2:00 pm Saturday December 6, 2014
Falmouth Public Library at the Morse Pond School Auditorium
323 Jones Road
Falmouth, MA 02540
Telephone to reserve seats- 508-457-2555 ext. 6 Sponsored by the Staff, the Board of Trustees, and by Friends of the Falmouth Public Library.
A brief talk by the author and artist, with questions and answers afterwards, and sales of Susan’s books A Fine Romance ~ Falling in Love with the English Countryside, Autumn from the Heart of the Home, and her 2015 Heart of the Home Wall Calendar. Susan will be available to sign and inscribe any and all of her works for Christmas gifts or otherwise.
Book and calendar sales through Eight Cousins Bookstore,
189 Main Street, Falmouth, MA 02540
Telephone 508-548-5548 www.eightcousins.com.
If you are unable to attend the event, call the bookstore to order copies for personalization.

Susan Branch Book Signing
Hosted by “Happy Go Smile” in Cayucos, California
Saturday, November 8, 2014
36 North Ocean Avenue
Cayucos, CA 93430
Cayucos is a California beach town offering many wonderful places to stay, eat, and shop…. make it a “Girlfriends Weekend!” Don’t forget to pop up the coast a few miles for the wonderful town of Cambria! And if there’s time, Hearst Castle, Big Sur, and amazing coast line are just a few miles further north.
So how was the event???
IT WAS WONDERFUL! Here are a few pictures:
The Pacific Ocean is right across the street from us. Ocean Avenue is filled with wonderful shops like Happy Go Smile, lots of group antique stores, bakeries, restaurants, views of the water . . . it was your typical California day of weather perfection. The perfect place for a Girl Party! From my signing perch, I could hear everyone talking and laughing ~ as usual, the line was the best place to be!
Barbara, who owns Happy Go Smile and her crew (family and friends), made it wonderful . . . here’s Amy with her famous homemade cupcakes for those who waited in line to get their books signed so no one should feel any chocolate deprivation in the meantime.
Lots of FOSB were here, Girlfriends putting faces to names we’ve read many times on my Blog and on Facebook. Very fun! I would see a name, like “Pat from Paso” . . . and say, “Ohhh, Pat!!!” Meeting someone I talk to on the Blog all the time! I’m behind that red suitcase at a table where I got to meet and sign for everyone; besides books and calendars, I signed t-shirts and tea-tins, book marks and cooking albums. A two hour event, turned out to be four wonderful hours of fun!
Susan Branch Book Signing
Hosted by Hampstead Village in Santa Barbara, California
Thursday, November 6, 2014
1100 State Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
tel: 805-845-3343
As part of Downtown Santa Barbara’s 1st Thursday Susan Branch will be signing books at Hampstead Village (a must visit shop for any anglophile).
**A portion of the evening’s proceeds will be donated to the
Breast Cancer Resource Center of Santa Barbara.**
Here we are driving the coast to Santa Barbara …. Thought I would give you the lay of the land. Rather lovely lay of the land. When I drive this coast in California, land of my childhood, anywhere from Ventura to Big Sur, I ALWAYS play this cd . . . it’s MUSICA! Roll down the windows!
To beautiful downtown Santa Barbara, and a whole group of lovely Girlfriends and Boyfriends to meet and greet
Even twins, Cindy and Lindy!
Joe went outside and took his picture through the window so you could see what Hampstead Village, a charming shop specializing in everything wonderfully British, from books to food to tea cups and teapots, was like.
Me with Angela (Torin) the English woman who owns Hampstead Village. ‘Twas a wonderful evening, I enjoyed it so much. ♥
Sunday, November 12, 2014 Susan will sign books from noon to 2:30 . . . . at Titcombs Bookshop, East Sandwich, Cape Cod, MA
Here I am with the famous patriot-looking man out front of the bookshop, About to go in and sign our new 10th Anniversary printing of Autumn from the Heart of the Home.
