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c/o Susan Branch Studios
7489 El Camino Real
Atascadero, CA 93422

Judy & Kellee-
Just another day at the office!

Write us at:
Susan Branch Studios
7489 El Camino Real
Atascadero, CA 93422

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294 Responses to Contact Us

  1. roses madrigale says:

    How is your family in California?
    You are such an inspiration..your Autumn book great hostess gift for Thanksgiving.
    with great respect,
    roses madrigale

  2. Sharon Bookhamer says:

    Susan I bought a book of yours at a yard sale quite some time ago, and enjoyed it so much,[cant imagine anyone wanting to sell anything like this book], I got on your blog and have loved it ever so much. Thank you for your down to earth viewing of life, home, love and cooking. Keep up the good work. May God bless you and Joe in the new year.

  3. Rose Kelly says:

    Susan – Have you watched the new Netflix show called “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo”? It’s a lovely show about de-cluttering your house and getting rid of anything not useful or that does not “spark joy” when you hold it. It reminds me of that wonderful William Morris quote, but more importantly, Marie’s idea of something “sparking joy” when you hold it reminds me of you! Every time I read one of your books or blog posts, your words “spark joy” within me and my spirit is filled with happiness. It’s the little things in life, and your words are pure manna. Here’s to a happy and healthy 2019!

  4. Shirley says:

    Dear Susan,
    I love how you shared your Christmas with us again! Sounds like a lovely time with old friends. We got to spend the holidays with 5 of my sisters and their families. Jolly times!
    Looks like your 2020 calendars are well on their way. I order one for myself every year and give several away. I am curious if you have ever heard that August 8 is “National Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day”? It really is listed as a national day! I just thought it seemed like your kind of funny…..:))
    Happy New Year to you and Joe!

  5. Ginny Stukey says:

    Dear Susan,
    I wonder if you’re still creating calendars. I’ve had one of yours for several years now and just love the quotes and lovely illustrations. I even go back and read some of my favorite months! I hope you haven’t given up on your wonderful calendars. I presume they’re a lot of work just the illustrations alone take time. And I didn’t even know you wrote books until I got on this website! I must order one. I wonder which one is best and will suit my taste. I guess I’ll just have to order one and see! My best regards and love, Ginny

  6. Julia says:

    First of all I looove your Calendar so much. I live in Europe and I had your calendar shipped to me, because there is just no Calendar like yours. It can be overwhelmingly crowded with tasks and appointments, but looking at it always gives me great joy.
    One small thing though is, that Bastille Day is on July 14th, not 13th. It’s my son’s 10th birthday, so i noticed. I just thought I share.
    Please keep on sharing your gift of sparking joy for ever, prepare Calendars at least for the next 100 years to come, so My son and his future family won’t have to live without.
    Best regards,

    • sbranch says:

      Ohhh, so sweet of you to say that Julia! Sorry about Bastille Day! We try really hard, but every once in a while as the days of the week move forward, a date will lag behind unnoticed! Thank you again! xoxo

  7. Nancy says:

    Thanks again for making a full moon bookmark! I use it every year.

  8. Andrea Naper says:

    Hi Susan,

    I was wondering if there will be more “Falling in Love with the English Countryside” mugs available. I am so disappointed that they are sold out.

    Thank you!
    Andrea Naper

  9. Angie Fletcher says:

    Please add me to a subscription to the blog.

  10. Susan Williamson says:

    Dear Susan,
    I just wanted you to know how much your blog means to me, and how much it has helped me and did so for my sister Connie Michael. She became bed ridden and I would take my lap top down and we would lay in the bed read all your blogs , then go back thru the archives. She would have me order things to give as gifts and she never missed getting a yearly calendar.
    After she passed away I found the calendars, saved. There was a note for me
    “read them” I did. She left me a note on my birthday, written on each date and year. There are 16. Still trying to read them.
    One thing we both always wanted to know was “what is the name of the type font you use? or do you just write like that? She wanted me to find out so she could type out cards and letters she would send.
    Would you mind to let me know?

    • sbranch says:

      Oh Susan, I’m so touched by your note. Thank you. Your gift from your sister was SO thoughtful, you put tears in my eyes with that dear story. To answer your question, I rarely use a type font, I did make one of my own printing a couple of years ago, just for my use, but 99% of my things are handwritten, everything you see in cursive is handwritten. Sending love, and thank you. xoxoxo

  11. Sandra Galloway says:

    Hello, long time admirer, first time blogger. You probably already know this but Country Home is coming back into publication. I just received a subscription offer hope you have too. Letting you know just in case.

