Homemade Marshmallows

13 Responses to Homemade Marshmallows

  1. Laura Benthien says:

    This looks like the exact recipe I use! There is nothing better than a freshly made homemade marshmallow floting atop a cup of hot chocolate. Pure creamy dreamy heaven!

  2. Meta says:

    This sounds like a lot of time and work – is it really so good to be worth it?

    • sbranch says:

      Yes yes yes, they are as different from store-bought as summer homegrown garden tomatoes are from the hot-house winter variety. Night and day, and they don’t take that long to make. You can tie a couple into baggies and give them to friends with hot chocolate mix too . . .

  3. Georgie says:

    This sounds like such FUN!!! We just built a stone patio with a pond out back and hope to set up a mini fire pit too. I have great plans for our Thanksgiving guests thus year after the big meal! Roasting homemade marshmallows sounds like such fun. Complete with hot chocolate

    Thanks Susan
    Yardville NJ

  4. Joann says:

    I have never made these and that is just silly—I will need to find some non-GMO corn syrup, but I’ll make these when I do—

    It’s definitely a hot chocolate kind of night here–highs were only in the 30’s and we had our first REAL snow—the kind that sticks. It has powdered the mountains and darkened the skies…. the fireplace is aglow and there is chicken soup on the stovetop.

    It’s time for the flannel robe…


  5. Bess O says:

    Hi Susan! Just read your whole autumn book cover to cover and am trying out your various recipes. Made this one, but think I may be missing a step. Pouring the powdered sugar and cornstarch mix over the gelatin, it doesn’t mix in well and I basically ended up with a half gelatin half powder sugar cube. Any advice? Thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      Hmmm. The powdered-sugar-cornstarch-mix goes over the finished cooked marshmallow batter after you pour it into the pan ~ you don’t mix it in. After the pan is cool, you cut the marshmallows in squares and roll them in the powdered sugar-cornstarch mix that you sprinkled over the top of everything. Does this make sense? These marshmallows are SUCH a treat, don’t give up! ❌⭕️

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