Lamb Cakes and Kitchen Gardens

Here I am with our extra-large Bonnet, all ready for our Lamb Cake and Kitchen Garden drawing and a little MUSICA to start things off right  . . . 



    It had to be a really big bonnet ~ with almost 4,000 comments from all the Girlfriends, we will need it!  She’s still upstairs, Vanna, watching the very last of Downton Abbey, in bed in the Peter Rabbit room, cuddled into her quilt with her tea and Girl Kitty.  She’ll sweep down the kitchen stairs in a few minutes, sweep, as she is wont to do, make-up fully applied.  She’s a little hard to live with, but no one draws a winning name with more flair than our own private game-show girl, Vanna. I have all your names in that hat now, she’s going to choose one.  Yikes.  How to choose one.  Good thing this is all her fault and not mine, because choosing just one name is really not my cup of tea. I could keep this contest going forever just so I wouldn’t have to do that! But Vanna is steely.


Speaking of hats and Downton Abbey, let’s talk.  I love to hash it over . . . Did you notice the amazingly adorable hats on everyone this time?  Gorgeous elegant hats for the upstairs girls, but my favorites were the straw ones with the flowers worn for the fun day at the beach  ~ I thought Isobel & VioletMrs. Patmore’s hat won for most adorable of all.

And while I’m in a noticing mood . . . Did you see the champagne glasses at the party?  Please.  I’m not that wild about champagne but those glasses made me want to drink it.  Would be even better with Peah-Cida!   Other things I loved:  The ride-in-the-car conversation between Violet (the Dowager Countess) and Isobel (Mrs.  

Daisy's picnicCrawley, “much cattle, much care”) was so funny and good.  Those two!  Apparently the lesson they teach us is to never come right out and say another person is wrong, but show with your eyes and expression that someone is very wrong and it isn’t you.  And “Mary’s Men”  ha ha ha ha ~ how cute all the men were in their tuxedoes with those white ties!

I was so afraid Daisy would go to America . . . she’s always trying to better herself, using new words and becoming such a graceful girl and the way she said she “never gets excited.”  (I loved her big clunky hat at her picnic last week), I thought sure she would say yes. I’m beginning to think America is where Downton characters go to die and I’m not ready for Daisy to go away.  SO happy Edith is going to get her baby girl, can’t wait to meet her and see her little clothes!  And Edith has power of attorney!  I knew that guy she’s in love with was a good one!

ta-daa But my favorite thing, after the hats, the gorgeous dresses, Rose’s coming out party, the punch bowls, the baskets (hampers of food) for that PICNIC in front of the Albert picnicMemorial (wanted to be there ~ have you seen The Young Victoria?  I loved learning a little about Prince Albert, what a doll), the musicians, the convenient (for the moment) difference between right and wrong (right: breaking and entering, forging and picking pockets (love you Mr. Bates), wrong: protecting possible killer of definite rapist; thank goodness Mary came to her senses and burnt that ticket), those long necklaces (want), the cars (want) and the musicians . . . the kindness of Mr. Mosely, the wisdom of Mrs. Hughes, and the consternation in the face of Mr. Carson with his moral sensibilities having to deal with the young American’s (what was he? a butler?) love life; but they saved the very best for last, didn’t they?  (SPOILER ALERT, close eyes, skip next photo if you haven’t seen it!)

as if

Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson

 Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson holding hands, she saying the lovely words “We’re getting on, we can afford to live a little,” bare feet in sand, walk into ocean, cue music, wipe tears, wait another year. 


Such a good show.  My England fix.  Can’t wait for next winter!  Lots of living to do between now and then, spring planting, beach walks, Christmas shopping!  I guess that’s enough of that. . . where is that Vanna Girl . . . I think I hear the bath water running.  She’ll probably have to have her bubble bath before coming down to grace us with her peachy visage.   Patience is the name of the game when it comes to Vanna.  I’m glad I’m not married to her.  I’ll go out back and take a picture of our snow drops for you. Bright sunshine on the island today. Be right back . . .

us, today

Whew, I’m IN . . .  it’s freeeeeezing out there!  I laid flat on my stomach for this one, a lovely whale-like sight in giant old leather jacket . . . snow’s all blown away but the ground is an ice cube ~ we’re hearing we may have another storm coming soon, and yet, despite common sense and every other thing, from the frozen tundra the miracle occurs and there it is, new life, our first snow drops poking through little crunchy iceberg-like dirt clods. 

