Moons Bookmark

Click below to open a printable bookmark.

198 Responses to Moons Bookmark

  1. D. Spencer says:

    Thank you!

  2. Sue Rideout says:

    Love it! Thank you!!!

  3. Nina says:

    Thank you Susan Love it you are so kind! xx

  4. Vera says:

    Thank you so much! What a wonderful New Years’ present!!!

  5. Anne says:

    This is so great! It’s a little joke between my nephew Ben and me – I always tell him when there’s a full moon and give him the corresponding name. His favorite now is the “Full Buck Moon” in July. I’m printing this now and can’t wait to give to him. Thanks Susan and Happy New Year to you too!

    • sbranch says:

      There are sometimes up to three different Native American names for each month . . . so July can be the Full Buck Moon, and you’ll see I have it as the Thunder Moon. No matter what it is, it’s always wonderful and connected. Happy New Year to you Anne — and Ben too!

  6. Karen L. Wilson says:

    Happy New Year! May all your wishes come true.
    I just love the promise of the New Year and the chance of new beginings.

  7. Nnacy Jo says:

    Thank you Susan, now this will give me an excuse for acting crazy. Happy new Year to you and yours. I know you help to make mine Happy.
    Nancy Jo

  8. jean shaffer says:

    thank you-i love reading your blog-i encourage everyone i know to read what my “friend” has to say about everything-i feel like i have known you forever-luv it!

  9. Cassandra says:

    Loved this post! Thank-you for the bookmark and wallpaper!

  10. Linda Stone says:

    Susan, I think we must have been separated at birth! One of my favorite things in the world is a full moon. I particularly like the summer ones when the light shines through the trees, making neat shadows on the ground. Also, though I am considerably older than you (1943), I love the old big band/swing era songs and am glad to see that you do as well. Thanks for all you do for us.

  11. jennifer says:

    I thank you too!!! 🙂

  12. Anita says:

    This is a KEEPER!–Thanks for sharing.

  13. Dannelle Kinslow says:

    Wonderful, thank you! I love the moon.

  14. Gert says:

    Beautiful ….I can’t wait to print it & share it with my friends! What a blessing you are!


  15. Paulie says:

    Oh Susan…….what a wonderful little gift. I sure can make use of it for all of the S.Branch books in my library! I will also make certain to give some to all of those who got your books from me for Christmas too! Thank you so much! Perfect size to enclose in my hello notes to everyone! Happy New Year!

  16. Sylvia says:

    My sister-in-law and I love moons, especially full moons. The full moon at our lake house is magnificient. Nothing like a full moon on water. You get twice the happiness. I am going to send my sister-in-law your bookmark!
    May we all take time to enjoy the 2012 moons!

  17. Paulie says:

    Oh my gosh, forgot to mention I am a cloud and moon person also. my photo library is full of them. Loved seeing them Susan. Great Pics for sure! Any wishes come true yet?

  18. Mary Ellen says:

    So much to look forward to- Thank you Susan!

  19. Linda Pintarell says:

    Beautiful, Susan – thank you for sharing! Happy New Year!

  20. elizabeth says:

    Woo woo! What fun to learn new names for the moon : )
    Happy New Year.

  21. Kathleen Willliams says:

    What a joy it has been to re-discover you, Miss Susan, this year, especially your lovely blog. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and walks in the woods with us. I will even look at the moon different now. God Bless and Happy New Year to you and yours.

  22. Colleen says:

    I just started a new book and this will be just perfect! Thanks so much for what you do!!! Happy New Year to you and Joe and your kitties!

  23. Susan says:

    Thank you so much for making 2011 so happy for me with your wonderful web site. Hope you and Joe have a Happy 2012!
    Love from another,Susan!

  24. Gill says:

    Thank you! I try never to miss the full moon! Now I shall be sure. Happy New Year to you and yours, Gill.

  25. mari says:

    just beautiful!!! Happiest of new years in 2012, Susan ♥

  26. Brenda says:

    Thank you what a joy to learn the name of moons .

  27. TJ says:

    Dear Susan,

    Happy New Year to you and Joe!

    I so appreciate everything that you do…it makes my day happier knowing that all I need for a pick-me-up is to open one of your books or to read your blog for a daily dose of inspiration.

    Indeed, you are a joy and a delight!


