision though for this time in your lives. I’m looking forward to reading all about the trip, and seeing photos of the California house being decorated. (Hope you find room for everything you’re taking!!! – lol) Best wishes as always!

  23. Sandi from Plymouth says:

    As I reread my comment, I thought, I’m so selfish, this is all about me and loosing something I don’t even know what it looks like. I sincerely wish you to know how I’m sure, all of us (girlfriends) feel and realize what you’ve done for us. You’ve brightened our days with every eagerly awaited blog. You’ve given us so much through all your books, which I read over and over again. I know I said this before but you have very definitely fulfilled your souls purpose and we greatly appreciate all your efforts! xoxoxoxox

    • sbranch says:

      Sandi, you can do no wrong. You words always come from the heart. Never fear, you’re a girlfriend for life! Thank you soooo much for being here!❌⭕️

  24. Michelle Smock says:

    Dear Susan & Joe,

    Best wishes for a smooth move.

    I am so impressed with you. It’s so hard to end one chapter and begin the next but you’re doing it. I know that you will have so much more to bring you joy in the heart of your Californian home.

    I’ll never forget when I first came across your work. My sister had to move to Albany after college for a job. When I visited her, she showed me Vineyard Seasons, a present from her boss. I had never seen anything like it. I loved to watercolor in high school. It was my kind of art. So when the Summer Book came out, I made sure to buy a copy. I love that book. I reread the whole thing each June.

    My sister ended up having a house in Cape Cod. It was wonderful to spend time there and to visit Oak Bluffs, too.

    On your way cross country, honk when you pass Buffalo! We’ll be sending warm wishes.


  25. Hilary M. says:

    Hi Susan – I am sorry to hear you are moving. I live in Boston and always enjoyed reading your blog to find out what was happening on the island, including how different the weather seems to be! You are a natural born creative talent and your story of finding yourself is inspiring. Best of luck in your new life in California. Safe travels. -HM

  26. Sally Jenks Roth says:

    Bon voyage! Thanks for another delightful post.

  27. Linda says:

    Oh what fun! Happy summertime! Safe travels and I think I would leave the 👻 ghost! 😁 🎃

  28. Cindy Glynn says:

    Welcome to the paradise of Central California! So happy for your new adventures. Love, Cindy

  29. Leslie Lico says:

    Enjoyed the blog Susan but couldn’t believe how many girlfriends weren’t up to date on the big move! Safe travels to you and Joe and of course Jack! California he you come! 😊

  30. Helen says:

    To new beginnings and happy trails, Susan Branch.

  31. Jennifer Rupp says:

    Oh Susan, I am so happy for you, Joe, and Jack! I have loved reading about your journey. Thank you for sharing so much of your life with all of us. I will forever remember meeting you in Grand Rapids, Michigan and giving you a CD of the international brass group I was the director of for your van trip! We are on MV this weekend and I will have to walk by your beautiful home before someone else makes it theirs. Can’t wait to read all about California! ❤️

  32. Jane Banker says:

    I am so cheered by your positive attitude to all the changes– by your GRATITUDE, which changes everything. Such a good example and inspiration for the rest of us, no matter where we find ourselves. Thank you for shining your light into all our lives, and God bless the next chapter of your journey! ❤️

  33. Janice Nelson says:

    I still have my Heart of the Home cookbook from 1986. I was 26 then and used many of your recipes. And still do! The book is marked up with favorite holiday recipes from my mom and other relatives. And many-pulled out of magazines-pictures of beautiful Christmas crafts and decorations stuffed into its pages. It is THE go-to book that comes out at Thanksgiving and stays out until the New Year. Many dog-eared and stained pages. Much loved.
    My daughter has basically grown up with this book so I hope it’s a family hand-me-down.
    I’m looking forward to following more adventures with you now on the west coast.

  34. Kristina says:

    I’m so excited for you!!! It’s never too late for an adventure!!!!

