Every night I turn my fears over to God; he’s going to be up all night anyway.  anon

For our Girlfriends, Sandy (who has surgery Tuesday), and Deb, who’s been dealing with chemo and radiation, and all the brave moms, grandmas, daughters, sisters, aunts and best friends (and men too, because it does happen to them) everywhere who will, or have already, faced this challenge.  For the amazing survivors, for the fighters, for the believers.  We know how much power there is in prayer ***, especially when everyone is sending positive thoughts at once.  Perhaps a little blessing coming from us, while looking at the BLUE MOON tonight (and anytime this weekend) would be the perfect time. Let’s turn the blue moon PINK!!!  Sending love, and strength, and most of all, faith.  XOXO

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243 Responses to TURN OUR FEARS TO GOD . . .

  1. Gail from Hingham, Mass. says:

    Good Morning My Dear Friends,
    Susan, thank you so much for this beautiful post. I have been deeply moved by the comments it has generated. To anyone who is facing a serious illness, please “keep a goin'” and don’t lose heart. We never know what courage and strength we have unside of us, until we need to draw upon it in a difficult circumstance.
    Eleven years ago my husband became paralyzed from a back injury. Our lives have become easier but it is still a struggle. Knowing we are not alone and that God is always with us, providing us with all that we need, is what gets us through each each day. My favorite prayer is the beautiful Psalm 121, particularly the lines:
    The Lord will let no harm come to me.
    He will watch over my life.
    The Lord will watch over my coming and my going,
    Both now and forevermore.
    Sending Love, Hugs and Prayers to all who may need them today XOXO

  2. Jo says:

    I lift all of you up in my prayers and ask our Precious Lord to watch over you, keep you safe and bless you beyond measure and belief. Love, Jo

  3. Angie(Tink!) says:

    Sending Prayers & Love & a Bit of Healing Pixie~Dust to All….Sweet Sue I Love The “Turning the Blue~Moon Pink”…Perfection… Remember That The Angels are All Around Us… Ask & Ye Shall Receive…Amen! God Be with Us & Heal Us & Protect Us…God Bless Us Everyone! xoxo Poof!♥*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.♥*¨`*.✫*¨♥*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.♥*¨`*.✫*¨♥*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.♥*¨`*.✫

  4. stephanie says:

    Sending prayers and good wishes to them…

  5. Annie says:

    And the Lord will continually guide you, And satisfy your desire in scorched places, And give strength to your bones; And you will be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail. Isaiah 58:11. This is one of my favorite verses and it has ministered to me many times since my pastor’s wife shared it with me on 6-7-79 while I was going through a health scare. I have been blessed by all these comments and I pray this verse over each of those fighting the fight. So blessed by all the comments from my sisters in Christ. Thank you Susan for inviting us all to bear one another’s burdens.

  6. Sally Bennett says:

    Offering prayers for Sandy and Deb. Keep fighting, girls. Never, never, never give up. I am a 72 year-old, 3 year breast cancer survivor and thriver, praise God! There are so many of us survivors/thrivers out here. Blessings to all of you.

    • Siobhan in Santa Monica, CA says:

      Me too…a 10 year survivor, and so so thankful for each day…thank you for the opportunity to pull hard for your friends, Susan. We are all so lucky and graced to have each other! xx

  7. Marie says:

    My mother is a breast cancer survivor. 31years now, and we are truly great full for that. Last autumn I went through the horrible experience of having to have a biopsy etc. for cervical cancer. It was one of the most frightening experiences of my life. It was very hard to hold onto my faith and be optimistic in the face of that fear. The very day I got the hospital letter I also received a letter from a member of the first presidency of my church. I read that letter first before opening the hospital letter. I was so filled with dread and wanting to put it off. Several weeks before at our annual women’s general conference I had been so moved by a talk given by one of our leaders on the tiny little forget me not flower that I had been inspired to create a piece of art surrounding the principles that we had been taught. Afterwards my husband had told me I should make a gift of it for Pres. Uchtdorf. So we went and got a frame and mailed it off to him. The letter I received on that day was a personal letter of thanks from him. His very last words to me in the letter were that my Heavenly Father loved me and was mindful of the desires of my heart. President Uchtdorf was not aware of my fear and uncertainty that I was facing at that very moment, but my Heavenly Father certainly was. You cannot imagine the peace which came into my heart at the moment I read those words. I knew then that all would be ok, and it was. My hospital letter was good news, but even if it hadn’t been I had the assurances from an Apostle of the Lord that no matter what would be, my Heavenly Father was and would be there for me…always. It was a beautiful reminder to me of the goodness and grace of God. I believe in the amazing power of prayer. In Gods way and in His time, they are always answered. My prayers are forvthosecwho may be going through this scary experience themselves. May they be strengthened by the knowledge that God cares for them and so do we.