  12. Jennifer Quinlan-Flynn says:

    Hello Susan- We have a book swap shelf in the teachers’ room in the school where I teacher. I felt so lucky the day I found your book… Martha’s Vineyard: Isle of Dreams…. on the shelf. I recognized your name, but I couldn’t immediately remember from where. Then I realized that we’ve been buying your calendars for many years! The hang in a calendar frame in our kitchen and your art has always made me so happy. I had to finish another book that I was in the middle of before I could start yours. That was a highly acclaimed book that many people loved, but the 500+ pages of historical fiction felt like a chore to me. Your book felt like the opposite of that…pure joy! From the map of MV (a place I’ve visited several times and LOVE) to the weight of the paper to the satin bookmark, I was hooked before I read the first word. Then I started to read. To use a word from our book, I was ENCHANTED!! I connected with the sincere voice throughout your story. I loved the photos and drawings throughout. I am also a lover of inspiration quotes and song lyrics which made the book even more special to me. Your font was even something that made me love your book!

    I have never written to an author before, but I wanted you to know that your book brought great joy to me as a read it. I can’t wait to start another one of your books. Thanks for sharing your talents, and thanks for sharing a story of resiliency and hope through challenging times.

  13. Elizabeth K Caceres says:

    Hi Susan,
    I would just like to say how much I love and enjoy your books, and calendars and everything you have put out there. In 1992 was when I came across one of your books. I was in a book store in Jacksonville, Florida and I saw this baby book called Baby Love and I was expecting my first child then and I remember I just had to have that book. I thought I’d finally found a baby book that had so much to offer, so inspirational and perfect for my baby. I couldn’t afford it at the time and the book store only had two of them left so I left the store disappointed and couldn’t stop thinking about that baby book. I just kept thinking that maybe it would still be there when I could afford to buy it but I knew that special book had to be the one for my baby. Well, it just so happened that the next day my father came in to town to visit me unexpectedly and he asked me what could he do for the baby and I told him about the baby book and we went straight to the book store and they only had one left. My dad bought it for me and I was the happiest mom to be when I left that store. I didn’t want anything else except that book and ever since then I’ve been so inspired, My Don is 27 now and he loves his baby book. I journal a lot and would love for you to put out a journal book with inspirational sayings. Thank you so much for inspiring me in your books and calendars and everything you’ve put out.

    • sbranch says:

      Your story put tears in my eyes! Sometimes, at book-signings, people bring me their baby books to share, filled with photos and handwriting, love and family, SO MUCH JOY, I feel so honored. Thank you Elizabeth. Hugs to Don! xoxo

  14. Kris Stanton says:

    Dear Susan,
    I love your new way of eating! Thanks so much for sharing with all of us. I was wondering if you have ever read the book Water with Lemon by Zonya Foco and Stephen Moss? It almost sounds like you have but if not I highly recommend it. It’s a quick read novel about a women’s weight loss journey. The book gives you eight easy to follow habits that were game changers for me. I have them up on my kitchen wall (along with my Susan Branch calendar!) and they have helped so much. If you do read it I hope you will share what you think of it. You have a lot of followers that could benefit! You are awesome in so many ways. Enjoy every day- I know you do!!!
    Thanks and PEACE!

    • sbranch says:

      I haven’t heard of it . . . will look it up. Although I’m pretty happy with the way things are going! Nice and simple. No counting, delicious, weight going away, and never hungry! What more is there!? I’d love to know those eight habits!!! See if I do any of them! Thank you for the suggestion, I’ll check it out!

  15. Gina Russell says:

    I am simply a HUGE fan! I’m about to celebrate my 45th birthday and have been a fan of yours since I was a teenager! I have ALL your books. I dream about maybe, hopefully (please! please!) getting to see you in person one day. I often think about which of my treasured books of yours I would bring along in hopes of your signing it. I believe it would be your cookbook/scrapbook set I put together for my mom’s 70th birthday. I filled it with all of my grandlmother’s hand written recipes, black and white photos of her and my mom growing up, etc. Having you sign it would be icing on the cake! Who knows! One can dream….

