MUSICA I’m Home! ♥
Just in time for Mini-Jack’s first Christmas! We’re going off-island this afternoon for a book signing on Old Cape Cod, in Sandwich (1pm at Titcombs Book Shop in case you’re in the neighborhood) — but I wanted to say hello, and let you know (something many of you have been asking for) that we finally, hooray! put our Archives up! Look in the column on the right next to this post, scroll down and there they all are . . . links to all the posts I’ve done since the beginning, by month and year! You never have to get bored with my blog-slowness again!
Oh yes, and be sure to look here under From Me to You with Love for new holiday computer wallpaper, writing paper, bookmarks and things you can download . . . ♥
And now, for h♥me . . . we made it back alive! Such a relief! And except for the supreme happiness I feel to sleep in my own bed and play house again, it’s as if we never went away. It’s cold and crisp here, the streets are quiet, the tourists have all gone home, the downtown is decorated for Christmas, lights are everywhere, its beautiful in the woods out on our walk, and Jack never lets me out of his sight. He’s here right now, next to me, sleeping on my art table.
Those are his paws. I mean, really. Kiss one, then kiss the other.
My girlfriend Elizabeth is here with her cousin Diana . . . everyone is asleep upstairs right now. I got Elizabeth those flannel jamie bottoms for Christmas a couple of years ago and I got me the same ones, so we are a very cute pair in the morning with our tea talk-talk-talking in the wood room, with Jack right there at all times. Elizabeth, you might remember, is my dear California girlfriend who bought a little cottage here on the island last year, just down the street, and is remodeling it. She comes to check on it and that makes me so happy.
Since I got home this house has been wildly Domestic, it’s all I want to do, it’s
I couldn’t wait to cook — So far I’ve made cold slaw, chicken soup with homemade stock, and we had grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner last night — I’m about to go make a crust for the banana cream pie I’m bringing to a party tonight ~
I filled vases with flowers and ironed this made-for-Christmas cross-stitched table cloth I found in an antique store on our way home . . . musica is playing and . . .
. . . Girl Kitty watches every movement. She was so happy to see us, rolled over on her back for a tummy rub; she cuddles next to my legs at night.
We still have the cake that our Girlfriend Jane made and brought to our book signing in Oklahoma City! This cake is too cute to give up and as long as it continues to look this cute, we need to have it on the table! It’s a decoration now, but it also tasted like heaven. Thank you Jane! ♥
And while I put out Christmas things, hang bunting and banners and sparkly things in the kitchen, Jack keeps his eye on the bird feeders and the wild turkeys that have been coming to the yard every morning.
And while I make soup, Jack never takes his yes off me. I’m so madly in love.
We’re here Girlfriends! Things are getting back to “normal.” My computer is plugged in, I have a printer again, I’m downloading photos, soon I get to start painting for our 2015 calendar . . . I’m back! There’s news and I have surprises coming for you, but Jack is saying, “play with me” and I have to get to that pie crust before we go. I’ll be back! Happy! ♥ Thank you for coming along, see you soon . . . xoxo