Bird bath

I saw this out there too, they think it’s spring!  . . . Oh!  and one more thing I can tell you. . .


Our handmade Bunny Banner and Lambie-Pie Garlands have finally arrived!  Yay!


Oh, I hear Vanna, clunking down the stairs in her pink slippers, she’s coming, that bonnet is ready to go . . . now what was that Giveaway?ah yes!

Ah, yes.  I remember it well.  And, with a little drum roll, Jack watching her every move, the lavender-bath-oil-smelling Vanna puts long arm deep into the bonnet and swirls the names until they become a blur, she’s in there up to her shoulder . . . she’s pulling a name, hope it’s yours – hope it’s yours . . . pulling out, out, out, here it comes!  She’s got one!  Thank you Vanna, beautifully done!  And now, with no further adieu, well, maybe I shouldn’t tell you, I’ll show you instead . . .


for Karen

Signed, sealed, flowered and ready to be delivered to  K A R E N    P O W E L L  . . . I sent her an email and told her she is our winner.  Karen, if you read this, Congratulations from all of us!!  Write me back and tell me where to send your KITCHEN GARDEN BOOK and LAMB CAKE MOLD. 


Things wouldn’t be right unless there was a consolation prize no matter how small, a little cheerer upper, how about a beautiful photo of the Forget-Me-Nots from Bateman’s garden in England?  That should cheer anyone up!

forget me nots

It won’t be long and this wonderful little flower will be blooming all over America!  Also, for those of you wishing to get your hands on your own vintage copy of KITCHEN GARDENS illustrated by Tasha Tudor . . . I have been thinking of you.  On our cross-country driving trip, whenever I ran into a copy of this book (not as often as I wished) I bought it and took my little stack to Kellee at the studio!  She’s taken pictures of them, and is putting them up in Kitchen Gardensthe VINTAGE section of our web store even as we speak.  So there are a few anyway.  Go see.  And with that happy thought, I will let you get on with the creative business of living life and I will go back to the art table!  Wishing you the MOST wonderful day, thank you for all your fabulous comments!  It was a joy.  Oh!  One more thing Girlfriends, speaking of comments, I can’t thank you enough for all your kind words about A FINE ROMANCE.  I spent many months writing that book and am still living in the glow of it ~ I periodically see it, pick it up, and kiss it.  Can’t be helped, I love it.  It’s like a little friend.  And as of today, we have 267 five-star reviews on Amazon and I could not be more surprised and thrilled (and grateful!). Thought you’d like to know since you are the ones that made it happen. Bye for now, see you soon!  ♥  XOXO

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♥ H A P P Y   S U N D A Y   D E A R   H E A R T S ! ♥

tea cup flowers

MUSICA and flowers for you!  I’m just wondering if you’ve been reading your comments?  Are you not the most dried flowerswonderful gathering of people you have ever seen?  I have enjoyed them so much, all 1,400 of them . . . each comment individually, but when you put them all together, it’s Spring! ♣ It’s family, it’s memories, beauty, lve and creativity and charm and trying hard and making a difference ~ all the things I have always loved about the readers of my books ~ which I learned about from the letters I received from so many of you over the years, but now, here we are, together at last and it’s just so lovely to read!

budsme and lambThank you so much for taking the time to write!  I thought I would wish you all a Happy Sunday — and let the drawing go a couple more days so everyone has a chance to sign up.  If you’re not sure what “drawing” I’m talking about, scroll down to the next post ~ we’re in the middle of a Give-Away!  ← That’s a hint.

 You can leave your comment either here or there (at the bottom of either post where you see the tiny gray letters “comments” just click and there you go) and as many times as you like because Vanna is brilliant and knows to choose only one from each name/address.  Until then, from my Girlfriends Forever book, the perfect title for US, this, for all you beautiful girls . . .

self respectThank you for being here! Keep the home fires burning!  Downton Abbey tonight!  Ooooo-La-Wee!  xoxo


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