  16. Karen Trestrail says:

    Hi Susan 🌸 My Mom, Diana, is one of your biggest fans!! Your books really helped her while she was going thru chemo & radiation some years back!! I am also a fan, ever since my Mom suggested I read your books! In fact I saw you when you visited Danville, CA a few years ago!! You were so sweet ~ you signed books for both us❣️ I actually have really great pictures of You and I and Joe and I!! It was such a fun evening😊 I am also writing to you so my Mom will have an opportunity to be considered for your mugs!!! She doesn’t have an e-mail! She does however have a very old iPad and so she’s able to view your website and blogs!! Thank You Susan for brightening our lives💖 Karen & Diana (my Mom)

  17. Karen Trestrail says:

    Hi Susan 🌸 My Mom, Diana, is one of your biggest fans!! She lives in Oregon…Your books really helped her while she was going thru chemo & radiation some years back!! I am also a fan, ever since my Mom suggested I read your books! In fact I saw you when you visited Danville, CA a few years ago!! You were so sweet ~ you signed books for both of us❣️I actually have really great pictures of You and I and of Joe and I!! It was such a fun evening😊 I am also writing to you so my Mom will have an opportunity to be considered for your mugs!!! She doesn’t have an e-mail! She does however have a very old iPad so she’s able to view your website and blogs!! Thank you Susan for brightening our lives 💖 Karen & Diana

  18. Louise R Gibbins says:

    Dearest Susan, I just want you to know that you have been a very dear “girlfriend” for years now. You didn’t know it, but I did. You are my mini escape from the world. When I need a mental break I read or reread your twitter and blog posts. Thanks to you I have seen England, Ireland, Scotland and made a couple of trips across the ocean. I love taking your walk with you and Joe and I go back and read all your books again and again. I love your vintage linens and dishes and do dads. I really treasure our friendship. Thank you for all you have shared with me and your other friends. I hope I can see Martha’s Vineyard someday but at least I can see it through you.
    Louise in Arkansas

  19. Martha Lane says:

    Dear Susan, Have you seen Victoria’s new book, Our Hearts Are in England? My husband gave it to me for my birthday and it’s wonderful. You are quoted on page 43! I hope that your physical therapy is going well. Can’t wait for your new book.

  20. Jeanne Baine says:

    Please add me to your wonderful blog, I just quit getting it! I love all the books I have of yours, I love to go back and read them over and over.

  21. Debra Vanravenhorst says:

    Susan, I hope you don’t mine me calling you by your first name. I feel I know both you and Joe. I have just finished your 3 books and it’s as if I was on that journey with you. I so wish you would write more books like A Fine Romance. Thank you for all your beautiful books. I love reading and BOOKS💗

  22. Becky E Hall says:

    Are there never going to be anymore stickers–especially Christmas stickers? I am so sad and disappointed.

    • sbranch says:

      Me too, I WISH … but the folks that made those went out of business, and so few are being made in America anymore. Someday I hope a manufacturer will call and ask to make them ~ you never know! Fingers stay crossed!


    Oooooooooh Susan, Your books were amazing! I know reading them has changed me somehow! How so very special you are shone through the words on the pages!
    I can’t wait to read “A Fine Romance”
    Hope this is how I can send something on your blog going forward.
    Hope this finds you and yours doing well.
    Happy Sharing Writing Drawing Cooking!!! (Is there anything you don’t do)

    • sbranch says:

      Awwww, Julie, what lovely words to wake up to! Yes, commenting on the blog is a great way for us to say hello! Thank you so much! So happy you enjoyed the books. 😘

  24. DeAnna Jenkins says:

    Susan, are you coming to NE Ohio any time soon? Would love to see your face and say hello again!

  25. Margaret Hess says:

    Susan, I saved some of your pictures, and posted one to my friend, then saw your request to ask first. I am sorry I don’t know what I was thinking, just that they were such lovely photos. I removed them. I love your blog, it’s wonderful.
    Marge Hess

    • sbranch says:

      Very thoughtful of you Margaret…I really don’t like those big copyright marks some put on their photos, so I depend on your protection. Thank you!

  26. Lori Metschan says:

    Hi Susan! Just thinking back to a few years ago when you had some vintage recipe boxes on here for sale with cards that came with them and I think you may have added a few of your own…..will you do that again? I saw them too late and they were sold out. Thank you! Wob you!! 🙂 xoxo!