    • Terrie from Atlanta, GA says:

      Marie, not sure if you’ll get this as I am late in catching up with recent posts ~ but I wanted to send a big “Thank You” to both you and our Sue B. for the positive messages about cancer survivors. This month marks one year’s difficult journey with my own diagnosis of cervical cancer, so your story caught my eye. How wonderful that yours was caught early! Mine has been a mean beast, recurring three times = three surgeries. This sweet space that Sue has created … these wonderful girlfriends … whether puttering at home or traveling abroad … have truly saved me. God bless us, every one! xoxo

      • sbranch says:

        Sooner or later, there is challenge for all of us, so sorry you’re having to deal with it now Terrie. ♥ Hope today is a WONDERFUL day! xoxo

      • Linda from Lancaster, Co PA says:

        Dear Terrie,
        “Something” made me go back to this old post of Susan’s and I found your rather recent comment. You sound like a “fighter” so keep at it. Never give up! Keep having a wonderful life and doing what fulfills you. I will add you to my prayer list and pray that God gives you strength and healing.
        Your “Susan Branch” friend,

  8. Love this, Susan. Can I post the picture on facebook? I have a friend going through this scare right now. she’s waiting on a biopsy to see if it’s cancerous.
    Praying hard for her. <3
    Perfect Timing <3

  9. Kerry S. from San Pedro, CA says:

    I’ve loved reading everyone’s testimonies to the power of prayer – what a wonderful group we are! Special thoughts for Robin Roberts (someone mentioned her in an earlier comment), who is not only facing months of treatment and recovery but also lost her mother on Thursday. Robin and her sister made it to Mississippi thru Isaacs’ flooding to be with their mom at the end of her life’s journey! Talk about dealing with a lot!
    On a lighter note & related to the previous topic – Mr. Blandings Builds his Dream House is airing on TCM Tuesday evening @ 5:00 PDT! Enjoy a timely diversion! 😉

    • sbranch says:

      Oh good grief. I’m so sorry to hear that. Yes, I don’t know how people to do it; they say that God never gives you more than you can handle, but this has to be a bit much. Poor thing. So happy they got home in time!

  10. Margot in Virginia Beach says:

    I will keep Sandy, Deb, and Cynthia in my prayers as well as any other girlfriends who may be going through terrible illnesses. Think pink and stay strong!!!

  11. Elizabeth in Montana says:

    I am almost three years out from endometrial (uterine) cancer…diagnosed two days after my wedding. I treasure every day even more than I did before, and also the people I love. We lost my dad to melanoma 19 years ago. Prayer really does help…I couldn’t have gotten through the surgery and complications if I didn’t believe. Thank you so much for this post. I have many friends who are breast cancer survivors, and one who did not survive. She’s been gone 20 years and I still think about her. And one of my friends is a 18-year survivor. There is always hope.

  12. Barb, Ludlow-MA says:

    Hello Everyone……..

    I am sending you all a great Big Virtual Hug…….along with :
    ….Prayers I pray for all of you………..Faith……..Hope…….Strength…..Determination to never give up……….and a warm Smile as you face your difficult journey.
    Peace Be With You All……………

  13. Love this beautiful post, Susan! An inspiring message with a beautiful watercolor painting of a rose … saying prayers this early morning for everyone! We ♥ you and your work! Thank You!

  14. Linda in Texas says:

    I just finished reading through all these comments with tears in my eyes. Somehow I missed this when it was first posted. What a blessing to read of the faith in God expressed in the comments. My prayers are lifted for all who are walking the road to recovery. May God comfort you with each step and send healing to each of you.

    God bless you, Susan, for this post. You are a blessing to so many.

  15. Becky from Lockport, Illinois says:

    Thank you for this post Susan. We lost my daughter-in-law’s mom this summer. Dear Gillian battled for 17 years and her sister Penny is waging her own war on this cruel disease. Sooo my daughter-in-law Erica and her sister Beth and myself are Team Denson and we will be walking in the Avon 2 day in Chicago next June. Now I need to get myself on the treadmill so these soon to be 59 year old legs can do this! Bless all you warriors!

    • sbranch says:

      You will probably enjoy the moment so much, your legs won’t feel a thing! (Until it’s too late! :-)) Sending love to your family!

  16. Patty says:

    Happen to be wearing my Susan B. Komem Race for the Cure Survivor tee shirt when I read your beautiful post. Without all of the prayers and support of my family and friends, I know I would not be here today, a 3 year survivor of breast cancer. My daughter’s new husband is a thyroid cancer survivor, who had the same support group that I did 1 1/2 years after my diagnosis.
    To anyone who is going through this terrible ordeal right now, I offer my prayers and one bit of advice that kept me going, be positive, it is hard, you will become depressed, but try to be optimistic. Kill that cancer with good thoughts of yourself being healthy and happy very soon.

    • sbranch says:

      So wonderful to hear this from you Patty. Thank you so much.

    • Becky from Lockport, Illinois says:

      Patty I thought about your comments all night and just had to respond this morning. I was diagnosed with kidney cancer 2 years ago. It was operable but heavily monitored especially that first year…I was very depressed and thought about going to a support group but kidney cancer is rare so I wasn’t sure there would even be a group out there for me.Your post made me realize that support groups are not cancer specific. You are right trying to stay positive is extremely important…thank you for the advice.

  17. Georgie says:

    Sending prayers for Sandy for tomorrow… and for Deb. I wish I could reach out and give a real {{{HUG}}} The power of prayer is indeed a reality. May their journey through this dreaded disease be lined with family and friends cheering them through to recovery.