  28. deborah says:

    Adorable, and will help us all to appreciate each and every special moon! Thank you Susan, and I love the 2012 calendar, makes every day special!

  29. Randi Bault says:

    This is so nice. Back in the 50’s when I was a kid I saw my first Harvest Moon. I screamed to my mom to come outside because I thought it was a planet that was going to crash into Earth…It was so, so HUGE!!! My mom said, “Oh for Pete Sakes, Randi, it’s just the moon.” Ever since I have loved a full, huge moon. It is so beautiful.

  30. Love this! Happy moon-ing to you too!

  31. Jacquelyn Wirthlin says:

    Thank you Sue. What a lovely way to start the New Year. Luck and wonderful things to you, Joe, Kitties and all the Girlfriends.

  32. Jace says:

    What a lovely New Year’s treat. I so enjoy your website.

    Blessings to you and your’s.

  33. Janet Conn says:

    Thank you for being such a wonderful part of our lives in 2011. I can’t wait to see what 2012 brings. Thanks for the bookmarks and all the moon photos. Have a blessed and Happy New Year! : )

  34. Debbie says:

    Thank you so much! I love bookmarks and the moon! Happy New Year!

  35. Diane Stowe says:

    Thanks so much for the bookmark” treasure”, now will know what all those names are for the moon. Enjoy your blog so much. Thanks.

  36. Marie says:

    It’s fun to see there are so many fellow moon-lovers out there! My late husband and I always made a point of noticing the moon’s phases. Naturally, each full moon reminds me of him. I imagine him saying, “Oh yeah–you should see it from up here!”

  37. Rae Ann Roche says:

    Thank you Susan…you are always doing “sisterly” things…is the “daisy” one of your favorite flowers and do you like the colors “yellow and white???”…

    • sbranch says:

      I love daisies, and I do like yellow and white. Does that mean anything?

      • Cindy says:

        I was married in 1971, daisies were my bouquet and my Mom made the bridesmaids and flower girls dresses in yellow and white gingham! The pattern was a dress from the movie “Romeo and Juliet” and our song was the theme of that movie. I thought it was perfect for the time period!

  38. Jerri Ellen says:

    Hi Susan ~
    I printed your last freebie bookmark for my book club gals…hope you don’t mind! I enjoyed listening to “What are You Doing New Year’s Eve”…very sweet rendition. Over the holidays I downloaded Ella Fitzgerald singing that song. Check it out….I love hearing her sing with the big band. I can almost picture her recording session back in the day.
    Happy New Year!–2012 (can it be?)
    Hugs from San Juan Capistrano (mid 70s every day lately–brag brag)

  39. Jerri Ellen says:

    PS: I have my Susan Branch 2012 calendar unwrapped all ready to go. I expect a fab year!

  40. Debbie '51 says:

    Thank you so much! Love the bookmark – beautiful! And love love love the moondancing music – Bella Luna! You are a dear!
    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  41. Nanette says:

    Hi Susan, this is a fun gift, thankyou…………do you know if the full moon has the same names in the southern hemisphere?

    • sbranch says:

      Those names were given by Native Americans — so I would doubt it. It would be interesting to know what your native people called the moons!

  42. Joyce says:

    Mmmmmmmwah (a big thank you kiss)! Happy New Year to you too…

  43. Beth T. says:

    Thanks for sharing your love for the full moon with us–what a pleasant form of lunacy. 🙂

  44. Sue Graham says:

    Thank you for being so generous, and Happy New Year! Hugs to you!

  45. Missy Moore says:

    Thank you for the wonderful pictures as well as the bookmark! I have always loved full moons. I can sit outside for hours in peaceful bliss when there is a full moon – no matter how cold or hot it is! Wishing you a very Happy New Year 🙂

  46. Jayne says:

    Happy New Year everyone…may you all be richly blessed this 2012!
    Cheers, Jayne (Canada)

  47. Elaine Schwenker says:

    Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures and the bookmark! Happy New Year, my friend who lives in Martha’s Vineyard! It’s on my bucket list to visit there! Have you visited Mackinac Island? You should!

  48. Polly says:

    So sweet….thank you! In western PA it is a Marvelous Night for a Moondance……and my husband and I danced as the mirror ball dropped in Harmony, Pennsylvania……a little German town…….as we celebrated while watching fireworks at 6 pm (midnight in Germany).