  27. Gina Russell says:

    I am THRILLED to hear you are working on a new book! Any way of knowing when it will be available and if the will be pre-order? I’ve been collecting your books since my teenage days. You bring such joy and connection through all you do. Thank you for sharing your talents and inner sunshine with us all.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Gina! Yes, I’m working on a Christmas Story … the book should be ready by September. Loving the creating of it . . . this story is from 1956 ~ Time travel at it’s best. (Especially in the time of covid!) I think we can put it up for preorder very soon. Thank you for asking! xoxo

  28. Catherin Bertrand says:

    Is there a desk blotter calendar for 2020 to pre-order?

    • sbranch says:

      Not for pre-order this time, because we know they’re printing enough of them, but they’ll arrive at the end of this month! xoxo

  29. Eleanore Burzon says:

    I am trying to purchase the “Shopping List” tablet book but I don’t see it listed here. Would love to get several since I have to rely on my son to shop for me and this is so ease for me to give him a listing for shopping. My friend is also interested in getting it too.

  30. Gina Russell says:

    I just finished watching your Zoom meeting and want to THANK YOU for the joy, inspiration, and hope you bring to all of us. This little “vacation” brought me a refreshing break from the stressful every day life of this “new normal. Many thanks!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh thank you so much Gina, I’m so glad you were there. What fun! I was so nervous, I always am when I talk to a group, but seeing all those familiar names at the bottom of the screen made it some much easier! Thank you for being there! xoxo

  31. Hi Susan – I’m sure I am one of the few ‘guys’ responding in your blog. For what it’s worth, your yearly calendar is duly hung in our kitchen each year. I too am a lifelong watercolorist and enjoy seeing your calendar. I believe you’re much more creative than I’ll ever be. I have much admiration for the somewhat obvious painstaking process that’s involved in the development of your yearly calendar. The meticulous typographic artwork is incredible. Your ability to render pots, pans, pies and the like in a very alluring, decorative style is very appealing. It’s apparent (to me) that you enjoy the process. I’ve told my watercolor students numerous times that they need to enjoy what they’re doing. It’s really not going to be much fun if you don’t develop a passion for painting. I have two art degrees and have been very fortunate to work in the arts my entire adult life. I had a design studio in California for more than 30 years. I still do some design work for a few ‘key accounts,’ but have really enjoyed revisiting watercolor painting the last 20 years or so. My lovely wife is a quilt designer and a credible cook. Thank for sharing your wonderful artwork.

    • sbranch says:

      A creative household. Lovely to hear from you Don! Thank you for your kind words… yes, I do love it. Everything comes easy with passion. With passion and curiosity you can become an expert without a day in a classroom! Just a matter of having that GO button. Very nice to meet you, I’m so happy you’re teaching! You never know what might come of it! 💖

  32. MARION BETHUNE (Canada) says:

    Susan, I am reading A FINE ROMANCE a second time as it brings me back to our first trip to England.I felt I was there again! Also, I absolutely love MISS POTTER , have watched it at least six times. I can relate closely to the story as my life was similar to her’s as my parents did not approve of my marrying outside of my faith. However, it lasted 53 years sadly until 2014. I,too,am a cat lover. I have the Autumn book on hold at the library and have several of your other books here on my desk. Keep writing Susan, you bring so much joy to so many.❤️
    PS I am trying to find Pear Cider!

  33. Gina Russell says:


    I’ve now been blessed to have “attended” two of your virtual events. I want to say, THANK YOU. Thank you becuase during those quick hours, I found more happiness and joy than I have for many, many weeks. You are an insipiration and a spreader of LIGHT. I look forward to hopefully attending as many future events as possible!!! Take care!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh Gina! That makes me so happy to hear! I’m a little bit nervous, so I don’t actually know … I’m glad it was okay and you had fun, I will be doing more of them and I’ll make sure to announce it here on the blog! xoxoxo Thank you for attending!

  34. Mary/Indiana says:

    I was watching a British show called:

    DCI Banks (British cop show)
    Season 5, episode 6
    @2:52 (2mins,52 sec)
    Kitchen Breakfast scene with one of
    your mugs!!
    I couldn’t tell which one but it had red
    and white……maybe Christmas??
    Email me back so I can buy it! Thanks!

    • sbranch says:

      I went there on youtube, as best I could, using your excellent descriptions, and I saw the cup, but it was so blurry I couldn’t tell which one it was!!! Good eye Mary!!!