    I remember my younger sister being diagnosed, and them myself, 6 years later. Our surgery date was December 9th… yes! The same day but different years… one in 1993 and the other in 1999. Thankfully we are both continuing our journies as Survivors!

    Reading the encouraging comments of all the girlfriends has been so uplifting!

  18. Carilyn Wolski says:

    …….suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope… Romans 5:3
    Keeping Sandy and Deb in my thoughts and prayers!!!!!!!!!

  19. Doris Petersen from CA says:

    Praying for Sandy & Deb today and all people facing this challenge.

  20. Diana - Highland, IL says:

    What a blessing to read all the messages of hope on this post. Coming in a little late, but it is never too late to tell people you care. Thoughts and prayers for strength and peace go out to those that are dealing with the big “C” and to their family and friends that are dealing with it as well. Being a muscian, I am always going back to music for inspiration and comfort. One old old hymn says, “Be not dismayed what’er be tide, God will take care of you”.. but my MOST favorite beloved hymn is “It is Well With My Soul”…if you don’t know the story behind this hymn, you should look it up, but it brings peace to me always. We have dealt with cancer in our family as well and know the effects touch so many. So we are all really tied together with that pink ribbon of love, because, “the greatest of these is Love”…. God Bless us Every one!! Love and blessiongs to all.

  21. Margot in Virginia Beach says:

    Judy Blume has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

  22. Susan Mikesell says:

    I’m three months away from my second surgery for breast cancer in one year. If not for the prayers of good people and the incredible mercy and love of Our Lord, I don’t think I could’ve dealt with all the chemo and radiation. But I’m doing well, thanks to God and prayer. Never give up hope. God is listening. Love and God bless.

  23. Carin says:

    Thank you Susan for the prayers and well wishes. Last month I learned that
    my breast cancer has metastasized. It certainly puts a different spin on life.
    My faith and the many prayers from my friends and beyond will get me thru.
    Your blog, pictures, and heartfelt stories have gotten me through this past
    year and will continue to make me smile. You don’t know how far you reach
    a person’s heart! Thank you, thank you. Carin

  24. Jan from Northern CA says:

    Thank you Susan for your attention to this subject. I, too, am a breast cancer survivor. June 1st was my 7th aniversary. Early diagnosis is the key!! Paying attention to our bodies and how we feel is so important. Today is also “Uterian Cancer Awareness” day. Women are important to the world and we need to take care of ourselves.
    BTW, I love your kitchen, and the floor is so awsome! Can’t wait to see the finished project. You inspire all of us!
    Jan from Northern CA

  25. Mary Ann says:

    I have my surgery consult on Wednesday…sigh. I heard the diagnosis on Tuesday and have felt a bit light headed ever since. In fact besides my husband I haven’t told a soul yet. I don’t know if I can bear the looks on my children faces. I think I feel a bit better for just typing this and telling someone.

    • sbranch says:

      Mary Ann! I’m sorry! I would feel just like you! There are many girlfriends here who have been through this, they will be wonderful to talk to. Sending love and prayers for everything to go just right, and most of all, quick, with healthy easy outcome! xoxo

  26. Laurie in Zeeland, Mi says:

    Dear Susan;
    Just wanted to say how much we love your blogs & Willards”! Your artwork is fantastic & your words can bring sunshine to ones “cloud-covered” gray day!
    Can’t wait for your “English Diary” to be published……will we be able to pre-order?
    If you & Joe are ever in the Zeeland/Holland, MI area, let us know…we’d be glad to “put you up” for your time here! We’re off to Acadia, Maine in a couple of weeks….can’t wait to get to the coast & “see the sea”. Our next trip will be to Marthas Vineyard to “check it out”; who knows…….maybw we’ll run into you & Joe?
    Keep up the good work w/your blogs……we look for new ones every day AND
    tell Jack to stay out of trouble……..he has this naughty little gleam in his eye & that little smile on his face!

  27. Sending thoughts and prayers!!! I am a cancer survivor – for many years now, and want to send big hugs and lots of hope, too!

  28. Jill Inkel says:

    Happened upon your blog through pinterest. I treasure your books and the joy you bring to everyday. My husband and I are in the planning stages of doing over the kitchen. Your pictures reminded me of the remodeling we did twenty-five years ago and the nightmare of living without a kitchen. Your wisdom makes me tread with caution. I am a grade 4 teacher from Manchester, CT and I truly love my job. Jill

    • sbranch says:

      It’s still a mess in our kitchen, but I’m still SO happy it’s getting done. He’s in there now, painting the corner around the fridge! This will make a huge difference, so I’m excited.

  29. Judi Andrew - Dallas, TX says:

    It is so good to read all these wonderful, uplifting comments. I, too, am a breast cancer survivor. God has carried me through many difficult times. He blessed me with my wonderful husband and dear friends who helped me through the tough times. Laughter was a great help as well. I send prayers and hugs to all who are going through this disease as well as those who have conquered it. Thank you, Susan, for your wonderful gift of beauty in our lives.

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