  35. Andrea McVety says:

    Devoured every word of this Willard. Thank you so very much for keeping us updated on your move. Love, love, love all the treasures you are finding. The Christmas 1992 lists for your party and the menus for Christmas Eve and Day! The card from the previous owner, such a Gem. You are such an inspiration for all of us making decisions to downsize. This move to California is such a win, win in every way. It looks absolutely beautiful. The hard part will be over and only new wonderful memories to make awaits you. You amaze me, inspire me and excite me with this move. It’s not a sad ending, it’s a beautiful beginning. ❤️😘

  36. turnipseed paige says:

    I am heart broken thinking of you leaving your wonderful old house. But also so excited for your new adventures in your Calif house. I remember the trip to MV with 3 friends and 2 of us peeking through your hedge! You have such wonderful memories to take with you and I’m sure you’ll be back visiting all of your friends. You have the best of both worlds – east and west coasts. We too are feeling the heat here but ever so thankful for central air. We don’t have humidity in our part of NV and we’re close to Lake Tahoe if we feel the need to jump in. Hope you have a great trip and we all know your sale will be the best with your collections. Safe travels. ❣️paige

  37. Thank you for taking time in your packing adventures to send this to all of us.
    Yes, Ted Lasso is a go-to for us in times of woe, weariness, or when we simply want to feel better about the state of the world. Thank you for the reminders to be present. I have to remind myself to put my oxygen mask on first because I can’t be of any use to anyone or anything if I haven’t taken care of myself. You are always such an inspiration, and I look forward to having you back in CA. Hopefully we can have a Susan Branch meet-up after you get settled. October at the Apple Farm in 2018 was delightful when you gave your book talk. Perhaps a gathering of some kind somewhere on the Central Coast can be arranged so we can help ease the moving pains a bit. I know your heart has been torn in 2 since the early 80s. Whatever your para-social friends can do to help you and Joe, we will do our best.

    • sbranch says:

      I like the “gathering somewhere” idea!!! Would be such fun and the perfect welcome home! xoxo

  38. Linda says:

    So delighted to receive and read the latest! As per usual I’ve had my 1st reading…and will re-read until I get my fill. They are so delightful and nourishing… thank you. Linda

  39. Linda, near Seattle says:

    Yes, Susan, HOT it is. In the upper 90’s in the PNW is very unusual, and I am thankful for air conditioning, as there are many people around here who are suffering in the heat. Loved your suggestions for keeping cool! And, I found this post to be a fun one to read. Your stories of packing and finding treasures bring back memories to me. With my husband’s former work, we moved every few years, but have been in this area for more than 40 years. That does not mean that we have lived in the same house all those years, however. Moving makes one think of downsizing, for sure, specially when you move into a smaller house. Best wishes as you continue to sort and pack, and specially as you leave the house that has meant so much to you, Joe, and Jack.

  40. jennifer imperato says:

    Blessings and safe journey to you, Joe and Kitty/ I’m a lifelong new englander / you actually lived some of my dreams/ god bless you

  41. Janice B Smith says:

    Susan, Joe and Jack,
    Sending positive wishes for a safe travel “adventure” back to Cali.
    You have been a ray of positivity and sunshine all these years, and we all look forward to more as you settle back in at AG. We love you. 🙂
    Jan, From Northern CA

  42. Jane says:

    I was able to transfer the telephone number of my late parents that they got when dial phones were introduced in 1952 to my mobile phone so it is fun to be reachable after so many years as some of my childhood friends still have the number in their address book. Good for Joe to have the continuity, and a warning, he will still get the same junk calls.

  43. Ginny says:

    I know it must be so hard to leave your beautiful home, but what joy it will be to make new memories in CA. And writing from the SF Bay Area, I can tell you that our heat wave ended days ago! Karl the Fog (that’s what we call him up here; is that what they call him in AG, too?) rolled in over the hills and all is well again. Best wishes for the move!

  44. Pamela Welter says:

    Hi Susan,
    It really is a full circle moment for you, going back to California for this time of your life. So interesting the paths our lives take.
    You will feel a true sense of place to rediscover somewhere you had lived earlier in your life. I’ve done it and never imagined I would be doing it, but it will feel like you are meant to be there as you begin to live it – you will see the wisdom of the decision. I’m excited for you! Stay brave, keep writing and drawing and living your beautiful, creative, artful life all the way! Here is a sprinkle of stardust*~*~*~*~*~*to carry with you. Love and light, Pamela

    • sbranch says:

      Oh thank you Pamela, I love that stardust! And I will love to see that “wisdom of our decision!!!” Something to look forward too … I feel it, I feel excited, but not necessarily seeing the wisdom of it quite yet!