  35. Kathie says:

    My sweet friend gave me your “Girlfriends Forever” book recently and I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed it!
    I know you live in Martha’s Vineyard now, but you grew up in California. When you speak about it I feel like you may have grown up in the same area as I did. I lived in Yorba Linda during the 60s and 70s. It was such a great place to grow up and I have wonderful memories. I live in St Louis now, but have always wanted to visit Martha’s Vineyard! With all your wonderful descriptive examples and photos, it’s going on my list of “next fun things to do”.
    Your blog is wonderful and I’m looking forward to seeing all the rest of your fun work!
    Stay artsy and happy!

    • sbranch says:

      I wrote a book about growing up in California called Fairy Tale Girl … and yes, very close to you in the San Fernando Valley. Nice to hear from you Kathie!

  36. Ann Collins says:

    I just finished reading Home for Christmas last night. I actually wanted to spread it out over December but it’s a short book and I finished it in two nights of bedside reading. Although we lived on different coasts and I’m slightly older than you, and you basically wrote this to your family, I felt like you were writing about my life. Coming from a family of 8 kids (I’m the oldest and the only girl), we led parallel lives back in the 1950s. Somehow you captured the essence of Christmas for my family and reading it brought back so many memories. Sending peace and love your way this holiday season and thank you for helping me remember.

    • sbranch says:

      The ONLY girl!!! Oh My! I can ONLY imagine! I’m so happy you enjoyed the book! I am sure we have LOTS of commonalities! Thank you for writing, lovely hearing from you Ann! 💖

  37. Nancy Conrod says:

    Hi Susan! I say this every year, but thanks for the full moon bookmark. The teachers love it, too. Blessings!

  38. Abby says:

    Susan, 💌
    Our family of 10 moved from beautiful Santa Barbara to wild and free Wyoming a few years back 💛 and I find myself in need of a door draft stopper for our kitchen and front doors. I’ve had my eye on your cross-stitch patterned one in your online shop for a bit now, but can’t seem to find it… Is that something you still sell? (Hope so!) I’d love to have some Susan Branch beauty to help keep out the cold!
    Much love and blessings this season as we remember Jesus’ birth!🌟

  39. Sharen says:

    This looked like something you’d enjoy! The Holiday Train! Merry Christmas!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes! Fun! Love it! On a MUCH smaller level, we were on a train at Christmas time one year . . . we had a layover in Chicago so we went out and Joe bought us a string of colored lights for our room! So, in the most minuscule way possible, our one little room spread cheer across America!💝

  40. Becky says:

    Hi there! I pre-ordered your newest wall calendar 2021. When should I expect it to arrive?

  41. Susan Cardot Lance says:

    Susan, I love your puzzle! I do, however, have a couple items to let you know about. First off, I do a lot of puzzles and I was very impressed with the thickness and quality of the puzzle pieces. The pieces fit together well and there is very little puzzle dust! You’ve put in my favorite classic pictures (the little girl reading in the chair and the house made of quotes.) Unfortunately (and not asking for a refund, just for your info) when my puzzle was printed the top border was cut off. Words were there but not black/white border. ( It did make it easier to put together though)
    Also, would love to see the pieces in a plastic bag inside the box. This always helps if the box is accidentally opened and it gives the puzzle doer a sense of confidence that they are starting with all the pieces. I love your blog. I love your writing. I love this puzzle. Please make more!
    Sincerely Susan C Lance

    • sbranch says:

      Excellent advice. I will send it to the manufacturer … I only license my designs to them, they are the ones who say how it will be, so I don’t know WHAT they might do. I didn’t even decide the size or anything like that. But I’m SO sorry about them cutting off the top!!!! This is the first I’ve heard this feedback … so I hope there aren’t others experiencing the same problem! Plastic bag is a great idea … hope they take the hint!!! I hope to make more soon! Thank you Susan … very helpful!

  42. K Reese says:

    Hi Susan,
    I read in your “About Me” section that you left CA and moved to MV after getting divorced and worked at a health food store, but I’m wondering if you address this any further in any of your books or on the site? I’ve been reading through (there’s a lot of wonderful content here), but haven’t seen these details.

    The reason I ask is because what I know of your story is very inspiring. And I am looking for inspiration myself to get me through a difficult time—starting over after 40 after a string of trauma, tragedies and divorce. I had moved across country myself and was doing ok until the pandemic brought me right back where I started—the state where I grew up. Now I am hoping to start over again in a new place but have so much anxiety about making that change—even though I have no choice because I need to leave the place I am renting by May (in two months). For years I have been working on healing but I’ve faced one obstacle after another. I long to support myself creatively or through helping others or the environment heal. I’ve read “The Artist’s Way,” which has helped me tremendously with confidence, but I still have blocks and anxiety.