Despite the nutty look on my face, I was thrilled to see Barbara Gibson and Betsy Bray of the Beatrix Potter Society. A photo of us at this book signing was just featured in the newest Beatrix Potter Society Newsletter (which I receive in an email, you can too!) called Pottering About.
Here they are, Barb and Betsy . . . such a nice surprise that they came.
And more friends from the past . . . see the photo? It was taken at a book signing years ago on a porch overlooking the sea on Block Island . . .
Here’s the photo up close; and there we are, still crazy after all these years . . . this is one of the many reasons I love my job, because of the lasting connections I have with my Girlfriends.

Susan Branch Question & Answer
To benefit the historic 150 year-old Library in the heart of Westfield.
Hosted by Westfield’s Tuesday Morning Club
Tueseday, October 14, 2014
Tickets: $5.00
Westfield Athenaeum (Lang Auditorium)
6 Elm Street, Westfield, MA 01085 (Directions)
To reserve tickets, and for more information, please contact Ann Koerber of the Tuesday Morning Club at [email protected] or call: 413-568-4650.
Light refreshments will be served.
So here we are, on the road to Western MA to the Westfield Atheneum on a beautiful fall day in New England . . . the leaves were blowing up behind our car as we drove the backroads through the countryside, looking at the fall colors . . .
This is the library . . . smells like books in here!
I was at the podium with my camera . . .
Said, Say Cheese, and they did!
Here I am with Ann Koerber . . . the ball of energy that put this event together on behalf of the Tuesday Morning Club. Ann is one of our regular Girlfriends on the Blog, probably lots of you know her name, now you get to have the face. Delicious tea with cookies and cakes as refreshments, and lots of lovely people. We had a great time.
I talked for about an hour, they asked me to tell the story of how I met the Beatles, so we had lots of laughing. I love the questions the audience asks. You never know where you’ll end up.
Here I am with Cher, the Library Director. A big thank you to everyone who made this event happen!
Susan Branch Book Signing Hosted by Best of British
Sunday, September 28, 2014
This wonderful jewel of a store full of the best imports from the British Isles and Ireland is hosting Susan at a book signing open to the public in downtown Newburyport, MA. A Fine Romance – Falling in Love with the English Countryside and Susan’s 2015 wall calendars will be for sale.
12:00pm (noon) – 1:00pm
22 State St., Newburyport, MA 01950
For more information: 978-465-6976
Lovely visit in the charming British store with Mother Pelagia, Mother Xeni, Mother Seraphima, and Mother Martha who came over from the Holy Nativity Convent in Brookline. Twice x 2 Blessed!
Rhode Island PBS
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Susan is co-hosting an evening of British comedies to help the fundraising and membership drive of the Providence, RI TV station which serves southeastern New England, including Cape Cod and the Islands. Copies of A Fine Romance and Autumn from the Heart of the Home will be given as premiums and thank you gifts for your contributions.
Comcast Channel 9
Fund-raising for three hours on Rhode Island PBS TV, we brought lots of books and things to giveaway to everyone calling in ~ They were probably just trying to get us to stop talking! That’s me on the right with the Program Director Kathryn Larsen.
And this was our “phone bank”~ they took the phone calls — they were so much fun, during breaks we talked about where we all came from and ate chocolate cake in the Green Room.
Susan Branch Talk and Book signing at the West Falmouth Library on Cape Cod
Monday, July 14, 2014 at 4:30 pm
575 West Falmouth Highway
West Falmouth, MA 02574

It’s Here!
My New Book: A FINE ROMANCE- Falling In Love With The English Countryside
(Click here to purchase yours today!)
A FINE ROMANCE Book Signings!
Scroll down to see how our tour is coming along. As we confirm more locations and dates we’ll be adding them here.
Don’t forget to wear your special Girlfriend’s Name Tag so we know each other!

And here’s a special Name Tag for our Guyfriends!
