Here I am, your woman’s home companion, busy at work.  Happy Sunday!  Guess what!  I finished the new Blotter Calendar yesterday!

paintbrush  So happy.  Did I tell you it’s much bigger than the old one?  It is — it’s 17″ x 22″ — very professional and so much space to write in.  But still adorable like the others!  Now only one calendar left to do, the little mini calendar, starting that today.  MUSICA. And then freedom!  And new book to write and paint!

artist at work

And after I get done with the calendars, I have some fun surprises for you!!  Yes I do, and that includes a special giveaway.  I just need time to the handle comment “moderation” which lifeisgoodcomes with giveaways — otherwise it would be today. (I have a terrible time keeping secrets so this is not easy!)  But today is taken . . . first mini calendar . . . and then . . . you know, Downton Abbey!  

I’ve held off showing this bit of information that Laura from Twitter sent me until you all had hopefully caught up with last week’s adventure.  It’s a closeup of the letter Edith got from her Doctor. (I know you’re way over this English Girlfriends and those who find it unbearable not to peek ahead, but for us still in the throes of discovery . . .)  Remember how quick they showed this letter?  Way too quick to read.  I got to “consultation” and it was gone!  Joe didn’t get it either.  Blinking and deep breathing occurred.  Hate bubbles went to writer.  But Laura froze it and sent it to me and I saved it so in case you missed it, here is the scary truth of what is going on!!!


From Laura

yikesYikes!  “writing to confirm my findings . . . ”  Here she is, poor Edith, finally out from the judgement of Mary who is so mean to her (Why? I do not know. Wait ’til she hears this), getting a wardrobe full of fun flapper clothes, becoming independent suffragette-type modern woman, kissing in restaurants, falling in love with a cute guy who has now disappeared (Why? We don’t know), and now this.  My only prayer is that those symptoms are also consistent with a touch of the flu.  Perhaps vertigo.  Or stress.  Maybe she has the chicken pox.  We shall see, tonight Girlfriends!  Until then, back to work I go!  Later Tater!


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 Today is the 32nd Anniversary of my move from California to Martha’s Vineyard.   (MUSICA) On March 5, 1982, at around three in the afternoon, I was bundled up, ferrystanding at the rail on the ferry with my eyes tearing in the freezing wind,  looking out over the choppy waves at the blurry island slowly coming into focus as we came closer.  The foghorn blew from the lighthouse, church spires and chimneys trailing smoke poked above the tree line.  When I got there I thought I would look in the paper, find a furnished place to rent and stay for three months.  I wanted to see what it was like to live in New England and have seasons. So I was going to see winter turn to spring and then to summer.  That was my plan.  The whole entire plan.


March 1982

This is the little house I bought about a week after I arrived.  Buying a house 3,000 miles from everyone and everything I had known and loved was not part of the plan. It was actually a bit of an accident because I was at loose ends and there was a really cute old-fashioned stove in that kitchen.  So now I had a 9′ x 9′ bedroom to decorate in forget-me-not blue wallpaper where I would wake from now on and see snow falling outside the windows, or leaf shadows shimmering on the walls.  Me and three kitties to keep me warm.  The doorway to my future and in such an unsuspected place.

houseThe thing I love most about time passing is how I can look back and see everything falling into place.  Just as it was meant to be.  Thirty two Years!  The best accident I was ever in!    My prayer:

Sky, be my depth;

Wind, be my width and my height;

World, my heart’s span;

Loneliness, wings for my flight.

Leonora Speyer

flower border

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