    Sorry this is so long-winded. I keep thinking of what I know of your story and would love to know more if you are willing to share or have shared somewhere already? You are an inspiration to women who are struggling during this difficult time. I tell myself I can do anything, but then I second guess everything and can’t make a decision. Thank you for all that you do. I was introduced to your books and story and site for a reason—I share so much in common with you and many of your girlfriends! It is a very healing place.
    Sincerely, Reese

    • sbranch says:

      I can totally relate to all you’re going through. Yes, I wrote about it in detail … in two books actually. The first is Fairy Tale Girl, and the second is Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams. I wrote these books for exactly YOU. Because when I was in your place, I searched like crazy for those answers, for that inspiration to get through … but could never find that one book to help. So I wrote one. You did it once, and you can do again, and you are young! Forty is when our wings finally get strong enough to hold our weight! The Artist’s Way is brilliant! A very good start to the creative life of your dreams. Look into EMDR therapy for the anxiety, see if you think it would help. Second guessing is normal. But you only get your dream if you figure out how to step over those fears that stop you. That is the quest. And even though it’s hard, people do it every day. Try is the miracle word. I wish you every good luck and a future filled with positivity! xoxoxo

      • K Reese says:

        Thank you so much for your kind words! I don’t have either of those books, but I will buy them right away. I have five of your other books though and they are wonderful.
        What you said above really resonates with me. I know I am on my path, I just have to believe. Also I agree with “try” being the miracle word. I often give up before I put in the hard work—like we all do when we worry we won’t succeed.
        Your books came into my life for a reason and I look forward to reading the ones you mentioned. I believe in serendipity and angels who guide us where we are meant to go.
        Thank you again!

  43. Mel says:


    This is Melina and I am a licensed photographer.

    I was puzzled, mildly speaking, when I found my images at your website. If you use a copyrighted image without an owner’s permission, you should know that you could be sued by the owner.

    It’s illegal to use stolen images and it’s so mean!

    Take a look at this document with the links to my images you used at http://www. and my earlier publications to get the evidence of my legal copyrights.

    Download it now and check this out for yourself:

    If you don’t delete the images mentioned in the document above within the next several days, I’ll file a complaint against you to your hosting provider informing them that my copyrights have been severely infringed and I am trying to protect my intellectual property.

    And if it doesn’t work, you may be pretty damn sure I am going to take legal action against you! And I will not bother myself to let you know of it in advance.

  44. Mel says:


    This is Melane and I am a licensed illustrator.

    I was confused, to put it nicely, when I came across my images at your website. If you use a copyrighted image without an owner’s consent, you need to be aware that you could be sued by the copyright owner.

    It’s against the law to use stolen images and it’s so low!

    Here is this document with the links to my images you used at http://www. and my earlier publications to get the evidence of my ownership.

    Download it right now and check this out for yourself:

    If you don’t get rid of the images mentioned in the document above during the next several days, I’ll file a complaint on you to your hosting provider letting them know that my copyrights have been severely infringed and I am trying to protect my intellectual property.

    And if it doesn’t work, for damn sure I am going to report and sue you! And I won’t give you a prior notice again.

  45. Kendy Cox says:

    Would love to read more about Susan branch. How can i connect on to her blog thank you

  46. Nancy says:

    So glad you are back! I kept checking for your updates and was very concerned for you. I so appreciate your honesty and with your mom passing the grief can be unpredictable at times. Something will remind me of my mom and I will break into tears. This past year has been rough. Keeping you in my prayers.

  47. Melinda L Dean says:

    Hi Susan.
    I bought 7 of your
    recipes for my Daughter cookbooks a couple years ago at my school when someone from a book company had them on a display and I bought them. I planned to write the family recipes in them for some of my kids and grandkids and have since added more to my list of people to send them to.
    I saw that you had a book for recipes for my son. When I was looking for the recipes for my son or when I tried to find it again to order 3 of them I can’t find it anywhere. Was that really a recipe book from you or just one that was below your books by another author.
    C wrote it and if I can get 3 of them ordered for my sons.