August 15, 2013 4:00-5:30pm
Bunch of Grapes Bookstore
35 Main Street, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568
For those who might wish to see Susan in her natural habitat, here’s information on how to get to Martha’s Vineyard. BOAT INFORMATION: You do not need reservations to walk onto the boat, only if you want to bring a car. You can buy a ticket right at the dock. It’s a 45 minute ferry ride from Woods Hole on Cape Cod, to the Island. Cabs meet each boat, there’s a good bus system on the island too. FERRY SCHEDULE Driving Directions to Woods Hole.
August 17, 2013 4:30-6:00pm
Edgartown Books
44 Main Street, Edgartown, MA 02539
Me and Georgie meeting at Bunch of Grapes Bookstore on Martha’s Vineyard in MA
August 19, 2013 4:30pm
Titcombs Bookshop
432 Route 61, East Sandwich, MA 02537
Sorry, Titcombs event is SOLD OUT
August 21, 2013 2:00-4:00pm
Innisfree Bookshop
Mill Falls Marketplace
312 Daniel Webster Hwy, Meredith, NH 03253
Signing books and meeting old friends at Innisfree Bookshop in Meredith, New Hampshire on beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee.
She’s making recipe books for all her grandchildren and brought them for me to sign! You should see them! They’re just darling. What a gal!
I signed lots of extra books to leave behind with Bev, but they’re all gone now . . .
Life on the road . . . Twittering from the Fine Romance Van
August 24, 2013 1:00-3:00pm
The Toadstool Bookshop
Lorden Plaza
614 Nashua Street, Milford, NH 03055

September 3, 2013 6:00-8:00pm
The Learned Owl
204 North Main Street, Hudson, OH 44236
Sorry, The Learned Owl Event is Filled to Capacity
Our Girlfriends at the Learned Owl in Hudson, Ohio.
Chris Wells (on the left) writes often on the blog . . . she’s from Texas and brought her whole cute family to the Learned Owl!
September 5, 2013 5:30-7:30pm
Books ‘N’ More
28 West Main Street, Wilmington, OH 45177
They asked me to tell the Beatles story at Books “N” More!
September 7, 2013 11:00-1:00pm
Schuler Books
3165 Alpine Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Grandma (Margaret), Granddaughter (Lauren), and Mom (Patty), it’s a family affair in Grand Rapids!
Rosinda, her daughters Anabelle and Anita and her husband Nuno drove down from Canada! xoxo!
September 9, 2013 Monday, 5:00-7:00pm
215 S. Main Street, Goshen, Indiana
The wonderful staff at Better World Books in Goshen, Indiana: from left, Missy, Veronica, me, Brad and Grace.
September 10, 2013 Tuesday, 7:00-9:00pm
5112 Main Street, Downers Grove, IL
They always save us the best parking place! But it looked so quiet from the outside …
♫ How was I to know there was a party goin’ on . . . ♪
Mother-daughter Girlfriends, Sarah and Terri (Terri’s the mom!) and of course, the lamb.
September 12, 2013 Thursday, 3:00-5:00pm
It’s a FINE ROMANCE TEA PARTY Benefit for the Women’s Exchange in coordination with the Book Stall at Chestnut Court
at the beautiful Westmoreland Country Club
2601 Old Glenview Rd., Wilmette, IL
Tickets required for Book Talk, Tea Party and Signing ♥ This will be fun!
SORRY: Registration for this event is closed.
Here we are, Girlfriends Galore, at the Westmoreland Country Club Tea Party. It was so much fun! They made the most beautiful tea food, scones, cookies, sandwiches, fresh fruit, it was an extravaganza!
(I know I’m a late bloomer and I’ve come to accept it and be happy that there is any blooming at all, but how old will I have to be before talking in front of a group is easy? Not there yet! #scariestthingido #scarierthandrivingonthewrongsideoftheroadinengland #thethingsidoforlove 🙂
Me and our lovely girlfriend, Dawn.
September 14, 2013 Saturday, 1:00-3:00pm
15 South Dubuque St., Iowa City, Iowa
Here I am at Prairie Lights Bookstore on Saturday night, happy because it’s so much fun meeting everyone!