  49. Carol Moon says:

    How can I NOT comment given that my last name is Moon?? I inherited it by marrying my hubby, and I love being a MOON (so glad he had a last name I liked!) And I love that you gave us such an adorable book mark, I’m going to print out extras for my girlfriends and introduce them to your blog. It’s so fun to share happiness, and that’s what reading your blog brings me. Thank you for the all the FUN you brought to us, your “girlfriends”, this year!!

  50. Cynthia Nolan says:


  51. Jamie V. says:

    Merci my friend!!! Living on an island myself I know the magic of seeing the ripple of moon light dance across the water and I never ever get tired of it or double moons or rings around the moon or great big orange pumpkin moons. Reminds me of poems and stories of fairy’s dancing by the moon light.
    Never knew of these great Indian names for the moon. love learning something new and thanks for sharing. I feel as if I now belong to the “Moon Of The Month Club” how fun this is going to be !!!! My birthday is in January and now I can say I was born in the month of the moon of the howling wolf, that should bring some quizzical looks to some of my friends 🙂
    Happy New Year and may it bring great joy to you and yours….

  52. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Thank you, my dear! Very clever!

  53. Kate says:

    It’s like Christmas every time I come to your blog. Thank you so much for the bookmark. I love knowing what each moon is called. I’ll put this on my refrigerator so I’ll be reminded to look up.

  54. Barbara P says:

    This bookmark is absolutely perfect! My nine year old daughter is learning about the moon phases and is having trouble remembering whether the moon is waxing or waning! Couldn’t be more perfectly timed. Thank you!

  55. Pat says:

    This is adorable! I love knowing the names of all the future moons odf 2012. Thanks so much, Susan!

  56. veronica says:

    I see the moon
    and the moon sees me;
    God,bless the moon
    and God,bless me!
    Happy Happy New Year Susan!
    Thank you again for your heart connections.
    Happy Happy New Year Everyone!
    God Bless!

  57. Pat Mofjeld says:

    Thanks Susan, I LOVE your bookmarks! This one is especially good as it will help me remember the correct name of the moon in a particular month. It will come in handy for my stack of reading material on the nightstand! 🙂

  58. Carolyn says:

    I am a sky watcher (different, of course, than a sky walker) Your bookmark will aid me in sounding more knowledgeable. As for now, I just say things like, “Wow, it’s a really huge-full moon!” or “Look at that little sliver of a moon.” See what I mean, when I can distinguish between a Pink Moon and a Wolf Moon won’t it be impressive! I will give all of the credit to you, dear Susan friend. Have a joyous Happy New Year!

  59. Ann says:

    Thank you, Susan! I could see our bella luna outside my kitchen window tonight, while I made our favorite broiled lamb chop, tomato, and zucchini New Year’s Eve dinner. When my son was little, he would point to the sky, and with awe in his voice, say, “The moooooon!” Waxing or waning, the moon is a miracle!


  60. Kat says:

    What a pleasure to wake up this New Years Day and see all your wonderful moon pics. That’s such a great idea I think I’ll make an effort to do the same this year. I’m sure the “Moon over Martha’s Vineyard” will be hard to beat, (especially here in NJ…) Thanks for the bookmark. your first lagniappe (little gift) to us in 2012.
    Wishing you and Joe and Girl Kitty and Jack a wonderful New Year!


  61. Love this soulful sister. Thank you. Happy New Year.

  62. Lesley says:

    Thank you for the bookmark. I printed off one for my girl friend who doesn’t do the computer thing. She loves your art and articles…I print them off for her. Happy New Year and I’m looking forward to following your blog throughout 2012. You make me so happy.

  63. Maryellen says:

    What a perfect way to start the New Year. Love the bookmark and will use it as I read and re-read many of your books. Can’t wait for the next one–hope it comes out soon.

  64. Carilyn Wolski says:

    Happy New Year Susan!!!! Thank you for the Full Moon 2012 Bookmark! I love it and am cutting it out and placing it in my book before we leave on our trip to Harsen’s Island, Michigan. (We are all packed and ready to leave soon.) Have a great New Year’s Day, and please know how much I enjoy and cherish your blog….you truly are the “happiness” in my days….God Bless you for all you do!!!

  65. Pam says:

    Thanks Susan and a Happy New Year. We’ve just got back from Christmas in Cumbria and I’m wishing we were still there.

