KITCHEN MAKEOVER; before . . . (but not after, yet.)

Hi Girls!  What an August!  And here we go again.  This time it’s a Kitchen Makeover instead of a party!  Thank goodness I have you, my girlfriends, with me; so much more fun when there’s public lamenting!  Ahhh, soothing musica!

Here’s what our kitchen looks like this morning!  Notice anything missing?  The floor man is coming today to sand down and refinish our poor old floor!  Which means there will be sawdust everywhere!  Joe says the workmen will cover the dish hutch with plastic … so we don’t have to move all the dishes out right now, thank goodness.

But we had to remove everything else in the kitchen; everything off the walls, off the shelves.  For the next week there will be no cooking, no making tea, no getting to that fridge or the sink!  The only downstairs bathroom in the house is off the pantry in the back, which would have given us a downstairs sink, plus our other fridge is out there too . . . but the only way to get there, once they start working, is to go out a side door and cross through the garden, and come in the back door of the pantry.  Which would be good, but not that great at 4 am, which is when I get up, when it’s dark and skunks and maniacs are roaming the neighborhood.

Once the floor is dry, we are repainting everything!!!  It’s going to be so clean!  I guess this isn’t much of a “makeover…” Nothing is going to change all that much.  I’m even kind of leaning toward keeping it this color; it’s cheerful, I’ve always liked it, and it goes with everything.  But my girlfriend Elizabeth is here . . . we picked her and her husband Chris up at the ferry yesterday; she’s a decorator and thinks it might look good in light brown.  What do you think?

Right now the dining room is filled with everything from the kitchen, my cookbooks, teacups, wine glasses, wooden spoons and cutting boards; all in the dining room now.  Kitties have to eat in the dining room too.  I don’t know how I’ll be handling that since I can’t get to the sink!  Like camping; soon I’ll be outside washing dishes in a tub with the hose!

We knew we’d never remember where everything went, so we took photos of the kitchen before we took it apart so we’ll know how to put it all back together in a couple of weeks when it’s all done.

Joe put an ice chest in the living room, for the seltzer water and lemonade and ice which we drink all day, plus it has the cream for the coffee and all the tea things.  My studio is in the very next room, so it’s handy.  I’ll just have to fill the kettle from the upstairs bathroom!

We’re lucky to be doing this on just the most gorgeous (dry) summer day!  All the doors and windows are open; the floor should dry very quickly.  I got all our laundry done too since it will be hard to get to the washer and dryer this next week . . . we are ready, and when it’s done I get to decorate it for September!  Oh Boy!

  Besides periodic trips to fill the bird bath and visit the garden, I am painting every day, painting and writing, and making a beautiful book!  I think you are going to love it!  So I’m still in England, basically (in my book-writing imagination), and I promise, I will be taking you back there again very soon!  Hope you all had a wonderful weekend, happy Monday! 

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I had such a nice day yesterday; I played house all day!  I had a girl-party wedding shower for my dear friend Jaime, to celebrate how happy we are that she’s found True Lve . . . which means, of course, I spent yesterday doing my favorite thing, setting the table for a party!    Song, my friends?

We had an old fashioned Lingerie Shower for Jaime; gave her a mini-trousseau of satin and lace (with not a Spanx in sight!) — because we are the lucky ones, we’re the GIRLS; we get to wear this stuff . . . . so,  I asked myself, back to the Main Question, here in Domesticity City . . . about setting the table; what can I do to make it sweet and romantic?

Deciding how to ‘scape the table is where all the “chickens,” of all my years of stalking flea markets, antique stores, and yard sales, come home to roost. I get to play mix and match . . . which glasses, which napkins, which dishes . . . setting the table, so much fun . . . what will go with what, how can it be A Little Different this time, what will make everyone faint with happiness.  I’m sure all my Dish Girlfriends understand my glass obsession!

It’s like trying on clothes in the dressing room, I put in this bowl, take it out, put in another, until I get it the way I like it.

Had to have these old-fashioned wedding bells for the centerpiece; Joe drove all the way to Oak Bluffs to get them for me (this is about a fifteen minute trip but islanders are famous for never leaving their own little territory, so, to us, this was a regular expedition!  Joe is our hunter gatherer, bell-bringer .)

I wanted light-hearted flowers, not big perfect florist flowers, but little loose yard flowers.

What else can I decorate with that will say LOVE?  Oh, I know, where’s that old card I did of the wedding people?  Found it!  Hang it in front of the mirror, let our Bon Voyage garland be their “swing.”

OK, I’ve got the table pretty well figured out . . . now, for the food;  I zest the limes . . .

And roast the sweet potatoes . . .

And make the cake . . .

Then put the last touches to the table; tell Jack to get down, for the 47th time, etc.  Time for the party now . . . and . . .

Cheers!  I put on some Frank Sinatra to set the tone . . . we have champagne and Pe-ah Ci-da . . .

Jaime brings the rose that’s going to be in her wedding bouquet!

Margot shows up and we all say, please, how can she be so cute, these are her shoes!!!  She is so adorable; I have no choice but to show you her skirt . . .

Yes, I know.  I’m perfectly aware.  Let’s not even talk about it. 

 Jack was there of course, being his sweet self.  Girl was safe and snug, in bed upstairs, where all these “strangers” can’t “look” at her or “touch.”

The candles are lit, the windows are open, the crickets are cricking, the wine is cold, it’s a beautiful night for a girl party.  I used the great big napkins, like little tablecloths; they call them “lapkins.”  Come sit down!

And Jaime is so happy, because she just got all new underwear and because she is surrounded with “her girls.”

We have cucumber/lemon-basil water; fresh steamed lobster (cold) on lime coleslaw with jicama, and pea shoots to garnish; we have spicy, citrus, ginger, cinnamon roasted sweet potatoes; hot crunchy French bread with a pat of English Stilton cheese and cold, sliced red pears; and there’s Polenta Cake with whipped cream for dessert.  Girl Food!

Now, the girls have gone, the music is done, the party is over, I’m about to blow out the candles, but had to take one more picture of the bells because I love them.  Silly bells.

Party not really over; lunch for me  . . . Lobster and coleslaw!

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

But I know what you really want to hear about . . . the cup, right?  The pretty little Royal Jubilee cup; what was it doing during the party? It was waiting, ever so patiently, to find out who its new owner is; which we will do right now!  Thank you for being so patient; I really had to do Jaime’s party first!

OH VANNA????  Could you please come in here for a moment?

Hello darling; would you please put your hand deep into this hat; swirl all those little slips of paper around really well and choose a name for us?????  Oui?  Did you say Oui?  Oh, Vanna, you are so cute . . . ☛ ☛ ☛ ☛ ☛ ☛ K, she is handing me the paper . . . . yes, it’s got a name on it, and it is . . .


It’s a good possibility there is more than one Mary in Phoenix, but this is the one who just got an email filled with CONGRATULATIONS, from me and my blog, and all of us Girlfriends. ♥  Now she has to write me and send me her address, and home to Phoenix the cup will go.

 We wish we had a cup for everyone, you know we do, me and Jack, but we’re determined to keep giving things away until maybe someday, everyone will have little something from the Heart of the H♥me.  So, that’s all Girls . . . Jack and Me, we have to go write an English Diary!  No more of this fun and folderol, we have to work!  Beautiful summer day here on the island; butterflies flipping around the tall zinnias over my picket fence, a soft breeze though the hydrangeas, and lawnmowers are rumbling the neighborhood . . .  Love you, one last song to say byeeee . . . Later!   XOXO

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