One of my favorite things ~ it’s so often a family affair ~ here’s Nancy, Chelsea, Haley, and Patricia!
Nicest people in the world, in love with home, family, seasons, cooking, girlfriends, making things, books, tea, England and all the things we love. Another wonderful afternoon! ♥
Pouring rain this Sunday morning in Iowa City…we’re packing up, on our way to Kansas City for a book signing at Rainy Day Books and this:
A NEW EVENT: I just found out, I “get to be” (fear factor requires quotes) on Local Kansas City TV, WDAF Fox 4 answering questions about A FINE ROMANCE, Monday morning, twice, once between 8-9 and another segment between 9-10 am. And then, between 10 and 11, I’ll be on Kansas City Live KSHB TV, 41 Action News. Sorry I can’t be more specific time-wise than that. We will try get links to these to put up later, if such a thing will exist. Bye for now Girlfriends! Wish me luck!
As far as I’m concerned, it’s all a miracle. ♥
Whew! We did it, we did not fall off our stool, we did not drool, our lip did not quiver visibly, and we did not die. Afterward it felt like it had been fun! And then, off we went to Rainy Day Books.
September 16, 2013 Monday, 7:00-8:30pm
2706 W. 53rd St., Fairway, Kansas
Rainy Day Books will be serving “English Refreshments” ~ the price of admission is $26.95 plus tax and includes a book along with the ticket to attend.
Where a wonderful welcome was waiting for us . . .
Many of these lovely faces have names we would recognize on the blog . . . they came from all over Missouri and Kansas, from Iowa too, even from North Carolina and Arkansas. What a great thrill it was for me to meet everyone. All the way along, it’s been more than I ever imagined. I’ve loved every second of it.
We took lots of pictures and told each other stories of our lives . . . we all seem to have so much in common. Brave girls, everyone doing their best in this life, to make it matter and make a difference.
One of our guy friends got into the act making us all laugh . . . Brian was getting a book and a picture for his friend Debbie who couldn’t make it ~ he was such a cutie-pie.
This is Vivien and Roger, the dynamic team that owns and runs Rainy Day Books, a Kansas City institution since 1975. Kansas City is lucky to have this amazingly hard-working duo (is what I think). Everyone comes to sign books at their bookstore ~ from Presidents to the normal people like me. They have a wall of signed books from different authors in their store. They have a gift of making their customers (and their authors) feel like a million bucks. They wrote something profoundly insightful about Independent Bookstores, and why it’s so important to support them, in case you’d like to read it.
And now . . .
Oh yes, here we go again . . . this morning we drive to Wichita for a signing tonight at Watermark Books — our last one until the second printing comes in! Come be with us if you can . . . I’d love to see you. xoxo
September 18, 2013 Wednesday, 6 – 8pm
4701 East Douglas, Wichita, Kansas
Here we are just arriving at Watermarks Books, a wonderful little independent bookstore in Wichita, Kansas . . . and look at all our wonderful girlfriends! Joe went up first to make sure he took pictures of faces and not just of backs of heads — he’s been doing a great job. Note: not too many photos of Joe? ‘Cause he’s always got the camera!
After I gave my talk, it was time for signing and picture taking . . . everyone was making friends in line and many of them went out to dinner (and perhaps a bit of Twine) afterwards. Girlfriends who’d never met before! I loved that.
Of course there was lots of laughter . . . Cute is as cute does. ♥
Saying goodbye to the kind and multi-talented people who put this event together.
But couldn’t go until I signed a small stash of first editions to leave behind for you in case you need one (with help from Beth).
AND NOW: Book signing adventure is on hold until California (scroll down for future events, and don’t forget, we have to drive HOME from California, the adventure has just begun!). Last night, the full Harvest Moon, and today the meandering adventure begins. Play day!