  45. Rachel Scott says:

    Dearest Susan,
    I think you have “turned the corner.” I know there will be times when you remember your house and friends on the island and be sad. But, it sounds like your heart is heading to California. I am glad you are not flying for many reasons(what is happening with all those airplanes anyway, a door flying off, a wheel dropping out of the sky, planes just nearly missing each other on take off and landing….YIKES). The other reason is what I have read about when the soldiers return to the US after wars. The ones from WWII, returned by ship, usually with their “brothers” and had time to think and talk and adjust. Those who flew home after Viet Nam, often “alone,” didn’t have that, and many suffered for it. You are going to have a week-long or longer trip. That’s a good thing.
    You and Joe and Jack are going to make your home in California just as special as you made the one on Martha’s Vineyard. I am looking forward to the photos, before and after, as you have the time to make it like you want it. What an adventure!!
    Safe and fun trip.
    Love, Rachel

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve noticed that too, Rachel, that down-time coming home after we’ve spent a couple of months in England is really helpful for re-entry. That wide forever ocean puts everything into perspective. And for us, traveling the country after all this upheaval, will be very special. Perspective is so important!

  46. Karen Baron says:

    Dear Sue and Joe,

    It is a great choice to live year around in California. No staircases and expensive repairs!
    I will look forward to attending a book signing someday soon! I wanted to go to England with you on your cruise and I did in your pocket. Fortuitously, I went to England, London, and Cambridge with my son the following year when he graduated with his Master’s. I was so glad to meet you at Apple Farm! It has been since 2018 since I saw you last. Welcome back to California! I shall follow you along your way. I bought your early books when they first came out! Girlfriends forever!

  47. Ginette Wheeler says:

    Love reading your posts! Laughed out loud when I saw that you make and keep as many lists as I do. I keep all the important party ones, holiday plans and grand events in a binder just so I can look back and see how “young and didn’t know what I was getting myself into” I was!
    Hope you all have a safe and good trip! I worry you’re jumping from the pan into the fire when it comes to this heat! California looks HOT but it’s hot everywhere, isn’t it?! I know you’ll make the best of it as you do everything and that’s what keeps me coming back to your blog, such happiness and inspiration! Thank you always!

  48. Shirley Hubbs says:

    Loved your post! I can’t wait to read about your trip across country and how the trip is for Jack. I worry about him but I know you and Joe will take good care of him. Can’t wait to see your home in California. I’m sure it will be wonderful!
    Your friend for so many years! Shirley

  49. Anna Kaplan says:

    July 10th, 2024
    You and Joe are living a magical life, a many splendored thing!
    Please keep all of us “posted” with photos in Willard about your estate and house sales, the trip westward ho! and re-homing yourselves. No detail is too small. LOL
    I hope you will caravan with at least a couple of other people for roadway safety and companionship.
    So many, many people care about you, Joe and Jack!

  50. Karen Hefler says:

    Oooh, it’s getting closer! Won’t be long now before you will be enjoying that gorgeous garden in sunny Cali! I can’t wait to see Jackie Boy in his new home. He looks a bit peeved amidst all the packing boxes. Safe travel blessings, and big hugs from another Cali girl. ❌⭕️

  51. Sue in Houston says:

    As always, your latest posting came at the perfect time — just a few hours after my power was restored from BERYL! I’m on the north side of Houston and we got winds and rain from what became a tropical storm (downgraded from hurricane). We went about 41 hours with no power in Houston heat and I had a big yard clean-up, but could have been so much worse. Many people still are without power and had trees hit their houses, so I’m not complaining.

    Wish I could go to your estate sale, but alas… when you head for CA, if you take the southern route you’ll go right this way. You have cat and antique-friendly girlfriends along the way and we’d love to show you the sights!

  52. Patty Bonsant says:

    Dear Sue & Joe,
    You are making the dreaded chore of downsizing and movie very enjoyable!! I find this so inspiring! A new beginning, turning the page to a new chapter in your book of life will be so wonderful! Thank you for taking us along! Safe travels back to California. East or west, home is best!

  53. Mary Kopecky says:

    Dear Susan,

    As I am writing this the weather here on California’s central coast is a cool 56 degrees.🫡 The high today today is supposed to be near 70 and should remain in the 70’s for the next ten days. Ahhhh! 😎 We’re almost feeling guilty as the rest of the country is swealtering. 🥵 You are amazing…up to your eyeballs in moving preparation and yet you find the time to write your charming upbeat blog. Thank you; it’s always such a welcome addition to my day. Just like the Mary Richard’s character on the Mary Tyler Moore show, ” Who can turn the world on with her smile? Who can take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile? Why it’s you girl….You’re gonna make it after all!” 🎶🎵🎶

    • sbranch says:

      So sweet Mary!!! And, now I understand the guilt. It is pure heaven here weatherwise. I haven’t really felt this in such a long time! Loving loving loving it! xoxoxo

  54. Peggy Willoughby says:

    Ahhhh, Susan, thank you for taking a break from packing to write to us in a Willard. Moving is such a chore and a heartbreak, especially if you are moving from someplace you love. But, oh, the excitement of a new adventure and a new home! All will be well. I am tearful for your leaving and excited about following you, Joe, and Jack across the country.
    Let us all know where we can send our holiday and birthday cards to you in California. I am sure the Martha’s Vineyard PO Box address will no longer work well.
    And don’t forget to register to vote when you get to California.
    Love you tons. 💙

  55. Carol says:

    Thanks for keeping us updated on your big move! I know you will love your new location. You have so many Vineyard memories to take with you that you can call to mind any time you feel lonely for it!
    I was wondering if Myron and Ellie visited you and Joe in your big white house or had they already passed on? I so enjoyed reading about them in your books – “dashes and dots” in the sky remind me of her!

  56. Janet Hitz says:

    Dear Susan, Bloody hot indeed! We are 50 miles South of Pittsburgh, PA on our small hobby farm. Not cutting the grass now because the heat is turning newly mowed neighboring properties once green lawns brown. Watering everything we grow or have planted daily. Rain, what rain? I just wanted to mention that before my son was born I had a country gift shop in Washington County near the Historic Century Inn. When you have time, please look up the Century Inn in Scenery Hill, PA. It was devastated by a fire, but she had the courage to rebuild. Megin had the courage to face change and it was very challenging for her. That is what you and Joe are doing now. Bless you both! P.S. I sold your HEART OF THE HOME cookbook there and still treasure my old edition. Sending you loving thoughts…

    • sbranch says:

      Wow, how beautiful the Century Inn is! We’ve driven through Pennsylvania on our way to Florida to get on a ship to England in the past. If we ever do that again, we need to stop in Scenery Hill and stay there! Thank you Janet!!!

  57. Nellie says:

    You have worked very hard!! I hope you will share your CA address with us so we can send you fan mail, cards, etc. Reading this has made me hungry! Oh, dear!

    Wishing you, Joe, and Jack the very best as you begin this trip across the USA!

    xoxo Nellie

  58. Deborah MacKenzie says:

    I’m on Cape Cod and I’ll miss knowing you are snug in your lovely old home on the island. I’m so glad there are so many photos in the archives so I can go back and take a peek again. Love the sun coming in the kitchen in the morning. We downsized several years ago and it has worked out fine. Our expenses are much less and we have our modest nest egg. I can’t wait to see how you decorate the California house. It’s so nice to see the picket fence garden there. Some things remain the same, continuity is comforting. Have a safe trip, you three. Looking forward to your first California posting.❤️❤️❤️

  59. Alice Dennison says:

    Congratulations ! When you get settled you have to read The Backyard Bird Chronicles by Amy Tan. She wrote it and illustrated it. I think you will love it. Take care and SAFE travels !

  60. Alice Dennison says:

    Congratulations ! When you get settled you need to read The Backyard Bird Chronicles by Amy Tan. She wrote and illustrated it. I think you will love it. SAFE travels… Take care.

  61. Candi Runyon says:

    Dear Susan ~ Though I seldom comment, I look forward to, and read every word of every one of your posts. I must confess, your move feels a little bitter-sweet for me. I had read “Fairy Tale Girl”, and “Martha’s Vineyard-Isle of Dreams”, and your adventure of how you arrived on Martha’s Vineyard, written in your special style, soothed a sore spot in my heart at the time, while simultaneously fulfilling a long time dream. I lived vicariously through you just a little bit! And I believed good things could happen to me also. I guess I’m not quite ready for the scene to change. =^D But all things do change. So with great anticipation of your next adventure, I’m sending you blessings from my, now amazing, little PNW corner of the world. For the practical parts – one level living etc – and for the emotional, spiritual and relational parts. For fresh perspective and inspiration to mix with sweet memories of the past to create your next delicious “recipe”! Wishing you loads of fun as you transition catty-corner (or kitty-corner, for Jack) across the country one mile at a time!! Will look forward to your next update! And thanks for taking us with you! =^D

  62. Tina Poppy says:

    You bring such joy!

