Shirley Temple was an American Valentine

Valentine’s Day is almost here . . . I hope everyone who wanted one got one of our Love Banners … I hung one on the door in my studio where I display some of the wonderful letters I get from kids.  Just seems to fit right in there.


As lots of you know, a national treasure passed away yesterday.  Shirley Temple, in case you missed it, died at age eighty-five.

love nostalgicLike so many of you, my mom introduced me to Shirley when I was a little girl ~ we would watch her movies and sing her songs while we hung clothes on the line or did dishes; we knew all the words.  We could do a Shirley Temple singalong in our backyard.

shirley temple


Yesterday we started what’s turned out to be an unexpected memorial for Shirley on our Facebook page  — everyone is remembering how they “met” her.  I don’t think it’s slowed down yet today . . . in case you’re in the mood to read happy memories about the joy one little girl brought to the world, we have a lovely representation on FOSB.  Here she is dancing her heart out, as adorable as always . . .

She was and is a kind of fairytale hero to me.  Her movie characters were always brave, strong, wily, and self-sufficient.  In her films wholesome goodness won out girlfriendsover meanness and evil every time.  I liked the way life looked through her eyes.  If you have a young daughter or granddaughter, this would be a most excellent way to share something beautiful . . .  to give them not only Shirley, but wonderful old movies in general, for a lifetime of happy tears, romance, something to do on a rainy day and a lovely way to escape from harsher realities of life.  We all need to take a break sometimes, kids need to learn how that’s done and this is the perfect way to show them how to supply themselves with a world the way they want it to be. During the depression and even when President Kennedy was shot (among other trying times in our history)  . . . who was it that kept the home fires burning?  Shirley Temple, always there on film, filling us with her contagious joy.

miss-shirley-temple:</p><br /><br /> <p>Sassy Shirley Temple is Sassy.<br /><br /><br />

She went on to lead a fulfilling life and bring even more honor to her country.  This is Shirley when she’s around three or four in Baby Take a Bow, one of her first movies (Hasn’t he got everything . . .♫).


 I met Shirley Temple in person when I was eight.  She was grown up and married, she was Shirley Temple Black and looked more like she did in The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer.  I’d gone to work with my best friend Karen and her Shirley Templedad — he painted sets at NBC Studios in Burbank, it was Saturday and he had to go pick something up so he took us along.  Shirley was walking down the hall. In high heels and a suit with long curled hair, all grown up.  She  bent over to us to say hello.  I could hardly believe that the person I’d loved for as long as I could remember was right in front of me.  But the dimples were a giveaway. Of course I was awestruck and couldn’t wait to get home and tell my mom. ♥  Shirley sparkled through my childhood, for the world and now she’s gone.  But she left behind a lovely light.  Goodbye dear Shirley, and thank you.  You were the perfect person to grow up with.



“If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”

No, it cannot.  And look what I got yesterday, just a little reminder.  A preview ~ of course I had to show you . . . the new spring banners that Janie is making for us right now.  It’ll probably be a couple of weeks before we get them, but I had to show you, because LOOK, Lambs!  Adorable, with the little card and envelope —  don’t you think?

bunnies in spring

And Bunnies!  Which I immediately hung in my window, flinging spring right into the snow’s face!  The lambs are the normal size you are used to . . . the bunnies are quite a bit bigger — but they too have the cute envelope and card so you can send them to lucky friends and drape them in your kitchen windows.

Feb 2011 083

My bunny boy and I are going to be off island celebrating Valentine’s Day on old Cape Cod.   The next day (Saturday, the 15th) we’ll be at Costco in Avon, MA signing A FINE ROMANCE from 1 to 3 in the afternoon.  So if you’re a Costco member, come by and say hello!  Don’t leave me there alone!

isn't it romantic


We’re going on the ferry, even though it still pretty much looks like this outside.  I’ll be wearing my sea bands even for the forty-five minute ride, because we’re expecting crazy winds and more of everything cold, wet, drizzly, frozen, drenching and blowing.

I turned in my very last calendar just this morning.  In the nick of time.  But they are done!  2015 is buttoned up, calendar wise.  As soon as I have the artwork in bloggable form, I’ll give you a little preview!  I get to go write a new book!  As soon as I figure it out, I’ll tell you what it is!

Kitty Love

One more thing before I go . . . A quilt to brighten your day . . .

flower garden

Pamela, one of our Girlfriends wanted to see a bigger picture of the quilt I posted a few days ago in front of the snowy window in my studio.  So here it is.


flower gardenThis may be my favorite quilt of all the ones I have . . . or at least close.  Love this design called Grandmother’s Flower Garden and the colors and the way this quilter left a white space in the middle of the flower and used the same fabric all around it on every one of them …. and look at all the wonderful vintage fabrics.

little things

OK, gotta go pack and do kitty kissing for a while.  We’ve got a good kitty sitter coming to stay here while we’re away.  Big and brawny kitty sitter, but sweet as pie when it comes to kitties.  When we get home I’ll get busy on that promised giveaway.  I haven’t forgotten — just trying to be in a spot where I’ll be able to moderate, not in a Fine Romance Van out in a storm somewhere!  Wish us luck! Happy Valentine’s Day Girlfriends! 


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Here I am, your woman’s home companion, busy at work.  Happy Sunday!  Guess what!  I finished the new Blotter Calendar yesterday!

paintbrush  So happy.  Did I tell you it’s much bigger than the old one?  It is — it’s 17″ x 22″ — very professional and so much space to write in.  But still adorable like the others!  Now only one calendar left to do, the little mini calendar, starting that today.  MUSICA. And then freedom!  And new book to write and paint!

artist at work

And after I get done with the calendars, I have some fun surprises for you!!  Yes I do, and that includes a special giveaway.  I just need time to the handle comment “moderation” which lifeisgoodcomes with giveaways — otherwise it would be today. (I have a terrible time keeping secrets so this is not easy!)  But today is taken . . . first mini calendar . . . and then . . . you know, Downton Abbey!  

I’ve held off showing this bit of information that Laura from Twitter sent me until you all had hopefully caught up with last week’s adventure.  It’s a closeup of the letter Edith got from her Doctor. (I know you’re way over this English Girlfriends and those who find it unbearable not to peek ahead, but for us still in the throes of discovery . . .)  Remember how quick they showed this letter?  Way too quick to read.  I got to “consultation” and it was gone!  Joe didn’t get it either.  Blinking and deep breathing occurred.  Hate bubbles went to writer.  But Laura froze it and sent it to me and I saved it so in case you missed it, here is the scary truth of what is going on!!!


From Laura

yikesYikes!  “writing to confirm my findings . . . ”  Here she is, poor Edith, finally out from the judgement of Mary who is so mean to her (Why? I do not know. Wait ’til she hears this), getting a wardrobe full of fun flapper clothes, becoming independent suffragette-type modern woman, kissing in restaurants, falling in love with a cute guy who has now disappeared (Why? We don’t know), and now this.  My only prayer is that those symptoms are also consistent with a touch of the flu.  Perhaps vertigo.  Or stress.  Maybe she has the chicken pox.  We shall see, tonight Girlfriends!  Until then, back to work I go!  Later Tater!


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