I have loved every moment of this trip. I asked Joe last night if he was sad or happy that it was our last Event (for now), and he said, “both” which was my thought exactly. It’s been beyond wonderful, but there is something to be said for nowhere imminent to be and no rush to get there! We’ll still be taking you along. . . I’ll get back to posting more regularly very soon.
NOTE TO GIRLFRIENDS: Because of you and your wonderful response and your so-much- appreciated word-of-mouth, the first printing of A FINE ROMANCE has SOLD OUT! We’ve had to put the rest of the book-signing tour on hold until more books come back in at the end of October. Which means that after Wichita, we’ll be making a big left turn in our Fine Romance Van to go visit my Dad (commonly known among the Girlfriends as “Blog Daddy”). And then on to California to see my mom and all my oldest friends, plus Kellee and Sheri and my Central Coast home and to do more events which are being scheduled right now. There will be more blogging along the way!
You can still pre-order your signed copies from our web store; those books will be the very first to be mailed out when the second printing arrives. And even before that happens, we see the handwriting on the wall in the form of bookstore orders and our publisher has requested a THIRD printing, which should arrive to us by December first in plenty of time for Christmas. You did this.
Fireworks, squealing happiness, joy to the world, we are thrilled! Thank you for your leadership! 🙂 And for the five-star reviews on Amazon.com!!! Darling girls, I know it’s you! ♥
Here we go again! The second printing of A FINE ROMANCE has finally arrived and we are off again, heading first for Pasadena.
November 5, 2013 Tuesday, 11:30 am to 1:30 pm
695 E. Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena, CA
And here we are, in beautiful downtown Pasadena. We found a parking space right in front of the wonderful Vroman’s Bookstore (since 1894)! If you ever have a chance to visit this bookstore, you should (Pasadena is filled with beautiful old houses and wonderful things to see and do).
Sherri (on the left) and Jen (on the right) welcomed us and of course Joe manned the camera!
But next time I want to bring my camera up with me so I can take a picture of all the smiling faces! I asked how many in the audience had been to my blog and almost everyone raised their hands! It was wonderful, more like a reunion, putting familiar names with faces, coming from as far away as Arizona and Oregon.
November 7, 2013 Thursday, 1 – 2:30 pm
6433 Ming Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93309
And here we are, yesterday at Strawberry Patches in Bakersfield, California. This store is so cute, so beautiful, even if you never sewed a stitch in your life, you would want to come here, for the colors alone . . . anyone would feel inspired in this charming quilt shop.
It was decked with every kind of bunting, and the Girlfriends were all there, with Parisian Champagne (from Trader Joe’s, so good!). Joe took so many photos, but he wasn’t the only one! Cameras galore!
Moms, daughters, sisters, best friends ~ Girlfriends Forever, old friends and new!
The fun and creative tiara-bedecked girls that made this happen, from left to right: Nancy B., Kathie, Jane, me (with little felted Jack, made for me by Suzanne, I am so madly in love with it, I cannot tell you. I felt guilty taking it because it was too darling, but I had to, HAD to — see it closer in the photo below and you will understand), Suzanne in pink (Strawberry Patches is her store), Kara, and Barbara. ♥ Right this moment, with memories of yesterday swirling in my mind, I’m munching on cookies from my little bag of “Rachel’s Lemon Butter Cookies,” (pg. 139 of A FINE ROMANCE) made by Nancy B (“from Bakersfield,” our blog Girlfriend) … she tied them into little cellophane bags with ribbons and stickers for everyone to take home. Having them with my tea. 6:30 am perfection. Yummy! And that’s how the whole thing was, homemade and filled with heart!
And this, I mean, really! I am beside myself. His red ball, his rubber band? Too much. Award winning, “Most Adorable Thing.”
I had a wonderful time, THANK YOU Strawberry Patches!
RADIO Program, The Dave Congalton Show, Live and Streaming, KVEC am 920
Friday, November 8, 4-5 pm Pacific Time.