  63. DonnaRay Evans says:

    Hello Susan,
    I’m reminded of all the feelings you are experiencing because I experienced them also a few years ago when we left a beloved home. It took awhile for me to feel “at home” again but a few more years of aging and a “mobility incident” have made me thankful for our more practical environment for this stage of our lives. It is a wonderful thing to have a heart so full of love for many places and many people… but with that come the tugs, but, wait a minute, we like heart tugs!! We welcome them in books and movies and heart-to-hearts with our girlfriends. So, I say, ” Bring ’em on!” They are the result of a rich, full, open hearted life! Happy trails to you…. (Roy, Dale and I are singing) DonnaRay
    PS: I saw a photo of a well loved kitty in a hammock swinging from the roof near the heads of a couple tootling along in their big camper. Would Jack like that kind of “room with a view” with petting hands nearby?

  64. Cheryla says:

    Dear Susan,
    Even though I’ve never “officially” met you(only on zoom), I feel like I know you! Thanks for taking us along for the Ride! & Yes, please inform us of estate sale date…hopefully, that’ll be the day I go to the island and get a talisman from the woman who “believed in me’ for the rest of my journey! #sospecial….#extremelygrateful!!!!
    safe travels and much admiration!
    All the best wishes! The fairies have got this!!!
    ✨✨✨✨✨, cheryla

  65. Maggi Brummett says:

    It is outrageously hot!!! Agreed! We are in Redlands ( a BEAUTIFUL historic town ) and it’s over 100 every day. Hubby and I have Barnes and Noble dates. We sit in the cool AC air, surround ourselves with a magazine, a new book, a book from the sale table and , of course a drinkable iced drink. Heaven!

  66. Jo'L says:

    Can’t add anything to the thoughts and good wishes above. One thing though, maybe you can come to a bookstore in Oregon or Washington now for your fans here in this corner of the States.
    Safe journey.

  67. Annie says:

    Dear Susan,
    I have loved you, your family and your beautiful recipes, writings and art for so many years. I cannot say that my little family of four in New England wouldn’t have made it without your influence…. but I can say for sure that your ideas and the moods you impart w your shares have made our lives more beautiful and balanced. I don’t believe the rest of my family or my friends realize that you have helped move me/us through so many seasons. They thought the books on the shelves were just “cookbooks”.❤️ Christmas menus, winter snow angels, summer salads and fall pumpkins all made more special by feeling your art, poetry, writings, love and recipes.
    Thank you for all and I’ll be watching for that next stage in California❤️ ❤️ Annie

  68. Jeannette from the Central Coast says:

    Looking forward to the first post from California! Prayers for safe journey from East to West destination! I bet Jack will take it like the trooper he is! Journey’s mercies as my 100 year old neighbor used to tell me from time to time.

  69. Me2 says:

    Re-welcome to SoCal! You got this, go back to the 1980’s: longish bright colored tank top, cute semi baggy cotton shorts/flip flops/huaraches, slight tan on legs, one good lounge patio chair, making daily sun teas, house radio on local classic rock, scent of Coppertone coconut, living by/means of weekly Farmers Market, cold light meals, non-descript light weight back pack instead of purse/tote, finding that pretty sarong, vase of flowers in the kitchen, local sourdough bread and goat cheese, wondering about a new summer hair style/cute hat, several on going art projects all at once, tracking the heat/closing down the house, fog/coolness times/adjusting your schedule to fit the weather, BBQ veg for the week meals, trying something “new” each week, reading local “rags” (paper publications), starting the Autumn garden….

  70. Aly B. says:

    Best Wishes to you both on your new adventure! You came to Martha’s Vineyard a bit broken, but you are returning to California SO full! God can make a way when we don’t see a way. A true full circle moment.
    Martha’s Vineyard; Isle of Dreams is my FAVORITE book! So glad you became the artist and writer you were meant to be and shared your talents with the world! 🌎
    God bless you & Joe in this new chapter of life!
    PS: Hope you loved Band of Brothers! It can be tough to watch at points, but the end is sooo worth it!

  71. Lola Widner says:

    The high in AG today is 71º and sunny! 😎

  72. Mary Bustamante says:

    Hi Susan,

    I live in AG and was wondering if there might be a chance of you opening a new brick and mortar store in the Village? I used to love going into your original one as did almost everyone I know. Happy to have you back in Cali. All the Best,
    Mary B

  73. PJ says:

    I look forward to seeing your California gardens and envy your ability to grow sweet peas there. I had the most beautiful sweet peas in California, but have had no luck growing them in Upstate New York. Happy Trails, Susan!