  66. Jean says:

    Thanks so much for the Full Moons book mark. I’ve printed 3 copies: one for myself and two for friends who are avid readers. I’ll laminate them and add a pretty ribbon at the top. A lovely gift to start the new year…thanks to You!

  67. Susan Edwards says:

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful moon inspired bookmark … I have printed two copies; one for me and one to share with my sister. We both have been fans of yours for years. 🙂

  68. JudyCinNC says:

    Loved this post and learning just a little bit more – thank you for the beautiful bookmark, it will help keep the place in my Christmas From the Heart of The Home, which I am currently in love with. Happy New Year sweet, Susan. Judy C

  69. Margot says:

    We had Swedish meatballs w/ lingonberries, parsley potatoes, pickled herring and cottage cheese with a sparkling wine. A very German/Swedish New Year’s Eve dinner. We have gone to the boat for the day. Thank you for the moon bookmark and the wallpaper. Last summer I was lucky enough to swim at night in the Bay, floating on my back and watching the moon was wonderful!

    • sbranch says:

      Wonderful! Loved the food, loved the swim!

      • Margot says:

        I got to thinking about the moon last night and how it belongs to everyone, as your bookmark says. I have been watching the tides since I moved closer to the ocean and how the moon effects them. Last summer I realized something, that if we all see the same moon, the moon keeps dear ones far away close at heart. The moon can join hearts together.

        A great thought when someone is deployed.

  70. Cathy says:

    Thank you Susan for more fun!!

  71. Kerry S. says:

    Thank you Susan! This will replace my blue note card with the moon names (but no dates) on it! What a great way to start 2012!

  72. Cindy says:

    What a nice surprise!!! Thanks so much! Happy New Year!

  73. Mary S. says:

    Thank you, Susan!!!
    (my two best friends are named “Susan”!! No wonder I love you! LOL)

  74. Barbara says:

    Happy New Year Susan and Joe……..also Kitty Girl and Jack,
    Thank you for ALL you do for the “girlfriends”!! I love reading your blog……… so happy to be in your “fan” club. Love the fact that I have discovered Gladys Taber through you. And all the other wonderful things you have shared.
    Thank you for the bookmark………I printed off 3……………one for me and one for each of my girls. I keep encouraging them to look you up.
    Take good care and I look forward to our visits! Happy hugs, Barb

  75. Brenda says:

    Thank you so very much for the bookmark and the wonderful photos of the moon. Your photos are always so beautiful just like your words. I love reading your blog and your Willard!
    p.s. Can you tell me what kind of camera you use? My photos aren’t the greatest, maybe I can blame it on the camera I use (tee hee).

  76. debmckep says:

    You should check out Sarah Addison Allen’s books, in this case “The Girl Who Chased the Moon” She highlights a year of full moons at the end of her book. Sweet! I will run off the bookmarks to share. Thx!

  77. cecelia says:

    Love the bookmark. I printed it on heavy card paper. Works good. Zooey is the one that does the “cotton, fabric of our lives” commercial. She has a beautiful unique voice.

  78. Anne Rowe says:

    Happy New Year to you, Joe, those PRECIOUS kitties (we have 5), and thanks so much for the great bookmark. I have been singing “The Best Things in Life are Free” since I was a little girl, and even now, when I see all the beautiful things that God has made for us , I will look up and/or around me, and burst into that song…usually while driving in my car! Moonglow is a very special light! I love your blogs with all the pictures of items and places I too feel an affinity for…I live vicariously in your world!

  79. Catherine says:

    Lovely, thank you so much 🙂 .

  80. Lynda Mills says:

    Thank you – I’ve been flipping back and forth on my 2011 calendar telling everyone about the waxing/waning….ta da…now I have it in hand – well in book anyway!

    You are so awesome….I have admired your work for so many years…I’ve even made my sister a fan! Well we are sisters after all…anyway, thanks Susan!

    Hope 2012 is full of blessings for you!

  81. Cindy says:

    Loved the bookmark! The pics of the moon were so great! Your blog always, always brings joy to my day. Thank you

  82. Elaine says:

    Thanks so much for the bookmark! Sure miss your store in Arroyo Grande!

  83. Thank You! Diolch yn Fawr! I love the names . . so January is a Wolf Moon! I love wolves. I shall make big, fat book marks by pasting the sheet unfolded onto stiff black card and decorating the back with glitterpen zentangle before giving to my friends. They will be pleased, I’m sure, when their letters arrive to find the small enclosure.