November 10, 2013 Sunday, 1-3pm
Remnants of the Past Antique Show and Sale
Alex Madonna Expo Center
100 Madonna Road, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
This is a two-day event, November 9-10, filled with fun. Read all about it by clicking on the link for Remnants of the Past for more information including directions and places to stay. Bring your best friend and join the fun!
There’s a contest you’ll want to know about too!
All day on Sunday, Susan will have a booth filled with her things — her brand new Tea Tins and her Lavender Tea (as she mentioned in the book), her new SB Dream Charms, calendars, scrapbooks, lots of wonderful Susan Branch things from her store. Kellee and Sheri will be there too!
Signed copies of A FINE ROMANCE will be available at the show all day Saturday and Sunday, but if you would like your copy to be personalized, Susan will do that for you in person on Sunday afternoon from 1 to 3 pm.
This event takes place in a barn, with white tents and aisles and aisles of one-of-a-kind treasures for sale on a hill overlooking beautiful San Luis Obispo located on the Central Coast of California, halfway between LA and SF. This is a “Girlfriend Road Trip” if ever there was one! A perfect Autumn celebration, there’s a special “Man Cave” for your guy, and wonderful food and people come from everywhere.
November 22, Friday, 5:30pm – 7:30 pm
BOOKWORKS in Albuquerque
4022 Rio Grande Blvd. NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bookworks made us feel so welcome!
We are bundled up, it’s cooooold in Albuquerque. It was a wonderful evening of talking about England and creativity, answering questions, signing and hugging.
November 25, Monday 5:30pm – 7:30 pm
FULL CIRCLE BOOKS in Oklahoma City
50 Penn Place
1900 NW Expressway
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
405/842-2900 or 800/683-READ
A warm welcome on a very chilly night at Full Circle in Oklahoma City.
And look who was there to meet me . . . Girlfriends from Twitter . . . that’s Janis @cranberrycorner on the left, then me, then Jane @artistswriter, and on the right, is Janie @janiephill who makes the wonderful banner garlands for our web store!
December 7, Saturday 1-3pm
Titcombs Bookshop on Old Cape Cod
432 Route 61,
East Sandwich, MA 02537
Lovely Titcombs ♥ Just a wonderful day.
December 14, 1:30 to 3:30pm on Martha’s Vineyard
Edgartown Books, Christmas in Edgartown
44 Main Street,
Edgartown, MA 02539
To get to Martha’s Vineyard by ferry: BOAT INFORMATION: You do not need reservations to walk onto the boat, only if you want to bring a car. You can buy a ticket right at the dock. It’s a 45 minute ferry ride from Woods Hole on Cape Cod, to the Island. Cabs meet each boat, there’s a good bus system on the island too. FERRY SCHEDULE. Driving Directions to Woods Hole. Hotels on Martha’s Vineyard.
Coming this Fall in the Holiday 2013 issue
Yankee Magazine will be featuring Susan’s “House of Creativity” all decked out for Christmas!
Learn more here!
Get the Inside Scoop, Behind the Scenes with YANKEE MAGAZINE.
Where Women Cook: Celebrate!

The women include: Susan Branch (of course!); popular food blogger Molly Wizenberg of Orangette; bestselling author and blogger Angie Dudley of Bakerella; The Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond; Farm Chick Serena Thompson, and other popular food personalities.
Events, Magazine Articles, Personal Appearances, Interviews, & Pod Casts
If you’re interested in an interview with Susan or would like her to speak to your group, click HERE.
My favorite thing about signing Baby Love.
Simple Arts/Quilting Stash Pod Cast with Annie Smith (part 1)
Simple Arts/Quilting Stash Pod
Cast with Annie Smith (part 2)
Pat Sloan’s Creative Connection Pod Cast
Not Quite June Cleaver Interview
Country Living Magazine Article
La Vie Claire Magazine Article
Susan writes a bi-monthly article for a national (free) newspaper called THE COUNTRY REGISTER …there is one published in every state in America…look for it wherever you see newspapers, often in antique stores too.
Art and Content for Susanbranch.com is protected by registered copyrights. Please ask before using.