  74. Nancy M says:

    It’s hard to imagine you are moving but I’m so happy for you and this new adventure and look forward to seeing what you do in CA. Safe travels for the 3 of you. I know it’s always bittersweet to move. I do hope the new owners will be a kindred spirit and cherishes the opportunity to be the caretaker as you and Joe have been. Take care and God bless.

  75. Karen Mac says:

    Dear Susan, Good luck on your move west. I’m sure the people that are waiting on the other side of this beautiful country are so anxious to welcome you. I can’t wait to see how you decorate your home. Good luck with the sale of your house. I’m sure whoever buys it will know how very special it is. Safe travels girlfriend. XO

  76. Robin says:

    Susan – you have the best attitude about this move! In 1972, I was going Jersey shore to Cali but stopped in NV and never left. Found a true love – 35 yrs! I pray for you and for Joe – safe travel. I know you will have so many new dreams come true. In my 1986 Heart of the Home – my favorite recipe is the Butternut Bisque p 42. Although, I am not thinking soup right now. Another hot day on the way! I look forward to following you on your journey! Best of luck!

  77. Stay cool on your drive west. It’s hot!!! I’m using your summer book daily. So many great recipes, quotes, and ideas. You’ve inspired me to learn to draw (p.78) I’m also a late bloomer. My first trade picture book was published when I was 63. I was awarded the Northern Lights Late Bloomer Award. Best award ever! And each year since, I’ve sold another picture book. Dreams do come true. I hope to meet you in real life – perhaps at Monarch Books in AG (I’m in Cayucos)

  78. Joanne Dean says:

    This was exceptionally inspiring! Thank you! Safe travels to California. Fingers crossed that Jack is excited for the adventure. haha

  79. Valerie says:

    Dear Susan, Joe and Jack,
    I have been putting off reading your Willards because I am in the process of getting ready for a move! Wow, this happened fast. My move is in slow motion because my hubby wants to keep our old place for just a couple of years, so we can have a vacation home. We are moving from Michigan to Oklahoma. We love the weather so much better in MI than in OK. Hubby and I are physically separated while I get things looking better at old place and he is in new place with new job. Then, in the midst of the summer, he says that he can not retire in OK because it is just too hot. But, as we are getting older we should be closer to our kids, who live in OK.
    Ugh!, the dilemma! – Anyways, I was so surprised to read of your move. I remember when I first read about you on the back cover of one of your small Christmas books. I thought then that I would write to you and that’s when I started getting your Willards, many years ago.
    I wish you well in your new adventure.
    Love to each of you,
    (we will also be going from 3 stories, {basement, main and upstairs,} to everything being on one floor)

    • sbranch says:

      YES! The dilemma! They keep coming. Then you just climb over them and DECIDE. Which, no matter how wonderful your choices are, is truly horrible! And then, magically, it’s not! It all works out! Good Luck! Google, “Top mistakes Retirees make when choosing where to go” … it helps to see what others have learned before you decide! You’ll go down some pretty good rabbit holes! xoxo

  80. Kim Shaffer says:

    I pray that whoever buys your home loves it as much as you do. I know how much of an honor it is to become the caretaker of a home. When I bought my cottage last year, I ended up being in contact with the granddaughter of the people who built my home. I have loved hearing her stories. I look forward to inviting her and her sisters here so they can share more stories of their grandmother with me. Wishing you, Joe, and Jack all the best on your move and this new chapter!

  81. Cathy in Golden, CO says:

    I just love that letter from Mrs Bowditch. So SPECIAL 💕 I am wishing you three all the happiness in the world!

  82. kimberley says:

    Phew – I’m glad the UK is missing the heatwave….for the moment. When it does arrive we are so poorly set up for it, with hardly any air conditioning. It has been a very rainy year so far – lets see what happens today (st swithins day!)
    So wish I could come to your estate sale – Im sure there will be so many treasures to give new homes to!!!
    Another good respite from reality: I have been making a fairy house out of a boring plain wood house shelf. A good antidote!

    • sbranch says:

      Definitely!!! Martha’s Vineyard had no air conditioning when I first moved there . . . it wasn’t in my new car, it wasn’t in restaurants and stores, because no one needed it. But slowly over the years, things changed . . . it used to be hot and humid only in August … but this year it started in June and didn’t end. I’m so not good with humidity! I hope you don’t get that! Have fun with your fairy house!!!