    Melinda Dean

    • sbranch says:

      I haven’t seen that . . . no, I’m sorry, I haven’t done one for sons. I’ve been wanting to, but so far the people who make that decision haven’t wanted to do it. I’m hoping they change their minds because I think it’s a WONDERFUL idea! All the men I know love to cook!

  48. Gen Wakely says:

    Hi Susan,
    Although I am only on page 112 in your Martha’s Vineyard isle of dreams book I had to try to connect with you. I am enthralled with your writings and illustrations. I feel so many similarities with you and that time of your life with experiencing a divorce which is what I am going through now. I am so in awe of your courage for starting a very different life for yourself to experience the seasons. I absolutely love potato pancakes which are part of my Lithuanian culture. Would that happen to be yours? Your neighbors cat named Gwinney for Guenevere happens to be my name, Americanized to Genevieve. And I believe I have read all of Gladys Tabor‘s books about Stilmeadow in CT. I even drove to Litchfield county to try and find her home. Your illustrations along with your writings are priceless. I can’t wait to continue reading and I’m sure I will be very sad upon ending the book. I will let you know. I hope you are well.
    Gen 🤗

    • sbranch says:

      Very well Gen and thank you for all the kind words. I’m so sorry you’re going through a divorce, such a tough thing sometimes. That too will pass! Someday you will see it for what it is, an opportunity to make things the way you would really LIKE them to be! All my very best to you! xoxoxo

  49. Susan Battle says:

    Dearest Susan,
    I pray that you’re doing marvelously, staying healthy and happy 😊‼️
    I just realized that I don’t think we received on October Willard, and I began to feel uneasy cuz you might be having some sort of difficulty, which is absolutely not to be allowed. 😍
    I know that you know how much we all love ❤️ you and can’t stand the thought that something might be wrong.
    Please believe that this message comes from my heartfelt 💕 desire for your perfect peace and joy.
    Love ❤️ you precious Sweet Susan❤️

  50. Terri Williams says:

    I have all of your books, calendars, stickers, etc., etc. but somehow I missed the Snail Mail Willard Book. Will there be a reprint of this book? I want to buy it.
    Thanks. Terri

  51. Nancy Conrod says:

    Hi Susan,
    Thank you for the new moon bookmark. I know last year you didn’t make one and you are not obligated to do so. They are so handy to have on the fridge and I kept thinking the one from 2021 was right. I was very confused until I realized my mistake.
    Blessings to you in this New Year!

  52. Sara Harrison says:

    Hello from Southern Ontario Canada where today is a fairy dusted winter wonderland with lots more to come. I want to thank you for your beautiful & inspiring artwork, it always makes me smile! I get your beautiful calendars every year, I keep the old ones & use them for all kinds of things around my house. I loved your flying bird with the ribbon of hearts that I made one out of felt & have it hanging in my livingroom . I have many of your books & am loving Distilled Genius. My daughter & family live in Thornbury Bristol UK so I too have fallen in love with England. I love seeing & hearing about your beautiful kitty, I have 2, Sammy & Cheddar, they fill my heart with joy! Thanks again for giving some joy to this difficult world 🌎 love Sara Harrison

    • sbranch says:

      How smart you were to have a child move to England!!! Perfect person to visit! Very forward thinking of you! Thank you Sara, so much in common!❌⭕️

  53. Nancy says:

    Susan, I loved reading your story about your relationship with Joe. It was so sweet and real. Thanks for sharing

  54. James M. Kelliher III says:

    I bought your book on amazon. LOVE IT!
    Can I get an electronic copy?

    Delivered March 25
    Your package was left near the front door or porch.
    Distilled Genius – A Collection of Life-Changing Quotations
    Distilled Genius – A Collection of Life-Changing Quotations
    Return or replace items: Eligible through April 24, 2023

  55. Nancy says:

    Happy Birthday, Susan!

  56. Michelle White says:

    Hi Susan, How are you? I met you on your very first group zoom call with lots of people, everyone was sharing their stories about, Its a Fine Romance. I mentioned Height Ashbury days in San Francisco and I don’t recall why, LOL… But that might ring a bell. I see you just came back from England, I am a huge fan of England too and flying out in September to be in the countryside as well.
    On May 6th I am flying out to Boston, staying in Cape Cod, but will have fun island hopping, I use to live in Tahiti, so this will be another treat for me. I thought if you were free perhaps we could chat? I like to live my dreams so this trip is very special for me. Sincerely a true fan!! I think I asked to have Joe and your cat came online then too. Cheers,

  57. Julie Myers says:

    Some time ago I purchased a package of your monthly stickers. I do not remember where I purchased them. I made them last because I loved them so much. Do you still do the stickers? I would love to have them again as your work is so beautiful!

