Every night I turn my fears over to God; he’s going to be up all night anyway.  anon

For our Girlfriends, Sandy (who has surgery Tuesday), and Deb, who’s been dealing with chemo and radiation, and all the brave moms, grandmas, daughters, sisters, aunts and best friends (and men too, because it does happen to them) everywhere who will, or have already, faced this challenge.  For the amazing survivors, for the fighters, for the believers.  We know how much power there is in prayer ***, especially when everyone is sending positive thoughts at once.  Perhaps a little blessing coming from us, while looking at the BLUE MOON tonight (and anytime this weekend) would be the perfect time. Let’s turn the blue moon PINK!!!  Sending love, and strength, and most of all, faith.  XOXO

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ISN’T THERE JUST SOMETHING ABOUT SEPTEMBER, that makes you want to go back to school?  As a child, I found it to be such an exciting time!  New shoes, new clothes, a new beginning, and even though I couldn’t have named it then, it seemed there were so many new opportunities to be CreAtivE!

I loved going to the dime store and picking out a new notebook; that delicious smell of paper and pencils; putting everything neatly into my pencil box; my new schedule with new classes and teachers to learn about. Loved hearing my mom sing (in a much sweeter voice than this :-)) this song she learned from her mom. . . And the (apparently) forever-lasting legacy of my schooldays is that this is the time of year I feel most creative!

These days, I home-school myself! (“Home,” being the operative word!) I give myself the best classes, like fixing up the house, which is what we’re doing now, plus jam-making, old-movie watching while knitting (I always get an A in this), woods-walking in the morning, baking cookies for no reason, just for the smell of it (which I’ll do when I get my kitchen back!),redecorating the house for the season, (I’m throwing in a fall cleaning class, thinking about the holidays, want windows to twinkle).  In homeroom, I’m making a list of goals . . . reading my new book, The Distant Hours  by Kate Morton; I’m on page 43; so far it’s really good!  Riding my stationary bike everyday, and writing and painting our Diary!

 I don’t even mind that my house is destroyed right now.  But you know what was so much fun?  Looking at all the paint-color suggestions you guys came up with!  So many really wonderful colors!   I put them in a list and linked them so you can see them all yourself, in case you have a project going.  I don’t see how you could go wrong with any of these colors!  Paint is such “bang for the buck,” no cheaper way to make more of a splash than a freshly painted room! The starred one below is the one we’re going to try in the kitchen; we’ll paint a strip of color on the wall so we can see what it looks like.  But they were all so tempting!  Thank you for the great suggestions! 

Benjamin Moore
Pratt and Lambert 

Sherwin Williams
Every morning since this floor-sanding project began last Monday, I go out before 7am and walk around the house to open the doors to the kitchen (from the outside) so the workmen can get in.  This is how the floor looks this morning with it’s third coat of urethane … isn’t it gorgeous?!  So excited!  We could go ice skating (in socks) in there! It still gets two more coats before we can walk on it.
Of the five doors that go in and out of this house, the new floor blocks off indoor access to three of them.  So we use this side door to go in and out.  We didn’t really plan very well, because Joe has been redoing this porch, finding that the wall around it is rotting, replacing the wood, scraping and sanding. I step over him going back and forth to the fridge in the pantry. “Excuse me honey.”  He loves it.
Martha Stewart

Lyndhurst Gallery
Autumn color, so wonderful, I’m already thinking about changing throw rugs and pillows.
When those cups and glasses need to be washed, (Hi Petey) I gather them into a basket and carry them out the screen door, stepping over Joe, around the back of the house, and into the pantry where I wash them in a teensy weensy 1930’s bathroom sink, then carry them back around.  Same with cat food bowls. I took the camera with me this morning, so I could take the pictures of the floor to show you.
Laura Ashley
When I went around to open the other kitchen door, I could hear, but not see, Jack meowing behind the sealed-off door leading to the rest of the house. He was missing me! I’d been gone two full minutes. We’ve grown very attached.
Ralph Lauren 
(couldn’t find Polo Red, but there are lots of other nice colors)
~And most fun of all~
When I got back to the side door and Jack saw me again, he is so excited he squirms and rolls on his back saying, “Yay, she’s home, I’m not abandoned foodless afterall!!!” Isn’t he the cutest little thing you ever saw???
There’s the little light of my life right now!  His song is,  “wherever you go, what ever you do, as long as we do it together . . .” It’s my song too. We sing it to each other when I throw him the ball!
Tomorrow night, your kids and grandchildren would love to celebrate and learn all about Blue Moons while drinking a Purple Cow!
Have fun everyone!  Big wonderful weekend ahead!
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