  83. Jamie Perelman says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you so much for always sharing your story. And reading about your move back to California has really helped me . I’ve been struggling with letting go of so many things , but thankful of the memories. I just move from my beautiful home in Ventura to Bell Canyon, Ca.
    My wonderful youngest son put a tiny house on his property for me . I’m very excited for new adventures and the beautiful nature here. Oh and I can’t forget the wild animals here.
    Oh and Susan, I met you with Vicki Murphy! Was so grateful to see your art studio and to have lunch with you. You are truly amazing and inspiring. So here’s to new adventures and welcome back to California 💕
    PS .. I was able to keep so many treasures from your store 😊

    • sbranch says:

      YAY!!! Hi Jamie! Think of your new house as a museum of YOU. And look at all the best stuff you have! Good luck! I wonder if you ever see Vicki anymore? I think about her all the time! Right now there just happens to be a photo of her and Dennis, with me and my mom, on my work table! Unpacking! Thank you for the welcome back!

  84. JulieV from Springfield, MO says:

    Good morning Susan & Joe!
    I am currently traveling to get on the ferry to Martha’s Vineyard! I have wanted to travel there for soooo long and finally today is the day. So I will be keeping a look out for you while I am in Vineyard Haven Kaye this afternoon. Don’t worry I am a kindred spirit not a crazy stocker😂
    Loved your blog as always and I am excited to share in the next chapter of your journey as you move to California. Wishing you guys all the best!!
    Love to you both and of course Jack too

  85. SallyD says:

    Following your journey – so happy for you all! Safe travels, and may lovely new memories and romantic moonbeams decorate all your days in California! Keep spreading the charm and happiness! Love you!

  86. John Vasilik says:

    Dear Susan and Joe,

    Best of everything is California. While we never actually crossed paths with you in Tisbury, every time we were on the Island, we would go past your house and take a virtual visit with you. I remember (back in the day) even seeing the old Volvo parked in your driveway; Spring Street will always be yours.

    John and Pam V.

    • sbranch says:

      Aren’t you sweet! Know what I have here on a little shelf behind my art table? My license plate from that Volvo! It’s green, so it fits in perfectly, and ahhhh, the memories. Thank you for Spring Street, I plan to haunt it … the whole island actually. Maybe I’ll meet you there! ❌⭕️

  87. Becky Kukoski says:

    Over the years I read all of Philip R Craig’s books. Did you know him? Reading his books made me feel like I was on Martha’s Vineyard. The pictures that you post from the island let me see the places he wrote about. I also own most of your books, I love your art and your story. Martha’s Vineyard and England are both on my bucket list. In the mean time, I visit them through your books. Thank you, friend.

  88. Christie+Levin says:

    Hello dear Sue, Last weekend I drove out of the 110+ heat here in the Sacramento Valley to head south for a visit with my granddaughter and her family in Monterey. The first thing I noticed turning onto Highway 1 from 101 (and after turning off the car’s AC and rolling down the window) was the view of fog surrounding the bay ~ “Glorious, cool, delicious, morning fog” ~ wonderful balm for this grown-in-Washington-State girl💚💙💚 I know you and Joe and Jack will be reveling in the summer’s nearly-always-mid-70-degrees-low-humidity weather and non-freezing winters. xoxoxo

  89. Sheryl Kirk Magalia, CA says:

    Dear Olde Friend, Susan,
    I love all these friends giving you best wishes and sending you home to California.
    I want to be one of them. I have been with you a long time and have so many memories, from your books and calendars to all the time I set aside just for myself to read your blogs and Willards. Your life story is so inspiring and this one of your last chapters possibly is as exciting as the first. God speed, Susan. Love and enjoy every moment knowing they all count in the beautiful life of Susan Branch.

    • sbranch says:

      You are so wonderful with your beautiful words. What my girlfriends give me is priceless. Thank you.💖

  90. Beth Barnat says:

    I enjoyed this Willard – it’s sad seeing you move from your old house, but it will be interesting hearing about your new adventures in Arroyo Grande, CA. We lived in Northern California (Winters, CA mostly) for 30 years, but now I’m back in the Midwest where I grew up and I love it here. Take care & God bless you all!