    • sbranch says:

      Once in a while you can find a package on eBay or etsy . . . we don’t have any more, I’m sorry to say! Thank you Julie!💖🌸💖

  58. Mike Wilson says:

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    GMB chat allows you to engage your potential customers in real-time.
    Would you like me to send you a quick explainer video?

    Mike Wilson

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  59. Nancy says:

    I have said this before but I really enjoy the full moon bookmarks!
    Thanks for doing another one for 2024. 🙂

  60. Kelleway Musgrove says:


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    Thanks & Regards,

  61. Lynne Luna says:

    Hello Susan –

    I have bought all your books over the years and enjoyed each one. When the trilogy came out I devoured them. Since reading those, I’ve always wanted to visit Martha’s Vineyard. I almost made it last year when I went on vacation to Maine, New Hampshire and Boston, Massachusetts. The problem was we only had one day to visit Martha’s Vineyard so I decided to wait until I could spend a week there. I live in Southern California (La Verne). The reason I’m writing you is I picked up Isle of Dreams to read again and write down the places you went to when you first moved there. But what happened when reading this book for the second time was amazing. I had been going through a sad and lonely time for the last 4 months and was feeling better but after reading your book I wanted you to know that it touched me in such a way that helped me beyond measure. I just wanted to thank you and thank you for all the people that you have helped and inspired. I was born in 1946 and could relate to many of the things you write about like “Bob’s Big Boy” and the Beatles and many other little things. Would you let me know the best month to visit Martha’s Vineyard and any places you would recommend. I would love to drive by Holly Oak.

    Sincerely, Lynne Luna

    • sbranch says:

      Spring and Fall are the best! It gets crowded in summer ~ and in the winter lots of things close . . .I’m so happy my books helped, and you’re feeling better! Makes my day to hear it!!💝💝💝💝 Thank you!

  62. Sally Fox says:

    Just read your newest Willard. I’m a Californian and grew up in Pasadena, not far from your upbringing if I remember correctly. I’m about a year older than you! We lived in Ventura County for 34 years and took a sort of early retirement and built our dream home in the Tehachapi mountains. After living with a little snow and cold for 17 years, our son and his lovely wife convinced us it was time to move to Vista, where they live, as we were too far away and not getting any younger! We are very independent and have made plans for the future, so are not going to need much help from them, more of the advice and decision making type if we can no longer do so for ourselves. We moved 2-1/2 years ago, unfortunately to a fixer upper, and it has taken a lot out of us! The changes really threw me for a loop. We love it here and wouldn’t miss the dinners back and forth with our “kids”, but I don’t do stress well. Doing great now but it was hard. I know you will do famously and I think you are so smart to make this decision now. Downsizing isn’t easy, but the older we get I think the harder it gets. Charming as your home is, I can only imagine the constant maintenance and even just the cleaning must be huge. When you were in A.G. I thought to myself, “how can they possibly leave that at their stage in life for the cold climate and all that goes with living on an island (We lived on Kauai for 2 yrs late 60’s early 70’s). Then I saw in your blog or on insta that you weren’t making the “sell” decision right then. “Yay” I thought. This is good. Think how your MV friends will love visiting you in winter! And vice versa, but not in winter, of course! It will be so fun!

  63. DeAnne H Shelton says:

    Dear Susan, It brought tears to my eyes reading about your move to California. I have loved reading Willard and seeing all the pictures of your Martha’s Vineyard home. Thank you for sharing all the joys and pictures of your life, home, flowers and garden. I, also, have many of your books and adore the mini calendar from you on my bulletin board each year. I wish you all the best with your move.

    Sincerely, DeAnne Hayden Shelton

  64. Linda K says:

    Went through a move last year. Hope you have no trouble with yours! Enjoy the adventure of it.

  65. Karen Lotito says:

    Blessings to you and Joe and Jack, dear Susan, I can’t believe it, you’re moving!!! But you’re taking all of your memories with you. It’s quite task-what to keep and what to part with. It’s hard to believe we’ve been here in Maine four years! This is definitely our happy place! To every thing there is a purpose and this is an exciting time for you both. If you get to Maine, stop in to Northport/Belfast area. Be well & be happy! Safe travels! Love, Karen xoxo

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