  84. Georgie says:

    Susan thanks so much for the new bookmark! What a wonderful gift to start the new year!

    Your labors of love are appreciated. I’d never heard the horns saying before!

    Thanks for making ordinary days special!!!

  85. Gail says:

    Wow awesome blog and thanks for the treats!
    Happy Healthy
    New Year!

  86. Janet says:

    Thanks for the moon musings, Susan – and for the bookmark! I think I copied all the “monthly moons” out from another one of your books a few years ago – maybe the little “Love” book? But the bookmark is more portable and reproducible so thanks again! As a Moon Child [Cancer, born in July] I love looking at the moon too, especially in late summer/early fall when there are evenings when it looks so close to the earth when it’s rising that you could almost touch it! Just beautiful! I’ve heard more babies are born during the full moon than any other time. Any doctors, nurses, midwives – or moms – out there who could maybe validate that? Or not? Just wondering…

    Thanks again – hope this is a very happy & healthy New Year for you, Joe, Girl Kitty, Jack, all FOSBs – well everyone really! Take care. :>)

  87. NANCY says:

    Dear fellow “Valley Girl” friend, ( I went to Birmingham H.S., graduated in 65′ ) thank you so much for all you do. I have ALL of your wonderful books, and look forward to your new one ! Have a great New Year.

  88. Nettie says:

    I could hardly wait to get new printer ink so I could copy this….thank you, You always make my day special……….

  89. Marybeth Ferrie says:

    Thanks…I needed that. You are one of my life’s “Happy Thoughts”.Blessings to you.

  90. zinnia patch says:

    Hi Susan! I wanted to say thank you for the bookmarker…my printer was out of ink…lol and finally have that problem resolved and was so glad to get it today…because my joe and i plan on taking a walk in that full moon tonight and i want to tell him the name of it while we are walking (tee hee) have a happy day!

  91. Dianna Swartz says:

    I appreciate and love “our” full moon coming up over the mountains in Liberty, Utah. The stars have been many, in the clear cold skies. The moon reflecting on the snow make the night seem like day. How beautiful! Thank you for sharing your moon with us on this side of the world.

  92. Annette says:

    Thanks for the special bookmark. Thanks especially for sharing your moon escapades with us–not only does the moon lights up my life–you do too!!

  93. Nicki Anderson says:

    I always look forward to the days you blog. I was thrilled today with Willard.
    You have made my day and I thank you. I do appreciate the bookmark too.
    Happy New Year, Susan.

  94. Joan Trahern says:

    This is just the second blog I have received from you. My niece told me that I would love it and I certainly do! I loved the “Moon” pictures. Last week one morning I saw the full moon on the western horizon – I think that is the first time I had ever seen that. Wish I would have had my camera. I will be certainly looking for more of your wonderful blogs. Thank you and Happy New Year

  95. Robin Smith says:

    Thanks for much for the bookmark Susan!! I love the full moon and love having this guide to tell me what each one is called. My favorite one is the Harvest Moon.

    I have a guide on the side of my blog that gives the current phase of the moon. It is a wonderful tool for us moon lovers!


  96. Dina Meador says:

    Thank you for the full moon bookmark. One of the reasons I love your calendar is because it has the full moons and their names. I always get your calendar for my sister, my best friend and moi!

    Happy New Year!


  97. Marsha says:

    Thank you for your wonderful musings and fabulous photos; I so enjoy your blog!

  98. Cheryl Danley says:

    I so enjoy your work, Susan! Thank you for this bookmark! And, thank you for posting all the moon pictures and ones of MV. I’ve never been to MV and I appreciate seeing what it looks like. You probably wouldn’t want to see where I live………… Boise, ID. LOL! Thanks again!

  99. Terry Holland says:

    You have a wonderful talent with all you….paintings, stories, recipes, etc.
    Thank you for who you are!

  100. JeannieA says:

    Glorious gift – many thanks! I printed it on semi-gloss photo paper — adds moonglow to your art. Right now, I’m tucking it in between pages of Everybody Was So Young, companion read for Tender Is the Night. (My book club is dancing through the 1920’s in Europe….great fun! … way better than when I read these books in high school! Thanks again – JeannieA

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