  91. Rosemary Fishback says:

    Dear Susan,
    My two sisters and I are on your beautiful Martha’s Vineyard, RIGHT NOW! We read your trilogy together, and just HAD to come here. We have been laughing uncontrollably for three MV days pretending we just saw you! “Oh there’s Sue, she just made hot scones and invited us for tea!” Laugh laugh laugh. Your creativity, positivity, love of nature, and all your heartfelt sharing, deeply inspires us! We’re at the Hob Knob if you want to say “hi”! With deep gratitude, we thank you, with much love, Rose, Eileen and Denise

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Rosemary, Eileen and Denise! Ha ha, I love your game, it sounds like me and England and the Queen!! I love that you are having a wonderful time. I think you might have gotten some nice weather, I hope! We are in the last throes of moving and mostly saying goodbye to our beloveds. I don’t think we’ll be out and about these last couple of days. . . still so busy packing and doing all the last things. But I love that you said hello! xoxoxo

      • Rosemary Fishback says:

        Dearest Susan, you are the sweetest with your kind response! We wish you and Joe all the best wishes possible on your newest adventure. The three of us are roughly 50 years past 12, so we completely can relate to your precious life choices. Thank you again for all the love, wisdom, stories, recipes, quotes, and again LOVE that you share with all of us.

        • sbranch says:

          Absolutely my pleasure, I LOVE our connection! Could be a book, The Unlikely Connection ~ Miracles of the Modern World! xoxo

  92. Joyce Fisher says:

    Dear Susan,
    What a joy to read all about your “adventures.” Moving is the worst thing ever. So much work! I really do believe you and Joe made the right decision. I am 84 yrs. old and my husband, of 65 yrs. Is 87 yrs.old. We remodeled a 1000 sq. ft. House 2 yrs. ago.
    Luckily for us, we have 4 wonderful children that got us through it. We live in So. Cal. by the
    beach. Lots of fog but great for hot days!
    I just want to say, do everything you can, because it gets so much harder in your 80’s. I think I can do most anything but I can’t.😢. I love my garden and it love cooking but I can’t stand for very long and I don’t have very good balance any more. Luckily, for me I have help. My husband is an angel, so good to me!
    I have a cousin that leaves in Arroyo Grande so maybe we will get up that way if you are at Apple Farm in the future. Thank you sooo much for your wonderful writing and all the life’s adventures you have shared. Wishing you the VERY BEST times ahead.
    Sincerely, Joyce Fisher

    • sbranch says:

      I almost fell off the couch standing on it to clean corners! What’s up with THAT! Oh yes, I understand. That’s why I wanted to do it now, be on flat ground, no more steep stairs, no more icy roads, no more humidity . . . it’s baby food out here!!!😘

  93. Sandi OConnor says:

    I don’t know why my comments don’t show…

  94. Prue Ronneberg says:

    Oh Susan. This blog just makes me laugh and cry at the same time! Gloriously fun and so
    Honest and true! True from Prue! Such beauty and wisdom all wrapped up in the best BOOM of all, alongside and especially with the phenomenal strong and powerful speech today by our KAMALA! You will be fine, and just a few more MILES away than usual! I’ll write you a letter and tell you a fun story about those Adirondacks! Ha ha ha! Made
    Me Laugh! Can’t wait! Kindred spirit AND, Sweet girlfriend, have a great trip home. 🏠 💕🎉💕🫐

  95. Karen Baron says:

    I just saw on X formerly Twitter a Beatrix Potter picture with her Pekingese dogs and you are right you do look a lot like her!! Happy, happy safe travels. California is the place to be!!

    I can’t wait to come see you in person again!! That painting is gorgeous I hope it will be part of something I can buy as it has all the things I love!! It looks almost finished!!

  96. Marge says:

    Be blessed on your new adventures from East to West. May God give you travelling mercies and His protection always.

  97. Jane says:

    Hello Sue,

    It’s so wonderful hearing about your amazing adventures! I’ve been following you for so long. I have almost all of your books and began collecting them a long, long time ago. I used to print off your Willards so I could have them in my hand (back when they came by email). I think before that we actually got them in the mail — am I right? Anyway, I feel like we are best friends somehow — weird as we have not even met, yet! :).

    We too just moved after living in our house for 35 years. We’ve moved to the house next door, where we started out 40 years ago. After outgrowing the little log farm house, we built a new beautiful home on the farm, and now moving back so our daughter and family can take over the bigger house.

    I feel like we are going through all the same things, with packing, and purging, and crying, and laughing — ah, the memories.

    So good luck to you and yours. We are all doing fine over here 🙂

    Bye for now,


  98. sharon hermens says:

    Hi, Susan, I’m looking forward to your next ‘Willard’ when you, Joe, and Jack
    get settled in your home in Cali. Is there an address where I can send a card to you?
    Safe travels.
    Sharon Hermens

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